Toms River High School East Raider Band

Toms River High School East Raider Band 2018-2019 Membership Handbook Band Directors: Ms. Jessica Sanford – [email protected] Mr. Doug Miller - [email protected] Raider Brigade website: Follow us on social media! On Facebook: Toms River HS East Bands On Instagram: @treastband 1

Transcript of Toms River High School East Raider Band


Toms River High School East

Raider Band


Membership Handbook

Band Directors:

Ms. Jessica Sanford – [email protected]

Mr. Doug Miller - [email protected]

Raider Brigade website:

Follow us on social media!

On Facebook: Toms River HS East Bands

On Instagram: @treastband


Marching Raider Handbook

Table of Contents

Contact Information…………………………………………………………………..……………..3


Band Membership………………………………………………………………..…………………..4

Behavior/General Conduct…………………………………………………………………………5

Grading Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Attendance and Absences…………………………………………………………..………………6







Raider Brigade....................……………………………………………………………………….11

Parent Information…………………………………………….…………………………………….12

Other Helpful Information……………………….………………………………………………12


Contracts & Forms..……………………………………………………………….……………...…15

2017-2018 Performance Calendar..........….…………………………………….…..………18


Contact information


Title Name Email

Band Director Jessica Sanford [email protected]

Band Director Doug Miller [email protected]

President Kelly Kaari [email protected]

Vice-President Anna Irons [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary Bruce Campbell [email protected]

Recording Secretary Betsy Bernstein [email protected]

Treasurer Maggie Tice [email protected]

Deputy Treasurer Dena Campbell [email protected]

Assistant Treasurer Cindy Casique [email protected]

Fundraising Coordinator Daria Sasso [email protected]



Welcome to the 2018-2019 edition of the Raider Band Handbook. You are now a part of one of the most

prestigious and respected organizations in the high school, as well as in the district. The directors and

staff are looking forward to an exciting year full of musical growth, physical activity, competition,

creativity, travel, and fun. To the new members, we welcome you into the family! To returning

members, we look forward to another challenging and awe-inspiring year!

The following handbook is provided so that you can fully understand what is expected of you as a

member of this organization. The expectations and guidelines laid out in this handbook will apply to all

aspects of our program. By following each of them, you can be assured that you will have an excellent

experience this year!

We look forward to having you aboard to share in everything that is the Raider Band!!

Band Program Membership

As a member of the HSE band program, you now have a variety of performance opportunities at your

fingertips! As the band program is co-curricular (a class with a curriculum), some things will be

mandatory while others will be solely for students who wish to further their musical experiences.

As a member of the class, students will be required to be a

member of the pep band and the concert band. The pep

band performs at all football games and parades, while

the concert band performs at the winter and spring


For students who wish to further their musical

experiences, we have several other ensembles that they

can join. The first is competitive marching band, which is

an ensemble that performs a field show for adjudication

at several fall competitions, as well as at all football

games. In the winter, students can audition for the jazz

band. Depending upon the year, we also offer small

instrumental ensembles such as the sax quartet, brass

ensemble, woodwind ensemble, etc. Additionally, your

membership in the band program can also lead you to audition for a variety of local and state-level

honors ensembles.

Students who wish to participate in color guard are automatically members of the pep band AND

competitive marching band. In the winter, students can audition for the indoor guard program.


Behavior and General Conduct

Due to the nature of this organization, discipline must be strict. You are constantly on display and

representing the Raider Band; whether it is at a rehearsal, on the bus, or at performances. Any

misconduct casts a direct reflection on our group and our school. As such, any student who casts

discredit on the Raider Band by their conduct or action will be subject to disciplinary action.

Respect: Though we are a large organization, it is important to remember we are all working together

for the good of the band. Each band member is expected to treat their peers with respect. Students are

also expected to treat all staff members with respect. The band staff hired to teach you all have

experience and knowledge qualifying them to help you reach your potential – it is your job to treat them

as such. Talking back is considered to be rude and unacceptable.

