Tren Tangkapan Ikan Cakalang 2009-2014 (Bitung) Sample

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Transcript of Tren Tangkapan Ikan Cakalang 2009-2014 (Bitung) Sample

  • Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap 1(6): 204-208, Desember 2014 ISSN 2337-4306


    Analisis tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus

    pelamis) dengan alat tangkap purse seine dan pole and line

    (Studi kasus di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung)

    Analysis of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) catch trend in purse seine and pole and line fisheries

    (Case study in Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port)


    Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan,

    Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115


    Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) is one of the economically important marine fish resources from Indonesian waters,

    both as an export commodity as well as domestic consumption commodity to meet national nutritional needs. The

    prediction of skipjack catches landed in Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port (PPS) for years to come is not known yet by

    various parties. So it is necessary to carry out a research on the analysis of the catches. This study aims to determine

    the trend of skipjack catches landed in Bitung PPS, and to predict the catch of skipjack for the next three years. The

    results of this study are useful in providing guidelines for the future development of the fishing port. The method

    used in this study is a case study approach and analyzed using a regression analysis. From the research and analysis

    of data it can be concluded that the trend of skipjack catches landed in Bitung 2016 PPS tend to increase; thus the

    need for raw material supply of tuna for the next three years can still be met.

    Keywords: Skipjack, trend of catch skipjack, prediction of catch.


    Ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan salah satu sumberdaya ikan ekonomis penting yang dihasilkan dari

    perairan Indonesia, baik sebagai komoditas ekspor maupun sebagai komoditas konsumsi dalam negeri untuk

    memenuhi kebutuhan gizi nasional. Prediksi hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan

    Samudra (PPS) Bitung untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang belum diketahui oleh berbagai pihak. Sehingga

    dianggap perlu untuk melakukan penelitian tentang analisis hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang ini. Penelitian ini

    bertujuan untuk mengetahui tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung, juga untuk

    mengetahui prediksi hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang untuk tiga tahun ke depan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berguna

    untuk dijadikan pedoman pengembangan pelabuhan perikanan ke depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian

    ini yaitu metode studi kasus dengan menggunakan analisis regresi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh,

    maka disimpulkan bahwa tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung hingga tahun 2016 akan

    cenderung meningkat; dengan demikian kebutuhan pasokan bahan baku ikan cakalang untuk tiga tahun mendatang

    masih dapat terpenuhi.

    Kata-kata kunci : Ikan cakalang, tren hasil tangkapan, prediksi hasil tangkapan


    Ikan cakalang merupakan sumberdaya perikanan

    penting di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara khususnya

    Kota Bitung. Upaya penangkapan ikan cakalang

    banyak ditemukan pada perairan lepas pantai yang

    * Penulis untuk penyuratan; email: [email protected]

    dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap

    hutate (pole and line) atau pun pukat cincin (purse


    Secara ekonomis ikan cakalang memberikan

    kontribusi besar yang ditunjukkan oleh sebagian

    besar masyarakat pesisir memiliki pekerjaan

    sebagai nelayan baik pada usaha penangkapan,

    pengolahan, perdagangan dan industri penunjang.

  • Analisis tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang dengan alat tangkap purse seine dan pole and line

    Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap 1(6): 204-208, Desember 2014 205

    Ikan cakalang juga tercatat sebagai komoditi

    ekspor baik dalam bentuk segar, beku maupun

    olahan. Dari kegiatan ekspor tersebut negara

    Indonesia khususnya Sulawesi Utara mendapat

    tambahan devisa yang penting bagi keseimbangan

    neraca perdagangan luar negeri. Devisa yang

    masuk ke Sulawesi Utara akan menyebabkan

    peningkatan kesejahteraan penduduk.

    Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudra (PPS) Bitung

    mulai dikembangkan pada tanggal 18 Juli 2001

    oleh Presiden Abdul Rahman Wahid. Pelabuhan

    ini memiliki tempat yang sangat strategis yakni

    berada di perairan Selat Lembeh yang berhadapan

    dengan Laut Sulawesi dan Samudra Pasifik di

    sebelah utara Pulau Sulawesi.

    Bertolak dari uraian di atas, maka dianggap

    perlu untuk melakukan penelitian tentang tren

    hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus

    pelamis) dengan alat tangkap purse seine dan pole

    and line. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tren

    hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di

    PPS Bitung dan meramalkan atau memprediksikan

    hasil tangkapan untuk tiga tahun ke depan.


    Metode yang gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah

    metode studi kasus.

    Pengumpulan data

    Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini

    berupa data sekunder yang bersifat kuantitatif,

    yaitu data hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang

    didaratkan di PPS Bitung baik dari laporan

    statistik pelabuhan, laporan tahunan, juga data

    yang masih memerlukan pengolahan.

    Pengolahan data

    Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya diseleksi sesuai

    kebutuhan dan diolah dengan cara membuat

    rekapitulasi hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang dalam

    kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir secara

    keseluruhan, berdasarkan jenis alat tangkap yang

    digunakan. Selanjutnya data tersebut diolah dan

    dianalisis dengan regresi menggunakan metode

    kuadrat terkecil (least square method) yang

    mengikuti persamaan sebagai berikut: = a + bx, di mana :

    = Nilai tren (prediksi/ramalan)

    a = Bilangan konstan

    b = Koefisien kecondongan garis tren

    x = Mewakili waktu (tahun)

    Sedangkan untuk mencari nilai a dan b dari

    persamaan di atas, digunakan persamaan berikut:

    a = y

    n dan,

    b = xy

    y .


    Produksi ikan cakalang di PPS Bitung

    Hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di

    PPS Bitung sejak tahun 2009 sampai dengan tahun

    2013 terus meningkat. Peningkatan produksi

    bervariasi setiap tahunnya. Peningkatan produksi

    tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2013 mencapai

    48,59%. Peningkatan produksi ini dapat dilihat

    pada Tabel 1. Sedangkan untuk produksi hasil

    tangkapan ikan cakalang periode 20092013 berdasarkan jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan

    (purse seine dan pole and line) dapat dilihat pada

    Tabel 2.

    Tren hasil tangkapan cakalang

    Berdasarkan metode pengolahan data yang

    dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, maka bila jumlah

    produksi per tahun dinyatakan sebagai y, dengan

    menggunakan metode kuadrat terkecil maka akan

    diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut :

    y = 97.953,18 xy = 87.722,22 x = 10 Nilai a = 19.590,64 dan

    Nilai b = 8.772,22

    Sehingga bila diparalelkan dengan persamaan

    linier, = a + b (x), maka akan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut :

    Nilai untuk tahun 2014 = 45.907,30; Nilai untuk tahun 2015 = 54.679,52; dan Nilai untuk tahun 2016 = 63.451,75.

    Dari hasil analisis data di atas maka dapat

    digambarkan grafik tren hasil tangkapan cakalang

    seperti pada Gbr. 1.

  • A. Saputra dkk.

    206 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap 1(6): 204-208, Desember 2014

    Tabel 1. Produksi hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang di PPS Bitung periode 2009 - 2013

    No. Tahun Produksi (Ton) Persentase (%)

    1 2009 9.211,78 9,40

    2 2010 9.660,53 9,86

    3 2011 10.871,88 11,10

    4 2012 20.611,67 21,04

    5 2013 47.597,32 48,59

    Jumlah 97.953,18

    Sumber : Laporan Statistik PPS Bitung (2013), telah diolah kembali.

