Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15,...

1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Ben Awongo AJ Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Baptism and Marriage Please call Parish Office Twenty Twenty Twenty- - -Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017

Transcript of Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15,...

Page 1: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118

Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected]

Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Ben Awongo AJ Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm

Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass

Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Baptism and Marriage Please call Parish Office

TwentyTwentyTwenty---Eighth Sunday in Ordinary TimeEighth Sunday in Ordinary TimeEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, 2017October 15, 2017October 15, 2017

Page 2: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

From the Pastor Brothers and sisters: I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abun-dance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. Phil 4:12-14 All of us have days when we feel like we are on top of the world. All of us have days when we'd rather crawl under a rock than face the day. There are times in life when everything seems to be going our way and times when nothing seems to be going right. Such is the state of our fallen humanity. On this side of heaven there are successes and failures but that's no reason to lose our peace for God is always with us and we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. As we read in today's gospel everyone is called to the Heavenly Banquet, the bliss of perfection in Heaven but not all are worthy. Some have no desire to go, thinking only of the present moment and earthly cares or delights. Others are openly hostile to the message of Christ and would kill or silence the message or the messenger if they could. Still others consider themselves worthy to attend the banquet of the Lord but have not clothed them-selves properly in virtue or in good works, usually thinking, "I am good enough for Heaven as I am." As Jesus points out, none of these will have a place in the Kingdom of God. To prepare ourselves for the day of judgment when we stand before the throne of God let us take the advice of two great saints. First, St. Paul. St. Paul notes and preaches regularly how important it is to have Jesus as the center of one's life, to do everything in his name, always for the glory of his name. We also take his words above to heart that we can do everything in his name and he will make perfect whatever we do. The second great saint is Our Lady, particularly on this hundredth anniversary of her apparitions at Fatima. As a former priest of San Diego, and now Archbishop of San Francisco notes, Our Lady of Fatima gives us a three step plan in her appear-ances to Lucia, Fancisco, and Jacinta: So we turn to our Lady, for at the root of all of this suffering and devastation [in the world] is a spiritual disease, which, contrary to the physical and mental kind, has grown in our time and been largely left un-treated. It is the disease that dethrones God and replaces Him with the “autonomous self,” making the self out to be God, creating one’s own reality for oneself. It is a disease that refuses to recognize God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate truth and perfect icon of love. The Plan of Action Prayer: our Lady has asked us specifically to pray the Rosary daily. I ask every Catholic..., if you are not doing so already, to pray the Rosary every day. And I ask all families to pray the Rosary together at least once a week. Penance: most especially we must take up the spiritual arm of penance, for it is a powerful weapon in our spiritual arsenal that we have woefully ignored for far too long. The reform of the discipline of penitential practice in the Church, far from denying the importance of it, was meant to instill a more mature spirit of appropriating this hallmark of Christian life in the life of the individual believer. In particular, Fridays are still days of penance, as they always have been in the Church, going back to apostolic times. The faithful, though, may now choose to do some other form of fasting in place of the traditional practice of abstaining from eating meat if such a penance would be for them a greater sacrifice. Adoration: our Lady advocates for us, she picks us up, in order to bring us to her Son. All of our devotion, just as all of our penitential practices, must lead to adoration of God. The adoration our Lady asks for is meant to purify us of our inclinations to worship the false gods of contemporary society, and to give our-selves over to single-hearted worship of the one, true God. As Lucia said in reflecting back on her child-hood experiences of receiving the revelations at Fatima: “… our adoration must be a hymn of perfect praise, because, even before we came into being, God was already loving us, and was moved by this love to give us our being.” Our consecration must therefore also bring about a renewal of our love for, and de-votion to, our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament.

Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist October 15, 2017

Page 3: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

Join us Sunday (15) from 8:30am - 12:00pm

for pancakes, fruit, bacon, orange juice and donuts.

