TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08

[1] September 2009 A GIANT, HEART- FELT THANK YOU to all who contributed submissions for this newsletter issue and the next!!! Endurance Boosting, page 5 Super Hair & Skin Care, 10-11 Loss Prevention, page 8 Tri Fusion “Hot Summer Nights” 5k Run Series Race Review by Ronnie Crenshaw At the end of July, I was looking for motivation for the rest of the summer. Knowing that Tri Fusion was hosting a run every Tuesday night, I was excited to know that I could get a run in at least once a week. Not knowing what to expect for the first one, I thought I would go and just run. Well, it turned into speed work for me! While others may have just come to run, it seemed everyone had their own motivator. Getting out of my car I noticed, music playing, the Rockstar energy drink truck giving product away. It was a very festive atmosphere. I was pleasantly surprised at how organized and well thought out it all seemed. For the first night it wasn’t an overwhelming amount of participants, but all the usual suspects out for a night of running. After all the running was over, I was astounded at the amount of give-a-ways that were offered to all the participates, not just the winners. I even won a few things! Each week I looked forward to those Tuesday nights, even to the point of canceling things that conflicted. Week two rolls around, and one thought was could this one be as well organized and planned as the last? Without a doubt it was! Not only that, but there were a lot more runners, the word was out. Same story, more folks running, everyone finished and lots of give-a-ways. As for finishing, everyone was greeted, cheered, harassed, and encouraged to give it their all by the comic duo of Mark Hodgson and Roger Thompson. These two guys made the finish line very fun. By the third and fourth Tuesdays, it was clear that the organizers of this 5k Series had it dialed in and were Rockin’ it… Every week more runners and every week more fun more prizes. When the last Tuesday rolled around, it was sad to see the racing come to an end, but the memories will be there for a very long time. At the last Tuesday it seems the number of runners had doubled. Everyone had a story and a very cool shirt and tons of free goodies. Kudos to all those who planned, organized and pulled off a GREAT race series! Accident Report, page 4 OZ Swim FAQ & Bike Ad, page 9 Mmmm, Spicy, page 3 Bruce Gennari, pages 6 & 7 RR: Another View, page 2 BoD, Sponsors, Calendar, page 12



Transcript of TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08

Page 1: TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08


September 2009


who contributed submissions for this newsletter issue and

the next!!!

Endurance Boosting,

page 5

Super Hair & Skin Care,


Loss Prevention,

page 8

Tri Fusion “Hot Summer Nights” 5k Run Series Race Review by Ronnie Crenshaw

At the end of July, I was looking for motivation for the rest of the summer. Knowing that Tri Fusion was hosting a run every Tuesday night, I was excited to know that I could get a run in at least once a week. Not knowing what to expect for the first one, I thought I would go and just run. Well, it turned into speed work for me! While others may have just come to run, it seemed everyone had their own motivator.

Getting out of my car I noticed, music playing, the Rockstar energy drink truck giving product away. It was a very festive atmosphere. I was pleasantly surprised at how organized and well thought out it all seemed. For the first night it wasn’t an overwhelming amount of participants, but all the usual suspects out for a night of running.

After all the running was over, I was astounded at the amount of give-a-ways that were offered to all the participates, not just the winners. I even won a few things! Each week I looked forward to those Tuesday nights, even to the point of canceling things that conflicted.

Week two rolls around, and one thought was could this one be as well organized and planned as the last? Without a doubt it was! Not only that, but there were a lot more runners, the word was out. Same story, more folks running, everyone finished and lots of give-a-ways. As for finishing, everyone was greeted, cheered, harassed, and encouraged to give it their all by the comic duo of Mark Hodgson and Roger Thompson. These two guys made the finish line very fun.

By the third and fourth Tuesdays, it was clear that the organizers of this 5k Series had it dialed in and were Rockin’ it… Every week more runners and every week more fun more prizes. When the last Tuesday rolled around, it was sad to see the racing come to an end, but the memories will be there for a very long time.

