TV.R OMAHA FRITSCH' with the hnos cl...

TV.R h L7 BEE.CK- AHA . " PUBUSHINC C3PROPRIETORS. . 616 Parnkam , bet. vth and 10th btrtett- TER1IS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 Copy 1 je r, In advance postpaid ) 18.00 " 4 * ° 8 month" " " 2.00 TIKE T-BUS THE MAILS. 0, & K, n. t. li. , 630 a. m , XtO : p ,m 0. B. A Q i 0 rn. , ! ; (0 p. m.- C. . . S 1 a P. H. R. . & 30 a, m. , 2Mp. m * 0A St. Joe : a. m.- b . City & i' . 520 . m.- U. . . P. K.E. , ll0a. m. 0. A R. V to Lincoli , 10 a m.- B. . . AM. H.R. . h:40 m.- O. . . k K. W. , 7SC a, m- .ornrtKa . 0. i . R. t. S11 ac.11 P.O. . 0. 3. A Q., 11 a. m. , S JO p. m- .C.F. . I. i ? , 11 a.n. , 11 p. in , 0. ! i t Bt , 4oe. llfc.rn. , Up m.- D. . . P. R. R. .Ip m- .j . S. A. V. rroci Uncoln. 12:10 p. o- S.Ciy 4 P. , 11 a.m.- B. . . i. d. In Veb.i p. m. toes , nulls for States Iowa leave bat one* dsy, vis : 420 &. m- .OmceopADfrom . 12 to Jp, m. Bandars. THOMAS F. HALL. Poetmifff. Arrival And Dcpartnre of Trains OHION PACirir.Si- EAVX. . . Dally Eipirw 12:1 ! p. m- .do . , MUcJ . 6:10 p. m- .do . 125 p. m. freight . 6JOa.m.- do . 1:40 p, rr. _ 8:16 a m. 12:20 a.m.- LI . TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTO- . ATS OlUBa- .Expreai . AIOUTX OHJJU. . . .3:10 : p. m. Express . 10:30 a, a , Hall . 6:00 a. m. Mill . 103)0 ) p. m- .Bundayt . Sundays Exceptcd. Ezccptcd.- CEICAGO. . . ROCK IBLANB S PACIFIC. Mall . _ .6:00 a. m. I Mail . 10:90 p. m, Cipro6S.J40 p m. I Express - 10:90 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN.- Kail . . - . rOa.m.Mall | - 7.20p- H' - " . press . . . .ttO pi m | Erpress - 10:00 a. m- Bnnday * czccpled. KANSAS CITY , ST. JoEkCOTJNCIL K DTri . Mall . .80 a.m. I EzpreM . 7: 0 . EU- Ezpreaa . . .e 0rm. | Mall . 7 ? * iln' The only line rnunine PuUman BleepUifOan oat of Omaha te Union Depot.- OMAUA . & NORTHERN NEBRASKA EA1L- WAT - COMPANY.- Leave. . . Arrive- .rxprees . _ .8.00i . m. 1 Fipreaa - 4SOr , m- .Uued . . WOp m. | Mixed . 10iSa. m- B 4 H. R. ' SEI..UU KA , t Va. AhR VB , ExpressB:50 m Krelgb- tFe'Rht ' . . . 65i m | . SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R.- IC.11 . . _ 0:10 a in 1 Erprcss . 10 0 a m- bprera . B-iOpmlMi . 7:20 p m- WABASO , bT. LOOW fc PACIfiaU- 1VE8. . AKRIVU- .Kail . . - U a. m. I Uallll:55 a. m- Exprea..3lO : p. m. | Express . tSS p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R R. Leave Omaha , dolly. 8 a. m., B a. m , 10 a m. , 11 a. m.. 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p. m , 5p. . m, ,6 p.- m. . .. Lrave Coundl Blnffs ; 8:25 a. m. , 8.5 a. m, , 10.2S s. m. , 11S5 a. m. , IMS p m. , 2:26 p. m. , ! :2 p. m. , E:25 p. m. , 6A5 p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , learlns Omaha at 8 and 11- a. . m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs tt B:2S , 11:25 a HL. and ZOS and 6:21 p. m. Leave mahii-fl . m. ,7 a. ra. . 8:50 : . m. , 1- p. . m. t 50 p. m. , 7. 1 p m. , Leave " > uncll BluC ' IB . m,, BM a. m., 11 HO a.m. 6:25 p. m , 7.OJ ji m. , 7 0 p. m. .Dally except Sunday. _ OMAAA & REPUBLICAN TALLEY R. . LXAVK , ARRIVE.- .4.SS . Mill. .10:45 a. m. , . p. m. HTlORKtrsAltnn.- J. . . EH II Jr.- i . TrORVEV AT LAW 310 South Ihirteenth .&. St. , wjttt- J. . M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL, US! CEOr THEP1 > CE orner 16th and J" A. StfitRAL , A TTJiiNEY AT LA W Room 8 , Crelchton A 8oc ! . Uth fit. OMAHA. NEE. t - 3. L THOMAS , i TTORIlKr AT LAW fibans Lioney , buy- iA and -Kilo real estate. Coox b Cre'.ghton- Blouk. . A. C. TROUP , TTOBMCT AT LAW Office In A lilocX w > Ui Ceorr ( R. PriUhttt , 15C8 . ' . OMAHA. HER CcXTEH L THOMAS , TTOUSKT IT LAW Ornlckfchank Build A. i . M. CKADYflGK. A'A. AT LAW OIBce 180t Famham < 7 AWTER OSoe In Orol hton Blotk, next U- IJ PwiOfflra , OVAnA.NKBRAHILA- .90XABY . rCBUO. COIiEOTJCHB KAD- XC'&RitK & fiARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , H 'T Duum Llo .triftoenth ani ? Famha- mE S. jBOEtUTE'OTJa. ATTORNEY AT LAW.A- HbACri . BLOCK , COR. DOUOIETH STS.- OMAUA. . . ' W. J. Oonneli , J f Attorney-a tLa w. Office : Front rooms , np slain. In HanBcom * ! ofw brick building , N. W. corner ntteentb and , , t rnhra Streets. _ CHAS K, KtMC- EKEDECK. . . " rhcttoe In al tthe Conns ol the Slate and the & nited t 09. fffaa. r uhar St. , O.mrt Uouw. AT lAVT Uoom 6- Block. . Hi ! . i' P. i. 1M strata. noMb- S, F- .tliOHAROS . & HUNT , Aitoridya-ac-Law. rrtcn 215 South Fourteenth Street- .AVi . VOi 1OUVL- Uruatcuii Uibcovery of the AKO- .fj . - <lpu.roric tithrrrlah2Tebreani ! de- otner ttun R where S atA Cam eUyed- T iliron olt wlcit h < ornot , Ii rU > h Ltt3 ii a mouutoii ; of mow- .Lut . year en excursion Billed clear to the Pola And suddenly dropped istowhut seemed llk fchoie P Where vrondxrotwonilen they found a new land , rflile Wry-uka bo n s ppe rod 01 e oh hind- .lncr . wrr* mornUlua like oon. with more boitUol (rrcen , tnd J r brlcbtor kxics thi.i uvcr wore eccn, Birds with the hnos cl a rainbow wore (oood , While Cowers ot eiqulflUi ( nnnt were crow- ing uonnd. Not long were thrj ) et To vt ndr la dontx- A. beiusr noon came they bid heard much abcmt , Twu b uta CUos' t U and th Uthey all cay, ! l cked like the picture T eioe every day- .Ho . drove up n tc* i that looked my queer , T 3 a team of imLShopMra instead of rcinU ur, J. He rode to a shell Inslcjul of a eielch , Cut Le look thorn on lo rd and ornrf them away.- He . C. ghoxoJ Tiiem ail over h vnxi + siial roaha, And factonen nuking gooda tor women and men Furrier * wens trort'n on hata neat and p Tt , To Eonce'a tber did they -wore Eenl > n them aU. Kris Glnclo , the Olove Maker.told them at once , AU our Glove. , we arc xcnding to Bonce , Santa allowed them snsponJars and many thl&fi more.- flayityr . I alse took those to (rlend Baacel gtor *. Santa Claoa then whUpetvil a secret be'd tell , Ai la Omaha every one knew Bnnca veil , ot He therrfore ghpuid fond hil coo to Ota can , Knowing hirieuus ill fret their foil share , Now remunbtfye d Tellers In Omaha town, J. AU who waal prcscnU to Bcnce'i go round. For ihirta , couars , or elove trrca * uid mall , Bend your tUter or annt one and alu- Bcnce J. , Champion Ttilar rl the Wect , DonjlU- et. . Omha Hamburg Line.W- EKKLYLINEOF . ? STEAMERS LEATINO KEW YOKE EVERT THURSDAY AT S r. x. , TOR England , Franca and Q-armany For Paaaafe apply to- G. In : . It. & CO. General Fauenrer Agenti , 61 Broadway , Nuvr York. TASK E.MOORE8- HENK1 Orha PUNDT , g. A- ViHEGAR WOflXSiE- ENSTKEEBS , Manager UaDUtactnrer ot an Undi o- lv ' i :NT E C3- im - - ! ' St. Bet. i& and 101OX4.BA P. L- OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EHPOnlUMS 3. U. ROSffa &rt trnpanmn. 151B Doigo Strep t, Steel Enfrravingg , oil P ! ntin js , Chrumus Kancr Fnmea , FramUgaS * aati. ! Low prices.- J. . . bOSXEU, IS09 DonU ; bt. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE- .JOUK . L. McCAGUE , oj'poeite pu < luffice.- W. . . R. BARTLETF. 817 South 13th Street.- ARCHITECTS. . . . JJTJFREKE k MESDELSSHOK , ARCHTITECH , Boom 14 , Creiguton Block.- A . T. LAR'iE. Jr. , Room 2. Crelghton Block. BOOTS AND SrlOES- JAMES DitiNE 4 CO , Fine Boots and shoca A Kood assortment of borne work on hand , cor. 12tU and Ilarney- .TH03 . ERICRSON , S. E. cor. OthandDongUaJ- OHN" , 60510th St. , mi. ufeclnres tc order good work at lur prices. Repulntt ; done BED SPRINGS.- J. . . F. LARRtilER, AUnutaiturar. TlBachers'Blfc. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIOHE ! y- J.. I. FRUEUAUr , JQlS Faraham fctrcet.- B . nE AND EGG- SUc3HAKr&SCUBOEiE.lheolde'tB. - . andE.- h . iiue in Nebraska , lei lb"o , Omaba.- B3ARDINC . CENTRAL MRB. A. UYAJT. southwest cor. ICth ind l ilge. Best Boird for tre Moner- .SUisfucli.u . Uuuaatee- d.2uliatalHonn. . . Boitd by uie D y, Week or Month. Goad Term * for Cish. . Furnisbed Koonn'-upp'i'd. _ CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM.SKTUEf , No. 1319 l lh n.l llarncy St CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- AKDRKW - KOsr-WATi-R , 1510 F nihim St. Town Surveys , Orale and Sewertge Sjttemaa COMMISSION MERCHANTS- .JOQN . Q. WILLIS , 1411 Bodje Street B. fiEEMEU , For detalla see Urge Advertise CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST A FR T CHLR , Manutacturers of C cars and Who esale D aluia in TO'J.CCO1305 Uaug- W.r. LORES ZEN. iranuficturer , Ell 10th St. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Workr , Unnufactnreis Iron Corui e, TSu , Irou and Slate I'.ooEuc. Orders Irom any loouity romi tly exevutcd in the bas * manner. Factoiy ind Office iSlO I > c0ge btreet. Galvanized Iron COIDICCB , Window caps , etc. manufactured and put tip in any part of the country. T fclNO LD. 418 lliirtcenth fct- .CROCKERY. . . J. BO.VNER, 1309 Ucu lai St. Good Line. CLOTHING ANDFURNISHINGGOODS- GF.O. . II. FE1EISOX. Also Bate , Cupf , Boots. Shoes , l otioaB and Cutlery , 801 & 10th ht. CLOTHING BOUGHT.- C. . . SHAW will pay Lgbeit caab price f r Second- hand do hinc. Coiner l tli and Farnbam.- DENTISTS. . . DR. PAUL. Williiinn1 BlocV, Cor. 15tb & T odee DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS- .KUUN . & CO , Phirmaclsts , Fire Fancy Goods , Cor. ICth am- O uglas Streets.- W. . . J. WDITEUOUSE , Wholesa'e i RcUIl.10 St.- C. . . C. FIELD , S022 Noith Side Ciimlnc Street.- M. . . PARU , Drugtisl , 10th nd Ho yard Si.i DRY GjODS. NOTICNS. ETC- JOHN H. F. LKHMAIsN&CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Fam him street J. C. Enewtld , a'ao tojtt & shoes ,7 tb & Pacific FURNITURE.- A. . . F. GROSS , vcw and Second Hand Furniture and btorcs , 1111 Douglas. E. 0. Turf-eon Aft.- J. . . BOXNEK , 1309 Douglas St. Fine Goods , ic. FENCE WORKS UMAUA * ENCE CO- .GCST. . . FRIES & CO. , 12.3 Harney St. Improv. oil Ice Uoxcs, Iron and Weed Fei-cea , Vfflc * Killings , Counters of Pin * > nil Walnut. FLORIST.- A . , Douaehuc , plant" , cu flowers , seeds , boquets- e'c. . W. W. cor IGih n l Po-glm "U.- FOUNDRY. . . JOHN Wfr'ARKE & ao.NS.cor. MthiJacVsonst.G- ROCERS . - Z. STEVENS 21st betwo < n Cumin : and Izard. T. A. MoSHAKE , Corner 3d aid Comics Sts.- HATTERS. . . W. L. PARRJTTE & CO. , 1806 Douglas Street , Wholesale KiclusJTely. HARDWARE IRON AMD STEEL DDLAN i LiKGWORTHY, Wholesale , 110 and IIS 15th t. A. HOLMES , corner 16th xnd California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C.