Tutorial M8

Tutorial M8: In groups, listen critically to specified text-type assigned (news, talks, documentaries, advertisements) comment orally on the text in class


Tutorial M8

Transcript of Tutorial M8

Tutorial M8: In groups, listen critically to specified text-type assigned (news, talks, documentaries, advertisements) comment orally on the text in class

Tutorial M8: In groups, listen critically to specified text-type assigned (news, talks, documentaries, advertisements) comment orally on the text in classBBC News- New hope in search for MH370

CommentThe search program cant proceed smoothly because of the bad weather. This shows even we have a lot of motivation, but the environment matter will affect our plans.There were two aircrafts has been sent for searching program. This shows their effort in searching program because they had only two aircrafts and all has been sent for searching program.Day two was struggling with the poor facility, so they have to give up.

Section for open commentingThank you.