Trayvon Update: Frightened Negroes Speak Up for the Slaves

Frightened Negroes Speak Up for the Slaves Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 14 S ome big-time corporate journalists have seized upon the Trayvon Martin lynching to urge Black people to “stand up to injustice” in a rather strange way. In his first report on the story ABC News’ Pierre omas surveyed frightened Black mothers of teenaged boys who were counseling their perfectly law-abiding sons to be less threatening around white people, especially white females. Geraldo Rivera, who gives angry fash- ion advice for Fox & Friends, tells us that the warm and comfortable hooded sweat- shirt—a style that can be traced back to the monks of Medieval Europe, Rocky Balboa, and the runway collections of Tommy Hilfiger, Giorgio Armani, and Ralph Lauren—must no longer be worn by Blacks. It is OK for whites or near-whites, apparently. Rivera and Bill O’Reilly were photographed together wearing hoodies at a Yankees game. Associated Press (AP) reporter Jesse Washington counsels that we should tell our sons about what he calls the “Black Male Code.” He advises: “[A]s a black male, you must go above and beyond to show strangers what type of person you really are….Depending on how we dress, act and speak, people might make negative assumptions about us.” But, strangely, there is no concurrent advice that white people must stop lynching Black people. Instead of exposing the dark forces that created a George Zim- merman and the massively armed and racially aggres- sive militia groups or the persistent disparities in arrest, incarceration, and sentencing rates, these com- mentators suggest that the lesson of the Trayvon tragedy is that we should become even more submissive and servile. In this thoroughly Amer- ican-bred logic, we, the longtime victims of sociopathic white cru- elty, must alter OUR Black behav- ior so that we don’t offend white sensibilities. Why don’t these 21st-century Obama-era post-racial race-rela- tions advisors go all the way with it and invite us back to the good ol’ days of slavery and jim crow, when Blacks had to comply with a bizarre behavioral regimen called “racial etiquette”? e AP’s Jesse Washington might be reminded of the 17-year- old farmhand from Waco, Texas, also named Jesse Washington, who was the same age as Trayvon when he was burned at the stake in 1916. e postcard of his charred remains and the can- nibals who crowded in around him—that is correct, they made his horrifying demise into a postcard—ought to be put on the flag of the United States. None of them were wearing their white pointed hoodies—for they feared no reprisals from law enforcement; indeed, they were law enforcement. It was this kind of merciless white wickedness that made older slaves instill in their children Minister Farrakhan’s Southern College Tour 4/10 -- Huntsville, AL, AL State 4/12 -- Nashville TN, TSU 4/14 -- Memphis, TN, Lemoyne-Owen 4/16 -- Pine Bluff UAPB Trayvon Martin


Trayvon Update: Frightened Negroes Speak Up for the Slaves Min. FARRAKHAN’s Southern College Tour The Minister Re-Writes History of the South “O Ye Children of Israel”: Farrakhan Calls the New Generation to ACTION!!

Transcript of Trayvon Update: Frightened Negroes Speak Up for the Slaves

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Frightened Negroes Speak Up for the Slaves



   Postcard  of  the  lynching  of  17-­‐year-­‐old  Jesse  Washington  in  Waco,  Texas—an  innocent  young  man  burned  at  the  stake,  then  chopped  up  to  make  souvenirs.  

Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 14

Some big-time corporate journalists have seized upon the Trayvon Martin lynching to urge Black people to “stand up to injustice” in a rather strange way.

In his first report on the story ABC News’ Pierre Thomas surveyed frightened Black mothers of teenaged boys who were counseling their perfectly law-abiding sons to be less threatening around white people, especially white females.

Geraldo Rivera, who gives angry fash-ion advice for Fox & Friends, tells us that the warm and comfortable hooded sweat-shirt—a style that can be traced back to the monks of Medieval Europe, Rocky Balboa, and the runway collections of Tommy Hilfiger, Giorgio Armani, and Ralph Lauren—must no longer be worn by Blacks. It is OK for whites or near-whites, apparently. Rivera and Bill O’Reilly were photographed together wearing hoodies at a Yankees game.

Associated Press (AP) reporter Jesse Washington counsels that we should tell our sons about what he calls the “Black Male Code.” He advises: “[A]s a black male, you must go above and beyond to show strangers what type of person you really are….Depending on how we dress, act and speak, people might make negative

assumptions about us.”But, strangely, there is no concurrent advice that

white people must stop lynching Black people. Instead of exposing the dark forces that created a George Zim-merman and the massively armed and racially aggres-sive militia groups or the persistent disparities in arrest,

incarceration, and sentencing rates, these com-mentators suggest that the lesson of the Trayvon tragedy is that we should become even more submissive and servile. In this thoroughly Amer-

ican-bred logic, we, the longtime victims of sociopathic white cru-elty, must alter OUR Black behav-ior so that we don’t offend white sensibilities.