- E. . . B. WEIST , 32 13th at. , bcl Farn. & Bar HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get TOUT Straw , Chip and Kelt Hall done up at northeast corner bcrtnteentu and Capitol WM. DuYE , PKOP HOTELS CAKFIKLD HOUSE , Oto. Canfield , 9th & Farn. DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 FarnhamSt.- 8LATEITS . HOTEL , F. Slaven , lOih Street. Southern Hot.l. "m Pam. 1 9 hi. Leacenworth INTELLIGENCE OFFICE.- MRS. . . L1ZZIS DrC.ST , 217 ICih Street.- JUNK . JEWELERS JOHNBAUMrK , 1311 t ainham Street. - H. BERTnOLD. Ka.-n * nd Vrtals. LUMBER , L ME AN3 CEMENT FOSTER iGUAi , coiner GhanJ DoujlwSts. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. PONNER ISO! ll.ucl.s St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- G. - . A. LlNDQUfSr , One of our m st popular Merchant Tailors is re- ceiving ¬ the latest derigni for princ aud Pnru- merQoodsfori.'cni'em-n'gucsr. Sly'isb durable andprlctK 1 wa ver.glS 'Sthbt. Dmie 4Fr. MEAT MAnKETS- Tbe - Boston Market.- MOflLE& . JESTER, Fresli nd Cured Meats , Game , Fish , Poaltrr. Kt . 2020 Cumin ; S'reeLM- ILLINERY. . 3J MRS. C. A. RIKCER , Wholcjila and Retail , Fancv Goods In preatariety , Zepbyrs , Card Hoards , Ilo-lcrr , gloves , corsetv , 3 Cheapest 3I HOUFB in the West. Ihurchasrra Bive SJ per cent. Order by MaiL 115 Fifteenth . 1 MILIS- OMAtlACITViHLLS - 1I , 8th and Farnham Sts. 1I 1I Wel'harg Ur" .nn.prietra PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. - I . S. GIBnSM. D. , Room No. 4 , Crel'hton BlockUth Street.- P. . I . S. LSISENRING , M. D , Masonic Block.- L. . I . HART , il.D. , Ej-o and Kar.opp.po t fflco- DR. I . L. T3 ORADDY.- Ocull . I t and Anritt , llth r d tonc'a ' street *. PHOTOGRAPHERS 1r 1i GEO. HtlA , 1UOf. Grand Central Caller ), i 212 Mneenth Street neir MkjonlcEvll. FirjtclissWorkandPrompt- nesg - i Uuaran'ccd. F T PLUMBING , CAS AKD STEAM FITTING W TARl'Y Jt CO , 216 12th St. , bet. Fam- I ham i. Dooglas. Work promptly attended to.- D. . I . FITZPATRICK , 1103 Donelis Street. I PAINTING AMD PAPER HANCIKC- IIEN'UY q A. KOalE a.H12 DoJre Street r FLAKING MIL- LA.UOYER - , manufacturer of sash, doors , blinds , moMincs , i cweis , liJusers , band rails furnish- Inc. - . scroll rawlrc. 4C. . cor 'Podte ind 9th sts. PAWNBROKER ROSENTELD , 32210tb S : . bet. Fa n. &Har. REFRIGERATORS CANFIELD'S PATENT F. GOODMAN. 1 th St.. bet. Farn. & Bar. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O. J. WIL1)- B.Uanuticturrrrnd . Dealer la U kinds of Show Caset , Uprifh Case * A.C. , 1317 Cass St. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. - . BORMESTEE , , Dealer In Stoves antl Tinware , and Manufacturer Tin Roofs and all kinds ot Buildinr Work Odd Fellows' Block. BOKNERlS09Douc. St. Go.d nd Ch ap. SEEDS EVAKS , Wholesale and Retail Seed (Drills ind Cultivators. Odd FeUows Hall. SHOE STORES. , 133 Farnham tt. bet. 13ih & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE EKK1N'S & LEArt , 141C Donjlxs bU , Nev and Second Hand Furniture , Htuse Fnrnishin ; jpoda. &e. bonrht and sold on narrow maTrin *. SALOONS RESBY KAUFMANS , the ten brick block on Dooilis Street , has jut opened a most elegant deer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 13 every <Ur.- FLANNEBY . , Farnham. next to the B. & tf. htadqrurtera , reopened a ceat ani comp * to establish , ntnt which , narnnir MBE , a 4 blotter hip- on'i - Propbecr. .ill baopalfb the bojs with Hot Lunch on and afUr pros ut "ite.'- Caledonia. . . " J. FAtCOfER , 673 Uth Street UNDERTAKERS mAS. RIEWE. IQli Faroham bet lOtn fcllth 99 CENT STORES 3ENBY YOHLUAN , toy *, ootlon". rictnrea , tlrr. &c , 513 Uth bet. Farnham Douglas. 0. BACKUfl, 120i Faroham .tt. fanefoods. { . 1 I I * , 1 ] ] ] ] 1 1i i 1i i ( cc J ( Cc Cc c I c ( ( ( cI 1I 1 a . : er he ill In tl'l. * ' ShewEH- Snllivan Shields James Jno Smith Cristin- Steven Smith Cor- Skinner - Joe W J- Stoughlon Slatter Jo 0 Avon Swift Fred Salterheck Clans Staler MH- Salterbeck Sinclair Thos- Sbehan Cha- sSacketFAA Jno Spencer Frank Smith Jas- Scbneiderwind SweizyT W- Sieven 0- Schanmzn Jno- Sueade Leon J B- Shenk Saelemire H B- Snllivan Aug Slav Smith Abigah- Shaughnessy Simpson Jaa T- Siefken Simpson W F Adol- fShanger Straight Wm A N- Sherircod SchlickEI- Sprnhan E H- Jas Martin SjMttEHsha- Schillenburg Smith J E- Spellman J AI- Schmid Smith JT- SissmSN Jno- Sbehan Jno (2) Swift PH . Smith J J.- Spellman . Stongbreaker F T W J Smith W H- SuIIivsn Smith flBI- Snllivan Mike Dan Sternnee LJUIS Seymore Wm- Siwland Sleeper E N- Selbig Peter- SouthordJP B F Smith Irvin- Sterricker Spencer W H- Sparling Thos F M Smith 0 8- StarirgG Smith laaac A Scott AF Sanders JK- Schriner Smith W U- Stor Jacob- Storudeven Wm J H Skew Jas J- Striblinjr Shields J H Wm Smith Jaa- Swalne Shaw G W R W Stout B F Sheldon F T- Shipman Shields Hugh JP Suiton W H- 3avage Sullivan J H Q H- Sharpless Shields Jas 2 0 B- Sepuler Sanford S W R Store G- Spellerberg Store Gut- Shannon Wm- Sweudby Jas- scherb AH- Sievers Ignace- Bievera Wm- Spoth Theodora Frank Sclachter Joe Smith Geo- Schnallenberg Snermau S C- Tenery FH E F Troy Thos Taylor JST- hroelick Taylor Henry E To bin MH Turner Jas 1- Timmons Tex Mike- Tronklev J W- Trau'han Herman M- Tirams Taylor J E- Tinnell M T AM Taylor J G- Twitchell Taylor J T- Tibbjlls D G W- Tieben Tuttle Archibald Herman TisherB- TisherN Tisher A- Thompson GW Tibbatts Chas Taylor B M Tour Frnk- Turpin Throne J H- Tennerv Z k L A Turner Wm- Thorap Troy Mike onB- TisherZsch Tuttle Arch Taffo John Turtle Wm- Trofley Trout Bfn- Thomas Wm- Tobiu M 0 J C Taylor E A Tuttle J M- Traill TomllnsonEF- Toozer DB- Truckey A R - Theo Tear Frank Traill Jas- Vicry Tomsott Isaae- Vanderford 0 G- Vanderford J- Vertz Alex J B- Vickery Vanness R G- Vess Jas Ira- Whalen Mikel Wells F- Wheaton Waters Jas- Wharton Porler Jas Weld A J Williams DR White Wm- William Weeks Chas- Weckback WH Wm- Winslade Wood Ohas J E Walker P A- Wedell Williams S C W- Weitmore Whitney Alex 0 Waller T 0 B Wright J W Williams 0 G- Whalen Weaver G J J H- Wever Walters 0- Weatherford H E N Word P- Wesley Webber J M E Warner E S- Woodard Wilson J R Martin Wade Thos Wnitehorn W J- Westphal White Jesse , ir Gee Wilkins Ohas Weitzel A Wallace Frank Wallace JB- WabhMS Weitzel Albert Walker AnJrew Williams J H Wilde A G- Wakefield Williams John S WtMfel J C Wilder Chas Wroth A S- Whiternarsh Walker A B- Weizer J W Jaa- Whalen Wood 0 S- Washington J A Lewis Wadaworth- Walch Thos- Williams Webster G A , Dan Waters , R H- Wuethrich White , James , John White , H E Williams , J M- Woodworth White ,C D , L D- Wilkey Whitney , E B , John- Westerdahl Wright , E R , 0 J Walker , A B- WHIard Walker , G M- Willhipe I , 0H , JO White, J A- Yelverton Woodman , D W.- S. . , John . WAKKFIELD , Registrar 6ih Ward.- A . Doctor DorrlcJEed.I- AS . Yeff a Optic. at Raton City is certainly a hard place for doctors. Soraehoir or other their constitutions are too frail for the climate , 'and they wither like the geranium and leave an odor behind- .It . was not more than four months ago that Dr. C ilomuu , of Newton , KB. , D. or thereabouts , started west and brought up at Rton City , where be- oporud a drug nhop. The bad blood of the citizans- hod not cooled off after hanging the bad Washington before the new P. doctor put in an appearance , and they were inclined to look upon him with suspicion. They < * atched that new physician as a cat watches a mouse , and whan they caught him in flagrant proximity to a certain car ¬ penter's wife the spirit of the wind became much troubkd , and the hear'a- of the g od people uf the burg stood still while they waited for the bolt they knew would break out over ¬ w head. An indignation meet- ing ¬ was held , resulting in of the detailing of a committee to wait npon Mr. Sawbones and invite'him to of leave town. The committee perform d its doty , and so completely carried D oat the designs of the citizens that ; Coleman asked for tw n y-Jonr t urs only in which to leave town. Theyj were willing to grant six hours , bat no more. When the train arrived from the vaat Coleman was at the de- pot ¬ and boarded the can like a little man. To a fellow-passenger on the way down Coleman stated that ll ton didn't bid fare to become much of a- plae , and he had thought it expedient to go into the lower coun- try ¬ and start in anew , He cleverly concealed the main prompter npon which he was acting , and showed a disposition to give no light - S"to_ where he would locate. Raton City stands In need of a physician ] one who an behave himself , and who has such clearness of conscience that the ihoaght.of hemp ropes will not hamp ¬ his desire to carry on BTlegitimate- sractlce. . If there is a virtuous phy- tician in the -west , let him go to Raton Dity. Brother Gardner's 'Ume Kiln Gltib Detroit Free Press. , "Djan1 be too good , " said the old man , as ha crossed his hands nnder bis coat-tails. "I advise you to bo- ijood , but not gooey good. When a , man reaches aarttn Use oL goodness will have do ro spect an * esteem of lay who meet him ; orfnns will , bless > him aa1 Trlddera will pr y for him. IB When he crosses ober dat llnajhe will pray fur de poo1 wid one h nS an' me lend money at 15 per cent wid de od- aer. - On- to . He will shed tears foYhll nay- bur's - wo s, but leave six inches of snow on his sidewalk fur de public to i. wade frew. His chin Trill quiver when ha speaks ob de poo" * heathen7 Africa , bnt h own boys will play base ball in de alley on Sunday. Ha will weep obec de need of moro orfnn- isylums , but he won't put' ' I down a shllliu1 In m-uey. He will talk chuti'y by da huur , and iihirga a br y fifty cents for breakin' a two shil- ling ¬ pane of gists. I doan' want nu'- I fin' to do wid a too good man. When I know a man to be wickad I know how i to take him. When I know him tj ! be a goody-goody man my only afety- am to let him alone. Wnen you meet a man who am distressed ober the gineral wickedness of do world , doan' you lend him any money without go d- security. . When you meet a man who ' an' rubs his hands says 'ah' 'an 'urn , together an' rolls up his eyes , doan1- ch llenga him to trade horse * . Find me a man who weeps bekase de rorld- hain't better an1 I will show you