Behavior: Swearing, foul language, inappropriate behavior and public displays of affection are not

permitted at ANY band function.

Hazing, harassment, and illegal substances: Upon

joining the Raider Band, you become part of our

“family.” All band members are considered equal. Any

acts of hazing, harassment, or bullying will be dealt with

in the harshest of terms (up to and including removal

from program, legal action, etc.). Any circumstance

where a band member is found in possession of an illegal

substance will be handled in the strictest of manners, in

accordance with the administration and the police.

Code of Conduct: All members of this organization are

expected to adhere to the code of conduct set forth by

the Toms River School District (located in the back of

this handbook). You MUST sign this form and return it

to the directors or you will be unable to participate in

this program.

Grading Policy

As a member of the band class, you will be graded on many aspects of our band program. The following

categories each make up a portion of your band grade:

1. Assessments – This includes any in-class written or performance evaluations, as well as ALL

PERFORMANCES. Performances include but are not limited to football games, parades, concerts, etc.

If a performance is missed for an excused reason, an alternate assignment may be issued (see excused

vs non-excused absences below).


2. Participation – This includes participation during rehearsals, both during and after school hours.

3. Lessons – Students will be assigned a weekly lesson time that they will attend during their lunch


4. Quarterly Assessment – This will be given each marking period and will be made up of a performance

and written evaluation.

Attendance and Absences

All band rehearsals and performances are mandatory.

You are expected to be at every rehearsal and performance. This

includes all parades, football games, competitions, and concerts. You

may be excused from a rehearsal or performance, but only under the

following circumstances:

Sickness Religious Holiday

Death in the family College pre-requisite tests

Family wedding

Other school activity (at director’s discretion)

In each of these cases, notice must be provided by your parent/guardian TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE of

the missed rehearsal or performance. This year, we will be using a Google Form to track absences. The

link can be found on the band Google Drive, or you can use the QR code above. Failure to do so will

result in an unexcused absence. Any other excused absences will be granted only on a case by case basis

and approved solely by the directors.

Unexcused absences from rehearsals will negatively affect your participation grade for that quarter.

Unexcused absences from performances will result in a failure for that performance. Performances are

TEST GRADES! Any excused absences from a performance will require an alternate assignment to take

the place of that performance’s test grade.

Also, it is important to remember that attendance records will be reviewed when students are being

considered for awards, promotions within the band, recommendations, and scholarships. Failure to

adhere to these attendance policies may result in forfeiture of any or all of these.



It is essential that every student comes to rehearsal on time! You should come to each rehearsal AT

LEAST 15 minutes early to gather your belongings and prepare to begin on time. To be early is to be on

time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late means laps!

Mini Camp: This is a MANDATORY summer rehearsal for ALL BAND MEMBERS. Only emergency

excuses will be granted. Here is where we will learn marching basics, as well as a portion of the music

we will be performing at football games.

Competitive Band Summer Rehearsals: COMPETITIVE BAND MEMBERS will begin rehearsing during

the summer months. This is to teach and review basic elements of marching and playing, and is

essential to the success of our program. If you have a conflict (vacation, camp, etc. – NOT WORK)

please follow the policy for notifying the directors of an absence on the previous page.

Competitive Band Camp: These are MANDATORY summer rehearsals for competitive band members.

Only emergency excuses will be granted.

Sports/Activities Conflicts: Students who participate in other fall sports/activities are expected to work

with both their coaches/advisors and the band directors so that they can meet their commitments to

both activities. It is 100% possible to successfully participate in other athletics and activities while you

are a member of the band!

Rehearsal expectations

Leaving School Grounds: Students are at NO TIME

permitted to leave school grounds once a rehearsal

has started without permission of the directors.

Students must bring everything they need for the

day at the start of rehearsal.