‘To Go’ Plates are available

Please Keep in Your Prayers Josefina Garcia, Saul Garcia, Mary Allegretti, Erica Amador, Martha Amador, Julia Bauer, Bob Behler, Charles and Alice Biasotti, Joe Blair, Pat Cadenhead, Taylor Camisa, Michael Verla Carney, Yolanda Cassios, Ma. Eugenia Cazares, Tim Cobb, JoAnn Coules, Rob Crewse, Phyllis Davidson, Judith Demarest, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix, Nick Fix, Jane Grover, Pat Hosaka, Charles Jarzynka, Cheyne Johnston, Maria Johnson, Deloris King, Susanne Knuttila, Neal Kusumoto, Eva King, Susanne Knuttila, Skyler Koehne, Rose Lenehan, Stella Lubera, Julianne Maier, Andy Maduza, Diana Mase–Goldman, Brian McCloskey, Sharon McGuire, Pat McKinley, Robert (Mac)McLoughlin, Lucy Mee, Maria Mendez, Patty Moore, Toni Naidenoff, Luz Nieve, Eileen O’Connor, Maggie O’ Gallagher, Grace Oreb, Flor-ence Park, Joaquin Perez, Beverly Petrella, Peter Pongwattana, Jenni-fer Proder, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Genieve Robideau, Elizabeth Roney, Selena Sandoval, Douglas Schmude, Lori Smith, Gina Stack, Jane and Jim Studrawa, Kassidy Thomas, Andrew Todd, Jean Toner, Nancy Tsoubris, Jerry Tunnero, Grant & Griffin Waller, Ken Watts, David Webber, Bernard Wessel, Jerry Werth, John Whitty, Diane and Jason Williamson, & Dave Wibbelsman.

Rest in Peace

We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.

Perpetual Adoration We are looking for more substitutes, especially

nighttime. Volunteers are needed for: Sunday, 12:00am

Monday, 12:00am and 1:00pm Tuesday, 6:00am

Wednesday, 3:00pm Thursday, 6:00am, 9:00am and 10:00am

Friday, 10:00pm Saturday, 3:00am and 11:00pm

We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to take charge of arranging substitutes for regular adorers on the

Captain’s assigned day Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573

Lupe Cardona (Sp)760 753-7784 Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night, seven days a week. All are welcome!

Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist October 15, 2017

The success of the Altar Society Christmas Bazaar (Nov. 5)

depends on your kind donations! If asked, your family & friends may

also have a few items to donate.

NEW drop-off location - inside entrance of the parish hall or call 760-436-2785 for pick-up.

We are especially looking for

home décor, gift & holiday items, linens, jewelry and toys.

(No clothing, furniture or books please.)

LAST CALL … If you know someone who makes handcrafted items

please contact Kathy @ 760-436-8708

Proceeds from this event will benefit the spiritual, social, and service ministries of the Altar Society.

Youth Ministry Classes Sunday (15). And Tuesday (17) & Wednesday (18) at

6:30pm, for more info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or [email protected]

Religious Education Classes Monday (16) at 4:15pm and 6:30pm

For more info, call Ann at 760 436-0664 [email protected]

Junior High Faithways For Grades 7 and 8 Monday nights

Monday (16) 6:30pm-7:45pm. Optional pizza and social 6:00pm-6:30pm

For more info, 760 753- 4279 [email protected]

Dear Friends, I need to make an apology and a clarification. Last week at Mass I allowed an announcement and the distribution of a flier informing the congregation of the upcoming vote of the Encinitas City Council concerning the commercial production of marijuana within the city. While I encourage you to make known your stance on the matter I must make a significant correction concerning both the flier and the announcement at Mass. I received news, reflected in the flier, that a property adjacent to our school could be a potential site for future marijuana production. That news was absolutely incorrect. The property is owned by a wonderful and devout family who are terrific mem-bers of the parish. I was shocked to hear this and have since apologized to them for the disruption and anxiety caused by this lack of critical analysis on my part. I also ask you to please pardon me for causing an unnecessary stir in the parish by allowing this publication. Respectfully and Always in Christ, Father Jim Bahash

Page 4: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

Live on the Internet

9:00 am Mass

Saint John Preschool Kindergarten Readiness Program:

“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten” For more info, or to schedule a tour,

Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or

[email protected]

Saint John School

Pre-school - Grade 8 Principal : Dan Schuh

760 944-8227

No School Friday (20)

Adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith!

