TOP-UP DEGREE PROGRAMMES IN HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES Partner Universities: 2021-22 For Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Holders




: : 2595 2771: [email protected]:

School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)才晉高等教育學院

Partner Universities:

2021-22For Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Holders

MissionThe School for Higher and Professional

Education (SHAPE) aspires to provide

Vocational Training Council’s Higher

Diploma graduates and eligible

sub-degree holders with vocational

and professional education training

articulation pathway, for progression

to degree level and beyond through

collaboration with world-recognised

partner universities.

Message from the Principal 1

SHAPE at a Glance 2

Applying to SHAPE 10

Programmes 12

Contact Us 16

Application Forms 17


Mission & Contents

The 2021/22 academic year will be one of revitalisation. Challenges we faced in the last yearallowed us to make significant changes on all fronts due to technological advances. This enablesSHAPE to deliver its learning and teaching more effectively, which in turn equips you with betterskills for the future.

With almost 20 years of experience as a leading non-local degree programme operator in HongKong, SHAPE understands both the market and your needs, offering sub-degree holders andworking adults the opportunities to pursue further study at degree level.

Riding on the established collaborations with more than 10 strategic partners from the UK, Australiaand Mainland China, SHAPE provides quality programmes well embedded with the internationalknowledge exchange and global network opportunities, widening your horizons and equippingyou with the necessary leverage over your future career.

Learning at SHAPE is a pleasurable experience. You can enjoy using the comprehensive learningresources, sport facilities, as well as the learning support services for SHAPE students at VTC’spurpose-built and thriving campuses. We have kept enhancing our learning environments andfacilities to keep in pace with the latest technologies. On top of our focused English enhancementactivities, SHAPE students have access to the Grammarly application to assist on assignmentwriting.

Read up on our various programmes in this booklet and talk to us to select the programmebest-suited for your career. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Prof Simpson PoonPrincipal School for Higher and Professional Education

Message from the Principal


Message from the Principal

About SHAPEThe School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) is a member institution of the Vocational Training Council. In collaboration with world-recognised overseas and Mainland China universities, SHAPE offers career-oriented top-up degree programmes across a wide range of professions.

International ExposureAll of our programmes are jointly taught by university and local lecturers. Students will have international exposure and experience, and immerse in an English-speaking environment.

World-recognised Academic Quali�cationsStudents do not have to study abroad and can earn degrees awarded by the partner universities in the United Kingdom, Australia and Mainland China.

7 Study Areas• Business

• Childcare, Elderly and Community Services

• Design

• Engineering

• Health and Life Sciences

• Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure

• Information Technology

SHAPEat a Glance


SHAPE at a Glance - About SHAPE

Complete in Minimum 1 Year• Fast track to obtain a bachelor’s degree in 12 - 30 months (full-time) or

14 - 42 months (part-time).

48 Accredited Programmes• All 48 UK and Australian top-up degree programmes are recognised

under Quali�cations Framework Level 5#, the same level as that of locally-accredited bachelor’s degree programmes.

• Most Engineering programmes are recognised by professional bodies.

31,000+ Graduates• Nurtured more than 31,000 graduates since 2003.

# Figures as at January 2021. For details on the Quali�cations Framework (QF) level, Quali�cations Register Registration Number, and the Registration Validity Period of SHAPE programmes, please refer to the corresponding pages in this booklet.


Ranked top 15 university in the UK for 5 years running by The Guardian University Guide (2016-2020), Coventry combines an academic heritage dating back to 1843, with a dynamic and modern approach to education. This is further reinforced with the accolade of the highest ranked modern university in England between 2013-2019.

Coventry University is the embodiment of offering practical, hands-on study and strong connections to large global organisations around the world. In doing so, the University’s efforts have been awarded Gold for its outstanding teaching in the 2017 Teaching Excellence Framework and 5 QS Stars Overall rating (QS Stars University Ratings 2019).


Partner Universities - Reputation and Rankings

At present, SHAPE collaborates with 3 renowned

universities from the UK and Mainland China to

offer top-up degree programmes in Health and

Life Sciences area. The academic standard and

quali�cations of our programmes are quality-

assured by the universities. What is more, all of

our programmes are jointly taught by university

and local lecturers, providing students with both

global perspectives and local insights.


SHAPE at a Glance - Partner Universities

Northumbria University is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It is the fastest rising UK University in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 and is a 5-Star institution after achieving top rating overall in the 2019 QS Stars audit, and Silver Award in Teaching Excellence Framework in 2017.

Having been awarded Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) double accreditation in business and accounting, Northumbria is part of an elite group of business schools worldwide.

