tSSSRSSS? SnglgaJBfe. Ml- lBE$Tercat Enigma. A thousand guess--vebeen made at the Ingredients of...

p tSSSRSSS? LOCAL MATTBEST - - - J. I. Colhapp, Bditor. THURSDAY, OCTOBElt C, 1S70. From the Daily of Tuesday. nBOW.vni-E- , FT. KEAKKET AKD PACIPiC RAILROAD: FORMAL BREAKING GROUND! The" formal cercinon ies of Breaking Ground to the Brwrnvllle, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad took place in this city at 2 o'clock y. The exercises were as follows: , DcForrcst I'ortcr called the assembly to order, and on his motion Judge .Morgan was called to the chair and brielly addressed the crowd. First: Mutic by the Brownville Silver Cor- net Rind. Second: Salute by the Jirownvllle Gun Squad, undor cominniRl of fcapt. 1. a Ecrger; one round for each of the Board of Directors, County Comnjis!oners, JInyor of the City and the citizens at large. Third: Music by the Band. Senator Xjiiton made the opening spcoh, in whl-- li o ft ferneri to tiie importance of the present railroad enterprise; to the eaily his- tory of tu" town a"d county and their devel-men- t, tmclnirit Troni the early settlement to the present day, rehearsing many amusing aneedotts; refuncu by name to many of the old residents.; to the commencement of railr- oad enterprises In the State and their pro- gress; anil many dther niatlors of inteiest and information. Ground was "then formally broken oy Hin.ru Aii'EUM.vx, the-olde- citizen of tho county. II" was followed by Senator Tipton, Representative TQt President Lett and Kmrntccinnor): A1rfi mill 1?il ttv This was frtJAVodlry-n- re THJnT3olm T.fe,i jlenreseiitatlve in C.rij;rrs3 'rotfFobiaskiil no thanked tiieassem.uv forttia.ea.il, nndj expressed his p,-ui- e at -- :tghin JnSifer-H- . initt.- -l to meet tne ivpicui i.rojrnvjue.auu tbca pro'oeded to mtk one of the fi.iest ra!lro.ul Kjieee'i i- - has been our-lo- t to lis:en to. ". Hon. II 'C.Lett, l'residentof the Company, then adlrfsstHl thoasMsmblagetml briefly but polinediy refl'erred to the natural rail route from east to west, through, our town and county; recounted the labor and means by which the enterprise was pnt on foot, and tte material aid secured for its construction. President Lett gave eve.y assurance that the k would be prosecuted vigorously to its completion, and asked residents of the clty and county, and along ike line, to promptly perform their daty, nudthere'jy greatly facil tate the early completion of the great enter- prise nor inaugurated. Dr. 1I I'Jerson was then called for and re- sponded in a happy and welt pointed address. The day being pleasant the crow&Hvas Irn-lnen- Pof. Bscn, Princiiwl of the Brown-vlll- e High School, dismissed his School, and with teachers and scholars attended the ceie-erati- on in a body. Tills is Hie opening up of the most Impor- tant enterprise ever inaugurated and put "oh foot In this c.ty or county. All seemed to feel, ils and entered fully Into the spirit of ths occaMon. BELDEK TIIE "'.VIIITE CHIEF, 0. tw-'v- years a.-:iii- 3 the w'-- Indians of the Plains. From the Dla-ie- s and Manu- scripts of Geo. P. Bolden, the rdventurous Vi.Ur O rcf, S'i,(i Ilvn e. T r e and Guide. E tednyU.'ii.Jas.'gSrJJrlsbin, TJ. S.A. J. S. Goodman & Co. Cn.cago, 111.; C F. Vent, Cincinnati, Ohio. To the publishers we are indebted for a copy of tills work, which for several reasons lsVery.Interesting, and will be perused with Interes. Geo. P. Beldon, the hero, was n former wed known resident of this city; a practical prlnicr, and worked In this office. He was also a soldier in a regiment com- manded by the KdUor, during wli'ch time he obtained muelof the informatlonlmpar-tc- d by the lKok. Tiie vo'uine contains over Ave hundred octavo pages, magnificently and "ottenun. in all esnecs. lm first class si le. We of tlm Tents narrated vrnlci, while ttfehTyj coUng ed, contain man impoitnnt fSctsSconnecS linn irmi i.inn. re nnri Tinmt c ixjiil fUn rpr. l Kiill2Jkl. IstlftS nT t J IVf-,- , Mfl J hp"li ntmlifn it, ncrcrbe.oix-in.p.lii- t. Ttie Injofccannoc fell to have ".i run." Some one in thl place, aad otiicr p unts In tbe State will do well to obtain an agency. Address C. F. Vent, Cin- cinnati. Capi.lJ. T.Y. DaiTow, Engineer In charge of cur.ttrucion u tne west end of the Q. M. K.4: P. Had oad, f oat tne river, opposite lh!si-- .. loRccfcpo. , Is in tills city, and Is mak.ng the neccs-r- y ..ejjsradons .o com-meneew- early next weelc Hegf.es into theflell at once, and as the line Is al eady permanently loaned, and the contractor, Win. Channahan, Q. Incy, will be here this wtek w t!i ills fi.Ji eo' ..anfis, our neigh- bors qver ;h? way may feel certa.n ot break-bi- g ground in their'foiiniy next week .'or tiie grand InU : -- 5ceaoic ila:irtad of the Western Cjrtlnentl taii-oa- d Hand About a dozen teams Ailed w tli liii.; oa. !alorers, etc.. arrived in ourc,t th.smo n!ng, fromaSalem, for tho purpose of go' ng to work on thoB., Ft. K. & P. Rallm-vd- , active unerjiiions on which will heuci,,imhis week. Tiino teams belong lo thcoutit o.Mi-bsrs- . Unieiisottle. & Ciock, wLoLiV. ..-- n forborne time jsst engaged en ti." ;eiualia Vnlioy "Ra .road, but who have vit idrawn fro.'u labor on thai road for soWv jo1 Tiy w.il iIkclsaJ-con-trac- t un Jer Mows, Allen & who bavcas,niiI'eontict, and whose isams which hae been here for a week past startedout this morning. Both parties un- derstand the work and will mako the dirt fly with a will. Woolen aiills. D. Atiierton, of Williams &At.ierton, Oakland Mills, Henry County, Iowa, called this noon, and talked of tho propo't of the removal of these Mill to this Plac He was wcli pleased w ith tills city as a point, and with the prospects for the profit- able operation of a (factory here. He Is a practical workman himself, and the Mills he would bring are good and capable of doing oil s'ylcs of custom work, and will turn out abcut one hu.idred and fifty yards or goods per duy. Tho arrangements necessary to in- duce these Mills to this place he will explain tnore fully toour people by letter on consult- ing his partner. We think It can be made. The Oldest uihaoUaut In this C'ty Is, we believe, R. J. Whitney. Ic came here Li March, 1855, wi:h ills family.and has been IHln'liher in the oity orctnnty ever since. Previous to tl-.l- however. le had explored this couutrj when the river flowed to the tops of the bluti's, and then tied up his oat to a tree near Hlgii Alderman's farm, at hlch time he pelected tho claim lie after-var- li took. He was aftei wards 3Iayor of w o.k and P ol.ali Judge of thlscounty. That Agrlcnltiiral Seed "Wreatii. Wc "ave heard It doubled if Miss Mollie Moore toade the immense seed wreath she exhibit- ed at the State Fair. We aro informed by fler father that no other hands than her own touched 1L She did not even stiC heir pre-Pt- or during Us construction. It is a won- derful piece of ingenuity, especially when Reconsider the youthfulness of the young Ussirhoinndeit. aituic Is humanizing. Show us a man w: d music nnd .- i?:il show von a anrho is open to all fnr; feelings and "R Gets that enoble and io ate the hu-- n above the brute crci.-.tfi- ; to bring us fertile Creator. T!iv -- .flections lead j xKnmend Jas. Dyfs to establish BtnUr cUy,at Moore & Bradford's Book inT!a Cciot for lhe w,le r MsIcal Itru aud Sheet Music, and to ask for Mm Patronage necessary to success. ii,-- C ercat Enigma. A thousand guess- - vebeen made at the Ingredients of So- - . aS the most wlinlAKfimn ninl Tiorffwt. Wejp p lriue the world has ever seen. They little11. Vr,)ng' fco' by waJ of throwing a n0n JJlt on the subject. It is now an- - QttUh Ulat the LIber' or 1,mcr fcark of th0 valirra 'ponarla, the Soap Tree of the fcit?rthe A3ltles. one oftlie compo- - luat peerlebsdentrifice. " -- - c j ttthu" f mUU l8 havln5 built, on his farm stantiii rihl8city' onc of tne ost sub" stone residences in the county. it- - fc 15ft t rvs j8. z mi i rairrlMBIBgltBMM.Miii r ' . SnglgaJBfe. 4J Tr Ti. ..!.;"" - c T I to Canada, In 1822, and remoVcSjS States in 1814, settling ta tlio SUte S lif' nols. where hnrrmi . .T cametoNebmk.annL,1,. wncn 'r-"---- --rrs. impculblelow. He has roorM " iwf, llinn htliln n i n this county'; try and integrity the mo.t marked in the county, who together with their mourn the loss of a kind and Indulgent fatner and husband, a time, for ffiife character and death wero snch as to leave no doubt of a meeting in the blessed hereafter. AVeknewMr. Dundas norsnnniw ., ..J his many friends tender our sympathy and condolance to the oereaved family. Truly a good man has gone from among us. PIRSTDUiTOB.Pt.K.tp.R,R, .it.ercuxi.oi inrowing the first dirt on the above named road belongs to Dr. John Mc- pherson, and could not, ns nnpropriatelv'be-longt- o any other man In 2?ema"ha county or, besides coming "within an ace" of being the "oldestinhabitnm," his was theflrstcon- - rei,uon OI iac grana enterprise just com-meneel-- he saw it in 1833. when he flrstcame out, tills Idea deciding his location here-a- nd hasbeeivindisBrownvlHesflrmestandmost progressive friend; never halting in doubt or hesitating at anything when tho magni- tude of the improvement was withinbl8 grasp. He, yesterday, took hold of the first plow started by Willis Allen, the first con- tractor to commence work, and turned tho. flctfu5:rQontaeorlwrkDrBj.ii, ia tsaraqmMiIiJkIMlrfllQSteliJ . .TrawHL. . . .. - -- j.. "--- t f irauBaHw . n:'t?;93B9'M 1 .e.'s&:.-i2it.i- t i i rATCJIISON COVXttlW'MMiS I W i'ftir.as-ll6iJPort'i3fo- , bns'i6een' post poned until October II .., lith and 13th. G. K. Dcnay, the enterprising shoema- ker who opened ntTo. 15, foot of Main street, but a few weeks sine", will be one ofthe best oddltlons to her business that Brownvltlo has received for yea-i-s- Ho Is a capital work- man, and enterprising, for, besides the fact that his work has given unbounded sails- - faction, he has already for sale a really choice lot of ready made work, which he ofTers, for cash, mind you, at lower figures than such goods were ever ottered for here before. Read his card and give him a call. Indian. Summer the most pleasant sea- son offtbeyear, with Its balmy, hazy atmos-plier- e is f.drly upon u;. A though the frost of last night was very Rlisht only nipping In the bottom of the hollows yet trees have begun to don the varied and beautiful hues of autumn as well as the atmosphere. THE BLKHOitS DRUG STORE. H. C. Lett, proprietor of this Drugstore, havng other business ihatwlil occupy his whole time and attention, has given the en- tire charge of tiie business to Messrs. Bennet & Creigh, to whom all matters of business connected wivli the store are referred. They arecare.'nl and reliable men; the latter be- ing o.ie uf the very best prescription clerks in the country, and will make it a speciaiity to attend th;s branchtif rhe business. 25dwl MORE ITAILROAI WORK I Tie.-c- c Blake of ihls conniy, who has the eon.ract for grading the first mile of our rail road west, commenced work this morning. He .will have thirty Lands at work before the end of this week. Many of our citizens went down to see how railroads are built, we went along with the rest; we threw some dirt and found it no different than pitching dirt un- der ordinary circumstances. Hurrah for.the railroad for the dirt Is actually flying I This way, gentlemen, right this way! through cars for San Trancisco? FIRST PREMIUMS. X Mt!UEE-&'NIeK:BLE?S,-- - sr " rin Titr nnr t ri U- - PAfrrsT:oiLa4.5p&iMa31 HRWX BSAsawiKiJOlFSlSSK SmOQirA)BNlGBO0KSg lUHJfZAJiiJJKJ-xMXoiV- EBlC "I'iiLLET AND FANCY ARTICLES, BRANDY AND WINES. dawlw. Emigration. Not a morning or after- noon now passes but six to a dozen emigrant wagons may be seen Upon our streets, pro- visioning for the westward journey. 