We would love to help you on your


For more information please contact Liz Beiner at 760 753-6254

Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist October 15, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS

Saturday October 14 5:00pm Parishioners Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15 Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14 7:30am John Bailey † 9:00am Patrick and Sheila Russell † 10:30am Special Intention 12:00pm Special Intention 5:00pm Wayne Bowman † Monday Saint Hedwig and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque October 16 Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29-32 8:00am JoAnn Holley † Tuesday Saint Ignatius of Antioch October 17 Rom 1:16-25; Lk 11:37-41 8:00am Luisa Luzardo † Wednesday Saint Luke October 18 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 8:00am JoAnn Holley † Thursday Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues October 19 Rom 3:21-30; Lk 11:47-54 8:00am Msgr. Timothy Harnett † Rick Templin † 11:00am Tom Kubik † Friday Saint Paul of the Cross October 20 Rom 4:1-8; Lk 12:1-7 8:00am Mary Panasiti † Gene Myeres † Saturday Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12 October 21 8:00am Father Miguel Diehl †

5:00pm JoAnn Holley † Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22 Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21

7:30am JoAnn Holley † 9:00am Lisa Strick † 10:30am Minnie and Louis Verzi † 12:00pm Parishioners 5:00pm Arthur (Bob) Teisher Sr. †

Contributions last weekend (8) amounted to

$14,977.00 with 315 families using envelopes. A further $6,426.00 was contributed Online.

Seniors Mass and Luncheon

Join us this Thursday (19) Mass at 11:00am and Lunch at 12:00pm

Call the Parish Office to get your reservation in! It’s always fun!

will be visiting Saint John

Wednesday (18), Thursday (19), and Friday (20) You can schedule an appointment to give blood at (Sponsor Code: SJCE) or call 1 800 469-7322. Or just come by the parking lot from

1:30pm to 6:30pm!

‘Give the gift of life!’

Page 5: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

Del Pastor Hermanos: Yo sé pasar privaciones y vivir en la abundancia. Estoy entrenado para todo y en todo momen-to: a estar satisfecho o hambriento, en la abundancia o en la escasez. Todo lo puedo en aquel que me forta-lece. Filipenses 4:12-14 Todos tenemos días en los que nos sentimos estar en la cima del mundo. Todos tenemos días en los que preferi-mos escondernos debajo del sombrero para que nadie nos vea. Hay tiempos en la vida que parece que todo está a nuestro favor y tiempos cuando parece que nada camina bien. Tal es el estado de nuestra humanidad caída. En éste lado del cielo hay éxitos y fracasos, pero esa no es una razón para perder nuestra paz por Dios, la paz siempre está dentro de nosotros y podemos hacer todas las cosas en Cristo quien nos da la fuerza. Como leemos en el evangelio de hoy, todos son llamados al Banquete Celestial, la felicidad de la perfección en el Cielo, pero no todos son dignos. Algunos no tienen ningún deseo de ir, pensando sólo en el momento presente en las delicias o en los cuidados terrenales. Otros son abiertamente hostiles al mensaje de Cristo y matarían o silenciarían el mensaje si pudieran. Otros se consideran dignos de asistir al banquete del Señor pero “no se han vestido adecuadamente en virtud o en buenas obras, por lo general pensando” "Soy lo suficientemente bueno para el cielo como soy." Como señala Jesús, ninguno de ellos tendrá lugar en el Reino de Dios. Para prepararnos para el día del juicio cuando estaremos frente el trono de Dios hay que tomar el consejo de dos grandes santos. Primero, San Paulo. San Paulo, anota y predica con regularidad lo importante que es tener a Jesús en el centro de nuestras vidas, hacer todo en su nombre, siempre para la gloria de su nombre. También tomamos sus pala-bras muy apecho cuando decimos que podemos hacer todo en su nombre y él hará perfecto lo que hacemos. El segundo santo muy grande es Nuestra Señora, particularmente en éste centenario de aniversario de sus apariciones en Fáti-ma. Como ex sacerdote de San Diego, y ahora Arzobispo de San Francisco anota, Nuestra Señora de Fátima nos da un plan de tres pasos en sus apariciones a Lucía, Francisco y Jacinta:

