Traditional drugs by Dr.U.Srinivasa, Professor and Head, Srinivas college of pharmacy, Mangalore


Transcript of Traditional drugs by Dr.U.Srinivasa, Professor and Head, Srinivas college of pharmacy, Mangalore



Latin name: Solanum xanthocarpum

Sanskrit name: Kantakari

Vernacular names:

Eng- Kantakari ,

Hindi- Kateli,

Kan- Nelagulla

Biological source :

It consists of whole plant of Solanum

xanthocarpum ( solanum surattense )

Family : Solanaceae

It is very spiny herb,1.2 meters height found

all over India. The leaves are ovate or elliptic,

flowers bluish purple, fruits are globular.

Active constituents :

It contains Steroidal alkaloids Like

Solasodine, Solamergine, β- Solamergine,


It also contains Sterols like Cycloartenol,

Norcarpesterol, Chlolestrol

Category : Expectorant

Uses :

1.Used in the treatment of bronchial asthma,


2. Used as an antipyretic drug

3. Used as an antidiabetic drug

4. Used as an anticancer drug

5.Solasodine has antispermatogenic activity,

hypochlolesterolaemic activity.


Common Names:

Asparagus, Indian Asparagus,

Asparagus Racemosus.

Sanskrit and Hindi Names:

Shatavari, Satavar, Satmuli.

Biological source:

It consists of tuberous root of Asparagus


Family: Liliaceae.

Geographical Source: It is widely distributed

throughout the tropical regions of Africa,

Australia, Asia and India.

Chemical constituents : It contains Saponin glycosides

Two new steroidal saponins, shatavaroside

A and shatavaroside B together with a

known saponin, filiasparoside C, were

isolated from the roots of Asparagus


Five steroidal saponins, shatavarins VI-X,

together with five known saponins, shatavarin I,

shatavarin IV, shatavarin V.

Uses : Used as antioxytocic agent Used as refrigerant Used as demulcent Used as an aphrodisiac Used as an antiseptic Used in the treatment of leprosy and

Tuberculosis Used in rheumatism and gonorrhoea


San -   Pratyakpuspa,

Ben - Apamg.

Hin - Chirchita , Latjira

Kan - Uttarani.

Mal - Katalati.

Biological source : It consists of the dried

entire plant of Acharanthes aspera

Family : Amaranthaceae

It is found throught out India and in the

South Andaman Islands

Chemical constituents : It contains alkaloids – Acharanthine and


It also contains triterpenoids saponins

– Oleanolic acid

Uses :

Useful in cough, asthama, bronchitis,


Skin diseases, cardiac disorder

Guduchi Synonyms – Hindi - Amrita ,

English – Tinospora

Biological source –

Guduchi consists of the dried stems of the plant

Tinospora cordifolia

Family - Menispermaceae

G.S – Widely distributed throughout tropical and

subtropical india

Chemical constituents


Berberine, Palmatine, Jactrorhizine, Tinosporine,


2. Glycosides-


Furanoid diterpene glucoside

3. Sesquiterpenoid – Tinocordifolin

4. Diterpenoid lactones –

Furanolactone, Tinosporon, Columbin

5. β – Sitosterol

6. Choline

7.Tinosporic acid

8. Tinosporal

Category – Antipyretic, analgesic

Uses --

1.Used as an anticancer drug

2. Used as an antipyretic drug

3. Used in the treatment of asthama

4. Acts as an anti hypolipidaemic drug

5. Used as an antioxidant

6. Used as an antiulcer drug

7. Used as an antidiabetic drug

8. Used as an antihepatitis drug

Gokhru Ayurvedic name: Gokhru/Gokshura

Botanical source:

It consists of dried ripe seed of Tribulus terrestris

(chota gokhru), Pedalium murex (Bara gokhru).

Family: Zygophylaceae (chota gokhru)

Pedelliaceae ( Bara gokhru)

Chemical constituents

1.Saponin glycosides:

Steroid sapogenins -

Protodiosin, Hecogenin, Notiogogenin

2.Flavones glycosides – Kaempferol 3-

rhamnoside and tribuloside

3. Trace alkaloids and Fixed oils

Uses -

Chirata Synonym – Bitter stick , Indian gentian

Hindi – Chirayata

Sanskrit- Kirata-tikta

Kannada – Kirata kaddi

Malayalam- Kiriyattu

Biological source:

It consists of dried entire plant of Swertia chirata.