813. go: As few persons know what Is meant by these lignrcE, Which our cotomporary keeps standing, wc would explain : It is the sum It cost one of Its proprietors to have "five min- utes private conversation witii a young lady in Ivans-a-s city." Comnicn'jJftble. The prompt action of Commissioner McGce and County Clerk Hac- ker fortueir prompt relief of tho destitute family we mentioned in our dally of Wed- nesday. They purchased tickets and fur- nished means to send Mrs. McConoughay and children to her relatives In Indiana. She started yesterday by j alL Duna fc Ilays, Jewelers, at No. 27, are certa'nly deserving of success, for they aie getting 'ons!ant additions to their stock of Watciies, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., of the best gradrt known to the market ; besides, you don't in a yoar's travel, find more clever men to deal with. New Firm. C. W. Cook has gone in with Jacob Marohn in the Merchant Tailoring business at Marhon's old stand. This Is the strongest firm of Merchant Tailors on tho Missouri slope, tt ensures good work and sure flls. Joseplt Shntz Is excavating on his lot on Main street, in the rear ofhis Jewelry Shop. He has most of the material for anew busi- ness, house bargained for, ana we hope to see something doncyet this season. A."W. Jlorgan, Merchant Tailor, at No. 51, has Just received and opened a fliieassort-me- nt of Piece Goods and Gent's Notions, which are beautiful and hard to beat. Charles Hclmcr is receiving new mate- rial all the time to make up Into those neat fitting and durable Boots which everybody delights to wear. m. Thaa!;s to Henry Hart, foreman ofShel-lcnberge- r's Tin Shop, for a ruler and paper fearer of his own pattern. It ls the handiest thing of the kind we have ever had. .Goto A. Robinson's for No. 1 Boois hud Shoes! He sells cheaper than any house in Nebraska! That's what's the matter! He meansVhat he says. SdtfJ EmlgranJs. Seven ein'igi-ant'- s teams passed west through our city this morning. The tide has not yet fairly set in, but is re- ported flowing tills way. Tlic Rlve is this morning on n stand, having risen about five feet within tho past week. Itlsjusthowin good boating condi- tion. J. L. Carson is making a good improve- ment in his Bank by having a counter built the full length of his room. Butler stock Is quoted still lower. It Is positively a drug in the market. Jentwra.. Yes, to the Democracy ; a outer pm i Is It Courtesy to svlo a lady about to commence business In cur city, a "solid man ?" A Fresii Supply of Hardwaro and I?.?13 Just received by Deuser & Shurts. Remember the Bank Restaurant. A good protectibn against misfortune a policy in the Washington Life. l?or Choice Je-velry- , warranted pure stuff, go to Dunn & Hays. IGtfdjv Good Fresii' Butter 25 Cents per ll. 2GdlW at F. E. JOHNSON & Co., S30 llts. Cliotcc Butter at, 254 H1LL& CO'S. A Main Street Ilonsc and. I.ot for Sale or Kent. Also, Furniture for sale. Apply to 2Gdwl D- - M- - SHEIiI.KXBEn.GKR. Tiie Viola Bell passed'down yesterday. . - - wrrmnmiirTnrw.p, rT- - !!! im n ma hi jr Ml- - -- ' l f "ThBTOptraeterifbowIlibIIdrJ5'-3- S JMJLirfom. La t aier This comprbwwaU j ' - wWfeHMl.- - im .tantffion. fandi?ch rcdy made cloti.lng Shirrfe and a full line of ireiitK Fnrnlshlm? GrKiits I t.i Frorn'oor'biuofWc3nesCa7.1 - OCR, KAILHOADOVER THE RIVER Is now a certainty this Fall. Vfm. Canna-ha- n, of Qnincy, the contractor for graldlng from the river to Itockport, Mo., Is in tho city, and this mornlngsnblet tne section from the river to Phelps'to Mr. A. M. Allev. who ho will have tweny teams and sufilclent men on tho work-Frid- ay to completo the' graining inside of contract time, that is Nov. 10th. The arrangement, as we learn itIs to commence at the l'iver and grade towards Phelps, the Iron !s coming by boat, and track-layin- g will commence as soon as possible, and with everything working right we may expect the road ready for the cars by De cember 1st. These lacts we Jearn from relia- ble persons, and tbey arc sufficient to make this community feel exceeding glad. 913.00 I This is, what It cost to get "set np in the square toed boot business" In Kan- sas city. How are you $13.00 ? Jttdge Rttter Is in the city and in his seat as County Commissioner, together with Messrs. M'Geo and Ilarmes. As Mr. Hitter will soon occupy the higher and raoro re- sponsible position of President of the Board itmaynotbenmlss to add a word of pnblic commendation to the many pilvato compli- ments we have heard upon his action as commissioner. He has well and faithfully served this people fortlieiiast two years, and in ine position of President will have the good wishes or. all who are for progress and economy in county affairs. "'e sballalways sustain his official conduct and that of the Board while characterizedwith thestraight-forwar- d integilty ami honesty of purpose of tho past two years. "Don't like Blow." U Serift lSSP&4o 3pSSa19tSSl .TTl . , . . . 1 ineaDove was penntti. uni no, tu ey llkeblow; Who over saw a "Munchausen" but what talked so. Couldn't stop the Jubi- lee; could ye 7 Head of Main Street. Wm. Lornnce, has, under the approjriatio"n of the County Court, cut out the brush from tho head of Main street to the- - county road running north and south. Main street and the county road ;vlll be passable yet this fall, giving us a straight- - thoroughfare from the west. Nearly AccMents. Thomiss steps of tho two Misses wnoirIh-c- d their footing on the rafts, yesterday, we 7ere much pleased to see resulted only in t. t."glu welting, because, besides their esljmable qualified.-the- y could not possibly be spared Jrom tlieir .present places. Gone to the Na:innal Fair. Among the crowd who went yesterday to tho National Fair at SU Louis we noticed W. W. Hackney and family, W. T. Icn, Phil Deuser, D. O. Cross, A. F. Colin anri'&a Moore. T, 9 Jnstlce Court. Probate Judge, Morgan, to-da- y. compelled a man to donate the city flvo dollars for gelt iDg knocked down for threaienjng to cut .fake j.tgcr's heart out. Jake objected with aelub, which was trumps. Provide for your own household. Do it with a policy in tho Wash .ngton Life. HanaafordiSi McFalihave now on band the finest and largest collecvion of.Fum.lure and Hpliolstry west ol lIieMbsouri,and they sell low enough to draw custom from one hundred miles west. 2Jdwl Ncinaha. Coanty Fair AiOclatlon. Thi Board of Managers' of the Nemaha County AgiicultUial Assoc.nl ion desire usto state that in arianging the grounds for the StateFair, the finances fall behind between three and four hundred dollars. Enough Life Memberships havo been sold to pay this amount, but has not been paid np. It Is hoped those who hnve subset Ibed will not let.lheirjsubscrlplioujf o u tt naidyjortgsgThe Socioty.has lncurre ?Ml5HKU9MJrK?t hrtrh',;wvtk.a?C, or o:see SauferrtK&ovTnnStrneoTk- - men aro putting Ju oiie of f tioge smallboa.d culverts not an eighteen Inch siuaie In "a deep ravine near Iho head of Main street. The result will bo a repetition of Fishers experiment dii Atlantic slreet, near Hud-dar- ds res'dence. Notice State Fair. Those to whom were awarded Premiums at- - the StateFair are hereby informed that Casii, Plate, and Diplomas areondepositin Brownviiletopay all to whom they belong. If not called for by January 1st, 1871, by tiie Laws of the Board they wfll be declared forfeited. R. W. FURNAS, Pres. D. II. Wjieet."K, Sec. jG3Statc popers please copy.. FIRST PREMIUM CIGARS I A. F. Colin, or this city, took the first pre- mium on Cigars, with 11. O. Lett, one of the best judges of a good Cigar in tiie country, as chairman of the awarding committee, and tho premium was deserved. Factory at No. CI Main street. 23dwlf NEW STOCK! Reduced 1'ricci In Dry Goodp, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and UooL-i- . Gi ocerlesand Queens-waie.- at GE0 MARIO-- Si 23dwl Foot of Main Street. IJII.MARRS. Lovers of this game can be accommodated with first class table?,- - &c.,at the Sherman House Billiard Room. Sxlwtf The Assets of tho Washington are secure ly invested in Donuj and Morlgagas (first lelns), and United Slates and New York State Stocks and Bonds, in compliance with i, iottb of the Slate of New Yoik. Sewing 3IaciUnc can be TUe Singer next door to. the found at the Hook Store, Post Office. 21dwtf Gi:o. B) !Moor, Agent. McPherson' for choice Canada Go to 33dwl Blue Grass Seed. loaded with em- igrants Ten two Horse wagons passed our office going west this Board Ty tiie day or weelc at Daugher-ty'sRestura- nt, onedoor west of the Bank. of voters for Registrar r-V- . Iluglies, tlito Prectasf, ifedoing the work about as com- plete possible to; he is about the as it Is most efficient man that has had hold of re gistration, and w us leave nu anti-radic- nl lo complain or, unless lUls ao "dirt" in the ele?- - to the loss oi a cname tlont j. b.'bi:ll i son. This firm, dealing in Pine Lumber and nil made of pine, 1m o material tluit is building aiul 1st now their yard on corner of College vacant tree.s stacked fulU as also all the lotsadjolbingi Thty have nIlllon.f as a of all kinds oi x-i- "" ' Blinds, etc. xtiey of Doors, S at Le lowest possible figure, and are selling an Imriienso lot of stuff of all kinds, to fifteen teams loading there dally mrThe counties westbesides their large trade In this immediate vicinity. VE1V GOODS-- F. E. .TOHKSOK & CO. received about a car load ot new .tils being the forerunner of their Fall Hock; Among this lot they have a flue as- - SrtCUIOAGO CUSTOM MADE BOOTS such as they have tiHuauy " " warrant,-an- d are here -- Ji they personally wlU the warranty good. Also, a fine as-t- o make sortment of vV'OOLEN GOODSf DREaS AND , , Wp. affords. 2ldwl tiie best the?astern mar.. SWAN &-- BROTHER additionslo their sU, Are daily recelvli Groceries, which are al- ways of Staple arid Fancy choleestquality and urands and of the low as a fair selling just as which they are living profit will permit. - A Constant Eflbrt to please and satisfy his guests is the only phrase that will apply to the conduct of Goo. Danghertyof the Jtes-taura- nt next door to Carson's Bank; and his wonderful. Try lilm ! success is truly BiOTICE r i .s U . . The regular Jcrm of the Probato Courtfo? the trial of ciViLcases for all sums over okj hundred- - dollars and under tbreo handed dollars, will be held at the office of tho P-ba- te Judge In the city of Brownvllle, Nema- ha county, Nebraska, commencing on Xia first Monday of cachcalendar month, I A. W. MORGAN, 2-- tf Probate JoOga j HALF, fare: XjLerBone wishing to attend the National Fair at St. Louis can procure tickets at the Star Hotel from October 1st to OctoberSth Good until October 11th. Only 15.05 there and back! 23dlw WINTER IS COMING! Deuser & Shurts hnve a splendid stock of Wood and Coal -- Heating Stoves. Call soon and get your choice. ISJdwl BOOTS I BOOTS 1 If you want a neat fitting Boot, a well made Boo and durable Boot and a cheap Boot it is absolutely essential that you should go to - CHAS. HELMER'S 21dwl , ';.. No. 51 Main Street. A. Robinson has received a large stock ot Boots and Shoes for the fall trade and he sells them cheap. Give him a chance and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. OdtfJ The Original Goldeu Crowu Cigar is manufactured by A. F. Colin. It is the fltvo-rlt- e everywhere. 37--tf MERCHANT TaA.ORIA'G Is a branch of business In which our enter- prising citizen, A. "W, JMorgan, jr., claims to know thoroughly all the wants orthe public, comprising the latest novelties out. Give him a call at No. 51, Main street. 43-9- -d w tf. ' Lumber for sale. Tiie lumber used for slock pens and sheds on tfic Fair gronnd is for sale. It is good as new, but few nails having been used In It, Fencing, Posts, "Boards and Studding. Apply to F. A. Tisdel or R. W. Furnas. tf A good man provides for his children. A policy In the Washington Llfo is the only way to do it. SHERMAN HOUSE. This house, under the managoment or its affable proprietor U. M. KaufTman, Is one of the best accommodations for the weary and hungiy traveler along the Missouri river. for good meals, good beds, accommodating fcOSt a"?wl waiters-- i t stands unrivalled. d w ATTENTION ALL! Give the dci'tt " li'c' That fino Cutter ed at the Stale T " as a specimen of the Art of Carriage Painting, wJ." wy work and minenlono. A. W. HZsLMOy,- - or the Arm of Waldter &'cmn;on, lOdwl oG Main tretl. Plants for Winter Eloomiug.- -I have a large collection of Tot and Border plants In tine order for winter blooming, which will be sold at one fourth tho usual prices, as I am not prepared to w.'nter them. tf R. W. FURNAS. A PINK LUMBER TARD.--Ivilbotir- n, Jenkins it Co., corner of Fourth and Main streets, In this city, have constant- ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum- ber orall kinds; also, also Bash, DoorSjBllnds, Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc., which they arc selling at the lowest possible figures for which the same can be got out of the log and shipped to this point. They aro determined to continue as heretofore to sup- ply the bulk of lumbes, etc., used In this ii-a'ii- titti T n.,1 TlrtttAr m and.see them i jattfdw .K? I'XVJVWW, ""' i 2BdDC atShelIeaJe'r- - !X xXClWmiSo "? f r.amtttsLja?