Why don’t these 21st-century Obama-era post-racial race-rela-tions advisors go all the way with it and invite us back to the good ol’ days of slavery and jim crow, when

Blacks had to comply with a bizarre behavioral regimen called “racial etiquette”? The AP’s Jesse Washington might be reminded of the 17-year-old farmhand from Waco, Texas, also named Jesse Washington, who was the same age as Trayvon when he was burned at the stake in 1916. The postcard of his charred remains and the can-nibals who crowded in around him—that is correct, they made his horrifying demise into a postcard—ought to be put on the flag of the United States. None of them were wearing their white pointed hoodies—for they feared no reprisals from law enforcement; indeed, they were law enforcement.

It was this kind of merciless white wickedness that made older slaves instill in their children

Minister Farrakhan’s Southern College Tour

4/10 -- Huntsville, AL, AL State4/12 -- Nashville TN, TSU4/14 -- Memphis, TN, Lemoyne-Owen4/16 -- Pine Bluff UAPB

Trayvon Martin

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a knowledge of “a nigger’s place.” In due time the “racial etiquette” became customary and a damnable part of the Black psyche. The 2002 book American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms collected these un-written rules, which were based on such written laws as those found in the Black Code of Louisiana, which

legislated that “[Blacks] ought never to presume to conceive themselves equal to the white; but, on the contrary, they ought to yield to them in every occa-sion, and never speak or answer to them, except with respect.” So, young Black brothers, here are the post-Zimmerman racial guidelines that Pierre, Jesse, and Geraldo would have us follow. They are just like those of our torturous plantation years:

• Thegoodniggerdidnotinitiateaconversa-tion, or enter into one, unless first addressed by a white man. Once the conversation started, the Black male must remove his hat, or touch it, as though he might remove it, at the end of every sentence. If he has no hat, he must pull at his hair just above the forehead, keeping his eyes on the ground at all times. He must utter “suh” or “ma’am” at least once in every complete sentence. (The use of “suh” as opposed to “sir” is an impor-tant distinction, as “sir” was thought to be too “educated” a response and thus disrespectful of whites.)

• Thegoodniggernevercontradictsawhitepersonfor any reason.

• Silencereducestheriskofappearingintelligentor freethinking. Said one Mississippian: “[T]o be known as a smart nigger would have been un-bearable.”

• Eating,drinking,talkingintheparlorofawhitehome is all forbidden.

• Neversitdowninthepresenceofmasterormis-tress.

• IfBlacksmustapproachawhitehome—aswhennecessary to perform manual labor— it shall only be by the back or side door.

• Blacksaretoyieldtherightofwaytowhiteswhen driving or walking.

• InretailenvironmentsBlacksmustwaitinlineuntil all whites are served.

And of course the newest one:• Never,ever,everwearahoodie,eatrainbow-

colored candies, or drink ice tea in the presence of white people.

In summary, if Blacks wish to get along with white America, they are to show absolute acquiescence by inflection and gesture, and must appear to be will-ingly and cheerfully humble—not just polite, but actively obliging and submis-sive. Got it?

And Blacks who are faithful and dedi-cated to those prin-ciples are monumen-tally rewarded, as when whites in 1927 Natchitoches, Loui-siana, erected the only statue of a Black person in American history up until that time—the “GOOD DARKY” statue, ap-propriately placed in the rear of Front Street. Its inscription would warm the hearts of today’s advisors of negroes: “Dedicated to the arduous and faithful services of the good dark-ies of Louisiana.”

This might be the route to a subpar freedom permitted for the relic negroes, but the Black man who accurately charts Black progress by its historical markers can easily see we are fast sliding backwards. We have but one option today—one that was offered to us by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad since 1930—complete and utter separation from the white man and his strange and bizarre ways of “jus-tice” and his humiliating requirements for citizenship.

Minister Farrakhan, who is genetically unable to tolerate subservience—except to Almighty God Al-lah—has keen advice for those touched and hurt by the Trayvon Tragedy: “Think. Reflect. Then get up and do something for self or suffer the consequenc-es…No one respects a beggar. The time has now arrived where you must beg no man. You must get up


 The  “GOOD  DARKY”  Statue  in  NATCHITOCHES,  Louisiana  


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and do it for yourself. We have to own land. You can-not become a producer of what you need to extend your life without land. As long as we are consumers and employees, our future is in the hand of some-body else. Prepare your children not to be beggars of jobs.”

