Travel · 2018. 11. 12. · Mudhut,outsideloo,niceview: whybasicisthenewluxury Travel Onpage W hen...

Mud hut, outside loo, nice view: why basic is the new luxury On page Travel W hen Prince Wil- liam slipped his mother’s ring on Kate Middleton’s manicured fin- ger, he gave the royal seal of approval to the latest travel trend: the search for authenticity. You can’t keep it much more real than the Rutundu log cabin in Kenya, where he popped the question. Fifteen kilometres from the nearest road, it has no electricity and offers hyenas, leopards and glorious isolation rather than paparazzi. It is high-profile proof that luxury no longer means six-star bling, butlers and 24-hour room service. Now it’s all about getting back to basics. We want a remote cabin, a desert tent — admittedly we like it with bells and whistles — or a wilderness lodge with elegy-inducing views. Food should include local ingredients, local flavour and a local chef. Forget fusion. Perhaps it’s a reaction to our manic, sani- tised, over-branded age. For a true escape we desire walls of stone, wood or canvas to be warmed by flames rather than central heating, with fresh air on tap and a night sky drenched with stars. It need not cost the earth, but it must be high on nature and low on fellow guests. Take the Ark Hotel in Swedish Lapland. You can’t get farther from the madding crowd than the five wood huts huddled like nervous reindeer in the middle of the frozen Lake Torneträsk. Hotels are rarely more elemental. When I was there the in-room entertainment consisted of lifting a trap door, drilling a hole in the ice and dropping a baited hook into the icy depths. Supper was moose sausage and reindeer washed down with vats of schnapps — and when the aurora borealis writhed across the sky, we left the sauna to sprint naked across the ice. If I hadn’t been howling like a werewolf, I’d have proposed. To anyone. I experienced the same release, albeit fully clothed, at Tyrconnell in Australia, a 19th-century gold mine enveloped by Queensland’s rolling bush. It was a double act: nature delivered silence and solitude, Tyrconnell supplied period cottages with paraffin lamps and claw baths. Shortly before I arrived, Kylie Minogue and her Spanish lover had stayed there, undis- turbed by the international press. Nowhere, no matter how remote, is immune to this royal-endorsed travel trend. While crossing from Chile to Argen- tina, I stopped at a goat herder’s hut, 11,500ft up in the Andes. The adventure experts Explora had pimped it with cactus roof beams, slate floors and alpaca-hair blankets. It was ridiculously cosy, yet still a lonely goat herder’s hut, a tiny pinprick in the vast South American wilderness. And at that moment, as a cruel wind whipped down the valley, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay anywhere else. It was simply perfect. For 15 more small but perfectly formed hideaways with that vital streak of authenticity, read on . . . Remote and wild — real luxury is about the simple life, says Ian Belcher . Just ask Wills and Kate ‘Each round house has its own small flock of edible guinea pigs’ Peru’s other ancient Andean city 30 The Mud Hut (9) in Sri Lanka, main picture, offers tropical simplicity, but for glorious isolation The Secret Ranchito (5) in Chile is hard to beat

Transcript of Travel · 2018. 11. 12. · Mudhut,outsideloo,niceview: whybasicisthenewluxury Travel Onpage W hen...

Page 1: Travel · 2018. 11. 12. · Mudhut,outsideloo,niceview: whybasicisthenewluxury Travel Onpage W hen Prince Wil-liam slipped his mother’s ring on Kate Middleton’s manicured fin-ger,

Mud hut, outside loo, nice view:why basic is the new luxury


When Prince Wil-liam slipped hismother’s ring onKate Middleton’smanicured fin-ger, he gave theroyal seal of

approval to the latest travel trend: thesearch for authenticity. You can’t keepit much more real than the Rutundu logcabin in Kenya, where he popped thequestion. Fifteen kilometres from thenearest road, ithasnoelectricityandoffers

hyenas, leopards and glorious isolationrather thanpaparazzi.It is high-profile proof that luxury no

longer means six-star bling, butlers and24-hour room service. Now it’s all aboutgetting back to basics. We want a remotecabin, a desert tent—admittedlywe like itwith bells and whistles — or a wildernesslodge with elegy-inducing views. Foodshould include local ingredients, localflavouranda local chef.Forget fusion.Perhaps it’sareactiontoourmanic, sani-

tised, over-branded age. For a true escapewe desire walls of stone, wood or canvas tobe warmed by flames rather than centralheating, with fresh air on tap and a nightsky drenched with stars. It need not costtheearth,but itmustbehighonnatureandlowon fellowguests.Take the ArkHotel in Swedish Lapland.

You can’t get farther from the maddingcrowdthanthe fivewoodhutshuddled likenervous reindeer in the middle of thefrozen Lake Torneträsk. Hotels are rarelymore elemental. When I was there thein-roomentertainment consistedof lifting

a trap door, drilling a hole in the ice anddroppingabaitedhook into the icydepths.Supperwasmoose sausage and reindeer

washeddownwithvats of schnapps—andwhen the aurora borealis writhed acrossthe sky, we left the sauna to sprint nakedacross the ice. If I hadn’t been howling likeawerewolf, I’dhaveproposed.Toanyone.

