Township of Tay New Official Plan and Zoning By-law...Draft Official Plan Official Plan and Zoning...

Township of Tay New Official Plan and Zoning By-law Public Meeting May 16, 2018

Transcript of Township of Tay New Official Plan and Zoning By-law...Draft Official Plan Official Plan and Zoning...

Page 1: Township of Tay New Official Plan and Zoning By-law...Draft Official Plan Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018 Overview New Official Plan to replace current Official Plan (1999)

Township of Tay

New Official Plan and Zoning By-law

Public Meeting – May 16, 2018

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Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

Project Overview

Official Plan

General policies for future land use, population, employment,

development patterns, services and regulatory tools

Current Official Plan approved in 1999

Zoning By-law

Implements Official Plan through regulation of land use and

standards for properties, buildings and structures

Current Zoning By-law was enacted in 2000

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Address Provincial and County requirements

Implement Source Protection Plan

Update environmental policies

Reflect community vision and obtain input to address key issues

with existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law

Create user-friendly planning documents

Introduce complete application requirements

New mapping

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Planning Context


Planning Act

Provincial Policy Statement (PPS, 2014)

Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe


County of Simcoe Official Plan


Township of Tay Official Plan

Township of Tay Zoning By-law

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Stage 1:

Background Research,

Official Plan & Zoning By-

law Review

• Background Review &

Base Mapping

• Legislative & Policy


• Agency Consultation

• Background Report,

Issues and Options

Stage 2:

Draft Official Plan and

Zoning By-law

• Technical Review

• Preferred Options and


• Draft Text and Mapping

• Notice & Circulation

• Public Consultation,

Summary Report

Stage 3:

Finalize Official Plan and

Zoning By-law

• Revise Draft OP, ZBL

• Circulation and Review

• Statutory Public Open

House and Meeting

• Finalize OP, ZBL

• Council Adoption,

County Approval

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April 2016: Statutory Public Open House and Public Meeting for new draft

Official Plan and Zoning By-law

May 2016: New draft Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe released

2016-2017: Draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law agency circulation comments /

responses, additional public review and comments / responses

Dec. 2016: Final approval of Simcoe County Official Plan

July 1, 2017: Effective date of new Provincial Growth Plan (2017)

July 6, 2017: Draft Provincial Agricultural System and Natural Heritage System

mapping issued (Map Viewer link available in August 2017)

Oct. 6, 2017: Deadline for comments on draft Provincial Agricultural System and

Natural Heritage System mapping (Township comments submitted)

Feb. 9, 2018: Release and effective date of final Provincial Agricultural System and

Natural Heritage System mapping

Apr. 3, 2018: Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds

Act (Planning Act Amendments) Proclaimed

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Draft Official Plan

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018


New Official Plan to replace current Official Plan (1999)

Plan for population and employment to the year 2031

Forecast does not limit growth within existing settlement areas, only

how much land may be designated for future development

County MCR required to assign/allocation population and

employment forecast to the year 2041 and determine land needs

2016 2031 Change

Census Population 10,033 11,400 +1,477 (15%)

Households 4,127 4,615 +597 (15%)

Employment 1,825 1,800 -

Source: Statistics Canada 2016 and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Schedule 7.

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Draft Official Plan – Key Changes

Settlement Areas & Growth Management

Revised Settlement Area Expansion policies to conform with 2017

Growth Plan, requires County MCR and amendments to County and

Township OP

Clarified design direction for intensification proposals and scope of

design guidelines that may developed and adopted in future

Added to active transportation policy direction

Updated employment land conversion policies to conform with 2017

Growth Plan

Clarified waterfront access policy not intended to mean that private

lands are open or accessible to the public

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Municipal Structure

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Draft Official Plan – Key Changes

Natural Heritage System

Updated policies and terminology to conform with Natural Heritage

System policies of the 2017 Growth Plan

Clarified wetlands classifications and policies

Updated and clarified policies for significant woodlands

EIS terms of reference to be determine through pre-application


Added Appendix B – Provincial mapping of Natural Heritage System

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Draft Official Plan – Key Changes