&v m BoEasscsssrn TVM. jrf5uJS!MN, REAL ESTATE nxusx a J boTQUElily ficonainted with Southern Ne-brask- a; buys and sells Improved or Unim- proved Land, Town lots, ic, on commission or otherwise. Personal attention given to all matters entrusted to him. Correspondence solicited. Office: F. E. Johnson &. Co.'s store, McPherson Block, BrpwnvIlle.Neb. S5tf-sll- m JTlie 'VVasliIngtottLifo Insurance Com- pany is ono of the strongest, safest, most successful, and best managed corporations in New York. New Boot and. Shoe Shop. Mr. Geo. Denny, boot and shoo maker, No. 15 Main street, In soliciting a share of public patronage, takes tills opportunity to say that all goods leaving hls'shop shall be as ordered, and no person allowed to leave dissatisfied. Repairing neatly done and promptly at- tended to. Remember the shop, sign of tho boot. 43-3- ra dw Spring Wagon & Buggy for sale. En-W- quire of CUATFEE, 10dWl Brov nvllle Fonndi The best nnd cheapest stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Fly Nets, Riding Bridles, Martingales, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, Rubber Combs, Surcingles, Gurths :thd SInches. The best of Buckskin and Lace Leather, also the celebrated Vacuum Oil Blacking for Harness, Boots and Shoe", all or which can be found at Sawder's, at low rates for cash. m dw Sitleudld Goods! The Kious Sisters, at No 20, have just re- ceived and opened a magnificent stock of the most beautiful Plumes, Velvets, Ribbons, Bonnets, Hats, Flowed etc., which they in- vite the ladies of Brownville and vloinity to call and examine. Charges reasonable. 20dtf liemcmber Die Slierman House daring tho Fair, If you want good accommodations. "Watcli Repairing neatly and promptly done by Dunn & Hays. 4Gtfdv A Ilaixclfiil. A very small qnantily of wood or coal In a Cnaoler Oak Stove will eooka plenteous meal for a small family; for Its whole arrangement of liot-a- lr flues, oven, fire-bo- x, damper, tc., Is so planned as to conserve and apply all (he heat generated direct ly to the cooking food, without per- mitting It to escape up tlfe chimney. 51 I?opnIat.It is asserted, and correctly so, that Dr. Hen ry-- B Root i iianLPil!s aralhe most favorite family pi" m use So adver- - lisemcnt. 51 The wordSoiodout." which is fast be coming a household word, is derived from the Greek; and is composed of two words, Sozo and Odontes. 'Soz'o,' translated m'eAns to preserve, and 'Odontes.' the teeth. Sozo-dou- t, a preserver of the teeth. And it is true to its name. 51 'Spalding's Glue," will mend your ways or anything else that needs mending. 51 "Waldter t Lcmmon have within the past week or two done several as fine jobs" of sign and other painting as can be found In any of tho large eastern cities, not only for parties here, but for the surrounding towns. Their work recommends Itself to all who see it. Shop at No. 66 Main street. 4dwl SHELENBBRGER BROS Tills firm, with its usual enterprise, took the first premium on CookStoves. They had on exhibition the "Peerless," a stoTC that took the first premium at the exposition at Paris, and of course took it afjour State Fair. The are determined to havo the best,- - tried stoves, and this is their policy in every oth- er department-o- f their business. They are reliable and what they sell yon can bet on being No. 1, and you will get It as cheap as it can possibly be sold. Fovrl t o Let .I have a few pairs, or trios ofpureblood-iro- m imported stock-W- hite Light Bramaha and YelloAV Chickens, blch I 11 let out on vrho have no the shares to careful persons oUt.r.tod-toml.ft- h. Prownvllle,eb. MOORE i BIUDfORD, Booksellers and Sfttloners, next door to tho ?oht "Office, tavo j ni received a n ow and com-lle- te stock cf Bool.Maps,Charts,Globesand Satlonary. Are yepared to furnish School Biroiture tf eTcy description, and defy competition for fice andjtn: cnool ofi'cers, teasers pi 11 interested re ro- - qcestea to csi azs examine our biocs Ko trouble to ebwcxla. w Lewli a are constantly ddlng new goods thdr stock of Dollar Goods. They makepedallty of getting nice things for the ladis, fir which they would else- where hnvob piy doublo for what they ofT-- (r theirs at.Nlady Is through her shop-lin- g roundsaufcss she calls at the Dollar Sore. , 20 dwl Choice JJ'.ietJrasfc Seed at McPherson'o No. 6$ Main tret 2jdwl Nice Frca irnnts at tbcT. O. 2Cdwtf '- - AVcsdu Cylinder Cliurm Shellenberjei Bros, arc entitled to the thanks and ptonagc of all who have cows for their intndctiO'u oT this valuable churn. Itlsthomostc4ipiete simple and efficient churn made, all Its price brlng3 It within the reach of al There are three Sites at S.X50, $4.00, an 54.50, respectively. These chnniB, as soons Introduced, must certain- ly take precedese of all others for simplici- ty, durability ail cheapness. ! Go to Dangbrty's Bank Restaurant. Lumber I LtUnuel' X Jit. Bell &. Son Have on honanlllionB of feel of DrjPlne Lwnbcr, Which is harilcd with care, and M '"- - -- KMmUderTihed fcri Pkets, Siish, Blinds, v Mouldings, Arid evcrjthing in plno, that la used in building, thacan bo had anywhere. They make a speciality of Newel Posts, Banisters, and Hand Ralls, which they will supply to suit customers. Their sales are for cash, and as low as can be had any wherein the west. Office and Yard corner of Atlantic and First streets. NURSER1 STOCII DELIVERY I V. W. Dust A Co. will deliver tho Nursery Stock engagedof them, by the 1st of Novem- ber, 1S70. All ylll do well to be prepared to receive them. "VVni. II. Hoover, Real Esftte Agent and Conveyencer.pourt Room. 31tf-d- w First Premium Fanning Mill For sale Enquire of 20dwtf t EVAN WORTHING, Sec Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen- sary, headed Bo0k for the Million Mak-nrAOBGui- n anothcrcolumn. Itsliouid be read by all. Zi-- y TWnilmtie Doctor Tinetolln TTor ptrcnlnr tx married ladies sent on receipt of two Addrpss Mauanlo Doctor Rastello, Chiefs0. U1- - ' 4i-d- m Patronize P'oTne Indu8try.-A- lr kinds or Marble work can be had at Neidliardt's Marble Works In this city, cheaper tliftn It can be had elsewhere. one butthe brat ma- terial used. ,11-- tf See Advertisement headed "Land! Land!!" DR. HObLADAT Respectrully informs old .blends .and end" the public, that he is prepare.-!- , to calls in the lino of his profession. - u. D. H. Lewis & Co.'s Drug Store, Main etrcC i?r Brownvllle, Neb. 51-- tf I $50.00 Reward. This will be paid to any one who will mrove there ls a particle of mercury in Dr. Henry's Rootand PlnntPUls.L U . . - , cHme at- -i navenneen ortwefl-- 1 srradCBack Cashmere Goat not flnfi L 6S08h'tft)be rrom, but as pood as any for fancy or Jble purposes- - which I will sell from 55 to $25 owing to grades. I will also sell alew pairs pfcmy full bloods this fall at 100 a pair. R. W.FURNAS. Brownvllle, Neb. A. JP. COGSIVJSXjTj, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Office, corner First and Atlantic streets. Buy nnd sell lands, pay taxes for non-residen- ts. Gives nartlculnr attention to buylntr. selling and renting city property. 30-3- m Oifice of Juo. Li. Carson, Banker, Brownvilla, Ke-Ts.- , August IS, 1370 To all Pof sons having Pajie iu iZil office DUE OR PAST DUE, Notice is given that demand ia here- by made and Paymontrequirod. Un- less upon ample and approved securi- ty, no further extensions will ho granted. 45-- tf J.NU. Ai. OAJttaw. C03IMEKGIAL BROWNVILLE MARKETS. Corn,.. ..SViWO lOnloa" .T5t(X) Spring Whpat. newoftg-K-) Wool Uimasheaa(t-J- 0 old.....H - " Tub WashfcdJKJO Oats ... 18a TToney.M..iM..iiii..iw....ri 30 na fesss. .u mi5 ltarleyOals..w. Buttet-- T. . 20p24 Barley ..- - SnrlliitW Pllllir. Chickens, aoz....,M,00 Willi V TMnnr .45 ncefCattle 3,'j-0- , Potatoes 5S?K IIors Kross....-.7.0- 0 Tor 1853) llldes.Oreen .- - 5 BaconSides . ii " Dr- - Flint 12 Canvased Ham- s- f4f-- f Minfc l,coai, Jl.oixkl.25 siiniiiaer" " Beaver. Nocountrj cured In thej.Co...;;;......i..x.i.afiftTO mnrkrt. . green... sj BFU t ' lr' sjtga Jau; - - o mms Q o Wiiki2?i W '!aL IIkta. X01 Q 9 --y,' a.m, oi 'urf-- ti a oIcd stock dT READY $ADE G06DS! vhicniewlll Sell VerXttfw for Casii ! He would c U the attention of the public lo the fact that t ias as extensive experience in the manufacture of of the first quality; and those who vant Boots and Shoes to Fit TVcll, 1 oot Well and TTear Well, n a not be disappointed. Boots and & Neatly nnd Promptly t Repaired. 40wl0d MAHHCOD i AixrVG wl may, and who ought not to xrT .ive sexual ezcltement ITS nTiwS neetF- -l advice AH that Is worth CnboutPltEf-E-rnON- . Also whysomany SiiTin th 5 lando.-:-- . are 7EMA.TCSBT.y. ..Vtnir Tf ay nswere followed by nil. ON would DECREASE death bygOf stigle. neratton. ftTp-N- o father " " e TfithouJ the iaforma- - a.?S?r2fe"yl'nouShtroreacl jousht to read ''Woman- - hood. JM.ii. sKCTJRE ITtOJI OBSEUVaI 5o5? at 13 cpbJ63011 or DoUl together for 25 oents. luui v clabb: 'hittier, a. d 817 St. eittrler Street, St; Loai?, Mo. . j, araii by nr.plsg these worts have avoid-- 1 ? .t nnlstirfl Blnltiflldn tifrf hprw I ken In pieces y Vw Sale f Ifetray Stock. - sel atp-Vtesei- le, to the highest bidder i rnrmsh n the Wh, .day of Octotcr, 1870, at -- nvinekn .lntrnitorto Court House three year old cow, LWthf P hy Geo. tarshall,.and published as rt:u.mi. HORGAN, 8r., J. P. --50-' KEW STBAlf lBE$T Tho BroTTnvillo Perry Company have now running between . BXtOAVJN VJLjX.:E, P0333., A X D North Star and Phelps Oity, Mo., thenrrf and commodious Steam Ferry 2HABTS' S. AK,reA,iM THIS BOAT is entirely new, vy!th and capacity to cross everything that may come, in any weather. .For crossing Cattle into or out of ius Lana ua-trtc- t, thLs Ls the best point. This boat is peciaUy fitted up to ensure safety in cross! ns stock, anil large cattle pens are already erected at tho fct. Joe. A.. n. Iepot at rhelns City. We ain lijsnre the tro clips public that alf in our power shall be to make this the most reliable crossing on theSlissonrl xi er. BItOWXVILLB FEltRY CO. tf AAJ n. ' . . UdZ lfW BricMvei'tid'-Ciaierar- , II m x: M UnnvmlTo WlPbT-JTt- C is pre0atrT-ift-ta3BT'w'c"- n w"'J-ivnjj".- i - jwillHulld Otst,rHrfed.wrrantthcm porfect.'wgy lit Is EOTY WASHING MACHINE! Lately much Improved and the New UniversalWothesWriager PtMlOVED WITH ROWELL'S PATENT and the Patent Stop, are now unquestionably far superior to any apparatus for washing clothes ever invented, and v.'fll save their cost twice a year, hv saving labor and clothes. Southern people who have used Uicm testify as follows ; They save three-fourt- h of the labor and cott. nnd pay for themselves both In money and content- ment, tot every youns lady learn to and every married one keep them In her house. JXew Orleans Picayune. "An excellent Washing if achine. We have tried It. The Clothes Wrmxer is very superior. A good hand will wash a larce number ot pieces in a few hours." KaMah (X. O.) Ii'aenpat Methodist. ".titer two years' experience with a Doty, we aro assured that It Is the greatest help and economizer of time, labor and money we havo yet hart intro- duced into ourhousehold." Williamson Smith. 2texv Orleans. "I have had a Dotv Washer In my family for some time. It Klves eutire and I take pleasure In commending U to the head ofTery household." K. Toterx.JfffeTe,, lxas. "I have had one of Doty'a Clothes Washer's In rr year, and I am perfectly satlsiled tritli Ik :,-v-ft tried U faithfully, and have never My lai...7 all that it professes knovu It to taii tC ncco.;" wuge, to." JW. J. T. Steven, COncord 2ZW StatesnUe,2T.C. PKiciM-miKcr- it' owmt&tegL If1 thtfiferchants lag of, ti . - .- - ftrAnt.flt0d fiiu4 t rAtfill BrM19. f5E?.afe?j!lfjaCiK; witMTfcaitl n3 rM"" ' JiFr. - T . l . .. ici.t han'ua aim i spliiiOTt-tinda- o sure are we they wlUlfcilwfcd. that we agree td refund the money lranTOBfJwlsheilojietura the machines free-- of frelfintrarter a mouth's trial, according to direc-tlon- n. Ho hnsband, father or brother should permit the df udsrerv or wasLln'r w ith the hands. Ally-tw- o days In the year, when it can he done better, more expe- ditiously, h Iom labor, and no injury tothegac- - mpnta, ny a ioiy uiotnes asneraua a uuiversai Wrlnn-p- Sold by dealers generally, to whom, liberal dis counts are maue. K. C BROTYING, Gen Agent, U-3- 32 Cortland St, NewIYork. 101 " k trrLji c a V o ST" lil J g IfiSr- - as 5" pi 2 a o 8 BO. 6 2 K Lk law o ft p pf 3 B o 3 2 h BBS 3 (9 g Pi a- - 3LAITD! LAHD!! Choice Soutuern Nebraska Lands iron SALE. Come and Sec Them Before Purchasing Elsewhere. GREAT BARGAINS 3FFER5 Tlic subscriber will sell 3 private salcsomeof the best ihiiUs in somimrn rfebraska. These lands are well situated, being located within a four hours drive of the principal river towns, ltrownville, Aspln-wal- l, Araro and P.ulo. and near the projected lines of railroad: Th Brownvllle, Ft. Kearney & Pacific, the Iturllngtr.n : Southwestern, from Rulofw hldh Is already ceiapleted to the centre ot Iltchardson Co.) the Northern Kansas & Southern Jebnka, now belii built rrom nniwnthito-rtrrTntinty.J.0!