Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred,...

^ & 0«m Xiliiaor© & ^Vll, - •" r • ... Luke - n> a r e i ©f Kansas a lty* "learn 111 say i J word;;, i; M sot*,, times if this ILlraorea -iaoiaiaiti. ill Ml ' Shs: l«d tel mountain; is; toll I jpf •* .1 i t a it. >ett©r is 13 tellinn * ovs shinir . tits faraway echoes, t to tha e L it en.i tell is •-.avrnF would die* .••:'*••,• : ad* ri, whether he) have enough to , not ft! against another king, sitteth nc •uaana t o raoat h- other is y ay off, , bo of 9isjle>« (34) - h l t - i e 5© sens 'tied? (35) I t i s neither and couaiiultet'; ; v-+ •• " have lost , in di y our la tin ! said wife disciple* teth the > f otaado- war ith ten while the pe*»«»(3# 1 be ay . i t be it t eosw) —~ : —- \Ttirt-. sti« r end '.aether, i-wfci, it ©eye: ther, and wife urd is that riat idea to hentr 11 eireu»- h we same* idea. and we •1 -"• es • i • t3J*t • out our awn sal' r elttavt. .... •- .>"•• i u mm I V I-J: , : r words, mLi Btatl M sai&g. Met do our o+n s iritual un- » must unfold quiak,keen,alert Judgaent are drees* I ily discover Q0&-, to truly discover the

Transcript of Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred,...

Page 1: Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing, ing others respond. II . It is possible for us to penetrate the ethers

^ • & 0 « m Xiliiaor© & ^ V l l , - •"

r • ... Luke

-n > a r e i ©f Kansas a l t y * "learn

111 say iJ

word;;, i;

M sot*,, times i f th i s

ILlraorea - i a o i a i a i t i .

i l l Ml ' Shs:

l«d t e l

mountain; i s ;

t o l l I

jpf •*

.1 i t a i t .

>ett©r i s 13 t e l l i n n

* ovs shinir . tits faraway echoes,

t t o tha e L i t en.i t e l l i s

•-.avrnF would die*

.••:'*••,• : ad*

ri, whether he) have enough t o , not ft!

against another king, s i t t e t h nc •uaana to raoat h-

other i s y ay off , h« , bo of

9isjle>« (34) - h l t - i e 5© • sens 'tied? (35) I t i s ne i ther

and couaiiultet';

;v-+ •• "

have l o s t , in di

y our la tin ! said


d i sc ip le* teth the > f otaado-

k» war i t h ten while the pe*»«»(3#

1 be ay . i t be

i t

t eosw)

—~ : — - • \Ttirt-.


r end '.aether,

i-wfci, i t ©eye: ther, and wife urd i s that

r i a t idea to hentr

11 e ireu»-h we same*

idea. and we •1 -"• es

• i ••••• t3J*t •

out our awn sal' r elttavt. .... •- .>"•• i u mm I V

I-J: , : r words, mLi Btatl M sai&g. M e t do our o+n s i r i t u a l un-» must unfold quiak,keen,alert Judgaent

are drees* I ily discover Q0&-, to tru ly discover the

Page 2: Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing, ing others respond. II . It is possible for us to penetrate the ethers

depths, the heights, the greatness, yea end tho riohneaa of Jed's nature. Thus trying to discover lod, we know loads we into never-ending study for real isat ion, aff irmtion for roe list-, taon of was |oji corxoiouenoea, r o a l i i t t i •• lows. Gradually wo come to knew, aa Jesus taught, undoubtedly that at wo develop and grow apiritue.ll, then; io ouch a thing as forming now t i o s On the -piritual plane; yea, even fornmng what wo would c s l l fam-i l y groups on the spiritual piano. This nay or nay not include our earthly or Mortal foxd* t i e s . Wo know that gradually wo are entering the great universality of a l l things and that those who l i v e c loses t to Sod, to ghe 3ed of righteousness are the ones wo love and honor most; wo ««ne to know that spiritual t i e s are r al ly stronger than noartal t i e s . So find do wo not, that through Jesus Christ Bod indeed io a l iv ing Sod and "is perfeet ideas form the most important thing in our l i v e s , idea of the «hriat i s the nest inpertftnt thing in our l i v e s . aperbly tuned mind and brain of Jesus ^hrdst, wo have oo«e to know that the divine Kind i s indeed a rich s o i l , a so i l eager with idtao of l i f e , l ight and substaneo. These ideas v v o j ' a r e end- torpors** into our s •ifiociouonosa and to u-e in reo on a true ting our l ives were and more after the div-ine pattern.

