TO OUR FRIENDS€¦ · 3.1 J a in. Daily, for Wilson. Raleigh and WOSt Pullman Sleeping Car...

TO OUR FRIENDS: * THE GREENVILLE TOBACCO MARKET OPENED TUESDAY WITH PRICES MUCHB ETTER THAN WAS ANTICIPATED . takes pleasure in announcing having made the gratifying AVERAGE of rr\+ /^ T> takes pleasure in announcing having (Cl O Oft 1 DC VxCIlter OriCK made the gratifying AVERAGE of ^> 1 U^V/O BUYERS WERE ALL ON AND EVERYBODY FEELS GOOD. We wish to state that we are in better positicn, ard have a better force to serve our friends than ever. When you are ready lo sell COMF TO THE "OLD RELIABLE" where every energy of every person connected with it Will be exerted to get the Wghest possible prices fcr all tobacco sold with us. Our past recoid for high averages, correct weights and courteous treatment shall be maintained. Come to Greenville, COME to THE CENTER BRICK with your to- bacco, and we will please you. Your friends, Brinkley, Rice & Spain TAKES I I'- tin my term aboul Ihe first ol \u put, one malt bog, light brown in color, unmarked, we ghi about ponnde Owner can gel same b> p log all COBU. .1 II. CLARK, Wlntervllle, N t\ 8-17-lt-d-3w Professional Cards I, ». CARTER, M.l>. Practice limited lo diseases o( the Eys Ear, Nose and Threat —and— The Pitting of Glasses. Office with Dr. D. L. James, Green- ville. N. <'.. every Monday. Home Office Washington, N. r HARDING VNIl PIKHTK., Lawyers. Prai tlclng In all the Courts. Office in Wooten Building on Third street, fronting courthouse. .1. K.THHU'KN. Veterinary Surgeon. Office: Wlnalow's stables. Phones: Hay II M«*t SM-J D. M. CLARK, Attorney at Law, Land and Drainage Cases a Specialty In office formerly occupied by K, 0, .lames and Son. S. .1. EVERETT, Attorney at Law. Office In the National Bank Building Dlckerson Avenue. SOTM 5 North Carolina Pitt County Notice la hereby given by the board of County Commissioners ol l'iti County In an adjourned session as- sembled on Monday, July 12, 1916, or- dered that an election be held in the following described territory: "Beginning on the north side o( Tai river opposite Mud Point Seine bleach, thence running north 46 de (- ri,s east lo Urindle creek, thencu with thi Creek to B. B. SatterthwalU and til- Miles Little, Stephen land thence with the said SatterthwalU I Little line to Roberi Wllson'i ; line, thence with the said Wilson and Satterthwalte line to Robert Pi line, thence with the said Robert Peel's and Satjerthwaite's line ti I Noah l.e.'s line, thence with the Noah Lee and Robcirt Peel line to J li Baker's line, thence with the J. B Baker and Noah Lee's line to R. R Fleming's line, thence with the Bakei and Fleming line to Tranters (reek I theme up the said Creek to J. It ! Overtoil and Walter Webb's corner thence with tire said Overtoil and Webb line to Oco, Move and Waltei Webb's corner, thence with the soldi Webb and Move's line to Matthew Move's line, thence with the Matthey l Moye and Webb line lo the Satter- thwalte line, theme with the Batter thwalte and Webb line to the White- ; head and Satterthwalte public road thence with the said road to the Simp paid Mill road, thence with tbe Shep pard Mill road to the fork of the road in front of Malissa Thomas's hou.'f thence with the road leading to Sinn Fork to the Ilarnhill and McLawhorn new road, thence a straight line t. the the Measie branch, thence a straight line to the ten mile Post on JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD OF SASH AND DOORS WE SELL" Hill Mowers Rakes, Hatrous, Hay Balers, Stalk Cutters, Manure Spreaders, Paii.ts, Oi's, Nails, Lime, Cement and Gupsum Plaster rim •K PARKER'S AHTSTIBIO. Corner Fourth and Evans Streets. Photos Made Belli D*I «nd Night Send us your MMIVK WORK. II. F. TYSON, Office on Fourth Street near Franl Wilson's Store. Insurance. ALBION DON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, lireenvllie, >". (. ._. I M. BKNTLKV HARRIS*. Still With "OLD RELIABLE," The Muliml Life Insurance Company of Row York. Hue tu ine ten nine i-usi OUT--- - the A C. L. Railroad, thence with of July 1915. ordered an election the McLawhorn, Barnhtl] and Which-1 be held In Falkland township, I'.tt ard line to the Dave Willis' line County, N thence with the Dave Willis and Whlc j fij e 2ist da, ».. . , hard line to Hunting Run. thenc. ar , ace , n the townB of with Hunting Hun to Grindle (reek "" , . .u,„ „„ ,>,» •hence with Orlndle (reek to Henry I Falkland for said township, on the H.O. IA1SKV. Attorney at Law. Office: Wlntervllle, N. C. HARRY SKINNER. Attorney at Law. Greenville, North Carolina. i The Placing of a MONUMENT OR HEADSTONE la the last testimony that one can give of the appreciation for those who have gone before. All suitable designs and prices may be seen red from. Dees Marble & Granite Works Ward and the Hopkins corner, then with Henry Ward and Hopkins iin« to It. I). Harrington's George Moon line, thence with tht Harrington ami Hopkins line to E. A. Carney's and Harrington's line to the Ben Wooten corner, thence with the Hen Wooten and Joe Daniel line to Lawrence Wan! line, thence with the Wooten and Lawrence Ward line to W.L. Nobles Hatton line, thence W. L. Nobles west Hatton line to D. Q. Moore'; line, thence with D. (' . Moore and the Nobles line to l.unsford Fleming'; line, theme with l.unsford Fleming and I> <!. Moore's line to the late John Fleming's line, thence With tin John Fleming line to the Matt llarrlt line, thence with the Matt Harris and Fleming line to Tar river thence with Tar river to the beginning." That the said election to he held on Tuesday, September 14, 1916, at thi Public School house at the above de- scribed territory for the purpose o" taking and ascertaining, the will of the qualified voters of the above de- scribed territory, as to whether then shall or shall not be levied and col- lected a Special School tax of thirty cents on the Poll and ten cents on the One Hundred dollars valuation prop erty In the above described territory ami at said election those favoring Hi" Special Tax shall vote a written or printed ballot containing the word; "For Special Tax", and those oppos- ed to said Tax shall vote a written or printed Ballot containing the words "Against Special Tax." And it is further ordered that. J. I HART & HADLEY Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co, Over $45,000,000 Insurance in force Over $6,000,000 Assets Over $1,000,000 Surplus Why not join the over sixteen thousand North Carolinians that carry over $25,000,000 insurance in the Jefferson Standard. Keep money at home and get the best insurancefobtainable. Frank Ferguson, Special Agent. NOTICE ! I Notice of registration and election upon the proposition to issue Fifty Thousand Dolara worth of Road Bonds by Falkland township, Pitt County, North Carolina. North Carolina. Pitt county. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pitt coun- ty in regular session assembled on the 5th day of July 1916, It being the regular meeting held the 1st Monday j County, North Carolina, on Tuesday Idle 21st day of September 1915, at the question or proposition of Issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent Interest per annum, payable seml-annually, and to run for a per- iod of thirty yeara (30), the funds received from the same to be used for the purpose of laying out, estab- lishing and repairing, grading, con- structing and improving in any way the Public Roads in Falkland town- ship as provided by an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, Ses- sion of 1913, designated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two (122), of the Public laws of North Carolina. And notice is further hereby giv- en that an entirely new registration for said election was ordered and called, and that J. H. Smith was and Is apoplnted Registrar for said Flection, and that the Books for Reg-1 miration will be open on Monday, August 18, 1915, and closed at sun- set on Saturday. September 11, 1916. that on each Saturday during the, said time and said Registration books will be open at. the regular polling place in the town of Falkland and at all other times at the residence Ol the aald J. H. Smith In the said. Town of Falkland, North Carolina, I and all citizens desiring lo vote on | said I'.ond Election to he held on Sep- Iailroad oute rtlHI II IS l<ll,nt-i »j,„,;i,-<» IIHIL. j. . ^».w .-" Satterthwalte be and he Is hereby ap tcmber 21. 1918, w II be required to pointed Registrar for said election register, and S. V. Williams and J. B. Flem- Thls |nr , nih (lav nf j„ ly JJ15. ing are hereby appointed Poll Hold Oongleton, ers or Judges of election. ... >, , And It is further ordered that a new I Cbm. Board county Commissioners Registration Is and shall be required I Attest:- and that the Registration books foi said District c- territory shall he op flrnsroe Roll, clerk. Children's Summer Cold*. Grrenvi lr. •t 25 per cent le I than saBM CM '" had from any agent See or write them and be convinced ened on Thursday, August 12. IMS and closed Saturday. September 4th 1915, for the purpose of Registering the qualified voters for the said Rla ,, wr „.„. ,„ ., , .„ ,„, ^Thta'tho ltthday of July. 1*11 ,ime be,a " M M *• *• ,he •'>••'"> S A. Cnngleton and lays the sufferer open to attaol ciim Board of conniv Commls'n from other di-as Wet (vet, iud Attest: deo changes In temperature mid .. ping iiin overed al night cause many children's col l.; li roi w Superheated oxygen Koley's Honey and Tar lucoessfully In the treatment ol ran- «!»•• »" r " and prompt roller. 8old grenoua wounds III Parti hospital everywhere -Adv. Braseoe Bell, clerk NoflH Carolina Ml ltd Btw. Norfolk n 0 uthern Q ew Obort M Schedule In Elicit April II, lllli. N. H.—Tbe following schedule fig- ures published as information only und are not guaranteed: TRAINS LEAVE OBBEJITILLE - Kastlmund l.os a. m. Daily, "Night Express." Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk. J.40 a. ni. Dally, for Plymouth, Elisa- beth City and Norfolk. Broiler Par- lor Car Service Chocowlnlty to Nor- folk. Connects for all points North and West. t>:30 p. m. Dally, except Sunday, for Washington. Weslbound 3.1 J a in. Daily, for Wilson. Raleigh and WOSt Pullman Sleeping Car Service. Coiienets North, South anu West .1 a. in. Dally, except Sunday, lor Wilson and Raleigh. Connects for al) points. | 2:. p ill. Dally, for Raleigh and all Intermediate stations. For further Information and reser-1 ration In Sleepln gears, apply to .1. L Hasscll. Agent, fircr-nvtlle, N. 0, II. S. I.DAItH, (Jen. Pas. Agt. I. I). PTACK, flcn. Stipt. FEED _ Are you one of our customers? If not, it is because you have not had our prices ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Hay. Corn, Oats, Bran, Ship Stuff, Hon Fead. Chick Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Flour, Lard, Sugar, Dry Salt Meat. We are In a position to »ive you prices that are the lowest to be had. on anything in this line. Be sure to gret our pricesbeforebuying We also buy Pitt County Corn J. B. JOHNSTON - 1 sum Te keep n- tracks 1 lean Qarman strict railway is nsim s vacuum cleaner operated by ihe mi lor of the .•i r that sarrles It Reflector WantAds Pay! Get the Want Ad Habit— •: Mate Llbrtai &KIEWYILLK IS WET BKAHT OF EAST EMM W08TB CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR- ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL FINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE 10 H AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. WE HAVE A CIMOWLA- TION OF TWELVE HUN- DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET- TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TARE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOB WAVE TO SRI NO TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA- TION. Mrlciiturf U the lost I'.efol. t»r Wwt Healtkful. the Most Sooto tmplofnirnt »/ Mae.- Urorg* Wasktogli'ii- nil.I UK XXX1T. UKEEKV1LLE, N. «', H1WAY BTEH1HG, IIIM ST 47, MIS M Mill I! I BIG TIME AT T llAIIIIrl I E UUiNEM SPEECHES BY SEVKKA1. NOTED NEB sri'l'KH AT B I'. M. IAUT0 TURNS OVER UNCLE SI GIVES THE GERMAN TODAY AND SLIGHTLY IN- TO HAITI AMPLE NEW BERN JURES OCCUPANTS! TIME EXTENSION I The votaries of Masonry in Pitt county never experienced a more en- joyable day nor a day tilled with more Interest and instruction in the prin- ciples of tl.c order than 111 the great gathering at Ayden on Thursday, the lath. Every one of the ten lodges in the county was largely represented, mi! several from neighboring counties were present, swelling the attendance to above two hundred and lifty. The occasion was the organization Of a fifth district meeting composed of all the lodges in Pitt county, and this was the first annual sesion. Through the leadership of District Deputy Grand Master John 11. Cheek end his excellent co-workers In Ayden lodge, the arrangements for the dis- trict "meeting had been well planned and were carried out admirably. The Masons assembled In Aydon's splendid temple promptly at 10 o'clock ami after the formal opening there was an address of welcome by Mr. David a. Ilollowell. of Ayden, and re- sponse by Judge F M. Wooten. of Greenville. Then there wore briel speeches on various topics of Inter- est to the fraternity, and the mornlnts BBoslon closed with a question box con- ducted by Worshipful Master H. E. Austin, of Sharon lodge. Greenville. The call coming from labor to re fresbments at 12:30. all repaired to onc „f the tobacco warehouses where a bountiful barbecue dinner awaited them. The first work of the afternoon ses- sion was the selection of officers for I lie district meeting for the next year. District Deputy Grand Master John H Cheek continued in this Office by Vir- tu of apointment from the Grand Lodge nf North Carolina, and the other officers elected were as follows: District grand senior warden. J. <'• Galloway, of Griniesland lodge; dis- trict grand Junior warden, II. E. Aus- 11. ,„• Sharon lodge, Greenville; dis- trict grand treasurer, W. B. Wilson. t Ore rvti'a lodge: district grand fcecrelary, B. A. Jenkins, of Ayden lougo. The Blace of holding the next an- nual meeting was left to a committee which is to report In October. Both the lodges Of Greenville united In an Invitation for the meeting to be held here. AGI:I» \\ \\ 11 r ins !»v»\ THH0AT WITH \ POCKET hMl'K. II IhlM. Jit.I.Ill worm iBy Wire The Reflector.) New Hem. Aug. -•:. Caswell Askew. white, aged 74. committed suicide here rwo YOI M; MK> ATTEMPT TO SHOOT IT Till: TOWN OK BEL- HAVES AMI GET THEM- SELVES illy Wire to The Reflector.) Washington, Aug. 26.