Northumbria University


中國藥科大學在全國第四輪學科評估中,藥學學科獲評A+,位列第一檔。在2020 U.S.世界大學排名榜(U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings)中,其藥理學與毒理學學科(Pharmacology and Toxicology)位列全球第18位、亞洲第1位。

中國藥科大學 China Pharmaceutical


Awarded by universities

All of our programmes are awarded by our partner universities, and are governed by the universities’ policies and regulations on academic matters and standard.

All of our programmes are taught by academic staff of partner universities and SHAPE.

Locally registered with Education Bureau

All of our non-local programmes are registered under Cap. 493 Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, meeting the following major registration criteria:

• our partner universities are recognised non-local institutions in the UK / Australia / Mainland China;

• effective measures are in place to ensure our programme standard is maintained at a level comparable with the programmes conducted in the UK / Australia / Mainland China leading to the same quali�cations; and

• this comparability in standard is recognised by our partner universities and the academic community in the UK / Australia / Mainland China.

Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ

All of our UK and Australian top-up degree programmes are recognised by HKCAAVQ at Quali�cations Framework (QF) Level 5, recognising these non-local programmes as meeting the standard of locally-accredited bachelor's degree programmes.

This accreditation status also allows eligible students to enjoy various government �nancial assistance schemes (please refer to P.11 of this booklet for details).

For details on the Quali�cations Framework (QF) level, Quali�cations Register Registration Number, and the Registration Validity Period of SHAPE programmes, please refer to the corresponding pages in this booklet.

Quality AssuranceSHAPE prides ourselves to provide quality programmes recognised by multiple local and overseas authorities.


SHAPE at a Glance - Quality Assurance

Alumni Sharing

“SHAPE has provided a comprehensive and diversi�ed study environment to enhance our learning experience. I was also given excellent support and guidance from my project supervisor throughout the journey of my �nal year project, enhancing my independent thinking and research skills essential in my career.”

WU Hoi Ting

2020 Graduate

BSc (Hons) in Human Biosciences,Coventry University

• HKSAR Government Outstanding Performance Scholarship (AY2019-20 & AY2018-19)

• HKSAR Government Scholarship for Reaching Out Award (AY2018-19)


SHAPE at a Glance - Alumni Sharing

Specialised facilities

Our purpose-built campuses are equipped with professional facilities for students of different study areas, giving you a �rst-hand look at what it’s like to be in the industry. Some of our specialised facilities include:

• Microbiology Laboratory

• Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Laboratory

• Child Education Centre for Teaching and Learning

• Dedicated design studios

• Building Information Modelling (BIM) Centre

• Concrete and Structure Laboratory

• Engineering Mechanics Laboratory

• Cybersecurity Centre certi�ed by Palo Alto Networks

Facilities and ResourcesSHAPE offers comprehensive facilities and resources to support your studies in an engaging learning environment.


SHAPE at a Glance - Facilities and Resources

Library resources

Up-to-date and easily accessible library resources are essential to your studies. You will have:

• access to the e-libraries of both VTC and the overseas university of your programme for journals, databases and e-books; and

• access to VTC library in the campus you are studying and inter-library loan service among the 9 VTC libraries spreading across the territory. Apart from borrowing reference books, you can enjoy various learning resources, such as computers, group discussion rooms, photocopying and printing service, in a comfortable environment.

Sports facilities

SHAPE offers a diverse range of sports facilities to help you lead a healthy lifestyle alongside your academic studies. Depending on the campus you are studying at, you will �nd for example:

• Swimming pool

• Gym

• Tennis court

• Basketball court

• Badminton court

• Squash court

Free English support

We understand the importance of English language in achieving an overseas award. At SHAPE, we provide focused and practical English enhancement activities.

• Academic English workshops: Learn writing academic papers step-by-step from structure,

referencing, literature review, idea development to editing.

• One-to-one English consultation: Discuss your English language strengths and weaknesses

based on your writing.

• Grammarly Premium Writing App: Install the app to your MS Words to improve your writing

from grammar and spelling to style and tone.


General Minimum Entry Requirements

• Higher Diploma or Associate Degree or equivalent in a relevant study area.

• Applicants holding post-secondary quali�cations taught and assessed in English from recognised institutions will be considered to have met the English language requirements for most programmes.

For programme-speci�c entry requirements, please visit

Application Methods

• Online application:

Submit your application via the Online Application System at

• Paper application:

i. Obtain the application form at, or from the SHAPE of�ces.

ii. Submit the 1) completed application to the SHAPE of�ce of your interested programme, or a drop box located at IVE and HKDI campuses, together with:

2) Copies of the required documents,


3) Receipt of application fee paid.

Enjoy a waiver of application fee once by submitting your application before the deadline.*

* For terms and conditions, please refer to

Applying to SHAPE


Applying to SHAPE

Financial Assistance

The following �nancial assistance schemes are available in meeting the �nancial needs of eligible SHAPE students to pursue a programme:

Financial Assistance Schemes* Full-time Programmes

Part-time ProgrammesLocally

AccreditedNon-locally Accredited

Financial Assistance Scheme forPost-secondary Students (FASP)

Y -- --

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme forPost-secondary Students (NLSPS)

Y -- --

Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

-- Y Y

Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS)

Y -- --

Continuing Education Fund (CEF) -- --For modules

registered under CEF

* For details, please visit and


Scholarships might be available for exchange and enhancement activities of selected outstanding students of 2021/22 intake.