Thus 'led asms f i r s t in oar l ives mi a his perfect idea, th ' • 1st, i s the Meet impor-tant thing in our l i v e s ,

!#ew l o t us turn witliin, realising» i - 41. May wo oay. that vary softly togeth-er: . wo realise what the 1 AM in you and no i s tho central magnet

:. Magnet which right unc t iming in livino Hind! St have tho power to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing,

ing others respond. I I . I t i s possible for us to penetrate the ethers into the 2 AM Consciousness,

Victor hig© ©now said, ''leaven on oca pens i t s ecrma to us and that i s tho great memwnt," rle&,ven right now io opening i t s arms to us and this i s oar groat Moment. I AM

IS* I AM . :3JILY 'Wi I TJBJ 'LLY UJ ItseV. Very soft ly togetheri (repeat). There i s nc I i l e a , no situation we cannot penetrate terse through this inner act ivity of tho mind end sot into oper * divine law of JUG tic , t now. Let us penetrate . . is so-called war situation. hat

*o laws of judticu, of righteousness of posse, are now sot into operation. "O. Amen,

: You are ,a l l nwaro in these g , re seeking to unravel some of the lystfsal

sayings of Jesus ulwrsst* 1 mo suing to o&ll .na again to tho lesson for today t i s part of i t , whieh i s : If aon* i.iun corn? a own fatJwa? and

mother, and wife, and children, and brethren and s i s t e r s , yea and hie own l i f e aloe, ho cunnot bo my disciple.M Neheesevor d 4h not bear his own cross ad Imat after ms cannot bo my disc ip le ." The root of the text was summed up*" Bejemv th • cost before you build your oast ls , and before going to war count your soldiers . You cannot bo my disciple unlessyou relino/uishr ©veryt ding end follow after me.

^~" how your attontionhao been called to the fact , to this word *tate*: *lf any rsai ©©smth. af ®r me and hato^h not hie father mother etc • he oanno4 be ray disoipl©* and aa * forth. That really i s a'raiotr*.- i m, ihtnXd roammbsr 1 s i t ss wo huvo i t now, has passed thrcsatj two languages at t and may trsnoakti;-. s, '• t we a l l want i s to got,.'la the >>rpretaHon_oj" the ' i b l o . _̂______̂ „_«.-̂ - •. _ .

Of c o u r s e , Jesus l a mu>haoasiar: ... he#W"a*""lho m > e i i m i n r t e th I p o s t o u a l Xtyo), or -» i mnjr k ir ©..may. tuJLJ e r s n U s n t i on of love, foe there i s now no deal what tho Tuoeiiii lovo in no re or l e s s self ish, and tin love af tawlfiah. >o in an I , Jesus said, * hau shalt lovo the lord thy God with a l l thy Heart, an ;oul and with a l l thy streiwrss end with a l l thy mind, mi tin/ neighbor as thy se l f .

Her t©u«hT> ore was summsd up in the love of our own family, in certain degress of affection, wo are to Minimize th t ; o, disregard that in ©roar that wo may have th i s fullness of lovo* You Seal readily sow, i f yo in touch with the rritmiple af Love, w' .a ouch larger love capacity than if you ware

•'*»»* tm a small personal love, love fucjoarwl* year Yriuauis, thorn that would lovo you I . SIc~oT^ auroo i or, and wo oan see i f wo had th i s largo love,

we woiild^autuiBf-tio a Uy lovo a l l people, lovo our so-called loved ones more than wo over did before, for wo Jaurl use tho larger understanding of what lovo i s *

Mow many of us Ion,; to love our friends, Ls our re lat ives , but wo lack tho capa-•***• to s i r* thaw the th i sg . thxy need, for muamU

m9 w# would l ike to

Page 3: Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing, ing others respond. II . It is possible for us to penetrate the ethers

- 1 -oitjr to give thorn th* ti inga they need, .or example, w« would like to see them have

\ ©f the teawewwfi things, bat we haven't get the teaperml • • Bat i f you haw*

Lgot the larger lave of clod you would draw to you everything need 4 , and you weald be able to help your friends mere than you ever helped them*

