Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an...

Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an ingenious plot to steal all the gold in fairy land. Although a little dubious about the plan - indeed not even quite believing in the existence of fairies - his trusty bodyguard and companion, Butler, is on hand to help. However, they have not reckoned on Captain Holly Short, who as first female officer in the Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance unit, or LEPrecon, has much to prove. When she is kidnapped by Artemis, she is determined to stand her ground and protect the fairy secrets. Year Six English – Artemis Fowl My name My class

Transcript of Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an...

Page 1: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an ingenious plot to steal all the gold in fairy

land. Although a little dubious about the plan - indeed not even quite believing in the existence of fairies - his

trusty bodyguard and companion, Butler, is on hand to help. However, they have not reckoned on Captain

Holly Short, who as first female officer in the Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance unit, or LEPrecon, has

much to prove. When she is kidnapped by Artemis, she is determined to stand her ground and protect the fairy

secrets.Artemis Fowl – Criminally good!

Year Six English – Artemis Fowl

My name

My class

Page 2: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name ______________________________Monday 15th June

By the end of this unit of learning based on Artemis Fowl, you will be writing your own 'Artemis Fowl' novel. There are 8 books in the full series and you will be writing one of your own!

You looked at Artemis and his personality traits. He will be the main character in your story just like in the novel. But you WILL need to create a character.

You will be creating the 'other' main character - just like Holly!

You are going to be looking at some character descriptions to inspire you in creating your own character. Look at this example below:

Can you guess which character this is a description of?

What impression do you have of this character?

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What is important to think about when looking at this description, is that it does not include every single detail about the character. It gives you the information that adds to the story at that point.

This means that throughout the novel you learn more and more about your character. You learn how they think, how they react and lots more!

The character description above is… Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone!

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Here are some more examples of character descriptions. Can you describe the imagery it creates?

The image:

The image:

The image:

The image:

The image:

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Name ______________________________

You need to think about your character’s personality traits. Before you think about this, you need to decide on your characters role in the book. Are they:

a) the person who helps Artemis succeed orb) the person Artemis is against

Once you have decided, think back to what you know about Artemis. What sort of personality traits would he want in a person that is going to help them? What sort of personality traits would someone need if they were willing to go up against Artemis?

You are used to this gingerbread man by now. However, you will be adding it slightly differently today.

Grab 4 different colours, one for each bullet point above. You are going to be adding information about these areas to your character. This is the first step in creating them.

Start with scent. How would you describe their scent?

Then move on to skin, then aura and finally movement.

Aura -the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person

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Advice from an author:The vast majority of character descriptions are simply lazy. They recycle typical ideas about hair, eye colour, and build, giving you more information about the character’s fitting for a dress or suit than the type of information you need to know them intimately.

The first thing you should do when describing a character is to pick a category that isn’t so overused. Such as trying to describe: · Scent· Skin· Aura· Movement

You want your reader to be asking questions about this character, to not only learn something about them but to create mystery. What made them like this? How long have they been this way? Is there someone currently after them or is this paranoia because of a past experience? Questions like these are what keeps the reader reading.

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Think about these points above, are these made clear about your character on your gingerbread man? If not, make sure they are now!

It is time to create several short descriptions of your character. We want to make sure you can use these in your final piece of writing. To do this, you will need to have lots of descriptions that you can add in throughout your first few chapters rather than one big paragraph and never hear about it again!

Congratulations, you have created your character!You may say that you haven’t thought about how they look yet. Unless this is something that will really change how we view the character (e.g. Holly is short because she is a fairy) then it is not important today!

Another thing to take notice of is the type of person they are, despite their appearance.· How do they think?· What do they feel?· How do they view/react to certain situations compared to how others would?

Page 6: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name ______________________________

Space for you to complete your descriptions.

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Learning Statement:

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Tuesday 16th June

We visit many settings in Artemis Fowl. You may not have finished the book, but you should know that we visit Fowl Manor, Ho Chi Minh City, Ireland (where the abduction takes place) and Haven City in the world of the People.

Yesterday, you created your 'main' character. Today, you will be creating your 'main' setting. To do this, you will need to think about where the majority of your story will take place. Is it somewhere not real such as the land of the People? Or is it somewhere on our planet like Fowl Manor?

You have 5 minutes to draw your setting!