—While en- route from this city to New Hern yes- this morning al his home on South j ****! <""»«"* On automobile of Mr Front street. Mr. Askew cut. his Shaw Honner turned turtle about half throat with a pocket knife, making .1 j way betwen in re and New Hem. jagged wound and severing his Jugu- | The car was occupied by Mr. Bon lar vein. He was found In his room. ' ner, who was driving; Teal Paul al: I Mr Askew is a native ol Trenton, I Gray l'aul. and while going al a live!) N C. bin had resided here for some clip, struck a hog. swerving, ran Into (!„,,. : a ditch ami turned over. Three ol the At a col oner's Inquest this morning occupants wire punned under the car. it was learned thai he was the owner which at once caught on Ore. For ..,,. i„ Innoa time it seemed as If they would mil of cons del aide properly in Jones be extricated, bui after herculean ef- county. No reason was assigned tor | ^ ^ vm ukM M jus[ M ( the rash act, other man thai be ""- vU) , cm explosi n nll , Ills , ,„ ,„, iered from Stomach trouble, and proli- 1 ... . t large * ai. ihte ilt'siioiidet'cv caused him 11 iah.- ... . , jme iuspoiiiiii-1 > A|1 nlcnl i„. rs „, |he party received his own life. wounds and cuts, though none of iliem 1 are thought to lie in a precarious con- dition. Ml!. I.IXSIV; HIM. MIT IMSCTSS TKKATY AS U'BHITTKD TO THE HUTU \ PEOPLE. T CRUSHES CZAR'S BREST LIT0.SK Great Army of General Von Mackensen Organizes Itself For a Rush on the Lines of Czar's Troops and Makes a Successful Onslaught, Capturing an Important Russian Position. Jiexl Dancing (in-*. Will Start Thursday nigin in Hlni Hall. My best advertisement any of my present pupils. Irving .1 Calkins. S-S8-4I l|i. Instructor 1 E DEVIL Reports from Belhaven this morn- ing. Indicate thai two young men in a ; buggy look il upon themselves lo hoot up the town 01 Belhaven last ! night, bill were arrested by Policeman ' Dillon ami taken before the mayor was a most beautiful tribute to Ma- where they were lined seven and live sonry and what it stands for. yet In dollars, respectively. closing the speaker spared not those members Ol the order who are remiss in their dunes in failing 10 live up to its principles, or who by their negli- j gence permit the entrance of those who are unworthy. > Again a little before 8 o'clock all repaired to the warehouse, whore the ladies of Ayden had provided a ban duel. It had been Intended at this banquet to have responses lo several toasts with Mr. H. C. Flanagan sa toastmaster, but at tbe conclusion of the repost be announced thai as the day had been so full of worU and good things, and there was yet lo come the address of Attorney General T. W. Blokett to which all were looking, rather thah make the hour of dispers- ing too laic the tmists would be omitted. The next assemblage was in the large auditorium of the l'ree Will .,11)-'' dllUIIUIIU'" "- The mosl progressive step taken by Baptist Seminary for the address of the district meeting, and one that will I General Bickett. After a song by B prove a lasting monument to Masonry | s ,.|,.,. t quartet, Ihe speaker was Intro |„ Pitt county, was the decision to !uced hy Mr . A . O. Cox. of Winter create a loan fund of $1,000 to be vil |„ ,„ we n chosen words. Though •sed by girls in getting an education at Bast Carolina Teachers Training he omitted to call the speaker's name in closing, the reference lo him as th HADE A 81 (IKSSKII. < I.IMlt OK TIIK (III HTIIOISK VKSTKIt- HAV EVENING. More than a thousand people crowd- ed around tbe courthouse square yes- terday evening at «;:!" o'clock to wateh 11 H Oardenler, the Virginia Dare Devil, make good his declaration that he would climb lo the top of the courthouse. Gardenler started at one corner of the building, easily scaled It to Hie roof, valtued over the cornice and trolled up the roof to the dome. Mere be experienced a little difficulty in gel Hug a secure hold on Ihe corn lie. bin Schoof nTZtZTZZ £= Z77^rZ nf"Norih i'^lina was he finally managed ,0 gel over. w,rihT,sLm. and .he vote u..s- ^..^ ,„„ WM with a The Hare ..evil's climb certainly lahllBh the fund WM carried unani- bu t of applau8e . H,. Blokett Spol «as marvellous to the people of mously Mr A. G. Cox. of WintervlHe. ,, ,,„ rt hl8 „,,,„. was lb- Greenville, and many of them gave „., m treasurer of the loan fund. aeed heaut i{ U l. It was filled with ad- oui ejaculatlous of wonder the and a committee of one from ouch i||ona ,„ r iKht living being just »pectaiular exhibition. lodge in tho county will have charge |0 your nel(! hbor and trim 10 you" of raising U>c fund. . andwas inspiring to evci v hearer, At 4 o'clock the Masons went 111 pro- j Ay||rn ( . cr | a | n ly touched Ihe heart of every visitor to the district meet- Inn Nothing that coul 1 be des'red in*. ^ hosnltalliv IBy Wire to The Reflector. was overlooked anil th" hoMilta" was without hounds. The people of Rocky Mount, Aug. M. While a it,;,, good town Vied wiflt each oihc- i.mptliig lo alight from his father. in attention to their guests ahd saw automobile here yesterday evenlug, that everv .omfort a>M provided George Hales, I years old. wag thrown Av.ien calls Itself a little town great under the car, the wheels passll cession from the temple to the Metho- dist cbur':h. where after a most tilting Introduction by Representative I. « Galloway, of Grlmesland. an Oration was delivered by Hon. R. C. !>«>nn »f Khfleld. Mr. Dunn is grand orator Of (hi Grand Lodge of North Carolina. W-lu! roqueel he repeated the mo last \ Bill IS HI N OVKH HV A> AI'TOMOItll.1 Washington. Aug. 25. Word iau.c from Port An Prince today that Charge Davis, of the American lega- tion, had extended until tomorrow night the time for action by Ibi Haiten parliament n : ' prnposed treaty to establish tor lu : .;> an American financial protectorate over the island republic. Noon today had been fixed by the charge as the time by which he would expect approval of the treaty drafts submitted by the L'nlted States The Haitians protested, however, against such limit on debate In parllameni and the extension was granted. Of- ficials here did not comment on press n . is that the parliament and min- istry threatened to resign If the American government Insisted upon Immediate action. Secretary Lansing made a state meat today explaining the purpose lb" l'nlted Stales hud in proposing and pressing the maty with Haiti al till* ,!„„, He said the Washington gov- ernment was ailing from wholly di- interested motives to save tb" Hitl' republic from rulll through never end ing activities Of so-, ailed revolution | Ms for Whom the country's reve- nues offered spoils. The Secretar: declared there wa- oi.ndation for reports that the proposed convention would give the United Slates Mole Bi Nicholas as a naval base. While Mr. Langsing would rtii cuss the treaty, it is known that n provides for American agents charge or the ten custom house*, threol which, those at Port Au Prince, 8t, Marc Cape Haitieii have alrca.l> hcei, taken over by "tear Admiral Caperton. Solon Menos. ihe Haitian minister conferred with Mr. Lansing during the I day and preseuled « communication !from his government requesting sn explanation of certain points In Ihe American proposals. Although the minister would no discuss the negotiations be said that he felt sure thai ills government was anxious to bring ab.n.t an understand Ing with the l'nlted Stales as spedilx as possible He made it .bar that his governmetu did not oppose the at tempt Of the l'nlted States In bring about pear, and reconciliation in the Island. Riots and uprisings, he ex- plained, were In many cases due to ignorance of Hie intentions of the l'nlted Stales and a misunderstand- ing of Ihe presence of American Hoop- on Haitian soil. "I hope and desire." said the minis- ter, "that 11 real entente wll be cre- ated betwen the two peoples, but such an entente Is only possible when both sides make concessions" Berlin, Aug. tt, via London. The Russian advanced positions to 'he s.iuthwest of the fortress of Brest i.uovsk were broken through yester- day by the Germans, according 10 an official announcement given out to- day bj tbe army headquarters siait The text of the statement follows: In 1 lie western theatre. -in ihe Champagne district we sue- ,. .r ully 1 Eploderi Reversl mine* "In tbe Vosges an attack made bj the enemy on Scnratzmanneli »u» re pel led with hand grenades and soiilb ess, 0 r that part of the trench sections which we los Au- gust 1^, was recaptured. •A German battle aviator shot down a Preach biplane near Nleupori. - in the cistern theatre •Army group of Field Marshal von Hlnderburgt Norm of the Stemonj ,,,,.,. 750 Russians were taken prls „ners during successful engage.m,.. m the nelgbuorb t Blrshi. •The army under Von >•'"""" advancing victoriously towards th« east, fighting all the way Hits arm, captured W50 Russian. I """• »" eral machine guns. . n .,„,!> Of General lm reached Berecowka. captured Kn>« ,v„ and crossed the Narew rive, w the souih "i Tykocln. .„. aiii.y of Ueneral Von Gallwln capturei the Narew river irotsing POLLOCK USE IS till HI TOIIA1 IM.AGlll ON HIHKKV WILL I AM START- in 11 nsiunm. •1 esterdi y , eim >-. tin court took up the case in regard lo the last will and testament of 11 W. l'orb.s. and it was still at work on tins case today al 1- o'clock. The murder case ol S. M. Pol lock, charged With tbe murder ol a police- man by the nsme ol Smith ai Karm- ville, about two yean ago, lias been continued until tin November term of court. A cover lias been Invented for cook- ing utensils which '.nap- In place and i- provided With .. -trainer through which hoilliiK ' 'ii"<' •'"' be safely poured SAY HILL IS tm Sokoiy^liials.oU high road lt» j right wing has reached Orlanka a.u-r „aving driven back the eiie.ll, I " Brr0 y took more than 4.T00 pr lnciu dl„g eighteen ofllnrs »"" " machine guns -Army group ol Prince LonpoM. ol : Havana: Yesterday II r eneni, ar 1 „,„„„,, ,. vain to brim oui pursull ,„ standstill. He was stiackod and . thrown back into RlaU.wl. ka forest South of thi- lore tsour troops roacti ed the region to Ihe easl of ftler s.howi.tie. we captured mor. 1 1 Too prisoners. E HW ON I HUll.i: Hill 'il ItOIII \|l.ll n«KD I VMM Bl Mil It EXPERT*. 1 BJ v. in 10 1 hi i" fli 'i Kinston, Vut -' Coopei Hill, on trial hi ri 1 Supi rlor Court on , hargi ": murdi r in ibe nrsi degn 1 v.,,:. de.alred insane today al - isoiifi n. Army group of Field Marshall Von 1 „vi .> four experts, Ma.'kensen: Pursuing the defeated oration that he delivered al the „„,, oppor tunIty, but it Is greater still his body and crushing his collar bone, session of the Grsnd Lodge. It |n pn „| nP hospitality. The boy Is in a precarious condition Tin governmanl of Argentina has employed a Japanese expert lo con- duct ai extensive campaign to in- creas* I production throughout the public. enemy this army groun Is approa. h , n - the lulls on the western ha. lh€ Besma, nor.!, of Brest Lltovsk H [hl , -.---..--1.-.-., front ol Bhost 1 ov .k at uobbynka. the Austro-Hun gariiin and Ger.niiii troops broke through the sdvan e.I po«ltl«n» ol 1 fortress yesterday. "On the eastern bank of Hie Hug. northeast of Vlndova. parts of the army of General Von Limingcii are advancing towards the north, fighting all the way." Serums llattle Near I'lsebea and hmel Petrograd, Aug. :'a, via London. 3 p. m.—The garrison of OlSOWetl joined the Russian field army on August it, ivacaiiting the fortress after blowlni up the perinanenl ol'rlili, atioi.s. burn ing the wooden structures and remov- ing or crippling the guns thus ending a vear of defense of Ihe principal crossing of tht Bobr river. War office officials pointed out thai been examining kin as in hit samty. one of iii, experts stated that ii would b, doubtful if Hill ever regain- ed hi ) 11 hi I ll « 11 be sent to the state Pi son for •' 1 UangarOtts Insane. •.4*- v ihe fortress was especially adapted for defense because ol the marshes that surround It, but that this fact would be one working to ils disad- vantage when the fortress was cut off from tbe army, after th* abandonment, or tho line of the llobr, Ossowezt cased to have importance in tbe view Of the army officials. Bialystok Is still In Russian hands, but a largt part of the railway from tho north ami weal is In Hie Lands of the Ger- mans and they are expected to make) every effort to extend their lines to-, ward Grodno the uext fortress of im-i portauce, ^=^- '' ' " "JL :.'