    Tabel 2. Produksi ikan cakalang berdasarkan jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan

    No Tahun Hasil Tangkapan (Ton)

    Purse Seine Pole and Line Alat tangkap lainnya

    1. 2009 4.821,37 4.382,72 7,69

    2. 2010 5.927,97 3.717,93 14,63

    3. 2011 6.293,87 4.566,20 11,81

    4. 2012 10.926,65 9.666,50 18,52

    5. 2013 36.798,58 10.773,74 25,00

    Jumlah 64.768,44 33.107,09 77,65

    Persentase (%) 66,12 33,80 0,08

    Sumber : Data hasil tangkapanPelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung.

    Gambar 1. Grafik tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung

    = 19.590,64 + 8.772,22 (x)x = 10









    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017








    Produksi Linear (Produksi)

  • Analisis tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang dengan alat tangkap purse seine dan pole and line

    Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap 1(6): 204-208, Desember 2014 207

    Tren hasil tangkapan cakalang berdasarkan

    jenis alat tangkap

    1. Purse seine (pukat cincin)

    Berdasarkan data produksi yang ada pada Tabel.

    2,maka akan didapat hasil sebagai berikut :

    y = 64.768,44 xy = 68.953,10 x = 10 Nilai a = 12.953,69 dan

    Nilai b = 6.895,31

    Sehingga bila nilai-nilai yang telah diperoleh di

    atas diparalelkan dengan persamaan linier, = a + b (x), maka akan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut :

    Nilai untuk tahun 2014 = 33.639,62 ; Nilai untuk tahun 2015 = 40.534,93 dan ; Nilai untuk tahun 2016 = 47.430,24

    2. Pole and line (hutate)

    Berdasarkan data produksi yang ada pada Tabel. 2,

    maka akan didapat hasil sebagai berikut :

    y = 33.107,09 xy = 18.730,61 x = 10 Nilai a = 6.621,42 dan

    Nilai b = 1.873,06

    Sehingga bila nilai-nilai yang telah diperoleh di

    atas diparalelkan dengan persamaan linier, = a + b (x), maka akan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut:

    Nilai untuk tahun 2014 = 12.240,60 ; Nilai untuk tahun 2015 = 14.113,66 dan ; Nilai untuk tahun 2016 = 15.986,72. Dari hasil penelitian dan olahan data kedua jenis

    alat tangkap tersebut, sehingga dapat digambarkan

    grafik tren-nya seperti pada Gbr. 2.

    Gambar 2. Grafik tren produksi ikan cakalang berdasarkan jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan


    Produksi ikan cakalang yang didaratkan di PPS

    Bitung selama kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir

    mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya.

    Peningkatan yang signifikan terjadi pada tahun

    2013 yang mencapai 48,59% dari total poduksi.

    Tren hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang

    didaratkan di PPS Bitung cenderung akan

    meningkat hingga tahun 2016 sesuai garis tren

    (trend line) yang ditunjukkan pada grafik. Begitu

    pula tren hasil tangkapan cakalang berdasarkan

    jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan cenderung

    meningkat hingga tahun 2016. Dengan demikian,

    kebutuhan pasokan bahan baku ikan cakalang

    hingga tiga tahun kevdepan masih dapat terpenuhi.

    Prediksi hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang

    akan didaratkan di PPS Bitung pada tahun 2014

    sebesar 45.907,30 ton, tahun 2015 sebesar

    54.679,52 ton, dan tahun 2016 akan mencapai

    63.451,75 ton.


    Anonimus, 2007. Iptek kelautan dan perikanan masa kini.

    Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan, Depatemen

    Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta.

    Purse seine :

    = 12.953,69 + 6.895,31 (x)x = 10

    Pole and line :

    = 6.621,42 + 1.873,06 (x)x = 10












    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017








    Purse seine Pole and line Linear (Pole and line) Linear (Pole and line)

  • A. Saputra dkk.

    208 Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap 1(6): 204-208, Desember 2014

    Anonimus, 2013. Laporan Tahunan Pelabuhan Perikanan

    Samudera Bitung Tahun 2013. Pelabuhan Perikanan

    Samudera Bitung, Bitung.

    Anonimus, 2014. Laporan Statistik Pelabuhan Perikanan

    Samudera Bitung Tahun 2013. Pelabuhan Perikanan

    Samudera Bitung, Bitung.

    Anonimus, 2014. Studi kasus.

    Studi_kasus, diunggah tanggal 11 Desember 2014.

    Aries, E.F. 2008. Metode penelitian studi kasus. https:/


    studi-kasus, diunggah tanggal 11 Desember 2014.

    Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan. 2007. Iptek kelautan

    dan perikanan masa kini. Departemen Kelautan dan

    Perikanan, Jakarta.

    Suprapto, J. 1989. Metode Ramalan Kuantitatif Untuk

    Perencanaan. Gramedia, Jakarta.

    Surur, F. 2010. Purse Seine. STP Press, Jakarta.

    Suryana, C. 2010. Data dan data penelitian.


    jenis-data-penelitian, diakses tanggal 11 Desember 2014.

    Yanuar, E. 2011. Pengertian alat tangkap huhate (pole and


    huhate-pole-and-line.html, diunggah tanggal 4 Desember


  • 68Standardisasi Harga Barang dan Jasa Nomor 79 Tahun 2014



    1 Air m3 35.000 Belum termasuk2 Aluminum foil m2 75.000 Pajak dan3 Aspal curah kg 11.230 retribusi bahan

    Aspal drum AC 60/70 kg 12.670 galian C4 Asbes semen gel. kecil

    3000 x 1050 x 4 mm lb 90.0002400 x 1050 x 4 mm lb 75.0002100 x 1050 x 4 mm lb 60.0001800 x 1050 x 4 mm lb 52.500

    Asbes semen gel. besar3000 x 920 x 5 mm lb 120.0002250 x 920 x 5 mm lb 100.0001500 x 920 x 5 mm lb 75.0003000 x 920 x 6 mm lb 130.0002250 x 920 x 6 mm lb 110.0001500 x 920 x 6 mm lb 67.500

    Asbes plat

    1000 x 1000 x 3 mm lb 22.0001000 x 2000 x 3 mm lb 36.000500 x 2000 x 3 mm lb 22.000250 x 2000 x 4 mm lb 14.0001200 x 2400 x 4 mm lb 70.0001000 x 1000 x 4 mm lb 25.0001200 x 2400 x 5 mm lb 75.0001200 x 2400 x 6 mm lb 90.000

    Asbes nokGelombang kecil bj 35.000Gelombang besar bj 50.000

    5 Batu bata aple 4 bj 650Batu bata aple 5 bj 700Batu bata berongga expose bj 1.750

    6 Batu belah hitamBatu belah 10/15 m3 170.000Batu belah 5/7 m3 265.000Batu belah 4/6 m3 270.000Batu kricak 3/4 (MS) m3 275.000Batu kricak 2/3 (MS) m3 286.000