Page 8: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name ______________________________

Now you have roughly drawn your setting, it is time to start your ideas flowing. You are going to be collating lots of ideas to use in your description. You will need to look at expanded noun phrases and figurative language. Can you remember what an expanded noun phrase is?

I have included a simple example in each box to help you.

Expanded Noun Phrases

the rickety bridge


The bridge creaked like the floorboard of an abandoned house.

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The bridge was a nightmare.


The bridge danced around in the storm.

Now it is time for you to use all the language you have just thought of to write a setting description.

Page 10: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name ______________________________

Wednesday 17th June

So far you have created your character and your setting. Don't forget you also already have the knowledge of Artemis and Fowl Manor.

Whilst you have been doing this, I'm sure that you may have been thinking about how your story is going to go. Today is the day you get to start your planning!

We have all used backwards S plans before. You are going to be adding quite a lot to yours today so try to keep your writing neat so you have enough room to add all the details. There are lots of steps to build up your S plan. You will find a blank space after these steps for you to create yours. Work through building it a step at a time. I have included a WAGOLL for steps where this may be helpful.

Step 1:

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Learning Statement:

Page 11: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name_______________________________Add the key events. Where does it start? What is the big dilemma in the middle? How does it end? Then you can add any other key events around this.

Write all this is the same colour.

Step 2: Where will we learn more about your other character? Note this on your plan.This will make sure that we learn more and more about your character throughout your story rather than just at the beginning and never again.

Page 12: Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl, hatches an …  · Web view2020. 6. 12. · Twelve-year-old criminal mastermind,

Name ______________________________

Step 3: Draw a line where there is a setting change in your story. E.g. from Fowl Manor to your setting or to somewhere else! You may also want to note down which section is in what setting, like I have, to help you.

Step 4: It is time to plan for key vocabulary you want to include. This may take a bit more time. In your booklets each week there has been a vocabulary list, chapter by chapter, on the last page. Using this and what you have read, plan in key vocabulary you will include in each section.

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Space for your backwards S plan. Use the whole page!

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Name ______________________________

Final Step:Now it is time to plan some grammar. You looked at simple, compound and complex sentences last week. We also use Alan Peat sentences all the time. Where can you plan these in?

Now, can you have a go at writing some of these sentences? This will put you ahead when you come to writing your story!

Space for your sentences.

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Learning Statement:

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Thursday 18th June

Today, you are going to plan in using a flashback in your Artemis Fowl novel.

Read the flashback from ‘The Sleeping Sword’ by Michael Morpurgo below. Think about what the flashback might add to the rest of the story. Why has the author chosen to give you this information? How does it affect your relationship with that character?

What does this word mean to you?

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Name ______________________________

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Name ______________________________Think back to the personality traits of your 'other' character. Zone in on one in particular that might lend itself to an interesting back story. Have a think about different reasons your character has this personality trait. Here were my ideas for my character:

Choose the personality trait of your character you are going to focus on and pop it in the gingerbread man underneath the story mountain on the next page. Pop the reason they have that trait in the bubble. Now, plot out the reason on a mini story mountain. Have a look through my WAGOLL first. This may give you even more ideas!

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Name ______________________________

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Name_______________________________Unlike our main story, the flashback does not include every detail. It only includes what is necessary and adds to the story. It can be short; it can be long. But, it must be emotive. This allows us to understand the character a little better. Spend the rest of this lesson writing your flashback. You may not finish it but you will at least have a start. Here are some tips for what you may want to think about including:

Choose your challenge and get writing your flashback!

Learning Statement:

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Name ______________________________

Friday 19th June

We talk to each other all the time when events are happening in our lives. However, dialogue is often left out of stories as it can become 'fiddly' to remember all the grammar.

When reading Artemis Fowl, you may have noticed that lots of description and action happens through dialogue. In fact, so much of the book is dialogue between characters!

Look at all the dialogue just on page 4 and 5!

Rules for dialogue:

Can you write out this dialogue with the correct punctuation?

good morning Year 6 Mr roberts said. good morning mr roberts they chorused. Today we are going to be learning about how to write direct speech. Michael smirked in the back and whispered to Jacob how can we focus on that that when hes wearing odd socks!

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Here are the links to some videos about direct speech:

These may help you understand even better!

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You are going to be writing a conversation between Artemis and your character. Before you do this, you need to think about how the characters will talk. Here is my example:

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Name ______________________________

What might Artemis and your character say to each other? Start by writing a small conversation like I have below.