中藥學專業理學學士學位銜接課程BSc Degree Programme in Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics






















專題實習 / 畢業論文





1st 在2020 U.S. News 世界大學排名榜中,藥理學與毒理學學科位列全球第18位、亞洲第1位。


BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences


Research Design for the Biomolecular Sciences

Cancer Biology

Clinical Biochemistry

International Project Management

Independent Project in Biomolecular Sciences

Human Biosciences Through the Lifespan

Medical Microbiology

AssessmentProposal, thesis, project, essay and examination, etc.

Registration No. : 252701. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any quali�cation to which this course may lead.

^ Under review and subject to change

* This programme is in the process of seeking re-accreditation by HKCAAVQ. The re-accreditation is subject to HKCAAVQ's �nal approval.

Gold Award in Teaching Excellence Framework (2017)Overall university ranking


Human Biosciences encompasses some of the most rapidly changing and dynamic areas of biology and medicine. This programme enables you to better understand the scienti�c basis of global health challenges and to be able to contribute towards �nding solutions.

QF Level 5

QR Registration No. 17/000638/L5Validity Period 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2021*

Study Mode and DurationFull-time, 1 year

Study LocationIVE (Chai Wan)

FeesApplication Fee : HK$200Registration Fee : HK$3,500Tuition Fee : HK$81,000 by 2 instalments

Details & Apply



BSc (Hons) Environmental Science

Registration No. : 252502. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any quali�cation to which this course may lead.

Environmental issues impact on us all. This programme combines theory, leading edge research and practical experience to �nd workable solutions to current and future environmental problems, and help you to develop as a professional graduate in environmental and sustainability issues.

QF Level 5

QR Registration No. 18/000119/L5Validity Period 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2024

Study Mode and DurationFull-time, 1 year

Study LocationIVE (Sha Tin)

FeesApplication Fee : HK$200Registration Fee : HK$3,500Tuition Fee : HK$81,000 by 2 instalments

Details & Apply


Geography and Environment Dissertation

Environmental Engagement

Environmental Pollution

Applied Ecology and Conservation Management

Advanced Geospatial Applications

AssessmentAssignment, individual presentation, portfolio, report, consultancy report and individual dissertation.

Silver Award in Teaching Excellence Framework (2017)5-Star QS ranking for excellence in higher education (2019)


BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

Modules CEF Codes>

Product Development and Sensory Analysis

Food Processing and Preservation

Food Quality and Safety

Food and Nutrition - Policy and Issues 42Z128481

Biological and Food Sciences Research Project


AssessmentOral presentation, assignment, examination, laboratory and practical report.

Registration No. : 251919. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any quali�cation to which this course may lead.> For part-time mode only.

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. The mother course (BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition) of this module is recognised under the Quali�cations Framework (QF Level 5).

Consumer awareness of food safety and nutrition is ever-growing. This highly practical programme will provide you with the necessary scienti�c understanding of food science and nutrition to take the next step into your future career.

QF Level 5

QR Registration No. 14/000002/L5Validity Period 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2022

Study Mode and DurationFull-time (FT), 1 year;Part-time (PT), 2 years

Study LocationIVE (Chai Wan)

FeesApplication Fee : HK$200Registration Fee : HK$3,500Tuition Fee : HK$81,000 by 2 (FT) or 4 (PT) instalments

Details & Apply

Silver Award in Teaching Excellence Framework (2017)5-Star QS ranking for excellence in higher education (2019)



Points to NoteUse of application informationPersonal data provided in the application form will be used solely for admission and be handled by SHAPE and university partners authorised to receive it.

Application forms and supporting documents of unsuccessful applicants will be disposed of after the completion of the admission exercise.

Application forms and supporting documents of successful applicants will become part of the student �le and the data will thereafter be handled by SHAPE and university partners authorised to receive it.

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to, and the corrections of their personal data. Applicants wishing to access or make corrections to their data should submit written requests to SHAPE.

Programme feesAll Academic Year 2021/22 programme fees shown in this booklet are indicative only and subject to review.

General refund policyAll fees paid are normally non-refundable unless the programme is cancelled.

Cancellation of programmesSHAPE reserves the right to cancel any programmes. Fees already paid will be refunded.

Campus locationSHAPE reserves the right to change the campus location of the programmes on offer before class commencement if so required.

InterviewApplicants will be noti�ed by mail or phone if they are required to attend an interview.

Programme commencement dateThe commencement date for individual programmes varies. Please refer to programme information for details.