Transcript of TO OUR FRIENDS€¦ · 3.1 J a in. Daily, for Wilson. Raleigh and WOSt Pullman Sleeping Car...


    WITH PRICES MUCHB ETTER THAN WAS ANTICIPATED . takes pleasure in announcing having made the gratifying AVERAGE of

    rr\+ /^ T> • takes pleasure in announcing having (Cl O Oft 1 DC VxCIlter OriCK made the gratifying AVERAGE of ^> 1 U^V/O

    BUYERS WERE ALL ON AND EVERYBODY FEELS GOOD. We wish to state that we are in better positicn, ard have a better force to serve our friends than ever. When you are ready lo sell COMF TO THE "OLD RELIABLE" where every energy of every person connected with it Will be exerted to get the Wghest possible prices fcr all tobacco sold with us. Our past recoid for high averages, correct weights and courteous

    treatment shall be maintained.

    Come to Greenville, COME to THE CENTER BRICK with your to- bacco, and we will please you. Your friends,

    Brinkley, Rice & Spain

    TAKES I I'- tin my term aboul Ihe first ol \u

    put, one malt bog, light brown in color, unmarked, we ghi about l« ponnde Owner can gel same b> p

    log all COBU. .1 II. CLARK,

    Wlntervllle, N t\


    Professional Cards I, ». CARTER, M.l>.

    Practice limited lo diseases o( the Eys Ear, Nose and Threat

    —and— The Pitting of Glasses.

    Office with Dr. D. L. James, Green- ville. N.



    rtlHI II IS l••'"> S A. Cnngleton and lays the sufferer open to attaol

    ciim Board of conniv Commls'n from other di-as■• Wet (vet, iud Attest: deo changes In temperature mid

    .. ping iiin overed al night cause many children's col l.; li roi w

    Superheated oxygen ■ Koley's Honey and Tar lucoessfully In the treatment ol ran- «!»•• »"r" and prompt roller. 8old

    grenoua wounds III Parti hospital everywhere -Adv.

    Braseoe Bell, clerk NoflH Carolina Ml ltd Btw.

    Norfolk n0uthern Q

    ew Obort M

    Schedule In Elicit April II, lllli.

    N. H.—Tbe following schedule fig- ures published as information only und are not guaranteed:



    l.os a. m. Daily, "Night Express." Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk.

    J.40 a. ni. Dally, for Plymouth, Elisa- beth City and Norfolk. Broiler Par- lor Car Service Chocowlnlty to Nor- folk. Connects for all points North and West.

    t>:30 p. m. Dally, except Sunday, for Washington.

    Weslbound 3.1 J a in. Daily, for Wilson. Raleigh

    and WOSt Pullman Sleeping Car Service. Coiienets North, South anu

    West .1 a. in. Dally, except Sunday, lor Wilson and Raleigh. Connects for al) points. |

    ■ 2:. p ill. Dally, for Raleigh and all Intermediate stations. For further Information and reser-1

    ration In Sleepln gears, apply to .1. L Hasscll. Agent, fircr-nvtlle, N. 0,

    II. S. I.DAItH, (Jen. Pas. Agt.

    I. I). PTACK, flcn. Stipt.

    FEED _ Are you one of our customers?

    If not, it is because you

    have not had our prices


    Hay. Corn, Oats, Bran, Ship Stuff, Hon Fead. Chick Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Flour, Lard, Sugar, Dry Salt Meat.