a man who makes his own home un ¬ happy- ."It . am da belief of a man who has put in sitty-two y'ars of life on dis planet dat it am wass to be too good dan it am to be too wic < ed. Da law will seen get hold of da too wicked , but de too good can't be cotched. My sort of a goad man am one who respects de churoh , bnt am not cir'd away wid- it , who will give dollars to his poor naybnr8but not scent to the heatnen , who neber sees de need if reform widont reformin1 his own habits to begin vid, who borrona money iu a business way an1 lends money on de same plan , who speaks well of religion , but who hates de hypocrits. Gin me- a man who pays his debts , speaks de- truf' in his dealins' , lets whuky alone , usus his family right an' takes de aide of de old an" poe an' do young an" weak , in de battle of life , an * I doan keer what his religious faith am , or whether ho has any at all. He's de man to tie to , an' if ho doan reach heaben all- odder sorts o' men will atan' a mighty ilim show. " Given up by the Doctora. Where doctors have failed to cure , and have given their pr.tients up tu die , Electric Bittera have often b > en- nsed , and a care effected , greatly to the astonishment of all. Diseases of- he * Stomach , Liver , Kidneys and Urinary Organs are positively cured by Electric Bitters. Tnay invariably cure Constipation Headache and nil Bilious Attacks. Try them , and be convinced that they are the best med- icine ¬ ever uaed. Sold by all drngciita- at fifty cants a bottle. ( (3) ) Stop that Cough- .If . you are suffering with a Cough Cold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing so much excitement by irs wonderful cures , caring thousands of hopeless cases. Over a million bottles of Dr- .King's . New Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance.- We . can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections , and can cheerful- ly ¬ recommend it to all. Call and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for § 100. Ish & McMahon , Om- aha. ¬ . ( (3) ) EacKien'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cots , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rhonm , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- ed ¬ Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satiafac- tlod - In every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. Kor sale by- 8dly Tsh & McMahon Omaha , REGISTRATION NOTICE. bTATB Or NEBRASKA , ) DOCOMS to Mr , ) B- SNotice's - ' hereby given to the ilactors of the Fourth Ward. City ol Omaha , thitl will elt in the store of James Fersyth north ten coiner f- 10th and Utpitol Arena * on Monday , Tuesday ant'' Wedne dav , IHrch 2Sti , 29th and SOtlj , and Friday. Siturdat and llondiy, April 1st , 2nd and US , 133' , for the purpose of. registering tbo elector * of laid waJ for c ty e ectlon to be held on the 'th dy ef April , 183 ! . One Notice is hereby given , that , a New List of the electors will have to be m l-i. owing to the changes nrule in tbe ward boundary , a d- tbt electors will govtm thetrsolvt-s accoroinirly- .In . wi nets where f , I hereunto Bet my bund this 18th day of Ifflrcb , "A. l . " 1851- .JOHNS. . . WOOD, mlOtoaS Registrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. THIRD WARD. All voters n rth of Howard street , on t of )5th street and south of Davenport wi I take notice , lit s rcgis rar of raters at my office , nort- heutcoiier - of 74th and Douglas strseti ( Vo- .lS24)nphta . ) s , on March 21st and Ma ch th , and Apr ! ' 4tn , 1581 , for retl tntion and cor- rection ¬ of 3rd ward rotan WM. II HIUEV , m2.toa4 Registrar Srtl Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE.DO- UOLAB . ' OCKTT , j83' Notice is hereby yiriu t j thu local votara of- th ) First W-ird. City of Oinitu , that I wi 1 sit the office of Siaren's Hotel on Tenth ttroe'.on- Mindny. . "no day , WeJne diy a iJ Tliu-tda- , March 28th , 29th , 30th and 31 , .n.l F < id y inil- Sitatday , April lit ad 2m' , for ibe purp ha of- regUtetinjf the rnte g of Slid ward. A new list will be made , and all rotors o' sail ward are re- quested ¬ to > ppear | oraona'ly ' , that their names may be properl. restored. Witness my hand this day of March , ' A. 18 1. t. M. STEN'BnUU , m 210t HcsUtrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. . ' NEBIMSKA , DOCOLAS COBNTT , f a Is Notice is hereby given tint I will sit ac the U. Bakery , on Uth street , on Thursday , Mar , h- Sis' , 1SS1 , for the i urpoee of reghterinrtho lec- tors ¬ of the 6th War .8C1IUYLER 1. WAKEFIELD , rm9-toa2 Registrar 5th Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE. SIXTH WABD. Notice Is hereby given to the leffilotors of > the > ixth Ward of ti o City of Omaha , that I in ll fit nt my ftrre , Ne > . 2022 Cumioir stree' , lictweon 20th and 21st s'rc3'r, on Tnotday, WedIKB'ay , Thursday , Saturday ami Monday , Match r9t'i ' , 20th , 31-t , ind April 2d ant ] 4th , for 'he purpose of rezistcrin ; the Totcrsof sain- ward. . A new list will t> em 1e , and all voters ea d ward ira r rfeated tu nppejr in person that their nemo may be propoily rcglsto'od. Witness my hand this 23th dy cf March , A. , 183L C. C. FIELD, D.2S61 Rigli'rtr. ' WROUGHT IRON FEHGES. ' cal Wire fendn ? and Railinr1 n Ppedallty. Their hoautr , permanence and economy daily working the extinction of aU fencing cheap material. Elegant in de len. Indestructible 0 ? Fences for Lawiu , Public O rounds uid Ceme- tery ¬ : Plate. Iron Vaaea, Lawn Setteea , canopied and nf rustic patterns ; Chain and every description of iron and Wire ornamental work designed ami ' manufactured by E T. BABNU1T3 Wire and- Iron Work , ' 7,29 and 31 Woodward Ave , De- troit ¬ , Mich Sflnrt'n ' -* tuloirno anil SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ¬ ER'S SALE.- By . nt vlrtne of an order of fale iuned out of the District Court , In and Ijr DuUg'as County , he- jrasia. - . tnd to me directed , I will , on ihc 8th of April , A. D. 1681 , t 10 o'clock a m. of aid day, at the south djor of the Comt Uou-o the c ty of Omab * . Donzl B C nnty , Ne- raska - ind , sell at public auction the ororwrty ae- icrib - d insaJJ order , to w.t : Lot.lx0in ) block hundred an' eerei ty-one ( (171) ) , in th ) citr of ha, Donglti County , fceb aika , together 'ith ail theappnrte.acc:* th-ieucto belontinj , a U-fy a Judgmsnt of fald court recovered by Perdlnand 8treltz , p'alntUT , and against Andrew Orchard , et. al. defendant.W. r . SIIIEKAL , n'l-H Speclil Uutir Coa mlcsioncr. DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE For One Tear. CHANGING CiRSJK- UWII5 OMAHA AM ) CHICAGO , Wheie Dire ct connection ! are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Bet n , Philadel- pliia - , Baltimore. Wash- install , AND ALJj EASTERN OITAE3. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for- Indianapolis.Cincinnati.Louis - ville. A.TD A FOI.NT3 IS IE1- TUE BESZ LINE Fc- RST. LOUIS . , Whore Direct Connections are made in the f UNION EPOT wi h Throuzh Sleeplau Car Line* for all Points S O TT TEC. The iVew Line for IDES IMIOIJSr ES- The Favorite Eoute for The unequaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourirtg , are as follows : 1ho celebrated Pollma'ievheel ; Palace Sleep- JDS - Can , tun only on this Line. C. , B. & Q- .Pjlac . * 1 rawinjf-Koom Cors , with Horton'i Jte- clinlnprCh - irs ho extra charge for Bents in Reclining Chairs The famous C.B.& Q. Palace Elnlnf Cars. Gorjeons Smoking Cars fltUd with Elegant HUh-Backed Ra'tan Kerolrfaf Cbiirs ( or the exclusive use of flrsf-tl&sspisjen- Steel Track and Superior Equipment , corn- lined with their Great Through Car Arrange- ment ¬ , nukes this , aboro all others , the faToritt Route to the East , South , and South-Eist. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort.- Throilfeh . Ticket * via thii Tele rated Line for sale at a'l ' offices In the United Statesand Canada. All Information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , &c , will be cheerfully given by apphintr to- JAIIESR.WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago.- I. . . J. POWfiR , _ Central Manager , Chi- cagoTUNE isso.K.O.- ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. . . , la the only Direct Una to- .ST. . . LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and th WEST.- 2To . change of cars between Omaha and Bt. LVrall and but one between Omaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & tt&stern Cities With lesa charges aud in advance of other lines. This entire line la equipped with Pollmaa'i Palace Sleeping Can , Palace 1)3 J Coac- hmtllllcr'a - Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated ItH * TOUR TICKET aTVla Xuiiaa City , St. Joseph anain * TJtn andflt.LccIs.'W- Tlcke's forulect all conpoa st&Uong in the ffost.- J. . . F. BARliARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Gen'l bnpt. , Gecl Pass , tt Ticket St. Jc WDh , lo. tit. Joaepb. Ho , W C. SUAC1IREST , TIdcat Agen. , lOJOFambiD Street , ANDYBORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Piae. AentOmaha. Gen'rl Acent , Oiraha- .BY . TILE USE O- PPH. . BOSANKO'S P8LE REMEDY.if- HERNAL. . . EXTERNAL , AND k ffCHING PILES meia ni once on the nppllfmUon of Pj rile Remedy , ffhlfh ncu t- Mfctly upon tlicpnrt * aHfected , lie TunioLtt , nllnylng the tat ill other remedies h Te BOted. Try U Ue no other , and tell mertta.DO NOT DE8.A7- nnil ( ho drnln on the j tem prodoo * rmonent dUoblllij- , bat bay It, TRY IT LOURED 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, eoU when yon can notobtalnltoflilin.m Till lend it , prepaid , onrecelptofprlc * r. Bovanbo'B Treatise OB Flic * acnt fire nppltsaUion. Add IE DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE CO. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE rhlslnalltutloa , located at Denver , Colorado , he Educational and Commercial center ot the Volt , la pro-emlnently the beet and moat practi ¬ ot its kind lor the ) MERCANTILE TRAINING -OF Young Men and Ladies.