ttMz just MfcarsD, •.-.; |l,o s, W - NYS Historic...

oU#» t<v hi* afe ^erifh^d j huft n#^IIUa v ^d- -. {?h:dlffef^n ferr* ^ttemeu, will . fOB .^o alEft oar ^correfi opin*. ¥'$?. If OU: *&<%- ' iffit ttiiilaker * n|er<#-lo1 Itnmg at if ^Jij^t>l_a; tree t o | y nx&pahle' lejjobe<|ieo.ce io- : *ffoy m a free eeu wife enough fth siitibderatlof*. rpuite* .Stats*- m t tjrikflt a p p e a r ij-feiiow making, v«sr| ihmg valu^ f"*|%!fcbf:ttf.€*f> ' notbeCi»fl?Gieirt^ tmiofts^&idtt;' •tarn- o f t h e : jjreo*£ - me re $§&$&&<& % S -- • %. 'feyug&t cairn 0'# r j?i|ff ¥ ^aa I B diari t ; tttie paU coofia^cl* J J ;for kipuig Mr* nteflied: bis guilty hits execution, * InvicWofgfartdt CL wkr^e years '-'*»*•*;_ fieijro^aye, who sal in this town tnT' hg;#re f© the harnf tyaga r : itfas found * tbelamfc time ar ,™as>wc.<|aittettv -m &tfie*V of §« sty. ^ddrelfed tw-, of cfe|t it&te, on/ tt of the eonftittt^ sy sn4 which were *fllfrw£ek, basal- £t of abufe by our t/jrl Thus it hap- 1^ frienaV of the** a ofr$ieir jjarty is pldneTsic^ cjfeclarey trcufar meafereaf esnment, in; oppow- r fight orlvroag t > ed'asa trait o? r zn? fe j and: his name;* $(robiousf epithet} r the Engliliriair- e extreme and e#a to befrow. teeives? h i « | e t f inp y^/ia tbras exj*re{* roved bytbtf hoaefl ts of our country*" tick he; prof'e^e*--* ?f a ijiibi^roribg'. iMidteey-^le. yitie* L - ^atiCytvahia, a* ;e o£ Governor, ln> ifcofte&af" (Ufcatlte, bead*a. t^tke j/wklie WitL t I n l # G % wis * •re^tening to ' i ! V I if f4t Mr* iiV*»£^<»% f o ^ e recalled," has jwn acceked by. ^he President ot* the I f n U y St^tesi* Gren» Atfhjlrmig, n o ^ a Stnakr o^j thf Uniicd ^tates, trorfi thfs ft lie^ if apjjoihVed «o- fucceed him. T his is that can pjtihed,, It took Da in fecti-e j isir Ittteriift to franfl^ee O'vfreftf ndr CHnmft t|> the ch/*ir o£ the *5enate. r -4 atprefem be accpm. gcrmto feveral years he tat fdlTo'.vin^ para^faph&~ we'have :rom the Port Folio, chtejfly fopthe acnyrement and ear TtpitHita'n readers.3 tion of and coff blim fev^raf^pamphets, b*(6re he epiild difdlace Mr. Burr f who.hkd repeiv- edjan etfijMrjumber of votes with Mr. Jef- feirfon j I^Tir. M'Kean is more difficile to lhake< orj his .enemies have not the fame induftry ajnd management,—N, F.jQaz. Mqjftc hufettsi——Nbtwithftanding all led ai firi prioeirlte*, thai ought not to $W™ ar^ not capable.ofdemonftrating u- | e waited t U q e f t i o n . Ontheothwhami, aVtrue—rbofe-who know the ftate and tMrwao mi that govemtiient is m^eiy W prmd pies which aauate.the, federal- he ordina ice of the people, adrhii ol no lft fv have i qo i ea f. °^ an a , ltc ^i oa for ^ e . M principles; except liberty, equality, - ^fe^l^emop^ey.hasipn? «s utigoft; 4 d the fovereignty ot the^ peopl?; who ">* we ' f nlu tQ ^ e d i ^ , that we (hall,. 1 : • /: * ».•«•••»*.. . - t ^ next year* have undeniable, evidence t>t the fa£l. Nothing is wanting on the (sn^at any) time, alter or abolifli what they jtittf&'fet t i p ! W i t h regard to God/as true #?!&* ptu^o^flte^ ^ > ^ lmo*# them withjear and y worVder t Urike U im^ Aorhing and mate, it vayljffi. [ t . . ; T;iaf,blown ufi b.ubble ol therfayfteifitf once,bttrll, the^pin^ w&rld wiliretntS to.Utcir old hdBifipf Induflrfiandconten^ and look back.with wonder atoj. fori:ow,at their owrt daft^Hlinefe,. wealcuels, ani folly <+>~Ckar{e]ldn Coutur. \ .• Already doe^Waflilngton ape the political .dilliJifeliiDinf of'other cit1es.,~r They have their genuine republicans, and, their little partiesjto arrange aijid fettle With the greateft gravity and minu'eTiefs, Jvfr 4 , Van Nefs, who wa$ in fach liigh eftima- trpn lail: year as (obe qbofen. jPrefident o| one of the city Cjooricijs, has been left far behind this year. 1 . Thi caulejoi »this fud* den change'lies deep,-f-He h|s been con*, gifted ©f the fin 4£Burjr ifm-iand tbis too under the verytiofe elf. Mr. jjeiferlpn.-*- What a horrible crime.—fVa/k. Fed. jSart p,f tfflp lederaMs, but zeal and firm- ixefs in the beft of caufes : and thefe they, rnuftanajwill have , Majfackufstts'ipoft remain the rallying point Qt federal tfm.-— # *A temporary dejtrium has feized on a number of her fiffer ilates ;.' bm their re- covery will } be more rapid-than their &\fk «&fe» $liouldev^h NetO'HampJhire/Dd^;" tiwarimd Conncffifivt; ^e idd^d tothpiq who hav4 revolted from the principles, of WASHINGTON .and. AD AMs-r-ftjii, like..heif Wachufdt and Agamsntimts^ fteadlaftV , . . . . lyjhe; republicans aclkho^l^ 4 Md %8 Mnumetahkfalfe, unrtiov % il\ no power fuperior^ to the fpyctexkn "tJajkafy people j and lecondly, becaufe -rlgbtepi^ He* tofdltyjheHl kftp, heriovi, her z'al; eparhiicanjs hold the indifference and e- [wAtity oi ill optniofts, tbev have no QQ~ A n 'fdrii God in their fyftem, and cM ven i'weai without him—^thougjhj to do ;hem|ilfli<:e, they allow thole wh" ple^fe^ 0 be;heve the esiltence of'cne0g^ t no »4vwa plurality of GQ3§, evei'ty'iy fc-kr/iber oj (weidy* an$ this,bftiet jn)ay .,? $t af eredi* any cttiun think! proper. •The no ion that a* righteous nation is cortipati i"r^|joblic4n*- liehee* wh< reas tru«s republfct * .i * » < '.j . ...» \ c> A PUN.