Admissions Hotline: 2595 2771

SHAPE Of�ces Offering Top-up Degree Programmes in Health and Life Sciences Area

SHAPE (Chai Wan)Room 012, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Of�ce hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed*

Tel: 2595 8357Email: [email protected]: 2976 5702

SHAPE (Sha Tin)

Room 205, 21 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Of�ce hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

Tel: 2256 7240Email: [email protected]: 2696 2049

* The of�ce will be opened if there are scheduled classes.

For contact information of all SHAPE Of�ces, please visit

Contact Us


Contact Us & Points to Note


Application No.

Accept / Reject (delete as appropriate)

Application Fee Paid By

Handled By

Application Form 2021/22 入學申請表BSc Degree Programme in Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics中藥學專業理學學士學位銜接課程Registration Number (Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance): 231191非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例課程註冊號碼:231191

Please complete the form in and print in with black ball pen. 請用黑色原子筆並以英文正楷填寫。

稱謂 (Mr 先生 / Ms 女士 / Mrs 太太 / Miss 小姐) * delete if inappropriate 請刪去不適用者

Gender 性別 Male 男 Female 女

IVE / SBI / HKDI Student No. 學生編號 (if any 如有)

英文姓名 (As shown on your HK Identity Card / Passport 所填報的姓名須與香港身份證 / 護照相同 )

Surname 姓 First / Other Names 名


Day (DD) / Month (MM) / Year (YY) 日 月 年

Chinese Character Codes 中文電碼 Date of Birth 出生日期

HKID Card No. ( ) / Passport No. 證件類別 香港身份證號碼 護照號碼

Correspondence Address (in English) 通訊位址 (必須用英文填寫)


Mobile Phone No. 手提電話號碼

Email Address 電郵地址

Residential Tel. No. 住宅電話號碼

Fax No. 圖文傳真號碼

Do you require a student visa / entry permit to study in Hong Kong?你是否需要持有由香港入境事務處處長簽發的學生簽證或進入許可方可來港讀書?

YES 是 NO 否

 第 部份 個人資料

 第 部份 特殊學習支援

We offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. If you have a disability that requires special assistance, please provide a brief description of your disability below. The information will help us to better understand your requirements of special facilities and make effort to accommodate your needs.


It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.


SHAPE_Application_Forms_0125(J).indd 9 25/1/2021 7:34 PM


Date(month / year)日期(月 / 年) Organisation




(in chronological order) 第 部份 工作經驗(請按日期順序列出)

 第 部份 查詢


才晉高等教育學院(柴灣)辦事處Room 012, G/F, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong香港柴灣盛泰道30號教學樓地下012室Tel 查詢電話:2595-8357 Fax 傳真號碼:

or in person to . You may also return the application form to a drop box located at IVE and HKDI campuses.

請把申請表格連同成績表及證書等完整的學歷證明副本郵寄或親身遞交至香港柴灣盛泰道 號教學樓地下 室才晉高等教育學院(柴灣)辦事處。你亦可利用設於香港專業教育學院及香港知專設計學院的收集箱遞交申請表格。

2. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. Please make sure your email address provided on page 1 of this application form is correct.


 第 部份 申請表提交及確認通知

1. Total programme fee is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable

within 1 month before the commencement of the semester. 整個課程費用為港幣 元,包括註冊費港幣 元及學費港幣 元(分四期繳交),每期學費須於學期開始前一個月內繳交。


2. If you accept the offer, you should pay the registration fee and the 1st instalment of the tuition fee in full before the deadline stated in the offer letter to complete the registration procedures.


3. All fees paid will be refunded if the programme is withdrawn or not offered. 倘撤銷或不開辦課程,已收取的費用將全數退還。

conducted on or after the date of the cessation will be refunded within 1 month of premature cessation. 倘課程提前結束,如有任何部分的課程未能在結束當日或其後完成,所有已收取的有關該部分課程的費用於提前結束日期起計一個月退還。

 第 部份 學費及退款安排

 第 部份 教育程度(Please give the name of schools, colleges, universities or training organisations attended including full-time or part-time courses, apprenticeship, etc. and

(請填寫曾就讀的學校、學院、大學或訓練機構,包括全日制 / 兼讀制課程或學徒訓練。請附上有關學歷之認證副本。)

Years Attended(month / year)日期(月 / 年)

School / College / Institution Attended / Attending

曾修讀或正修讀學校 / 學院 / 教育機構

Programme Title課程名稱

Mode of Study(e.g.: Full-time / Part-time

on Campus, Distance Learning, etc.)



