Transact 360 Media Products Catalog & Rate Card



Transact rate card for clients requiring media collateral details

Transcript of Transact 360 Media Products Catalog & Rate Card

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Print productsOnline mediaContract design & publishingConsultingSocial Media & SM2RDHosted programs & exhibitionsSurveys & research & lead generation

Additional services Brand consulting & identityWeb site development 3rd party advertisingPR campaign & servicesSocial media campaignsCorporate event consulting & set-ups In-film advertisingExpo stall design & set-upsPersonalized gifting Dynamic digital solutionsCRM campaigns


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With the plethora of online platforms now available, most of which are invariably free at the point of use, it is easy to see why marketers (professional & amateur alike) fixate on what social networks they should

use and how often. This obsession at times gets to be the detriment of marketing campaigns because it detracts from getting right the bedrock of any marketer’s messaging!

Content Regardless of communication and media, quality, clarity and added value should be cornerstones of the campaign. These cornerstones are embodied in the marketing content generated under the marketing campaign’s banner - and it should be your content too. The strength of online marketing is that it’s very easy to source appropriate content written by others that supports your campaign, but this is also a fundamental flaw of the medium. If you are using others and their content all the time to advance your campaign, ultimately you are just boosting those people’s profiles and interests at the expense of your own. Other people’s content should always be a support to your campaign and not the focus of it. Generating or commissioning your own content is therefore the first principle of any online marketing campaign, for content is king of the marketing world – whereas the social networks are, and will always remain, the pawns. Without thought-through, self-generated content any campaign will remain anaemic and ill-defined, as it is through that content that a marketer will communicate brand values and narratives to the intended audience. If content even just remains key, rather than king, in the marketing world, what actually defines ‘good’ content? Effective content should have the following qualities:

QualityContent should be of a quality that’s consistent with the brands positioning. Just because something like a tweet on Twitter is only 140 characters long does not mean that it is acceptable for such a message to be badly spelt or irrelevant to the wider campaign. Each piece of marketing content, again regardless of its form or the medium with which it is delivered, should enrich or engage with its intended audience. In other words, upon reading your content, does the intended audience feel informed or enthusiastic in any way? The content should be written or recorded with the perspective and interests of the intended audience in mind. Content should be for the benefit of others or tell a relatable story, and not be about yourself or your company. What

Contentis important to you may not be what is important to your audience. Good content has to be consistent with the other content in a marketing campaign. No single piece of content can really be viewed in isolation from other pieces being generated for the same purpose elsewhere. Is all your content written or recorded in the same style or idiom as the other pieces in the campaign? If not, you could end up confusing your intended audience and diluting any impact your brand or messaging has elsewhere. In short, all content created for any one given purpose should be consistent. Content has to be appropriate adapted for the medium. While it is important for content to be tonally consistent with other pieces in the marketing jigsaw of any one given campaign, it has to reflect the style, strength and constraints for the given medium. You may have some fantastic copy for your eight-page brochure, but that copy will be problematic if you just paste it into a solitary page on your company’s website; people do not read online content in the same way as they do with hard copy, and the text of the brochure may not be sufficiently search engine optimised for the benefit and effectiveness of the site. In other words, adapt or transpose the copy to meet the strengths of the new intended medium.

Audio-Visual (AV) Audio visual content should be produced with due consideration and professionalism as written content. While it is easy to create our own video or audio content with even just mobile devices, it does not mean that what we create will be of a quality that supports our marketing campaigns. Certain brands and campaigns support a guerrilla style of production, but the better campaigns in that style have more forethought than it appears. Any marketing content that goes out associated wit your brand’s name has to be of a quality that does not to detract from the overall impact definition of your campaign. And while the picture quality may be superb, the audio is more than likely to be muffled and not up to the broadcast quality. If you do not have the skills or equipment to generate appropriate AV content, get in a professional.Just because social media is free at the point of use does not mean that it is easy to translate or promote good content through these networks. If you do not know how to adapt and regularly drive content for social media platforms, hire a professional. You may be able to write the best content in the world, but unless you know how to convert that copy into the different mediums out there, your content will cease to become good or relevant enough. Be honest with yourself: do you know how to measure social media metrics? Do you know when to post and how to semi-automate? Do you really know what are appropriate platforms for your content? This is a full time assignment!

Content visibility Content visibility is critical support for your marketing campaign and is what binds your story together. This component include sponsored features/case studies/survey reports. Create a knowledge bank of user experiences and get it published on 3rd party media. (Users’ are willing to trust published content on 3rd party media. They mostly view content on a vendor company web site as tailored. Rates for content placement in 3rd party range from ` 75 k/page/month to ` 5 lacs/page/month.