    - batu granit kg 2.7507 Baja WF kg 17.5008 Besi cor kg 9.500

    Besi sucare tube m 22.000Profil alumunium m 95.000Aluminium Strip m 45.000Skrup Fixer bh 3.500Sealant tube 25.000Profil Kaca m 7.500Besi Hollow 40.40.2 m 17.500

    9 Batako pejal bj 2.50010 Bambu apus ljr 12.000

    Bambu wulung ljr 12.000Bambu petung ljr 60.000


    12 Bak mandi teraso uk. 50x50x50 cm bh 0Bak mandi lps porselin/keramik bh 0

    13 Cat kayu kg 70.000Cat besi kg 70.000Cat meni kg 25.000Cat Tembok Interior kg 80.000Cat Tembok Eksterior kg 125.000

    14 Dempul tembok/plamir kg 25.000Dempul kayu kg 27.500

    15 Engsel pintu bh 20.000Engsel jendela bh 15.000

    16 Eternit 100 x 100 (polos) bh 22.00017 Fibre galss lb 55.00018 Filler kg 7.00019 Formika 120 x 240 cm lb 75.00020 Gebalan rumput m2 10.00021 Grendel

    Grendel Pintu bh 12.000Grendel Jendela bh 8.000

    22 Genteng beton besar (1m = 9 bh) bj 7.000Genteng beton kecil bj 4.000Genteng tanah paris bj 1.600Genteng tanah kodok bj 1.750Genteng kaca 3 mm bj 6.500Genteng kaca kodok bj 8.500Bubungan genteng beton bj 16.000Bubungan genteng tanah bj 4.500

    23 Geotekstil m2 25.000Gypsum Board lbr 65.000

    24 Handel Pintu bh 10.000Handel Jendela bh 6.000

    25 Hak angin 16.000H.B 20 bh 8.500H.B 15 bh 6.000H.B 10 bh 7.500

    26 Ijuk kg 6.00027 Kaca

    Kaca bening 3 mm m2 60.000Kaca bening 5 mm m2 82.000Kaca buram 3 mm m2 65.000Kaca buram 5 mm m2 85.000

    Kaca reyband 5mm m2 92.000Glass block bh 17.500

    28 Karpet lebar 90cm m' 18.00029 Kayu bakar m3 2.200.00030 Kayu tahun m3 1.500.000 dpt utk begesting31 Kayu dolken m3 1.500.000

    Kayu dolken 4 meteran batang 60.000

    11 Buis betondiameter 15 mm x 1 m bj 25.000diameter 20 mm x 1 m bj 30.000diameter 25 mm x 1 m bj 32.000diameter 30 mm x 1 m bj 36.000diameter 40 mm x 1 m bj 45.000diameter 60 mm x 0,5 m bj 48.000diameter 80 mm x 0,5 m bj 60.000diameter 100 mm x 0,5 m bj 78.000

    69Standardisasi Harga Barang dan Jasa Nomor 79 Tahun 2014


    32 Kayu jati Kelas Ipapan m3 28.500.000balok m3 27.800.000reng m' 4.500

    Kayu kamper papan m3 10.000.000balok m3 9.500.000reng m' 3.000

    Kayu bangkirai papan m3 10.500.000balok m3 10.250.000reng m' 3.000

    Kayu kruing

    papan m3 8.000.000balok m3 7.500.000reng m' 2.000

    Kayu meranti

    papan m3 6.500.000balok m3 6.000.000reng m' 1.750

    Kayu glugu m3 4.000.000 Kelas IKayu lapis triplek 3mm lbr 50.000Kayu lapis triplek 4mm lbr 62.000Kayu lapis triplek 6mm lbr 75.000Kayu lapis triplek 9mm lbr 120.000Kayu lapis triplek 12mm lbr 140.000Kayu lapis teakwood 4mm lbr 90.000

    33 Kapur pasang m3 120.000Kapur sirih m3 210.000

    34 Kawat ayakan m2 17.500Kawat Las kg 28.000Kawat beton/bendrat kg 13.000Kawat bronjong kg 17.000Kawat duri kg 12.000Kawat nyamuk aluminium m2 22.000Kawat jaring galvanis, pj 240 cm unit 60.000

    35 Split beton m3 150.00036 Krokos/kroco 2-4 cm m3 126.00037 Kunci tanam besar bj 180.000 Kuwalitas baik

    Kunci tanam kecil bj 100.000 Kuwalitas baik38 Kloset duduk lengkap bj 1.250.000 Ina

    Kloset jongkok bj 160.000 Ina39 Lem Aica Aibon kg 60.000

    Lem Kayu kg 15.000Lis Profil Kayu m' 5.000

    40 Melamin kg 60.00041 Minyak cat / Thinner ltr 15.00042 Minyak tanah/minyak bakar ltr 8.000

    Minyak Bekisting ltr 12.00043 Oli gardan ltr 42.00044 Oli mesin ltr 35.00045 Pasir pasang m3 100.000

    Pasir beton m3 100.000Pasir krokos 2-4mm m3 201.250Pasir Urug m3 80.500Pasir Saring m3 165.600Sirtu m3 155.250

    70Standardisasi Harga Barang dan Jasa Nomor 79 Tahun 2014

  • 71Standardisasi Harga Barang dan Jasa Nomor 79 Tahun 2014


    46 Paku besar, sedang kg 12.500paku kecil kg 16.000Paku payung kg 21.000Paku Skrup kg 25.000Panel Beton Pracetak uk. 240x40x5 cm lbr 110.000Kolom beton pracetak buah 250.000

    51 Plywood 9000 x 2100 x 4 cm lbrPlywood 1200 x 2400 x 4 cm lbr 95.000

    52 Politur ltr 45.000PVC Waterstop 150mm m' 178.000PVC Waterstop 200 mm m' 268.000PVC Waterstop 230-320 mm m' 874.000Residu ltr 12.660Rooster Terawang bh 5.000

    47 Pipa Galvanis diameter 0,5" btg 46.000Pipa Galvanis diameter 0,75" btg 56.000Pipa Galvanis diameter 1" btg 69.000Pipa Galvanis diameter 1.5" btg 175.000Pipa Galvanis diameter 3" btg 690.000Pipa Galvanis diameter 4" btg 1.050.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 0,5" AW btg 19.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 0,75" AW btg 26.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 1" AW btg 35.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 1.5" D btg 35.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 1.5" AW btg 40.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 2" D btg 45.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 2" AW btg 75.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 2,5" D btg 62.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 2,5" AW btg 107.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 3" D btg 83.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 3" AW btg 150.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter 4" D btg 130.000Pipa PVC 4 m diameter4" AW btg 228.000

    48 Paving/con blok m2 40.000 tebal 8cm Paving/con blok warna m2 50.000 tebal 8cm

    Paving beton pres m2 65.000 tebal 8cm49 Plastik gelombang lbr 95.000 3 m50 Plamur kayu kg


    53 Semen PC zak 58.000 40 kgSemen putih zak 85.000 40 kgSemen warna kg 10.000Sika grout 215 kg 6.000Screening kg 5.000Semen merah m3 350.000

    54 Seng PlatBJLS 20 plat lebar 45cm m' 15.000BJLS 20 plat lebar 55cm m' 17.000BJLS 20 plat lebar 60cm m' 19.000BJLS 20 plat lebar 70cm m' 21.000BJLS 20 plat lebar 80cm m' 23.000BJLS 20 plat lebar 90cm m' 25.000BJLS 25 plat lebar 90cm m' 35.000