- Q. . . W. FOSTER , PicaJdent , D. W. OADY , Secreta.y- Tha moat irtonslre , thorough and complete natltntlon ol the kind ID the world. Thousands accountant ! and Busineai men , in tha prin- lpal dtiea and tewns of the United State *, owe ihclr gncccsa to our coarse ot tralnlm- r.fhe . Eisht : Kind of Education for Yonng Men and Ladies. Fins , now brick block , at Junction of threa- treet car linen. Elegantly fitted and fornUhod- ipsrtmcnta or the application of and carrying of our novel and BTrtemttlc methods oi BUSINESS TRAINING , Vonnj men who contemplate a bniinria lift, parent ] bavin ? sons to educate, are partlcn- arly - Is requested to lend for our n w Circular , It vhich will give tall Information aa to tend , k ondition ot entrance , etc. * Address G, W. POSTEE , President , of Denver Colorado as THE DAILY BEE the Latest Home and Tele- News of tb Day.- i . B - ut 4 5 ? - & < ti l * Jt % , r' FRITSCH'S PBFSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. She only existing remedy for every spe- .clcs . c.f Acute or Chronic Disease ot the Organs of Inspiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! rMIIS all-powerfnl vegetable preparaJ- L - tlon expels from the lungs and air pas- sages ¬ , the mucus and ruuco-pus produced bypi'lmonary Inflammation , heale the irruuicu iiieuturivkve. unu ZVUUTBIVB every organ which atlllies the breath of- Life. . It contains no stupefying poison , nnd it in all respects a healthful medi- cine. ¬ . Tha rapidity and certainty with Which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis- ease ¬ and discharges the cause from the system.Free and painless expectora- tion ¬ is the mode by which It relieves the lungs , chest and throat fromthebordens. which oppress them ; thru arresting Con- sumption and Bronchitis in the germ be- fore ¬ they reach the more dongarou * stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of OUT ell mate will find Fritsch's Prussian Cough Syi np a potent ally , and will assuredly win the fight by adhering ; strictly to this (Treat medicine. The CASES NOVON RECORD In which It has been administered with entire success aa a remedy for every va- riety ¬ of malady which affects the Be- spiratory - l unctlc , amount to more than FIVE THOUSAND it the present ( into , and yet tlie preparn : ion i only in the infancy ot Its useful ticsi. The great defect'of oil Cough Remedies hitherto Introduced la tha- ihoyare simply expuNory. Ilence they are useless ; lor unless the causes of the acrid serretions which are coughed uj are removednnd the ruptured , inflamei- or maturated surfaces healed and re- itorecl - to their natural tone , a cure Is impossible. FrHnch's Prussian Cough Sjrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and niuco-pus which are the con- icnuonce - of .LunglHvease , are thrown el- y > it , while at the name time It soothe * aud Invigorates the weakened tissues- ."LIFE . FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds, influenza , bronchia , dlfllculties , tightness of the chest .hoarse ¬ ness , sore throat , trachltls , inflamma- tion ¬ of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy nnd all disorders of apulmonarj nature , it has never been equaled Sola acents In America , BICHABDSOH ft CO , HL Louis , Mo. SOLD BY Ali DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONIVY 25 CENTS. 9t % F * . Sc- A new MK' hitherto cnknoirn remedy for al- alseaceK of the Kidneys , Bladder, and Urinary Ontana- .It . will poativ ely cure Diabetes , Oiavel , Drop- ay - , Crlzht'a Dboise , Inability to retain or expel thi Urine , Catarrh of the BladJcr , hl h cole roc and scanty rrine, Painful Drlnitln ; , LAiir BACK , General Wcakucsa. ' and all Fenvtle Com olalntg. It avoids internal medicines , 19 certain In It- eCccts and cnr s when nothing else can. For f ale hy all DnijrKiats or sent by mall free upon receipt of the price , 200. DAY > iEY PAD COPROP'RS , Toledo , O. S3"yoar &ddre-n for onr llttl * hook , Tow f tat S'lveJ. ' * * if IBM fir Tihi-t--- . SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC AW- DSt. . Paul & Sious City RAILROADS.- Tiit . Old Rtk bL Sioux. Ciiy 100 MILES SHORTEST IIODTE 1 From COUNCIL BLUFFS to- ST. . PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points to Northern Iowa , iiinnewti anil- Dakota. . This line is equipped with the Im- proved ¬ Wcctiushoarc Aitaaatlc Air Brakes and Ulller Platform Oocnl Bfffer. Add for SPEED , SAFETY AMD COMFORT la unsurpae&nl. Klejant Drawing hoom and SIo xiftu Ctrj , ' .ieJ tnK control ! xl * jy tbtcm pony , ran Through Without Change between un.uu i'aclflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St Paul. Trains leave the Union PactC * i-ii Dopul l Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. . reaching Siouz City at 120 p. ra. . and St. Pan ! at 11:05 a. m, makln- srjtarhU HOURS ts ADVANOT o ANT OTHIR Rouzx.- Retcrning . , leavr St. Picl at 320 fv m. , * r- rivLit - at Siouz C'ity at 1:46 a. m. , and TJn'.oc Pacific Transfer Depot , Cooncil BUUTo , at 4 JS a. m. Be sura that ycur tioLbts rca. ! via "H. C. P. R. R. ' F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , lllseourl Valloy , Iowa P.E.EOBINSOV , atfl-t. I Pssa. Agent.- J. . . H. O-BRYAN, aau Pa encer Avctr-t , Cotmdl BL ! | Gentle- Women Who want glossy , Inxnriant and wary tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use lYON'S KATHJLffiON. TMa elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont, arrests and cures gray- ness - , removes dandruff and itching, makes the Hair strong, giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau- tiful ¬ , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Eathairon. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GEEASECom- posed'argelyof powdered mica and isinglass the best and cheapest lubricator in the world. is the best becausei t does not earn , but forms highly polished surface over the ails , dotne away with a large amount of friction. U Is the cheapest becaosa vou need use but half the quantity in greasing your wazon that you won ! 1 any other axle grease made , and then run your wazon twice as laug. It answers eqoally well for Mill Gearing Ttreshlng Machine *, Buggies , tc. , as for wagons-Send fer roc * " Cyclopedia of Things Wortn Knowing. Mallod- CO. . , 31 MIOHIQAN AVBNOB.C- HICAGO. . . -Ask Your Dealer Ror It- oct2 I -TO KIDNEGBN is highly recommendad and unaurpaesed for Weak- er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright'a Disease , Loss of Baergy. Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising : from Kidney cr Bladder Diseases. Also for Yelloy Fever Blood and Kidnay Poisoning , in infected malarial sections.4- 3"By . :h dlstlllstlon ol a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT wo ha i discovered KIDNEOEXwhich acts f p cflcaUT ! on the Kidneys and Urinary Orjans , rtmotln ? injurious dtpoilta formed In the bUJdar and proventin ; any strilnfo ? , smartin ? senuticn heat or irritation in the membranous llrln ; of tha ducts or water pvcaje. It exciUs a healthy action in the Kidneys gim. I hi m strength , ilifor anirestorin ? these orjrans to a healthy condition , showing its effects on both the color and easy Qow of urine. It can bo taken at all times , hi all climates and undent ! circumstances without injuryto the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficulties It has a Tory pleasant and ane * bl tasta and flavor. It has been difficult to make a preparatioa containing positive oJurettc properties which wU'not nauseate , hut oe soceptabla to tha stomach Before taking any UTCI medicine , try a bottlt of KONEOEX to CLKiNSK h KIDNEYS from foul matter. Try it and y in will always usU t as a family medicine Ladle * especially will like It and Gentlemen willflnd KIDNEOEN the best Kidney Tonic v r tu dl NOTICE Fach botl'ex rs the siirnttnro of LAWRENCE i MARTIN , a'som Proprietary Oor tn- ment Stamp , which permiU KIDNEOEN to be BoU ( wi iout license ) 37 Krajj U. Grocers and Oth r Persons irerrwhere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for Genera ! and Family Use.- If . not found at your Drarp'itJnrarocers , we will snd a bottle prepaid to the nearest express office to you. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywher * Wholesale agenU In Omaha , STEELK. JOHNSON & CO. . will supply tha trada at manulactnp- rices. . IT IS- A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead- ily - . and rapidly increasing in pnblio lavor. The White Machine lastly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market , ,1 The White Oo. employ as agents men of in- tegrity - , and purchasers are always satisfied , - because they find everything just as repres- .1 .- 1ented. . Everybody should use this Machine. The . sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. * All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled . JOHN ZEHRUNG , ' Cor. Davenport anil 15th Sts. Omaha. THIS NEW ANB CORRECT MAP Proves toeyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'YI- s by all odds the best road for yon to take -when traveling In cither direction between Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine this 3fap. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make dose connections with the trains ol all railroads at Junction points. CHICAGOL. % NQRTH-WfiSTfiRN RAILWAY ! THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , PTJTiT.IVTA'N' HOTEL DINING CAES.- M . _ - r * w " tmnr v u > umv i f * ***t .uiiai j . . " " lu3. Denver & California Line. " "Vflnona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Lino. " JouxC ty Nor.Nebraska&Yankton : JJne."CWcao ! , St. Paul and Minneapolli tine. 5f'i .nols' Frecport & Dnbuquo Line. " "Milwaukee. GrecnBay & Lake Superior Line. " Tickets oter Oils rosa are sold by all Coupon Ticket jigenta m the United States and Kcraember to ask for Tickets via this road , be sure they read over It , and take none other. MAEVIS ncaniTT , Genl Manager , Chicago. W. H. STK3SETP , Genl rasa. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. OOEL , Tick-t A< ent C. &N. W. Railway , llth anUIFarnhazn Stretti.- II. . .E KIMBALiTj. As ixtantT.rket Aecnt C & X. W. RailwayUth and Farnham Street *. J. BELL. Ticket rentC. & N. W. Railway , UP. R. K. Depot- .JAMMS . T. CLARK 'Oenenl Ae n > . , BEPSSSiO , FEATdERS And EverytMng pertaining tohi frj-nitore &- nUpholst i-y Tiade.- A . COMPLETE ASSOBTMEKT OF JfiEW GOODS AT .1 H! ap It th tat and 1230 Faniimni Stret * . utter 1001 FARNHAM , cor. ( O- fh.SPRING . ! CLOTHING ! j ; * - , '