Rehearsal Attire: You must wear athletic sneakers

with backs to every rehearsal. Flip flops, sandals,

and flats are unacceptable foot attire. You must

wear looser clothing that does not inhibit (jeans are

not allowed!). We will rehearse during extreme

heat and extreme cold – please be sure to check the weather and dress accordingly for each practice.

During the summer months, you cannot wear bathing suits to rehearsal! You should also consider

bringing sun block, a hat, and sunglasses.

Diet & Training: It is important to remember that marching band is a physical activity. As such, you

need to make sure you come to rehearsal having eaten a good breakfast. You should always bring water


with you to practices, as you will need to re-hydrate frequently. As a member of the Raider Band, you

should expect to participate in the physical side of the activity – we’re not just playing music or spinning

equipment! You will need to participate in stretches, running laps, push-ups, and various other

activities to help build up your body’s tolerance.

Necessary items: You will need a three ring binder with plastic sheet protectors to store your music and

handbook in. You MUST bring this to every single rehearsal! You

will also need a pencil at each rehearsal as well. Competitive band

members will also store their dot sheets in this binder.


Performances include football games, competitions, parades, and

concerts. Each performance will be graded as a test; unexcused

performances will result in a zero, excused performances will require

an alternate assignment to take the place of that test grade.

Football Games: The band is in attendance at every home and away

football game, where we perform the halftime show or the pre-game

show (respectively). During football games, students are to be in the

stands, in their sections during the entirety of the game. At the third

quarter, students will be given a break to get refreshments. During this time, students MUST wear their

parkas so as to protect our uniforms. If a student is late to return, they may lose their break for the next


Competitions: Members of the competitive band participate in several competitions throughout their

fall season. At these events, we will be adjudicated on our ability to pull off a successful and clean show

– both musically and visually. This year, we will participate in the Tournament of Bands marching

circuit, or TOB for short!

Parades: Each year, the Marching Raiders participate in several parades. It is important that every

member makes every effort to be present – remember, this is a graded event!! This is the only time a

large portion of our community will see us perform, so it is important that we make an excellent


Concerts: There will be two band concerts scheduled within the school year, as well as a small ensemble

concert. The attire for these events is:

● Men: Black dress slacks, black dress shoes, white dress shirt, dark colored tie

● Women: Black dress slacks/ black skirt with black dress shirt, black dress shoes OR black

dress (skirt/dress must reach your knees when standing). All dresses/tops should have




Whether it be a larger trip (like Disney), or a local football game, there is a set of rules and regulations

that all students must follow when we travel as a group.

1. You must be in full uniform before getting on the bus unless otherwise noted by the band directors.

2. You must bring your garment bag with you if there is an opportunity to change into street clothes.

Once changed, your uniform must go into the garment bag.

3. You must bring your parka with you at all times.

4. The only musical devices permitted on bus rides are those with headphones.

5. You must remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.

6. There is no flash photography, screaming, profanity, or exceedingly loud noise on the bus.

7. You are responsible for picking up after yourself – this includes on bus rides, in the stands, etc.


In order to perform, each student must be in full uniform. As such, it is important to adhere to the

following guidelines so that we present ourselves in a neat, professional manner. If you are not in

accordance with these guidelines, you will NOT be allowed to perform.

Band guidelines:

- Your uniform will consist of a jacket, trousers, helmet, plume, and sashes.

- You will be required to purchase band shoes and gloves (through the directors).

- While in uniform you are required to wear black long socks, a band show shirt or plain black T-shirt,

and athletic shorts or pants.

- While wearing your hat, your hair must be completely pulled back.

Guard guidelines: - Your pep band uniform will consist of slacks and a tunic.

- Your competitive band uniform will be determined by the color guard instructor.

- You will be responsible for purchasing different items (gloves, shoes, body tight, etc.). The exact

items will be determined by the guard instructor and an order form will be provided in the summer.

Guidelines for both: - All visible piercings need to be removed, have a clear stud, or are to be covered with a Band-Aid

- No colored nail polish

- Hair must be your natural color during the fall season

- All uniform pieces must be kept clean, neat, and wrinkle free

- No one is to remove any uniform part (hats or jacket taken off) without permission of the directors!