    55 Seng gelombangBj Ls 30 ukuran 90cm x 180 cm lb 75.000Bj Ls 25 ukuran 90cm x 180 cm lb 77.000Bj Ls 20 ukuran 90cm x 240 cm lb 88.000Bj Ls 20 ukuran 90cm x 300 cm lb 110.000

    56 Solar ltr 7.500Soda api 25.000

    57 Sirlak kg 150.00058 Sirtu m3 108.00059 Spritus ltr 11.000

    Spacer buah 4.500Storox-100 kg 28.000

    60 Tanah urugan m3 65.000Tanah Liat 70.000

    61 Teak oil ltr 20.00062 Teer ltr 15.00063 Terpentin ltr 15.00064 Tegel

    Tegel Marmer 40 x 40 cm m2 125.000Tegel Keramik 20 x 20 cm m2 44.000Tegel Keramik 20 x 25 cm m2 50.000Tegel Keramik 30 x 30 cm m2 45.000Tegel Keramik 30 x 30 cm anti slip m2 47.000Tegel Keramik 40 x 40 cm m2 55.000Porselin m2 50.000Tegel warna 20 x 20 cm m2 59.500Tegel warna 30 x 30 cm m2 55.000Tegel warna 40 x 40 cm m2 55.000Tegel Abu-abu 30 x 30 cm m2 50.000Tegel Abu-abu 40 x 40 cm m2 49.500

    65 Thinner melamin ltr 28.00066 Urioir bh 800.00067 Vet kg 24.00068 Nako daun 14.00069 Wastafel bh 250.00070 Wiremesh kg 9.40071 Bak Mandi lps porselin/keramik bh 250.00072 Bak Mandi teraso uk. 50x50x50 cm bh 170.000

    72Standardisasi Harga Barang dan Jasa Nomor 79 Tahun 2014

  • Quest Journals

    Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science

    Volume 3 ~ Issue 4 (2015) pp:17-26

    ISSN(Online) : 2321-9467

    *Corresponding Author: Kurniawan Ilyas 17 | Page 1Graduate Student PhD, Study Program : Science Of Law. Hasanuddin University,

    Makassar, 90245 , Indonesia

    Research Paper

    On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method

    Procurement of Goods / Services

    Kurniawan Ilyas1, H.M. Said Karim

    2, Anwar Borahima

    2, Marwati Riza


    1Graduate Student PhD, Study Program : Science Of Law. Hasanuddin University,

    Makassar, 90245, Indonesia 2 Faculty Of Law. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia

    Received 23 March, 2015; Accepted 10 April, 2015 The author(s) 2015. Published with open

    access at Abstract:- Procurement of goods / services of government is that government activity has generally been stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 Concerning the Procurement of Goods / services of the

    Government. Problems of law on the use of direct appointment method of procurement of goods / services that

    have been put forward, shows the legal analyzes of material facts and legal considerations set out in the judge's

    ruling, that the existence of irregularities in the procurement of goods / services of a certain state criteria to legal

    liability user budget as part of an organ procurement of goods / services of government. The government's

    efforts to prevent and eradicate the practice of corruption procurement of goods / services, did not show

    satisfactory results. Based on this assumption, it is clear that the practice of corruption is caused by misuse of

    the method of procurement of goods / services, harm the direct appointment method of procurement of goods /

    services on criteria specific circumstances and criteria for special circumstances. Therefore, Presidential Decree

    No. 80 of 2003 on guidelines for the procurement of goods / services of the government and its changes are used

    to explain the behavior deviate from the use of direct appointments made by the user in the procurement budget

    of fiscal year 2005-2008. To the legal principles of transparency, accountability and competition as a measure to

    control the procurement of goods / services using the method of direct appointment provider of goods / services.

    Concluded that the law setting the procurement of goods / services criteria specific circumstances that do not

    refer to the legal principles of transparency, accountability and competition, a consequence of irregularities in

    the election process and administration providers of goods / services of government.

    Keywords:- Procurement of goods / services, methods of direct appointment

    I. INTRODUCTION In the procurement of goods / services according to the needs of government, organ procurement

    processes the two (2) ways, namely: a) the selection of providers of goods / services; and b) self-management.

    Procurement involving providers of goods / services, and administrative processes and requirements made organ

    procurement and implemented by providers of goods / services.

    While the procurement of goods / services by way of self-management, and administration in the process of

    procurement of goods / services, can be done from the Ministry / Agency / Regional / Agency itself as a

    responsible budget, other government agencies and community groups implementing self-management.

    Dynamics of changes in procurement arrangements government goods / services from time to time

    experienced improvements. Laws and regulations that follow the principle of formal and material principles of

    character formation certainly accommodating the demands, needs and development of society in order to realize

    a democratic constitutional state or the so-called modern welfare state (walfare state) [1].

    In positive law, the procurement of goods / services based on the Act No. 18 of 1999 on Construction

    Services, Government Regulation No. 59 Year 2010 regarding the amendment of the Government Regulation

    No. 29 of 2000 on the Implementation of Construction Services, Presidential Decree (Decree ) No. 80 of 2003

    on guidelines for the procurement of goods / services of the government to change the seventh, and last and

    current, Presidential Decree No. 70 of 2012 on the second amendment of Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on

    the procurement of goods / services of government.

  • On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method Procurement of Goods / Services

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    Governance of procurement of goods / services of electronic government (electronic procurement) is a means of

    realizing the election provider of goods / services that are transparent, accountable, and competition. In view of

    Lina Wu, [2] that the electronic procurement system is the modernization process of procurement

    (procurement), becomes a necessity today, because it has great benefits, such as to obtain a cheaper price (low

    price), the quality of goods and services more good (high quality), and can reduce fraud, collusion and

    corruption on the other hand, Indonesia is one country in the past two decades, constantly faced with natural

    disasters test [3]. Other than that, the slump main weaponry system (Alutsista) this country far behind

    neighboring countries [4].

    In addressing these conditions, budget users (Act 1 of 2004) along with other procurement organs,

    perform direct appointment method of procurement of goods / services.

    The use of direct appointment method relates to the criteria of goods / services on Appendix I of

    Chapter I of Part C figure I, paragraph (4) letter a and b of Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003 on guidelines for

    the procurement of goods / services of the government, declared:

    Part C of paragraph (1) item 4: direct appointment can be implemented in terms of meeting the following


    a) Certain circumstances, namely: (In Article 38 (4) of Presidential Decree 70 of 2012 on the second amendment of Presidential Decree 54 of 2010 on the procurement of goods / services of the government)

    (1) Handling of emergency for the country's defense, security and safety of the public that the implementation of

    the work can not be delayed, or should be done immediately, including the handling of emergency due to natural

    disasters ;and / or (2) The work that needs to be kept secret relating to national defense and security established

    by the President; and / or (3) The work of small scale with a maximum value of Rp 50,000,000, - (fifty million

    dollars) with the following provisions:

    1. For its own purposes; and / or 2. Simple technology; and / or 3. Small risk; and / or 4. Implemented by providers of goods / services of individual business and / or small business entities, including small cooperatives.

    b) Procurement / special services, namely: (In Article 38 (5) of Presidential Decree No. 70 of 2012 on the

    second amendment of Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on the procurement of goods / services of


    (1) The work is based on the official rate set by the government; (2) Work / specific goods that can only be

    performed by a provider of goods / services, manufacturing, patent holders; (3) Represents the production of

    small business or small cooperatives or small industrial craftsmen who have had the market and prices are

    relatively stable; (4) Work complex that can only be implemented with the use of specific technologies and / or

    there is only one provider of goods / services able to apply.