Transcript of TV.R OMAHA FRITSCH' with the hnos cl...





616 Parnkam , bet. vth and 10th btrtett-TER1IS OF SUBSCRIPTION

1 Copy 1 je r, In advance postpaid ) 18.00" 4*°

8 month" " " 2.00



0, & K , n. t. li., 630 a. m , XtO: p , m0. B. A Q i 0 rn. , ! ; (0 p. m.-


.. S 1 a P. H. R. . &30 a, m. , 2Mp. m *

0A St. Joe : a. m.-


City & i' . 520 . m.-


. P. K.E. , ll0a. m.0. A R. V to Lincoli , 10 a m.-


. AM. H.R. . h:40 m.-


. k K. W. , 7SC a, m-


0. i . R. t. S11 ac.11 P.O. .0. 3. A Q. , 11 a. m. , S JO p. m-.C.F.

.I. i ? , 11 a.n. , 11 p. in,

0. ! i t Bt , 4oe. llfc.rn. , Up m.-


.. P. R. R. . I p m-


S. A. V. rroci Uncoln. 12:10 p. o-S.Ciy 4 P. , 11 a.m.-B.

.. i. d. In Veb.i p. m.

toes , nulls for States Iowa leave bat one*dsy, vis : 420 &. m-


12 to J p, m. Bandars.THOMAS F. HALL. Poetmifff.

Arrival And Dcpartnre ofTrains




Dally Eipirw 12:1 ! p.

. ,MUcJ.6:10 p. m-

.do. 125 p. m.


. 1:40 p, rr._8:16 a m. 12:20 a.m.-






. . .3:10: p. m. Express.10:30 a, a,Hall.6:00 a. m. Mill.103)0) p. m-


Sundays Exceptcd. Ezccptcd.-


. ROCK IBLANB S PACIFIC.Mall._ .6:00 a. m. I Mail.10:90 p. m,Cipro6S.J40 p m. I Express - 10:90 a. m.


..- . rOa.m.Mall| - 7.20p-H'

- ".press . . ..ttO pi m | Erpress -10:00 a. m-

Bnnday * czccpled.KANSAS CITY , ST. JoEkCOTJNCIL K DTri

.Mall. .80 a.m. I EzpreM.7: 0 . EU-

Ezpreaa . . .e 0rm. | Mall.7?* iln'The only line rnunine PuUman BleepUifOan

oat of Omaha te Union Depot.-







.. Arrive-

.rxprees._ .8.00i . m. 1 Fipreaa- 4SOr , m-

.Uued.. WOp m. | Mixed.10iSa. m-

B 4 H. R. ' SEI..UU KA ,

t Va. AhR VB ,ExpressB:50 m Krelgb-tFe'Rht' . . . 65i m | .



.._ 0:10 a in 1 Erprcss.10 0 a m-

bprera.B-iOpmlMi.7:20 p m-




..- U a. m. I Uallll:55 a. m-

Exprea..3lO: p. m. | Express.tSS p. m.BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R R.

Leave Omaha , dolly. 8 a. m. , B a. m , 10 a m. ,11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p. m , 5p. . m ,, 6 p.-


...Lrave Coundl Blnffs ; 8:25 a. m. , 8.5 a. m, ,

10.2S s. m. , 11S5 a. m. , IMS p m. , 2:26 p. m. ,! :2 p. m. , E:25 p. m. , 6A5 p. m.,Four trips on Sunday , learlns Omaha at 8 and 11-

a. . m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs tt B:2S ,11:25 a HL. and ZOS and 6:21 p. m.

Leave mahii-fl . m. , 7 a. ra. . 8:50: . m. , 1-

p. . m. t 50 p. m. , 7. 1 p m. ,Leave " >uncll BluC ' IB . m, , BM a. m. ,11 HO a.m. 6:25 p. m , 7.OJ ji m. , 7 0 p. m.

.Dally except Sunday. _OMAAA & REPUBLICAN TALLEY R. .



Mill. .10:45 a. m. , . p. m.




. EH II Jr.-


TrORVEV AT LAW 310 South Ihirteenth.& . St. , wjttt-


CHARLES POWELL,US! CEOr THEP1> CE orner 16th and

J"A. StfitRAL ,

A TTJiiNEY AT LA W Room 8 , CrelchtonA 8oc! . Uth fit. OMAHA. NEE.

t - 3. L THOMAS ,i TTORIlKr AT LAW fibans Lioney , buy-

iA and -Kilo real estate. Coox b Cre'.ghton-Blouk. .


A lilocX w> Ui Ceorr( R. PriUhttt , 15C8. ' . OMAHA. HER


A. i

. M. CKADYflGK.A'A. AT LAW OIBce 180t Famham

< 7 AWTER OSoe In Orol hton Blotk, next U-





XC'&RitK & fiARTLETT ,

Attorneys-at-Law,H 'T Duum Llo .triftoenth ani ? Famha-







' W. J. Oonneli , Jf Attorney-a tLa w.

Office : Front rooms , np slain. In HanBcom*!ofw brick building , N. W. corner ntteentb and

, , t rnhra Streets._CHAS K, KtMC-


." rhcttoe In al tthe Conns ol the Slate and the

& nited t 09. fffaa. r uhar St. ,O.mrt Uouw.

AT lAVT Uoom 6-

Block. . Hi ! . i' P. i. 1M strata. noMb-

S, F-



& HUNT ,

Aitoridya-ac-Law.rrtcn 215 South Fourteenth Street-



VOi 1OUVL-Uruatcuii Uibcovery of the AKO-


.- <lpu.roric tithrrrlah2Tebreani! de-

otner ttun R where S atA Cam eUyed-T iliron olt wlcit h < ornot ,Ii rU > h Ltt3 ii a mouutoii ; of mow-.Lut

.year en excursion Billed clear to the Pola

And suddenly dropped istowhut seemed llk fchoie PWhere vrondxrotwonilen they found a new land ,rflile Wry-uka bo n s ppe rod 01 e oh hind-.lncr

.wrr* mornUlua like oon. with more

boitUol (rrcen ,tnd J r brlcbtor kxics thi.i uvcr wore eccn,Birds with the hnos cl a rainbow wore (oood ,While Cowers ot eiqulflUi (nnnt were crow-

ing uonnd.Not long were thrj )et To vt ndr la dontx-A. beiusr noon came they bid heard much abcmt ,Twu b uta CUos' t U and th Uthey all cay,! l cked like the picture T eioe every day-.Ho

.drove up n tc* i that looked my queer ,

T 3 a team of imLShopMra instead of rcinU ur, J.He rode to a shell Inslcjul of a eielch ,Cut Le look thorn on lo rd and ornrf them


. C.ghoxoJ Tiiem ail over h vnxi + siial roaha,

And factonen nuking gooda tor women and menFurrier * wens trort'n on hata neat and p Tt ,To Eonce'a tber did they -wore Eenl > n them aU.Kris Glnclo , the Olove Maker.told them at once ,AU our Glove. , we arc xcnding to Bonce ,Santa allowed them snsponJars and many thl&fi


.I alse took those to (rlend Baacel gtor*.

Santa Claoa then whUpetvil a secret be'd tell,Ai la Omaha every one knew Bnnca veil , otHe therrfore ghpuid fond hil coo to Ota can,Knowing hirieuus ill fret their foil share,Now remunbtfye d Tellers In Omaha town, J.AU who waal prcscnU to Bcnce'i go round.For ihirta , couars , or elove trrca * uid mall ,Bend your tUter or annt one and alu-


, Champion Ttilar rl the Wect , DonjlU-et.. Omha




AT S r. x. , TOR

England , Franca and Q-armanyFor Paaaafe apply to-



. It. & CO.General Fauenrer Agenti ,61 Broadway , Nuvr York.




g. A-


UaDUtactnrer ot an Undi o-


i :NT E C3-

im- - ! '

St. Bet. i& and 101OX4.BA P.



ART EHPOnlUMS3. U. ROSffa &rt trnpanmn. 151B DoigoStrep t, Steel Enfrravingg , oil P ! ntin js , ChrumusKancr Fnmea , FramUgaS * aati.! Low prices.-J.

.. bOSXEU, IS09 DonU; bt. Good Styles.


.L. McCAGUE , oj'poeite pu<luffice.-


.. R. BARTLETF. 817 South 13th Street.-




Boom 14 , Creiguton Block.-


T. LAR'iE. Jr. , Room 2. Crelghton Block.


JAMES DitiNE 4 CO ,Fine Boots and shoca A Kood assortment ofborne work on hand , cor. 12tU and Ilarney-


ERICRSON , S. E. cor. OthandDongUaJ-OHN" ,

60510th St. , mi. ufeclnres tc order good workat lur prices. Repulntt ; done



. F. LARRtilER , AUnutaiturar. TlBachers'Blfc.


J.. I. FRUEUAUr , JQlS Faraham fctrcet.-



nE AND EGG-SUc3HAKr&SCUBOEiE.lheolde'tB.


. andE.-h

.iiue in Nebraska , lei lb"o , Omaba.-




MRB. A. UYAJT.southwest cor. ICth ind l ilge.

Best Boird for tre Moner-.SUisfucli.u



.Boitd by uie D y, Week or Month.

Goad Term * for Cish. .

Furnisbed Koonn'-upp'i'd. _CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS

WM.SKTUEf , No. 1319 l lh n.l llarncy StCIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS-


KOsr-WATi-R , 1510 F nihim St.Town Surveys , Orale and Sewertge Sjttemaa


.Q. WILLIS , 1411 Bodje Street

B. fiEEMEU , For detalla see Urge Advertise


WEST A FR T CHLR , Manutacturers of C carsand Who esale D aluia in TO'J.CCO1305 Uaug-

W.r. LORES ZEN. iranuficturer , Ell 10th St.CORNICE WORKS.

