Tutorial Skenario g Blok 23

TUTORIAL SKENARIO G BLOK 23 i. Skenario Mrs. Lina, 29 years old, attend the primary health centre with her husband. They have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years but failed. She has regular mesntrual cycles, every 28 days. There was no history of intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding. There was no pain during her period, no contraception used, no history of drug consumption (including alcohol and tobacco). She didn’t have previous abdominal surgecy, no history of allergies, no pelvic infection and no chronic disease. Her husband (32 years old) is a bank employee. He had no history of mumps and medication for any disease. He was not smoking and no alcohol consumption. He also didn’t have any allergies. This couple enjoyed regular intercourse. You act as the doctor in the clinic and be pleased to analyse this case. In the examination finding: Wife Height = 160 cm; Weight 55 kg; BMI= 21 kg/m2; Blood pressure = 110/70 mmHg; Pulse = 80 x/m; RR = 18 x/m. Palpebral conjunctiva looked normal, no exophthalamus, no sign of hirsutism, no thyroid enlargement, no galactorrhoea, secondary sexual characteristics are normal. External examination: abdomen flat and souffle, symmetric, uterine fundal not palpable, there are no mass, pain tenderness and free fluid sign.



Transcript of Tutorial Skenario g Blok 23

Page 1: Tutorial Skenario g Blok 23


i. Skenario

Mrs. Lina, 29 years old, attend the primary health centre with her husband. They have

been trying to get pregnant for 3 years but failed. She has regular mesntrual cycles,

every 28 days. There was no history of intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding. There

was no pain during her period, no contraception used, no history of drug consumption

(including alcohol and tobacco). She didn’t have previous abdominal surgecy, no

history of allergies, no pelvic infection and no chronic disease. Her husband (32 years

old) is a bank employee. He had no history of mumps and medication for any disease.

He was not smoking and no alcohol consumption. He also didn’t have any allergies.

This couple enjoyed regular intercourse.

You act as the doctor in the clinic and be pleased to analyse this case.

In the examination finding:


Height = 160 cm; Weight 55 kg; BMI= 21 kg/m2; Blood pressure = 110/70 mmHg;

Pulse = 80 x/m; RR = 18 x/m.

Palpebral conjunctiva looked normal, no exophthalamus, no sign of hirsutism, no

thyroid enlargement, no galactorrhoea, secondary sexual characteristics are normal.

External examination: abdomen flat and souffle, symmetric, uterine fundal not

palpable, there are no mass, pain tenderness and free fluid sign.

Internal examination:

Speculum examination: portio not livide, external os closed, no fluor, no fluxus, there

are no cervical erotion, laceration or polyp.

Bimanual examination: cervix is firm, the external os closed, uterine size normal, both

adnexa and parametrium within normal limit.

Laboratory examination:

Hb 12 g/dL; WBC 8.000/mm3; RBC 4,3x106/mm3; Ht 36 vol%; platelets

250.000/mm3; ESR 15 mm/hour; blood type A Rh (+); blood film: Normal.

Urine : Normal

* Ultrasound: normal internal genitalia; sonohysterography : normal uterine and both

tubal patency.

Postcoital test : normal

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Height= 176 cm; Weight = 72 kg; BMI = 23 kg/m2; Blood pressure = 120/80 mmHg;

Pulse = 76 x/m; RR = 20 x/m.

Palpebra conjuctiva looked normal, no exopthalmus, no thyroid enlargement, no

gynecomastia, secondary sexual characteristics are normal

External examination: abdomen flat and tender, symmetric, no sign of hepatomegaly

and inguinal hernia

Genital examination:

Penis: normal, testes: normal size and volume; scrotum: no varicocele

Lab examination:

Hb 14 g/dL; WBC 8.000/µL ; Ht 42 vol%, Platelets 350.000/µL; WSR 6 mm/hour;

Blood type O Rh (+); Blood film: Normal, blood chemistry: Normal. Hormonal :

FSH, LH, and testosterone level: Normal.