-T-" Wheni does kludge JLewis qualify lot Governor ?" afked' a democrat. 4 »fje will ioon 'be Jworn tni (replied a Burrite) but 6t Will never be flualified*'* r ' f Balance.) * * « ' * ! ; *. •; \<>mMEtiiAi. I v. . 1 . . ; . • - ' •\Bml^hUyJl<mel Hail^ focrcd tie ! 4 r 14 Tkut binds MM* gentle foiils in me ; . * On equal" toinkr their'troubles fly i ** Tneqaaljtreams theirplekfures run^ .. MARRIED^-At Gehefeej River^ on Tuefday evenirjg,-the $$& ultj, Mr r -JLEVI {?TBVEMjS,;>of jGeneya, to Mifs ANNA- K OsO N, oti the) former place.: 1 > 1 - * • ' Wg^WBWWIllJHH nun I.JII hick in>pltes reftrain|t ? i» totally jjifik Nor iiu?,tbe.r, nor example*, ibli wih liberty, the birtri?ighi|of To fhfhe herjmrvt, or change her con- Jtdnt ^ Some gc qd men, and accurate remark* yc-& r deplore the ignOiance, lutlrlutiiulneis/ l^rwardneis, and jrnpudencc ot jjfiolt jot theAtriericsn, children and yboth. Baitjaf Mind.' £Col.Centinel.1 4 •' TVLOU NEW-HAMPSHIRE. ";. J Pprlfmouth, Jfune 11: O n Wednefd?*v kit, ttie Legiflatu'-e of this' fta e convened at Concord. The jood repiiblican will eongralulke: tjhe ^Horj. Nicholas Qilum was elected Prefi- country, a lid the age f on t he increafe and dent of \ he Senate? The votes for Speak- vigar. of \ the ipiritjji lilberty, whiich ditf--«^ were, fojrthefCan. John Prentice, fi % daiijs all liibordinarion. Wfth rejgard^o, Hoq. 'John Langdon, 83—^OnT'hurfday t^e decay, oi the factai,affeSions, though i the votts for Covernoi wrere c;»ava!fed—- ibme m a v<"onudec it as a y'jee, yet onr rls-l ^ wbicti his iixc<rilency " *" * . •: • *./* * 1 •- k«ir, Governor GtLMAM had ijteiG, Han. JoH >r LAN Grio N, 12039 Majbrtty tor GOV.GIJL.MAN, tf% Of the Councillors three are federaliltsi and two, are democrats. The Executive is therefore wholly federal ; and as it rei qmrp* i.wo thirds ol each branch of the L«gf{la*ure to pafe any law to which the Giiverr or may diffent, th<?re is no dangeV tha? any violent democratic meafure will haye ti)^Jfam> of law in New^Hagiplhire this yes r. t ' * ^nbltcans)Alary in it, as a*rjfi«g from the ipiru of pairionfo," which teaches" eVe^y' -cu^en. to poftpone all privatti affectidps tor the faksbith^publfc. ; fx basCb1:£n faid that government itfelf, fit goverJirr|ent in the abH ':r^8t„ is toooftert coftfau'hdejwitt- the miniflers of gqveiirfr mfen t. jBt 11 true re p ttb 1 i caj is a re not g ail - iy of con!t#xndiT*g thete, ps they diffin-! |tiij(h : the rjTjmflers of government a$ tl'uejir fer?ants, who are bownd to obey iti^ir or- &tis in all cafes whatfoever. Wheit they do ntst, it is eafv to raife a cry or'nhjal-id- min^fatiob, corruption, and tyranny a- gainft then^, till they are driven"from thelir offices» and others elected, whb will pay m o r e tfcfpcol: *to the mandates and opin* ions of the people. , . j jfb^, the next lot of arrivals from Eu- rope, ,^e Ihali not receive intelligence of England.or Ireland being invaded by Bd~ naparti's myriads of flaves, we~may fet i£ dowa is a certainty that no invafi'oh will take place, till next winter. £&s Consu- lar Myefty, therefore, will have eight One-of |h'e moft Important £JID')|S&S ey- long IT onths more to gafcdtlfad^ AU& four* er contemplated by ,tl>c v^iMie k>f|. 'Oh bis (Word in the air, and bit ^ret#M4 Maffachufotts is now beliire them—that band ctfoldiery eigh<fo«i|| mon^s more is, a rftdfidri in favour of propQimig'm a- of unappealed; hunger, and vain hope of mendment to the Cbnditntibn ot the tjj'-, plunder and fpoliation. In the mean time, iited Stdtet, providing that fhe rejpref0n- '' it is likely ^haijEngland may retaliate, and tatives be appointed ilmorig the' Jeveral pay bkek Frejnch menaces with BrUifh ftms, aeccjrdmg to the nurdBer of their biowS-j forpobr a$ that country is in the yirerirrhabi:ants. Codfidertng tb« recent aiiof a fouthem ftate, authoriating the fnjf- jortation of flaves, the great el?£& this have on the pplttkal influence of fonie ftates, and the uncqmemplaued e?c- tenfioi^ of 'Territory on the fouth-weftern quartef, having the fame tendency t it now becomes ahfoiutely neceflary, in ordei; to preferve th e equal rights of this part of |he corrirhanity, to revife the fyftein of repTffetrtsttidti* The intereft wjjtch alf muft, feel ill a meafure, fo effenfiail to the of the union* has* induced us to Cabinet, fhe is. powerful in the field : And it is fenrcely credible that theEnglifh, who when ohfed, love enterprife, and who are groaning under an'almoft intolerable bur- then for the i upport of an immenfe army and navy, will tamely fabmit to have that army Ud navy lying on the defenfive, and asf ijt were, befieged and kept on timo- rous, watch, like a Hare in its form, by the pop-gun gafconades ot the Corfican ufurper. To look at the bufinefs with an eye of fobrieky, and difmifs all thofe emotions dw^fr on tie former and prefent political which every honeit man mult feel when relations, ot the Northern and Southern contefnptating the abjeft ftate of fear and u '^e^tmem£ The: remark!