To:€¦  · Web viewPromote this sponsorship throughout your membership & networks via...


Transcript of To:€¦  · Web viewPromote this sponsorship throughout your membership & networks via...

Mission Beach Community Enterprises (MBCE) operates the Mission Beach Community Bank®

branch. MBCE are proud to distribute funds to address local issues and influence a positive change in the community.

The 2018 Sponsorship Round will be open from 09th April 2018 for assessment by 18th May.

We are anticipating a strong response and will be looking for sponsorship opportunities that will help us to grow business at the Mission Beach Bendigo Bank branch. 

Sponsorships are treated as a 'business arrangement' between the bank and the sponsorship recipient with the objective being to increase our exposure within our communities.

This in turn will assist with driving increased profits that can be used to deliver successful outcomes for our communities.

Submitting your ApplicationYour application should be emailed to [email protected] or dropped into the Mission Beach Community Bank® branch. Please also keep a copy for your records.

You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application within 3 working days of submission.

Applications must be received by 5.00pm on Friday the 18th May 2018.

Sponsorship GuidelinesA sponsorship agreement entered into between your organisation and the Bank is made based on the information provided by you, and the conditions noted in this application. We enter into all agreements with the intent of working with our sponsorship recipients to improve the outcomes for your organisation, the community and the Bank and in the spirit of open communication and transparency.  

In the instance that the commitments or goals noted in your application are unlikely to be met or achieved it is your responsibility to advise MBCE as a matter of priority.

MBCE reserves the right to withdraw from a sponsorship agreement at any time by giving reasonable notice to the sponsorship recipient.  However, MBCE is not obligated to enter into any discussions regarding the decision to withdraw from the agreement.


Your Sponsorship Details

Sponsorship TitleSponsorship amount requested

Your Organisation’s Details

Organisation Name

Postal Address

Street Address

Web Address

Facebook Address

Contact person 1

Position held

Daytime phone



Contact person 2

Position held

Daytime phone




Number of staff Number of volunteers Founding date

Is your organisation incorporated? YES NO

Australian Business Number

Are you registered for GST? YES NO

What does your Organisation do?

Mission statement, major programs, distinctive organisational attributes, size and membership base.

You and your Organisation’s Banking Business

We can only support our community as much as the community supports us – through the use of our banking and financial services.

Does your Organisation bank with us? YES NO SOME, NOT ALL

Bank Account Details BSB: ____________ Account: _________________

If no, are you willing to transfer your YES NO SOME, NOT ALL


Organisations business to our branches?

Most appropriate person to discuss your Organisation’s banking needs

Name Phone

What would you like the sponsorship for?

Describe the sponsorship, the need it aims to meet and who it will benefit

Other support for your projectProvide a breakdown of other corporate or government organisations you have or will approach.

Organisation Amount (ex. GST) Confirmed?

When will your sponsorship take place?

Expected time and date of your sponsorship event/activity – and an overview of timelines for sponsorship projects to be delivered over a broader time frame.


Start Date: Completion Date:

** Sponsorship projects must be completed within 12 months of receiving funds

How will you measure your sponsorship’s success?

Outline how the funded activity will be monitored and evaluated – i.e. attendance numbers, benefit to community, anticipated outcomes achieved etc.

What will the sponsorship funds be used for?

Provide details of what the sponsorship funds will be spent on.

How will you document your sponsorship?We love to see the impact our contribution has in our community. Please provide details of photographic opportunities available, with or without members of our staff and Board.

Photos should include Community Bank signage/marquee or staff/Board and will be used by the bank for promotional purposes in media and social media.

Please email copies of photographs (minimum 3MB) taken during the implementation of your sponsorship.


Where When Staff or Board involvement

How will you recognise our contribution?Provide details of all marketing and promotional opportunities available.

What you will do Where Who will see it When

Category 1: For sponsorships under $500 the following is required: Your club/association/group is responsible for collecting the Community Bank® banner/marquee from

your local branch and having it displayed at the event/function – if applicable to your sponsorship.(All items are to be returned in their original condition and you will be charged for any breakages or cleaning costs).

Cross promotions on Facebook, PA acknowledgement. Promote this sponsorship throughout your membership & networks via newsletters and word of mouth.

Category 2: For sponsorships $500 - $1,000 the following is required: All conditions noted above in Category 1. Community Bank® Logo on entry forms/programmes and included in all advertising for the event/function. Managers/Directors to present at the event/function. Provision of photos for use by the Community Bank in media/social media/newsletters.

(Photos must include Bank signage or staff that shows our support of this sponsorship.)

Media exposure of this sponsorship in local papers and club newsletters. Attend Community Bank® Annual General Meeting. Mission Beach Bendigo Community Bank® is to be the only financial institution sponsoring the


Category 3: For sponsorships over $1,000 the following is required: All conditions noted in Category 1 & 2.


Managers/Directors to present at the event/function and are provided the opportunity to present the Community Bank® story and offer our Designer Deals incentive package to your members.

Meet with Community Bank® representatives to identify further partnership and promotional opportunities between the bank and your club/association/group.

MBCE and your organisation will agree to a reporting timeline which will include a written report, verbal report or combination of both.  In most cases, this will be upon completion of the sponsored activity and will involve a brief outline of expenditure of the funds, a brief overview from you as to the success or otherwise of the sponsorship, and photos of the sponsorship (event, stages of a project, or other).

DeclarationI am the authorised officer able to make this application on behalf of the applicant Organisation and I agree that:

The statements made in this application are true All necessary permits/approvals will be obtained prior to the beginning of the project The project will be covered by appropriate insurance All relevant health and safety standards will be met MBCE does not accept any liability or responsibility for the project

I understand that should this application be successful, I am responsible for the appropriate expenditure of these funds and accept the terms and conditions specified in the sponsorship category outlined above and will adhere to those terms strictly for the purpose of this agreement.

If successful, I will;

Accept the terms of the sponsorship in accordance with MD requirements Complete the sponsorship within the specified timeframes



Organisational Title



Privacy s tatement

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is part of the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Group (the Group / we). We collect your personal information to help process your application. Unless you advise us otherwise we will also provide you with offers and information related to our products and services. We may share your personal information with third parties, related companies in the Group, and our joint venture partners and franchisees so that you can be told about financial products and services offered or distributed by them. We may also need to disclose your personal information to organisations that carry out functions on the Group’s behalf (“service providers”) such as mailing houses, plastic card bureaux, rewards program managers, IT service providers, lawyers, collection agents and advisors acting for the Group, insurers, other credit providers and credit reporting agencies. If you do not wish to receive any marketing material from us please call us on 1300 361 911.

If any part of your information is not provided Bendigo Bank may not be able to process your application. We may use your personal information to confirm your details (for example contacting your employer to confirm your employment and income details). We treat this as confidential and only disclose it to others where necessary.

Some of the organisations we disclose your personal information to may be located overseas. Where an organisation is located overseas we will either take reasonable steps to ensure that it complies with Australian privacy laws or we will seek your consent to the disclosure. If you need to gain access to and seek correction of your personal information and credit-related personal information please contact us on 1300 361 911.

You should read our Privacy Policy which contains information about: a. how you can access and seek correction of your personal information; b. how you can complain about a breach of the privacy laws by us and how we will deal with a complaint; c. if we will disclose personal information to overseas entities, and where practicable, which countries those recipients are located in. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website or by telephoning 1300 361 911.