- You are NOT to eat any food that may stain your uniform!


Lost or damaged uniform pieces:

If you lose or damage any uniform pieces, you will be held responsible for replacement of that specific


Uniform storage:

- Band member’s uniforms will be stored in our uniform closet. After each performance, students will

hang their uniforms up properly and neatly. This is a crucial part of taking care of the uniforms!

Your gauntlets and gloves will remain in the zippered portion of your garment bag. The only thing

you will bring home with you is your parka!

- Color guard members will store their pep uniform in the closet, and bring their competitive uniform

home with them. After each performance, these uniforms should also be hung up neatly so as to keep

them in the best shape possible!

Behavior in uniform:

As a member of the Raider Band, you will be expected to exhibit nothing but the BEST behavior while in

uniform. You will not only follow the regulations for conduct listed earlier in this handbook, however

you will also not be permitted to run, spit, chew gum, or conduct yourself in any other way that could be

deemed not respectable. You are visibly representing not only our band, but also our school!


The condition of the equipment we use can directly impact the quality and perception of our

performance. Dirty or damaged instruments or equipment can affect many aspects of our show.

Keep all equipment clean!

If it isn’t yours, do NOT touch it! This goes for instruments AND guard equipment!

You are responsible for returning your instrument or equipment back to its proper storage space.

Instruments should be in their proper cases at all times – in storage, when we are traveling, etc.




In addition to the directors and band staff, there will be several student leader positions that will be

awarded to dedicated and competent students. Applications and interviews will begin during the

month of May; any interested band or guard student may apply.

Drum Major(s): This student serves as the head student leader of the band both on and off the field.

He/she represents the directors and the staff with his/her leadership, showmanship, and teaching


Student Leaders and Captains: These students will be

assigned to represent a specific section. They are

responsible for helping their section, serving as a

liaison between their section members and the drum

majors, and fully demonstrate proper rehearsal

etiquette, technique, and musicianship.

Every student leader will be held to the highest

standards of this organization. Any student leader may

be relieved of his/her duties if he/she is NOT

performing his/her duties to the satisfaction of the

directors. The directors may then elect to appoint

another student to fill the position, if necessary.

The Raider Brigade

The Raider Brigade is a non-profit band booster organization- a group of parents dedicated to helping

the band run smoothly and successfully. Meetings of this organization are held monthly. One of the

main roles of this group is to oversee fundraising used to cover additional expenses for the band and to

provide opportunities for students to raise money to attend band trips. This organization holds the

general account and the student accounts.

General account: Fundraised money in this account is used to pay music techs, purchase props and

equipment, cover the cost of additional programs within the band, and even buy new instruments when

funds are available. It pays for uniform cleaning and repairs, as well as the costs associated with moving

our equipment to and from performances. At the end of the year, money is also used to grants

scholarships to some of the senior band students. Funds will also periodically be used to provide meals

or finance different band events for the students. This account also covers insurances and operating

expenses for the Raider Brigade itself. General account fundraisers are group events. Sometimes

students are called on to help with these fundraisers, and we often ask parents to assist as well. We’re

always open to new ideas for fundraisers!



Student accounts: Some of the fundraisers that we host can be used to raise money for individual

student accounts. Monies kept in this account can be used to pay for membership dues, band trips, and

to purchase uniform pieces (such as shoes, gloves, show shirts, etc). Any student who raises money

through student account fundraisers will have a student account. There are a few guidelines regarding

these accounts:

1. All monies, both cash deposits and fundraised amounts are non-refundable.

2. Requests for transfer of funds from one student’s account to another will not be allowed, with

the exception of siblings at year’s end.

Parent Information

As a parent or guardian of a Raider Band member, it is essential that you take steps to involve yourself

in our program. By doing this, you can ensure that your child (and all of our student members) will

have the best experience during their stay in this organization. There are many ways to get involved,

depending upon how much time you can give. If you do nothing else, come see the band perform!