At the last Tuesday it seems the number of runners had doubled. Everyone had a story and a very cool shirt and tons of free goodies. Kudos to all those who planned, organized and pulled off a GREAT race series!



page 4

OZ Swim

FAQ & Bike Ad,

page 9

Mmmm, Spicy,

page 3

Bruce Gennari,

pages 6 & 7


Another View,

page 2

BoD, Sponsors, Calendar,

page 12

Page 2: TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08


Take Two: Tri Fusion HSN=>RR #2, Another ViewMore than Just a Fun Run by Rick Street

It’s late July and I pick up a Race Rag from Fitness Fanatics. I have already run a couple of 5k and 5 mile races during June and July, “fun runs” they call them. I began training for my first sprint triathlon in April. I needed to learn to swim, done! I will need a road bike, done! I need to improve my 5k, but not sure how to do it. I keep looking for races to run, the times vary with the courses, but I don’t improve. The Medical Lake Kiwanis Mini Triathlon arrives, completed! My overall time had improved from the trial run a week before, but the run did not improve, still doing roughly high 8 to 9 minute miles. Now I am hooked, scouring the Rag for other events to do before the summer ends and maybe, just maybe I will do another triathlon. Wait; here is a race series, the Hot Summers Nights 5k Runs. Same course over a 4 week period, perfect! I’ll do it. I arrive at race registration for the first race a little too close to start for my comfort, and think I was the last to register that day. I was greeted by a volunteer and pre-registered for all four races.

Wow, only $20 for four races, that’s the normal price of a fun run with a t-shirt. The race announcers say there are going to be points for participating and placing. Now my motivation and determination to complete all four kicks in. What? Drawings and free food also? I am in shock. I have my first zero calorie RockStar drink, amazing flavors. After the race I have a banana and a couple cookies. I am thinking I have never been to such a well planned and executed fun run. Being an accountant I think to myself, “I wonder how they make money?” Not to worry as that does not seem to be the objective of this group and this particular event, it seems to be to just have fun, hmm. I attended with my wife and granddaughter. My wife Donna is a critical thinker and has become my best coach. I run the first race in 26:22, just as expected based on past race results.

I place third in my age group (most likely only three in the age group). I decide to field a question to the first place finisher because his time was phenomenal, “how do you do it so fast?” He quickly replies, “intervals” and a little discussion ensues and I learn my first real lesson: I am never going to run faster than I train. Next race, more participants, more kids. My

wife says I can no longer run with my music, she says it slows my pace. I do the race in 25:23, she is right, again. Next week’s race she learns that I am chatting with other participants while running, she tells me to stop talking and take off from closer to the front of the pack, and I try. My results improve again and I complete the race in 24:36. August 25th arrives and it’s the last of the series. I approach this race with my wife’s only advice left, “you just have to run faster”. I managed to improve my time slightly and complete it at 24:14. There are more participants than ever, prizes, pictures, points and winners being announced. What a great event! It educated me, gave me a consistent route with varying challenges and improved my times. I would like to thank Tri Fusion for putting on the 5k series and all the sponsors that participated and contributed to its success.



Page 3: TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08


Spice Up Your Runningby Josh Hadway

There are times in any sport no matter how much you love it, training can become stale. Running is no exception to this. We find ourselves running the same loops day in and day out. I know I can run the river loop by my house during the day, at night, with one eye, or probably even with both eyes closed. Personally I have found the best way to bring excitement to my running is to add an element of adventure! Run some place new. The beauty of running is the fact that you can cover tons of ground and see things that would take someone that is walking hours to see. You can also travel places that cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed. Following are five of my favorite places to run in Spokane that offer a small element of adventure.

Riverside State Park

There is much more to Riverside State Park than the Bowl and Pitcher campground. Most people venture across the bridge, but don’t branch out and cover many of the other amazing trails that wind throughout this massive park. A good starting point for your next run is the little dirt parking lot by the 7-mile horse stables. From there you can run the classic trail in the park “Little Vietnam” (honestly it’s quite jungle-like at times). This trail is a flat, single track trail that winds along with the Spokane River. On hot summer days, the dense vegetation on this route shades you from the hot rays of the sun. Even less traveled than Little Vietnam is the single track trail system just south of Deep Creek. From the dirt parking lot at the 7 mile Bridge head west out seven mile road. After traveling about 50 meters past the centennial trail heading to 9-mile, you will notice a post(trail 25) marking the trail on the right hand side of the road. Trail 25 is a very shaded run and is also a great run on hot summer days. All the trails in this area connect back up with each other, so feel free to pick small side trails. It does not matter what time of year you run these trails, they are always a joy to run.

Indian Painted Rocks

Lots of Spokane Residents have visited Indian Painted Rocks at some point in their lives, but most people have missed out on the most beautiful and scenic part (the top). Located right next to the bathrooms you will notice a small single track trail, this is known as the “valley trail”. Pace your self at the start of this run because the trail does not stay in the valley for long. Eventually, you will come upon two locations where this trail splits, stay left both times (if you are looking for a real monster of a climb, take the first right and you will find yourself on top of rattle snake ridge in a little over an hour).