Content creation Transact360 delivers custom content designed to be user case studies and white papers. This can be supported by surveys and opinions as needed. This is delivered across media. Right from youtube content to social media heads-up! All we would need is the topic and the basic structure of the direction of the article from your office.

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While the world is screaming of print products dying, They claim online is blooming...exploding! But print will stay!

Print is dying!

Long liveprint

The Sahakari delivers information specific to cooperative banking. Be it RBI

notifications explained to developments within the sector, this product covers it all. This tool allow us to engage with the sector at the decision making level. This is shortly to be published in a multi lingual format to deliver value among its culturally and linguistically diverse audience

Print rate card You may improve visibility by using print advertising in two FS focused publicationsPosition B&FM FinTech TheSahakari PackagedBack cover ` 250,000 ` 150,000 ` 50,000 ` 350,000Inside front cover ` 120,000 ` 80,000 ` 30,000 ` 150,000Inside front cover gate fold ` 240,000 ` 110,000 NA ` 300,000Inside front cover reverse gate fold ` 240,000 ` 110,000 NA ` 300,000Branding on personalized opening page ` 100,000 NA NA ` 100,000Inside back cover ` 80,000 ` 70,000 ` 40,000 ` 130,000Regular ad ` 50,000 ` 25,000 ` 20,000 ` 65,000Double spread ` 110,000 ` 60,000 ` 80,000 ` 150,000 Half page horizontal/ vertical ` 35,000 ` 20,000 ` 15,000 ` 50,000

Banking & Finance Management is the Journal that publishes the most path breaking and popular FS articles worldwide along with best rated articles from our online products. Designed with an international look, this product is a never before seen concept in b2b publishing!

To build recall among select customers, you still need media that is in the customers face...And how do you tell the world what to expect in the online format, unless you spend large amounts in

advertising online products in a high decibel market. We have decided that we need print products! Although a little more specialized! To know more ask for a sample copy!

Fintech will carry the latest product updates in FS verticalincluding news, interviews etc!

The best rated updates will be published in b:net for the marketing professional to add to their respective portfolios.

Page 7: Transact 360 Media Products Catalog & Rate Card is designed to allow users to share their passion among their peers and counterparts, be it from technology to business or from

best practices to gardening. Profession drives people...but we believe PASSION will drive them harder. And more successfully. The central idea of is to offer a platform to get VISIBLE!

Technology is today the greatest driver of business and no where is more explicit in the financial services.

Fintech delivers the latest from world over for the financial professional seeking to keep themselves abreast of the latest products and solutions that financial technologies have to offer. From product launches to opinions, surveys to research. From who has bought what to technology game changers. Fintech covers it all. Real time!

Marketers invest a large amount of resources in conceptualizing and implementing innovative communication solutions. And the story culminates with the end of the campaign or event. Bnet celebrates these initiatives, by allowing them to showcase their efforts with the background of each concept. From the

why to the how and the resultant analysis as seen by the key drivers of these programs. Thus the Marketing Team gains visibility within and outside their fraternity. The best rated is promoted on social media and in a print format. This is our way of acknowledging our partners in business. And designed to be a STEP-UP for them.

Onlineis the future!

Publish branded content features/surveys/articles to T360 customer facing sites. This allows for qualified traffic thereby generating leads. Sponsored article/feature may carry your logo. Support this campaign with pay per click online advertising, Google ad words etc…Investment: ` 75,000/article/month (minimum 3/month for 6 months)

Securx is a function specific product that aggregates the best from worldwide from the security business. Security is key to the sustained growth of any organization. Be it in fashion or pharma! Financial services or retail. Telecom or publishing. Data is what allows organization to

multiply its value proposition. This is currently in its beta version.

Online media offers some of the most dynamic communication options. be it vanilla advertising or pop-ups or sliders to a specific user, digital delivers all and more.The professional across verticals need access to content from across the world and portals. our products are designed to deliver just that. But our products focus on features, case studies and white papers. Transact360 invites you to share your content for the reading pleasure of our audience. FREE...No strings attached (except without brand product names). The company and

the author will of course get their byline...

Recent research into changing consumer habits highlight why the web must be prioritized by those attempting to acquire and retain customers. The way businesses and consumers interact is

irreparably changing.It is no longer a niche or hard to quantify channel for speaking to customers, the internet is a vital component for businesses wishing to make themselves heard in an increasingly fragmented and completive marketplace.

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To know more about initiating and generating a social media campaign content, and managing your reputation online contact Transact360 today! e-Mail [email protected]

Know what your audience want. Carry out a survey on existing and/or possible consumers to learn about what kind of content interest them. Structure your promotional activities around findings.

Regular, useful/entertaining updates/posts. The more often you share interesting or informative content with your fans and followers, the more often you will catch their attention. While too many it may seem counterproductive to spend your time finding an article or blog post that your fans would like and then sharing it, it actually builds credibility and authority in the eyes of your readers. Over time, your brand or web site will become known as something to trust in the mind of your readers. When it comes time for them to make purchasing decisions, the value of that trust cannot be overstated.