    Responsibility that define procurement through direct appointment method, is the scope of the main

    tasks of users of goods / services, as well as Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003, stated: "Article 9 paragraph (3):

    the main tasks of users of goods / services, namely; (a) "planning the procurement of goods / services"; Jo letter

    (c) "sets the work packages with the provisions of the increased use of domestic production and an increase in

    the provision of opportunities for small businesses, including small cooperatives, and community groups". (In

    regulation 70 In 2012, 17 paragraph (2) letters a, b that the principal task of Procurement Services Unit (ULP) /

    Committee include: preparing for the election of Goods / Services and establish Procurement Documents).

    Another key task of the user of goods /services, which are not separate from the main tasks of the committee /

    procurement official in the procurement of goods / services through direct appointment method, is set in Annex

    I Section I letter D figure 1e in Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003, mentioned as follows : Figures 1e: Direct

    appointment, include: (Decree 80 of 2003, Article 10 paragraph (4) d, that the task of the committee /

    procurement officer in the OT include: invitations selected participants, introduction of pre-qualification

    documents, assessment of qualifications and explanations, submission of bids , bid evaluation, Article 9

    paragraph (3) includes: negotiation both technical and price-setting /designation of providers of goods / services,

    the signing of the contract are authorized users of goods / services. While in regulation 70 in 2012, 17 (2) an

    assignment ULP / procurement officer, except Article 11 (1) b, c, that authority officials commitment makers

    include: issuing appointment letters provider of goods / services and sign the contract).

    Another authority of the user of goods / services, has been set up in Article 26 of Presidential Decree

    No. 80 of 2003, stated: (Authority budget users (PA) set the provider of goods / services of all types of

    procurement over Rp 50 billion under Article 26 (b) , letter (c) of Presidential Decree 80 of 2003; whereas the

    authority of the PA set provider of goods / services of all types of procurement of more than Rp 100 billion for

    procurement / construction / other services, over Rp 10 billion for the procurement of consulting services

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    package is set at Article 8 paragraph (1) f of regulation 54 of 2010). Subparagraph (a): the user of goods /

    services for procurement that is worth up to Rp 50,000,000,000, without the approval of the Minister /

    Commander of the Army /Police Chief /Leader Institute /Board of Governors / Leader BHMN / Directors of

    SOEs / enterprises, superior officers users goods /services Jo letter (b): Minister / Commander of the Army /

    Police Chief / leader Institute / Board of Governors / leader BHMN / Directors of SOEs for the procurement of

    goods / services financed from the state budget funds worth over Rp 50,000,000,000.

    Based on the above, there are three (3) important in explaining the procurement of goods / services

    through direct appointment method (MPL), namely: (Description Setyabudi Artijanta Experts from LKPP RI,

    that: the appointment may be made directly (PL) for the procurement emergency, such as evacuation, provision

    of temporary shelter, and emergency drug supply. as for the reconstruction and rehabilitation can not be OT. the

    other thing that the emergency response must not be planned, since there is no budget see p. 548-849 Decision

    No. 29 / Pid.Sus / TPK / 2013 / PN.Jkt.Pst).

    a) Priority use of electronic procurement systems in procurement through the MPL as a form of transparency, accountability and competition in preventing abuse of authority;

    b) Authority set a budget users provider of goods / services for all types of provider selection of goods / services with a budget ceiling above Rp 50 billion;

    c) The supply of goods / services criteria specific circumstances and criteria for special circumstances, when a state of emergency, is not planned in advance.

    The government's efforts to prevent and eradicate the practice of corruption procurement of goods /

    services, did not show satisfactory results. The indication is, to justify a Busro Muqoddas Muhammad that the

    model of corruption in the procurement of goods / services, sourced from misuse method of selecting providers

    of goods / services by 43.9 percent, 29.1 percent bribery, misuse of funds 15.8 percent, 6.12 percent levy and

    licensing 5.1 percent [5]. The same thing, expressed guru economist Soemitro Djojohadikusuma, that not less

    than 30 percent leak state budget sourced from procurement of goods / services of the government [6]. Based on

    this assumption, it is clear that the practice of corruption is caused by misuse of the method of procurement of

    goods / services, harm the direct appointment method of procurement of goods / services on criteria specific

    circumstances and criteria for special circumstances.

    Therefore, Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003 on guidelines for the procurement of goods / services of

    the government and its changes are used to explain the behavior deviate from the use of direct appointments

    made by the user in the procurement budget of fiscal year 2005-2008. As examples of the corruption cases of

    procurement of goods / services through direct appointment method as follows:

    First, the alleged corruption of the Minister of Health, the budget users on the procurement of medical

    devices (Medical Devices) and hospital supplies which specifies the use of direct appointment method, with a

    project value of Rp 15.5 billion [7] in fiscal year 2005, the procurement of the project value Rp 24.6 billion in

    fiscal year 2006, the procurement project worth Rp 17.18 billion in fiscal year 2007, and the procurement of Rp

    30 billion and Rp 50 billion in budget revision in 2007. in this case, has prosecute former Director of Medical

    Services basic, Ratna Dewi Umar as the authorized user and concurrent budget commitments maker officials


    Second, the alleged corruption of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights as the procurement budget

    users Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Afis) which specifies the use of direct appointment method,

    with a project value of Rp 18.48 billion in fiscal year 2004. In this case, has been penalize Zulkarnain Jonah

    former Director General of Legal Administration, Aji Affendi as officials commitment makers, and providers of

    goods / services Eman Rahman, Director of PT Central Fillindo [9].

    Third, the alleged corruption as the Minister of Foreign Affairs budget users through the use of direct

    appointment on the "implementation of a sudden preparation of the conference to follow international

    commitments and was attended by the President / Vice President, with a project value of USD 18 billion in

    fiscal year 2004-2005. In this case, prosecute the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as

    the proxy user Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat budget [10].

    Fourth, the alleged corruption in the procurement Main Equipment and Weapons Systems (Alutsista)

    TNI in the Ministry of Defence, which revealed Impartial-ICW NGOs, such as the difference in price of US $

    56.7 million or equivalent to Rp 538.6 billion [11]. Alleged mark up on the procurement, budget users use

    agents / brokers and directly appoint providers of goods / services [11].

    Fifth, the alleged corruption Sulawesi governor as budget users Southeast Sulawesi Provincial

    Government procurement official car which specifies the use of direct appointment method, with a project value

    of Rp 2.5 billion in fiscal year 2008. In this case, has been penalize Beby Manuhutu as Chairman of the

    Committee for the procurement and Chandra Liwang Commissioner CV Noble Aditama Kendari Center. (High

    Court of South East Sulawesi Corruption No. 07 / Corruption / 2012 / PT. Sultra On 30 may 2012, p. 2) Picture

  • On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method Procurement of Goods / Services

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    position above case, showing the procurement of goods / services on criteria specific circumstances and criteria

    specific circumstances, it takes the decision to set a budget users direct appointment method of selecting

    providers of goods / services, by reason of urgent (emergency) and state criteria goods / services are only able to

    implemented by 1 (one) providers of goods / services, so that the procurement process and the administration do

    not need a printed or electronic media transparency, evaluation and other providers offer.