    We are In a position to »ive you prices that are the lowest to be had. on anything in this line. Be sure to gret our pricesbeforebuying

    We also buy Pitt County Corn

    J. B. JOHNSTON -■■— 1 sum

    Te keep n- tracks 1 lean ■ Qarman strict railway is nsim s vacuum cleaner operated by ihe mi lor of the .•ir that sarrles It

    Reflector WantAds Pay! Get the Want Ad Habit—


    Mate Llbrtai




































    Mrlciiturf U the lost I'.efol. t»r Wwt Healtkful. the Most Sooto tmplofnirnt »/ Mae.- Urorg* Wasktogli'ii-

    nil.I UK XXX1T. UKEEKV1LLE, N. «', H1WAY BTEH1HG, IIIM ST 47, MIS M Mill I! I




    sri'l'KH AT B I'. M.




    The votaries of Masonry in Pitt

    county never experienced a more en- joyable day nor a day tilled with more Interest and instruction in the prin- ciples of tl.c order than 111 the great gathering at Ayden on Thursday, the lath. Every one of the ten lodges in the county was largely represented, mi! several from neighboring counties were present, swelling the attendance to above two hundred and lifty.

    The occasion was the organization Of a fifth district meeting composed of all the lodges in Pitt county, and this was the first annual sesion. Through the leadership of District Deputy Grand Master John 11. Cheek end his excellent co-workers In Ayden lodge, the arrangements for the dis- trict "meeting had been well planned and were carried out admirably.

    The Masons assembled In Aydon's splendid temple promptly at 10 o'clock ami after the formal opening there was an address of welcome by Mr. David a. Ilollowell. of Ayden, and re- sponse by Judge F M. Wooten. of Greenville. Then there wore briel speeches on various topics of Inter- est to the fraternity, and the mornlnts BBoslon closed with a question box con- ducted by Worshipful Master H. E. Austin, of Sharon lodge. Greenville.

    The call coming from labor to re fresbments at 12:30. all repaired to onc „f the tobacco warehouses where a bountiful barbecue dinner awaited

    them. The first work of the afternoon ses-

    sion was the selection of officers for I lie district meeting for the next year. District Deputy Grand Master John H Cheek continued in this Office by Vir- tu of apointment from the Grand Lodge nf North Carolina, and the other officers elected were as follows:

    District grand senior warden. J. A|1 nlcnli„.rs „, |he party received his own life. wounds and cuts, though none of iliem

    1 are thought to lie in a precarious con- dition.






    BREST LIT0.SK Great Army of General Von Mackensen Organizes Itself

    For a Rush on the Lines of Czar's Troops and Makes a Successful Onslaught, Capturing an Important

    Russian Position.

    Jiexl Dancing (in-*.

    Will Start Thursday nigin in Hlni Hall. My best advertisement any of my present pupils.

    Irving .1 Calkins. S-S8-4I l|i. Instructor



    Reports from Belhaven this morn- ing. Indicate thai two young men in a

    ; buggy look il upon themselves lo ■hoot up the town 01 Belhaven last

    ! night, bill were arrested by Policeman ' Dillon ami taken before the mayor

    was a most beautiful tribute to Ma- where they were lined seven and live sonry and what it stands for. yet In dollars, respectively. closing the speaker spared not those members Ol the order who are remiss in their dunes in failing 10 live up to its principles, or who by their negli- j gence permit the entrance of those who are unworthy. >

    Again a little before 8 o'clock all repaired to the warehouse, whore the ladies of Ayden had provided a ban duel. It had been Intended at this banquet to have responses lo several toasts with Mr. H. C. Flanagan sa toastmaster, but at tbe conclusion of the repost be announced thai as the day had been so full of worU and good things, and there was yet lo come the address of Attorney General T. W. Blokett to which all were looking, rather thah make the hour of dispers- ing too laic the tmists would be

    omitted. The next assemblage was in the

    large auditorium of the l'ree Will .,11)-'' dllUIIUIIU'" "- The mosl progressive step taken by Baptist Seminary for the address of

    the district meeting, and one that will I General Bickett. After a song by B prove a lasting monument to Masonry |s,.|,.,.t quartet, Ihe speaker was Intro |„ Pitt county, was the decision to !uced hy Mr. A. O. Cox. of Winter create a loan fund of $1,000 to be vil|„ ,„ wen chosen words. Though •sed by girls in getting an education at Bast Carolina Teachers Training

    he omitted to call the speaker's name in closing, the reference lo him as th

    HADE A 81 (IKSSKII. < I.IMlt OK



    More than a thousand people crowd- ed around tbe courthouse square yes- terday evening at «;:!" o'clock to wateh 11 H Oardenler, the Virginia Dare Devil, make good his declaration that he would climb lo the top of the courthouse.

    Gardenler started at one corner of the building, easily scaled It to Hie roof, valtued over the cornice and trolled up the roof to the dome. Mere be experienced a little difficulty in gel Hug a secure hold on Ihe corn lie. bin

    Schoof nTZtZTZZ £= Z77^rZ nf"Norih i'^lina was he finally managed ,0 gel over. w,rihT,sLm. and .he vote u..s- ^..^ ,„„ WM „ with a The Hare ..evil's climb certainly lahllBh the fund WM carried unani- bu„t of applau8e. H,. Blokett Spol «as marvellous to the people of mously Mr A. G. Cox. of WintervlHe. „ ,, ,,„rt hl8 „,,,„. was lb- Greenville, and many of them gave „., m treasurer of the loan fund. aeed heauti{Ul. It was filled with ad- oui ejaculatlous of wonder ■     the and a committee of one from ouch „ i||ona ,„ riKht living being just »pectaiular exhibition. lodge in tho county will have charge |0 your nel(!hbor and trim 10 you" of raising U>c fund. . andwas inspiring to evci v hearer,

    At 4 o'clock the Masons went 111 pro- j Ay||rn (.cr|a|nly touched Ihe heart of every visitor to the district meet- Inn Nothing that coul 1 be des'red in*. ^ hosnltalliv IBy Wire to The Reflector. was overlooked anil th" hoMilta" was without hounds. The people of Rocky Mount, Aug. M. While a it,;,, good town Vied wiflt each oihc- i.mptliig lo alight from his father. in attention to their guests ahd saw automobile here yesterday evenlug, that everv .omfort a>M provided George Hales, I years old. wag thrown Av.ien calls Itself a little town great under the car, the wheels passll

    cession from the temple to the Metho- dist cbur':h. where after a most tilting Introduction by Representative I. « Galloway, of Grlmesland. an Oration was delivered by Hon. R. C. !>«>nn »f Khfleld. Mr. Dunn is grand orator Of (hi Grand Lodge of North Carolina.

    W-lu! roqueel he repeated the

    • mo last

    \ Bill IS HI N OVKH HV A> AI'TOMOItll.1

    Washington. Aug. 25. Word iau.c

    from Port An Prince today that

    Charge Davis, of the American lega-

    tion, had extended until tomorrow

    night the time for action by Ibi

    Haiten parliament n :' prnposed

    treaty to establish tor lu :■.;> an

    American financial protectorate over

    the island republic.

    Noon today had been fixed by the

    charge as the time by which he would

    expect approval of the treaty drafts

    submitted by the L'nlted States The

    Haitians protested, however, against

    such ■ limit on debate In parllameni

    and the extension was granted. Of- ficials here did not comment on press

    n. is that the parliament and min- istry threatened to resign If the American government Insisted upon

    Immediate action. Secretary Lansing made a state

    meat today explaining the purpose lb" l'nlted Stales hud in proposing and pressing the maty with Haiti al till* ,!„„, He said the Washington gov-

    ernment was ailing from wholly di- interested motives to save tb" Hitl' republic from rulll through never end ing activities Of so-, ailed revolution |Ms for Whom the country's reve- nues offered spoils. The Secretar: declared there wa- oi.ndation for reports that the proposed convention would give the United Slates Mole Bi

    Nicholas as a naval base. While Mr. Langsing would rtii

    cuss the treaty, it is known that n provides for American agents charge or the ten custom house*, threol which, those at Port Au Prince, 8t, Marc Cape Haitieii have alrca.l> hcei, taken over by "tear Admiral

    Caperton. Solon Menos. ihe Haitian minister

    conferred with Mr. Lansing during the I day and preseuled « communication !from his government requesting sn explanation of certain points In Ihe

    American proposals. Although the minister would no

    discuss the negotiations be said that

    he felt sure thai ills government was anxious to bring ab.n.t an understand Ing with the l'nlted Stales as spedilx as possible He made it .bar that his governmetu did not oppose the at

    tempt Of the l'nlted States In bring about pear, and reconciliation in the Island. Riots and uprisings, he ex- plained, were In many cases due to ignorance of Hie intentions of the l'nlted Stales and a misunderstand- ing of Ihe presence of American Hoop-

    on Haitian soil. "I hope and desire." said the minis-

    ter, "that 11 real entente wll be cre- ated betwen the two peoples, but such an entente Is only possible when both sides make concessions"

    Berlin, Aug. tt, via London. The

    Russian advanced positions to 'he

    s.iuthwest of the fortress of Brest

    i.uovsk were broken through yester-

    day by the Germans, according 10 an

    official announcement given out to-

    day bj tbe army headquarters siait

    The text of the statement follows:

    • In 1 lie western theatre.

    -in ihe Champagne district we sue-

    ,. .r ully 1 Eploderi Reversl mine*

    "In tbe Vosges an attack made bj

    the enemy on Scnratzmanneli »u» re

    pel led with hand grenades and soiilb

    ess, 0r that part of the

    trench sections which we los Au-

    gust 1^, was recaptured. •A German battle aviator shot down

    a Preach biplane near Nleupori.

    - in the cistern theatre

    •Army group of Field Marshal von

    Hlnderburgt Norm of the Stemonj

    ,,,,.,. 750 Russians were taken prls „ners during successful engage.m,.. m the nelgbuorb t Blrshi.

    •The army under Von >•'"""" advancing victoriously towards th« east, fighting all the way Hits arm,

    captured W50 Russian. I """• »"

    eral machine guns. . n„ .,„,!> Of General lm

    reached Berecowka. captured Kn>« ,v„ and crossed the Narew rive, w

    the souih "i Tykocln. ■ .„. aiii.y of Ueneral Von Gallwln

    capturei the Narew river irotsing


    till HI TOIIA1 IM.AGlll ON


    in 11 nsiunm.

