TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the


Transcript of TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the

Page 1: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and
Page 2: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

Interactive schedules; Versatility + Mobility and immediate activation Multifunctional Cabins providing air conditioning sistem, surround sound, high definition images, extended reality effects with aromas of nature + 3 D and 4K + Lasers show; 3D animation; Virtual Reality ... Capacity between 15 and 50 occupants per session according to the structural model.

TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the public CINEMAS 4 D Spaceship style Transportable multimedia rooms (outdoor) Sensory entertainment through projections with visual, olfactory and sound effects.

TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the public CINEMAS 4 D Spaceship style Transportable multimedia rooms (outdoor) Sensory entertainment through projections with visual, olfactory and sound effects.

Page 3: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

The innovation represents art, engineering, evolutionary and disruptive technologies, entrepreneurship. Featuring a versatile device for the cinematic universe and Brand experiences. Whether to convey diverse cultures or highlight moments and scenes, we will play: • High definition projections with 3D effects at 4D analogy. • Sensory video clips of times / buy decades. • Aroma Therapies / mood inducers with varied sensory stimuli. • Virtual Reality (with glasses) and relative aromas. • Immersion in natural landscapes in Brazil and in the world with 4D effects. Essences and perfumes are capable of referring us to special moments. They produce feelings of well-being, homesickness and enthusiasm. This is because our olfactory memory can register many different aromas. Unlike the other senses, which need to be interpreted, smells influence our cognitive emotions. The TRIPS system offers automation for essences be transmitted in diversity and renewed alternately during the film.

Page 4: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

The Cines 4 D are able to operate in a fixed or itinerant way, in places with great frequency of public, such as tourist attractions, Museums, Social and corporate events, Fairs, Exhibitions, Festivals, Squares, Parks and Shopping Centers; in capitals and inland cities. This type of entertainment favors social inclusion through democratized access to culture and leisure, presenting original programs in line with the event and the local public. * The booths can be used for air humidification, decontamination and disinfection apparatus, through products sprayed with the essences, ultra violet rays and by the exhaust system designed to disperse the products, systematically renewing the ambient air.

Film production in conciliation with products and Events; • Marketing vehicle; • Structures with visual impact Comfort with total security; • Personalization for advertising on the external walls of the Capsules.

Page 5: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

The patent registration is not limited to the technical potential, given to original software and hardware of programmable sprinkler, it attributes cultural artistic bias concerning the whole work, combined with the use model authored by TRIPS, illustrating the analogy relationship between the olfactory sense and the time factor with its cultural elements. In addition to immersive films for exhibition, Startup focuses on the scale production of its equipment as a new entertainment item. We offer infrastructure for visiting and building new units. B2B through sales, licenses, exports, franchises and leases. Support: / Links: recorded at the Showroom Site:

Page 6: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

Authentic essences corresponding to countless elements of nature Examples: Various forests, Smell of rain / wet earth, Woods, seaweed, seaweed, grass, leaves, moss, flowers, fruits, seaweed, spices, herbs, coffee, chocolate, vanilla, honey, beers, wines, burnt firewood, mint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Cinnamon ... And the main perfumes of History and Fashion.

The Brand is the precursor of Osmotic Engineering - Systemic aromatization technology, through high-fidelity of digital sprinklers with natural and artificial environmental reality, in sync with images and sounds.

TRIPS EXPERIENCE Sensory time travels

Page 7: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

The essences have low concentration (without fixation), not adhering to clothes and the body, being alternated and removed from the enclosure through an automated sprinkler and ventilation system synchronized by the programmable renewal of pressurized ambient air. We can offer covers, gloves and disposable masks at the



Page 8: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and
Page 9: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

Evolutionary / Disruptive Technologies (B2C) Olfactory Marketing (B2B)


Page 10: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

OUTDOOR STRUCTURE – ALUMINUM COATING 12 m x 2,55 m x 3,5 m - Weight 5 Ton.– Model for 20 occupants


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Page 12: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

TRIPS is located in Ipanema with Showroom at the warehouse of Top Toldos e Tendas Ltda. Acting with prominence in the events sector since 2001.

Meet the TRIPS 4 D prototype

TRIPS Produções Artísticas

Ltda. Rua Nascimento Silva nº 168

Ipanema – Rio de Janeiro / RJ. (21) 9916 4195 – 96443 4669

Galpão /Showroom: Rua Marialva nº 158

Higienópolis – Rio de Janeiro /RJ. (21) 3686 8888 – 3868 3333

Page 13: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

Ministério da Cultura – Projeto chancelado pelas Leis de incentivo à Cultura. Rouanet PRONAC: 162481 – (ISS) Nº 5.553 – Rio de Janeiro WEC :

1234/01/2017 CDURP– Companhia de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Região do Porto RJ. Autorização, apoio e divulgação para temporadas no Boulevard Porto Maravilha.

Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro – Apoio para curadoria dos filmes a serem

exibidos. ANI. Associação Nacional dos Inventores. – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Elaboração do Plano de

Marketing. Plano de Negócios : Flavia Bendelá ( Coordenadora do IBMEC).

SETUR – Secretaria de Turismo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Apoio para agenda de Eventos.

Associação Comercial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Espaços para a apresentação do projeto.

TRIPS Produções Artísticas Ltda. All rights reserved

Page 14: TRIPS brings a new immersive experience to the behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and

The effects of aromas and essences:

In addition to memory-inducing properties, certain smells can also have amazing effects on our minds and bodies. From fighting stress to reducing headaches, certain essences have a positive impact on us.

AROMAS awaken our emotions, and are related to our anxieties, fears, ecstasies and memories. They can be imagined, created and drawn. We can use them to give a single mark to places, situations and things. They can make us more passionate about reality and evoke the invisible associated with things. Design and olfactory marketing are not only associated with perfumes, but also with other items, such as objects, homes and places. It is possible to create odors that induce memorable emotions in users. We can reliably carry out and control, simulating the entire process of production, perception and evolution of olfactory communication and integrate your messages with other sensory messages.

The olfactory nerves end in a region of the brain that does not use the same type of logic as our centers of intellect. Although odors form a type of communication system, they cannot constitute a language, as they work by associations and images and are not analytical. This area is called the limbic system. The limbic system involves an area of our brain related to our memory and the most primary survival instincts that we inherit from the animal kingdom such as: hunger, thirst, sex, defense. Smells act precisely in this area, stimulating positive or negative behavioral reactions, which can help to deal with traumas, personality disorders and behavioral changes.

We can say that smell is the “lost sense”, relegated to centuries of ostracism. This shortcut to pure and deep feelings has fallen into disuse by modern man. A smell rescue, however, has taken place in recent decades.

The magic of perfume, in common with the magic of music or fine arts, is intrinsically linked to the mystery of the senses, that aspect of human nature that, being beyond the reach of personal control, has always been considered something almost supernatural.