    Another problem, related to law enforcement only charged with the responsibility to users for goods /

    services or the manufacturer's official commitments and procurement committee. Conversely, it does not

    involve the responsibility of the user budget exceeded its authority establishes direct appointment method.

    Corruption in the procurement of goods / services using the method of direct appointment, in fact legal to

    explain there are 3 (three) forms of deviation, include the following:

    a) User budget establishes a direct appointment method is not suitably qualified goods / services criteria specific circumstances and criteria specific circumstances and authority;

    b) Legal liability only on the procurement of organs bottom layer, but does not involve the responsibility of budget users;

    c) The procurement process through direct appointment method, affect the principles of transparency, accountability and compete in the determination of the provider of goods / services, the preparation of the price /

    budget and technical specifications of goods / services.

    Referring to the case of the above position, the need for electoral reform concept provider of goods / services

    procurement criteria specific circumstances, such as:

    "The activities concerning national defense stipulated by the Ministry of Defence as well as activities

    related to security and public order established by the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia", includes:

    (Using a systematic interpretation method of procurement of goods / services criteria specific circumstances,

    Article 38 paragraph (4) letter a number 1, number 2 Jo Article 113 of Presidential Decree No. 70 of 2012 on the

    procurement of goods / services of the government).

    1. The main tool is a weapon system (defense equipment) Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) are used for the benefit of the State defense stipulated by the Minister of Defence, based on inputs from the military


    2. Equipment special material (almatsus) Indonesian Police used for the interest of security and public order established by the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

    Problems of law on the use of direct appointment method of procurement of goods / services that have been put

    forward, shows the legal analyzes of material facts and legal considerations set out in the judge's ruling, that the

    existence of irregularities in the procurement of goods / services of a certain state criteria to legal liability user

    budget as part of an organ procurement of goods / services of government.

    II. RESEARCH METHODS The research method used normative legal research (normative law research) on a case study of

    normative law against the law of product behavior. Focus of this study, which is conceptualized as the legal

    norms applicable to the organ procurement process the direct appointment method of procurement of goods /

    services of a certain state criteria.

    In the first formulation of the problem, approaches that can be used, among others, a) the regulatory

    approach procurement of goods / services (statute approach) concerning the hierarchy and the principles of the

    laws and regulations [12] b) conceptual approach (conceptual approach) , with reference to legal principles. In

    the legal principles found in the views of scholars or legal doctrines. [12].

    The collection of legal materials in the research library research is documentary techniques, which are collected

    from the study of archives or literature, such as books, papers, articles, magazines, journals, newspapers or the

    work of experts.

    III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In a legal dictionary releases Elizabeth A. Martin, explaining the legal harmonization (Harmonization

    of law), are: [13]. "The process by the which the member states of the EU the make changes in Reviews their

    national laws, in accordance with, Community legislation, to produce uniformity, particularly Relating to

    commercial matters of common interest. The Council of the European Union has, for example, issued directives

    on the Harmonization of company law and of units of measurement ". (free translation: the process in which the

    member countries of the European Union made changes in national law within the community in accordance

    with the law to produce uniformity, particularly with respect to commercial matters same interests. Council of

  • On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method Procurement of Goods / Services

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    the European Union has, for example, issued a directive on the alignment of company law and the monitoring


    Another explanation put forward Moh. Hasan Wargakusumah et al, that the harmonization of the laws

    is scientific activity towards harmonization process of writing which refers both to the values of the

    philosophical, sociological, economical and juridical [14]. While the definition of synchronization according to

    Endang Sumiarni that:

    "How to understand the fit or alignment of legislation vertically based systematization of positive law,

    namely the legislation higher with legislation lower. While the terms of harmonization with the synchronization

    word is the legislation under study. The word is used to assess the suitability of harmonization between

    legislation horizontally or its equivalent in the systematization of positive law [15].

    From the above, shows that the harmonization and synchronization of focusing harmony, conformity

    and harmony. Parameter laws and regulations are harmonized and synchronized, it can be seen from the charge

    principles or legal principles applied between the legislation of the other legislation governing the subject and

    object of the same law.

    Therefore, the legal principle of transparency, accountability and competition as a measure to control

    the procurement of goods / services using the method of direct appointment provider of goods / services.

    Explanation formulated as follows:

    1. Analysis of Harmonization and Legal Principles of Transparency Against Synchronization Method for Direct

    Appointment of Goods / Services

    Law principle of transparency in the procurement of goods / services that governments using direct appointment

    of election goods / services provider, are the heart of Act No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information. Interpreted as

    well as the principles of the legal system of procurement of goods / services that are binding on the substance,

    structure and culture of provider selection of goods / services. Paul Scholten, citing the opinion that the principle

    of the rule of law is a fundamental assessment in a legal system. He said again, legal principles include the

    following: [16]

    "Thoughts base, which is present in and on the back of each legal system defined in the rules of law and the

    decisions of the judges, in regard to the provisions and individual decisions can be viewed as elaboration"

    Thus, this legal principle which has a dual function as a foundation of positive law and as a touchstone positive

    critical of the legal system. [16]

    Harmonization Act No. 14 of 2008 on Freedom of Information to Law No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Services,

    the use of direct appointment method, described as follows :

    1. Law No. 14 of 2008, stated : "Article 2: Each Public Information is open and can be accessed by any user of Public Information".

    2. Article 2 of Law No. 18 of 1999, stated :"Article 2 Setting construction services based on the principles of honesty and fairness, benefits, harmony, balance, independence, openness, partnership, security

    and safety for the sake of the community, the nation, and the state".

    The principle of transparency law as a guide for the procurement of organs in carrying out the

    implementing regulations provider selection of goods / services through direct appointment method.

    In the perspective of the implementing regulations synchronization procurement of goods / services through

    direct appointment method. The use of the legal principle of transparency is defined as follows :

    1. Article 8 paragraph (1) letter b Presidential Regulation No. 70 Year 2012 on the second amendment of

    Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / services of the Government, stated : "Users have

    the duty and authority budgets widely announced Public Procurement Plan at least on the website of the

    Ministry / Institution / Regional / Agencies".

    The doctrine of the legal principle of transparency in the procurement of goods / services mentioned Mardiasmo

    government that the procurement of goods / services must be achieved, namely [17]

    "Ensuring legal certainty of public information or transparent procurement of goods / services are planned,

    implemented and handover acceptance ".

    The same opinion was brought Adrian Sutedi, that the legal principle of transparency in the procurement of

    goods / services are: [18]

    "Give me all the information and conditions regarding the procurement of goods / services, including

    administrative requirements, evaluation procedures, determination of potential suppliers of goods / services that

    are interested, as well as for society at large".