    •1 esterdi y , eim >-. tin court took up

    the case in regard lo the last will

    and testament of 11 W. l'orb.s. and it was still at work on tins case today

    al 1- o'clock. The murder case ol S. M. Pol lock,

    charged With tbe murder ol a police- man by the nsme ol Smith ai Karm- ville, about two yean ago, lias been continued until tin November term of


    A cover lias been Invented for cook- ing utensils which • '.nap- In place and i- provided With .. -trainer

    through which hoilliiK ' 'ii"

  • BBSS



    REFLECTOR (Oaoa ■    m—ki

    PubllaW bi HI KlU.tCIVI UiatFaJI. 1Mb


    »^i»r>rlnuou. ouf yaaur, . . fl-M • I Q1U, US M

    •J .»::;• ( rate* ui as had upsst I, Oin-«.l..i. SI Hie blMUXM oatc* la '. u. HeUeetur tfullriiag, sarsaar B ajtbal »• aaw P»* ooarn aftar i>

    maty . .. Ilil.u ,.l III.) '

    . u.i|. geta Hie ladles taking "P tor htaa KJ, ,> !: h . .•■ in i all ■ the

    es ol thai coantr) toi .. pi r mi

    ., ..,-- in in "in.', aords, .i

    „,■   luideraland U Ui« i " ,I.II [on . in maiiano tin' • ,,i ii.. ■ hisi si tl ■ ■- ! .i. |i m -■■■■ this countrj niaki ,; ,e|| , ■  ui ret oi •>. al al goes

    on i'i Hi in course. ft'i' are uol advocating

    I ii ism we are onlj ■ onlendlag for thing thai we believe nacesear)

    in order lo malnia P' i'"1 ■' : 1 ' I.i Haiti.

    In the death of Kdltor Joe Itaeve. the newspaper world ban loal a good edllor. He was all thai could i" ex ii... ted "i i man

    Take Six Months '.. clean Si Head line li would take I thai to i i in the chara ler of - ■ • • people


    '..:■.-■    I.

    . .ii, lee. ■   i\ i ' ilnng w > ipp alinul

    i : . . . ■ - III V. ,i~!. ll cai'kb Vpex .. i

    - ■. ■ Id bi

    adverlis Ing In ." »r i for. wasn't tl ere mori u an.I people oni to watch the i imi - ■    . ... .....

    big ■ 

    Tin mi.1,1 in IT.

    • -• - • mn i ban a ■ 1

    iirth ■ i■■ in the feal of 11 H (iarde er I • •..-.. || .■ iinm- li ba ■ ■. .i ■ m ui why | i.e-.. ■ 

    |||;i| . ■■.,..

    V iti r ' ■ ■ ■ 

    n Id ha v I f.iinl Hun

    (■ol tl I'V v iipposc I

    tire tl Hie hm n rtt-' lhal i ■     ■   i

    1 f>f I ' lit-

    ^IIMI:> l'U mi I'HII K,

    Over in Europe there la ■ alanghtei oi nun going on Dally several thou- sand men are killed, or mangled for in,, in ui. bursting shells. Theae men urn*! suffer, their comrades Buf- fer pain, too, a> iiiev >ee iUi-ni slain, lim noi l.asi is the suffering eonii I i» the soldiers on ii"1 Held Bncli ■' lioine the women; mothers, sisters and wives ol the soldiers are Buffer. lug the deepest agony thai can be

    ihougbl of. Uvi n the suspense lhal ci mes dur

    . line thai iiie greal battles are on brings forth untold agon) m Ibi

    ',. women li •,.- ii Oman's business lo

    [and ii seems thai they are r them In Europe foi the slu igh ■ r pen

    ir Is going to -. bavin Hltli ) men of Europe It Is go

    ii. il lb m poor, shaking tbul a ill ever dread

    Ibealli I ihe dlspl DM tor can" ; >u Bei ii..

    as ol ii'n. i dasli over : es i our own old lu.lli s. * In

    ,i lllg lie- Civil W.n .

    thej see soldi rs passing ll i. i'i be i ."■ same way with Ku

    pe for years and years to eon.. n . old. oii story, the

    Tar Heel Press Nol llardli.

    i Klnslou i-'iee Press i The Georgia mob. whteb murdered frank, claims, aesordlng to re polls 1.1 eolTi'sponilenls. Who, ll is said, interviewed" members oi ihe pariy. was an "orderly committee." which carried oul Ihe legal mandate ot Ihe Stale. No bruialili ».,s III evl den. e. ami as mill li eoiisuiei anon aras Shown Hie eoiidi'iiiiieil man as would ; i en l lie i.ise had lie lie. 11 laken I ii) ihe scaffold !•> Ihe properl) constl | luted ••it'n nl- and executed, Ihe Inter-1 viewed are alleged to have asserted. \\, dare sa) ihe usual hangman's tea was not paid liy check in '!"■ "etpert" u no lied Ihe kBOt.

    (.■•■•■I Idea,

    . Aiiien Dispatch.'

    The North Carolina Hoard ol Health Is ui'compliablng greal things ih rough- Oltl the Stale, and Should p-eiv. i'i.. ardent support of ©very individual.


    Kortb C.m.lina I'l'l I i ne innVanlgi •' I hawlaJg beeii ap

    I i.inlid and ililli tratrlx o( the estate of Jaaaea k Smith

    . i said . state are notlfled to ex

    blbit Hie same before me on or betor. August I". I»H, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reeoverv. Al persons Indebted lo sal i estate i pi, aai m iki . Ilale setllemenl

    This august 10, ISIS, LENA SMITH,

    Administratrix of lame- A Smith I »e, i ased K If. Woolen. Allc.rnei

    For Vv e.ii. in ss cnu LOag of Appetite Th^OM F.un*i|»ri1 aeni-ral sti'iiB^heolnp tonic. r.HOVH'S TAsri-'I.liSS elnll ToMCuriiriioiil .l.i'ni ., and builitu n« llie*v*tnn A lii, toie~ 4 sure hoi a« auj childrcl. due

    If It u Headstones

    Markers Monuments

    Let Me See You HENRY T KING

    To The Farmers of This Section—

    We have ample means to assist you to

    HOLD YOUR COTTON if you vvish to. and will be j^lad to have

    you call on us when v. e can be ot service

    Greenville Banking and Trust Company

    K. U. H.O MMSi l'i'«_ t:. II. HIGGS, V.-rre*.

    J. ». I'KOI Hilt, ».-l'ri. I . S. I \ Kit. (ashler.


    nit IMI «OAT IN Him i niiin.

    i \\ a-hlllKlon Newa.i





    EYES If your afta are troubling )»u In IIIK them In me at here Ih* KXAafll.lTIOS IS r'KKr: and jrlasM'S lo suil jour ejea are supplied at reaMiunhle Mat llrnlieii l.cnse duplicated.


    W. L. BEST, optician

    ll : I el |, i llll prii'i

    \ HOVI I'iMMI Mil li.

    •J Ii . .i Trust ■.-i. iM.ii made an annonce-

    i hal nill doubtless be In raided .. It Is anlbusia in bj tin i a I ■   -

    i- lianking house liu in1 ..i thai ii In i isitli in loan

    III ord ; a allow

    em I I pi;. give Hie

    'nrini I 'i' I., or ■ 

    Considerable excltcmenl »..- cause-l

    II terda) In Ihe bach yard of W. II.

    i.i.n.iii. mi Weal Second atret, when

    I.I- eon and his little son's goal did

    "Willard-Jolinsoii," In which the

    on pla) ed Ihe pal i ul i.i I A'Mi.i "

    li is me i nown -i bal i au -■ I llus li-pui- pn.ii.ilili llrundle goi Ibi

    .:.,... i.i | al anj rale the

    in,i iiiihnuls wen .scon engaged In

    II ,,i..:- .mi i, Hilly" dodged in and

    aili laary's leg> and

    i , , nund hei -i.e a big diaad-

    runtagi -I..- irieil deaperaiulj 10 j Became Everybody Trie* It, Every- ■   r .-mail opponent, bui Billy

    i e- d in ke. p away. He'd back oil • . i , urue foii ard with

    I he speed ol u i xpre u iruia. Hi bead would balgi In I ids i.i!!. Id emit an oul raged liellnw oi pa Hilly epl Ibis up for

    Daily lliindle

    i id mil mil fl I Hill) la i ih-fc 11' the iar.| tndh)

    lll.'illlll It \MI MSTII1 HI II l\ Mist »> >|\

    F. C. NYE. A. B. Principal

    -■■  jLa.»-r.Mj^. ^t«^.-i>irf.i» JX»j.'eiii aaasai i >-

    Why's "Gets-It," for Corns, Like a Kiss?

    body Like* It, It'a Fainleu and Takes But a Moment

    to Apply. "fleta-It" Is the wonder ot the corn-

    pestered v.,.i i.i Milllona say so, bs- cauBe ii.ill..'.'.-. have use.I ll. That's what maltus it Hie b;.-i;.^i Selling

    We Wish to buy 1000 Shelled Lorn

    Bushels of


    Jane vllle, tt'la. Ann. -.; Thi i irrl .• ol Ml ii. I.. Aplllm i HI r . i' Kpillin r here rei enlly marl

    ' • . : ., brother and slstei Ik.nking H ■ elntlnns of biiBbitiid

    led on lb ., . , , , nn ., -.! . . n,„ |

    " ■ i i .en lhal I... fui m T|| .

    eiteteria My LHa Saw Anyttilna ».tSo yulcUIJ aud .Ua|fRally a> 'OsU-IU

    corn remedy on earth today, "Get.-ii" will ^u,'. ly get that corn or enllus

    " : by tin S|i BI i.iinili ii , ., lad in i"u"v:' '",'", "•''';'" u'7„-U .',";':'eiSSS Hicmted If they Inves „,, ,0, B,IV M „,anres m J» ViX^SFTSiii fft'iUnS

    it Km I' ' :,"! Ml e< /il , hen

    de il a (hot press down Ilia fb I

    noi knot r more am thoi i i ..n . irpris

    nun g in. ids ol tin famll) a hen Ihe man lai i inouni i ■>

    coupli i i i'harlos I. i ii ■ ui id. ri,nnii couri

    —put lour stoekiny and shoo right i,i. r It,—nothinir in atli'b, nothing lo hurt, vou ii. i tint fuss with thick ban ■ ■    - thai make a pa< kaaa out of your I"1'. Nokiilv..*, i 'S and sola. tors, uotnpo. no trouble. Its iluipllcity ll-uif. sure, i,u ok, palnlasSi Iry It alao tor ami wans ,

    -It" la sold at oil druKKista. 2Sr a bottle, or Bent direct by- li. 1 .HM. u. ,■ .i i:o., I iilciiiio.