Build relationships Creating relationships with customers is one key element of social media marketing. Open up a two-way conversation to build credibility and continue generating reader mind share.

Going viral Successful viral content can be a gold mine for the poster. However, determining whether or not something will go viral is like trying to write on water. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, a piece of content projected to go viral would end up being ignored...Completely!

Maintain a consistent message When you are posting information across several different sites, it is easy for the message you are trying to convey to become garbled as you try to tailor that message for a variety of media and audiences. web site communities are rude, if not outright hostile, to someone who shows up and obviously has no interest in the site other than posting promotional material. This is where a social media agency comes in handy.

Selective communications In an attempt to get new postings, it is often tempting to skip editing, proofreading and screening of the content. Unfiltered content has been the downfall of many companies trying to establish a social media presence, and some companies have even lost their entire business because they allowed someone to post rude or demeaning comments directed at unhappy customers. Even a simple spelling error can turn an innocent post into a racial slur, so it is imperative that you screen, edit and proofread all content before posting it.

Attract consumer attention Create bonuses, offers, knowledge program invitations etc.Alongside social media, there are other ways to promote your business on the Internet. If your company has a web site, highlight your promotions on your web site’s main page. Go as far as to create a web page about your promotion, and then create a link that you can place on other web sites. Get visibility on 3rd party media sites as users trust media products.

Raise awareness Use a variety of promotions to strengthen people’s interest, such as drawings, coupons and discounts. Advertising in the real world will help if you can afford it!Note: By using these social media marketing ideas and tips, you are now armed with the basic information you need to run a successful campaign. However, this is a lot of work for one person, particularly a busy business owner, to try to do alone. If the workload is overwhelming, then consider hiring a services company to take on the work. Ensure you have the right content!Regularly!

Social Media Reputation Risk Dashboard

Social media is about conversations, community, connecting with the audience and building relationships. It is not just a broadcast channel or a sales and marketing tool.

Authenticity, honesty and open dialogue are key.Social media not only allows you to hear what people say about you, but enables you to respond. Listen first, speak second.Be compelling, useful, relevant and engaging. Don’t be afraid to try new things, but think through your efforts before kicking them off.

Social Media Best Practices While the tools of social media are easily accessible, the rules of the road are not necessarily intuitive. It’s a new communications landscape, with tremendous opportunities but also a lot to learn.

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Banner Leader Foot Vertical Skyscraper Rectangle Square Center Inner Large (Island)Size 728x90 728x90 120x240 120x600 400x100 336x100 336x280 250x250Home 50,000 NA 35,000 80,000 47,500 NA 40,000 NAROS 70,000 NA 60,000 72,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 100,000Combo 90,000 70,000 85,000 125,000 90,000 NA 80,000 NA

Expandable Banner Ads Leader Foot Vertical Skyscraper Center Size 728x90 ->> 728x90 ->> 120x240 ->> 120x600 ->> 400x100 ->> 728x180 728x180 120x600 300x600 500x200Home NA NA 45,000 46,000 44,000ROS 40,000 NA 47,500 60,000 86,500Combo NA 80,000 80,000 100,000 110,000

Please Note :� Prices in INR and may change, please contact your account director for current pricing� Lead based campaigns also available on request� All ad positions are on non exclusive basis, unless specified�Bookings must be accompanied by cheque/ DD, in favor of Transact Media, Mumbai�Please add service tax as applicable

3rd party media – ad & content placementWe can publish advertising or select articles on relevant 3rd party sites as per their terms and conditions. This can be a global/country and/ or region specific media initiative driven from India.Investment: As per media house.

Rich Media Properties Rate/monthPage curl 50,000Road block - twice/week 50,000Road block - twice/week+Page curl 125,000Home page float ad -once across site 40,000(size - 250x250)

Embedded Browser Rate/monthMax five (5) page content featuring supplied marketing assets (ex. white papers & case studies)Total maximum assets allowed:15 min commitment -100 clicks; Content provided by client & existing relevant web site content to be used; New content will be charged extra. 100,000Setup Charge 70,000

Webinars Rate/hour3 - 7 participants single session 45,000Multiple session (min 3/week) 65,000

Customer Feedback Rate/daySurveys 3 - 7 responses 45,0007 - 10 responses 65,000> than 10 responses (each) 65,00Home page opinion poll3 - 7 responses 35,0007 - 10 responses 55,000Function specific opinion poll3 - 7 responses 45,0007 - 10 responses 65,000