* naturally a* J-ihttg frot; this important fubjee%, have •ocenpicct tkh a portion of the brefeni Jhumber, that w'e are obliged to poftpon* any obfer^tions on late tranfadioms in the i.e^iitatuje> to another day.—it^r/^r^. j ! *< * * j I. ' . j . Governor M , ^an,...Infi4iou| and vip- leht -as tijej. auack is upon Mr. M'Kean* i^esded H Strnddiepaie and hi* auWa:t<M fubmiilion to which one little being has contrived to reduce mankind; It is highly prpbible that the fummer will be ptodurj* tive either ot a general continental war in Europe, or ot negotiation, and confe- quen| peace—-That the channels at hu- man [intercoorre Ihoutd' be # ftopped up, and the comfort, the accommodation, and the tranquility ot focial and domeftic life annihilated, by the accurfed ambition of <>ne mad rnatt, and be borne fo long as \t has, ftrange and incredible as it might once have appeared has now been feen. Men otien yield to aftonilhroent, what they ilis not belfev?d that they will be fo tap- cefsful as theartftocraiic junto in this (fajtc wereagaiijl Mr* Burr. Thetf rn*y pre- vent htm fiom being thfe fte*t Vici<^Pr€(£- M*ni of thi Untied States, but cannot prfe* would not yield to reafon or to force; teat him %m being ele|tted a|at» Govelr- But aflomfhmem is only a fliort lived paf- nor of | , ;hnfilv4nM,.>.Tb043gh he waf fion, ,and triumphs which have been gain- '•rmce*jpty layorite of thofe calling thenV ed, ovjer men in the moment of furprtfe, iel-vejt denierats, and almoti as popular m have often turned to the ruin of the tri- Mr. Bmr t ftt hh haw*ly and tnleoen^ umphers, In one^ fummer, an immenfe 4ttt»c*.mdu4 have brought him infe diiVe- continent, which has by aftonifhraenr and pi}t6 witH'fyow. M«|i?i«th'^unhapi!!iefsi(|)0 , ^mpprary terror^ been betrayed into al?- "po#JTirtg talent*' «vhich do »»^r full the j * a iubrwiffion, or cowardly apathy, may wf^i ol *< Ibtrty atifd <-q;i»l((3f/* awd h&H take i turn, may become affonifbed at their ^wl^^^r^^^vofiitittftarymeTii claim- own \pi(i a^oniftiroeiit, and frighiehed at ;«Amii- dttiirtly hu^ *»<« whiglof '$* the |prril?ic cf«at of their own tiioidfty. %n4mflm> l m<*& ^#b;*tily'i»,to.iiatit«rMr. Thofe pffion* will then work in a, way Wittm ti* *f^ifcm* wloKvei in oiie dtametrkiJly oyp6fiie 10 ton m whm *iU^ iici 4jwiui ol the late, aud thus they have woiUd, tni turning round up- 3* i ttMz just MfcarsD, " •.-.; |l",o o D : , s, v , .Map led to the prefix Seafon f W J P P J they are determined t^fefjt >• at very teditmi pricey for twdy: pay only. They wttl conil tntly'keep m ' fi'and, a-large qbarWitf of S^.JuT, to ex. change for PJKO01JCE pn good terms. ..* |3-'Atf>TEilSONSha^|Ao« coum,^'unietijedi atfeeaaineilly risj|4tefteji[ W call and makeintmedjate .fettlement—., And t-hoie ^hufe Mc*es and j^ccountfrbav*^ been due more than thre&'nioulhi, mzm, formed, that unlefs >ayineni sjare itte&e,ty \ tht\fir/laj Augi/l l next* their Accouriiir will be pui into ihi hands c f. an Attorney ;tpt colleclipn^with>nt further notice, zf 'no longer rndulgen >e can fce given., Irondiquot ^anjdmg % \ (103m} June 2% JS04. J Tofee 15H JN1QKMS. his-'Cr^'itorsJeiiherby boo| JL or note, that he r^quefts them to call on him f<?r,immedial ^{ettletaent^—lik^i| k "all thofeindebted to ijiim. to calf and ft^t*L their accounts, tyk oribefore! thej?f// 'dam ithout lifcrimmati^* pj AUguftWM^ot ot wilt be, put in fuit w Hartford, fane h--,- BOARDING SCHOOL, !. . i i : ' 1 * : P ARENT^ living remote-JVoni a SCtJOO'L, fui ?at»ie for rh^ Educarioii ot YOONG I^USES, are refpleclktily in- forsioed, lha' a SCHOOL is jopened by < MRS. WHALLEY, at her t^onle a lew rods north of he Court- H juffe in Canan* da?gua t where fhe 'eaches Serving, Read? in$> ^VfitinglArithmetic^Geograp'iymi Grammar, to shout twenty JeiBale Papils. Thole from qiut of" town, fhe boards at a reafonahle price. "'The price |oir "Tuition j isTwo DOLLARS -per Quarter. > June $0. t8o 4 . - ; (of5) '[ . : ,„L , , r-f ~^— "I LIS^T OF LETTERS Remaining in the Poji'Ofiee,atCk^i AN*-'' DAlGpA, ^uneftoth, 1804L C HARLES W00DR U F F, Sam' 1 Wag. ftaff, Ifaac Hider, Benjat|nin Slater, Mrs. Betfey j t Smith,i Jofe'ph Smith, John Armftrong, .Mrs. EflerTayjo^, H. More,; j u i Jacob A. Myer[, George folfal, Afef Parker, juh 'Elijah Philqps, H^idah Kent;, Nehemiah Fargo^ James Poller, Hugh Gragg, Petfer Hawky, Galea ;Hitchcock, Levi H ; ckok Samuel Anders, Selah Bar- nard, Luther Benjamin, Efqittre, James Brooke, Znhnon Bedient, C^pt. James Eaton, Zabiion Caliie, ArchibaldtS.Clark, |[onathan Colburo, Jofeph