Date of Award



SHAPE_Application_Forms_0125(J).indd 10 25/1/2021 7:34 PM


From which of the following sources have you heard about SHAPE programmes? Please indicate your source(s) with a “ ” in the appropriate boxes (You may select more than one.):請問你是從下列哪種途徑得悉才晉高等教育學院的課程? 請在空格內填上「 」表示。(可以選擇多於一項。)

SHAPE Website Information Sessions Social Media 才晉高等教育學院網頁 課程講座 社交媒體

SHAPE Prospectus / Leaflets Information Panels Website / Mobile App Advertisement 才晉高等教育學院課程指南 / 單張 課程資訊展板 網頁 / 手機程式廣告

Classmates / Friends Yahoo / Google Keyword Search 同學 / 朋友 Yahoo / Google 搜尋

VTC Lecturers (Class Visits / Webinars) Newspaper / Magazine 職業訓練局老師(課堂 / 網上講座) 報章 / 雜誌 (Title 名稱: )

Consultation Day Others 課程諮詢日 其他 (Please specify 請註明: )

Do you wish to receive information in relation to any programmes, admission and events of the School for Higher and Professional Education, member institutions of the Vocational Training Council and the China Pharmaceutical University? 你是否願意在日後收到才晉高等教育學院、職業訓練局轄下院校 / 中心及中國藥科大學的資訊? YES 是 NO 否

 第 部份 獲悉課程途徑

 第 部份 申請費

If the application fee is paid by , please follow the instructions

below in making payment:如以「自動櫃員機」轉賬繳交申請費,請依照以下指示繳費。

Select “Bill Payment Service”

Select “Education – Others”

Select “Vocational Training Council”

Enter Type: “01”

Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below

Enter Amount:

Select “JET Payment”

Enter Merchant Code: “9151”

Enter Type: “01”

Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below

Enter Amount:


If the application fee is paid at , the QR code for payment at 7-Eleven is shown below.

如以 繳交申請費,請使用以下 7-Eleven 繳費條碼。


***Application form without attaching the original payment receipt WILL NOT be processed.****** 沒有貼上交易通知書正本的申請表將不獲處理。***

***Please DO NOT send in any cheque or cash. We WILL NOT deposit the application fee on your behalf.******請不要附寄支票或現金。學院並不會代為繳交申請費。***

Apply before application deadline to enjoy application fee waiver. For terms and conditions, please refer to the programme booklet or visit於截止日期前報名,可獲豁免課程報名費。有關條款及細則,請查閱課程小冊子或瀏覽。

The application fee is and is . 課程申請費為 港幣二佰元 及 概不發還 。

Please indicate your payment method with a “ ” and .請以「 」表示你所選用的繳費的方法及在此貼上繳費收據正本。

SHAPE_Application_Forms_0125(J).indd 11 25/1/2021 7:34 PM

1. I declare that the information given in the application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. I understand that this information will be used in the admission process of the programmes offered by the School for Higher and Professional Education and the China Pharmaceutical University.


2. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the China Pharmaceutical University to obtain, and the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to release, information about my student record in member institutions of the VTC for the purpose of processing this application.

本人授權才晉高等教育學院及中國藥科大學索取有關本人於職業訓練局轄下院校 / 中心的就讀資料,並授權職業訓練局提供此等資料作課程遴選過程中參考之用。

3. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the China Pharmaceutical University to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of current and previous studies in member institutions of the VTC.


employment records, for the purpose of making an informed decision about my application.

本人授權才晉高等教育學院及中國藥科大學索取有關本人於任何一間機構的學術或就讀資料,以及 / 或受聘記錄,並授權有關機構提供此等資料,以用作課程遴選過程中參考之用。

5. I understand that, upon my registration in a programme in the School for Higher and Professional Education and the China Pharmaceutical University, the data contained in the application form will become part of my student record and may be used for all purposes relating to admission, registration, academic and administrative communication, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical and marketing, including direct marketing. The School for Higher and Professional Education may disclose and / or transfer my student data to VTC, including its member institutions and institutes, and any other third parties such as government departments, organisations, institutions, agencies, service providers in relation to the above purposes.


statistical purposes. The application form and other related personal information will be disposed of after the completion of the 2021/22 admissions exercise. Nevertheless, if I have indicated in that I wish to receive information from the School for Higher and Professional Education and the China Pharmaceutical University, my application data will be retained.

本人明白才晉高等教育學院及中國藥科大學可能使用本人的申請入學資料作統計及分析用途,本人的申請表及有關個人資料會於2021/22年度才晉高等教育學院收生程序完結後銷毀。然而,若本人於申請表內第 部份表示願意收到才晉高等教育學院及中國藥科大學的資訊,則本人的申請資料將被保留。

7. I understand that in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, I have the right to request access to, and the correction of my personal

Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong if I wish to access or make corrections to my data.

本人明白根據個人資料(私隱)條例,本人有權查閱及更改本人的個人資料。本人如欲更改個人資料,必須以書面方式通知才晉高等教育學院(地址:香港柴灣盛泰道30號李惠利高等教學樓 樓 室)。

students of all VTC member institutions. I understand and agree that adherence to the Policy is a condition of continued enrolment and graduation.