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How will your character speak?

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Now it is time to write up your conversation as a piece of dialogue. Remember to look back at the rules of speech to ensure you are punctuating it correctly! Choose your challenge:

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Name ______________________________

Week Three ExtrasGlossaryChapter 5manacled-handcuffed/boundseptic-infectedantagonizing-irritate/provoketrivialities-unimportantbrazen-boldshillelagh- a thick stick of blackthorn or oak used in Ireland, typically as a weapon.compliance-obediencecomrades-friendsbrandishing-wielding/wavingcynicism-pessimismincompatible-mismatcheddefied-challenged/confrontedpolarized-restrict vibrationssuffice-be enoughcontraband-illegal importsdiversion-distraction/changefrivolity-light-heartedness/playfulinarticulate-unable to express clearly

Chapter 5 continuedalbeit-althoughadversary-enemy/rivalostentatious-showy/pretentiousovertly-clearly/openlypertinent-relevant/importantsuperimpose-place overperceptible distortion-noticeable deformity/twistsheath-cover/casedepravity-corruption/eviljudicious-sensible/carefuldisembodied-ghostly, bodilessdemented-crazy, manic

Chapter 7Chapter 6cavalier-inconsideratequarry-pit/minedithering-indecisive

larcenies- theftdubious-doubtfullucrative-profitableprodigious-unusual, exceptional

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Learning Statement:

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Name_______________________________conspiratorial-unlawfulresplendent-dazzling, magnificentfacsimile-duplicateextorted-extractsurreptitiously-secretly, slylyincapacitate-injureinsolent-rude/impertinentsardonic-scornful, mockingprodigy-geniussusceptible-vulnerable, at risksubverting-undermine/challengeriposte-quick, clever reply to insultunperturbed-calm, at easeconcurred-agreedconsternation-dismay, concerndetonate-exploderelinquishes-give updisemboweled-remove gutsarmament-guard, shieldbarbarian-savageunorthodox-unconventionalerratically-random/irregular

endeavour-trylanguishing-fade away, sufferdiplomatically-sensitively, subtlyricocheted-reboundreprobate-troublemaker, rascalimprudence-carelessnesssubsidence-collapseresidue-remainsdelicate intricacies-complex detailsmatrix-format, enclosurerigor mortis-temporary stiffness ofjoints after deatharchitrave- molding around a door or windowvigilant-watchfulprimitive-ancientinevitably-unavoidableexpulsion-removalrecessed-buriedconstrained-forcedruse-trickinconceivable-unimaginablevalour-braveryjettisoning-throw awaydisconcerting-disturbingdeciphering-interpret/work outbravado-daringirredeemable-hopelessflatulence-gas/windanomaly-irregularitywine-impregnated clay-clay full of winecoincided-overlap/matchedmaelstrom-turbulence/swirl


Chapter Six - At the Fowl Manor, Artemis’ mother’s condition continues to decline, her hallucinations becoming more consuming. Holly remains trapped in her cell, though the realization that she still has the acorn for the Ritual gives her a bit of hope. When Artemis confronts her, he manages to convince her that she has spilled the sacred secrets of her race. Uncharacteristically, Artemis feels a little bad about lying to Holly and making her feel so guilty. In order to rescue Holly, Commander Root sends in LEPretrieval One, the best group for the job. Unfortunately, Butler, equipped with makeshift goggles constructed from the remnants of Holly’s helmet, is able to see the team coming and takes them out easily. Butler sends a message back to Commander Root asking for negotiations, which Root grudgingly accepts. During the negotiations, Artemis makes it clear to Root that he knows their retrieval protocol and has a plan to defeat it.

Chapter Seven – Back at LEP Central, Mulch Diggums is locked in a holding cell with a group of grouchy goblins intent on frying him. As the situation between Mulch and the goblins begins to escalate, an officer removes Mulch and he is brought to the surface per the request of Commander Root. Since Mulch has already lost his magic, he is able to tunnel into the Fowl Manor and help rescue Holly. While on this mission, Mulch discovers the Book that Artemis has hidden away. On his way out of the manor, Mulch traps a rabbit, creates an artificial cave-in, and fakes his own death. Holly manages to crack the floor enough to reveal a patch of earth and, planting the acorn, is able to complete the Ritual and replenish her magic. Loose in the manor, Holly is determined to get Artemis to release her, by whatever means necessary.

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