Clark-— CAN-' ANDAIGUA. • " '•>''• James Fiius, Jfoejl Prefcot, Caleb Cafe, John Chap|man—BH£LPVTOW*< . Nathan jStewart,; James Tm-n<:y, John Found, Benjamin Luce, Capt- Solomon Franklin, jj. CoL John Bradiih, Wiliiam B. Clark, Zephinah Culv'er, Timxhy Co- nam—-PALMYRAJ \ • Seth Inbbs, Jojin B, Paribus, John Linfley, 2, Charles Lewis, Frederick Da- vis, Levi BJackmer, Wia-« Baker, Efq. Sanford Bjriggs—^ITTSYOW^, Abijah NeWcotrjh, Cliriftojpher Pren- tice, Srlas t><ir|ham—TNORTHFIEJLD. Charles'Hartford, Chrilfopher Dugan, Auguftus |8. Shaw, Simon King, William Hall, John M'Pheifon,NORTHAMPTOj4. JRev, A|b>jah Warren, Nathan Spencer, Samuel Newlen, M^ffrs. S, & O . Gilbert- Nathan Hatch, Caleb Edfon, Frances Church, John Qrandel, Nathaniel Cud- worth'—BRISTOL. , ' John Fatnmas,$amuel Stilwell, Bigtree. ' Shubael Johnfon,' Angelica, '. NathanierKowley, Oziel Smith, Ben- jamin Tucker, Mifs Lydia Mighells, John .Phitop8,.WakemanLyon,Manaifah Leech, Nathan.Hammond, Mifs Pollv Divifon,. Hezekiah Atkins,Ifar Jacocks. Char teflon. Ifaac Ktigby, Charles G, Fairman, Rev. James IjL Hotebkin, Cant. Joel Kellogg, Elijah OWen, Widow Polly Mirior, Lucas Plo|*bins, Baiiiel Rew t William Butler—•• Biooniftctd. Thomas Thompfon, Seldfiri W illtamS, Avguftk. , •', Ezra Towner, t^-Eaflown^ fames £rreen,j William Patton—Lyons* [ofhna K. King— Faimingtan, - JezaleiU Aicbjin fon-*- Bradvxk's &ay* John Chriftie p Duncan M'Pherlan, CaU edonia.* Obediah Woodard, William A Smith, Abijah Hick, Jofeph Hatch, Horam Sa- bin, Midktetoion. ' • Alva Bav- DeerjieldJFejlemRtJeme. DavidJKIardingei—Williamfpn. John June--«jl#rF^tr£A> Samue|i Waferen, Mitt Mary Youngs Oliver Arnold, »*-OVJ!^#» Jofeph Etafon, Abraham Barret| WM- )kut M 0clhen«y 4 Aaron Itihly, Onima* S TRAYED from . $ih. ot May lajft bou t fourteen and years old, >ihe is Whoever jwiil retu owr>er f in SlooitiiBeli where fiie rewarde b.\ or give m^orraaiitia nayl)e found, lliall b4 ub^utly HENRY Ifl^YES. •; \otk remain: *jnfettlt-d on nex«j Wifi be profecuted, IMwortbj u :L, the luftfcrih'er,- orT tf)e^ a bkckMARE, half ]iand$'hight t& 'd and fpjavm'd:— \n faid Mare to fhe NOTIC: LL AICCOOB^S do-. +v .h^ late Cojpairt- uerUiip of Henry i? Hori$en\ tjiat ctie texitb d a y >flJuly A FRESH SUPPLY OF rugs & M^dicine^ Al^es, All am, Aoke fto s ters of all kmds 4 B'jti'lb p^le and yellow, Bd.rru ious Pfl-ls, C.r»ir» Piyifter phor, Caftor, C^iumBo axon and -Nutmegs,.-Ci< Ju-fl afrived, and tot faJe on as- low terms as any iri the yXeihtrr? : $)itbiet. Appjt>r/*d Note$1, aijfour monihs^ wi 1 h? iak[en in and a Itbeial iiifcoint allow«4 for j. wa'rranted getkiifie, and a"(1 favors graief 4:1 ly acknowledgevU , Among the above Juppty the following •j may; i.e fiarf:, ( ^E*her, Ande,rfon's ani Hooper's P Ifs, wood, Litharge, Lao dan quorice Ball, aijd Itoov, nefia, Mace, Mofqh, Mj< WM. H0HT-- Stein ha.viijg full power to fettle atl a.C— counts tranlacted under rtie faid firai, (c- queifs their Tettiirig wi*h iim the faid 7"W. HORTSENJ Geneva, June to, 180^. • O/cf i\ntimony, Oil* Bark, iC's Drops,) 3ill- CaWm 'Cl >pS,J £MU- al, Cam- oves. Gii na- -m Tartar, -Casx- tharides, Cocuius, ;.n.ii<;us, Cammomile 1 Flowen, Caftor and O ivjc Oil, E|Ts|jie« of Spruce, Pepperrt in t , Lemon, ^ajga* mot and Lavender* Fox Glove, Giafeng |ioot, Glauber's Sajtf uTtf Salt Tajtar, Hserlem Oil, 01 E>iuch Drops, Hfera PU eia, Ifingials, I'ch Citttrient 10 tin-boxes, price g/ per bo^c, a certain«ure, perfttliy fale and pleafant to this fmeil y and doe« not contain a particl; of Sulphur or ^ler- cfiry-*-Jalap and Rhuba^h,, Root &f Pow- der, Ipecacoana, India Pipk Rooi^ Log- iiuf. Lancets, JUI- M ^ n a an^ ^'lag-e Trh Oi ! of ( Mint, ermtnt, Spikt, Aninfeed, Vi»i^oj aqd Juniper-^rOpuim, Oiange Pre}. Opidel- d Pfafbaa Blue; !?y, P»:arl Ames, 20 X)olia;rs Reward* doc, Patent Yellow- an< Pearl and French Bar pomatum, Plaiftftrs of <;very kind, Pitch Burgundy, Plate Pc|wdtr, Rozitt, Re;d 8c White Lead, Sugar,st I-ead, Spermaceti, Smelling Bonier, Scnmi, Snake U4i6:mii Valeiian do. Salt Petie, Shavmo; and Caf* tile Soap,Spirits Ti^pJn^ine, H«uifiiatti and Nitre, Sulphur, Spjmge Squills,. Saf- 1 Iron, rariarEmeriv,»Tv'ine s Tam^iarinds, Tooth Bruihes and PJwder, Vermnhori apd Yerdigreaie, Whiv & Blue, Vrnol^ Spanifh Whiting and JE>ro*vn. Wortr Lo- zenges, Wdler$ 4 &ji» &c, with every aml- pfe in the Apotheeaiy line. , S TRAYED or fldeti from the fu!»fcri- 4 ber, ort the t^M, mil* a da»k Sorrfl MARE, abiut 14 haikls^higb, four ,year# old, has a whit* ftrip b< lo* h^rr eyes, tight mane and t*tl, Jhe bias a very long dock, and i* fhod befote. |l ilokn, the Jkbove reward will |e ftv«j» 10 auv pertan irh^ will apprehend tb* ihlvK that b< fttay be brought to j u f e s , a ^ i retuxit 4»e M$m to-'.tbe owwejt*-' 7 - -3?or : r^h.n Mar* o«l,¥ *|?e*«r ^m$tm¥mi : mMW : ^'en t awl aft resKo% abbe dhirket'iiaidbv' - '-v.**^v i*^r£HMTL|ii^ V

