Turkish PfP Social Media and STRATCOM

Social Media in Strategic Communications 27 March 2014 for Strategic Communications Course PfP Training Centre Ankara ,Turkey.


Presentation given to the PfP STRATCOM course in Ankara in march 2014.

Transcript of Turkish PfP Social Media and STRATCOM

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Social Mediain

Strategic Communications

27 March 2014


Strategic Communications Course PfP Training Centre Ankara ,Turkey.

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The views expressed by David during the following presentation


reflect the views of the:

United Kingdom,United Nations,

any National Governments,NATO (SFOR, KFOR, ISAF) etc

(the list is not exhaustive).

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Who am I?

Digital Storyteller


Social Media Trainer

Digital Native

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So what's on the Menu for Today?

An introduction to Social Media for Strategic Communications.


Why Social Media is VITAL to you.

All this incorporates - Digital Storytelling.


An interesting “Sneak Peak”

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The Value Exchange.

Transparency =

Believability =


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Today's Value Exchange.

You get some Solid Advice

I get (hopefully) some more Followers/Viewers

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Social Networks can provide you with:

Added information from within mission areas for better coordination with supporting stakeholders.

Tracking REALISTIC current social trends for better understanding of the Target Audience(s).

Helping to connect Target Audience(s) with the relief resources like food, water, etc.

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The rush to start using social media tools though


outweigh the need to develop a social medial engagement strategy!

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Coca-Cola Journey to Work

“Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in

history, as well as the best-known brand in the


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Strategic Communications.


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First World countries with Third World Technology

Third World countries with First World Technology

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Mobile Networks?

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Technology races these days

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What is the specific organisational need that Social Media could help meet?

How many hours a week do we believe we need to spend on Social Media Activities?

What do we believe can go wrong?

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Organisational Culture

Social Media Engagement has to match:

“How we work around here”

But needs to reflect the needs of the community of interest.

Flash To Bang times (sign off delegation?)

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YOUR Influence Activity

Make sure you have 100% “buy-in” from theC2 (Management).

The C2 (Management) believe in Social Media!

The C2 (Management) understand this is along-term effort.

The C2 (Management) Endorses the Strategy!

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It's ALL about Engagement

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The Target Environment (where our Tribe of Interest Lives)

• Who is the tribe?

• Who are we engaging with?

• How do they use social media?

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It TAKES TIME to build the organisational

presence on the web!

Tools will not cost but resources are needed

and TIME.

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Inbound vs Outbound

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A tip to not messing up on SM.

When using SM think like you are a Brand.

Brands and Products Influence in our modern world.

Whatever you think, so do you when you post on SM.

So think about bad brand awareness.

Think about airstrikes going wrong, your organisation messing up.

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“Communication, whether inbound or outbound, is now powered by conversations, and the best

communicators always start as the best listeners.

And the best listeners are those who empathise while they are listening.“

Brian Solis

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Video, Images, Text, Audio, Links

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Tools are being developed

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Something to think about:

Transparency is the way ahead

You can not not influence

In Afghanistan it could be NATO failed because:

Insurgents use Information backed with HARD power

NATO uses HARD power supported by Information


Insurgents win EVERY time as they are culturally aware and they speak the way the audience understands.

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Any questions?

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skype: dfbmbe

Facebook: MilitaryDigitalStorytelling

email: [email protected]

SMS: 00387 65 393341