Though challenging, this run is very rewarding. Remember what goes up must come down. After running on top of this small mountain, and taking in its scenic views, you will hit a paved road and can either follow that down the hill, or follow the trail that crosses the road. Once at the bottom you take the traditional Indian Painted Rocks trail following the little Spokane River back.

Dishman Hills

Out in the Spokane Valley is a large park (450 acres) named Dishman Hills. Located in this park is Skull Rock, which can be found in the Enchanted Ravine. To get there you must first travel through Camp Caro. Starting to sound like a treasure hunt? Okay, sadly there is no buried treasure at Dishman Hills (I am still looking), but there are miles of well maintained and well marked trails. This forest is scattered with granite rock outcroppings and small ponds. If you explore around a little you will find small bridges, and many worthwhile viewpoints of the Spokane Valley.

Rim Rock

If you look west from SFCC you will notice a large ridge line, which stands tall above the city. At the top of this ridge runs a road named Rim Rock. Just recently this road was gated off to cars, and incorporated into Palisades Park. If you want a simple run that has amazing views of Spokane and the surrounding area, park at the gate and run out and back on the road. The road is very flat, is dirt and soft on your joints, and is also smooth, lacking rocks and roots that you may trip over running on trails. From this road you can also run many trails that take you deeper into Palisades Park, a natural wetlands (I promise you won’t get your feet wet). This park is also connected to Indian Canyon, which boasts a small canyon with a scenic waterfall at the end of the canyon. Spring and early summer are the best times to visit this waterfall. Most years the falls dries up by late summer, so don’t procrastinate your visit.

Liberty lake County Park

It’s parks like this that make me love the Spokane area. You really are not that far from town, and yet you feel as if you could get lost way out in the wilderness. Liberty Lake County Park located on the south end of Liberty Lake offers miles of scenic running. Near the top of this trail system is a small waterfall, and there are plenty of places to stop and just enjoy the view. If you have never been to this park it is time to make a visit. So next time you are dreading going out for a run, hop in your car and drive somewhere new. You may be surprised how much running in a new location can spice up your training that has become slightly dull.

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“An Accident Report” by Bryan RoweAKA Riding to the top of Mt. Spokane

Saturday was going to be a busy day. I was going to ride up Mt. Spokane with a group of Tri Fusion teammates and Jayne was going ride Mt.Spokane on her MTB. So she dropped me off at 8:30 and went on to her ride. Our group got on the road about 9:00 for the grind to the top of Mt. Spokane. This is about a 45 mile total. Of course that means ~ 22.5 miles of climbing then 22.5 miles of descending. I'm not exactly sure how much climbing there is, but my Garmin had it at ~4800 ft. Training Peaks puts it at 5900 ft. At any rate, it was a lot of up. My goal for the ride was to keep my cadence above 90 as long as I could, but to cap my HR at 150. At the beginning of the ride this kept me off the front of the group a little until we got to the base of the hill. Josh "the Machine" Hadway then pulled a train of about five guys by me like I was parked. I was tempted to go with them until I noticed my HR had climbed to 161. I decided to stay with my plan, I needed the aerobic work way more than I needed to get anaerobic. So I fell off the back and just plugged along. It was an absolutely perfect day for a climb, not too hot. Shortly after I started up Summit Road, I was starting to fantasize about my protein bar in my back pocket, so I stopped and ate it. Greg and Natalie caught up to me about the time I finished the bar so I rode the rest of the way with them. It was nice riding with them during those last couple of miles. Once on top we joined the group and took a picture and waited for the last couple of people. Dave had missed the turn up to the summit but made it about fifteen minutes later. After standing on top in the slight breeze, we were all getting pretty cold.

Now for the fun part! I love descending. My bike is so smooth and responsive, it's like driving a Mercedes on a twisty mountain road. The very top section of Mt. Spokane is pretty bumpy and narrow and the road surface is less than predictable. But once we got off of Summit Road we were able to let ‘em run a little faster. However, there are some pretty tight turns so you really have to get on the brakes. Greg and I were off the front a little and running a real sweet line. We were on a straight away preparing for what looked to be a pretty tight left hand turn. I was on both brakes trying not to overload either one. When all of a sudden the handlebars are being yanked out of my hands and down I go. On my way down I had time to yell "F%^&" and that was about it. Boom, crash, bang, head back, elbow, head back, hands and knees, STOP! I wasn't sure how far the next rider was behind me, so I was hoping they were not going to pile into me. I think it was Nate and he was able to stop.