Western Cornice Workr , Unnufactnreis IronCorui e, TSu , Irou and Slate I'.ooEuc. OrdersIrom any loouity romi tly exevutcd in the bas *

manner. Factoiy ind Office iSlO I> c0ge btreet.Galvanized Iron COIDICCB , Window caps , etc.manufactured and put tip in any part of thecountry. T fclNO LD. 418 lliirtcenth fct-



.J. BO.VNER, 1309 Ucu lai St. Good Line.


Shoes , l otioaB and Cutlery , 801 & 10th ht.



.. SHAW will pay Lgbeit caab price f r Second-

hand do hinc. Coiner l tli and Farnbam.-




DR. PAUL. Williiinn1 BlocV, Cor. 15tb & T odee




& CO ,Phirmaclsts , Fire Fancy Goods , Cor. ICth am-

O uglas Streets.-W.


. J. WDITEUOUSE , Wholesa'e i RcUIl.10 St.-



. C. FIELD , S022 Noith Side Ciimlnc Street.-M.


. PARU , Drugtisl , 10th nd Ho yard Si.i


New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Famhim street

J. C. Enewtld , a'ao tojtt & shoes , 7 tb & Pacific



. F. GROSS , vcw and Second Hand Furnitureand btorcs , 1111 Douglas. E. 0. Turf-eon Aft.-J.

.. BOXNEK , 1309 Douglas St. Fine Goods , ic.



. FRIES & CO. , 12.3 Harney St. Improv.oil Ice Uoxcs, Iron and Weed Fei-cea , Vfflc *Killings , Counters of Pin * > nil Walnut.



, Douaehuc , plant" , cu flowers , seeds , boquets-e'c. . W. W. cor IGih n l Po-glm "U.-



.JOHN Wfr'ARKE & ao.NS.cor. MthiJacVsonst.G-



Z. STEVENS 21st betwo < n Cumin : and Izard.T. A. MoSHAKE , Corner 3d aid Comics Sts.-




1806 Douglas Street , Wholesale KiclusJTely.


DDLAN i LiKGWORTHY, Wholesale , 110 andIIS 15th t.

A. HOLMES , corner 16th xnd California.



. B. WEIST , 32 13th at. , bcl Farn. & BarHAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY.

Ladies get TOUT Straw , Chip and Kelt Hall doneup at northeast corner bcrtnteentu and Capitol



CAKFIKLD HOUSE , Oto. Canfield , 9th & Farn.DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 FarnhamSt.-


HOTEL , F. Slaven , lOih Street.Southern Hot.l. "m Pam. 1 9 hi. Leacenworth



.. L1ZZIS DrC.ST , 217 ICih Street.-




JOHNBAUMrK , 1311 t ainham Street.


H. BERTnOLD. Ka.-n *nd Vrtals.

LUMBER , L ME AN3 CEMENTFOSTER iGUAi , coiner GhanJ DoujlwSts.


PONNER ISO! ll.ucl.s St. Good Variety.



. A. LlNDQUfSr ,One of our m st popular Merchant Tailors is re-ceiving


the latest derigni for princ aud Pnru-merQoodsfori.'cni'em-n'gucsr. Sly'isb durableandprlctK 1 wa ver.glS 'Sthbt. Dmie 4Fr.



Boston Market.-


JESTER, Fresli nd Cured Meats ,Game , Fish , Poaltrr. Kt . 2020 Cumin ; S'reeLM-


MRS. C. A. RIKCER , Wholcjila and Retail ,Fancv Goods In preatariety , Zepbyrs , CardHoards , Ilo-lcrr , gloves , corsetv , 3 Cheapest 3I

HOUFB in the West. Ihurchasrra Bive SJ percent. Order by MaiL 115 Fifteenth . 1



, 8th and Farnham Sts. 1I1I

Wel'harg Ur" .nn.prietraPHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS-



I. S. GIBnSM. D. , Room No. 4 , Crel'htonBlockUth Street.-


. I. S. LSISENRING , M. D , Masonic Block.-L.

. I. HART , il.D. , Ej-o and Kar.opp.po t fflco-



Ocull. I

t and Anritt, llth r d tonc'a' street * .


GEO. HtlA , 1UOf.Grand Central Caller) , i212 Mneenth Street

neir MkjonlcEvll. FirjtclissWorkandPrompt-nesg


W TARl'Y Jt CO , 216 12th St. , bet. Fam- Iham i. Dooglas. Work promptly attended to.-


. I. FITZPATRICK , 1103 Donelis Street. I


qA. KOalE a.H12 DoJre Street r



, manufacturer of sash, doors , blinds ,moMincs , i cweis , liJusers , band rails furnish-Inc.


. scroll rawlrc. 4C. . cor 'Podte ind 9th sts.PAWNBROKER


F. GOODMAN. 1 th St.. bet. Farn. & Bar.SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY

O. J. WIL1)-B.Uanuticturrrrnd


Dealer la U kinds of ShowCaset , Uprifh Case * A.C. , 1317 Cass St.



. BORMESTEE , ,Dealer In Stoves antl Tinware , and Manufacturer

Tin Roofs and all kinds ot Buildinr WorkOdd Fellows' Block.

BOKNERlS09Douc. St. Go.d nd Ch ap.

SEEDSEVAKS , Wholesale and Retail Seed (Drills

ind Cultivators. Odd FeUows Hall.

SHOE STORES., 133 Farnham tt. bet. 13ih & 14th.

SECOND HAND STOREEKK1N'S & LEArt , 141C Donjlxs bU , Nev and

Second Hand Furniture , Htuse Fnrnishin;jpoda. &e. bonrht and sold on narrow maTrin *.


RESBY KAUFMANS ,the ten brick block on Dooilis Street , has

jut opened a most elegant deer Hall.Hot Lunch from 10 to 13

every <Ur.-


,Farnham. next to the B. & tf. htadqrurtera ,reopened a ceat ani comp * to establish ,

ntnt which , narnnir MBE, a 4 blotter hip-on'i

-Propbecr. .ill baopalfb the bojs with

Hot Lunch on and afUr pros ut "ite.'-



." J. FAtCOfER , 673 Uth Street

UNDERTAKERSmAS. RIEWE. IQli Faroham bet lOtn fcllth

99 CENT STORES3ENBY YOHLUAN , toy *, ootlon". rictnrea ,

tlrr. &c , 513 Uth bet. Farnham Douglas.0. BACKUfl, 120i Faroham .tt. fanefoods.{ .






















tl'l. * '


Shields JamesJno Smith Cristin-

StevenSmith Cor-Skinner

- JoeW J-

StoughlonSlatter Jo 0

Avon Swift FredSalterheck Clans Staler MH-

SalterbeckSinclair Thos-Sbehan


Spencer Frank Smith Jas-ScbneiderwindSweizyT W-




J B-

ShenkSaelemire H B-

SnllivanAug SlavSmith Abigah-Shaughnessy

Simpson JaaT-

SiefkenSimpson W F


Straight WmA N-

SherircodSchlickEI-SprnhanE H-


Martin SjMttEHsha-SchillenburgSmith J E-



SchmidSmith JT-SissmSNJno-

Sbehan Jno ((2)) Swift PH .

Smith J J.-

Spellman. Stongbreaker F T

W J Smith W H-

SuIIivsnSmith flBI-Snllivan

MikeDan Sternnee LJUIS

Seymore Wm-

SiwlandSleeper E N-


B FSmith Irvin-SterrickerSpencer W H-


F M Smith 0 8-

StarirgGSmith laaac AScott AF Sanders JK-

SchrinerSmith W U-


StorudevenWm J HSkew Jas J-Striblinjr

Shields J HWm Smith Jaa-

SwalneShaw G W R WStout B F Sheldon F T-

ShipmanShields Hugh JPSuiton W H-

3avageSullivan J H

Q H-Sharpless

Shields Jas 20 B-

SepulerSanford S W

R Store G-

SpellerbergStore Gut-Shannon





SpothTheodora FrankSclachter Joe Smith Geo-

SchnallenbergSnermau S C-

TeneryF H

E F Troy ThosTaylor JST-

hroelickTaylor Henry

E To bin M HTurner Jas 1-

TimmonsTex Mike-TronklevJ W-



TiramsTaylor J E-

TinnellM T AMTaylor J G-

TwitchellTaylor J T-

TibbjllsD G W-

TiebenTuttle Archibald HermanTisherB-TisherN

Tisher A-

Thompson G WTibbatts Chas Taylor B MTour Frnk-Turpin

Throne J H-

TennervZ k L ATurner Wm-

ThorapTroy Mike


Tuttle ArchTaffo John

Turtle Wm-

TrofleyTrout Bfn-ThomasWm-

TobiuM 0

J C Taylor E ATuttle J M-


TruckeyA R -

Theo Tear FrankTraill Jas-

VicryTomsott Isaae-

Vanderford0 G-


VertzAlex J B-

VickeryVanness R G-



Whalen Mikel Wells F-

WheatonWaters Jas-Wharton

PorlerJas Weld A J

Williams DR White Wm-WilliamWeeks Chas-



Wood OhasJ E Walker P A-

WedellWilliams S C W-

WeitmoreWhitney Alex 0Waller T 0 B Wright J WWilliams 0 G-

WhalenWeaver G J

J H-

WeverWalters 0-

WeatherfordH E NWord P-

WesleyWebber J

M E Warner E S-

WoodardWilson J R MartinWade Thos Wnitehorn W J-

WestphalWhite Jesse , ir GeeWilkins Ohas Weitzel AWallace Frank Wallace JB-

WabhMSWeitzel AlbertWalker AnJrew Williams J HWilde A G-

WakefieldWilliams John

S WtMfel J CWilder Chas Wroth A S-

WhiternarshWalker A B-

WeizerJ W


Wood 0 S-

WashingtonJ A LewisWadaworth-Walch Thos-Williams

Webster G A, Dan Waters , R H-

WuethrichWhite , James , JohnWhite , H E Williams , J M-

WoodworthWhite , C D , L D-

WilkeyWhitney , E B , John-WesterdahlWright , E R , 0 J

Walker , A B-

WHIardWalker , G M-


, 0 H , JOWhite, J A-


Woodman , D W.-




Registrar 6ih Ward.-



Doctor DorrlcJEed.I-


Yeff a Optic. atRaton City is certainly a hard place

for doctors. Soraehoir or other theirconstitutions are too frail for theclimate , 'and they wither like thegeranium and leave an odor behind-.It

.was not more than four months ago

that Dr. C ilomuu , of Newton , KB. ,D.

or thereabouts , started west andbrought up at Rton City , where be-oporud a drug nhop. Thebad blood of the citizans-hod not cooled off after hangingthe bad Washington before the new put in an appearance , andthey were inclined to look upon himwith suspicion. They <*atched thatnew physician as a cat watches amouse , and whan they caught him in

flagrant proximity to a certain car ¬

penter's wife the spirit of the windbecame much troubkd , and the hear'a-of the g od people uf the burg stoodstill while they waited for the boltthey knew would break out over ¬


head. An indignation meet-ing


was held , resulting in of

the detailing of a committee to waitnpon Mr. Sawbones and invite'him to ofleave town. The committee perform dits doty , and so completely carried Doat the designs of the citizens that ;

Coleman asked for tw n y-Jonr t ursonly in which to leave town. Theyjwere willing to grant six hours , batno more. When the train arrivedfrom the vaat Coleman was at the de-pot


and boarded the can like a littleman. To a fellow-passenger on theway down Coleman stated that ll tondidn't bid fare to become much of a-

plae , and he had thought itexpedient to go into the lower coun-try


and start in anew , He cleverlyconcealed the main prompter nponwhich he was acting , and showed adisposition to give no light - S"to_

where he would locate. Raton Citystands In need of a physician ] one whoan behave himself , and who has such

clearness of conscience that theihoaght.of hemp ropes will not hamp ¬

his desire to carry on BTlegitimate-sractlce. . If there is a virtuous phy-tician in the -west , let him go to RatonDity.