Transcript of ttMz just MfcarsD, •.-.; |l,o s, W - NYS Historic...

oU#» t<v hi* afe ^erifh^d j huft n#^IIUav^d- -. {?h:dlffef n ferr* • ^ttemeu, will . fOB . o alEft oar ^correfi opin*. ¥'$?. If OU: *&<%- ' iffit ttiiilaker * n | e r < # - l o 1 Itnmg at if

^Jij^t>l_a; tree t o | y nx&pahle'

lejjobe<|ieo.ce io-:

*ffoy m a free eeu wife enough fth siitibderatlof*. r p u i t e * .Stats*-mt tjrikflt appea r ij-feiiow making, v«sr| i h m g valu^

f"*|%!fcbf:ttf.€*f> '

notbeCi»fl?Gieirt^ tmiofts^&idtt;' •tarn- of the : jjreo*£ -

me re



S -- • %.

'feyug&t cairn 0 ' # rj?i|ff¥ ^aa IB diarit; tttie paU coofia^cl* JJ;for kipuig Mr* nteflied: bis guilty

hits execution, * InvicWofgfartdt CL wkr^e years '-'*»*•*;_

fieijro^aye, who sal in this town tnT' hg;#re f© the harnf tyagar

: itfas found *

tbelamfc time a r ,™as>wc.<|aittettv -m

&tfie*V of §« sty. ^ddrelfed t w - , of cfe|t it&te, on/

tt of the eonftittt^ sy s n 4 which were *fllfrw£ek, basal-£t of abufe by o u r t/jrl Thus it hap-1 ^ f rienaV of the** a ofr$ieir jjarty is pldneTsic^ cjfeclarey trcufar meafereaf esnment, in; oppow-r fight orlvroagt> ed'asa trait o?rzn? fe j and: his name;* $(robiousf epithet} r the Engliliriair-e extreme and e#a to befrow. teeives? h i« |e t f inp y^/ia tbras exj*re{* roved bytbtf hoaefl ts of our country*" tick he; prof'e^e*--*

?f a ijiibi^roribg'. iMidteey-^le. yitie*

L -

^atiCytvahia, a* ;e o£ Governor, ln>


(Ufcat l te , bead*a.

t^tke j/wklie WitL t

I n l # G % wis *

•re^tening to '

i ! V



f4t Mr* iiV*»£^<»% fo ^ e recalled," has j w n acceked by. ^he President ot* the IfnUy St^tesi* Gren» Atfhjlrmig, n o ^ a S t n a k r o j thf Uniicd ^tates, trorfi thfs ft lie^ if apjjoihVed «o- fucceed h im.

T his is that can pjtihed,, It took Da

in fecti-e j isir Ittteriift to franfl^ee O'vfreftf ndr CHnmft t|> the ch/*ir o£ the *5enate.r-4

atprefem be accpm. gcrmto feveral years

he tat

fdlTo'.vin para faph&~ we'have :rom the Port Folio, chtejfly

fopthe acnyrement and ear TtpitHita'n readers.3

tion of

and coff blim fev^raf^pamphets, b*(6re he epiild difdlace Mr. Burrf who.hkd repeiv-edjan etfijMrjumber of votes with Mr. Jef-feirfon j I Tir. M'Kean is more difficile to lhake< orj his .enemies have not the fame induftry ajnd management,—N, F.jQaz.

Mqjftc hufettsi——Nbtwithftanding all

l e d ai firi prioeirlte*, thai ought not to $W™ ar^ not capable.ofdemonftrating u-| e waited t U q e f t i o n . O n t h e o t h w h a m i , aVtrue—rbofe-who know the ftate and t M r w a o mi that govemtiient is m^e iy W prmd pies which aauate.the, federal-he ordina ice of the people, adrhii ol no l f t f v h a v e i q o ieaf. ° ^ a n a , l t c ^ i o a f o r ^ e . M principles; except liberty, equality, - ^ f e ^ l ^ e m o p ^ e y . h a s i p n ? «s utigoft;

4 d the fovereignty ot the^ peopl?; who ">* w e ' fnlu™ tQ ^ e d i ^ , that we (hall,. 1 : • / : * ».•«•••»*.. . - t ^ next year* have undeniable, evidence

t>t the fa£l. Nothing is wanting on the (sn^at any) time, alter or abolifli what they jtittf&'fet t ip! W i t h regard to God/as true

#? !&* p t u ^ o ^ f l t e ^ ^ > ^ lmo*# them withjear andyworVdert Urike U im^ Aorhing and mate, it vayljffi. [ t. . ;

T;iaf,blown ufi b.ubble ol the rfay fteifitf once,bttrll, t h e ^ p i n ^ w&rld wi l i re tn tS to.Utcir old hdBifipf Induflrfiandconten^ and look back.with wonder atoj. fori:ow,at their owrt daft^Hlinefe,. wealcuels, a n i folly<+>~Ckar{e]ldn Coutur. \

.• Already doe^Waflilngton ape the political .dilliJifeliiDinf of'other cit1es.,~r They have their genuine republicans, and, their little partiesjto arrange aijid fettle With the greateft gravity and minu'eTiefs, Jvfr4, Van Nefs, who wa$ in fach liigh eftima-trpn lail: year as (obe qbofen. jPrefident o | one of the city Cjooricijs, has been left far behind this year.1. T h i caulejoi »this fud* den change'lies deep,-f-He h |s been con*, gifted ©f the fin 4£Burjr ifm-iand tbis too under the verytiofe elf. Mr. jjeiferlpn.-*-What a horrible crime.—fVa/k. Fed.

jSart p,f tfflp lederaMs, but zeal and firm-ixefs in the beft of caufes : and thefe they, rnuftanajwill h a v e , Majfackufstts'ipoft remain the rallying point Qt federal tfm.-—#

*A temporary dejtrium has feized on a number of her fiffer ilates ;.' bm their re-covery will} be more rapid-than their &\fk «&fe» $liouldev^h NetO'HampJhire/Dd^;" tiwarimd Conncffifivt; ^e idd^d to thpiq who hav4 revolted from the principles, of

WASHINGTON .and. AD AMs-r-ftjii, like..heif Wachufdt and Agamsntimts^


, . . . . lyjhe; republicans aclkho^l^ 4Md%8 Mnumetahkfalfe, unrtiov%il\

no power fuperior^ to the fpyctexkn "tJajkafy people j and lecondly, becaufe -rlgbtepi^ He* tofdltyjheHl kftp, heriovi, her z'al;

eparhiicanjs hold the indifference and e-[wAtity o i ill optniofts, tbev have no QQ~ A n 'fdrii God in their fyftem, and cM ven i'weai without him—^thougjhj to do ;hem|ilfli<:e, they allow thole wh" ple^fe^ 0 be;heve the esiltence of'cne0g^t no

»4vwa plurality of GQ3§, evei'ty'iy fc-kr/iber oj (weidy* an$ this,bftiet jn)ay .,? $t af eredi* any cttiun think! proper.