本人完全明白於 所列出之學生知識產權政策適用於所有職訓局機構成員的學生。本人明白及同意遵守有關政策及規則是修讀課程及取得畢業資格的先決條件。

9. I understand that provision of any false or misleading information therein shall lead to DISQUALIFICATION of application without notice and cancellation of any resulting registration. Any fees paid will NOT be refunded.


 第 部份 聲明(Application form without signature will not be processed. 沒有簽署的申請表將不獲處理。 )

Applicant's Signature:

Date: 申請人簽署 日期


Completed the form in full. 已填妥申請表格。

Signed and dated the form. 已於申請表格上簽署及填上日期。

Enclosed copies of relevant academic documents and transcripts. 已夾附有關學歷之副本。

Enclosed the original receipt of application fee payment. 已夾附繳費收據正本。

A waiver of application fee may be granted to eligible applicants. For details, please visit 合資格申請人可獲豁免課程申請費,詳情請參閱。


SHAPE_Application_Forms_0125(J).indd 12 25/1/2021 7:34 PM

Application No.

Accept / Reject (delete as appropriate)

Application Fee Paid By

Handled By


Please indicate the programme you are applying for by ticking “ ” the appropriate box.

BA (Hons) Business Administration, Part-time (Registration No.: 251732) PEAK

BA (Hons) Graphic Design, Full-time (Registration No.: 252951) DILWL

BA (Hons) Illustration and Graphics, Full-time (Registration No.: 252952) DILWL

BA (Hons) International Marketing, Full-time (Registration No.: 252719) IVE (Sha Tin)

BA (Hons) Media, Full-time (Registration No.: 252720) DILWL

BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Part-time (Registration No.: 252032) PEAK*

BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences, Full-time (Registration No.: 252701) IVE (Chai Wan)

*Some practical sessions may be conducted at IVE (Morrison Hill).

Application Form 2021 & 2022Please complete the form in and print in with black ball pen.

We offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. If you have a disability that requires special assistance, please provide a brief description of your disability below. The information will help us to better understand your requirements of special facilities and make effort to accommodate your needs.

Title (Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss)* delete if inappropriate

Gender Male Female

IVE / SBI / HKDI Student No. (if any)

(As shown on your HK Identity Card / Passport)

Surname First / Other Names

Day (DD) / Month (MM) / Year (YY)

Date of Birth ___________________________________________Chinese Character Codes

HKID Card No. ( ) / Passport No.

Correspondence Address (in English)

Mobile Phone No. _______________________________________

Email Address __________________________________________

Residential Tel. No. ______________________________________

Fax No. _______________________________________________

Do you require a student visa / entry permit to study in Hong Kong? YES NO

It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which the above courses may lead.


All enquiries should be directed to:

9/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(Your reasons for choosing the programme, relevant experience, and career plans.)

Please tick “ ”

HKCEE English Language

HKDSE English Language

Others (Please specify: )

HKCEE Mathematics

HKDSE Mathematics

Others (Please specify: )Copy of relevant award certificate / result statement / test report must be submitted with this application form.

Date(month / year) Organisation Position Full-time or

Part-timeFrom To

(Please state your work experience in chronological order and attach copies of documentary proof for work experience if applicable.)

Years Attended(month / year) School / College / Institution

Attended / Attending Programme Title

Mode of Study(e.g.: Full-time / Part-time on

Campus, Distance Learning, etc.)

ObtainedDate of Award

From To

(Please give the name of schools, colleges, universities or training organisations attended including full-time or part-time courses, apprenticeship, etc. and

or in person to . Please check Section 1 and Section 8 for the address. You may also return the application form to a drop box located at IVE and HKDI campuses.

2. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. Please make sure your email address provided on page 1 of this application form is correct.


***Application form without attaching the original payment receipt WILL NOT be processed.******Please DO NOT send in any cheque or cash. We WILL NOT deposit the application fee on your behalf.***

Apply before application deadline to enjoy application fee waiver. For terms and conditions, please refer to the programme booklet or visit

The application fee is and is .

Please indicate your payment method with a tick “ ” and

Cheque (payable to “Vocational Training Council”) Cheque No.:

If the application fee is paid by , please follow the instructions below in making payment:

Select “Bill Payment Service” Select “Education – Others” Select “Vocational Training Council” Enter Type: “01” Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below Enter Amount:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Select “JET Payment” Enter Merchant Code: “9151” Enter Type: “01” Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below Enter Amount:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

If the application fee is paid at , the QR code for payment at 7-Eleven is shown below.

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

1. Total programme fee for is for August 2021 and March 2022 intakes. This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of before the commencement of the semester.