We must aleo remember in reading the •endptntw that i t ia a i l virtual ly ay>stie«l* I t la a question whether the his tor ica l facta are to be f allowed* The history v e i l s . e**n> thing deeper than history* what ia that! I t ia a rea l i ty , i t ia man*a relation to hia

iree* of M we use the word/tied*'* That gives a very inadequate idea because of i t s aesoeia

t iM i s wonderful fteejwe of a l l* an we meet lammaber that these parable* and theee things were given at a time when the people l ived in an imaginary world* They were look-ing for tha Kingdom of 1o«von to oome down the skies and set up in earth, i th jeaus whrist as king, and a l l that sort of thing, and they didn't have a real understaimliBg ef Truth* -nd you fit I seme, thing prevaiiin isricn

1 rond of a literal-ndaded minietor who e&me aeroee a well-kn<>*r>' a from . . ,iirn >i"> Bonbons in stones and books ia running brooke" , and he read i t to hia

wife for an nmasing misprint* "He one ever sew a sermon in e stone, and a book in a ihia-•wrnvj brook would ho a l l wet and useless . 1 guess what the writer evidently meant wee

oraona in booke and atones in running brooke**" That** tha way some people would re-duoo everything to a l i t e r a l , f leshly, material attuadpolnt and take a i l -the poetry out of l i f e*

like to imagine thinve* We l ike to see an imaginary world, beam peeple Live in th Id too much* But i t i s scenthing that we need to cultivate more than we oultiv ate this temporal aide ;s*

Hew Jeeer. t was so at-ene with th ue ef hia being that as he aaid, the very worda he a. ok© were not hia but the Fathers dwelling in hia* i f you can imagine yourself so at-one with the souree of your being, with doi, 'pirit , you don't have to put your nwxwx ideas into words. You can see to whet tenant ;» attained that unity*, Mow we get an idea. He have to clothe i t with our own word . a a per ty of our •xttlng ao at-one with thia one l ind, i t even inf i l trates i t s e l f even in ourweeda* That

•:t-one-aent* That ia; t h ' M message we are to have when we I into the Father-

How this "boa end ng as one with the Lord Jesus Jhrlat"! m a l l know that we are to be-som eme with the original iou-diea of ourselvea* I idea, this perfect mun, i t always right with ue end 'that a l l we do i s open ourselves unto i t ; to srmothe i t away, te erase, not to hate4 not hate the outer things, but oii*ly eliminate thorn as having power,

I g anything to produce real af 1 . be only effect i s termors!, ohanging. we coca) into unity with this divine -ouroe of things, we w i l l attain sapiwmmty;

attain power over a l l these outer things* That ia what Jesus did, and we think of hia as a great Master Mi; . That Master Mind i s ours* m t a i l our run in any great period of need, whatever i t say be, to throw I t , the whole burden uron this Master kanf and lo and beholdt i t works* .hen they l**xw a bejel lessen , we t e l l thorn, "Don't worry or bo anxious* Take i t unto the lord and 'to wi l l handle i t for . even nan ef science who are giving attention unity with . 1 remetdter reading about a groat singer, Jenny bind, that before every public a. .-franco, she had her doors looked to her dreesing room, end she went into , ! t very quiet, stood right s ra floor and broke into one af v ec, and then got very quiet and she said thia, "UadYKK, Naswnr, be ihou with me inking tonight". *WnJ She got into Her key and got that receptive state of mind whioh realised whs *erd, and she always made n success*

hew ihnt, we ean see, i s aaoerdlng to the lew that we are te chlng* h f l l l e l *° o r o a < s

out, ,«t rid of n i l th 80 earthly bonds. They ore like guy vopes tyingni jsfalemvT. e i our minds down to earth, if you can out them, you find you get higher an r in your spiritual recusations* la a l l thosa laaeone a l l our tieughta are tending towurd that one

, to get out of human limitation* And i f you can do i t through study, that'a goad* Bnt i t ia better to get i t through roaliaution and eeweeiaUy to do ©wwy with thia looking at outer i and judging by outer things*

%«r l Beecher says I t was hi si custom "in my house to rio© from sloop and wash, and read "His ser*t*m of the imnewtt./ "One sight whale thee engaged, my father, who i s a man of practical mind, ©add, 'fton, why r yo* not asleepT" "Behold", 1 eeld t him,

Thy other children ara l e s t in Irrwllfdeua slumber, whilo 1 aleno wake to praise 3od*" He eeld,'' ion of ay soul, i t were better for thee to be engaged in irrel igious sleep then to wake to find fnult with thy brethren."