Everyone was great!!! They did everything right. They assessed my injuries quickly and got me and my bike out of the middle of the road. Then began a comedy of errors, so to speak. A few guys on motorcycles came by and stopped and we decided to have Greg ride down with them to get his truck. After he left with them, I thought about my car just a few miles down the road, because Jayne was riding her MTB bike from Bear Creek Lodge. So, we then sent a couple of guys with my keys to go get my car. But about two minutes after they left someone noticed that I had another key sticking out of the back of my jersey. And sure enough it was the key to the Tahoe. So the guys that already left could get in the Tahoe with the remote but could not start the car! So we sent someone else with that key. A few minutes later a ranger drives by and waves.....A few minutes after that he comes back and asks what happened and do we need any help. We thanked him and he went on his way only to return about five minutes later with a lawn chair for me to sit in, that was nice of him. In the meantime, we were finally able to reach Jayne on her cell. She had already left where she was parked and was headed back to where she had dropped me off. So now Greg was on his way back up with his truck. Matt, Craig and Dave were riding down to find a car that was no longer there and Jayne was in that car and driving back up the mountain. She rescued me and off the the ER we went.

Long story, sorta short, I have a separated AC joint. More commonly know as a separated shoulder. Lots of bumps and bruises and some good road rash too. My bike has bent handlebars and a dinged up seat but so far that's all I've found. The real bummer for me, other than the pain, is that we were headed to Pentictin to watch IM Canada the next weekend and on Saturday I was going to ride the course with Heather Wurtele and Tony and Jayne. That didn’t happen. I will keep you posted on my recovery!

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Ten Simple Ways to Boost Enduranceby Ben Greenfield, President Human Wellness Solutions

Iron is a key component of your body's oxygen carrying and distribution pathways. But for many females, endurance athletes, or individuals predisposed to anemia, it can be difficult to practically consume enough iron.

As with all nutritional habits, rather than just blindly "popping pills" and relying strictly on supplements, it is ideal for your body to achieve adequate vitamin, nutrient, and mineral intake via natural means. Supplements can be highly effective, but remember that you must eat real food!

So I'm going to share with you 10 very effective, practical, easy and tasty ways to optimize your iron intake.

1. Eat the following salad 1x/day:An “iron” salad. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of wheat germ or unsweetened bran cereal (available in cereal section of grocery store) on a 1-2 handfuls of spinach and romaine lettuce. Include a handful of chopped broccoli and 2 tablespoons of garbanzo, kidney, lima, pinto, black beans, or navy beans. You can also include a 1-2 teaspoons of chopped olives and 1-2 chopped celery stalks. Use an olive oil/vinaigrette dressing, and include if available 1-2 pinches of parsley, thyme, oregano and/or basil.

2. Eat 1 handful per day of the following snack mix: 1 part pumpkin seeds, 1 part soy nuts, 1 part sesame seeds, 1 part raisins, craisins, or dried blueberries.

3. Include the following meal in your diet 2x/week: roasted or sautéed asparagus (3-5 pieces), sautéed with tofu, sea salt, pepper, turmeric to taste, lemon juice and slivered almonds. Include if available 1-2 pinches of parsley, thyme, oregano and/or basil. This is a very easy and quick meal to make and pack for lunches or eat as a side for dinner.

4. Other good produce foods to include regularly in salads and as lunch or dinner sides, and purchase frequently when at the grocery store: string beans or green beans, kale, mustard greens, kelp, Brussels sprouts, olives, green peas, fennel and celery.

5. Ensure that your multi-vitamin includes: ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate or ferrous succinate. If not, supplement with iron.

6. Wait at least 1 hour after a meal before drinking any black or green tea.

7. Include a few sprinkles of cinnamon with all breakfast foods, yogurts, cereals, etc.

8. If you consume oatmeal, consider substituting with cooked quinoa, which is higher in iron.

9. If possible, eat a serving of red meat (the side of a deck of cards) 1-2x/week.

10. Chopped fresh dill weed or dill spice and a dark red salmon (4-6 oz.) go very well together and would be another excellent dinner choice. You can serve with roasted asparagus, or any of the other vegetables listed above. Crimini mushrooms also are high in iron and would be excellent sautéed with the salmon.

Remember that nutritional consulting for athletes, weight loss, or general health is always available through Until next time, train and eat smart!