- t of these lands lie In Richardson and Nemaha conn-tie- s, acknowledged to be the best counticwlir the State for agricultural purposes, not Inaptly called the "Garden of the Western- - World." These lands were located eleven years ago, when choice selec- tions couldjxs made, and they are for the first time ofiered for sale. Among the many quarters offered for sale are the following: Northeast quarter Section 5, Town 3, Range 14. Northwest ' 13. " a, " U. Southwest " A 1 " 3, " 14, Southwest " " 30, &, " 14. Northwest - 31. " 5, " 1. Southwest ' 11, '' 3. ' 14.. Nartheast " ". 7,- - - " 4,- - " 14. East?, of n w" " 9, " 3. " 14. East'.ofsw" " 3. " 3. " 14. Southwest " " 23, "3, " 15. Northeast " " 22, " 3. " 11. SontbWest " " 15, " 3; ;. " " " h. NortlHwt 25, 3, Northwest ' " 25, " 3, " u. SotrtlKWf '' '' 11. " 3, 14. Northwest " '" 14. " 3; 14. East, or se " " IU. 5 ' 14. WfBtiiofsw" " 20. 6. " 14, South ifof-w- " " 5, C, " 13. North it n v " ' 8, 6, ' 13. CHOICE O.UAETERSIX"E3IAHA CO. 5G 0IiiB GIVEN. Jcdr particulars address the snbHcriber, Dr. J. A. "WROE, either at Brownvllle, Nemaha county, !or at Falls City, Itichardson county, Nebraska. Dr. "Wroecan always be found either at the Reynolds Honse. Brownvllle, or at the Union Hotel, (Good's) Falls City, where all personal applications mast be made. 41-S- A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT HEAT STOVES JUST RECEIVED AT Sliellenberger Bros., 74 main St. HBO WNVJLLEr NEB. MMJMaMMMMMMMMJJMMMMMMBMMMj - " i jf. !LL JSm agi " 'TTAXinsxa'S 3?XILjE 3Ei3Ei2iil- - - has neser iied 1nqtVnInpne w S2P,"ViS5: mended to enraay other w. &-o- g Ciisra "I Ul "i"J y--.- . .m.i.m. One .Dollar. For .sale oy n roggwia. cj yiag atVgtf-jM- i BYS J3I?r5T A - imted expressly for Disreptto and those .r- - stimiliatinir tonic and a siileud'd appetizer: U .i.-- . .1. m .tnmnitTvnlul T1liTf he digestive rtVntnthi.Jrhea!thvstj.te- - Weak. ir-onsaii- d dvsneutic mntw shonld n?e W triTS vJl- - lEl'aIA TO.YXC lor j..WbtU sat-.t- Prlc O le TnUn. im.iii- - r'WJ'? HKSSSSEIiSsKCESSSxv nnirYi.iMO MOJiK. agrrajgsssssssisssHJSsssass cmuatIvcuriithenioRtoWtihatec;-orCouxh- s Po prompt. U the relief anil certain ts effects ta all Wieobove ues, or aiy-aucti- or he are throat and that ihousaniU most licannB ami cMitv" :,.. One dose alwa-- s attbrtts re"'. "LSi0? ? Sold by drufsnsts, in larso one bottle cmcts a care. hottles. One Dollar. It bt .ar owif tUult great EIoixl Purifler and DclIc!ot Drink. THE Vhiutu Vita:, orA'V !?. Lift-- , fc. free from nny iioisonoas drucs or inipnritie, liclns prepared Tor those who rcuiiru a stininlatit. It Ha splendid appetizer and tonic, and thetlnest th.njtln Tiie T Ihr purlfjin? the blood. It lathe most pleasant and delicious article ever oilered to tiie nubile, iar superior to brandy, whisky, w hie. Wt.ers br anv other article. It Ls more lieaitay anti ciiii- - .rtl-r- t er. Uotli maieanu icmaie, jouiis ,"' Wine or li'fe. It U. in Hict. a life preserver. Those who with to enJoj-Roo- d health ami a frccnow iO wl'll (ouuveiuu irmcui uuc I id dlf PHt tiling ever oerore m ive. ii yoit, CrilLM9l. tso by all respectable salooa. riunrt irc m ianBIHblllBHBHIHiM:.'afanBianb Jggyfwra v,.-.- , i:3IMBXAGOGrE is the only WARNF.R'S to cure tLc White t,l will cure every case.) Where is the Smlly n which this Important med!cii)0 Is hot wanted T Mothers, this the greatest blesdnjr ever ofTered you. and yois should immediately procure It. It Is nl'o a sure cure for femnleirresularltirs, and nitty bedepcmled upon in every case where the monthly tiow has been obstructed through cold or di.cst,e. Pold by drogRists. Price one Dollar. Orsent by mall on re- ceipt of One DolUrane a Quarter. AddrcMx H State St., Chicago? TH. For sale by E. C. LETT, McCRZERY & NICKEL!., seplSyl Brownville, Nebraska Lock Stick, EcTersiblcTccd BlwiHil ! n fB b EWING MACHINE B AWARDED TIIE HIGHEST rilE3IIU3I. WHEIIEYER EXHIBITED. The Only Machine Capsible of Sewing In more tlian oncMHrectlon, UA1U Fastening all Its otyji Scams, "NVIthont atopbtng the machine or turning the cloth. It asea and wastes less thread than any oth- er, and will commence a seam without holtlln? the ends of the thread. Warranted to SeirHeavy or FineGpod CPElK; SjUUU . Cti Sold Simoe 1&61. - Bend for Reports and Circulars. V. E. PLANT, General Agent, y i 613 NortU Toartu St., St. Louis, HIo. DUNN & HAYS, . ft , LOCAL AGENS, ' BROWNVILIiE, NEBRASKA. ' lt-S- -y "WHEN YOU BITr A COOKING STOVE it is economy TO GET THE BEST! 31-84- 5 ltfiKJ!f,, , V TWm-'ss'- K?' mulmMh OAK Have been sold lathe last two years NOT ONE UAS FAILED TO GIVE ENTIE1 SATISFACTION They are u alvcrsally acknowledged The 3d Cooling Stove Made! AND WHEREVER KNOWN t WEI STUD SI HHILUD ForXTiiiforinity in Baking, ITor Economy in tlio use .f Pucl, For Dnra"bility and Co "tvouotco, and their perfect adaptation to the TVA- -t TS OF WESTERN PEOPLE I SEND FOR ERiCE IdST TO Shellenberger Bros., BioMtt Hie, SeIi. sn?a SR'S eovnurUqphinaa I) a WiMU lliablLUlOD Tito Singer Manufacturing Co. la now producing nearly 00,000 Sewltis Hla-chl- nct pet aniiuiu, and is not able to meet the demand, but in order to do so, new factories are he-i- ns erected that will supply Thrco Huntlrod and Tifty Thousand Machines each "5"oar. The popularity of the "Nkw F.tsniY" Sewing- .uiicuuie 13 cniy surpaisea y us uoniuiess anu sim- plicity : darabalty and beauty, where lenown it Is dlOtcalt lor other manufactarers to ($irefaled. and they employ every means to toist their product up- on the people. Bayers of Sewic? should avom canvasser? ana peooiers. wio report to com- pulsion to make sales, for no machine can be desir- able that Is forcibly thrt upon t mrchsser. TheSi-c- cr "r.vr Kamilr." and the "V-- rr No. 1 evliiK Machine line latter for Dress- makers, Tallora, sihoetnakers. itc.J are eagerly sought for. and a larpc stock: can be fonnd in oar saies rooms, loceiner win- - every useful accessory intended for them. Wc sell Silk Twist, Cotton and Unnen Threads, Needles, Oil, Screw-dr- l era, &. at retail, or In quantity, at manufacturers prices. Catalojrues, Price Lists, ic, In EBKlish or Oer-ma- aj furnished on application by mall or other- wise. :dja.:n & iOTV3ir. ftG Fourth Streett ST. LOUIS, 10. Moore iSc Sradf ord, Agents 41-- 1 tn BROWNVILLE, NEB. pOLLARS. All kinds- - and stj'les, J at IIETZEL-- SUBSCRIBE FOB THE ADVERTISER. Old the State. 5T5?y?Y"ri7TTO'H JLfJCfc- - VV . i7i:iA i ia ; r.ur axiiiljiiai V aadintomant office willfihow. has beca longer ci:w?ed la the trentrrtut of oncreal. Sexual antu nvmci-'iMT- i ii'a.i u -- lanlnbt.Lonif. Snhlils. Gtamtum. Glee t, Strictnre. Orchltia, Urtiwrr Diseases SSr SypnllMcrjCtrmriia AffltcUonsor tliethrojt.-sUi- i erboncsaretrcat-edwl- Ui nnparalclled micecs. EpermalDrhca. SestKUDcbUlty.nadlKJpotencr. the reswH of 6clf-abue- la youth, Vt3! ,"!: some ortIiefoilowtppcirectvsiitTnal emis- sions; blotches. dtblUty. dlzzlnci3.diiancsa.of sielit, conrusion oflclca!, cvliwreliodlcps. aver- sion tosoclety of ;nta!cs..lorsot memory, and and reudtrunian:Useliuproi- - TlieDoctor'sopportcnlticsInhoopltalMian-TateDractlc- c are uiisarpasstljiSt.XoBlsoraay Cthcf city Back files orst.i-flai5Tpers- th-- t he fia been located n longer by Jue "r:..Jl.....-ijti- - i htsMlshiuent. PwamassJ: sii k tilt; - .- -. - outtlic couirtry. i n:i The rtosltionnosia.'"f ",""" : ,;r ,, (.t. rltiuss or a r?f W S8-M- 5r- . -- ijte ynipnuwu..u--r- - SEifS-1?'&JSt- K mmimmmii Cnaries8t.,oi.iu9,- "" m rz-l-y A 3GOIL FOR T5IS SSOiLtS A IMrsta CtraxZor i Cie MAHRIACE Urid. crlhtH brtto nr?. oa the phyilotlcil rtnud inJ reteUtl. a of GUIDE. INi ;::otl ijitra. vita tho tis tJ iseiTcriesln troi ados a int!.. mr.i4- n- kaw to t.msrtl t beeoosuxlen, C8. tm is n intemtins work ef ta haulrfd nd twenf Jor ps.irlUinameroui oatrxvlns. cJ tuntini Taluah ' cation Tor Uiom nbo r a;rrieJ.or npnttrilMa aaraAt SUU, U is a book that euASt ta he lepl mJr losi anl lr. BotlaliercIes3lTabonlthchou. 8at to any one rrt of ije) t rirty Cents. Addrtts Dr. Daws' DUftnaify So 1 2 Korta Elsatii Sttoet, BULoaUjUo. Notice to tho Afflicted and -- Unfortunate. Befbrs mppljinj to tho notr!-- qnn xbo "J??,"" pnbUa papers, or u.lnS any qn.cX rrmell.pcra Tor, no maXHx wbat yoor diwuc 1, c r trnr depterabtojont Br.Batti eta ba eenroltM, pc7!K,cn7w'.b7ai?' dlxeaies mentlonel la bU worl,. ODSs,, I.o.liKorta Bgaa, Street, between Market and Cbcstnat, 3 U touts, Mo. A. Karo Collootion Discord), ftc. Seatbr ilXSDY, So. HSorth Eighth ilrct St- - lals. Mo. for thosodeallczln ors3aooXactaaEsuiJycfUi3nbovr,rita for the trad orhomsusc. Sent by malt (Breo or roCl tw nft7 C"0- - ?S5 B. B. S02MASl)y,So.l3SorthlJshU street, St.Loa,lH Buy Me and I'll Bo Im G4 eo TT CLIUSSIXO TUB BLOOD ASO X aroujlna Uis lArt aal SectetlTa Or- - cans to a healthy m tl a, Vic nils enro many cospUnU LIol It vtuld. hot be nnDOScd thrrcaM rcasb, sneh as Head-- icut. I'iixn iwiSuii StajossaoiftHsi IIisps i o e.r. vcuim, otiupi, P Cosstitatios Dzaiurr. 1'OTa or Alt I suss Utspkfsia Jf--jc- s atil other kin dred complaints a'&Iiis'ft-oras.hrt- r state or f ths bolT. er obstiietioa otlts faoetlOBS.1 Beics free f rem ciereory and other pclsont. tber can be taken at alt tia-.c- s and mtkr ait drcnTnitinnl without regard to dt or taucM. Irice25 oentsnbox. , Prepared by the Craflon iredlilne Ti Pt toaLi. So. " Eoldbydrultuanddcalctatuaialltlaueieryvhers.- - LOOK TO YOUB GKILDREW. The Great Southing Brtnody. SDtS. f tforceeallefBdfilplmslnthe PM0S WHITOOISS'S1'01'1 "d t icU.uOi. the pro- - BXKUr. icesjot ucvku; CXS.T2 KttS. f Sabdnen eoa 'Hi an I orer JPM03 KB'Beomcs nuaixii tandcat UXltUr. (inantsaniteuuren. ossa aiRS. t Cares Diarrhea. Pysrai li&Tf IV WSlfCOK3'SSac:n:crCom3lalut la children- - 25 - niXRUPT torsjtwei. )CSHT8 Ills the promt Icfiri asd Chlldra sooaJar Besedy ta all disorders broajhl ja by Teclulo bi aayolbereacse. Tli-pare- d by the Orzrton McUcino Co.. St. r.cuii, Mo. Sold by drnjUtj sad Coalers In cJU.lae orcrrwhere. 2tf L THEODORE! HIIiIi & CG. WH0LE3-IL- F, AXD llETAII V ex : . UK pm- MHiWunziMav l- - r k5tBPLK.""i h. 9S UD'Sj'M aSDS u. CAKJPETtt, Oil Cloths and Blaltfflgsf. 70 MAIN STSHET, ! MdlPHEIlSOK BIOC5!Bf, -- jriS I t.i., BROIVSVILL-- ;, NEBItASKA. - iU Havo tlio Largest Stoelt, asd Hake LotrcatPxIceB J; S'. H-STZEI-- 'S-: Jl NewYorkOnePrlceClothingHoaser i"o. 70 Haln St.,KcT?hernoa Bfoci, r Brownville, Nebraslca CLOTHING; v GENT'S FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, i Tj'ujiJcSj Valises, ZTntbreUas-&c- , &c. sepSiIff ft'ewest Grand AuHtTian State-Loa- n JLottery. Ouarrantced and Controlled by the Government In the amount of 120 Millions Florins, or 250 Millloas Francs. Which te to lie repaid by 400,000 Premium Prizes. In five Yearly Drawings, in" it manner that every' second month a prreat DravvinR takeg place at which wilt be drawn prizes of CO a oui,CJo Francs, 10 a 30iV).20a3tJ,(X.3aCOW).ll a 40,ou, 90 n ai.om), 171 a e,ooo. Z a. lo,0oa 432 a S060,-etc- .. etc.. till 3X) Francs. tLe lowest prlieJ The Prize of one Share Is.. 5 .Collars Flvebharesfct ..-3- V . " " Eleven Sarses Is-- 40 " Twenty-fou- r ihare3S0 " ThennderHfapjedBitnkins Kouso send tickets to Site furfljpst Countries, Bank Bills Beinittances, on a --fercantlle place In Europe. List bf the drawings arc panctuaUy delivered, freo of expense, to every shareholder as soon as the result oi the Drawing Is known. The Frizes falling to the L ftill be paldln7ll Tranjatlantic Cities. Only In Germany iavorpd by tUCCiianco. V paid to my subscribers First and IO.C0O Francs, etc , Orders, with remittance?. Till bo fceeeutea promptly and under discretion by Charles Helle Bunking Honse In Fran Wort on 3faunGermany).' Zed Street. No. 47", opposite the royal post ofllce. LAFAYETTE MILLS, Situated on the Little Nemaha River, slxteert miles north of Brownvllle, ami fourteen southwest or Nebraska City. , Having purcha-se- d the entire interest lit the above? 3Idls, and thoroughly repaired and Unproved thet SJtne, aiso erecteu a MIIi-U- r nBF hHbS vV wf thereto, I am nowprepared to do aU kinds Of EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOBS on short notice and reaic-naBl- fera& Lumber 6f all kinds. Flom Mial and FeeiCC- -i stantly on hand for &ale, or in EICHiK CfcB for Grain orStecS of any kind. . AUWorltTrarraiite-i- t r --- ' ?reprie1tfi H Ki 1 '1 1 a i 4- - ' - 1