•The no ion that a* righteous nation is

cortipati i"r^|joblic4n*-

liehee* wh< reas tru«s republfct

* . i • * » < '.j . . . . » \

c> A P U N . - T - " Wheni does kludge JLewis qualify lot Governor ?" afked' a democrat. 4»fje will ioon 'be Jworn tni (replied a Burrite) but 6t Will never be flualified*'*

• r ' f Balance.) * * « ' • * ! • •

; *. •; \<>mMEtiiAi. I v. . 1 . . ; . • - ' •\Bml^hUyJl<mel Hail^ focrcd tie ! 4 r

14 Tkut binds MM* gentle foiils in me ; . * On equal" toinkr their'troubles fly i

** Tneqaaljtreams theirplekfures run^

.. MARRIED^-At Gehefeej River^ on Tuefday evenirjg,-the $$& ultj, Mrr-JLEVI {?TBVEMjS,;>of jGeneya, to Mifs A N N A -K OsO N, oti the) former place.: 1 > • 1 - * • '

Wg^WBWWIllJHH n u n I.JII —

hick in>pltes reftrain|t? i» totally jjifik Nor iiu?,tbe.r, nor example*, ibli w i h liberty, the birtri?ighi|of To fhfhe herjmrvt, or change her con-


^ Some gc qd men, and accurate remark* yc-&r deplore the ignOiance, lutlrlutiiulneis/

l^rwardneis, and jrnpudencc ot jjfiolt jot theAtriericsn, children and yboth. Baitjaf

Mind.' £Col.Centinel.1

4 •'

TVLOU N E W - H A M P S H I R E . ";.J Pprlfmouth, Jfune 11:

O n Wednefd?*v k i t , ttie Legiflatu'-e of this' fta e convened at Concord. • The

jood repiiblican will eongralulke: tjhe ^Hor j . Nicholas Qilum was elected Prefi-country, a lid the agef on t he increafe and • dent of \ he Senate? T h e votes for Speak-vigar. of \ the ipirit jji lilberty, whiich ditf--«^ were, fojrthefCan. John Prentice, fi% daiijs all liibordinarion. Wfth rejgard^o, Hoq. ' John Langdon, 83—^OnT'hurfday t^e decay, oi the factai,affeSions, though i the votts for Covernoi wrere c;»ava!fed—-ibme mav<"onudec it as a y'jee, yet onr rls-l ^ wbicti his iixc<rilency " *" * . •: • *./* * 1 •- k«ir, Governor GtLMAM had ijteiG,

Han . J o H >r L A N Grio N, 12039 Majbrtty tor G O V . G I J L . M A N , tf% Of the Councillors three are federaliltsi

and two, are democrats. The Executive is therefore wholly federal ; and as it rei qmrp* i.wo thirds ol each branch of the L«gf{la*ure to pafe any law to which the Giiverr or may diffent, th<?re is no dangeV tha? any violent democratic meafure will haye ti)^Jfam> of law in New^Hagiplhire this yes r. t ' *

^nbltcans)Alary in it, as a*rjfi«g from the ipiru of pairionfo," which teaches" eVe^y' -cu^en. to poftpone all privatti affectidps tor the faksb i th^publ fc . ;

fx basCb1:£n faid that government itfelf, fit goverJirr|ent in the abH':r 8t„ is toooftert coftfau'hdejwitt- the miniflers of gqveiirfr mfen t. • jBt 11 true re p ttb 1 i caj is a re not g ail -iy of con!t#xndiT*g thete, ps they diffin-! |tiij(h:the rjTjmflers of government a$ tl'uejir • fer?ants, who are bownd to obey iti^ir or-&tis in all cafes whatfoever. Wheit they do ntst, it is eafv to raife a cry or'nhjal-id-min^fat iob, corruption, and tyranny a-gainft then^, till they are driven"from thelir offices» and others elected, whb will pay more tfcfpcol: *to the mandates and opin* ions of the people. , . j

jfb^, the next lot of arrivals from Eu­rope, ,^e Ihali not receive intelligence of England.or Ireland being invaded by Bd~ naparti's myriads of flaves, we~may fet i£ dowa is a certainty that no invafi'oh will take place, till next winter. £&s Consu­lar Myefty, therefore, will have eight

One-of |h'e moft Important £JID')|S&S ey - long IT onths more to gafcdtlfad^ AU& four* er contemplated by ,tl>cv^iMie k>f|. 'Oh bis (Word in the air, and bit ^ret#M4 Maffachufotts is now beliire them—that band ctfoldiery eigh<fo«i|| m o n ^ s more is , a rftdfidri in favour of propQimig'm a- of unappealed; hunger, and vain hope of mendment to the Cbnditntibn o t the tjj '-, plunder and fpoliation. In the mean time, i i ted Stdtet, providing that fhe rejpref0n- '' it is likely ^haijEngland may retaliate, and tatives be appointed ilmorig the' Jeveral pay bkek Frejnch menaces with BrUifh ftms, aeccjrdmg to the nurdBer of their biowS-j forpobr a$ that country is in the

yirerirrhabi:ants. Codfidertng tb« recent a i io f a fouthem ftate, authoriating the fnjf-jortation of flaves, the great el?£& this

have on the pplttkal influence of fonie ftates, and the uncqmemplaued e?c-tenfioi^ of 'Territory on the fouth-weftern quartef, having the fame tendency t it now becomes ahfoiutely neceflary, in ordei; to

• preferve th e equal rights of this part of |he corrirhanity, to revife the fyftein of repTffetrtsttidti* The intereft wjjtch alf muft, feel ill a meafure, fo effenfiail to the

of the union* has* induced us to

Cabinet, fhe is. powerful in the field : And it is fenrcely credible that theEnglifh, who when ohfed, love enterprife, and who are groaning under an'almoft intolerable bur­then for the i upport of an immenfe army and navy, will tamely fabmit to have that army U d navy lying on the defenfive, and asf ijt were, befieged and kept on timo­rous, watch, like a Hare in its form, by the pop-gun gafconades ot the Corfican ufurper.