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Q & A with Bruce Gennari: One of Triathlon’s MostSuccessful Age Group Athletes & Swimming FORCE!by Jessi Thompson

Bruce Gennari stormed on the triathlon scene in 1997 and gained fame as the announcers in Kona said, "There he is, Bruce Gennari, first out of the water today." Yes, that's right people. Out of the water ahead of all the pros, ahead of EVERYONE. He's continued to be one of the nation's most accomplished age group athletes, but better than all of his results combined, is the fact that you won't meet a more humble, friendly, down-to-earth guy. Some would say he could even be Jim Carrey's taller stunt double... in more ways than just the looks. I had the opportunity to pick his brain about swimming in triathlon and thought it would be great to share.

Q: Your list of swimming and triathlon results and accomplishments is as tall as I am. If you had to narrow it down, what would you say are your top five career highlights?

A: I'll break this up between swimming and triathlon.

Swimming accomplishments would have to be being a NCAA All - American while swimming at the University of Alabama. I was also an All SEC Team Selection in 1987 (my junior year) for my second place in the 500 freestyle. That same year the University of Alabama won the 1987 SEC Championships. This is particularly special because the University of Alabama has only won 2 times and I was part of one of those teams. Being voted the co-captain of the 1988 team my senior year was also a pretty nice accomplishment.

Triathlon accomplishments would be winning the 2001 USAT National Championships overall. That same year I was voted USAT Age Group Triathlete of the Year. In 2006 I was voted by USAT as the Male Master's Triathlete of the year. Also that year I was honored by Triathlete Magazine as the Master of the Year.

But, I think the most definitive moment in my triathlon career was when I was first out of the water in the 1997 Ironman World Championships.

Q: What's your favorite swim workout for triathletes?

A: Favorite swim workout would be one that consisted of a lot of distance sets. I just did this workout the other day and loved it:

1 x 500 loosen1 x 800 meter swim @ 11:00; 2 x 400 meter swim @ 5:45; 4 x 200 meter swim @ 2:50 and 8 x 100 meter swim @ 1:256 x 50 kick with fins on my back1 x 800 pull (paddles and buoy)1 x 200 loosen

I do workouts like this about three (3) times a week. I just think people need to realize that in order to get better (and faster) at swimming that they need to spend time in the pool. You're not going to get better at swimming just because you’re fit. Now, with that being said, stroke technique is important. I don't work that much on stroke technique for the simple reason that I don't need to. But, for those just beginning to swim I think you really need to get the stroke component of swimming figured out before you start performing workouts like the one mentioned above.

Q: Are there swim toys you can't live without? If so, what are they?

A: Paddles, buoy and fins. I use each one during every swim session. Fins can especially be beneficial for those trying to get the "stroke" aspect of swimming down. I love paddles as this is my "weight lifting" session for my arms during the year.

Q: What kind of training do you do out of the water that you feel contributes to your strong swimming?

A: Early season (December, January, February and into March) I lift weights. I also hit a yoga session every now and then. I think both are imperative to becoming a strong swimmer.

Q: What is one of the most common mistakes you see triathletes make in the water?

A: I think one of the biggest mistakes is not knowing the water conditions. You need to answer questions like; is there a current (river swimming and ocean swimming), how am I going to deal with waves, can I dolphin dive when heading out? Simple stuff like that. But I also think that most people are so concerned about getting the "hole shot" at the beginning of a swim that they don't pay attention to their stroke. This leads them to continue to swim incorrectly the rest of the way.

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Q & A with Bruce Gennari (cont’d)

Q: Are there any secret (or not-so-secret) tips you have for triathletes in the swim?

A: Simple, the shortest distance between two (2) points is a straight line. Also, if you can find that pair of feet that is swimming just a tad faster than you JUMP ON THEM. Drafting in the swim is totally legal. It's also a lot more helpful than people think. Just make sure you aren't "dinking" the feet in front of you. Also make sure the person in front of you is swimming a straight line.

Q: Mark Van Akkeren published an article this year about how triathletes need to get away from masters swimming and do more triathlon specific swimming. There's some controversy over this because he (like you) comes from a strong swimming background and has technique ingrained at this stage (which isn't the case for most triathletes). What are your thoughts?


A: Listen, if you don't swim correctly then you're wasting your time. Stroke technique is imperative. What's the sense in swimming 4,500 - 5,000 meters incorrectly. First, get the basics down. Swim with a Master's group, attend a Total Immersion clinic, get some video taping in an Endless Pool. Bottom line, figure out the correct stroke technique. This is not something that is going to happen overnight. It's going to take time. Once you've learned the drills you're going to have to do them over and over for a while. Then, once swimming is like running or riding a bike you can start "training like a "triathlete".

Q: You've stayed competitive in sports for a long time, what keeps you motivated year after year?