Transcript of tSSSRSSS? SnglgaJBfe. Ml- lBE$Tercat Enigma. A thousand guess--vebeen made at the Ingredients of...

Page 1: tSSSRSSS? SnglgaJBfe. Ml- lBE$Tercat Enigma. A thousand guess--vebeen made at the Ingredients of So--. aS the most wlinlAKfimn ninl Tiorffwt. Wejp p lriue the world has everseen. They




J. I. Colhapp, Bditor.THURSDAY, OCTOBElt C, 1S70.

From the Daily of Tuesday.



The" formal cercinon ies of Breaking Groundto the Brwrnvllle, Ft. Kearney and PacificRailroad took place in this city at 2 o'clock

y. The exercises were as follows: ,

DcForrcst I'ortcr called the assembly toorder, and on his motion Judge .Morgan wascalled to the chair and brielly addressed thecrowd.

First: Mutic by the Brownville Silver Cor-

net Rind.Second: Salute by the Jirownvllle Gun

Squad, undor cominniRl of fcapt. 1. a Ecrger;one round for each of the Board of Directors,County Comnjis!oners, JInyor of the Cityand the citizens at large.

Third: Music by the Band.Senator Xjiiton made the opening spcoh,

in whl-- li o ft ferneri to tiie importance of thepresent railroad enterprise; to the eaily his-

tory of tu" town a"d county and their devel-men- t,

tmclnirit Troni the early settlement tothe present day, rehearsing many amusinganeedotts; refuncu by name to many of theold residents.; to the commencement of railr-

oad enterprises In the State and their pro-gress; anil many dther niatlors of inteiestand information.

Ground was "then formally broken oyHin.ru Aii'EUM.vx, the-olde- citizen of thocounty. II" was followed by Senator Tipton,Representative TQt President Lett andKmrntccinnor): A1rfi mill 1?il ttv

This was frtJAVodlry-n- re THJnT3olm T.fe,ijlenreseiitatlve in C.rij;rrs3 'rotfFobiaskiil

no thanked tiieassem.uv forttia.ea.il, nndjexpressed his p,-ui- e at --:tghin JnSifer-H- .initt.--l to meet tne ivpicui i.rojrnvjue.auutbca pro'oeded to mtk one of the fi.iestra!lro.ul Kjieee'i i- - has been our-lo- t to lis:ento. ".

Hon. II 'C.Lett, l'residentof the Company,then adlrfsstHl thoasMsmblagetml brieflybut polinediy refl'erred to the natural railroute from east to west, through, our townand county; recounted the labor and meansby which the enterprise was pnt on foot, andtte material aid secured for its construction.President Lett gave eve.y assurance that the

k would be prosecuted vigorously to itscompletion, and asked residents of the cltyand county, and along ike line, to promptlyperform their daty, nudthere'jy greatly faciltate the early completion of the great enter-prise nor inaugurated.

Dr. 1I I'Jerson was then called for and re-sponded in a happy and welt pointed address.

The day being pleasant the crow&Hvas Irn-lnen-

Pof. Bscn, Princiiwl of the Brown-vlll- e

High School, dismissed his School, andwith teachers and scholars attended the ceie-erati- on

in a body.Tills is Hie opening up of the most Impor-

tant enterprise ever inaugurated and put "ohfoot In this c.ty or county. All seemed tofeel, ils and entered fully Into the spirit ofths occaMon.

BELDEK TIIE "'.VIIITE CHIEF,0. tw-'v- years a.-:iii-3 the w'-- Indians of

the Plains. From the Dla-ie- s and Manu-scripts of Geo. P. Bolden, the rdventurousVi.Ur O rcf, S'i,(i Ilvn e. T r e andGuide. E tednyU.'ii.Jas.'gSrJJrlsbin, TJ.S.A. J. S. Goodman & Co. Cn.cago, 111.;

C F. Vent, Cincinnati, Ohio.To the publishers we are indebted for a

copy of tills work, which for several reasonslsVery.Interesting, and will be perused withInteres. Geo. P. Beldon, the hero, was nformer wed known resident of this city; apractical prlnicr, and worked In this office.He was also a soldier in a regiment com-manded by the KdUor, during wli'ch timehe obtained muelof the informatlonlmpar-tc- d

by the lKok. Tiie vo'uine contains overAve hundred octavo pages, magnificently

and "ottenun. in all esnecs. lmfirst class si le. We of tlmTents narrated vrnlci, while ttfehTyj coUnged, contain man impoitnnt fSctsSconnecSlinn irmi i.inn. re nnri Tinmt c ixjiil fUn rpr.l Kiill2Jkl.IstlftS nT t J IVf-,- , Mfl J hp"li ntmlifnit, ncrcrbe.oix-in.p.lii- t. Ttie Injofccannocfell to have ".i run." Some one in thl place,aad otiicr p unts In tbe State will do well toobtain an agency. Address C. F. Vent, Cin-cinnati.

Capi.lJ. T.Y. DaiTow, Engineer In chargeof cur.ttrucion u tne west end of the Q. M.K.4: P. Had oad, f oat tne river, oppositelh!si--.. loRccfcpo. , Is in tills city, and Ismak.ng the neccs-r- y ..ejjsradons .o com-meneew-

early next weelc Hegf.es intotheflell at once, and as the line Is al eadypermanently loaned, and the contractor,Win. Channahan, Q. Incy, will be herethis wtek w t!i ills fi.Ji eo' ..anfis, our neigh-bors qver ;h? way may feel certa.n ot break-bi- g

ground in their'foiiniy next week .'or tiiegrand InU : -- 5ceaoic ila:irtad of the WesternCjrtlnentl

taii-oa- d Hand About a dozen teamsAiled w tli liii.; oa. !alorers, etc.. arrived inourc,t th.smo n!ng, fromaSalem, for thopurpose of go' ng to work on thoB., Ft. K. &P. Rallm-vd- , active unerjiiions on which willheuci,,imhis week. Tiino teams belong lothcoutit o.Mi-bsrs-. Unieiisottle. & Ciock,wLoLiV. ..-- n forborne time jsst engageden ti." ;eiualia Vnlioy "Ra .road, but whohave vit idrawn fro.'u labor on thai road forsoWv jo1 Tiy w.il iIkclsaJ-con-trac- t

unJer Mows, Allen & whobavcas,niiI'eontict, and whose isams

which hae been here for a week paststartedout this morning. Both parties un-derstand the work and will mako the dirtfly with a will.

Woolen aiills. D. Atiierton, of Williams&At.ierton, Oakland Mills, Henry County,Iowa, called this noon, and talked of thopropo't of the removal of these Mill to thisPlac He was wcli pleased w ith tills city asa point, and with the prospects for the profit-able operation of a (factory here. He Is apractical workman himself, and the Mills hewould bring are good and capable of doingoil s'ylcs of custom work, and will turn outabcut one hu.idred and fifty yards or goodsper duy. Tho arrangements necessary to in-duce these Mills to this place he will explaintnore fully toour people by letter on consult-ing his partner. We think It can be made.

The Oldest uihaoUaut In this C'ty Is,we believe, R. J. Whitney. Ic came hereLi March, 1855, wi:h ills family.and has beenIHln'liher in the oity orctnnty ever since.Previous to tl-.l- however. le had exploredthis couutrj when the river flowed to thetops of the bluti's, and then tied up his

oat to a tree near Hlgii Alderman's farm, athlch time he pelected tho claim lie after-var- li

took. He was aftei wards 3Iayor ofw o.k and P ol.ali Judge of thlscounty.

That Agrlcnltiiral Seed "Wreatii. Wc"ave heard It doubled if Miss Mollie Mooretoade the immense seed wreath she exhibit-ed at the State Fair. We aro informed byfler father that no other hands than her owntouched 1L She did not even stiC heir pre-Pt-or

during Us construction. It is a won-derful piece of ingenuity, especially whenReconsider the youthfulness of the youngUssirhoinndeit.

aituic Is humanizing. Show us a manw: d music nnd .- i?:il show von a

anrho is open to all fnr; feelings and"R Gets that enoble and io ate the hu--n

above the brute crci.-.tfi- ; to bring usfertile Creator. T!iv --.flections leadj xKnmend Jas. Dyfs to establishBtnUr cUy,at Moore & Bradford's BookinT!a Cciot for lhe w,le r MsIcal Itru

aud Sheet Music, and to ask for MmPatronage necessary to success.

ii,-- Cercat Enigma. A thousand guess- -

vebeen made at the Ingredients of So- -. aS the most wlinlAKfimn ninl Tiorffwt.

Wejpp lriue the world has ever seen. They

little11. Vr,)ng' fco' by waJ of throwing an0n JJlt on the subject. It is now an- -QttUh Ulat the LIber' or 1,mcr fcark of th0valirra 'ponarla, the Soap Tree of thefcit?rthe A3ltles. one oftlie compo- -

luat peerlebsdentrifice." -- - cj

ttthu" fmUU l8 havln5 built, on his farmstantiii rihl8city' onc of tne ost sub"

stone residences in the county.

it-- fc


rvs j8.

z mi i rairrlMBIBgltBMM.Miii r ' .

SnglgaJBfe. 4J

Tr Ti. ..!.;"" - c T Ito Canada, In 1822, and remoVcSjSStates in 1814, settling ta tlio SUte S lif'nols. where hnrrmi . .TcametoNebmk.annL,1,. wncn


impculblelow. He has roorM"iwf,llinn htliln n i

n this county';try and integrity the mo.t marked in thecounty, who together with theirmourn the loss of a kind and Indulgentfatner and husband, a time, for ffiifecharacter and death wero snch as to leave nodoubt of a meeting in the blessed hereafter.AVeknewMr. Dundas norsnnniw ., ..Jhis many friends tender our sympathy andcondolance to the oereaved family. Truly agood man has gone from among us.

PIRSTDUiTOB.Pt.K.tp.R,R,.it.ercuxi.oi inrowing the first dirt on theabove named road belongs to Dr. John Mc-pherson, and could not, ns nnpropriatelv'be-longt- oany other man In 2?ema"ha countyor, besides coming "within an ace" of beingthe "oldestinhabitnm," his was theflrstcon- -

rei,uon OI iac grana enterprise just com-meneel-- he

saw it in 1833. when he flrstcameout, tills Idea deciding his location here-a- ndhasbeeivindisBrownvlHesflrmestandmostprogressive friend; never halting in doubtor hesitating at anything when tho magni-tude of the improvement was withinbl8grasp. He, yesterday, took hold of the firstplow started by Willis Allen, the first con-tractor to commence work, and turned tho.flctfu5:rQontaeorlwrkDrBj.ii, iatsaraqmMiIiJkIMlrfllQSteliJ. .TrawHL. . . .. - -- j.. "--- t firauBaHw . n:'t?;93B9'M 1

.e.'s&:.-i2it.i- t i irATCJIISON COVXttlW'MMiS I W

i'ftir.as-ll6iJPort'i3fo- , bns'i6een' postponed until October II .., lith and 13th.

G. K. Dcnay, the enterprising shoema-ker who opened ntTo. 15, foot of Main street,but a few weeks sine", will be one ofthe bestoddltlons to her business that Brownvltlohas received for yea-i-s- Ho Is a capital work-man, and enterprising, for, besides the factthat his work has given unbounded sails- -faction, he has already for sale a really choicelot of ready made work, which he ofTers, forcash, mind you, at lower figures than suchgoods were ever ottered for here before. Readhis card and give him a call.

Indian. Summer the most pleasant sea-son offtbeyear, with Its balmy, hazy atmos-plier- e

is f.drly upon u;. A though the frostof last night was very Rlisht only nippingIn the bottom of the hollows yet trees havebegun to don the varied and beautiful huesof autumn as well as the atmosphere.

THE BLKHOitS DRUG STORE.H. C. Lett, proprietor of this Drugstore,

havng other business ihatwlil occupy hiswhole time and attention, has given the en-tire charge of tiie business to Messrs. Bennet& Creigh, to whom all matters of businessconnected wivli the store are referred. Theyarecare.'nl and reliable men; the latter be-

ing o.ie uf the very best prescription clerksin the country, and will make it a speciaiityto attend th;s branchtif rhe business. 25dwl

MORE ITAILROAI WORK ITie.-c- c Blake of ihls conniy, who has the

eon.ract for grading the first mile of our railroad west, commenced work this morning.He .will have thirty Lands at work before theend of this week. Many of our citizens wentdown to see how railroads are built, we wentalong with the rest; we threw some dirt andfound it no different than pitching dirt un-

der ordinary circumstances. Hurrah for.therailroad for the dirt Is actually flying I Thisway, gentlemen, right this way! throughcars for San Trancisco?


sr " rin Titr nnr t riU-- PAfrrsT:oiLa4.5p&iMa31HRWX BSAsawiKiJOlFSlSSK




Emigration. Not a morning or after-noon now passes but six to a dozen emigrantwagons may be seen Upon our streets, pro-

visioning for the westward journey.

813. go:As few persons know what Is meant by

these lignrcE, Which our cotomporary keepsstanding, wc would explain : It is the sum Itcost one of Its proprietors to have "five min-utes private conversation witii a young ladyin Ivans-a-s city."

Comnicn'jJftble. The prompt action ofCommissioner McGce and County Clerk Hac-

ker fortueir prompt relief of tho destitutefamily we mentioned in our dally of Wed-nesday. They purchased tickets and fur-

nished means to send Mrs. McConoughayand children to her relatives In Indiana. Shestarted yesterday by j alL

Duna fc Ilays, Jewelers, at No. 27, arecerta'nly deserving of success, for they aiegetting 'ons!ant additions to their stock ofWatciies, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., of the bestgradrt known to the market ; besides, youdon't in a yoar's travel, find more clevermen to deal with.

New Firm. C. W. Cook has gone in withJacob Marohn in the Merchant Tailoringbusiness at Marhon's old stand. This Is thestrongest firm of Merchant Tailors on thoMissouri slope, tt ensures good work andsure flls.

Joseplt Shntz Is excavating on his lot onMain street, in the rear ofhis Jewelry Shop.He has most of the material for anew busi-ness, house bargained for, ana we hope to seesomething doncyet this season.