Whether it is a football game, a band competition, or a concert, your support means a lot.

An easy way to get involved and find ways that you can help out is by attending Raider Brigade

meetings. We really rely on the help of parents and guardians LIKE YOU to help our band program

run. The more people we have to help, the easier and better it will be for all involved!

There are many ways to get involved – we urge every parent to do so! You can make a few calls, bake

several times per year, volunteer at Music in Motion, assist at a party or event, pick up a few items to

make a raffle basket for bingo, help divide candy into bags for candy grams, provide water for the

students before or after performances, assist the pit crew with loading and unloading equipment, help

build show props, hem or adjust uniforms, help make arts & crafts, chair a fundraiser, and much, much


If you have any questions, get in touch with anyone from the Brigade. Some of these opportunities are

organized or chaired by specific people, but you can get in touch with anyone on the Executive Board to

find out more (see pg 3). We’d love to have you join us whenever you can, so give it a try! Don’t let the

kids have all the fun!



Other Helpful Information

Music in Motion:

This is one of the biggest and most exciting events we sponsor – our home competition! The Raider

Brigade plays a HUGE role in making this competition successful. In order to make this a great event,

we need MANY parent volunteers. Please be sure to sign up to help so we can continue to host this


Music in Motion Program Books: This is a GREAT fundraising opportunity for our students. This program book is sold at Music in

Motion, and there is plenty of room for advertisements and personal messages. A percentage of the

price of each ad your child sells for this program goes towards his or her account. That percentage

depends on the total sales received. In the past, students have raised all of the money for their trip

through ad sales alone!

Director’s Chair: Students will receive a weekly newsletter titled “From the Director’s Chair” throughout the Marching

Raiders’ football and competition season to keep parents up-to-date on band activities. This can also be

found on the Raider Brigade website.

Member registration: Every band member is required to register online at so that we can gather

up-to-date contact information for all band members. At this time, you will be asked to pay a

non-refundable $150 membership fee. This helps cover the cost of uniform dry cleaning, insurance

fees, required band show shirts, the banquet, and many other things provided to you as a member of the

Raider Band. Students will have the opportunity to have $50 of those fees refunded to their student

accounts if a family member participates in fundraising efforts and events. To earn the full amount

back into your account, all we ask is that you complete three of the following:

● Volunteer for a Board or Chairperson role with the brigade

● Fundraise $250 towards the band’s general account

● Volunteer to help with two events (Music in Motion is mandatory and counts!)

● Volunteer to coordinate and run a general and/or student account fundraiser

Payment is due no later than July 1st. Late payment will result in a forfeit of the $50 student account



As a band, we travel every other year (pending Board of Ed approval). During a student's four years in

high school, they will be given the opportunity to travel with the band once to Disney, and once to

another location. There is a cost associated with traveling, however students can use their student

account monies to pay these expenses.



Remind: We ask all students and parents to sign up for the Band Remind. This is a free texting service that we

use to quickly get information out to band members. Text “@hseband” (without quotations) to the

number 81010. We will also utilize Remind groups for the different sections of the band, and we ask

that students with join their respective sections’ groups to get section specific information. Normal text

messaging rates will apply.

Google Drive and Classroom:

We will continue to utilize Google Drive as a band. Here students can find copies of forms, music,

director’s chairs, performance videos, and much more. Once the school year starts, we will utilize

Google Classroom for playing and written assignments.

Social Media: As a band, we also use social media to get information out to our members. Please go “like” TRHSE

Bands on Facebook to stay informed with what is happening with the band. On Instagram we can be

found @trsheband - you can follow us here to stay informed a well!


Your participation in the band program is governed by your adherence to the principles outlined in this

guide. Failure to abide by these stipulations will result in some form of probation, or dismissal from the

program. The directors will make the determination of the appropriate course of action for any

students who do not follow all of the principles outlined.