A: That's a fairly easy question for me to answer. I just love competition. I love being able to line up on any given weekend and seeing "who has it" and who doesn't. It's very rare that you have it every single weekend. Then it just boils down to who has the most guts.

I've been fortunate in my career to be able to "push the needle into the red" whenever I've wanted to. I think all of the swimming I did in my youth and in college really allowed me mentally be prepared for high pressure race situations that we face whenever we toe the line in a triathlon.

Q: What's up next for you? What are your future goals?

A: I believe I will end the 2009 season with WTC Augusta 70.3 and then Clearwater 70.3. After that I'll take some time off. I'll hope that next season won't be interrupted by any kind of illness or setback. This past year was eye - opening for me. The whole blood clot issue really threw me for a loop. Adapt and overcome! Next season who knows what I'll put on the schedule. I do know this. When I turn 45, I'll try to go back to Hawaii one more time.

Bruce is the manager at Emdeon Business Services and lives in Tennessee with his wife, Tammy, and his two sons, Ian and Noah.

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How to Make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh#%!:Information Every Bike Owner Should Know, but Hopefully Never Have to Use

by Steve Anderson

Have you ever had the feeling when you lost something very important or even worse, someone thought they deserved it more than you? Well, that is what happened a few weekends ago when someone entered my garage and walked out with my bike. As I entered the garage, I felt sick to my stomach. I even went as far as thinking that I may have moved it inside the night before, only to snap back to reality and realize that my bike was gone.

Though many things went through my mind, many not appropriate for this article, I was informed by Eric Byrd to call the police and file a police report. I will have to say that I was pretty impressed by how fast the police responded even though it was just a bicycle that had been stolen. The next step was to call the local bike shops and pawn shops to inform them of what to look for. Jessi and Tiffany helped out a ton and this is when I found out having your bike's serial number is important.

It soon became apparent that my bike was really gone and the next step was to contact my insurance company (thankfully I had renter’s insurance). Though I can guarantee you that the insurance adjuster probably didn’t believe me when I informed her of the price to “replace new”, they were very helpful and answered the million questions I have had (this is the first time I have ever claimed anything on insurance).

So, after doing a complete inventory of what was on my bike (this sport is ridiculously expensive), I submitted my insurance claim and have been very fortunate to have everything replaced. It really helped that I had a recent picture with everything that was on the bike when it was taken. Though I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, I was lucky to turn chicken sh#% into chicken salad and have an awesome new bike that will be locked up from now on.

Below are a few things I learned in the process:

1) Write down the serial number for your bike.2) Take pictures of your bike and all accessories that are on it.3) Make sure your insurance company will cover your bike and accessories.4) Keep any and all receipts that you can for all your gear.5) File a police report and describe everything you thought was on your bike.6) Call local bike shops and pawn shops, have serial numbers ready.7) Search Craigslist, Ebay, etc., in hopes the idiot was stupid enough to try and sell it.8) Pray that is doesn’t happen to you.9) Keep your garage door closed and secured :).

This experience has been rough. It all worked out in the end but the time and pain-in-the-butt factor can definitely carry some weight. For every “good result” I can only imagine ten that don’t work out. I hope none of you have to go through this, but if you do I hope this helps you to be a little bit more prepared.

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FAQ about Tri Fusion Swims at OZ Fitness

Q: When are the OZ Swims?A: Tuesday 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, Friday 4:00 pm-5:30 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am-9:30 am

Q: Which OZ Fitness centers are hosting these swims?A: Currently, it's the north side OZ Fitness.

Q: Do you have to be an OZ member to participate?A: Yes, although you can purchase a day pass for $15 if you'd like to come for just the day.

Q: Are workouts provided?A: A majority of the time they are, but it is not a guarantee.

Q: Who are these swim workouts designed for? (Do I have to be a fast swimmer to go?)A: The workouts are generally modified into 3 different levels that accommodate most swimmers. You can always personally adapt to make it work for you so long as you're being respectful of the other swimmers in your lane.

Q: Are there other locations where these swims are happening?A: These swims are member-driven, so Tri Fusion encourages you to talk to the manager of your local gym to see if you can get pool time and do a similar group swim in another location.

FOR SALE:2005 Quintana Roo Caliente 49 cm Tri Bike

*Rolf Elan with 650 wheels and very light clinchers. New gator skin tires.

