Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm …

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm and center your mind. Breath softly, smoothly and observe the movements of the chest during inhalations and exhalations. Keep the spine lifted and the shoulders relaxed. You can chant the OM if you wish Twist in Svastikasana Twice per side Turn first to the right and then to the left. Stay 30 sec per side. Then change the leg crossing and repeat

Transcript of Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm …

Page 1: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana

Give yourself time to calm and center your mind. Breath softly, smoothly and observe the movements of the chest during inhalations and exhalations. Keep the spine lifted and the shoulders relaxed. You can chant the OM if you wish

Twist in Svastikasana

Twice per side Turn first to the right and then to the left. Stay 30 sec per side. Then change the leg crossing and repeat

Page 2: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Adho Mukha Virasana

1-2 Min Focus on the work of the arms: • Press the basis of the

fingers in the floor • Lift the lower arms • Turn the outer

shoulders toward the floor and spread the shoulder blades.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

1-2 Min Keep on working the arms as in AM Virasana Add the leg work: bring the inner feet and the inner thighs back, together with the outer calfs. Press the middle of the heels into (or toward) the floor Walk forward and come up in Tadasana

Page 3: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Utthita & Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana

1 Min per side The lifted leg can be higher or lower, according to your needs and flexibility. Maintain the pelvis squared to the wall and the sitting bones at the same distance to the floor Stay 1 Min Hold the belt with the opposite hand and turn toward the lifted leg. Make sure that the hip does not lift when you turn

Page 4: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Utthita Trikonasana

1 Min per site Make sure that the front leg is completely (90°) turned out, from the foot to the upper thigh. Press the heel of the back leg into the floor and turn the chest up toward the ceiling

Parivritta Trikonasana

1 Min per side The hand moving down can be higher (blocks or even a chair). Make sure that the spine is extended and in line with the feet, it is a torsion, not a bending! Search you stability in the back leg and press the outer heel strongly down.

Page 5: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Swings in Vimanasana

10-12 Swings per side Keep the legs stable and grounded and the arms in the line of the collar bone. Twist dinamically toward the front leg but make sure to increase the grounding of the feet during each twist, in particular the back leg, so that the pelvis don’t follow in the twist. Don’t change the position of the arm in relation to the chest while twisting

Page 6: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Prasarita Padottanasana with twist

Stay for a minute with the back concave. Use height if necessary. Bring the left hand on the floor in line with the nose, the right hand flat on the sacrum and turn to the right Keep the arm perpendicular and look down maintaining the tip of the nose above the hand. Don’s shift the pelvis in the direction of the twist but resist it Repeat to the left

Page 7: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Parsva Upavista Konasana

1 Min upright and 1 min per side Sit higher if you cannot sit upright (aka: your sacrum is sinking backwards) Press the back of the heels down and keep the knee caps parallel to the floor. If you don’t have a belt available, just keep your hands on the floor

Page 8: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Paripurna Navasana

Practice a couple of times with the calf on the edge of a chair (you can even hold the chair). Bring the thoracic spine into the body. Practice then without the chair. Start in Dandasana, bend the knees, lift the feet and balance of the sitting bones. Maintain the spine in and stretch the legs. The toes should be higher than the eyes. Repeat 3 times

Page 9: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Ardha Navasana

3 times From Dandasana, pull the navel toward the spine and roll back to balance on the sacrum (but keep the ribs away from the floor). The toes should be at the same hight as the eyes

Ardha Jatara Parivartanasana

3 times per side Roll a blanket and squeeze it between the knees. Bring the thighs to the chest. Bring the knee on the floor to the left side but keep the feet high away from the floor. Maintain the right shoulder on the floor and look up. Stay for a fwe breaths. Repeat to the other side

Page 10: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

* Sirsasana

3-5 Min If you don’t practice Sirsasana, do the preparation (see the backbends sequence for the explanation). The pose can be done against the wall

Page 11: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

* Akuncha Pada Sirsasana


* do this variation only if you feel stable and comfortable in Sirsasana Bend the knees and move the heels toward the buttocks. Keep the knees together and bring them toward the chest Stay 2 breaths and bring the knees up againg. Make sure to maintain the shoulders lifted the whole time, press continuosly the inner wrists on the floor and bring the thoracic spind in Repeat 3 times This variation can be done against the wall.

Page 12: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Alternativ to Akuncha Pada Sirsasana

Lay on a table with the sacrum on the edge. Keep the knees together and bring them toward the chest. Keep the knees bent and bring the feet under the table (easier said than done!) Move the lumbar spine toward the table Bring the legs up again and repeat 3-5 times

Page 13: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

3-5 min It is currently the most important pose in any sequence! You can choose one version or practice all of them according to your time and need. The legs can remain bent but grounded and active

Page 14: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Uttanasana with a blanket

1-2 Min Lean against the wall with the feet 25-30 cm away. Roll a blanket and place it on the upper thigh/groin area. Bend forward and move the lower ribs beyond the blanket

Page 15: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Malasana & Pasasana

Sit on 2 blocks (or higher if your knees do not accept such a strong bend – a chair is also ok) and place the feet as close as possible to the blocks with the heels on the floor. Maintain the inner feet down, spread the knees apart and bend forward (Malasana). Come back up, bring the knees together and turn to the right (Pasasana). Repeat Malasana and turn then to the left. Repeat 5-7 times

Page 16: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher


5-8 Min You can keep the feet at the wall or practice chair Sarvangasana (see sequence for emotional stability)

*Parsva Virasana in Sarvangasana

Practice this variation only if Sarvangasana is stable and comfortable. Bend the knees but don’t move them toward the chest. Turn the pelvis but maintain the knees together Repeat twice per side

Page 17: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher


2 Min If the toes do not reach the floor, use a chair or a stool. Stretch the knees and keep the thighs away from the face

Parsva Halasana

Only if the toes are on the floor. Walk to the right. Keep the inner heels and ankle together. Keep the sitting bones at the same height Walk to the left

Page 18: Twists and Abdomen Svastikasana Give yourself time to calm … and abdomen.pdf · 2020. 6. 16. · Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher Malasana


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Paschimottanasana with a rolled blanket

2 Min Similar to Uttanasana (s.above). Move the ribs above and beyond the rolled blanket.


As long as you like