    Big Farm Bargain i mil Sep.eiuini loth •>'■ oiier tor sale Ibif} iggosl farm bar-

    gain in Beauforl county, Poeltlvely trill have to be sold bj Sop tember lOtb. 400 acrea, wllh S6 acres in cultivation, i". a. res parti) ml down gr.d parlly cleared and ditched. All wire fenced. Throe new tenanl bouses, two large burns, three tobacco Imrni and oihoi buildings Dulldlugs coal over 18, There Is ,n,i |2 lino mini, ol stan ig mill timber on land now. a.1 Wbar ion staiion adjoining railroad and within 100 yards ol siaifon \isu mi TranlerB Creek, deep water tranaporlallon with i li lo Wiishingion, N i Klne location tor handling limber either bj rail or water 60U scuppernong grape no*? bearing on farm, ,,., pencil trues bearing two years, 800 applo tteea hearing three 1'ine location. In good community, Gray loam noil wiih

    ■ ,i ubaoll Nol an open ditch In farm, all natural drainage with . . reel fall to Tranlera Cruel Will average 1.200 pounds of hrlglu ueco per a. re. Very line tobacco land Will sell whole

    .1 or any pail of t-oit subdivision nl $20 (twenty dollar i per . re on good terms. If you want the heal farm for the i - In

    It, iifori county lodaj and worth over ISO i -a with In I you had better come Immediately and see II ai li will have

    m be sold by Heptember lei Remember price '"" an acre. Come ibi- week lo see it or it may be sold

    Wri r oni big bargain booklol ol our 100 farms foi iti i . niinii and Martin COUnl)

    Washington-Beaufort Land Co. WAshinaton. - North Carolina

    tar Warehouse Patrons .. *,—.. -r ._ r .. ||rn |n| mmM MIHHHI

    a r e

    Warehouse Drummers K See Them

    A. A. FORBES, Jr., Auctioneer

    G. V. Smith & B. B. Sugg Sole Owners and Proprietors


    "■  ■"

    Winterville High School - - Winterville, N. C

    The .lilfalh leealeg "III begin Tin-da), tuau.t il, IDIi. Literary

    1 ii~Ie and lllhlr fggjggg cii'n. lac lllll nl I hii-lian men and MIHII-'U all

    hating had experience In leaching. I urnllon conienlenl and heallliful. I \ pen-e.. ,,,, ri .i-iuniM' .

    Kur ten i alabii; and |eii in nlai -. addre. IMM III.K-THU KIM; I'I TIHSIII l!i; Til III 'POST

    lllelii ill. Va . AUK. -■'■    The NOT- fuih ami Western Railway has begun the worli of doulde-lrai'kfim I In- I'ily Polnl branch from Petersburg to the Hide oT the Hul'oiil powder plant in

    order io accommodate the greatly In- creased paaaonger and freight treble, The construction plans are going for ward ns rapidly as possible, mid lln speed ulih which ihe work is being PDahOd will probably meet (o sum. i-Me-ii the complaints egalpal the train .s.r i e i.a the branch, which buslnesi men ul Petersburg propose lo lay in- ini tin Btnie Corporation Commis- sion

    Something liki a tin in I siupling ma .bine is an Implometll lhal baa been Invented for lacking thadei on roller.. I'veuiv ami wlihoui hammering.

    Several adjoining counties a/era represented on today's sale ai late Center Brick, Everybody pleased at priees. Much expressions as. "The best sale I've seen;" "they surely aell tobacco here." are so common around the "Old Reliable" that u...' is natur- ally forced lo the conclusion lhal liuly, none can heal them


    Tobacco sales were not quite BO heavy today aa yesterday, but the high prices continue lo in* paid.

    A farmer stated yesterday thai be believed QreenvlUe to be the logical place to sell all his crop of lobneeo. He's pretty near right, too.

    The snake Hinry of the season came from Kinstoii yesterday.

    By the way. have you talked over the advertising proposition with this paper? l»o it now and save yourself money.

    I.ii TO HOI si; PARTY.

    The following young people will leave ihis afternoon for Btantonaburg to attend a bouse party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Velverlon:

    Misses Mary Slielbiirn. Mary Smith, Margaret Blow. Busle Warren, ol QreenvlUe, and Marjorle Davis, o Tarboro; Messrs Burney Warren, Waller Wihon. Jr., Norman Warn n. Howard Hodge* and Dr. P. W Wilson, i.;' Washington, D. i'.

    IIOH »UW Slll.llllKS MlililMt s|\|»:

    II:. hinond. Va.. AUK. 26. Inquil a - received at the office! of the Governor ami ihe Adjutant General recently In.m Officials of Ihe I Slales War Department Indicute an early renuosi for facts and Hguros concerning the quota of volunteers Virginia may be depended upon iii supply in Ihe evonl ihai the United Btates is forced into u war iiiib Germany


    SKI: IS I HI: I'HHKS BEFOBE VIM have your tin moling doue. Gutter

    and conductor pipe always on baud Bepair work dune promptly. S. T. Hicks, plumber. 3-moe-d

    MH SI'ltlM. 'Ill hKltll, S M Scbultz. tfd

    ■OB HK.VT -Jl'.NE 1HT, BTOBI now ccupled bv I.. C llatfib HIHES Bros H-2ii-»'

    W'ASTKO TO BEST Oil BUT KESI- dence In good location. Address

    "House." care Reflector. tf

    4IB B. fl. EVAltg FOI BLBCTfll' 'root. Heaters. T/ahte aid Ivtnr* Prnrtor Hnlal Ball dins " »* -

    Hiss Will. HillTi. r.MII'.l li\\

    in. w evening, Miss Nelle Whl uiained al a decimal dance al the bom.- „l her pan

    ami Mrs. H A. white. cotDBalasentarj iii bar bouse ■ i-. Mi-- KXita U oi Ralelgb, and Mhw Pauline n.sjd, of Kin-ion. The guests were met at the door aud welcomed by Miss White and li Bheppard and James Plcklen The booareee received them m the hall. .Miss Lillian Carr, Cbarli James and liun James seinil refresll ing punch in ine library.

    The furniture was removed from the parlor, sails, SOU Uiiung room, anu here liic- gueata enjoyed daiieiut;. At cue com ui.-..».i ,i II. L. .IAMBS. I) l>. S.


    Norfolk Markets Quoted hr Coke Bros. * Co.

    T0B.IV. t isiLKHW.

    He pi einhel wheat BB7-8 lien inber wheel ... '.IS 1 -V slept embei corn 74 :;-l lien lllllel corn . ... ;i a-s Sepl 'lllhel lard 8.05 1 •■ ■ ■ lllher lard vi; -'epl •uibei ribs 8.60 He. ■ lUbel ribs \.IIL'

    All expedition of N'oVweglan scient- ist, is studying the natives, flora and fauna of almost unknown region- uf nor!horn and central Asia.


    Though the sales todaj were small. it is generally understood lhal the) were even betler than il was expected that they would be. About twelve thousand pou.'de were sold today, ami some of the warehouse' averaged about leu and hair cents all around. This la an unusually good price for lie liisi curing, aud it i- expected thai the price will be even better later on.

    The farmers are urged to gel their tobacco graded as quick as they nun

    eaassassae»sa»lB»JBl aaaaassaajgeaaaaaaa^ajaaaa.

    UPTO-DATE This bank is alwavs alnv.-i.-t of the times ami

    in IUVII.TIVII to iiiini.-li it- i-iisiniini-- with modern M-rvii-f in ever*' dciNti'tmoiit.

    .Miiiil)i-i-slii|i in tin- I-'II|I-I-,-II Bescrve Bank liiianiti'fs to our patrons ample facilities with which tn harvest and market the* Taborwi and Cot- ton crops.

    We extend a cordial invitation t" the public t" visit us in mil- new banking rooms.

    THE NATIONAL BANK of Greenville


    JAMES I.. LITTLE, Pre** VV. K. rillllTOI! t.-l'rc-.

    I. J. HIHIH S. I'a-hl.r. I. li. JAMKS. V.-I'ns.


    For Sale! in lown (ii PacColus, 0 town lots, l merchftndlw >i»ire building, i nna1

    dwelllDf, barn.-, stables and sheltt-r One farm of three hundred acrea i hree aim one boll oiilea from i*a


    MICHELIN Casings and Tubes

    One Quality Only

    Notice of "Mill1 of I'rr-onsl Proper!).

    The Bes*:

    lll.tainnlilo Rag* Here

    \i Home

    »«• kii"« Yin-. tad When

    We tdrbe tea i" Trj

    Michelle*. We

    M«ini II.

    Speight & Kittrell Phone 30821 "£ ."Greenville. N. C.

    $2.50 Greenville to Richmond AND RETURN

    Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Via the Atlantic Coast Line R. R Train Leaves Greenville Sept. 7th at 8:58 a. m Returning leaves Richrrond Sept. 8. at8:0Op. m

    Don't Forget the Date

    Notice ol registration and election upon the proposition to Issue Fifty Thousand ltolars worth of Head Bonds by Falkland township, Pitt County, North Carolina. North Carolina. Pitt county.

    Notice la hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pitt coun- ty in regular session assembled on the 5th day of July 1915, It being the regular meeting held the 1st Monday

    ; of Julv 1916, ordered an election be held in Falkland township, Pitt County, North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21st day of September 1915, at the regular polling place In the towns of Falkland for said township, on the question or proposition of Issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent interest per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run for a per- iod of thirty years (30), the funds received from the same to be used for the purpose of laying out, estab- lishing and repairing, grading, con- structing and Improving in any way the Public Roads in Falkland town- ship as provided by an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, Ses- sion of 1913, designated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two (122), | of the Public laws of North Carolina, j

    And notice is further hereby giv-. en that an entirely new registration for said election was ordered and called, and that J. H. Smith was and Is apoplnted Registrar for said

    : Election, nnd that the Books for Reg- istration will be open on Monday, August 16, 1915, and closed at sun-

    :set on Saturday, September 11, 1915, ■ that on each Saturday during tie said lime and said Registration books will be open at the regular polling place In the town of Falkland and at all other times at the residence of the said J. H. Smith in the said Town of Falkland. North Carolina, and nil citizens desiring to vote on

    ! said Bond Election to be held on Sep- tember 21. 1915, will be required to

    I register. This Ihe Pth day of July 1915.