2. Total programme fee for is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

3. Total programme fee for , and is . This consists of a registration fee of HK and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

is for June 2021 and January 2022 intakes. This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of before the commencement of the semester.

5. Total programme fee for is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments for full-time mode and 3 instalments for part-time mode. Each instalment will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

7. Total programme fee for is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 3 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

8. Total programme fee for is for May 2021 and September 2021 intakes. This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 3 instalments in May 2021 intake; 2 instalments for full-time mode and 3 instalments for part-time mode in September 2021 intake. Each instalment will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

9. If you accept the offer, you should pay the registration fee and the 1st instalment of the tuition fee in full before the deadline stated in the offer letter to complete the registration procedures.

10. All fees paid will be refunded if the programme is withdrawn or not offered.11. On premature cessation of the programme, all fees and charges that have been collected in respect of any part of the programme failing to be

conducted on or after the date of the cessation will be refunded within 1 month of the premature cessation.

March 2021 and August 2021

February 2021 and June 2021

From which of the following sources have you heard about SHAPE programmes? Please indicate your source(s) with a “ ” in the appropriate boxes (You may select more than one.):

SHAPE Website VTC Lecturers (Class Visits / Webinars) Yahoo / Google Keyword Search

SHAPE Prospectus / Leaflets Information Panels Newspaper / Magazine (Title: )

Consultation Day Information Sessions Website / Mobile App Advertisement

Classmates / Friends Social Media Others (Please specify: )

Do you wish to receive information in relation to any programmes, admission and events of the School for Higher and Professional Education, member institutions of the Vocational Training Council and the Coventry University? YES NO

1. I declare that the information given in the application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. I understand that this information will be used in the admission process of the programmes offered by the School for Higher and Professional Education and the Coventry University.

2. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the Coventry University to obtain, and the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to release, information about my student record in the member institutions of the VTC for the purpose of processing this application.

3. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the Coventry University to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of current and previous studies in the member institutions of the VTC.

records, for the purpose of making an informed decision about my application.

5. I understand that, upon my registration in a programme in the School for Higher and Professional Education and the Coventry University, the data contained in the application form will become part of my student record and may be used for all purposes relating to admission, registration, academic and administrative communication, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical and marketing, including direct marketing. The School for Higher and Professional Education may disclose and / or transfer my student data to VTC, including its member institutions and institutes, and any other third parties such as government departments, organisations, institutions, agencies, service providers in relation to the above purposes.

purposes. The application form and other related personal information will be disposed of after the completion of the 2021 and 2022 admissions exercise. Nevertheless, if I have indicated in that I wish to receive information from the School for Higher and Professional Education and the Coventry University, my application data will be retained.

7. I understand that in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, I have the right to request access to, and the correction of my

30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong if I wish to access or make corrections to my data.

to students of all VTC member institutions. I understand and agree that adherence to the Policy is a condition of continued enrolment and graduation.

9. I understand that provision of any false or misleading information therein shall lead to DISQUALIFICATION of application without notice and cancellation of any resulting registration. Any fees paid will NOT be refunded.

Applicant's Signature: Date:

(Application form without signature will not be processed.)

Completed the form in full.

Signed and dated the form.

Enclosed copies of relevant academic documents and transcripts.

Enclosed copies of documentary proof for work experience (for holders of Professional Diploma only).

Enclosed the original receipt of application fee payment.

A waiver of application fee may be granted to eligible applicants. For details, please visit


Application No.

Accept / Reject (delete as appropriate)

Application Fee Paid By

Handled By

Application Form 2021/22Please complete the form in ENGLISH and print in BLOCK LETTERS with black ball pen.

Please indicate the programme you are applying for by ticking “ ” the appropriate box. (Please “ ” ONE only)

Top-up Degree Programmes Offering Site

BA (Hons) Business and International Management, Full-time (Registration No.: 253017) IVE (Sha Tin) BA (Hons) International Banking and Finance, Full-time (Registration No.: 253018) IVE (Chai Wan) BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Full-time (Registration No.: 250997) IVE (Chai Wan) BSc (Hons) Environmental Science, Full-time (Registration No.: 252502) IVE (Sha Tin) BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition, Full-time (Registration No.: 251919) IVE (Chai Wan)


Title (Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss)* delete if inappropriate

Gender Male Female

IVE / SBI / HKDI Student No. (if any)

Name in English (As shown on your HK Identity Card / Passport)

Surname First / Other Names

Name in Chinese Day (DD) / Month (MM) / Year (YY)

Date of Birth ___________________________________________Chinese Character Codes

HKID Card No. ( ) / Passport No.

Correspondence Address (in English)

Contact Detail

Mobile Phone No. _______________________________________

Email Address __________________________________________

Residential Tel. No. _____________________________________

Fax No. ______________________________________________

Do you require a student visa / entry permit to study in Hong Kong? YES NO



We offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. If you have a disability that requires special assistance, please provide a brief description of your disability below. The information will help us to better understand your requirements of special facilities and make effort to accommodate your needs.