Urine: Normal

Semen analysis: volume 4.5 ml; sperm concentration 0.1x106/ml; motility 22%

forward progression, 15 % rapid forward progression; morphology 5 % with normal


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ii. Klarifikasi Istilah

Postcoital bleeding : perdarahan segera setelah berhubungan seksual (tidak

dalam siklus menstruasi

Intermenstrual bleeding : perdarahan vaginal yang terjadi di antara periode

menstruasi, sulit dibedakan dengan metrorrhagia

Contraseption : suatu upaya untuk mencegah kehamilan

Mumps : penyakit paramyxovirus akut, menular dan paling

sering menyerang anak-anak, terutama mengenai

kelenjar ludah, paling sering parotis. Kadang

menyerang selaput otak dan testis

Reguler intercourse : kontak fisik antara dua individu yang mencakup

rangsangan setidaknya satu organ genital yang terjadi

pada interval tetap.

Hirsutism : pola distribusi rambut abnormal, khususnya pada


Galactorrhea : sekresi air susu pada pria atau wanita yang tidak

sedang menyusui, biasanya bersamaan dengan


Souffle : bunyi auskultasi yang halus seperti bunyi tiupan

Exopthalmus : protrusio (kedaan lebih tertarik ke depan atau lateral)

mata abnormal

Fluxus : cairan yang keluar dari vagina dalam jumlah yang

banyak, contohnya nifas yang berkepanjangan.

Tubal patency : suatu keadaan dimana tuba fallopi dalam keadaan

terbuka dan tidak ada obstruksi

Postcoital test : uji dimana sekresi serviks diperoleh stetelah

hubungan seks dan dianalias di bawah mikroskop

untuk melihat interaksi antara sperma dan lendir


Sonohysterography : saline infusion sonohystereography pemeriksaan

untuk mendeteksi adanya kelainan dalam rongga rahim

dan saluran telur

Gynecomastia : perkembangan kelenjar susu laki-laki yang

berlebihan, bahkan sampai tingkat fungsional

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Varicocele : varikositas plexus pampiriformis pada funikulus

spermatikus yang membentuk tonjolan skrotum dan

terasa seperti kantong

Hernia inguinal : penonjolan sebagian organ atau jaringan melalui

lubang yang abnormal pada kanalis inguinalis

iii. Identifikasi Masalah

1. Ny. Lina, 29 tahun, dan suami, 32 tahun, mengeluh susah hamil selama 3


2. Riwayat anamnesis Ny. Lina

3. Riwayat anamnesis suami

4. Pemeriksaan fisik dan internal Ny. Lina

5. Pemeriksaan penunjang Ny. Lina (lab dan ultrasound)

6. Pemeriksaan fisik suami

7. Pemeriksaan penunjang suami (lab dan anilisis semen)

iv. Analisis Masalah

1. Ny. Lina, 29 tahun, dan suami, 32 tahun, mengeluh susah hamil selama 3

tahun dengan reguler intercourse.

a. Faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kesuburan pasutri? Dina, Nubung,


b. Bagaimana hubungan usia pasangan dengan infertilitas yang dialami?

Silmi, Yudi

c. Apa makna klinis tidak hamil selama 3 tahun dengan regular intercourse?

Mutia, Bazli

d. Apa kriteria intercourse yang reguler? Sarah, Samuel

2. Riwayat anamnesis Ny. Lina

a. Apa makna klinis dari: (jawab juga hubungan kalo ada keluhan)

No intermenstrual bleeding Sarah, Samuel

No postcoital bleeding Vivien, Fadok

No pain during her period Dina, Aziz

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No drug consumption (alcohol and tobacco) Samuel, Sarah

No previous abdominal surgery Vivien, Aziz

No allergies Vivien, Aziz

No pelvic infection Dina, Fadok

No chronic disease Dina, Fadok

b. Bagaimana hubungan siklus menstruasi teratur terhadap kasus?