Brother Gardner's 'Ume Kiln GltibDetroit Free Press. ,

"Djan1 be too good ," said the oldman , as ha crossed his hands nnderbis coat-tails. "I advise you to bo-ijood , but not gooey good. When a,man reaches aarttn Use oL goodness

will have do rospect an* esteem of laywho meet him ; orfnns will , bless >

him aa1 Trlddera will pr y for him. IB

When he crosses ober dat llnajhe willpray fur de poo1 wid one h nS an' melend money at 15 per cent wid de od-aer.


to. He will shed tears foYhll nay-bur's

-wo s , but leave six inches of

snow on his sidewalk fur de public to i.wade frew. His chin Trill quiverwhen ha speaks ob de poo"* heathen7

Africa , bnt h own boys will playbase ball in de alley on Sunday. Hawill weep obec de need of moro orfnn-isylums , but he won't put''

I down a shllliu1 In m-uey. He willtalk chuti'y by da huur , and iihirga abr y fifty cents for breakin' a two shil-ling


pane of gists. I doan' want nu'-I fin' to do wid a too good man. WhenI know a man to be wickad I know how

i to take him. When I know him tj! be a goody-goody man my only afety-

am to let him alone. Wnen you meeta man who am distressed ober thegineral wickedness of do world , doan'you lend him any money without go d-

security. . When you meet a man who' an' rubs his handssays 'ah' 'an 'urn ,

together an' rolls up his eyes , doan1-

ch llenga him to trade horse * . Findme a man who weeps bekase de rorld-hain't better an1 I will show you aman who makes his own home un ¬


.am da belief of a man who has

put in sitty-two y'ars of life on displanet dat it am wass to be too gooddan it am to be too wic<ed. Da lawwill seen get hold of da too wicked ,but de too good can't be cotched. Mysort of a goad man am one who respectsde churoh , bnt am not cir'd away wid-

it , who will give dollars to his poornaybnr8but not scent to the heatnen ,who neber sees de need if reformwidont reformin1 his own habits tobegin vid, who borrona money iu abusiness way an1 lends money on desame plan , who speaks well of religion ,but who hates de hypocrits. Gin me-

a man who pays his debts , speaks de-

truf' in his dealins' , lets whuky alone ,usus his family right an' takes de aideof de old an" poe an' do young an"weak , in de battle of life , an * I doankeer what his religious faith am , orwhether ho has any at all. He's deman to tie to , an' if ho doan reachheaben all- odder sorts o' men willatan' a mighty ilim show. "

Given up by the Doctora.Where doctors have failed to cure ,

and have given their pr.tients up tudie , Electric Bittera have often b > en-nsed , and a care effected , greatly tothe astonishment of all. Diseases of-

he* Stomach , Liver, Kidneys andUrinary Organs are positively curedby Electric Bitters. Tnay invariablycure Constipation Headache and nilBilious Attacks. Try them , and beconvinced that they are the best med-icine


ever uaed. Sold by all drngciita-at fifty cants a bottle. ((3))

Stop that Cough-



you are suffering with a CoughCold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever ,Consumption , loss of voice , tickling ofthe throat , or any affection of theThroat or Lungs , use Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption. This isthe great remedy that is causing somuch excitement by irs wonderfulcures , caring thousands of hopelesscases. Over a million bottles of Dr-.King's

.New Discovery have been used

within the last year , and have givenperfect satisfaction in every instance.-We


can unhesitatingly say that this isreally the only sure cure for throatand lung affections , and can cheerful-ly


recommend it to all. Call and geta trial bottle free of cost , or a regularsize for §100. Ish & McMahon , Om-aha.


. ((3))

EacKien'a Arnica SalveThe BEST SALVE in the world for

Cots , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , SaltRhonm , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp-ed


Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and allkinds of Skin Eruptions. This SalveIs guaranteed to glvo perfect satiafac-tlod


In every case or money re funded ,

Price 25 cents per box. Kor sale by-

8dly Tsh & McMahon Omaha ,



DOCOMS to Mr , ) B-


' hereby given to the ilactors of theFourth Ward. City ol Omaha , thitl will elt inthe store of James Fersyth north ten coiner f-

10th and Utpitol Arena * on Monday , Tuesdayant'' Wedne dav , IHrch 2Sti , 29th and SOtlj , andFriday. Siturdat and llondiy, April 1st , 2ndand US , 133' , for the purpose of. registering tboelector * of laid waJ for c ty e ectlon to be heldon the 'th d y ef April , 183 ! .

One Notice is hereby given , that , a New Listof the electors will have to be m l-i. owing tothe changes nrule in tbe ward boundary , a d-

tbt electors will govtm thetrsolvt-s accoroinirly-.In

.wi nets where f , I hereunto Bet my bund

this 18th day of Ifflrcb , "A. l ." 1851-


. WOOD,mlOtoaS Registrar.


THIRD WARD.All voters n rth of Howard street , on t of )5th

street and south of Davenport wi I take notice ,lit s rcgis rar of raters at my office , nort-


of 74th and Douglas strseti ( Vo-


) s , on March 21st and Ma ch th ,and Apr ! ' 4tn , 1581 , for retl tntion and cor-rection


of 3rd ward rotan WM. II HIUEV ,m2.toa4 Registrar Srtl Ward.




' OCKTT , j83'Notice is hereby yiriu t j thu local votara of-

th) First W-ird. City of Oinitu , that I wi 1 sitthe office of Siaren's Hotel on Tenth ttroe'.on-

Mindny. . "no day , WeJne diy a iJ Tliu-tda- ,March 28th , 29th , 30th and 31 , .n.l F < id y inil-Sitatday , April lit ad 2m'' , for ibe purp ha of-

regUtetinjf the rnte g of Slid ward. A new listwill be made , and all rotors o' sail ward are re-


to > ppear | oraona'ly' , that their namesmay be properl. restored.

Witness my hand this day of March , 'A.18 1. t. M. STEN'BnUU ,m 210t HcsUtrar.



IsNotice is hereby given tint I will sit ac the U.Bakery , on Uth street , on Thursday , Mar , h-

Sis' , 1SS1 , for the i urpoee of reghterinrtho lec-


of the 6th War.8C1IUYLER


WAKEFIELD ,rm9-toa2 Registrar 5th Ward.



Notice Is hereby given to the leffilotors of >the > ixth Ward of ti o City of Omaha , that I inll fit nt my ftrre , Ne >. 2022 Cumioir stree' ,lictweon 20th and 21st s'rc3'r, on Tnotday,WedIKB'ay , Thursday , Saturday ami Monday ,

Match r9t'i' , 20th , 31-t , ind April 2d ant ] 4th ,for 'he purpose of rezistcrin ; the Totcrsof sain-ward. . A new list will t>e m 1e , and all voters

ea d ward ira r rfeated tu nppejr in personthat their nemo may be propoily rcglsto'od.

Witness my hand this 23th dy cf March , A., 183L C. C. FIELD,

D.2S61 Rigli'rtr.'




Wire fendn ? and Railinr1 n Ppedallty.Their hoautr , permanence and economy

daily working the extinction of aU fencingcheap material.

Elegant in de len. Indestructible 0 ?

Fences for Lawiu , Public O rounds uid Ceme-tery


Plate.Iron Vaaea, Lawn Setteea , canopied and nf

rustic patterns ; Chain and every description ofiron and Wire ornamental work designed ami 'manufactured by E T. BABNU1T3 Wire and-Iron Work , '7,29 and 31 Woodward Ave , De-


, Mich Sflnrt'n' -* tuloirno anil





vlrtne of an order of fale iuned out of theDistrict Court , In and Ijr DuUg'as County , he-jrasia.

-. tnd to me directed , I will , on ihc 8th

of April , A. D. 1681 , t 10 o'clock a m. ofaid day, at the south djor of the Comt Uou-o

the c ty of Omab * . Donzl B C nnty , Ne-raska

- ind, sell at public auction the ororwrty ae-


d insaJJ order , to w.t : Lot.lx0in) blockhundred an' eerei ty-one ((171)) , in th ) citr ofha, Donglti County , fceb aika , together

'ith ail theappnrte.acc:* th-ieucto belontinj ,a U-fy a Judgmsnt of fald court recovered by

Perdlnand 8treltz , p'alntUT , and against AndrewOrchard , et. al. defendant.W. r

. SIIIEKAL ,n'l-H Speclil Uutir Coa mlcsioncr.





Wheie Dire ct connection ! are Made With

Through Sleeping Car LinesTO

New York , Bet n, Philadel-pliia


, Baltimore. Wash-install ,



Indianapolis.Cincinnati.Louis -ville.



Whore Direct Connections are made in thef UNION EPOT wi h Throuzh SleeplauCar Line* for all Points

S O TT TEC.The iVew Line for

IDES IMIOIJSr ES-The Favorite Eoute for

The unequaled inducements offered by thisLine to Travelers and Tourirtg , are as follows :1ho celebrated Pollma'ievheel ; Palace Sleep-JDS

-Can , tun only on this Line. C. , B. & Q-


* 1 rawinjf-Koom Cors , with Horton'i Jte-clinlnprCh

-irs ho extra charge for Bents in

Reclining Chairs The famous C . B. & Q. PalaceElnlnf Cars. Gorjeons Smoking Cars fltUdwith Elegant HUh-Backed Ra'tan KerolrfafCbiirs (or the exclusive use of flrsf-tl&sspisjen-

Steel Track and Superior Equipment , corn-lined with their Great Through Car Arrange-ment


, nukes this , aboro all others , the faTorittRoute to the East, South , and South-Eist.

Try it , and you will find traveling a luxuryInstead of * discomfort.-


Ticket * via thii Tele rated Line forsale at a'l' offices In the United Statesand Canada.

All Information about Rates of Fare, SleepingCar Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , &c , will becheerfully given by apphintr to-

JAIIESR.WOOD ,General Passenger Agent , Chicago.-


. J. POWfiR ,_Central Manager , Chi-



.. ,

la the only Direct Una to-




.change of cars between Omaha and Bt. LVrall

and but one between Omaha and Now York.SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS

Eastern & tt&stern CitiesWith lesa charges aud in advance of other lines.