We are excited and pleased that you have decided to become (or continue as!) a member the Raider

Band. We are confident that your years in this organization will be the experience of a lifetime.

Welcome aboard!



Toms River High School East Marching Raiders

Directors: Miss Jessica Sanford & Mr. Doug Miller

1225 Raider Way, Toms River, NJ 08753

Phone: (732)505-5690

Handbook Agreement

I, __________________ have received a copy of the Toms River High School East Marching Raiders

2018-2019 Handbook, and have reviewed its contents. I have read and fully understand the policies

and expectations laid out within the Handbook. I accept the responsibility as a participating member of

this organization, and all the expectations that go with it. I am aware of all obligations, policies,

conduct, etc. expected of me for the 2018-2019 school year.

Student’s Signature _______________________________________ Date: _______

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date: _______

Student Information Waiver

I, ________________________________________, parent or official guardian of

____________________________, hereby grant permission for the Toms River High School East

Marching Raiders to take and use: photographs and/or digital images of my child for use in news

releases and/or promotional materials. These materials might include printed or electronic

publications, web sites, or other electronic communications run by the band program or the school


I further agree that my child’s name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in

connection with the images. I authorize the use of these images without compensation to me.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________Date: _____



Toms River High School East Marching Raiders

Directors: Miss Jessica Sanford & Mr. Doug Miller

1225 Raider Way, Toms River, NJ 08753

Phone: (732)505-5690

Medical Information/Treatment Form

Student Name: _______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________________

Home Phone: (_____) ____________Work Phone: (_____) ______________

Address: ____________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name: ________________________________________

Relationship to student:__________________________________________

Home Phone: (_____) ____________Work Phone: (_____) ______________

Health Insurance Co: ___________________________Policy #: __________

Family Dr.: _________________________ Phone: (_____) _____________

List known health problems: List known daily medications:

_________________________________ ________________________________

_________________________________ ________________________________

_________________________________ ________________________________

List known allergies below.







List any other pertinent health information:


If your child suffers from asthma or any allergy that would require use of an inhaler or Epipen, please

be sure that he/she comes to all rehearsals and performances with these items.

I give permission for my child to receive treatment at a local medical facility in the case of an

emergency. I understand that I (and/or my insurance plan) will be responsible for all costs incurred.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________Date: _____



Extra-Curricular Interscholastic Code of Conduct


Toms River Regional Schools

Toms River, New Jersey 08753



I,___________,a student of Toms River Regional School District, request permission to participate in

BAND/COLOR GUARD during the 2018-2019 school year.

As a candidate for the above indicated school activity, I agree to abide faithfully by the standards listed

below. I understand that my participation in the above stated activity is a privilege which may be

revoked at such time said standards are not maintained.

1. I will maintain a standard of behavior and dress that will reflect positively on my school.

I will maintain a high standard of citizenship consistent with our school district’s Code of

Conduct both in and out of school.

2. I will endeavor to reach my maximum potential in scholastic achievement. Additionally,

I recognize that poor academic performance is an NJSIAA violation and will result in the

termination of my privilege to participate.

3. I will not possess, distribute, ingest or otherwise use any banned substances (as indicated

in Policy 5530) without the written permission of a fully licensed physician. (NO

ALCOHOL or DRUGS). I recognize that my health is of primary importance to myself,

my family and my teammates. Any violation of this requirement will result in the

termination of my privilege to participate, along with additional remedial and

reinforcement consequences prescribed in Policy 5530 Substance Abuse.

Any violation of this code will result in immediate removal from the above noted activity. No coach,

advisor, etc. is empowered to grant immunity to any student regardless of circumstances.

Each coach, advisor, etc. is obligated to report any violation of the Extra-Curricular Code to the Building

Principal immediately. A fair investigation and hearing will follow each incident reported to the

Building Principal. The services of the district’s Substance Awareness Coordinators will be utilized in

reported violations of standard #3.

Date:_____________________Student’s Signature____________________

Parent’s Signature____________________________________