tugas agama ipa

Masagus Mohammad Ezar Fahrul Ihsan VII-B This is the picture of my family. There is my father, the only one with glasses, his name is Fachri. He is a lawyer. The most beautiful person is my mother, her name is Mitta. She is a good housewife. I have 3 brothers. My oldest brother is Ezra, the one that stands in the left side of the picture. Now, he works in a law firm. My second older brother is Edsel. He stands in the right side of the picture. He has just draduated from medicine faculty. My third older brother is Emran, he stands between my mother and ezra in the picture. He is studying at Prasetya Mulya University right now. And the youngest one is me, Ezar.


tugas sekolah

Transcript of tugas agama ipa

Page 1: tugas agama ipa

Masagus Mohammad Ezar Fahrul Ihsan VII-B

This is the picture of my family. There is my father, the only one with glasses, his name is Fachri. He is a lawyer. The most beautiful person is my mother, her name is Mitta. She is a good housewife. I have 3 brothers. My oldest brother is Ezra, the one that stands in the left side of the picture. Now, he works in a law firm. My second older brother is Edsel. He stands in the right side of the picture. He has just draduated from medicine faculty. My third older brother is Emran, he stands between my mother and ezra in the picture. He is studying at Prasetya Mulya University right now. And the youngest one is me, Ezar.

Page 2: tugas agama ipa


Pengertian Amanah

Dalam surah Al-Anfal (8) ayat 27, dijelaskan bahwa kita harus senantiasa menhalankan segala amanat yang diberikan, baik yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT maupun oleh sesame manusia.

Kata ‘amanah’ diartikan sebagai sesuatu yang dipercakan (dititipkan) kepada orang lain. Jadi setiap amanah selalu melibatkan dua pihak, yaitu si pemberi amanah dan si penerima amanah. Dosa hukumnya bagi orang yang tidak menyampaikan amanat, karena amanat sama halnya degan janji yang harus ditepati. Lawan dari sifat amanah adalah khianat, yaotu tidak menyampaikan amanat. Setuap amanah akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban baik di dunia maupun di akhirat.

Contoh Perilaku Amanah

Setiap individu diberi amanah berupa umur oleh Allah SWT, maka menjalankannya dengan menggunakan umur itu untuk hal-hal yang bermanfaat seperti bekerja, berpuasa, membaca Al-Qur’an, dan lain-lain.

Contoh lain yaitu sebagai siswa kita mendapat amanah dari guru untuk menjadi siswa yang baik. Menjalankannya dengan cara rajin belajar, datang tepat waktu, aktif mengikuti kegiatan ekskul, dan lain-lain.

Masagus Mohammad Ezar Fahrul Ihsan VII-B

Page 3: tugas agama ipa

Masagus Mohammad Ezar Fahrul Ihsan VII-B

Makhluk Hidup

Kingdom Monera

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia

Ciri-ciri :* Dapat bergerak aktif

* Tidak memiliki dinding sel* Tidak dapat berfotosintesis

Invertebrata(Hewan tidak bertulang belakang)

Vertebrata(Hewan bertulang belakang)

1. Porifera

2. Coelenterata

3. Platyhelminthes

4. Nematoda

5. Annelida

6. Arthropoda

7. Echinnodermata

8. Mollusca

1. Super Kelas Pisces

2. Kelas Amphibia

3. Kelas Reptilia

4. Kelas Aves

5. Kelas Mammalia