T o look at the bufinefs with an eye of fobrieky, and difmifs all thofe emotions

dw^fr on t i e former and prefent political which every honeit man mult feel when relations, ot the Northern and Southern contefnptating the abjeft ftate of fear and


'^e^tmem£ The: remark!* naturally a* J-ihttg frot; this important fubjee%, have

•ocenpicct tkh a portion of the brefeni Jhumber, that w'e are obliged to poftpon* any obfer^tions on late tranfadioms in the i.e^iitatuje> to another d a y . — i t ^ r / ^ r ^ .

j • ! * < • * * • j

I . ' . j

. Governor M,^an,...Infi4iou| and vip-leht -as tijej. auack is upon Mr. M'Kean*

i^esded H Strnddiepaie and hi* auWa:t<M

fubmiilion to which one little being has contrived to reduce mankind; It is highly prpbible that the fummer will be ptodurj* tive either ot a general continental war in Europe, or ot negotiation, and confe-quen| peace—-That the channels a t hu­man [intercoorre Ihoutd' be# ftopped up, and the comfort, the accommodation, and the tranquility ot focial and domeftic life annihilated, by the accurfed ambition of <>ne mad rnatt, and be borne fo long as \t has, ftrange and incredible as it might once have appeared has now been feen. Men otien yield to aftonilhroent, what they

i l i s not belfev?d that they will be fo tap-cefsful as theartftocraiic junto in this (fajtc wereagai i j l Mr* Burr. Thetf rn*y pre-vent htm fiom being thfe fte*t Vici<^Pr€(£-M*ni of thi Untied States, but cannot prfe* would not yield to reafon or to force; t e a t him % m being ele|tted a|at» Govelr- But aflomfhmem is only a fliort lived paf-

n o r of | ,;hnfilv4nM,.>.Tb043gh he waf fion, ,and triumphs which have been gain-'•rmce*jpty layorite of thofe calling thenV ed, ovjer men in the moment of furprtfe, iel-vejt den ie ra t s , and almoti as popular m have often turned to the ruin of the tri-M r . Bmrtftt hh haw*ly and t n l e o e n ^ umphers, In one^ fummer, an immenfe 4ttt»c*.mdu4 have brought him infe diiVe- continent, which has by aftonifhraenr and pi}t6 witH'fyow. M«|i?i«th'^unhapi!!iefsi(|)0 , ^mpprary terror^ been betrayed into al?-

"po#JTirtg talent*' «vhich do »» r full the j * a iubrwiffion, or cowardly apathy, may wf^i ol *< Ibtrty atifd <-q;i»l((3f/* awd h&H take i turn, may become affonifbed at their ^ w l ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ v o f i i t i t t f t a r y m e T i i claim- own \pi(i a^oniftiroeiit, and frighiehed at ;«Amii- dttiirtly hu^ *»<« whiglof '$* the |prril?ic cf«at of their own tiioidfty. %n4mflm>lm<*& ^#b;*tily'i»,to.iiatit«rMr. Thofe pffion* will then work in a, way Wittm ti* *f^ifcm* wloKvei in oiie dtametrkiJly oyp6fiie 10 ton m whm * i U ^ i i c i 4 jwiui ol the l a t e , aud thus they have woiUd , t n i turning round up-

3* i •

ttMz just MfcarsD, "

•.-.; |l",o o D:, s, • •v , .Map led to the prefix Seafonf

WJ P P J they are determined t^fefjt >• at very teditmi pricey for twdy:

pay only. They wttl conil tntly'keep m ' fi'and, a-large qbarWitf of S^.JuT, to ex. change for PJKO01JCE pn good terms.

..* |3- 'Atf>TEilSONSha^|Ao« coum,^'unietijedi atfeeaaineilly risj|4tefteji[ W call and makeintmedjate .fettlement—., And t-hoie ^hufe Mc*es and j^ccountfrbav*^ been due more than thre&'nioulhi, mzm, formed, that unlefs >ayineni sjare itte&e,ty \ tht\fir/laj Augi/ll next* their Accouriiir will be pui into i h i hands c f. an Attorney

;tpt colleclipn^with>nt further notice, zf 'no longer rndulgen >e can fce given.,

Irondiquot ^anjdmg%\ (103m} June 2% JS04. J

Tofee 1 5 H

J N 1 Q K M S . his-'Cr^'itorsJeiiherby b o o | JL or note, that he r^quefts them to call on him f<?r,immedial ^{ettletaent^—lik^i|

k "all thofeindebted to ijiim. to calf and ft^t*L their accounts, tyk oribefore! thej?f// 'dam

ithout lifcrimmati^* pj AUguftWM^ot ot wilt be, put in fuit w

Hartford, fane


BOARDING SCHOOL, !. . i i : ' 1 * : •

PARENT^ living remote-JVoni a SCtJOO'L, fui ?at»ie for rh^ Educarioii

ot Y O O N G I ^ U S E S , are refpleclktily in-forsioed, lha' a S C H O O L is jopened by < M R S . W H A L L E Y , at her t^onle a lew rods north of he Court- H juffe in Canan* da?guat where fhe 'eaches Serving, Read? in$> ^VfitinglArithmetic^Geograp'iymi Grammar, to shout twenty JeiBale Papils. Thole from qiut of" town, fhe boards at a reafonahle price. " 'The price |oir "Tuition j isTwo DOLLARS -per Quarter. >

June $0. t 8 o 4 . - ; (of5) '[ . : , „ L , , r-f ~ ^ — "I

LIS^T O F L E T T E R S Remaining in the Poji'Ofiee,atCk^i AN*-''

DAlGpA, ^uneftoth, 1804L

CHARLES W 0 0 D R U F F, Sam' 1 W a g . ftaff, Ifaac Hider, Benjat|nin Slater,

Mrs. Betfey jtSmith,i Jofe'ph Smith, John Armftrong, .Mrs. EflerTayjo^, H . More,;

j u i Jacob A. Myer[, George folfal, Afef Parker, j uh 'Elijah Philqps, H^idah Kent;, Nehemiah Fargo^ James Po l l e r , Hugh Gragg, Petfer Hawky , Galea ;Hitchcock, Levi H ; c k o k Samuel Anders, Selah Bar­nard, Luther Benjamin, Efqittre, James Brooke, Znhnon Bedient, C^pt. James Eaton, Zabiion Caliie, ArchibaldtS.Clark, |[onathan Colburo, Jofeph Clark-— C A N - ' A N D A I G U A . • " '•>''•

James Fiius, Jfoejl Prefcot, Caleb Cafe, John Chap|man—BH£LPVTOW*< .

Nathan jStewart,; James Tm-n<:y, John Found, Benjamin Luce, Capt- Solomon Franklin, jj. CoL John Bradiih, Wiliiam B . Clark, Zephinah Culv'er, T i m x h y Co-n a m — - P A L M Y R A J \ •

Seth Inbbs, Jojin B , Paribus, John Linfley, 2, Charles Lewis, Frederick Da-vis, Levi BJackmer, Wia-« Baker, Efq. Sanford B j r i g g s — ^ I T T S Y O W ^ ,

Abijah NeWcotrjh, Cliriftojpher Pren­tice, Srlas t><ir|ham—TNORTHFIEJLD.

Charles'Hartford, Chrilfopher Dugan, Auguftus |8 . Shaw, Simon King, William Hall, John M'Pheifon,NORTHAMPTOj4.

