Twilight time: the story of Holy Week - Squarespace time: the story of Holy Week ... sounds scary....

1 Central Lutheran Church Portland, OR Holy Week, 2015 Created by: Pr. Amanda zentz-Alo Twilight time: the story of Holy Week This is a work of fanfiction. My Little Pony® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. All My Little Pony names, characters, images, trademarks, and logos are protected by trademark rights, copyrights, and other rights owned by Hasbro or Hasbro’s licensors, licensees, suppliers, and accounts.

Transcript of Twilight time: the story of Holy Week - Squarespace time: the story of Holy Week ... sounds scary....


Central Lutheran Church

Portland, OR

Holy Week, 2015

Created by:

Pr. Amanda zentz-Alo

Twilight time:

the story of

Holy Week

This is a work of fanfiction. My Little Pony® is a

registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. All My Little Pony

names, characters, images, trademarks, and logos are

protected by trademark rights, copyrights, and other

rights owned by Hasbro or Hasbro’s licensors, licensees,

suppliers, and accounts.


Spike: Hey, Twilight! What are you reading about


Twilight: It’s a story about somepony really

important. Somepony who loves us very much.

Spike: Cool!

Twilight: Here! The story starts with a picture.


Spike: Woah! Who is that? I’ve never seen HER

around Ponyville!

Twilight: Her name is Fern. she lived a long

time ago. She wrote this story down for us to


Spike: That’s Awesome!


Twilight: Sure is, Spike, and here is what she


Fern: A Colt came into town today In a big

parade! It was amazing! Everypony lifted up

Palm branches and shouted

“Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the one who

comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the



this colt helped everypony who needed it!

Blind ponies could see, lame ponies were healed!

He was amazing.

So, we joined the parade and celebrated his

arrival. Ponies call it Palm Sunday. It was a

great day.

Pinkie: A

Parade?!! Why

wasn’t I


Twilight: this

was a long time

ago, Pinkie. And

the story keeps


Pinkie: I LOVE a

good story!


Twilight: Well, later that night this colt

gathered with his closest friends for a meal


They sat and talked and talked and enjoyed

being together.

Pinkie: OH! Just like we do!

Twilight: That’s right Pinkie. But the story

seems to be changing a bit. . .


Spike: What do you mean, Twilight?

Twilight: Well, it seems that there were some

ponies who didn’t like what this colt was doing.

They wanted to stop him.

one of his friends

betrayed him to

the guards!

Rainbow: What?!

Why would a friend

ever do that?

Twilight: Oh, hey,

Rainbow Dash. We

were just learning

about a colt from a

long time ago.


Twilight: It says here that The ponies gathered

Thursday night for bread and wine for dinner.

After dinner they went on a walk to a garden



Twilight: Suddenly, the pony who had betrayed

them brought a bunch of guards and they

arrested the colt! How sad!

Pinkie: I would be sad if a friend betrayed me!

Rainbow: Don’t worry,

Pinkie, that won’t

happen with me


Twilight: Well, it

did happen to him!

They put him on

trial and everything!

Spike: Wow. That

sounds scary.


Twilight: It sure does, Spike. It says here that

there were even people who made fun of him

during the trial.

Fluttershy: That doesn’t sound very nice.

Apple Jack: Not very nice at all, Sugar Cube!


Twilight: You’re right, the story doesn’t look

nice at all right now.

In fact, It looks like the colt died. It says that

he was more powerful than even Starswirl the

bearded, but he wouldn’t use his powers against

ponies that he loved.

Instead he let himself die to show just how

much he loved everyone.


Fluttershy: Oh my!

Rainbow Dash: What?

Spike: No way?!

Pinkie: Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Why would they do


Why, why, why?!


Twilight: I don’t know, Pinkie. It just doesn’t

make any sense at all. . .

It says here that they put him on a cross and

he died.

The whole world went dark and his mother and

close friends stayed nearby and cried. They took

him down from the cross and a few of his friends

buried him in a tomb.


They call the day Good Friday now. “Good” being

an old word for “God.”

Someponies wear black on that day every year

and remember what he gave up because he loved



Rainbow: Pretty lousy ending, if you ask me. At

least Daring Do survives her adventures!

Pinkie: Hey! It looks like there’s more to the


Shutterfly: Pinkie is right, look, there’s a

picture of A Princess named Sprinkles!


Twilight: You’re right, Pinkie!

Rarity: And just

look at her

couture! It’s simply


Twilight: the

story says that

ponies gathered

together after the

colt died and told

each other stories

from his life.

They remembered that he wanted them to tell

each other that they were always loved, no

matter what. They used water to Baptize each

other as a way to remember that story.

They kept a vigil together and remembered.


After three days the ponies came back to the

tomb where they buried him, But the tomb was

empty! The colt wasn’t there!

They saw an Angelpony who told them that the

colt was not there. he had risen and was alive


Everypony rejoiced! See—there is a happy



Spike: So, what was this pony’s

name, anyway?

Pinkie Pie: Why it was Jesus, of course! The




Fern (Palm Sunday)

Jesus enters Jerusalem

“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of

the Lord!” Matt 28:8-9

Maundy Thursday

Jesus’ Last supper and betrayal

“Do this in the remembrance of me.”

Luke 22:19-20

Good Friday

Jesus dies on the cross

“The light shines in the darkness and the

darkness did not overcome it.”

John 1:5

Princess Sprinkles (Holy Saturday)

We remember the promise

“…Baptize them in the name of the father and

of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19

AngelPony (Easter)

Jesus is risen!

“He is not here; for he has been raised, as

he said.” Matt 28:6