*Durace Front and Rear Derailer

*Ultegra brake callipers, Front and Back

*FSA Carbon Crank Set 170 mm with FSA Chain Ring 53/39

*12/25 Dura ace Cassette

*Vision Aero Bars

Contact Vicki Scates at: [email protected] or (208)-660-3779

Page 10: TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08


Hair & Skin Care, Product Reviewby Rick Phillips of Chee Chee’s Salon

Hair Care=>Recouping hair after summer abuse:

• Replenish moisture-Davines Veggie-miracle is truly a miracle.

• Repair damage-Davines Veggie-miracle puts just enough protein back

• Improve elasticity- Davines-Vegi-miracle ads all the good stuff without the weight!

• ADD Volume - AG Bigwigg rocks for a lot of root lifting without the crunch!

• Increase shine - Davines finest pigments clear glossing treatment (20 minutes under heat and voila, shiny hair that lasts up to 15 shampoos!) AG liquid or spray varnish for everyday shine enhancement .

• Take out the chlorine - Malibu 2000 Conditioner- Malibu 2000 Swimmers Water Action Wellness Conditioner is formulated with antioxidant vitamins and botanicals specifically for swimmers of all ages. Helps prevent build-up of pool or spa chemicals (chlorine, bromine) and hard water minerals (copper, calcium, and magnesium) while providing ultimate conditioning of hair and scalp. Helps prevent green hair caused by copper. Leaves hair silky soft, manageable, full of shine and free of minerals:

- Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) helps protect hair against free radical damage caused by exposure to the sun and air. - EDTA is a chelating agent that helps lift minerals.

- Vitamin E Acetate helps protect hair against free radical damage, moisturizes hair and scalp tissue. - Pantheon penetrates the hair shaft to protect hair’s strength and moisture.

- Botanical extracts provide therapeutic benefit to hair and scalp tissue.

•Malibu 2000 Swimmers' Water Action Shampoo- is a gentle, daily shampoo formulated with antioxidant vitamins and botanicals specifically for swimmers of all ages.

- A sulfate

free shampoo that helps prevent build-up of pool and spa chemicals (chlorine, bromine) and hard water minerals (copper, calcium, and magnesium) while gently cleansing hair and scalp. Helps prevent green hair caused by copper. Leaves hair soft, manageable, and full of shine. Swimmers of all ages exposing their hair to chlorine,

bromine and minerals from a pool or spa that can attach on to the hair and scalp and cause dryness, damage, discoloration, hair loss, flaky, itchy scalp, and the inability for chemical services to properly process. - Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) helps protect hair against free radical damage caused by exposure to the sun and air. - EDTA is a chelating agent that helps lift minerals.

- Vitamin E Acetate helps protect hair against free radical damage, moisturizes hair and scalp tissue. - Pantheon penetrates the hair shaft to protect hair's strength and moisture.

•Dry frizzy hair - Davines Love-Specific for frizzy and undisciplined hair, it has a smoothing and softening action. It delicately cleanses hair, respecting its structure and making it easy to comb. Love shampoo deeply moisturizes and nourishes, creating smooth, silky and shiny hair. It contrasts the static effect in hair, even after many hours, and reduces hair’s aging resulting from dehydration.

•Energy - A shampoo to stimulate, invigorate and strengthen while adding shine. Cooling to the scalp and great for stimulating scalp circulation and nourishing hair follicles.

•Shift - Made for unbalanced scalps this treatment invigorates

with peppermint and tea tree oil while stimulating hair follicles. For exfoliating and deep-cleansing the scalp while refreshing and treating.

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Skin Care (cont’d)

Skin Care for all types=>

• Moisturize the skin -Dermalogica

Active Moist was created for skin with

excess oil production. This lightweight,

oil-free moisturizer absorbs without a

trace, creating an invisible barrier

against moisture loss.

• ProKera Day Time Moisture Shield

- with SPF 15, UVA/UVB spectrum sun

block (4 oz.)

- This oil, fragrance, lanolin,

propylene glycol, oxybenzine and PABA

free moisturizing sunscreen was

formulated with sunscreen agents to

help prevent sunburn and diminish

premature aging effects caused by

prolonged exposure to the UVA/UVB


• Exfoliate – Dermalogica skin prep

scrub exfoliator, skin condition: oily,

except users of prescribed exfoliants

Natural Corn Cob Meal and soothing

botanicals polish away dulling dead skin

cells without over-stimulating.

• Wash - Dermalogica Body Wash -

skin condition: all

- Purifying essential oils and natural

extracts cleanse the body without over-

drying. Conditions the skin, de-stresses

the mind and soothes the senses.

• After sun damage - Dermalogica

After Sun Repair treatment balm helps

repair recent UV damage while instantly

soothing overexposed skin. This benefits

all skin types.