JRev, A|b>jah Warren, Nathan Spencer, Samuel Newlen, M^ffrs. S, & O . Gilber t -Nathan Hatch, Caleb Edfon, Frances Church, John Qrandel, Nathaniel Cud-worth'—BRISTOL. , '

John Fatnmas,$amuel Stilwell, Bigtree. ' Shubael Johnfon,' Angelica, '. NathanierKowley, Oziel Smith, Ben­

jamin Tucker, Mifs Lydia Mighells, John .Phitop8,.WakemanLyon,Manaifah Leech, Nathan.Hammond, Mifs Pollv Divifon,. Hezekiah Atkins,Ifar Jacocks. Char teflon.

Ifaac Ktigby, Charles G, Fairman, Rev. James IjL Hotebkin, Cant. Joel Kellogg, Elijah OWen, Widow Polly Mirior, Lucas Plo|*bins, Baiiiel Rew t William Butler—•• Biooniftctd.

Thomas Thompfon, Seldfiri W illtamS, Avguftk. , •',

Ezra Towner, t^-Eaflown^ fames £rreen,j William Patton—Lyons* [ofhna K. King—Faimingtan, -JezaleiU Aicbjin fon-*- Bradvxk's &ay*

John Chriftiep Duncan M'Pherlan, CaU edonia.*

Obediah Woodard, William A • Smith, Abijah Hick, Jofeph Hatch, Horam Sa-bin, Midktetoion. ' •

Alva B a v - DeerjieldJFejlemRtJeme. DavidJKIardingei—Williamfpn. John June--«jl#rF^tr£A> Samue|i Waferen, Mit t Mary Youngs

Oliver Arnold, »* -OVJ!^#» Jofeph Etafon, Abraham Barret | WM-

)kut M 0clhen«y4 Aaron Itihly, Onima*

STRAYED from . $ih. ot May lajft

bou t fourteen and years old, >ihe is Whoever jwiil retu owr>erf in SlooitiiBeli where fiie rewarde b.\

or give m^orraaiitia nayl)e found, lliall b4 ub^utly

H E N R Y Ifl^YES. • ; \otk

remain: *jnfettlt-d on nex«j Wifi be profecuted,


u :L,

the luftfcrih'er,- orT tf)e^ a b k c k M A R E ,

half ]iand$'hight t& 'd and fpjavm'd:—

\n faid Mare to fhe

NOTIC: L L AICCOOB^S do-. +v .h^ late Cojpairt-

uerUiip of Henry i? Hori$en\ tjiat ctie texitb d a y >flJuly


rugs & M^dicine^

Al^es, All am, Aoke ftos

ters of all kmds4 B'jti'lb p^le and yellow, Bd.rru ious Pfl-ls, C.r»ir» Piyifter phor, Caftor, C^iumBo axon and -Nutmegs,.-Ci<

Ju-fl afrived, and tot faJe on as- low terms as any iri the yXeihtrr?: $)itbiet. Appjt>r/*d Note$1, aijfour monihs^ wi 1 h? iak[en in

and a Itbeial iiifcoint allow«4 for j . wa'rranted getkiifie,

and a"(1 favors graief 4:1 ly acknowledgevU ,

Among the above Juppty the following •j „ may; i.e fiarf:, (

^E*her, Ande,rfon's a n i Hooper's P Ifs,

wood, Litharge, Lao dan quorice Ball, aijd Itoov, nefia, Mace, Mofqh, Mj<

W M . H0HT--Stein ha.viijg full power to fettle atl a.C— counts tranlacted under rtie faid firai, (c-queifs their Tettiirig wi*h iim the faid

7"W. HORTSENJ Geneva, June t o , 180^. • O/cf

i\ntimony, Oil* Bark,

iC's Drops,) 3 i l l -CaWm


>pS,J £MU-al, Cam-

oves. Gii na--m Tartar, -Casx-

tharides, Cocuius, ;.n.ii<;us, Cammomile1

Flowen, Caftor and O ivjc Oil, E|Ts|jie« of Spruce, Pepperrt int, Lemon, ^a jga* mot and Lavender* Fox Glove, Giafeng |ioot, Glauber's Sajtf uTtf Salt Tajtar, Hserlem Oil, 01 E>iuch Drops, Hfera PU eia, Ifingials, I 'ch Citttrient 10 tin-boxes, price g/ per bo^c, a certain«ure, perfttliy fale and pleafant to this fmeily and doe« not contain a particl; of Sulphur or ^ ler -cfiry-*-Jalap and Rhuba^h,, Root &f P o w ­der, Ipecacoana, India Pipk Rooi^ Log-

iiuf. Lancets, JUI-M ^ n a an^ ^'lag-e Trh Oi ! of( Mint,

ermtnt, Spikt, Aninfeed, Vi»i^oj aqd Juniper-^rOpuim, Oiange Pre}. Opide l -

d Pfafbaa Blue; !?y, P»:arl Ames,

20 X)olia;rs Reward*

doc, Patent Yellow- an< Pearl and French Bar pomatum, Plaiftftrs of <;very kind, Pitch Burgundy, Plate Pc|wdtr, Rozitt, Re;d 8c White Lead, Sugar,st I-ead, Spermaceti, Smelling Bonier, Scnmi, Snake U4i6:mii Valeiian do. Salt Petie, Shavmo; and Caf* tile Soap,Spirits Ti^pJn^ine, H«uifiiatti and Nitre, Sulphur, Spjmge Squills,. Saf-1

Iron, rariarEmeriv,»Tv'ines Tam^iarinds, Tooth Bruihes and PJwder, Vermnhori apd Yerdigreaie, Whiv & Blue, Vrnol^ Spanifh Whiting and JE>ro*vn. Wortr L o ­zenges, Wdler$4 &ji» &c, with every aml-pfe in the Apotheeaiy line. ,

ST R A Y E D or fldeti from the fu!»fcri-4 ber, ort the t^M, mil* a da»k Sorrfl

M A R E , abiut 14 haikls^higb, four ,year# old, has a whit* ftrip b< lo* h rr eyes, tight mane and t*tl, Jhe bias a very long dock, and i* fhod befote. | l i lokn , the Jkbove reward will | e ftv«j» 10 auv pertan i r h ^ will apprehend tb* ihlvK f» that b< fttay be brought to j u f e s , a ^ i retuxit 4»e M$m to-'.tbe owwejt*-'7- -3?or:r h.n Mar* o«l,¥ *|?e*«r ^m$tm¥mi:mMW:^'ent awl aft resKo% abbe dhirket'iiaidbv' -

' - v . * * ^ v i * ^ r £ H M T L | i i ^