Natural Heritage System

Updated policies and terminology to conform with Natural Heritage

System policies of the 2017 Growth Plan

Clarified wetlands classifications and policies

Updated and clarified policies for significant woodlands

EIS terms of reference to be determine through pre-application


Added Appendix B – Provincial mapping of Natural Heritage System

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Provincial Mapping of Natural Heritage System

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Natural Heritage System – Rural Area

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Natural Heritage System – Settlement Areas

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Greenlands Overlay for Settlement Residential – Port McNicoll

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Natural Heritage System and Greenlands Policies: Example*

Key Natural Heritage Features

Significant Wetland Significant



Greenlands (see OP s. 4.8. and 3.5)

Existing uses may be

recognized in Zoning By-law


Natural Heritage System • Agricultural, ag-related and on-farm

diversified uses permitted

• Proposals for new development:

• No negative impacts on key natural

heritage features

• Connections maintained between

features within 240m

• Avoid removal of other features

• Incorporate other features in design

• Disturbed area maximum 25% of

developable area

• Impervious cover maximum 10% of

developable area

• At least 30% of developable area

will be returned to natural self-

sustaining vegetation



Proposed Addition

• Development or site alteration limited to forest, fish and wildlife management,

conservation and erosion control projects, infrastructure (EA), mineral

aggregate operations, expansions to existing buildings and structures,

accessory structures and uses, conversions that bring the use more in

conformity with the Growth Plan, small scale structures for recreational uses

• Expansions to existing buildings and structures

require demonstration that the use does not expand

into key natural heritage features or vegetation

protection zone unless there is no alternative and

the expansion is kept in close proximity to the

existing structure


Protection Zone

(min. 30m)

*Example for illustrative purposes only. Refer to full text of draft Official Plan and Growth Plan.

Adjacent Lands (120m) • EIS required to demonstrate no

negative impacts and identify a

vegetation protection zone

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Draft Official Plan – Key Changes

Resource Management

Added policy for avoidance/mitigation/minimization of impacts related

to development agricultural and non-agricultural uses outside of

settlement areas, to conform with 2017 Growth Plan

Added reference to watershed planning to conform with 2017 Growth


Updated / revised Sourcewater Protection policies based on County

and SSEA comments

Revised mineral aggregate policies to conform with Growth Plan

Added Appendix A – Provincial mapping of Agricultural Land Base

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Provincial Mapping of Agricultural Land Base

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Draft Official Plan – Key Changes

Surplus Farm Dwelling Policy

New lot limited to minimum size needed to accommodate the use and

on-site services and any existing accessory buildings and structures

Compliance with MDS I required for existing dwelling only where the

dwelling is located on the same lot as an existing livestock facility and

after the consent it would be on a separate lot from the livestock facility

Consolidated farm parcel shall be zoned for agricultural uses only (no

new residence permitted)

Minimum lot area to be established through the zoning amendment

Farm consolidation means acquisition of one or more additional farm

parcels to be operated as one farm operation

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Land Use Plan

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Draft Zoning By-law

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018


New Zoning By-law to replace General Zoning By-law 2000-57

Regulatory implementation tool for Official Plan




General Provisions

Zones and Zone Symbols


Zone Categories





Open Space / Recreation


Drinking Water Source Protection


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Draft Zoning By-law – Minor Changes

Some definitions updated / added (e.g. Independent Retirement

Home, Camper Trailer, Travel Trailer)

Clarified/updated regulations for accessory buildings and structures

Additional/expanded regulations for boathouses

Revised/updated home occupation provisions, private garages,


Updated zoning map schedules to include site-specific zones and

exceptions, consolidated zoning amendments

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Next Steps

County Review / Comments

Finalize Official Plan and Zoning By-law

Council Adoption


County Approval

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018

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Contact information:

Steven Farquharson, MCIP, RPP Steve Wever, MCIP, RPP

Director of Planning and Development Associate, Senior Planner

Township of Tay GSP Group Inc.

(705) 534-7248 (519) 569-8883

[email protected] [email protected]

Official Plan and Zoning By-law May 16, 2018