I experienced the same release, albeitfully clothed, at Tyrconnell in Australia, a19th-century gold mine enveloped byQueensland’s rolling bush. It was a doubleact: nature delivered silence and solitude,Tyrconnell supplied period cottages withparaffin lamps and claw baths. Shortlybefore I arrived, Kylie Minogue and herSpanish lover had stayed there, undis-turbedby the internationalpress.Nowhere, no matter how remote, is

immune to this royal-endorsed traveltrend.Whilecrossing fromChile toArgen-tina, I stopped at a goat herder’s hut,11,500ft up in the Andes. The adventureexperts Explora had pimped it with cactusroof beams, slate floors and alpaca-hairblankets. It was ridiculously cosy, yet still alonely goat herder’s hut, a tiny pinprick inthe vast South American wilderness. Andat that moment, as a cruel wind whippeddown the valley, I wouldn’t havewanted tostay anywhere else. It was simply perfect.For 15more small but perfectly formed

hideaways with that vital streak ofauthenticity, read on . . .

Remote and wild —real luxury is aboutthe simple life, saysIan Belcher. Justask Wills and Kate

‘Each round house hasits own small flock ofedible guinea pigs’Peru’s other ancient Andean city30

The Mud Hut (9) in Sri

Lanka, main picture, offers

tropical simplicity, but

for glorious isolation

The Secret Ranchito (5) in

Chile is hard to beat

Page 2: Travel · 2018. 11. 12. · Mudhut,outsideloo,niceview: whybasicisthenewluxury Travel Onpage W hen Prince Wil-liam slipped his mother’s ring on Kate Middleton’s manicured fin-ger,

THE TIMES Saturday November 27 2010

24 Travel

1LittleTom’sCottage,North Island,NewZealandThis tinyhideawayscoresmajorpoints forits locationandstyle,witha fabulousalfrescobaththrownin.Overlooking theTukitukiRivernearHawke’sBay, thecoolly renovatedoldcottagehas squashysofas in thepetite livingroom,andabedroomwith frenchdoorsopeningontothevalley.WaimaramaBeach is close, as isfoodandvinoatCraggyRangewinery.Details£58pppernightwithTurquoiseHolidays (01494678400,

2OoraminnaHomestead,NorthernTerritory,AustraliaOoraminna is theOutbackwith the roughedgesknockedoff. SittingonDeepWellStation—amere500,000acresnearAliceSprings—thebushcabinshavefour-posterbedshewnfromdesertoak.Therearecattle-hiderugsandprivateverandaswhereyoucankipbeneath thestars.Either join in the station’sworkingdayorkickbackandwatch the redOutbackcrags ignite in the settingsun.Details£155pppernighthalf-board (006189530170,

3OldSchool,Lundy IslandItmighthave the richblue façadeofaMexicancourtyardbut the super-snugOldSchool iswashedbyBristolChannelgusts rather thanSouthAmericansun.Thetwo-personcorrugated-ironbolthole,dubbed“thebluebung”,hasperiodfurnitureandwall charts. Itmakes theperfect base forclifftophikes.DetailsFrom£224 for threenightsthroughtheLandmarkTrust(01628825925,

4DuntonHotSprings,ColoradoIfRalphLaurenwere let loose in theRockieshewouldcomeupwithsomethingclose to this.Thegloriously restoredghosttownnearTelluridecontains severalrevampedminers’ cottages inadreamyvalleyoverlookingmeadowsandmountains.Two-personEchoCabin,withitsartfullybattered furniture, tastefulweavesandphotogenicoutsideshower,shouldcarryagovernment snugglewarning.There’sacclaimedfood,heli-skiingandhorse riding toenjoy.Details£507anight full-boardwithBonVoyage(08003160194,

5TheSecretRanchito,Patagonia,ChileTheclue’s in thename.Nestlingbeneathsnow-lickedpeaks, it sitson theroad lesstravelledandcanbereachedonlybyfoot,horseorhelicopter.Your luggagearrivesbyoxcartandchefshike inwithyourmeals.Decor,naturally, iswood-heavywithcowhidechairs, rugsand local throwsover thebed.Therearewidescreenviewsof theTresMonjaspeaks.The loo isoutside, the shower’s ina tree trunk,andisolation is rarelysoglorious.Details£289anightall inclusivewithi-escape (

6TheRoundhouse,Dordogne, FranceSeriouslyquirkyandromantic, theRoundhouse is tucked intoahillsideoutside thevillageofVilletoureix.Handmade fromearth (greenturf coversawonderfully curlingbeamedroof),logs,glassbottlesandreclaimeddouble-glazing, it looksacrossagentlevalleywithoutaneighbour insight. Itsoutsidekitchenandshowermight testyourmettle inwinter, but this is anescapefor romantics, dreamersorkeengreenies.DetailsFrom£34anightwithOneOffPlaces (