Do we want the world we are being counseled to accept, where we have to ask white permission to drive while Black, walk while Black, and breathe while Black? Or do we want a world where hood-ies and business suits and bowties, dreadlocks and baldheads, Easter hats and hajibs can peacefully, non-threateningly co-exist?! We either become masters of our own Black destiny—just the way EVERY OTHER ETHNIC GROUP HAS DONE—or we can pose for the next postcard or newest Good Darky statue. Which way do you think Bro. Trayvon would choose today?

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Min. FARRAKHAN’s Southern College Tour

“O Ye Children of Israel”: Farrakhan Calls the New Generation to ACTION!!

By Dr. Larry MuhammadIn June 2010, The Honorable Minister Louis Farra-

khan put out a Call To Action for the REAL Children of Israel—the Black Man and Woman of America and the World—to stand up and take control of their lives and destiny. To avoid his call falling on deaf ears and un-courageous hearts, Minister Farrakhan has gone to the college campuses—to the Youth and Students—to revive the oppressed Black community. He comes as an orator of truth, employing scripture, scholarship and science to bear witness to the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Through this momentous tour of historically black colleges, Minister Farrakhan is re-con-necting the Black students of the South to their inspir-ing past and pointing them to their divine destiny.

Dr. James D. Anderson writes in his epic THE EDU-CATION OF BLACKS IN THE SOUTH, 1860-1935, that “hundreds of slaves” clandestinely attended “se-cret schools” after toiling all day for the slave-masters. “There developed in the slave community a funda-mental belief in learning and self-improvement and a shared belief in universal education as a necessary basis for freedom and citizenship.” In response to this thirst for freedom and education, most southern states en-acted legislation to make it unlawful to teach enslaved children how to read and write. Still, Blacks organized to establish their own schools; in fact, Black ex-slaves led the campaign for what we know today as univer-sal (free) school systems. According to the Nation of Islam’s The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2 (TSR v2), Blacks, after having gained the ability to legislate, made extraordinary strides in promoting education and equality. But most whites felt as Missis-

4/10 -- Huntsville, AL AL State4/12 -- Nashville TN TSU4/14 -- Memphis, TN Lemoyne-Owen4/16 -- Pine Bluff UAPB


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sippi governor James K. Vardaman did: Money spent for Black education rendered them “unfit for the work which the white man has prescribed...” As TSR v2, points out, America’s critically important post-slavery labor system, sharecropping, was totally dependent on the maintenance of Black ignorance; hence teach-ers—white and Black—were tortured and murdered in the South, and the churches and country shacks that housed Black schools were routinely burned to the ground.

In fact, whites worked tirelessly to undermine Black progress. As Dr. Anderson states, Black people’s campaign for first-class citizenship “was successfully undermined by federal and state governments and by extralegal organizations and tactics. Soon after the late 1870’s, blacks were ruthlessly disenfranchised; their civil and political subordination was fixed in south-ern law, and they were trapped by statutes and social customs in an agricultural economy that rested heav-ily on coercive control and allocation of labor….Black education developed within this context of political and economic oppression.”

During Jim Crow the southern Boards of Education created segregated “colored” school systems: for ex-ample, Birmingham’s curriculum for whites included Latin, history, geology, astronomy, rhetoric, physiol-ogy, and algebra, while education for Blacks focused solely on “manual training.” Although Sears magnate Julius Rosenwald helped finance hundreds of segre-gated “negro schools” in the South, they were part of a larger effort of American industry to keep Black labor in designated “negro jobs.” In fact, Rosenwald was a white supremacist who insisted that none of his stores hire Blacks in any capacity.

Today we still have inadequate education, illiteracy, and virtually no nation-building skills. This is where

Minister Farrakhan’s Call to Action comes in to chal-lenge the schools to offer a nation-building curriculum and challenge the students to major in nation-building disciplines to give our community and people the foundation needed for independence and complete freedom.

Minister Farrakhan will visit Tennessee, where “Fisk Men” such as W.E.B. DuBois did their “teacher practi-cals” in ex-slave-established schools in the hills of Ten-nessee. He will visit Alabama, where the old Hunter Hill School of Autauga County provided education to former slaves. He will also visit Arkansas, home to schools like Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Little Rock.

And everywhere he goes The Minister has echoed the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Blueprint for Freedom, Justice and Equality, which can be found in his “Theology of Time” lectures and Message to the Blackman. This Blueprint points to the need for the REAL Children of Israel to acquire 100 million acres of land after a consistent and disciplined savings plan. With that land we will put into practice what Allah has guided us to do—BUILD a new nation. We need to stop pursuing careers in fields with NO FUTURE and pursue agriculture, science, engineering, math, and those disciplines that help societies build civilizations.