• Before sun exposer – dermalogica

multivitamin body block SPF20 - skin

condition: all, especially prematurely-

aging skin

- Treat areas prone to aging while

blocking damaging UV rays with with this

sunscreen and body moisturizer.

• Cover the sunburn - Dermalogica

sheer moister SPF15 - skin condition:

- Neutralize, relieve and defend

against inflammation and redness induced

by skin sensitivity and rosacea with this

three-in-one SPF Moisturizer

• Treat the eyes - Dermalogica total

eye care SPF15 - A technically advanced

eye treatment cream to help protect and

repair the delicate eye area. Gentle

alpha hydroxy acids smooth while firming

plant extracts retexturize the skin,

helping to reduce the appearance of

puffiness and fine lines. Optical light

diffusers help diminish dark circles,

instantly restoring translucency and

freshness to the skin.

A chemical-free sunscreen helps to

shield against further damage. Contains no

artificial fragrance or color. SPF15

- Lactic Acid smoothes and re-

texturizes the eye area, while Sodium PCA

attracts moisture.

- Chemical-free Titanium Oxide

protects against UVA and UVB radiation to

help shield against further damage.

- Extracts of Spiraea, Hydrocotyl and

Bisabolol help firm and reduce puffiness

and fine lines.

- Optical light diffusers help minimize

dark circles

• Treat the lips - Dermalogica age

smart renewal lip complex - Minimize

contour lines and smooth rough, uneven

and delicate tissue with this hydrating

daily lip treatment. Superior conditioning

lasts for hours. A sophisticated daily

treatment with a patented polypeptide

restores delicate tissue, minimizes

contour lines and helps prevent the signs

of aging caused by Advanced Glycation

End-products (AGEs – a damaging

byproduct of sugar/protein reactions in

the skin). Vitamin E fights damaging free

radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species) while

a moisturizing blend of Avocado Oil,

combined with Shea and Cocoa Seed

butters, quickly smoothes rough, uneven

lips. Contains no artificial fragrance or


Page 12: TriFusion Newsletter - Sept.'08


Board of Directors• Steve Anderson - Membership Director • Tiffany Byrd - Uniform Director• Trish Cudney - Social Director• Greg Gallagher - Event Director• Natalie Gallagher - Newsletter Director• Ben Greenfield - Website Director• Mark Hodgson - Mentor Director• Jim Powers - Vice President• Tim Swanson - Treasurer• Jessi Thompson - Secretary• Roger Thompson - President

• Kathy Worden & Jen Polello - Kids Club Co-Directors

We would like to extend a

generous thank you to our

truly amazing sponsors!

The Board of Directors, Sponsorsand The Calendar of Upcoming Events...

September/Oct. CalendarTraining Opportunities:• Whitworth Masters swimming:

Mon-Wed-Fri @ 8:30-10 pm, Sat @ 5:30-7 am. Contact Kevin Wang @ [email protected]

• Throughout the fall => check the Tri Forum @ Training for outdoor group rides, open water swims and/or runs.

• Coming soon: Head lamp runs! Watch the Tri Forum for details.

Races/Runs:• Sept. 19th: Club Triathlon

Championships @ Grand Columbian Triathlons @ Grand Coulee, WA Various multisport races to choose.

More Races/Runs:• September 26th-27th: Black

Diamond Triathlons @ Enumclaw, WA

• Also Sept. 26th: Tri Fusion Kids Fun Run @ Audubon Park @ 1:00 pm

• October 3rd: Colbert Half Marathon @ Colbert, WA

• Oct. 4th: BRRC X-C 5K @ Bear Lake, WA

• Oct. 10th: Ironman World Championship @ Kona, Hawaii

• Oct. 11th: Spokane Marathon, Run Races @ downtown Spokane, WA

• Oct. 11th-Nov. 22nd on Sundays: INW Cyclocross Series @ various venues

Upcoming Events:

• Tri Fusion Kids Fun Run on September 26th @ 1:00 pm @ Audubon Park.

• Oktoberfest 5k Cross Country Race: Second annual race on October 24, 2009. Registration available now!

• Tri Fusion Greenbluff Day: Sunday, Oct. 18th=> Meet at the Hawthorne Starbucks @ 2:00 pm.

• End of Season Party!!! Friday, Nov. 20th @ The Spokane Country Club @ 7:00 pm=> $25 tickets on sale now at the Sept. & Oct. meetings.

Next Membership Meeting:• Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 @

6:30 p.m.: General membership meeting at Twigs on the north side.