7KuanguKuangu,NamibDesert,NamibiaAnother sliceofAfricanwilderness thatwouldhavesuitedaroyalproposal,KuanguKuanguoverlooksamulti-huedvalley.Seamlesslyblendingwith thelandscape, theone-roomhideawaywithalfrescokitchenandbathroomfuses logs,canvasandstonewithearthycoloursandvastwindows—aformula for solitude,sittingandstaring.Thenamecomes fromtheOvambopeople’sword for theMilkyWay, anodto theastonishingnight sky.Details£93anight(

8Blencathra,CumbriaThis shepherd’shutgazingacrossCumbria’s fells is so ludicrouslycute—alltinywindows, curvedroofandsmokingchimney—that it couldbemadeofgingerbread.Withaseparatekitchenandbathroomnearby, it resists theNorthWest’s inclementweatherwithawood-burningstove, sheepskinrugsandheavy-dutybedding. Insummer thehut,for twoto fourpeople,openson toagorgeous landscape.DetailsFrom£65anightwithCanopyandStars (01275395447,

9TheMudHut,TheMudhouse, Sri LankaTropical simplicity is thewatchwordofthisgaggleofwattle-and-daub thatchedhuts laced through60acresof forest innorthwestSriLanka’s ancientwetlands.What the two-personMudHut lacks inelectricityandboilingwater itmakesupfor inatmosphere,withopensidesletting the forest in (itsbirdlife isincredible).Nightsare illuminatedbyoillampsand fires,whileyour foodcomesfromtheMudhouse’sorganic farm.Details£117anight full boardandexcursionswith i-escape (

10Ghillie’sRest,Alladale, ScotlandItmightbenewbut this sturdycottagewith its reclaimedor locally sourcedwood,stoneand fabrics, slipseffortlessly intoAlladale’smuscularHighland landscape.Offeringstyleaswell aswildernessviews,ithasadeer-antler chandelierandwood-burningstove.There isoff-roaddriving,hiking, stalkingandshooting.DetailsFrom£87pppernight full board(01863755338,

‘‘The Sahara


romance like

few other



Sleep outside in a Kiboko

star bed at Loisaba

Wilderness (15), top; home

comforts at Aman-i-Khás

(14), above; and a bespoke

camp in the Sahara at Erg

Chebbi Dunes (11), below

Sometimes it costs theearth togobacktobasics . . .

11ErgChebbiDunes,Sahara,MoroccoAskanyfilmdirector: theSaharadeliversromance like fewother locations.AmongthedormantvolcanoesandendlessdunesofErgChebbi, achicbespokecampwithwall-to-wall rugs and handcraftedfurniture can be erected on demand,givingyouthesensationof firstfootsteps in thesand.Youcanvisit the1,200ftwalls ofTodraGorgebeforereturning for top-notch food.Details£2,000pp for twonights’ full boardand excursions, withAbercrombie &Kent(08456182200,

12ShaktiVillageHouses,Ladakh, IndiaThetasteful renovationof threevillagehousesalongthe IndusValleyhasbought

high-level comfort to thehigh-altitudedesertdramaofLadakh.Expecthandmade furniture, toasty stovesandorganic toiletries—androoftoppagodasoverlooking themountainsandmonasteries.A team, includingguideandchef, followyoubetweenthehouses,allowingyoutohike, raftandexplore.DetailsEightnights from£3,687,including flights,withCazenove&Loyd(020-73842332,

13RedoubtBayLodge,AlaskaRedoubtBay,50photogenicmilessouthwestofAnchorageby floatplane,has space.Oodlesof it.As theonlyaccommodationwithin 171,000acresofa“criticalhabitatarea”—millionsofbirdsmigrateandnesthere—it’sa recipe forcontemplation,notclaustrophobia.Overlookingachainof lakesbackedbysnow-coveredpeaks, thecomfortablestove-heatedcabinsofferexcellentbearviewing, fishingandtheacclaimedAlaskancuisineofownerKirstenDixon.Details£800pppernightwithBonVoyage(08003160194,

14Aman-i-KhásRajasthan, IndiaAman’s coolelegance isn’t exactlyback-to-basics, but there’snodoubt thatthetenvast tentsofAman-i-Khásofferserenityandsensuous style.PitchedeachOctober toAprilon theedgeofRanthamboreNationalPark, atiger-viewinghot spot, theyofferair-conditioned rooms, surroundedby tallgrass, scrubandtrees.Details£712pernightplus$125ppboardchargewithAman(

15LoisabaHouse,LoisabaWilderness,KenyaLocation, location, location.Thefour-personhouseontheedgeof theKenyanescarpmenthasunforgettableviewsacross theLaikipiaplains toMountKenya—is thataprinceI canseekneeling?Thereal place topopthequestion, though, iswhenyouare lyingunder the stars inaKibokostarbed.DetailsFrom£2,530 for twopeopleandtwonights’ full boardwithAbercrombie&Kent (08456182200,


The price ofsimplicity

Clockwise from top left:

KuanguKuangu (7) in

Namibia; Little Tom’s

Cottage (1), New Zealand;

Blencathra shepherd’s hut

(8), Cumbria; and the

Roundhouse (6), France

places forawild time