Page 4: Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing, ing others respond. II . It is possible for us to penetrate the ethers

- 4 -'. i s a «;oaJ. loason for everyone of us* be) look at the other fellow and think

"Veil, how does he get anything! He locen't pray, and he certainly doesn't understand truth me 1 do; tenet44; mmke Hie af f i l ia t ions like I do*'* e l l , thore you art,find-ing fault , wanting your time, buildi oeparetion between you and that other fellow* Be) i t i s b oe to be at-ene with th<> dpi i t in everything fJttt we do, and ©very thing that we , •way we oome into a wonderful inmr world, i orld that we know nothing about in our outer experien*e.

:ie other day in " l i t t l e Journeys T» 1»e Tfeam* Of the Or , kf ke bort Hubbard* I read about th is uwnem Gulon, a groat t>*aah an/etie who l i v e i three hundred yeare age* I thought how a lea© that woman wae wi^wjj jAjp teaoh. He aaid, "le fervour th t greeted ladase ttulca wae ver . Her aiwalfTngTanl devout ent luclaem wen ber entrance info the Hemes of the gront and amble ovorywhore. :nniaed societies of wojesn that met for prayer conventions and thousands of them gathered to hoar >»r, and the burden of her philosophy was Lniiatiara*--tao absolute eulonaSaion of the human soul to the wi l l of God* o. . Lay aside a l l striving, reoeileg out; a l l unrest; a ease a l l efforts and rea l ly loan ea ord*s hands* S euduroth mil things; and makeslife within continuing, radiant with his wholeness (ihvt i s holding a sllenoe) thus a l l good eases to us* He attiwst gooe>-»we arg^^|hnifd»f ltli |f | | u r f**A*3nd* 'lis sp ir i t dwells with no*" he 1 persons thurStgl^ tmrwUg and weug it that we eon never gain

fte&es by striving for i t l ike furyy'* philo >tretehed out into l imit less iwastfe oatione bearing on ovsry phase and of l i f e oonnoeting everything ovarywher© wii the swstis* iyntioiaa afforded endless opportunity for thought and i t i s the same philo-sophy th t as being expounded by le in y.

I i t a l l that ie v i ta l and Joyous in the aoealled advanoed thou pit, for ee dan also know thor re larger feats i f anj g that have not been taught befors*

tiaaeeat Guion lived almost before her time* As he says here, 'Hexdsme Guion's suooeee eas toe greet* the guardians of dogmatis rel igion are ever on the scent rear. They are jealous and fearful and fu l l of alarm l e s t their inst i tutions shell suffer or dlsapjmttu** quietism wee getting ahead and t utfe tho name ©f f'.i dan< uion was beooiclng known* -he .sent from teen to town." ay he s tates she gave onurses of lectures

i women floaked to hear, hereyels*^ clubs, preaohero somstimee aj^cared and r.r,;, 'tor, but by 'rveur of her speech thay war tJy silenced* Then they took revenge by sermons lagalnst her after she had gome* travel-er she l i v way, a peyche-toohnia (!) way or an oleotro-dynamio (?) way/ They dared her t o oome back and fight i t out. Th« air was alinngoe* hie relate

bold enough to say, "This woman av t^ist ianity but i f people find God every-, whatever wi l l bceomo of us?" smeeam Guion ouend twelve years in prison because

of her heresy, a l l thank God that we l i ve in s freer age than n? 300 years age railgiously

and teach whatever we are moved to teach and what we are teaching today i f we ha I taught i t three hundred years age they would have put us a l l in ja i l* Wo are only in ja i l to what? Our own l imitations; in j a i l to this lack of a ful ler uBisretaniing of th© »pirit* Lifs as something that*a here mad now at a l l tisme, and that we must eul t iv te our minds until they get ee strong in this inner cautiousness they are like inornaeed muscles,and we fse l the iTesence,aad wo w i l l know there i s a l iv ing ipiritu&l raver here*

We know that by analogy, by reflection we wee i t e x i s t s , i s i t possible to know i t our i get Gan you tough with your mind? You earn, it you cult ivate i t Ion; enoudi. It you wish to know about the l iv ing =u, and

k *hrist bein,s, «i>*a the door to the great universal l ind of a l l , you t the senseiousnean. There i s no other way abiu i t* I t i s n ' t something that defends on Gad, i t depends upon you* (led i s hare* You open up your lungs - open up the c e l l s - to get in a i r . Be you wi -mind, open up your mind i f younefid unlimited capacity to love. *• Jesus said, we rauat do sway with these limited loves , we are holding to ii Ie and in thirssj* what appears ?ad stays? God llind. I t preduees thoughts. Make i t a point to get a l i t t l e oloser to hod; f i l l our hearts with love unti l we sieve everybody and svorythinfr** but Goi-Lcve eomcc f i r s t .