A."W. Jlorgan, Merchant Tailor, at No.51, has Just received and opened a fliieassort-me- nt

of Piece Goods and Gent's Notions,which are beautiful and hard to beat.

Charles Hclmcr is receiving new mate-

rial all the time to make up Into those neatfitting and durable Boots which everybodydelights to wear. m.

Thaa!;s to Henry Hart, foreman ofShel-lcnberge- r's

Tin Shop, for a ruler and paperfearer of his own pattern. It ls the handiestthing of the kind we have ever had.

.Goto A. Robinson's for No. 1 Boois hudShoes! He sells cheaper than any house inNebraska! That's what's the matter! HemeansVhat he says. SdtfJ

EmlgranJs. Seven ein'igi-ant'- s teamspassed west through our city this morning.The tide has not yet fairly set in, but is re-

ported flowing tills way.

Tlic Rlve is this morning on n stand,having risen about five feet within tho pastweek. Itlsjusthowin good boating condi-


J. L. Carson is making a good improve-ment in his Bank by having a counter builtthe full length of his room.

Butler stock Is quoted still lower. It Ispositively a drug in the market. Jentwra..

Yes, to the Democracy ; a outer pm i

Is It Courtesy to svlo a lady about tocommence business In cur city, a "solidman ?"

A Fresii Supply of Hardwaro and I?.?13

Just received by Deuser & Shurts.

Remember the Bank Restaurant.

A good protectibn against misfortune apolicy in the Washington Life.

l?or Choice Je-velry- , warranted purestuff, go to Dunn & Hays. IGtfdjv

Good Fresii' Butter 25 Cents per ll.2GdlW at F. E. JOHNSON & Co.,

S30 llts. Cliotcc Butter at,254 H1LL& CO'S.

A Main Street Ilonsc and. I.ot for Sale

or Kent. Also, Furniture for sale. Apply to

2Gdwl D- - M- - SHEIiI.KXBEn.GKR.

Tiie Viola Bell passed'down yesterday.

. - - wrrmnmiirTnrw.p, rT-- !!! im n ma hi jr Ml- - --

' l f

"ThBTOptraeterifbowIlibIIdrJ5'-3- S JMJLirfom. La t aier This comprbwwaUj ' -

wWfeHMl.- - im

.tantffion. fandi?ch rcdy made cloti.lng Shirrfeand a full line of ireiitK Fnrnlshlm? GrKiits I t.i

Frorn'oor'biuofWc3nesCa7.1 -OCR, KAILHOADOVER THE RIVERIs now a certainty this Fall. Vfm. Canna-ha- n,

of Qnincy, the contractor for graldlngfrom the river to Itockport, Mo., Is in tho city,and this mornlngsnblet tne section from theriver to Phelps'to Mr. A. M. Allev. whoho will have tweny teams and sufilclentmen on tho work-Frid- ay to completo the'graining inside of contract time, that is Nov.10th. The arrangement, as we learn itIs tocommence at the l'iver and grade towardsPhelps, the Iron !s coming by boat, and track-layin- g

will commence as soon as possible,and with everything working right we mayexpect the road ready for the cars by December 1st. These lacts we Jearn from relia-ble persons, and tbey arc sufficient to makethis community feel exceeding glad.

913.00 I This is, what It cost to get "setnp in the square toed boot business" In Kan-sas city. How are you $13.00 ?

Jttdge Rttter Is in the city and in hisseat as County Commissioner, together withMessrs. M'Geo and Ilarmes. As Mr. Hitterwill soon occupy the higher and raoro re-sponsible position of President of the Boarditmaynotbenmlss to add a word of pnbliccommendation to the many pilvato compli-ments we have heard upon his action ascommissioner. He has well and faithfullyserved this people fortlieiiast two years, andin ine position of President will have thegood wishes or. all who are for progress andeconomy in county affairs. "'e sballalwayssustain his official conduct and that of theBoard while characterizedwith thestraight-forwar- d

integilty ami honesty of purpose oftho past two years.

"Don't like Blow."

U Serift lSSP&4o3pSSa19tSSl.TTl . , . . . 1

ineaDove was penntti. uni no, tu eyllkeblow; Who over saw a "Munchausen"but what talked so. Couldn't stop the Jubi-lee; could ye 7

Head of Main Street. Wm. Lornnce,has, under the approjriatio"n of the CountyCourt, cut out the brush from tho head ofMain street to the-- county road runningnorth and south. Main street and the countyroad ;vlll be passable yet this fall, giving usa straight- - thoroughfare from the west.

Nearly AccMents. Thomiss steps of thotwo Misses wnoirIh-c- d their footing on therafts, yesterday, we 7ere much pleased tosee resulted only in t. t."glu welting, because,besides their esljmable qualified.-the-y couldnot possibly be spared Jrom tlieir .presentplaces.

Gone to the Na:innal Fair. Among thecrowd who went yesterday to tho NationalFair at SU Louis we noticed W. W. Hackneyand family, W. T. Icn, Phil Deuser, D. O.Cross, A. F. Colin anri'&a Moore. T,

9Jnstlce Court. Probate Judge, Morgan,

to-da- y. compelled a man to donate the cityflvo dollars for gelt iDg knocked down forthreaienjng to cut .fake j.tgcr's heart out.Jake objected with aelub, which was trumps.

Provide for your own household. Do itwith a policy in tho Wash .ngton Life.

HanaafordiSi McFalihave now on bandthe finest and largest collecvion of.Fum.lureand Hpliolstry west ol lIieMbsouri,and theysell low enough to draw custom from onehundred miles west. 2Jdwl

Ncinaha. Coanty Fair AiOclatlon.Thi Board of Managers' of the NemahaCounty AgiicultUial Assoc.nl ion desire ustostate that in arianging the grounds for theStateFair, the finances fall behind betweenthree and four hundred dollars. EnoughLife Memberships havo been sold to pay thisamount, but has not been paid np. It Ishoped those who hnve subset Ibed will notlet.lheirjsubscrlplioujf o u tt naidyjortgsgTheSocioty.has lncurre ?Ml5HKU9MJrK?t

hrtrh',;wvtk.a?C, or

o:seeSauferrtK&ovTnnStrneoTk- -men aro putting Ju oiie of f tioge smallboa.dculverts not an eighteen Inch siuaie In "a

deep ravine near Iho head of Main street.The result will bo a repetition of Fishersexperiment dii Atlantic slreet, near Hud-dar- ds


Notice State Fair. Those to whomwere awarded Premiums at- - the StateFairare hereby informed that Casii, Plate, andDiplomas areondepositin Brownviiletopayall to whom they belong. If not called forby January 1st, 1871, by tiie Laws of the Boardthey wfll be declared forfeited.

R. W. FURNAS, Pres.D. II. Wjieet."K, Sec.jG3Statc popers please copy..


A. F. Colin, or this city, took the first pre-

mium on Cigars, with 11. O. Lett, one of thebest judges of a good Cigar in tiie country, aschairman of the awarding committee, andtho premium was deserved. Factory at No.CI Main street. 23dwlf

NEW STOCK!Reduced 1'ricci In Dry Goodp, Clothing,

Hats, Shoes and UooL-i- . Gi ocerlesand Queens-waie.- at


23dwl Foot of Main Street.

IJII.MARRS.Lovers of this game can be accommodated

with first class table?,- - &c.,at the ShermanHouse Billiard Room. Sxlwtf

The Assets of tho Washington are secure

ly invested in Donuj and Morlgagas (first

lelns), and United Slates and New York

State Stocks and Bonds, in compliance withi, iottb of the Slate of New Yoik.

Sewing 3IaciUnc can beTUe Singer

next door to. thefound at the Hook Store,

Post Office.21dwtf Gi:o. B) !Moor, Agent.

McPherson' for choice CanadaGo to 33dwl

Blue Grass Seed.loaded with em-

igrantsTen two Horse wagons

passed our office going west this

Board Ty tiie day or weelc at Daugher-ty'sRestura- nt,

onedoor west of the Bank.

of voters forRegistrarr-V-. Iluglies,

tlito Prectasf, ifedoing the work about as com-

plete possible to; he is about theas it Ismost efficient man that has had hold of re

gistration, and w us leave nuanti-radic- nl lo complain or, unless lUls

ao "dirt" in the ele?- -tothe loss oi a cnametlont

j. b.'bi:ll i son.This firm, dealing in Pine Lumber and nil

made of pine, 1m omaterial tluit isbuilding aiul 1st

now their yard on corner of Collegevacant

tree.s stacked fulU as also all thelotsadjolbingi Thty have nIlllon.f as aof all kinds oi x-i- "" '

Blinds, etc. xtieyof Doors,S at Le lowest possible figure, and are

selling an Imriienso lot of stuff of all kinds,to fifteen teams loading there dally

mrThe counties westbesides their large trade

In this immediate vicinity.


received about a car load ot new.tils being the forerunner of their Fall

Hock; Among this lot they have a flue as- -


such as they have tiHuauy " "warrant,-an- d are here--Ji they personally

wlUthe warranty good. Also, a fine as-t- o

makesortment of vV'OOLEN GOODSf

DREaS AND , , Wp. affords. 2ldwltiie best the?astern mar..

SWAN &-- BROTHERadditionslo their sU,

Are daily recelvliGroceries, which are al-

waysof Staple arid Fancy

choleestquality and urands andof thelow as a fairselling just aswhich they are

living profit will permit. -A Constant Eflbrt to please and satisfy

his guests is the only phrase that will applyto the conduct of Goo. Danghertyof the Jtes-taura-nt

next door to Carson's Bank; and hiswonderful. Try lilm !success is truly

BiOTICE r i .s U . .

The regular Jcrm of the Probato Courtfo?the trial of ciViLcases for all sums over okj

hundred- - dollars and under tbreo handeddollars, will be held at the office of tho P-ba- te

Judge In the city of Brownvllle, Nema-ha county, Nebraska, commencing on Xia

first Monday of cachcalendar month, I

A. W. MORGAN,2-- tf Probate JoOga j

HALF,fare:XjLerBone wishing to attend the National

Fair at St. Louis can procure tickets at theStar Hotel from October 1st to OctoberSthGood until October 11th. Only 15.05 thereand back! 23dlw

WINTER IS COMING!Deuser & Shurts hnve a splendid stock of

Wood and Coal --Heating Stoves. Call soonand get your choice. ISJdwl

BOOTS I BOOTS 1If you want a neat fitting Boot, a well made

Boo and durable Boot and a cheap Boot itis absolutely essential that you should go to

- CHAS. HELMER'S21dwl , ';.. No. 51 Main Street.

A. Robinson has received a large stock otBoots and Shoes for the fall trade and hesells them cheap. Give him a chance and beconvinced. No trouble to show goods. OdtfJ

The Original Goldeu Crowu Cigar ismanufactured by A. F. Colin. It is the fltvo-rlt- e

everywhere. 37--tf

MERCHANT TaA.ORIA'GIs a branch of business In which our enter-

prising citizen, A. "W, JMorgan, jr., claims toknow thoroughly all the wants orthe public,

comprising the latest novelties out. Givehim a call at No. 51, Main street.

43-9- -d w tf.'

Lumber for sale. Tiie lumber used forslock pens and sheds on tfic Fair gronnd isfor sale. It is good as new, but few nailshaving been used In It, Fencing, Posts,"Boards and Studding. Apply to F. A. Tisdelor R. W. Furnas. tf

A good man provides for his children.A policy In the Washington Llfo is the onlyway to do it.

SHERMAN HOUSE.This house, under the managoment or its

affable proprietor U. M. KaufTman, Is one ofthe best accommodations for the weary andhungiy traveler along the Missouri river.for good meals, good beds, accommodatingfcOSt a"?wl waiters--i t stands unrivalled. d w

ATTENTION ALL!Give the dci'tt

" li'c' That fino Cutter ed

at the Stale T" as a specimen of the

Art of Carriage Painting, wJ." wy work andminenlono. A. W. HZsLMOy,- -

or the Arm of Waldter &'cmn;on,lOdwl oG Main tretl.

Plants for Winter Eloomiug.- -I havea large collection of Tot and Border plantsIn tine order for winter blooming, whichwill be sold at one fourth tho usual prices, asI am not prepared to w.'nter them.

tf R. W. FURNAS.

A PINK LUMBER TARD.--Ivilbotir- n,

Jenkins it Co., corner of Fourthand Main streets, In this city, have constant-ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum-ber orall kinds; also, also Bash, DoorSjBllnds,Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc.,which they arc selling at the lowest possiblefigures for which the same can be got out ofthe log and shipped to this point. They arodetermined to continue as heretofore to sup-ply the bulk of lumbes, etc., used In this


T n.,1 TlrtttAr mand.see them i jattfdw.K?

I'XVJVWW,""' i2BdDC atShelIeaJe'r- -!X xXClWmiSo "? f r.amtttsLja?&vmBoEasscsssrnTVM. jrf5uJS!MN, REAL ESTATE

nxusx aJboTQUElily ficonainted with Southern Ne-brask- a;

buys and sells Improved or Unim-proved Land, Town lots, ic, on commissionor otherwise. Personal attention given to allmatters entrusted to him. Correspondencesolicited. Office: F. E. Johnson &. Co.'s store,McPherson Block, BrpwnvIlle.Neb. S5tf-sll- m

JTlie 'VVasliIngtottLifo Insurance Com-pany is ono of the strongest, safest, mostsuccessful, and best managed corporationsin New York.

New Boot and. Shoe Shop.Mr. Geo. Denny, boot and shoo maker, No.

15 Main street, In soliciting a share of publicpatronage, takes tills opportunity to say thatall goods leaving hls'shop shall be as ordered,and no person allowed to leave dissatisfied.

Repairing neatly done and promptly at-

tended to. Remember the shop, sign of thoboot. 43-3- ra dw

Spring Wagon & Buggy for sale. En-W-

quire of CUATFEE,10dWl Brov nvllle

FonndiThe best nnd cheapest stock of Harness,

Saddles, Collars, Whips, Fly Nets, RidingBridles, Martingales, Curry Combs, Brushes,Cards, Rubber Combs, Surcingles, Gurths :thdSInches. The best of Buckskin and LaceLeather, also the celebrated Vacuum OilBlacking for Harness, Boots and Shoe", allor which can be found at Sawder's, at lowrates for cash. m dw

Sitleudld Goods!The Kious Sisters, at No 20, have just re-

ceived and opened a magnificent stock of themost beautiful Plumes, Velvets, Ribbons,Bonnets, Hats, Flowed etc., which they in-

vite the ladies of Brownville and vloinity tocall and examine. Charges reasonable.


liemcmber Die Slierman House daringtho Fair, If you want good accommodations.