    Thus the legal principle of transparency means that the selection process guaranteed provider of goods / services

    of government, the nature of providing information on the procurement of goods / services to the community


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    2. Analysis of Harmonization and Synchronization Principle Accountability Law Against Method Direct

    Appointment Goods / Services. Harmonized approach in Act No. 25 of 2009 on Public Services to Law No. 18

    of 1999 on Construction Services, when viewed from the principle of election law accountability providers of

    goods / services through direct appointment is described as follows:

    a. Law No. 25 of 2009, stated :Article 25 paragraph (2): Executive shall provide a report to the organizers about the conditions and needs of facilities, infrastructure, and / or public service facilities as well as the

    executor in accordance with the demands of service standards".

    b. Law No. 18 of 1999, stated :"Article 17 paragraph (4): Selection of suppliers of goods / services should consider the suitability of the field, the balance between capacity and workload and performance of

    providers of goods / services".

    Similarly, the implementing regulations synchronization procurement of goods / services through direct

    appointment method. The principle of accountability to the public service law, described as follows:

    1. Government Regulation No. 59 Year 2010 regarding the amendment of the Government Regulation No. 29 of 2000 on the Implementation of Construction Services, stated :- Selection of construction planner and

    supervisor under Article 8 paragraph (1) letter a: certain circumstances, namely the emergency response to the

    security and safety of the public that the implementation of the work can not be postponed or should be done

    immediately; Appointment directly to the contractor as referred to in Article 3 is set in Article 12 paragraph (1)

    letter a number 1, certain circumstances that emergency response to community safety that can not be postponed

    implementation work / should be done immediately.

    2. Presidential Regulation No. 70 Year 2012 on the second amendment of Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / services of the Government, stated :- Article 38 paragraph (1) letter a and b for

    direct appointment of one (1) provider of goods / construction / other services can be done in certain

    circumstances and procurement of Goods / special construction work / other services that are special.

    In the context of selecting suppliers of goods / services through direct appointment, according to

    Jeremiah T Keban, the legal principle of accountability is a form of public service means: [19]

    "An act granting of goods and services to the public by the government in the framework of its responsibilities

    to the public, either given directly or through partnerships with the private sector and the community, based on

    the type and intensity of people's needs, capabilities and market society".

    Different opinions ejected from Miriam Budiardjo said that : "Accountability as accountable parties are given

    the mandate to govern to those who gave the mandate. [20] Meanwhile, according to Peter Guy, accountability

    has three types, namely: 1) Financial Accountability;2) Administrative Accountability; and 3) Accountability of

    public policy. [21].

    3. Harmonization and Synchronization Analysis of Competition Law Principles Against Direct Appointment method Goods / Services.

    Harmonized approach in Act No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Services to Law No. 5 of 1999 on the

    Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Competition, the dimensions of a monopoly setting,

    formulation of direct appointment is described as follows:

    a. Law No. 18 of 1999, stated :- Article 17 paragraph (3): In certain circumstances, the establishment of service providers can be done by direct election or appointment directly; elucidation of the article said that the

    complex work that can only be implemented by service providers who are very limited or can only be done by

    the right holder;

    b. Act No. 5 of 1999, stated : - Article 17 paragraph (2) b: Business agents suspected or deemed to control the production and or marketing of goods and or services referred to in paragraph (1) if it results in other

    businesses can not enter into competition of goods and or services the same one; elucidation of the article said

    that the definition of other businesses are businesses that have a significant competitive edge in the relevant

    market. - Article 22: Performer is prohibited conspire with others to arrange and or determine the winner of the

    tender so as to result in unfair competition. In his explanation that the tender is submitted bid price to buy a job,

    to hold the goods, or to provide services.

    Setting the direct appointment method contained in the Construction Services Act as the legal

    protection of monopoly rights holders. However, the consistency principle of competition law within the scope

    of the rights holder, set the ban on organ procurement conspiracy in the preparation of terms of reference in the

    procurement document are not directed a name holders of intellectual property rights, so it is not the post-

    bidding. (Explanation of Article 79 paragraph (2 ) RI Presidential Decree 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods /

    services of the Government, that the post-bidding is bidding post action that acts to change, add, replace and / or

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    reduce the Procurement Documents and / or bid after the deadline for submission of bids. See also Appendix II

    figures 2 Perka LKPP RI No.14 of 2012 on the technical manual regulation 70 of 2012 on the second

    amendment to regulation 54 of 2010 on the procurement of goods / services.). Similarly, the synchronization

    rules implementing procurement of goods / services through direct appointment method. Setting a monopoly is

    defined as follows:

    1. Government Regulation No. 59 Year 2010 regarding the amendment of the Government Regulation No. 29 of 2000 on the Implementation of Construction Services, stated:1. Article 8 paragraph (1) letter a number

    2: Selection of construction planning and construction supervisor by direct appointment, which is a complex

    task that can only be implemented by service providers who are very limited in number, provided the work can

    only be done with the new technologies and service providers are able to apply only one;

    2. Article 8 paragraph (1) letter b: Work only done by the copyright holder or other party has been licensed;

    3. Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a number 2: Appointment directly to the contractor, which is a complex job that can only be implemented by service providers who are very limited in number, provided the work can

    only be done with the new technology and service providers are able to apply only the only one;

    4. Article 12 paragraph (1) letter b: The work can only be done by the patent holder or other party who has obtained a license.

    5. Presidential Regulation No. 70 Year 2012 on the second amendment of Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / services of the Government, stated :

    a) Article 38 paragraph (4) letter d: goods / construction / other service-specific and can only be carried out by one (1) provider of goods / services other for one (1) manufacturer, 1 (one) the patent holder, or parties

    who have received permission from the patent holder, or a party who wins the auction to get permission from

    the government.

    b) Article 38 paragraph (5) c: goods / construction / other services that are complex that can only be implemented with the use of specific technologies and there is only one (1) provider capable.

    Legal norms monopoly procurement arrangements Goods / services through direct appointment providers of

    goods / services, by Susanti Adi Nugroho mapped monopoly theory into two parts: [22]. Natural monopoly

    (natural monopoly), which occurs due to the monopoly of the business operators have the technical capabilities


    1. Business actors that have the ability or knowledge (special knowledge) that enables efficient production.

    2. The economies of scale which increasingly large-scale production, the marginal cost decreases, so that the cost of production per unit (average cost) is lower.

    3. Business actors have the ability to control the source of production factors, both natural resources, human resources and production sites

    4. Monopoly obtained through legislation, are: a. Intellectual property rights, ie in which the state monopoly to businesses to manufacture or market the results

    of an innovation.

    b. Exclusive rights, the rights granted by the government to certain businesses that are not obtained by other

    businesses, for example a single agent, the sole importer, single buyer, and so forth.

    Setting a monopoly by the state or government in relation to the Business Competition Act, if a

    monopoly with regard to production and / or marketing of goods / services that dominate the life of the people

    and production branches which are important for the country. The use of state monopoly rights by the State

    Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in accordance W. Friedman opinion that:

    "State intervention in the market can be divided into three types: a) the state as regulator (de

    stuurende); b) the state as a provider of goods / services (de presterende); and c) the state as entrepreneur

    (interprenuer) "[23].

    From the above description, the harmonization of legislation on the level of Formell Gesetz (Act)

    relating to the procurement of goods / services harmonization of the substance of the government shows that

    knotted by legal principles of transparency, accountability and competition.

    The substance of legislation in harmony with one another, Ahmad Ruslan call as an internal function, which

    includes the function of the rule of law [1]. According to the dimensions of the rule of law must meet other

    requirements, namely:

    1) It is clear in its formulation (unambiguous);

    2) Consistent in its formulation internally or externally;

    3) Preparation of a language that is easily understood that the language used community.