    S. A. Congleton, |Chm. Board County Commissioner.

    Attest:- Brascoe Bell, clerk.

    By virtue ot power vested In me

    b> Hum l»o certain deeds of Trust

    e\c, tited to me by Adam Heath? and

    wife Muni. Heathy, of record in the ,.:!:, i of IB. Register Of Heeds for Pill ,uonty in book l'-10. at page ">9T. and in book A 11. at pace NT. and ut tin requeel ol th. aeid parti.'s to soil said properly hereinafter described before selling the Mel estate '» sai.l Trust 11. ids dMcribed, "1 shall *»11 for cash, 10 the highest Milder,, at public auction, at the Court now. door in the town of Greenville, mi Ihe 10 day oi Beptember, IMS. at 12 o'clock II., tha following described peraonal properly to-wii:

    tine bay mar.' mule named Mary, one brown mare mule named Sell. on« ba> mar., oae two-horse Pledmoni wagon, and a ael of double harness. nil of which said property waa bought by the said Adam Hornby ol J. E Winslow.

    This I8tb da) of August. 1MB. ALBION Dl'SS

    I id. II weekly. Trust.v

    Ttki:> ri'. On my farm about ihe nrsi of Au

    gust, one male hug. light brown in color, unmarked, weight about M pounils. Owner .an gel satin- by pay- ing all costs.

    J. H. CLARK, Wratervllte, N P.


    Sealed Bids Wanted.

    Bealed Md. ar. wanted by Ik. build- ing .oniniiltoe of ihe town of Green- ville for Ihe construction of town ■ta lea Bldi will b. received antl next Monday. Tha committee hold Ihe right to reject any and nil bids. Plans can be sera at th. clerk", oSta

    \V. L. HALL, li. \V. HABDEE, II. 1, COWARD, Building Committee.

    Professional Cards

    M. W. t'AKTEK, M.U. Practice limited to diseases of ihe Eye.

    Ear, Nose and Throat —and—

    The Filling of Glasses. Office with Dr. IV 1- Jamee, Creen-

    ville, N. C, every Monday. Home Office Waab-lagtam. N. C

    IliltlHMi AND PI KM K, Lavwyefe,

    rractlcing in ill the Courts. Office in WOOtan Building on Third

    street, fronting courthouse. PARKER* AKTSTITMO,

    Corner Konrtli and Evans Streets.

    Photos Made llt'lh Hay «•>•! >'»ht Bend us your

    htil>\K WORE.

    NtiTK i: OF SALE 01' LAKH.


    The Quickest and Most Permanent Way





    LAXATONE Th: Midiciie with a Guarantee

    It acts upon the Lv:r in a mild Way. and does not cause that skk'-nning feeling s) alien the case with Calomel

    PRICE 25 CENTS Slid by Country Merchants throughout Pitt County and Aj>

    Coward-Wooten Drug Company,


    HI ii i' ■ mmmmmmm4

    il orfolk n0uthern Q

    (lew Uliurt II

    Schedule in Effect April II, into.

    N. li. -The following schedule lig- jrea published as Information out] ind are not guarantee*!:


    • S a in Dally, 'Xight Express.' I'uliiuan Sleeping Car for Norfolk

    • in u. in. Daily, (or Plymouth, Eliza both City and Norfolk. Broiler Par- lor Car Service Chocowinlty to Nor- folk. Connects tor all point* North

    : West. . .'." p. in. Daily, except Sunday, lot

    Washington. \Ye>th. f.

    H. BENTLET HARRlss. Still With

    •1U.fl ItKLlllll.K." The Miiliinl life Insurance Company

    of »vr York.

    R. C.t AISKV. MtoriiCj- ut Law.

    re: Wintervillo. N. C.

    u. M. CLARK, Attorney at Law.

    .and and Drainage Cases B Specialty. in office formerly occupied by

    P. G. James and Son.

    S. J. EVERETT, Attorney »t Law.

    Office in the National Bank Building, Uicketson Avenue.

    Kit. ANMK L JOVMIK, ttstcnpnthlc Physician.

    Office in Ihe National Hank Bnlldlngj. Dickerson Avenue.

    Office hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.


    Rooms 200-2, Second Floor Nations! Bank Building,

    Ureenvllle, >'. V. Vhnat 5«7.

    II UtRT SK1»KR. Attorney nt Law.

    Greenville, XQrtti Carolina.

    .1. V. THIOPEN, Veterinary Surgeon.

    Office: ".Yinslow's Stables.

    I'hnnes: Day II -,(|BBl S",-J

    Greenville, X. C.

    FEED SEED Are you one of our customers?

    If not, it is because you have not had our prices


    Hay.;Corn, [Oats, Bran, Ship Stuff, Hrn F^HTChick Feed, Cotton Seed Meal. Hulls, Flour, Lard, Sugar, Dry Salt Meat.

    We are In a positi< r. to Rive you prices that are the lowest tobehfcC.rr anythlnglln tr Is line. Be sure to get our prices before buying

    We also buy Pitt County Corn


    Southern Railway

    Premier Carrier of The South

    Low Round Trip Summer Tour- ist Tickets Now on Sale to

    "The Lard of The

    Shy" Asheoille, 'I ayn. stilU, Toxa- way, H'ndersiin-dic. Bre'Vard, Hot Springs an J all Other Wev

    tern North Carolina Points


    Spend your vacation In the cool in. untalns nf Western North Carolina.

    Weed .".id .net Sunday Kxeurslon round trip tickets un sale to Aahevllle. Black Mountain, Mt. Airy. Moreuead I'ltjr, Wilmington and various other ti .untain and seashore risorls.

    For Illustrated booklets, compleu detailed Information, ask your agent, j or comtnuiiicnte with

    Montgomery, Ala., AUK 25. By a close vote the lower house of th. All" iiatna Legislature refused to allow the people of th. Slat, to cute al th. next general election on an amend- metn providing equal suffrage,

    Although Tuesday was announced as 'woman suffrage day" In th. House and the gallery was decorated accord- ingly, ihe House postponed action un-

    til today. The equal suffrage hill has had a

    Stormy career since its introduction in both houses early in the first session of the Legislature, The House re- ferred it t" a committee, which report ed it favorably. It was thpn post- poned Indefinitely, reconsidered, put on the adverse ralemlnr and Anally resurrected ami today was unfavor-

    ably acted upon. The vote was 51 ayes and 4.' nays.

    lacking twelve votes of the required three tilths majority for passing. The Senate has agreed to act on the meas- ure on the fortieth legislative dav


    By virtue of th. power ol sale con- tained in a certain deed In trust exe- cuted and delivered by Frank Lilly and wile. Minnie Lilly, and Lovey Lilly to Stancill Hodges, trustee, to secure certain Indebtedness on the lsi .lay of January, 1912, and duly record- ed In the Heglster of Deeds iiic. of Pitt county. North Carolina, in Book I.-lo, page goo, the undersigned will expose to public sale, before the court- house door In Greenville, to the high- est bidder, on Friday, the Kth day of September, 1186, at 12 o'clock noon, u certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Pitt, and slate of North Caroling, and described as follows, to wit: A certain lot situ- ate In the town of Ayden. lying on the

    t side of railroad, south side of Third street, and on the east side o' Venters slreet. beginning at the south oast corner of Venters and Thin1

    streets, thence running a southerly course with the line of Venters street 140 feet; thence an easterly course parallel with Third street 68 feet to I stake; thence a northerly course para- Hal with the first line 140 feel to Third -i reef, thence a westerly course with Third street fiS feet to Hie beginning. It being the identical lot conveyed to Prank Lilly by J- w. Moon by deed dated February 12. Ifll". which is of record In the office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt county in Hook J-9. page 372. to satisfy said deed in trust.

    Terms of sale: Cash. This 14th day of Augu«t, 191&.


    WM 11 LOXf! Mine" v

    NOTICE. North Carolina—Pitt County,

    in the Superior Court. Mary Harris vs. Oscar Harris.

    The defendant, Oacal Harris, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su- perior court of Pitt county. North Carolina W obtain a divorce absolute •rotu btm; and the said defendant will further take notice that He is require'1

    lo appear at the term of the superior court of Pitt county to be held on the second Monday after the first Monday in September. 1916, it being the 20th day of said month, at the courthouso in said county, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action or tbi plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief demanded in said complaint.

    This 24th day of July. 1516. j. n. cox,

    Clerk Of the Superior Court.

    ROTICE 9f AI»M1MSTRATI0\. Having Qualified as administrator ol

    be estate of the lato William K. l.yon. this Is to notify all person* having claims against the said estate :o present them to the undersigned •idnilnistrator or to his attorney, on or before the fith day of Aoarait, HUB. or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery.

    All persons owing said estate will please make Immediate settlenicnl

    This August 6, l»to, ZENO I.YOX.

    Ayden, N. C. Harding & Pierce. Attorneys.

    O. F. YORK, Traveling Pasienger Agent


    Bach pew In a cliunli in a Cermet -ity ,.. heated by an Individual elee trie unit, which can be regulated to ' suit the comfort of an occupant of th«-


    lllMIMSTIMTirlt'S NOTICE. Having qualified a« admlnlstrato" o'

    Asa Bullock, deceaaed, late of Pitt COUnty, N I" . this is to notify nil P" SO0. having claims agalnal the estate of snld deceased to exhibit them to the Underaigned on or before the 23d day Ol August. 1916, or this notice will he ,.leaded In her >'' their rceoverv. AH persons indebted lo slid estn'e will please make Immediate payment

    Thin the 21*1 dav of Anenat. 1*1*. J, W. MAII.KY.

    administrator, s:..,!"" TONIC. *rfwl0»* KuT* "Ti*?-..t-w-oa ■mttmlSKaeni. «•














    U'l.l Ml. XXXIV.

    It.icnilurf I. th. MwM Dtaftl, tar Heal

    (.ii hi:

    Umllhful. the Host Nonli- Impbynieul al *a«.--Georgr Washington.

    Wll.l.i:. \. C, EBIDA1 nmomtV 8EFTKMBEB :!. I»1S.
