Family: Gentianaceae

Chemical constituents

It contains bitter glycosides – Gentiopicrin,

Chiratin, Ophelic acid, Amarogentin, Swerthin.

Xanthone derivatives- Chiratol, Swertianin,


Triterpenoids – Masilinic acid its trisaccaride


Alkaloids – Gentianine, Gentiocrucine

Uses -

Bitter tonic




Liver disorders


Skin diseases


Synonyms – Indian oleander

Sanskrit – Karavira

Hindi – Kaner

Kannada – Kanagile

Malayalam – Arali

Biological source – It consists of the dried aerial

parts of the plant Nerium indicum

Family – Apocyanaceae

Chemical constituents -

It contains Toxic principles Neriodorin and

Karabin (These are powerful cardiac poisons

similar to the constituents of digitalis ) .It also

contains Odorin

Uses –

1.Used as a Cardiotonic drug

2.Used in Heart diseases

Tylophora Biological source –

It consists of dried leaves of Tylophora indicia

(Tylophora asthamatica)

Family - Asclepiadaceae

Chemical constituents – It contains

Phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids – Tylophorine,

tylophoranine, tylophoranidine

It also contains Cetyl alcohol , phytosterol

Wax, resin, pigments tannins , glucose,

quercetin, kaempferol and tyloindane.


1. The dried leaves are emetic , diaphoretic, and


2. It is useful in dysentery, catarrh

3.The roots possesses stimulant, emetic,

expectorant, stomachic, diaphoretic properties

and used in the treatment of asthama,

bronchitis, diarrhoea.

4. They are recommended in rheumatism and

gout pain.

Rasna Synonyms – Galanga, Chinese ginger,

Rasagadde (Kannada), Sugandha (Hindi)

Biological source –

Rasna consists of the dried rhizome of Alpinia


Family - Zingiberaceae

Chemical constituents-

It contains –

1.Volatile oil – 1,8 cineole, alpha and β-

pinene, camphene

2.Flavonoids – Kaempferrol, galangin and


3. Tannins – Phobaphenes

4.Resin- Galangol



1. Used in Rheumatism

2. Used as Stomachic

3. Used as Carminative

4.Used as Stimulant

5. Used as an Aphrodisiac

6. Antibacterial and antifungal properties

7. Flavouring agent

8. Tonic and spice

Malkangni Biological source –

It consists of the dried seeds of the plant

Celastrus paniculatus ( Celastrus montana)

Family – Celastraceae

Chemical constituents –

1.Fatty oil – Palmatic acid, oleic acid, linolenic


2.Sesquiterpene alkaloids – Celapanin,


3. Sesquiterpene polyesters - Malkangunin

Uses –

1.Used as emetic, febrifuge, diaphoretic,

nervine properties

2. Used for the sharpening the memory

3. Used to cure ulcers, rheumatism, gout

4.Used in the traditional system of medicine

as a sedative.

Bhilva Biological source – It consists of the dried

fruits of the plant Semicarpus anacardium

Family - Anacariaceae

Chemical constituents –

It contains anacardic acid, anacardiol,

semicarpol, volatile oil - cardol

Uses -

Used as tonic, syphilis, epilepsy, anti-

inflammatory, rheumatism, asthama,

bronchitis, piles, skin diseases, worms

Kalijira Biological source – It consists of the dried whole plant of Veronia

anthelminticum Family – Asteraceae Chemical constituents – 1.Flavonoids – 7-o-β-D- glucopyranosyl- alpha-

D- xylopyranosides 2. It also contains sterols like palmatic acid,lauric

acid, carbohydrates, lipids etc

Uses- Anthelmintic






Shankapushipi Synonyms – Vishnukranti

Biological source – It consists of the dried

plant of Convolvulus pluricaulis (Convolvulus

microphyllus) and Evolvulus asinoides

(Convolvulus asinoides )

Family : Convolvulaceae

Chemical Constituents-

It contains glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids

and alkaloids.

o Shankhapushpine (the alkaloid) has been

identified as active principle. Others like

Convolvine, Convolamine etc

o β- sitosterol glycoside

o Hydroxy Cinnamic acid

Uses- Used as a brain tonic, febrifuge.

It is used as a psycho stimulant and

tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental

tension(Hyper tension).

Talk doesn’t cook rice”. - Chinese