Así que nos dirigimos a Nuestra Señora, porque en la raíz de todo este sufrimiento y devastación (en el mundo) hay una enfermedad spiritual, la cual contrario al tipo físico y mental, ha crecido en nuestro tiempo y ha sido en gran parte no tratada. Es la enfermedad la que destrona a Dios y lo reemplaza con el “yo autónomo,” haciendo que el ego sea Dios, creando la propia realidad de uno mismo. Es una enfermedad que se niega a reconocer a Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios, como la verdad última y el icono perfecto del amor. El Plan de Acción

Oración: nuestra Señora nos a pedido específicamente que recemos el Rosario diariamente. Yo le pido a cada Católico…., Si aún no lo están haciendo, que recen el Rosario cada día. Y les pido a todas las familias que recen el Rosario juntos por lo menos una vez a la semana. Penitencia: especialmente debemos tomar el brazo espiritual de la penitencia, porque es un arma poderosa en nuestro arsenal espiritual que hemos lamentablemente ignorado durante demasiado tiempo. La reforma de la disciplina de la práctica penitencial en la iglesia, lejos de negar su importancia, tenía por objeto inculcar un espí-ritu más maduro de apropiarse de este sello de la vida cristiana en la vida del creyente individual. En particular, los viernes siguen siendo días de penitencia, como siempre han sido en la Iglesia, desde los tiempos apostólicos. Los fieles, sin embargo, pueden optar por hacer alguna otra forma de ayuno en lugar de la práctica tradicional de abstenerse de comer carne si tal penitencia sería para ellos un mayor sacrificio. Adoración: nuestra Señora aboga por nosotros, ella nos levanta, para llevarnos a su Hijo. Toda nuestra de-voción, al igual que todas nuestras prácticas penitenciales, deben conducirnos a la adoración de Dios. La adora-ción que nuestra Señora pide está destinada a purificarnos de nuestras inclinaciones de adorar a los falsos dioses de la sociedad contemporánea, y entregarnos a la adoración de un solo Dios, el Dios verdadero. Como dijo Lucía al reflexionar sobre las experiencias de su infancia cuando recibió las revelaciones de Fátima:”… nuestra ado-ración debe ser un himno de alabanza perfecta, porque, incluso antes de que naciéramos, Dios ya nos estaba amando, y fue movido por este amor a darnos nuestro ser.” Nuestra consagración debe ser por lo tanto, una reno-vación de nuestro amor y devoción a nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento.

Página 5 Saint John the Evangelist Octubre 15, 2017

Page 6: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 15, · Ashlie Dunlap, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Greg Fix, Kathy Fix,

Religious Education Saint John School Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 Religious Education Ann McGinnis 760 436-0664 ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Abel and Gloria Castellanos 760 207-4645 Youth Ministry Isaac Deken 760 753-3679 Hispanic Ministry Mary Moran 760 436-4366 Music Ministry 760 753-6254

Adult Faith R.C.I.A Liz Beiner 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Perpetual Adoration (Spanish) Lupe Cardona 760 753-7784 Centering Prayer Shirley Shetula 760 525-6721

Organizations Altar Society Michelle Checchia 760 846-1006 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Blane Adessa 760 944-0626 Catholic Men’s Fellowship David Pavnic / Freddy Picciano 760 753-6254 Culture of Life Jennifer Grethel 760 753-6254 Guadalupanos Olivia Reynaga 760 753-5230 Holy Name Rick Decker 760 753-6254 Knights of Columbus Steve Cubillas 760 803-4514 Marriage Encounter Mike and Nancy Reisinger 760 753-6254 Saint Vincent de Paul Sandra Watson 760 753-3056 Seniors Nettie March 760 753-6254

Página 6 Saint John the Evangelist Octubre 15, 2017


El Miércoles, 1 de Noviembre es el Día de Todos los Santos

habrá Misa a las 7:00 p.m en español y también, el


Les recordamos a todos los padres y

padrinos que es importante lo siguiente:

1. Anotarse como miembros de la parroquia. 2. Asistir a Misa los domingos y recoger un boletín, guardarlo y entregar 15 boletines a los catequistas de sus hijos el viernes 12 de enero. 3. Asistir a las clases para adultos los viernes cuando traen sus hijos.

4. Traer una copia de la Fe de Bautismo y certificado de nacimiento a la oficina de catequesis, el viernes. Si tienen alguna pregunta por favor llamen a Mary Moran al 760 436-4366.