It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which the above courses may lead.


or in person to the return the application form to a drop box located at IVE and HKDI campuses.

2. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. Please make sure your email address provided on page 1 of this application form is correct.

Years Attended(month / year)

School / College / Institution Attended / Attending Programme Title

Mode of Study(e.g.: Full-time

/ Part-time on Campus,

Distance Learning, etc.)


Date of Award

From To

(Please give the name of schools, colleges, universities or training organisations attended including full-time and part-time courses, apprenticeship, etc. and

Date(month / year) Organisation Position

From To

(in chronological order)

1. Total programme fee for , and is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable

by 2 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

2. Total programme fee for is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments and will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

3. Total programme fee for and is . This consists of a registration fee of and a tuition fee of . The tuition fee is payable by 2 instalments for full-time mode for both programmes. Each instalment will be collected within 1 month before the commencement of the semester.

st instalment of the tuition fee in full before the deadline stated in the offer letter to complete the registration procedures.

5. All fees paid will be refunded if the programme is withdrawn or not offered.

conducted on or after the date of the cessation will be refunded within 1 month of the premature cessation.


From which of the following sources have you heard about SHAPE programmes? Please indicate your source(s) with a “ ” in the appropriate boxes (You may select more than one.):

SHAPE Website VTC Lecturers (Class Visits / Webinars) Yahoo / Google Keyword Search

SHAPE Prospectus / Leaflets Information Panels Newspaper / Magazine (Title: )

Consultation Day Information Sessions Website / Mobile App Advertisement

Classmates / Friends Social Media Others (Please specify: )

Do you wish to receive information in relation to any programmes, admission and events of the School for Higher and Professional Education, member institutions of the Vocational Training Council and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle? YES NO

***Application form without attaching the original payment receipt WILL NOT be processed.******Please DO NOT send in any cheque or cash. We WILL NOT deposit the application fee on your behalf.***

If the application fee is paid by , please follow the instructions

below in making payment:

Select “Bill Payment Service”

Select “Education – Others”

Select “Vocational Training Council”

Enter Type: “01”

Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below

Enter Amount:

Select “JET Payment”

Enter Merchant Code: “9151”

Enter Type: “01”

Enter Payment Number: please see payment number below

Enter Amount:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

If the application fee is paid at , the QR code for payment at 7-Eleven is shown below.

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Campus of Your Programme Choice:

Apply before application deadline to enjoy application fee waiver. For terms and conditions, please refer to the programme booklet or visit

The application fee is and is .

Please indicate your payment method with a “ ” and .

1. I declare that the information given in the application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. I understand that this information will be used in the admission process of the programmes offered by the School for Higher and Professional Education and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.

2. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle to obtain, and the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to release, information about my student record in the member institutions of the VTC for the purpose of processing this application.

3. I authorise the School for Higher and Professional Education and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of current and previous studies in the member institutions of the VTC.

verify my employment records, for the purpose of making an informed decision about my application.

5. I understand that, upon my registration in a programme in the School for Higher and Professional Education and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, the data contained in the application form will become part of my student record and may be used for all purposes relating to admission, registration, academic and administrative communication, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical and marketing, including direct marketing. The School for Higher and Professional Education may disclose and / or transfer my student data to VTC, including its member institutions and institutes, and any other third parties such as government departments, organisations, institutions, agencies, service providers in relation to the above purposes.

data for statistical purposes. The application form and other related personal information will be disposed of after the completion of the 2021/22 admissions exercise. Nevertheless, if I have indicated in that I wish to receive information from the School for Higher and Professional Education and the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, my application data will be retained.

7. I understand that in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, I have the right to request access to, and the correction of my

30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong if I wish to access or make corrections to my data.

applicable to students of all VTC member institutions. I understand and agree that adherence to the Policy is a condition of continued enrolment and graduation.

9. I understand that provision of any false or misleading information therein shall lead to DISQUALIFICATION of application without notice and cancellation of any resulting registration. Any fees paid will NOT be refunded.

Applicant's Signature: Date:

(Application form without signature will not be processed.)

Completed the form in full.

Signed and dated the form.

Enclosed copies of relevant academic documents and transcripts.

Enclosed the original receipt of application fee payment.

A waiver of application fee may be granted to eligible applicants. For details, please visit

DISCLAIMERWhilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this booklet at the time of production, the School for Higher and Professional Education cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

The School reserves the right to make variations to the contents of the booklet and to modify, withdraw or replace the programmes listed herein.

This booklet is for reference only and does not constitute any contractual obligation on the part of the School.

Published in January 2021



: : 2595 2771: [email protected]:

School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)才晉高等教育學院

Partner Universities:

2021-22For Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Holders