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    *Corresponding Author: Kurniawan Ilyas 24 | Page

    Instead there is synchronized to the basic rules of the implementing regulations on administrative arrangements

    and procurement process / service criteria specific circumstances. Parameters used are the legal principles of

    transparency, accountability and competition. Synchronized, illustrated in the following matrix:


    Law RI About

    Construction Services

    Government Regulation (PP)

    on Procurement of Goods / services

    Specific criteria through direct

    appointment method

    Presidential Decree (Decree)

    Procurement of Certain

    criteria through direct

    appointment method

    Principles of the Law of Transparency


    Article 2 of Law No. 18

    Year 1999 on

    construction: construction

    services settings based on

    the principle of openness.

    Article 12 paragraph (3) a PP 59

    Year 2010 concerning amendments

    to Regulation No. 29 of 2000 on the

    implementation of construction:

    construction procedures for

    implementing the selection criteria

    of the specific circumstances of


    Article 57 paragraph (3) b of

    the 2nd Presidential Decree

    No. 70 of 2012 on the second

    amendment of Presidential

    Decree No. 54 of 2010 on

    Procurement of Goods /

    services of the Government:

    the determination of the type,

    technical specifications and

    volume of work, and job

    completion time

    Principles of Law Accountability


    "Article 17 (4) of Law

    No. 18 Year 1999 on

    Construction Services:

    Elections should

    suitability field, balance

    between capacity and

    workload, and

    performance of service


    Article 12 paragraph (3) letter d PP

    59 Year 2010 concerning

    amendments to Regulation No. 29

    of 2000 on the implementation of

    construction services, stated that:


    Article 57 paragraph (3) letter

    b-8 Presidential Decree No. 70

    of 2012 on the second

    amendment of Presidential

    Decree No. 54 of 2010 on

    Procurement of Goods /

    Government services,

    emergency response stated

    that: "clarification and


    Principles of Competition Law


    Article 17 paragraph (3)

    of Act 18 of 1999 on

    Construction Services:

    under certain


    determination made by

    the provider of direct

    election or appointment


    Article 12 paragraph (2) letter e PP

    59 Year 2010 concerning

    amendments to Regulation No. 29

    of 2000 on the implementation of

    construction: "the determination of

    service providers"

    Article 38 paragraph (2)

    Presidential Decree No. 70 of

    2012 on the second

    amendment of Presidential

    Decree No. 54 of 2010 on

    Procurement of Goods /


    "Invite 1 (a) providers of

    goods / construction / other



    Law RI About

    Construction Services

    Government Regulation (PP)

    on Procurement of Goods / services

    Specific criteria through direct

    appointment method

    Presidential Decree (Decree)

    Procurement of Certain

    criteria through direct

    appointment method

    Principles of the Law of Transparency


    Article 2 of Law No. 18

    Year 1999 on

    construction: construction

    services settings based on

    the principle of openness.

    Article 12 paragraph (3) a PP 59

    Year 2010 concerning amendments

    to Regulation No. 29 of 2000 on the

    implementation of construction:

    construction procedures for

    implementing the selection criteria

    of the specific circumstances of


    Article 57 paragraph (3) b of

    the 2nd Presidential Decree

    No. 70 of 2012 on the second

    amendment of Presidential

    Decree No. 54 of 2010 on

    Procurement of Goods /

    services of the Government:

    the determination of the type,

    technical specifications and

    volume of work, and job

    completion time

  • On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method Procurement of Goods / Services

    *Corresponding Author: Kurniawan Ilyas 25 | Page

    There are also synchronized between the Government Regulation No. 59 Year 2010 regarding the

    amendment of the Government Regulation No. 29 of 2000 on the Implementation of Construction Services,


    "Article 11 (1): the selection of a contractor by way of direct election as referred to in Article 3 applies

    to the particular circumstances, namely: a) the emergency response to the security and safety of the public is still

    possible to hold direct elections process; b) a complex job that can only be implemented with the new

    technology and service providers are able to apply a very limited; c) the work that needs to be kept secret,

    concerning the safety and security of the State are determined by the President; and or d. small-scale work with

    the following provisions: 1) for the benefit of public services; 2) have a small risk; 3) using simple technology;

    and or 4) executed by individual business service providers or small business entities ".

    Layout synchronized with government regulation above, can be seen from the contents of Presidential

    Regulation No. 70 Year 2012, stated:

    "Article 1 paragraph 26: Direct election is a method of selecting providers Construction works for most high-

    value jobs Rp 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion dollars)".

    "Article 37 paragraph (1) letter b: Procurement jobs that are not complex and the most high-value Rp

    5,000,000,000, - (five billion dollars) can be done by direct elections for the procurement of construction works.

    From the aspect of the characteristics of a particular state procurement criteria, processes and administration

    using the method of direct elections, in terms of Government Regulations and Presidential Decree (Decree),

    there is a conflict of content, from the regulation, that "procurement of jobs that are not complex". Meanwhile,

    the procurement of goods / services that are characterized by a certain state criteria based on the Government

    Regulation, include:

    a. Emergency Management; b. Work complex; c. Work of confidentiality; d. The work of small scale; e. Further work; and f. The holder of a patent or any other party who has obtained a license.

    Based on the analysis above synchronized form, Construction Services Act gives the choice between

    direct and immediate appointment goods / services provider criteria specific circumstances, does not mean the

    substance of the implementing rules governing the administrative process and pengadan goods / services is

    made with the exclusion of state criteria the legal principles, except as described previously.

    Applicability of the legal principles of transparency, accountability and competition are incorporated into the

    implementing rules of procurement of goods / services, in terms of content and nature, classified messenger

    (Gebod, obligattere) or imperative that contains what must be done by a human (organ procurement) form of

    command to do something [24]. For example, procurement of major weapons systems and tools are generally

    special material into the international market [25].

    Synchronized procurement law setting specific criteria that do not refer to the legal principles of transparency,

    accountability and competition consequences of irregularities in the process and administration as well as the

    procurement of major weapons systems and tools specific material. Organ procurement tendency to choose a

    method of direct appointment rather than direct elections, organ procurement easier conspired and make the use

    of price and technical specifications of the existing providers of goods / services.

    Contention that the implementing regulations of the Presidential Decree implementing regulations are higher in

    government regulation, just be the principles of conflict resolution (the principle of preference), namely:

    1. Lex posteriori derogat legi priori, that the legislation that is later defeated laws and regulations that exist


    5. Lex specialis, namely legislation specifically defeat legislation that common. 6. Lex superior derogat legi inferiori, namely legislation higher defeat legislation lower below [26]. Thus the function of Government and Regulation of the President as an implementing regulation, must not

    contradict the function of legislation. The explanation can be seen as follows: [1]. Running Act as appropriate;

    2. Organizing the material ordered Act and to implement government regulation; Organizing the power of the



    The legislation of the procurement of goods / services criteria specific circumstances that do not refer to the

    legal principles of transparency, accountability and competition, a consequence of irregularities in the election

    process and administration providers of goods / services of government.

  • On the Legal Problems of Using Direct Appointment method Procurement of Goods / Services

    *Corresponding Author: Kurniawan Ilyas 26 | Page

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