This entire line la equipped with Pollmaa'iPalace Sleeping Can , Palace 1)3 J Coac-


Safety Platform andCoupler and the celebrated

ItH* TOUR TICKETaTVla Xuiiaa City , St. Joseph anain


TJtn andflt.LccIs.'W-Tlcke's forulect all conpoa st&Uong in the


.. F. BARliARD , A. C. DAWE3 ,

Gen'l bnpt. , Gecl Pass , tt TicketSt. Jc WDh , lo. tit. Joaepb. Ho ,

W C. SUAC1IREST , TIdcat Agen. ,lOJOFambiD Street ,


Piae. AentOmaha. Gen'rl Acent , Oiraha-







ffCHING PILESmeia ni once on the nppllfmUon of Pj

rile Remedy , ffhlfh ncu t-Mfctly upon tlicpnrt * aHfected ,lie TunioLtt, nllnylng the tat

ill other remedies h Te BOted. Try UUe no other , and tell

mertta.DO NOT DE8.A7-nnil (ho drnln on the j tem prodoo*

rmonent dUoblllij- , bat bay It,


ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT,eoU when yon can notobtalnltoflilin.mTill lend it, prepaid , onrecelptofprlc *r. Bovanbo'B Treatise OB Flic* acnt fire

nppltsaUion. Add




rhlslnalltutloa , located at Denver , Colorado ,he Educational and Commercial center ot theVolt , la pro-emlnently the beet and moat practi ¬

ot its kind lor the )



Young Men and Ladies.-



. W. FOSTER , PicaJdent ,

D. W. OADY, Secreta.y-

Tha moat irtonslre , thorough and completenatltntlon ol the kind ID the world. Thousands

accountant ! and Busineai men , in tha prin-lpal dtiea and tewns of the United State*, owe

ihclr gncccsa to our coarse ot tralnlm-



Eisht: Kind of Education for

Yonng Men and Ladies.

Fins , now brick block , at Junction of threa-treet car linen. Elegantly fitted and fornUhod-ipsrtmcnta or the application of and carrying

of our novel and BTrtemttlc methods oi


Vonnj men who contemplate a bniinria lift,parent ] bavin? sons to educate, are partlcn-

arly- Is

requested to lend for our n w Circular , Itvhich will give tall Information aa to tend , k

ondition ot entrance , etc.* Address

G, W. POSTEE , President , of

Denver Colorado as


the Latest Home and Tele-

News of tb Day.-



B -ut 4 5 ?

- & <ti l* Jt% , r'



She only existing remedy for every spe-.clcs

.c.f Acute or Chronic Disease ot

the Organs of Inspiration ,and an absolute


rMIIS all-powerfnl vegetable preparaJ-L-

tlon expels from the lungs and air pas-sages

¬, the mucus and ruuco-pus produced

bypi'lmonary Inflammation , heale theirruuicu iiieuturivkve. unu ZVUUTBIVBevery organ which atlllies the breath of-Life. . It contains no stupefying poison ,nnd it in all respects a healthful medi-cine.

¬. Tha rapidity and certainty with


Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper thanthe mere symptoms of pulmonary dis-ease

¬and discharges the cause from thesystem.Free and painless expectora-


is the mode by which It relieves thelungs , chest and throat fromthebordens.which oppress them ; thru arresting Con-sumption and Bronchitis in the germ be-fore

¬they reach the more dongarou *stages. The emaciated sufferer

BATTLING FOR LIFEwith the most terrible scourge of OUT ellmate will find Fritsch's Prussian CoughSyi np a potent ally , and will assuredlywin the fight by adhering; strictly to this(Treat medicine. The

CASES NOVON RECORDIn which It has been administered withentire success aa a remedy for every va-riety

¬of malady which affects the Be-


l unctlc , amount to morethan

FIVE THOUSANDit the present (into , and yet tlie preparn: ion i only in the infancy ot Its usefulticsi. The great defect'of oil CoughRemedies hitherto Introduced la tha-ihoyare simply expuNory. Ilence theyare useless ; lor unless the causes of theacrid serretions which are coughed ujare removednnd the ruptured , inflamei-or maturated surfaces healed and re-itorecl

-to their natural tone , a cure Is

impossible. FrHnch's Prussian CoughSjrup accomplishes these objects. Themucus and niuco-pus which are the con-icnuonce

-of .LunglHvease , are thrown el-

y> it , while at the name time It soothe*aud Invigorates the weakened tissues-


FOR THE LUNGS. "For coughs , colds, influenza , bronchia ,

dlfllculties , tightness of the chest .hoarse ¬

ness , sore throat , trachltls , inflamma-tion


of the lungs , difficulty of breathing ,pleurisy nnd all disorders of apulmonarjnature , it has never been equaled

Sola acents In America , BICHABDSOH ft CO ,HL Louis , Mo.



A new MK' hitherto cnknoirn remedy for al-

alseaceK of the Kidneys , Bladder, and UrinaryOntana-



will poativ ely cure Diabetes , Oiavel , Drop-ay

-, Crlzht'a Dboise , Inability to retain or expel

thi Urine , Catarrh of the BladJcr , hl h cole rocand scanty rrine, Painful Drlnitln ;, LAiirBACK , General Wcakucsa.' and all Fenvtle Comolalntg.

It avoids internal medicines , 19 certain In It-

eCccts and cnr s when nothing else can.For fale hy all DnijrKiats or sent by mall free

upon receipt of the price , 200.DAY >iEY PAD COPROP'RS ,

Toledo , O.S3"yoar &ddre-n for onr llttl * hook ,

Tow f tat S'lveJ. '** if IBM fir Tihi-t--- .


DSt. . Paul & Sious CityRAILROADS.-



Old Rtk bL Sioux. Ciiy100 MILES SHORTEST IIODTE 1



And all points to Northern Iowa , iiinnewti anil-Dakota. . This line is equipped with the Im-proved


Wcctiushoarc Aitaaatlc Air Brakes andUlller Platform Oocnl Bfffer. Add for


la unsurpae&nl. Klejant Drawing hoom andSIo xiftu Ctrj ,' .ieJ tnK control ! xl *jy tbtcmpony , ran Through Without Change betweenun.uu i'aclflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs ,and St Paul. Trains leave the Union PactC *

i-ii Dopul l Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. .reaching Siouz City at 120 p. ra. . and St. Pan !at 11:05 a. m , makln-srjtarhU HOURS ts ADVANOT o

ANT OTHIR Rouzx.-Retcrning

., leavr St. Picl at 320 fv m. , *r-


at Siouz C'ity at 1:46 a. m. , and TJn'.ocPacific Transfer Depot , Cooncil BUUTo , at 4JSa. m. Be sura that ycur tioLbts rca. ! via "H. C.

P. R. R. ' F. C. HILLS ,Superintendent, lllseourl Valloy , Iowa

P.E.EOBINSOV , atfl-t. I Pssa. Agent.-J.

.. H. O-BRYAN,

aau Pa encer Avctr-t ,Cotmdl BL! |


Who want glossy , Inxnriantand wary tresses of abundant ,beautiful Hair must uselYON'S KATHJLffiON. TMaelegant, cheap article alwaysmakes the Hair prow freelyand fast , keeps it from fallingont, arrests and cures gray-ness

-, removes dandruff and

itching, makes the Hairstrong, giving it a curlingtendency and keeping it inany desired position. Beau-tiful


, healthy Hair is the sureresult of using Eathairon.



posed'argelyof powdered mica and isinglassthe best and cheapest lubricator in the the best becausei t does not earn , but forms

highly polished surface over the ails , dotneaway with a large amount of friction. U Is thecheapest becaosa vou need use but half thequantity in greasing your wazon that you won ! 1

any other axle grease made , and then runyour wazon twice as laug. It answers eqoally

well for Mill Gearing Ttreshlng Machine *,Buggies , tc. , as for wagons-Send fer roc *"Cyclopedia of Things Wortn Knowing. Mallod-




-Ask Your Dealer Ror It-oct2


KIDNEGBN is highly recommendad and unaurpaesed for Weak-er Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright'a Disease , Loss of Baergy.Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising : from Kidney crBladder Diseases. Also for Yelloy Fever Blood and KidnayPoisoning , in infected malarial sections.4-



:h dlstlllstlon ol a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT wo ha idiscovered KIDNEOEXwhich acts fp cflcaUT! on the Kidneys and Urinary Orjans , rtmotln ? injuriousdtpoilta formed In the bUJdar and proventin ; any strilnfo ?, smartin ? senuticn heat or irritationin the membranous llrln ; of tha ducts or water pvcaje. It exciUs a healthy action in the Kidneysgim. I hi m strength, ilifor anirestorin? these orjrans to a healthy condition , showing its effectson both the color and easy Qow of urine. It can bo taken at all times , hi all climates and undent !circumstances without injuryto the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficultiesIt has a Tory pleasant and ane *bl tasta and flavor. It has been difficult to make a preparatioacontaining positive oJurettc properties which wU'not nauseate , hut oe soceptabla to tha stomachBefore taking any UTCI medicine , try a bottlt of KONEOEX to CLKiNSK h KIDNEYS fromfoul matter. Try it and y in will always usU t as a family medicine Ladle * especially will like Itand Gentlemen willflnd KIDNEOEN the best Kidney Tonic v r tu dl

NOTICE Fach botl'ex rs the siirnttnro of LAWRENCE i MARTIN , a'som Proprietary Oor tn-ment Stamp , which permiU KIDNEOEN to be BoU (wi iout license ) 37 Krajj U. Grocers andOth r Persons irerrwhere.

Put up in Quart size Bottles for Genera ! and Family Use.-If

.not found at your Drarp'itJnrarocers , we will snd a bottle prepaid to the nearest express

office to you.

LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills.

Sold by DBUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywher *Wholesale agenU In Omaha , STEELK. JOHNSON & CO. . will supply tha trada at manulactnp-

rices. .


WHITE SEWING MACHINEGives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead-ily


and rapidly increasing in pnblio lavor.

The White Machine lastly claims to be thebest made , the easiest running , the 'simplest inconstruction and the most perfect Machine inthe market , ,1

The White Oo. employ as agents men of in-


, and purchasers are always satisfied , -

because they find everything just as repres- .1.-

1ented. .Everybody should use this Machine. The .

sales so far this year are more than doublethe corresponding time last year.

*All orders addressed to the Omaha Office

will be promptly filled .


Cor. Davenport anil 15th Sts. Omaha.

THIS NEW ANB CORRECT MAPProves toeyond any reasonable question that the

CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'YI-s by all odds the best road for yon to take -when traveling In cither direction between

Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest.Carefully examine this 3fap. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stationson this road. Its through trains make dose connections with the trains ol all railroads atJunction points.





._ - r * w " tmnr v u > umv i f * *** t .uiiai j

.. " " lu3. Denver & California Line. " "Vflnona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Lino. "JouxC ty Nor.Nebraska&Yankton: JJne."CWcao! , St. Paul and Minneapolli tine.5f'i .nols' Frecport & Dnbuquo Line. " "Milwaukee. GrecnBay & Lake Superior Line. "Tickets oter Oils rosa are sold by all Coupon Ticket jigenta m the United States andKcraember to ask for Tickets via this road , be sure they read over It , and take none other.

MAEVIS ncaniTT , Genl Manager , Chicago. W. H. STK3SETP , Genl rasa. Agent , Chicago.HARRY P. OOEL , Tick-t A <ent C. &N. W. Railway , llth anUIFarnhazn Stretti.-II.

.. E KIMBALiTj. As ixtantT.rket Aecnt C & X. W. RailwayUth and Farnham Street *.

J. BELL. Ticket rentC. & N. W. Railway , UP. R. K. Depot-.JAMMS

.T. CLARK 'Oenenl Ae n > .


And EverytMng pertaining tohi frj-nitore &-nUpholst i-y Tiade.-




ap It th tat and 1230 Faniimni Stret * .

utter1001 FARNHAM , cor. ( O-




j ;*- , '