Sponsored Content Rate/dayWhite papers/ case studies /reports 4500

Section Sponsorship Rate/Month Including bubble in top navigation bar 300,000

Newsletter & EDM Rate/MonthSkyscraper (120 x 600) 45,000Vertical Banner(120 x 240) 35,000Full Banner(468 x 60) 200,000A4 EDM/shot/person 12

Onlinerate card

For decades talking to customers has been managed by passive, one-way communications. Customers, it is abundantly clear, resent being managed and dictated to.. Even websites, which many still class

as ‘next generation‘ are largely impotent because customers can find more about a business by conducting a search on Twitter than they can logging into corporate sites.For years, businesses dictated the rules of communication with customers. Now consumers have wrestled this control away, businesses must change their strategy and engage customers in their ‘territory’. We will tell how you can begin to make this shift and reconnect with the customers you thought you’d lost forever

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Brief: CatalogueThe client has a large presence in the African market wanted an A 4 page corporate brochure in 24 hours.Our first cut reached his office in 24 hours. Changes took us some more time. Quick. Neat. Cost effective!

Client: Neorithm

A consortium wanted to present a unique concept showcase about how digital communication can change public transport. They requested for a print brochure to communicate the story with MMRDA, Monorail Corporation and Scomi.

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Our consulting services delivers qualified leads across industry and product lines using GAP Analysis technique. We work on a fixed fee plus % of revenue model.We deliver across verticals and functionsInvestments: Fees: Request for proposalTime frame: Annual or turnkey contractExpenses: Travel, out-of-pocket, entertainment, gifting and liaison on actual.Revenue share: To be discussed and concluded. Our fees will be deducted from our share of sales conducted. However, if the sale does not happen, for reasons beyond our control, then our responsibility will culminate with delivering the required and agreed meeting schedule. Deliverable: An average of at least 5 qualified meets per month over 6 months with decision makers. Our strong relationship with our prospects delivers a minimum of 10% conversion rate on over all leads.


Keeping the pipeline full of qualified leads is vitally important in today’s challenging business climate, so important, in fact, that consistent lead generation is often imperative to a company’s

very survival. Add to the equation that your sale always seems to be more complex than most, and the challenge becomes downright daunting?Companies that use the complex sale provide solutions to their clients that tend to be sophisticated, designed to solve crucial business issues, and are managed deliberately and with precision. Ultimately, these solutions can require significant investment of dollars and the buy-in of the company’s senior management. The complex sale most often manifests itself in the business-to-business environment, though it is not always limited to that sector.The unique demands of the complex sale, lead generation has become a major roadblock for marketers as they spin their wheels looking for strategies and tactics that can consistently and measurably push the sales needle forward.

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Surveys Research& Lead’s

Survey research is one of the most important areas of measurement in applied social research. The broad area of survey research encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking

questions of respondents. A “survey” can be anything form a short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-

on-one in-depth interview.

CostSurveys are relatively inexpensive. Online surveys and mobile surveys, in particular, have a very small cost per respondent.

ExtensiveSurveys are useful in describing the characteristics of the audience, their preferences and standard buying patterns. No other research method can provide this broad capability, which ensures a more accurate sample to gather targeted results in which to draw conclusions and make important decisions.

FlexibleSurveys can be administered in many modes, including: online surveys, email surveys, social media surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys, telephone surveys, and face-to-face interview surveys. For remote or hard-to-reach respondents, using a mixed mode of survey research may be necessary (e.g. administer both online surveys and paper surveys to collect responses and compile survey results into one data set, ready for analysis).

DependableThe anonymity of surveys allows respondents to answer with more candid and valid answers. To get the most accurate data, you need respondents to be as open and honest as possible with their answers. Surveys conducted anonymously provide an avenue for more honest and unambiguous responses than other types of research methodologies, especially if it is clearly stated that survey answers will remain completely confidential.

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Hosted programs

Transact360 delivers high quality, content driven programs that are client specific or multi sponsor.

Sponsors have multiple options to partner with us in these knowledge driven programs. Pre-qualified

audiences of professionals from selected categories attend our programs. Programs follow suitable formats such as presentations, workshops, survey led presentations etc and are designed to showcase your key stakeholders as domain leaders along with potential users on ‘Panel Discussions’. This allows for pre-sales teams to meet with these prospects for future business opportunities.Category: Across verticals as per brief/sponsorships. Investment: Based on audience profile & variable expenses.Deliverable: Activity and inventory based.Please note: Contact program initiatives are supported by a database mining and telephone calling team that identify and engage with prospects. Once engaged with prospects, our consulting teams meet with prospects, understand needs and devise the program concept along with our domain specialists. This cultivated plan based is crafted to deliver on user needs and communication opportunities. This ensures prospect participation at vertical/function specific contact programs.

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7.18, Assisi Nagar, P L Lokhande Marg, Chembur-Govandi Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 043