    M HBI B I








    TARY l.x>slM. 1M» TALES






    IS MM ii vii.t i: is i.IE




    BOARD ol vi.niKMiN VtlTI VI..U°VI HUH I" nitiMi HIM-

    Notwithstanding the inclemency ..i weather, a goodly number of people attended services last nipln :n Ihe

    Christian church mid beard un able sermon by Rev. Percy O. Cross, the noted national evangelist. This being the tirst service of a series that will continue for three weeks and prob- ably longer.

    The speaker chose ..■ ins theme for the Initial diecowse, "The Revival Spirits." And from this subji ii,, . , roused mm ii i nthu la nt .,,,,, ,g |,is ■ ••' ■■ - ■■''•' •> w». '""v

    di mon ' rni d al the lot ff tbe service.

    Dig 3I rmon n as addrosoed mostl in the religious element, Impressing them with whal eonailtuted " ''■' rival Spirit." Mr. Cross said 11 ' order for Greenville to experience i revival awakening tlie religious peo rie of ihe communit) musl begin with unceasing prayer and pm**** ,1"' preserving, toroearlng. praising, bur- dened and holy spirit. Mr. Cros. ' Wi.!e awake to their local work ani with the pn>pe'' support a great good will be accomplished.

    A huge chorea »f singer, have been secured from the different choirs Of the eitv that Will probably reach fifty |„ number, and with Mr. Cross as leader the music will he one of the features of those services.

    The speaker ha. chosen (or raw evening'- dlacourw "Th. Power ol the

    Holy Spirit." The piihiic is cordially lasted and

    urged to attend each evening Bl 8



    v., i . .-,. gi pt I, Cardinal Gib- bon, toilaj presented lo President Wilson a message from Pope Benedict regarding peace In Europe, later he sae Sei relary l-onslng on the same

    subject. lifter ill., confereuc. at the White

    House, the cardinal announced thai he had ills, nsaed the posalbllitii peace with the President. He said he had conveyed a message from tin ;•,;. ..:. ,,... question, but wald not. ,. ,,; ,,. exact content, al this n

    Cardinal Gibbons declared thai tin Betticmenl of the submarine i- o>

    ...,ii; aided ihe at I P< ■ ■■ and had placed the Cnited Stun a v.ry advantageous position to In

    o( service In bringing U „, ena. He said he had Informed the President that he belle«a llils lo »■ 

    true. 1, »as Indicated thul tbe Pope"!

    message was In the nature of a eug- gestion that neutral power, loin with th,. Vatican in making farther efforts to restore peace

    Th. cardinal sai.l that tbe plan In Btod was along the general lines ol recent public oiscussion ot the quea- tion In new.paper..

    Cardinal Gibbon. «•» wllh ,n" President nearly half an hour. H« was accompanied by Monaeigneur William T. Russell, ol Bt. Pat- rick's Catholic church here.

    •Our talk was UgWy satisfactory and I am very much ploascl with n>v reception from th. Preeld.nt, said Ihe cardinal.

    The cardinal indicated broadly Ibat he believed negotiatlona »oon vrould h under way to end the war.

    Mtisi |\ IMMOl SL1 I'OH Till.



    He ln-

    Undon, Sept. '•■ Qrtmt Britain can-

    not be a consenting party to a settle-

    ment ot the submarine question wllli li

    i-ii: - a liner and It. pasw ngera Into

    ,i . lass apart from a merchantman and

    its crew, th-- evening newspapers saj In rommentlng on the note of Coun Von llernstorfl lo Becreiary Lansing.

    ■•We '.in acknowledge no such dis- tinction." says ile Westminster da- .. •• . "and tor full satisfaction of our claim, we can ace pi nothing less il,.;i ,. establisbmenl of tbe law which protects all non-combatant, ahetlivi neutrals of natiot ils, '; ■ .. , , ,..-.. travoling on ordinary merchantmen.

    -Our , ise It been admit I l> di Cued b> Pi lenl Wllaon boll n the

    B hi wr i Februar: Id whei ,;, ,,,,,., had given notice »f her In

    tentlon to abandon legalit} ai A

    he (0rther note after the sinking or .,„. LuBitaula. I nthesc no dlstlncth

    . . mad8 between a liner and a mer-

    chantman. - • " ^ ••"""» he'j; hop,„g thai tbe Cnited states will put it ..-. record thai ii stands h> un whole of the doctrine so forcibly ex pounded in 0* Prealdei.f. earlier

    communications. The 1-all Mall Gazette confers

    Germany's offer to change her melh- 04, of submarine warfare to he l,iu,.« ed by the condition lhatil appllesonlj ,., imers. "Don'l try to escape or to offer realstance." h«ve tew attractions

    rot British aallore. it «aj«. .,,,„„t von Bernstorff'a lettti.

    „„,„nUes the C.a»tte. 'Las all the appearance to maneuver our mercan- tna marine out of .he trMom gained r,„. it bv its own seamanablp and b> ,„, failure of the submarl am

    ,gn The subraarln. blockade lias

    Hilt's 111 PORT »li.HH!l'!• i PLATED


    The heavy rain today recalls to the minds of many local citl/.c;.s the storm that visited this section of the State just tun year. tfO today, when tha town of Greenville experienced the

    t rain and windstorm in its

    history, Reports reeeiveil here from Wash

    Ington this morning states that the rainfall ther. last night was unueually heavy, ami that IB* rtver reached the

    dlcated that further « niiBht become known noon.

    It was announced at tbe White Houae that Wilson wonlfl

    llliike no c.n.niont on th. conference

    at 'hi* time *t the embassies of th. aW* th'

    earilinal's visit to the White Hon..

    WM riewed with lively Intcreni but none of the officials then expreaeed any hope for an Immediate outcome

    of the peac. talk. Later || was revealed that Hie car-

    dinal Incidentally discussed the Mexi- can question general* with Pre-ldent Wilson and expressed the hope that peace would be reatorefl there. ,

    Later Cardinal Gibbon, revealed,««"» ^ ww ,ne ,ml,, noi ,„:,, no me, sac- similar ... th- one .many. , ^ rpBardfi by Ihp worl(1

    he delivered to th. In m I • " DroU.(,nr of non-combatants and Pope had been -en. to the othc. 0

    authors would like now Is to gel price tor the wreckage."

    Tno ;,,,.„!„,. Standard remark-. IllUI

    „ prMidenl Wilson's -only object I ,o protect American lives, he may ac ,,,,!, Ambassa.h.r Von Born.torffs proneeala; but if the mlaslon of Amer- ,, 1s. as Prealdenl Wilson's language

    .taelt .«tt-ted. to uphold th. law- of humanity. w.f.H to « bow he can

    accept anything les..h.» «>•»-'" taltin, by cernianv to abandon he subniarii.e pUrao, P»i'cv entirely. .„ aKre*nen« be reaehcl on „M,„„„ von Bernstortr-. letter Amer-

    lca will have found an excuse for no! measure, against or

    At the r< gular mi el - boat

    of aldermen last niatii n ordinance was passed requiring all property owners within t!;- corporal■ limit* of the town to either maki tin lr nut fa. i closets sanitary, or build new oi ■ 

    According to the spe< lii • ' • thi- ordinance, all surfai e ■ losei will :■■: the limits m the low n. *UI bi pro Idcd with buckets.

    . . Ini ! . and ih i soil i ' ■' he made fly-proof by - reenii g The privj house musl also hi made fly-

    ! oof and p ovlded ' :"si"*:

    door. This musl hi : un

    . . ; ■ .;:: d ite The town clerk In !llal'-v

    . which lias hi ull ..... ot tin

    ce, and can b « '>■     ",0 ' wishing to kuo* • •• . ■ ibis ordinani e.

    \,..,i!,. r prof essivi •■ : i.,,,,,1 last nlghl « t> the creat • ,. caN ger depart n irol of ll.i pr per >l i ' ''■'' closets. A 'ax of two dollars per

    .,- will he levied open each propertj

    owner to cover the coal of ih partment

    An nddition to the ordinance re- nulrea thai each property owner pur ehaM two galvanised buckets, same to be specified by Ihe town clerk. Ail buckets are to he uniform.

    The vote on Ihe measure last nigh ,,,- practically unanimous, n has had the hearty support of Mayor „„„„ ,lnc, „ was Ural hinted thai i„,g might he on. of the new ordl-

    „l passcl by «be now '-"!'r' The citlaen. of the town .hould >■ 

    ,„,.,,.,,,„„ for what the board of „,,„.,,„,„ did las, nlghl for this will. ,n a great a.ure. reduce the numbei of caw. of typhoid and malaria hen

    This Is a step forward for Greenville ,ha, will. i» all probabil't! lessen the death rate In Ot nvilh and one thai ,. well in keeping with the progress ,hal is being made along other lines


    I V I I'.H I ON i l n aTNfcl I-


    I gg 1111 g • • ■ in Kurope h nd-t, iti ti .... oi K o .''ii .' '-■  Uau-

    •: -

    At >: . hi i:!*'1 of :,1 ■ ":.. .-'.:.

    last '. - ■■ niovi . mudi lo pub- lish I In .... u ' lot statement. The

    board i onatden d tin stall lueitt ■■   • agreed li have 11 published in part, it

    ,t tli.-r. are onn : ,x part in tins reporl thai ■■ m ij rit; board does nol wanl pnblishe I

    : re| orter ti leurn ju what pan- Ihe -'. Ipulat ioa h.t> b. i n placed pon. but he i H ority to aay tl it a majoi not ivani the cntln statement pub- iishi i

    ;• , Dis lhal iheri - ■        • Ihe part of some mpml board thai wanl >• >•■•-■ " public some facts wliU-h I


    ■  ■ 

    . • s'

    print part ... the i le-rm it , .... ., ...... , .... i! ...

    lares and um Vbi you placi

    Mr Lautan - prop: t'and) (Itchei and : Orel's Mr. Abeyi mils Is propt lug st..,-.. :.• sci do ,i to Mr pla . 11, - • ■-■: ■ 

    I, .... ... ■,... the Syrli looking l, r Uui ■• ■ mornlni

    ' " : ;i en- was the t


    mis' appearei ....'....-..■•'



    amu .,.. .. .

    . I)e,me. too. It hi


    printing II all and

    : ■      . nious to ki i ,. . |,l. mien wl i, lo ex,

    ...... ..,■-. th "I ... . folks, are publ should be ■ evered "l

    The in-.yor and thn