Trees and Bushes- Dinami

PLANTS IN THE DINAMI TERRITORY . HELLEBORUS FOETIDUS. HELLEBORUS FOETIDUS. Smelly hellebore. Helleborus foetidus, common in rocky places and bushy, branching from the stem high more than 50 cm. The bell-shaped flowers, pendants, are greenish to brownish-red ; the plant gives off a nauseating smell. ACHILLEA: The name was given by Linnaeus and derives from the belief that Achilles had used these plants during the siege of Troy (so Pliny tells us) to heal the wounds of his soldiers having learned from Chiron the medicinal properties of the same. The plants of the genre Achillea are type herbaceous perennial. Among the compounds of these plants is present achilleine a glycoside already used in pharmaceutical, now only in liquoreria. In ancient times (even to the time of Linnaeus) Achillea species were highly regarded for their medicinal properties: astringent and relaxing the stomachache. The infusions are also indicated for the


Short presentation of trees and bushes from the region of Dinami- South Italy

Transcript of Trees and Bushes- Dinami

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foetidus, common in rocky places and bushy, branching from the stem high more than

50 cm. The bell-shaped flowers, pendants, are greenish to brownish-red ; the plant

gives off a nauseating smell.

ACHILLEA: The name was given by Linnaeus and derives from the belief that Achilles

had used these plants during the siege of Troy (so Pliny tells us) to heal the wounds

of his soldiers having learned from Chiron the medicinal properties of the same. The

plants of the genre Achillea are type herbaceous perennial.

Among the compounds of these plants is present achilleine a glycoside already used

in pharmaceutical, now only in liquoreria. In ancient times (even to the time of

Linnaeus) Achillea species were highly regarded for their medicinal properties:

astringent and relaxing the stomachache. The infusions are also indicated for the

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PLANTS IN THE DINAMI TERRITORY female genital disorders (irregular menstruation, menopause anxiety) and in digestive


CALENDULA: MARIGOLD: It is a herbaceous plant with fleshy stem and branched.

The leaves are oblong, of a bright green, sessile and irregular margin. Once a month

throughout the summer appear orange flowers, large, grouped in heads. Evident from

the etymology calendae Roman, indicating by definition a monthly recurrence

SAMBUCO COMUNE (Sambucus nigra L.) dicotyledonous angiosperm plant is a woody

deciduous. It is a very common species in Italy especially in environments waste

places (along railway lines, parks, etc.)., Damp woods and banks of streams. The elder

has medicinal properties-herbal found in fruits and flowers. All the rest of the plant

(including seeds) is poisonous because it contains the glycoside sambunigrina.

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OXALIS ACETOSELLA ) (common name Wood Sorrel) is a small plant up to 12 cm,

belonging to the family Oxalidaceae. The genus name (Oxalis) derives from the greek

oxys (acute or pungent) for the acid taste of the plant and from hals (salt) for the

high amount of oxalic acid. The common name of the plant (sorrel) comes from the

sour taste (but also sour) of the leaves once used as a condiment for salads and

reminiscent of vinegar.

LENTISCO (Pistacia lentiscus) is an evergreen shrub of the family Anacardiaceae.

The plant has a bushy habit. The whole plant gives off a strong resinous odor. The

bark is gray ash-colored wood of a pinkish color. The resin of the mastic tree is called

Chios mastic and in several languages is indicated by the term mastic. Yellow in color,

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PLANTS IN THE DINAMI TERRITORY was used in the past as chewing gum for its beneficial action on the mouth (gum

toning and cleansing breath).

TARÀSSACO COMUNE (Taraxacum officinale) ) is a flowering plant (angiosperm)

belonging to the Asteraceae family.

It has medicinal virtues, known since ancient times and exploited with the use of its

roots and leaves. It is commonly known as dandelion or head, or even with it being

twisted the name tarassacco. One of the common names of the dandelion is also

bedwetting because children are usually told that whoever catches him will wet the

bed at night, hence the name.

EQUISETUM is a genus of plants belonging to

the family of vascular pteridophytes Equisetaceae, commonly known as horsetails.

They are among the oldest organisms on earth.

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SPARZIO SPINOSO (Calycotome spinosa ), also known as gorse, is a shrubby plant in

the family Fabaceae, typical in the Meditteranean Sea countries. It is a shrub-like

plant, which can reach up to 2 m in height. During the summer the leaves fall. The

flowers are yellow, isolated or in groups of two.

GIGARO CHIARO ( Arum italicum Mill., 1768) is a small herbaceous plant belonging

to the family of the Araceae undergrowth. The scientific name of the genus (Arum)

means "heat" and refers to the fact that when these plants are in full bloom give off

heat (particular feature of the genre). The specific name (italicum) refers to the

location of the first findings.

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ROVERELLA (Quercus pubescens, Willd. 1805), is the most widespread species of

oak in Italy, so much so that in many places is simply called oak. Belongs to the family

Fagaceae. Resistant to drought and is easily recognizable in the winter as it keeps the

dry leaves attached to the branches unlike the other species of oak.

ERICA ARBOREA is an evergreen shrub, the bark reddish, erect habit belonging to

the family Ericaceae. It has numerous branches, almost all always erect. The leaves

are needle-like, persistent, leathery, dark green. The flowers are small, pendulous,

very numerous, gathered in terminal inflorescences rich, creamy-white in color and