"Watcli Repairing neatly and promptlydone by Dunn & Hays. 4Gtfdv

A Ilaixclfiil. A very small qnantily ofwood or coal In a Cnaoler Oak Stove willeooka plenteous meal for a small family;for Its whole arrangement of liot-a- lr flues,oven, fire-bo- x, damper, tc., Is so planned asto conserve and apply all (he heat generateddirect ly to the cooking food, without per-mitting It to escape up tlfe chimney. 51

I?opnIat.It is asserted, and correctly so,

that Dr. Hen ry--B Root i iianLPil!s aralhemost favorite family pi" m use So adver- -

lisemcnt. 51

The wordSoiodout." which is fast becoming a household word, is derived fromthe Greek; and is composed of two words,Sozo and Odontes. 'Soz'o,' translated m'eAnsto preserve, and 'Odontes.' the teeth. Sozo-dou- t,

a preserver of the teeth. And it is trueto its name. 51

'Spalding's Glue," will mend your waysor anything else that needs mending. 51

"Waldter t Lcmmon have within thepast week or two done several as fine jobs" ofsign and other painting as can be found Inany of tho large eastern cities, not only forparties here, but for the surrounding towns.Their work recommends Itself to all who see

it. Shop at No. 66 Main street. 4dwl

SHELENBBRGER BROSTills firm, with its usual enterprise, took

the first premium on CookStoves. They hadon exhibition the "Peerless," a stoTC thattook the first premium at the exposition atParis, and of course took it afjour State Fair.The are determined to havo the best,-- triedstoves, and this is their policy in every oth-

er department-o- f their business. They arereliable and what they sell yon can bet onbeing No. 1, and you will get It as cheap as

it can possibly be sold.

Fovrl to Let.I have a few pairs, or triosofpureblood-iro- m imported stock-W- hite

Light Bramaha and YelloAV

Chickens, blch I 11 let out onvrho have no

the shares to careful personsoUt.r.tod-toml.ft- h.


MOORE i BIUDfORD,Booksellers and Sfttloners, next door to tho

?oht "Office, tavo jni received a n ow and com-lle- te

stock cfBool.Maps,Charts,GlobesandSatlonary. Are yepared to furnish SchoolBiroiture tf eTcy description, and defycompetition for fice andjtn: cnoolofi'cers, teasers pi 11 interested re ro- -

qcestea to csi azs examine our biocs Kotrouble to ebwcxla. w

Lewli a are constantly ddlngnew goods thdr stock of Dollar Goods.They makepedallty of getting nice thingsfor the ladis, fir which they would else-

where hnvob piy doublo for what they ofT--(r

theirs at.Nlady Is through her shop-lin- g

roundsaufcss she calls at the DollarSore. , 20 dwl

Choice JJ'.ietJrasfc Seed at McPherson'oNo. 6$ Main tret 2jdwl

Nice Frca irnnts at tbcT. O. 2Cdwtf'-- AVcsdu Cylinder Cliurm

Shellenberjei Bros, arc entitled to thethanks and ptonagc of all who have cowsfor their intndctiO'u oT this valuable churn.Itlsthomostc4ipiete simple and efficientchurn made, all Its price brlng3 It withinthe reach of al There are three Sites atS.X50, $4.00, an 54.50, respectively. ThesechnniB, as soons Introduced, must certain-ly take precedese of all others for simplici-ty, durability ail cheapness.


Go to Dangbrty's Bank Restaurant.Lumber I LtUnuel' X

Jit. Bell &. SonHave on honanlllionB of feel of

DrjPlne Lwnbcr,Which is harilcd with care, and

M '"- --- KMmUderTihed fcri


Mouldings,Arid evcrjthing in plno, that la used in

building, thacan bo had anywhere. Theymake a speciality of

Newel Posts, Banisters, and Hand Ralls,which they will supply to suit customers.Their sales are for cash, and as low as can behad any wherein the west. Office and Yardcorner of Atlantic and First streets.

NURSER1 STOCII DELIVERY IV. W. Dust A Co. will deliver tho Nursery

Stock engagedof them, by the 1st of Novem-ber, 1S70. All ylll do well to be prepared toreceive them.

"VVni. II. Hoover, Real Esftte Agent andConveyencer.pourt Room. 31tf-d- w

First Premium Fanning Mill For saleEnquire of20dwtf t EVAN WORTHING,

Sec Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen-sary, headed Bo0k for the Million Mak-nrAOBGui-

n anothcrcolumn. Itsliouidbe read by all. Zi-- y

TWnilmtie Doctor Tinetolln TTor ptrcnlnrtx married ladies sent on receipt of two

Addrpss Mauanlo Doctor Rastello,Chiefs0. U1- -

' 4i-d- m

Patronize P'oTne Indu8try.-A- lr kindsor Marble work can be had at Neidliardt'sMarble Works In this city, cheaper tliftn Itcan be had elsewhere. one butthe brat ma-

terial used. ,11-- tf

See Advertisement headed "Land! Land!!"

DR. HObLADATRespectrully informs old .blends .andend"the public, that he is prepare.-!-

, tocalls in the lino of his profession. - u.D. H. Lewis & Co.'s Drug Store, Main etrcC i?rBrownvllle, Neb. 51-- tf I

$50.00 Reward. This will be paid toany one who will mrove there ls a particle ofmercury in Dr. Henry's Rootand PlnntPUls.L


. . - ,cHme at- -i navenneen ortwefl-- 1

srradCBack Cashmere Goat not flnfi L

6S08h'tft)be rrom, but as pood as any forfancy orJble purposes- - which I will sellfrom 55 to $25 owing to grades. I will alsosell alew pairs pfcmy full bloods this fall at

100 a pair.R. W.FURNAS.

Brownvllle, Neb.


First and Atlantic streets. Buy nnd selllands, pay taxes for non-residen- ts. Givesnartlculnr attention to buylntr. selling andrenting city property. 30-3- m

Oifice of Juo. Li. Carson, Banker,Brownvilla, Ke-Ts.- ,

August IS, 1370

To all Pofsons having Pajie iu iZiloffice

DUE OR PAST DUE,Notice is given that demand ia here-

by made and Paymontrequirod. Un-less upon ample and approved securi-ty, no further extensions will hogranted.

45-- tf J.NU. Ai. OAJttaw.


Corn,.. ..SViWO lOnloa" .T5t(X)Spring Whpat. newoftg-K-) Wool Uimasheaa(t-J- 0

old.....H - " Tub WashfcdJKJOOats ... 18a TToney.M..iM..iiii..iw....ri 30

na fesss. .u mi5ltarleyOals..w. Buttet--T. . 20p24Barley ..- -SnrlliitW Pllllir. Chickens, aoz....,M,00Willi V TMnnr .45 ncefCattle 3,'j-0- ,

Potatoes 5S?K IIors Kross....-.7.0- 0

Tor 1853) llldes.Oreen .-- 5

BaconSides . ii " Dr- - Flint 12

Canvased Ham-s- f4f-- f Minfc l,coai,Jl.oixkl.25siiniiiaer" " Beaver.

Nocountrj cured In thej.Co...;;;......i..x.i.afiftTOmnrkrt. . green...

sj BFU t ' lr'sjtga Jau; - -

o mms Q

o Wiiki2?i W

'!aL IIkta.X01 Q

9 --y,'

a.m, oi 'urf-- ti a oIcd stock dT

READY $ADE G06DS!vhicniewlll

Sell VerXttfw for Casii !

He would c U the attention of the public lo

the fact that t ias as extensive experience in themanufacture of of the first quality;and thosewho vant Boots and Shoes to

Fit TVcll, 1 oot Well and TTear Well,

n a not be disappointed.

Boots and & Neatly nnd Promptlyt Repaired. 40wl0d


AixrVG wl may, and who ought not toxrT .ive sexual ezcltement ITS

nTiwS neetF- -l advice AH that Is worthCnboutPltEf-E-rnON- . Also whysomany

SiiTin th 5 lando.-:--. are 7EMA.TCSBT.y.

..Vtnir Tf ay nswere followed by nil.ON would DECREASEdeath bygOf stigle. neratton. ftTp-N-o father

" " e TfithouJ the iaforma--a.?S?r2fe"yl'nouShtroreacljousht to read ''Woman- -

hood. JM.ii. sKCTJRE ITtOJI OBSEUVaI5o5? at 13 cpbJ63011 or DoUl together for 25oents. luui v

clabb: 'hittier, a. d817 St. eittrler Street, St; Loai?, Mo.

. j, araii by nr.plsg these worts have avoid-- 1? .t nnlstirfl Blnltiflldn tifrf hprw I

ken In pieces yVw

Sale fIfetray Stock. -sel atp-Vtesei- le, to the highest bidderi

rnrmsh n the Wh, .day of Octotcr, 1870, at-- nvinekn .lntrnitorto Court House

three year old cow,LWthf P hy Geo. tarshall,.andpublished as rt:u.mi.HORGAN, 8r., J. P.



Tho BroTTnvillo Perry Companyhave now running between .


North Star and Phelps Oity, Mo.,thenrrf and commodious Steam Ferry

2HABTS' S. AK,reA,iMTHIS BOAT is entirely new, vy!th

and capacity to cross everythingthat may come, in any weather.

.For crossing Cattle into or out of ius Lana ua-trtc- t,

thLs Ls the best point. This boat is peciaUyfitted up to ensure safety in cross! ns stock, anil largecattle pens are already erected at tho fct. Joe. A.. n.Iepot at rhelns City. We ain lijsnre the tro clipspublic that alf in our power shall be to makethis the most reliable crossing on theSlissonrl xi er.


AAJn. '. . UdZ lfWBricMvei'tid'-Ciaierar-, II


UnnvmlTo WlPbT-JTt- C

is pre0atrT-ift-ta3BT'w'c"-n w"'J-ivnjj".- i


jwillHulld Otst,rHrfed.wrrantthcm porfect.'wgy




WASHING MACHINE!Lately much Improved and the New


and the Patent Stop, arenow unquestionably far superior to any apparatusfor washing clothes ever invented, and v.'fll savetheir cost twice a year, hv saving labor and clothes.

Southern people who have used Uicm testify asfollows ;

They save three-fourt- h of the labor and cott. nndpay for themselves both In money and content-ment, tot every youns lady learn toand every married one keep them In her house.JXew Orleans Picayune.

"An excellent Washing ifachine. We have triedIt. The Clothes Wrmxer is very superior. A goodhand will wash a larce number ot pieces in a fewhours." KaMah (X. O.) Ii'aenpat Methodist.

".titer two years' experience with a Doty, we aroassured that It Is the greatest help and economizerof time, labor and money we havo yet hart intro-duced into ourhousehold." Williamson Smith. 2texvOrleans.

"I have had a Dotv Washer In my family forsome time. It Klves eutire and I takepleasure In commending U to the head ofTeryhousehold." K. Toterx.JfffeTe,, lxas.

"I have had one of Doty'a Clothes Washer's Inrr year, and I am perfectly satlsiled tritli Ik:,-v-ft tried U faithfully, and have never

My lai...7 all that it professesknovu It to taii tC ncco.;" wuge,to." JW. J. T. Steven, COncord 2ZWStatesnUe,2T.C.

PKiciM-miKcr- it' owmt&tegLIf1 thtfiferchants lag of,ti. - .- - ftrAnt.flt0d fiiu4 t rAtfill BrM19.f5E?.afe?j!lfjaCiK; witMTfcaitln3 rM"" ' JiFr. - T . l . . . ici.than'ua aim i spliiiOTt-tinda- o sure are we they

wlUlfcilwfcd. that we agree td refund the moneylranTOBfJwlsheilojietura the machines free-- of

frelfintrarter a mouth's trial, according to direc-tlon- n.

Ho hnsband, father or brother should permit thedf udsrerv or wasLln'r w ith the hands. Ally-tw- o daysIn the year, when it can he done better, more expe-ditiously, h Iom labor, and no injury tothegac--mpnta, ny a ioiy uiotnes asneraua a uuiversaiWrlnn-p-

Sold by dealers generally, to whom, liberal discounts are maue.

K. C BROTYING, Gen Agent,U-3- 32 Cortland St, NewIYork.



a Vo

ST" lil J

g IfiSr--as

5" pi 2

a o8 BO.

62 K Lk law


p pf3B o3

2 h BBS

3(9 g Pia- -

3LAITD! LAHD!!Choice Soutuern Nebraska Lands

iron SALE.Come and Sec Them Before Purchasing


GREAT BARGAINS 3FFER5Tlic subscriber will sell 3 private salcsomeof the

best ihiiUs in somimrn rfebraska. These lands arewell situated, being located within a four hours driveof the principal river towns, ltrownville, Aspln-wal- l,

Araro and P.ulo. and near the projected linesof railroad: Th Brownvllle, Ft. Kearney & Pacific,the Iturllngtr.n : Southwestern, from Rulofw hldh Isalready ceiapleted to the centre ot Iltchardson Co.)the Northern Kansas & Southern Jebnka, nowbelii built rrom nniwnthito-rtrrTntinty.J.0!- t

of these lands lie In Richardson and Nemaha conn-tie- s,

acknowledged to be the best counticwlir theState for agricultural purposes, not Inaptly calledthe "Garden of the Western- - World." These landswere located eleven years ago, when choice selec-tions couldjxs made, and they are for the first timeofiered for sale.

Among the many quarters offered for sale arethe following:Northeast quarter Section 5, Town 3, Range 14.Northwest ' 13. " a, " U.Southwest " A 1 " 3, " 14,Southwest " " 30, &, " 14.Northwest - 31. " 5, " 1.Southwest ' 11, '' 3. ' 14..

Nartheast " ". 7,-- - " 4,-- " 14.East?, of n w" " 9, " 3. " 14.East'.ofsw" " 3. " 3. " 14.Southwest " " 23, "3, " 15.Northeast " " 22, " 3. " 11.SontbWest " " 15, " 3; ;." " " h.NortlHwt 25, 3,Northwest ' " 25, " 3, " u.SotrtlKWf '' '' 11. " 3, 14.Northwest " '" 14. " 3; 14.East, or se " " IU. 5 ' 14.WfBtiiofsw" " 20. 6. " 14,South ifof-w- " " 5, C, " 13.North it n v " ' 8, 6, ' 13.