(hubungannya kalo tidak teratur apa?) Samuel, Sarah

3. Riwayat anamnesis suami

a. Apa makna klinis dari: (jawab juga hubungan kalo ada keluhan)

No history of mumps Mutia, Bazli

No medication for any disease Efti, Nubung

Not smoking and no alcohol consumption Iqbal, Nubung

No allergies Risma, Mutia

b. Apa hubungan pekerjaan suami sebagai pegawai bank dengan infertilitas?

Risma, Efti

4. Pemeriksaan fisik dan internal Ny. Lina

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme dari: (KALO GAK NORMAL,



Height 160 cm, weight 55 kg, BMI 21 kg/m2 Vivien, Aziz

BP 110/70 mmHg, HR 80x/minute, RR 18x/minute Sarah, Fadok

Palpebral conjunctiva normal Dina, Samuel

No sign of hirsutism, secondary sexual characteristic normal

Vivien, Samuel

No thyroid enlargement, no exopthalmus Sarah, Aziz

No galactorrhea Dina, Fadok

Fundus uteri not palpable, uterine size normal, both adnexa and

parametrium within normal limit. No mass, no pain tenderness, and

no free fluid sign Vivien, Samuel

Portio not livide, OUE closed, no fluor, no fluxus, cervix is firm

Sarah, Aziz

No cervical erotion, laceration or polyp Dina, Fadok

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5. Pemeriksaan penunjang istri (laboratorium dan ultrasound)

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme dari: (KALO GAK NORMAL,



Complete Blood Count, Blood film: normal Dina, Aziz

Blood type A Rh (+) Vivien, Samuel

Sonohysterography: normal uterine and both tubal patency Sarah,


Postcoital test: normal Dina, Vivien

b. Bagaimana cara pemeriksaan postcoital test? Sarah, Samuel

c. Apa saja pemeriksaan penunjang yang dibutuhkan oleh Ny. Lina? Aziz,

Fadok, Vivien

6. Pemeriksaan fisik dan genitalia suami

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme dari: (KALO GAK NORMAL,



Height 176 cm, weight 72 kg, BMI 23 kg/m2 Risma, Nubung

No gynecomastia, secondary sexual characteristic normal Iqbal,


No sign of hepatomegaly Risma, Nubung

No inguinal hernia Efti, Bazli

Penis normal, testis normal size and volume, no varicocele Iqbal,


7. Pemeriksaan penunjang suami (laboratorium dan analisis semen)

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme dari: (KALO GAK NORMAL,


INFERTILITAS) (Eddy, Silmi, Ndoy, Yudi)

CBC Silmi, Ndoy

Blood type O Rh (+)Yudi, Ndoy

Hormonal: FSH, LH, and testosterone normal Silmi, Yudi

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Semen analysis: volume 4.5 ml; sperm concentration 0.1x106/ml;

motility 22% forward progression, 15 % rapid forward progression;

morphology 5 % with normal forms. Eddy, Ndoy

b. Bagaimana cara pemeriksaan analisis semen? Silmi, Yudi, Ndoy

c. Apa indikasi dilakukan pemeriksaan analisis semen? Eddy, Yudi

d. Pemeriksaan penunjang apa saja yang dibutuhkan pada kasus untuk

suami? Eddy, Silmi

v. Hipotesis

Ny. Lina, 29 tahun, dan suami, 32 tahun, mengalami infertilitas primer diduga

akibat faktor suami.

a. Definisi Nubung, Iqbal

b. Etiologi Risma, Efti

c. Klasifikasi Mutia, Bazli

d. Epidemiologi Efti, Mutia

e. Faktor risiko Nubung, Risma

f. Tatalaksana sebagai dokter umum Mutia, Risma, Efti

g. SKDI Iqbal, Bazli

vi. Learning Issue

INFERTILITAS PRIA (Risma, Nubung, Efti, Bazli, Iqbal, Mutia)

INFERTILITAS WANITA (Sarah, Vivien, Dina, Samuel, Aziz, Fadok)


vii. Kerangka Konsep

viii. Simpulan