Mew we are going to tak up thie i Ifei of t*5vd as nn inner quality and give i t fuller but f i r s t we wi l l ft or offeringt (Laughter)

Mi Offertory I Thie i s our part to give It the Inrd* *e w i l l ask you to wake your offering in year

h nis •« A kegother the usual b i o s al l -. tafwrlkaw p ie s c ta lVUI^ LG* : leVTewl > O ( t k « • * ) • I n t h e Name o f J e s u s d h r i a t * Amen*

Slesaing Offering: Father we than* ^hae for thie getwreus oulpeujring of Thy substance* ft)

Page 5: Ttirt-. · 2018-04-18 · to sop: : i AM" tut t i l the most snored others respond; who mat sacred, healing, ing others respond. II . It is possible for us to penetrate the ethers

*f*» wajm pool.

3RRRLE3 PXLUH020SI gov i » art entering into thio eanssiousnsss of too power of Opiril to Heal and

prosper and open the way for those who look to i t * Oar heaUng word today i*t*kT ?!&#u*f SPR11BS /OATH SPgJDlLY Am J TRUST WRM*LY IN THW*" la the spir i t of tho Lord Jeoua whriat to the opsning to tho great Father-Mind. Health opringo forth speedily* fraft oaly in 'Shoe* Let's a l l Sjsalise that* we are right In tho pressno* of -the 3 eurss of health! strength, power, proopority, a l l good — i n tho laving Preset*** L e f t a l l amy that for oursalvwa*

"Iff R2ALTH afftlWS POHTI &P359ZLT AND 1 TRBoT WHOLLY AN THKS." Onao aero l e t ' s apoak i t with a l i t t l e more enthiwl*v*w.:( repeat) Thai's bettor* Pat pour heart sad so* into your words* Let's eayt OUR (£*L7H Si*.i?03 fORTi WtJtiilUt mm BR TRUST WABBLY XM THffiS**. we - re seeing aero tad aero of th is almighty Spirit of the Lord* Hew lo t as in our inner s p i r i t release i t for thee© neaea that hove boos presented to as -today He* healing*

aOuAj Mm we the at ateaeat* aHaaiat Lot's say to thami"YOUE ;!EALTH ftPAliOfl FORTH wt-asaJUt A3 YOU TJSiaT MQWt

IK, UHajLST*" Tagathsr (repeat)* How you go ahead with the as written nsjats, names of own, assess of others, anybody* anywhere that you want to hols* You say to theatt(re| Let's a l l apeak that word together for those who* nawss are given! (again repeat)* haaL* i s s that* Are there any other sense*?

CORAI. Haw for prosperity for these aane naawai YOUR PftoapmiTY 3fR*nTid FORTH aPlastt tflzM YOU TRUST -.vWJLLT IN StOST*"

CHARLgai Together (Repeat) ^hriat i s here and i e witness to ear thoughts or askaet> Isdgcent of hia* Hie power i s being expressed through us*

CORai May 1 ask spseial proysrs for hear friends in Truth? law/ wo join together l a a healing thought far a l l of tho boys who ore i s tho qumrentlsn* now undtr quarantine a t Jeff ore oa Berraska, at St* Louis, MUaourit YOUR KaLTH aPPOTOS FORTH spusaiLY WHS* TOO TRUST ONLY -H UTLP3T. together! (repent).

CHaRLBSi Realism the gro^t Ufa-giving, atrongtlr*g*isg, health-giving Spirit i s work lag, working through a l l these boys* Lot's speak tho word for a l l the soldiers ovtu'-jantlt*. (rooevt) This **--*&-^¥Mm*-Ui*H ep«ekHhewnrd * ? « « § * . Lit** oafrtiWaE Nil T*vWT IN UKR23T RSSniViS f^lla wW» •FRAJB', TTJY WILL OP AK •riftVO.-f* AND F.iA Jg wJLL J®fflI«?RA:,m* Tho prondse i s that wo shal l shorts* th is war throuah having faith U OHH *W%*

villi you rissploass* BenediotiQni ' Wo are going forth with this dewaaaat thought that Sad'a Lovs be built Up

in us through Christ and that love being the solvent for a j l of our problsna, i t doesn't neJco any dlffersnss what problem yea have, i f you pour the LOVB of (KB) upon It , that LOVS wil l be inero&sod in you and your words will bo laving words and i t wil l tabs ears of ovary problem* Do this in tho iwuse of the Lord Jesus dhrist*