5G 0IiiB GIVEN.Jcdr particulars address the snbHcriber, Dr. J. A.

"WROE, either at Brownvllle, Nemaha county, !orat Falls City, Itichardson county, Nebraska. Dr."Wroecan always be found either at the ReynoldsHonse. Brownvllle, or at the Union Hotel, (Good's)Falls City, where all personal applications mast bemade. 41-S-




Sliellenberger Bros.,74 main St.



- " i jf. !LL JSm agi "

'TTAXinsxa'S3?XILjE 3Ei3Ei2iil- - -

has neseriied 1nqtVnInpne w S2P,"ViS5:

mended to enraay other w. &-o- g

Ciisra "I Ul "i"J y--.- . .m.i.m.One .Dollar. For .sale oy n roggwia. cj yiagatVgtf-jM- i

BYS J3I?r5TA -

imted expressly for Disreptto and those .r--

stimiliatinir tonic and a siileud'd appetizer: U.i.-- . .1. m .tnmnitTvnlul T1liTf he digestive

rtVntnthi.Jrhea!thvstj.te- - Weak. ir-onsaii- d

dvsneutic mntw shonld n?e W triTS vJl- -

lEl'aIA TO.YXC lor j..WbtU sat-.t- Prlc O leTnUn. im.iii- - r'WJ'?HKSSSSEIiSsKCESSSxv

nnirYi.iMO MOJiK.agrrajgsssssssisssHJSsssass

cmuatIvcuriithenioRtoWtihatec;-orCouxh- s

Po prompt. U the relief anil certain tseffects ta all Wieobove ues, or aiy-aucti-

or hearethroat and that ihousaniU

most licannB ami cMitv" :,..One dose alwa-- s attbrtts re"'. "LSi0? ?Sold by drufsnsts, in larsoone bottle cmcts a care.

hottles. One Dollar. It bt .ar owif tUult

great EIoixl Purifler and DclIc!ot Drink.THE Vhiutu Vita:, orA'V !?. Lift-- , fc.

free from nny iioisonoas drucs or inipnritie, liclnsprepared Tor those who rcuiiru a stininlatit. It Hasplendid appetizer and tonic, and thetlnest th.njtlnTiie T Ihr purlfjin? the blood. It lathe mostpleasant and delicious article ever oilered to tiienubile, iar superior to brandy, whisky, w hie. Wt.ersbr anv other article. It Ls more lieaitay anti ciiii- -

.rtl-r- ter. Uotli maieanu icmaie, jouiis ,"'Wine or li'fe. It U. in Hict. a life preserver.

Those who with to enJoj-Roo- d health ami a frccnowiO wl'll (ouuveiuu irmcui uuc

I id dlfPHt tiling ever oerore m ive. iiyoit, CrilLM9l. tso by all respectable salooa.

riunrtirc mianBIHblllBHBHIHiM:.'afanBianbJggyfwra v,.-.-,

i:3IMBXAGOGrE is the onlyWARNF.R'S to cure tLc White t,l will cureevery case.) Where is the Smlly n which this

Important med!cii)0 Is hot wanted T Mothers, thisthe greatest blesdnjr ever ofTered you. and yois

should immediately procure It. It Is nl'o a surecure for femnleirresularltirs, and nitty bedepcmledupon in every case where the monthly tiow hasbeen obstructed through cold or di.cst,e. Pold bydrogRists. Price one Dollar. Orsent by mall on re-ceipt of One DolUrane a Quarter.

AddrcMx H State St., Chicago? TH.

For sale byE. C. LETT,

McCRZERY & NICKEL!.,seplSyl Brownville, Nebraska

Lock Stick, EcTersiblcTccd

BlwiHil ! n fB b



The Only MachineCapsible of Sewing In more tlian oncMHrectlon,


Fastening all Its otyji Scams,"NVIthont atopbtng the machine or turning the

cloth. It asea and wastes less thread than any oth-er, and will commence a seam without holtlln? theends of the thread.

Warranted to SeirHeavy or FineGpod


Sold Simoe 1&61.-

Bend for Reports and Circulars.

V. E. PLANT,General Agent, y


613 NortU Toartu St., St. Louis, HIo.



lt-S- -y


COOKING STOVEit is economy

TO GET THE BEST!31-84- 5

ltfiKJ!f,, ,V




Have been sold lathe last two yearsNOT ONE UAS FAILED TO GIVE

ENTIE1 SATISFACTIONThey are u alvcrsally acknowledged

The 3d Cooling Stove Made!


WEI STUD SI HHILUDForXTiiiforinity in Baking,

ITor Economy in tlio use .f Pucl,ForDnra"bility and Co"tvouotco,

and their perfect adaptation to theTVA- -t TS OF WESTERN PEOPLE I


Shellenberger Bros.,BioMtt Hie, SeIi.

sn?aSR'SeovnurUqphinaaI)a WiMU lliablLUlOD

Tito Singer Manufacturing Co.la now producing nearly 00,000 Sewltis Hla-chl- nct

pet aniiuiu, and is not able to meet thedemand, but in order to do so, new factories are he-i- ns

erected that will supplyThrco Huntlrod and Tifty Thousand

Machines each "5"oar.The popularity of the "Nkw F.tsniY" Sewing-

.uiicuuie 13 cniy surpaisea y us uoniuiess anu sim-plicity : darabalty and beauty, where lenown it IsdlOtcalt lor other manufactarers to ($irefaled. andthey employ every means to toist their product up-on the people. Bayers of Sewic? shouldavom canvasser? ana peooiers. wio report to com-pulsion to make sales, for no machine can be desir-able that Is forcibly thrt upon t mrchsser.

TheSi-c- cr "r.vr Kamilr." and the "V-- rrNo. 1 evliiK Machine line latter for Dress-makers, Tallora, sihoetnakers. itc.J are eagerlysought for. and a larpc stock: can be fonnd in oarsaies rooms, loceiner win- - every useful accessoryintended for them.

Wc sell Silk Twist, Cotton and Unnen Threads,Needles, Oil, Screw-dr- l era, &. at retail, or Inquantity, at manufacturers prices.

Catalojrues, Price Lists, ic, In EBKlish or Oer-ma- aj

furnished on application by mall or other-wise. :dja.:n & iOTV3ir.

ftG Fourth StreettST. LOUIS, 10.

Moore iSc Sradford, Agents41-- 1 tn BROWNVILLE, NEB.

pOLLARS. All kinds- - and stj'les,J at IIETZEL--


5T5?y?Y"ri7TTO'HJLfJCfc- - VV. i7i:iA i ia ; r.ur axiiiljiiai

V aadintomant office willfihow. has becalonger ci:w?ed la the trentrrtut of oncreal.Sexual antu nvmci-'iMT- i ii'a.i u --

lanlnbt.Lonif. Snhlils. Gtamtum. Glee t,Strictnre. Orchltia,Urtiwrr Diseases SSr SypnllMcrjCtrmriiaAffltcUonsor tliethrojt.-sUi- i erboncsaretrcat-edwl- Ui

nnparalclled micecs. EpermalDrhca.SestKUDcbUlty.nadlKJpotencr. the reswHof 6clf-abue- la youth, Vt3! ,"!:some ortIiefoilowtppcirectvsiitTnal emis-sions; blotches. dtblUty. dlzzlnci3.diiancsa.ofsielit, conrusion oflclca!, cvliwreliodlcps. aver-sion tosoclety of ;nta!cs..lorsot memory, and

and reudtrunian:Useliuproi- -TlieDoctor'sopportcnlticsInhoopltalMian-TateDractlc- c

are uiisarpasstljiSt.XoBlsoraayCthcf city Back files orst.i-flai5Tpers-

th-- t he fia been located n longer by Jue"r:..Jl.....-ijti- - i htsMlshiuent.PwamassJ:sii k tilt; - .- -. -

outtlic couirtry. i n:i Thertosltionnosia.'"f ",""" :,;r ,,(.t.rltiuss or a r?fW S8-M- 5r- .

-- ijteynipnuwu..u--r- -

SEifS-1?'&JSt- K

mmimmmiiCnaries8t.,oi.iu9,- "" m


A 3GOIL FOR T5IS SSOiLtSA IMrsta CtraxZor i CieMAHRIACE Urid. crlhtH brtto

nr?. oa the phyilotlcilrtnud inJ reteUtl. a ofGUIDE. INi ;::otl ijitra. vita tho

tis t J iseiTcriesln troi adosa int!.. mr.i4- n- kaw to t.msrtl t beeoosuxlen, C8.tm is n intemtins work ef ta haulrfd nd twenf Jor

ps.irlUinameroui oatrxvlns. cJ tuntini Taluah 'cation Tor Uiom nbo r a;rrieJ.or npnttrilMa aaraAtSUU, U is a book that euASt ta he lepl mJr losi anl lr.BotlaliercIes3lTabonlthchou.

8at to any one rrt of ije) t rirty Cents.

Addrtts Dr. Daws' DUftnaify So 1 2 Korta Elsatii Sttoet,BULoaUjUo.

Notice to tho Afflicted and --

Unfortunate.Befbrs mppljinj to tho notr!-- qnn xbo "J??,""

pnbUa papers, or u.lnS any qn.cX rrmell.pcraTor, no maXHx wbat yoor diwuc 1, c r trnr depterabtojont

Br.Batti eta ba eenroltM, pc7!K,cn7w'.b7ai?'dlxeaies mentlonel la bU worl,. ODSs,, I.o.liKorta Bgaa,Street, between Market and Cbcstnat, 3 U touts, Mo.

A. Karo CollootionDiscord), ftc.


ilXSDY, So. HSorth Eighth ilrct St- - lals. Mo.

for thosodeallczln ors3aooXactaaEsuiJycfUi3nbovr,ritafor the trad orhomsusc.

Sent by malt (Breo or roCl tw nft7 C"0- - ?S5B. B. S02MASl)y,So.l3SorthlJshU street, St.Loa,lH


X aroujlna Uis lArt aal SectetlTa Or- -cans to a healthy m tl a, Vic nils enromany cospUnU LIol It vtuld. hot be

nnDOScd thrrcaM rcasb, sneh as Head--

icut. I'iixn iwiSuii StajossaoiftHsiIIisps i o e.r. vcuim, otiupi, PCosstitatios Dzaiurr. 1'OTa or Alt I

suss Utspkfsia Jf--jc- s atil other kindred complaints a'&Iiis'ft-oras.hrt-r state or fths bolT. er obstiietioa otlts faoetlOBS.1Beics free frem ciereory and other pclsont.

tber can be taken at alt tia-.c- s and mtkr ait drcnTnitinnlwithout regard to dt or taucM.

Irice25 oentsnbox. ,Prepared by the Craflon iredlilne Ti Pt toaLi. So. "Eoldbydrultuanddcalctatuaialltlaueieryvhers.- -

LOOK TO YOUB GKILDREW.The Great Southing Brtnody.

SDtS. f tforceeallefBdfilplmslnthe PM0SWHITOOISS'S1'01'1 "d ticU.uOi. the pro--

BXKUr. icesjot ucvku; CXS.T2KttS. f Sabdnen eoa 'Hi an I orer JPM03

KB'Beomcs nuaixii tandcatUXltUr. (inantsaniteuuren. ossa

aiRS. t Cares Diarrhea. Pysrai li&Tf IVWSlfCOK3'SSac:n:crCom3lalut la children- - 25 -

niXRUPT torsjtwei. )CSHT8Ills the promt Icfiri asd Chlldra sooaJar Besedy ta

all disorders broajhl ja by Teclulo bi aayolbereacse. Tli-pare- d

by the Orzrton McUcino Co.. St. r.cuii, Mo.Sold by drnjUtj sad Coalers In cJU.lae orcrrwhere.

2tf L



: . UK

pm- MHiWunziMavl- - r k5tBPLK.""i h. 9SUD'Sj'MaSDSu.


Oil Cloths and Blaltfflgsf.


MdlPHEIlSOK BIOC5!Bf, --jriS I


- iU

Havo tlio Largest Stoelt, asd Hake LotrcatPxIceB

J; S'. H-STZEI--'S-: Jl


i"o. 70 Haln St.,KcT?hernoa Bfoci,

rBrownville, Nebraslca




Tj'ujiJcSj Valises, ZTntbreUas-&c-,


ft'ewest Grand AuHtTian State-Loa- nJLottery.

Ouarrantced and Controlled by the GovernmentIn the amount of120 Millions Florins, or 250 Millloas

Francs.Which te to lie repaid by

400,000 Premium Prizes.In five Yearly Drawings, in" it manner that every'

second month a prreat DravvinR takeg place at whichwilt be drawn prizes of CO a oui,CJo Francs, 10 a

30iV).20a3tJ,(X.3aCOW).lla 40,ou, 90 n ai.om), 171 a e,ooo. Z a. lo,0oa 432 a S060,-etc-..

etc.. till 3X) Francs. tLe lowest prlieJThe Prize of one Share Is.. 5 .Collars

Flvebharesfct ..-3- V ." " Eleven Sarses Is-- 40 "Twenty-fou- r ihare3S0 "

ThennderHfapjedBitnkins Kouso send tickets toSite furfljpst Countries, Bank Bills Beinittances, ona --fercantlle place In Europe.

List bf the drawings arc panctuaUy delivered,freo of expense, to every shareholder as soon as theresult oi the Drawing Is known.

The Frizes falling to the L ftill be paldln7llTranjatlantic Cities.

Only In Germany iavorpd by tUCCiianco. V paidto my subscribers First

and IO.C0O Francs, etc ,Orders, with remittance?. Till bo fceeeutea

promptly and under discretion by Charles HelleBunking Honse In Fran Wort on 3faunGermany).'Zed Street. No. 47", opposite the royal post ofllce.

LAFAYETTE MILLS,Situated on the Little Nemaha River, slxteert

miles north of Brownvllle, ami fourteen southwestor Nebraska City. ,

Having purcha-se- d the entire interest lit the above?3Idls, and thoroughly repaired and Unproved thetSJtne, aiso erecteu a

MIIi-U- rnBF hHbS vV wf

thereto, I am nowprepared to do aU kinds Of

EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOBSon short notice and reaic-naBl- fera&

Lumber 6f all kinds. Flom Mial and FeeiCC- -istantly on hand for &ale, or in


for Grain orStecS of any kind.

. AUWorltTrarraiite-i- tr --- ' ?reprie1tfi






ai4- - ' - 1