So again, O Ye Children of Israel, Accept Your Own And Be Yourself! Do not let the imposter Children in Israel fool you; nor let them make you think their pow-er and money will save you or them. We have already demonstrated our independence after our rise from slavery, so let us unite and pool our resources, and plan, design, and build energy-efficient, environmen-tally friendly, sustainable communities that will spur our own industrial and economic revolution.

Dr. Larry Muhammad is National Director of Muhammad University of Islam in Chicago




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in. Black Africans in huge numbers were shipped into the region to till the soil, to plant, cultivate, irrigate, fertilize, pick, process, and bale (wrap up into 500-lb bundles) the crop, and to load and transport the bales down the Missis-sippi River to the trading ports. And we did all this for FREE. Other Africans were forcibly imported to other regions of the South to grow miles and miles of corn and wheat just to feed the Africans who worked in the cotton fields and their white oppres-sors. Still other Africans built the housing needed, the barges, the tools, the ports, the rail systems, the roads, the bridges and all the infrastructure needed for but ONE purpose—to get OUR cotton into THEIR world market.

The Minister will be in Alabama: Cotton was so profitable that the noto-rious investment house Lehman Brothers began as cotton sellers in Montgom-ery. The city of Mobile lived and breathed cotton and was described as a place where “the people live in cot-

The Minister Re-Writes History of the South

By the NOI Research Group

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Southern tour of our great Black colleges is imbued with great historical significance. There is no region on earth that has had

more influence over all that we see, all that we know, and all that we are, than the American South.In fact, the wealth extracted from that region turbo-charged the economies of not just America, but whole European countries, keeping them afloat for centu-ries. Europe was so dependent on the South that she slaughtered every Red man who lived there just to get her hands on it!

This fertile blood-soaked soil of the South birthed an entire industry—the slave-shipping business—which sent an army of whites across an ocean to invade a continent of Black human beings to enslave them in the very region that The Minister will be tour-ing.

Why this extraordinary investment in this tiny area known as the Mississippi Delta? Because of one single crop—cotton. For a solid 150 years cotton was to the world what oil is today. Exxon-Mobil makes $500 bil-lion per year; Shell and BP are close behind. Cotton dwarfed that. Eli Whitney’s 1793 invention, the cotton gin, more efficiently removed seeds from the fiber and caused cotton to explode in value—the whole world wanted to be clothed in cotton. One historian was unreserved in his assessment: “[C]otton was the leading determinant of American history in the 19th century. It prolonged slavery, and slave-produced cotton caused the Civil War. Cotton spawned two revolutions: the Industrial Revolu-tion and the American Civil War....[It] was the first sophisticated global business…”

And the one place on earth with the perfect climate and soil to grow cotton of the highest qual-ity was the Mississippi Delta. And that, of course, is where we come


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ton houses and ride in cotton carriages. They…think cotton, eat cotton, drink cotton, and dream cotton. They marry cotton wives, and unto them are born cotton children.”

The Minister will be in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee, the state where the Ku Klux Klan, fathers of domestic and world terrorism, was formed after the fall of slavery for the sole purpose of violently forcing free Blacks to return to the cotton fields.

The Minister will be in Arkansas, where gigantic cotton firms, founded by men like Adolph Ham-berg, Jacob Goldman and Julius Lesser, gathered and shipped millions of bales of OUR cotton around the world—cotton they robbed from oppressed Black slaves and sharecroppers.

And driving all this commercial activity were the department stores that grew to incredible size and wealth, including such well-known retailers as Neiman-Marcus and Zales, which originated as tiny retailers in the Jim Crow South.

The Minister is now returning to the land that shaped the Black diaspora in multiple ob-vious and hidden ways. He has asked, “Don’t you want to know what happened to us?” Provi-dentially, The Minister

can show us how this Southern land, where Black Africans suffered centuries of unrelent-ing earthly hell, can actually become our “Promised Land.”

Our young stu-dents, in their desire for a TRUE education, are KEY to our HIS-TORIC revitalization! We have many Black graduates of all America’s colleges, yet, since the end of slavery, our educated class has been unable to lift the masses of our people from poverty and dependen-cy. Our dedicated students must open their hearts and minds to hear a word from our most powerful truth teller, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who can provide the essential knowledge that explains why

we are in a griev-ous condition and awaken us to how we can produce jobs for ourselves—through creativity, unity and hard work. We can, today, write a NEW HISTORY for our people and for Amer-ica—and it starts with true education.