Transitway Diversion to Albert Street - Your Voice Will Make a Difference

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Transcript of Transitway Diversion to Albert Street - Your Voice Will Make a Difference

  • 8/13/2019 Transitway Diversion to Albert Street - Your Voice Will Make a Difference





    On December 9, the Citys Transit Commission will hear a plan for bus detours during light railconstruction. This is a critical meeting. The detour plan will divert nearly 300 buses per hour at peak and

    well over 2000 per day to Albert and Scott Streets, directly in front of peoples homes. This will make

    Albert and Scott a disaster for local users, especially pedestrians and cyclists, for two years.

    The plan was devised two years ago behind closed doors with no community input, and only last week revealed.

    The diversion of many of these buses will continue for 10 more yearsthe latest available information is that it

    will be several per minute once construction of light rail from 2015-2018 is over.

    The plan takes no account of the quality of life issues that arise from noise, air pollution, community-wide traffic

    congestion, or pedestrian/cyclist safety. Your views on this issue are critical. It is extremely important thatmembers of the Transit Commission hear you. We are asking you to write to them, and to copy us. Well make

    anonymous use of your comments in our campaign to stop this unacceptable and undemocratic plan.

    Tell them what you think about:

    The noise impact of hundreds of braking and accelerating buses per hour in extremely close proximity topeoples homes

    The impact to cyclists, pedestrians and drivers crossing or using Albert and Scott Streets The effects of air pollution on our neighbourhood and health

    There ARE alternatives that the city REFUSES to consider

    including using the Queensway and Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.

    Your voice matters: Help YOUR neighbours get this changed. Write or email TODAY to:

    Mayor Jim Watson ([email protected]) Marianne Wilkinson ([email protected])

    Councillors: Public members

    Katherine Hobbs ([email protected]) Blair Crew ([email protected])

    Diane Holmes ([email protected]) Justin Ferrabee ([email protected])

    Diane Deans ([email protected]) Mark Johnson ([email protected])

    Shad Qadri ([email protected]) Emily Rahn ([email protected])

    Stephen Blais ([email protected])Rainer Bloess ([email protected]) Dalhousie Community Association

    Keith Egli ([email protected]) [email protected]

    Tim Tierney ([email protected])

    Please also attend the Transit Commission meeting Monday, December 9th

    at 1:30 pm

    Need more info?

  • 8/13/2019 Transitway Diversion to Albert Street - Your Voice Will Make a Difference


    Say no to moving

    the Transitway toAlbert!

    Your voice

    will make a
