to Help You Create More Money in Your ·...

115 Affirmations to Help You Create More Money in Your Business by Dr. Minette Riordan

Transcript of to Help You Create More Money in Your ·...

115 Affirmations

to Help You Create More Money in Your Business

by Dr. Minette

Be sure to read my blog post at

1. I am successful in everything I do.

2. I am joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.

3. I am moving towards money.

4. I am creating money in my life.

5. It is great to have money!

6. I am ready for abundance.

7. I am a rich person.

8. I love the energy of money.

9. I am successful and I love it.

10. I am a beautiful, loveable human being.

11. I am successful in everything I do.

12. I am willing and daring to go all the way.

13. I will reach my goals, joyfully and easily.

14. I am always reaching my goals in one way or another.

15. I am joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.

16. I love my self.

17. I love all beings on this planet.

18. I am so happy to be alive.

19. Every day and in every way I am getting better and better.

20. Little by little, I am learning more about money, smart planning and investing.

21. Just because I might have debt, this does not make me a bad person.

22. No matter how much money I have, I am making positive choices about what I do with it.

23. I am learning to take more intelligent risks. I’m confident that sensible risk taking will help me build my financial future.

24. I am choosing to make the time to take charge of my money.

115 Affirmations for Creating More Money

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

25. It’s not a bit selfish to take good care of myself financially. It’s self-respecting and self-caring, and

26. ultimately makes my relationship with others richer and more satisfying.

27. My loved ones enjoy, respect, and appreciate my financial knowledge, power, and success.

28. I enjoy earning.

29. I deserve to be wealthy.

30. My job/business is one of the pipelines through which I tap the infinite wealth of the universe for my own desires.

31. My personal connection to Infinite Being and Infinite Intelligence is enough to yield a huge personal fortune.

32. People enjoy paying me for what I enjoy doing the most.

33. Life always holds out as much goodness as I am willing to accept.

34. I am enjoying creating value for the people that give me money.

35. I have the right to give myself permission to become wealthy or do anything that I want.

36. Each year, my money increases faster than I spend it.

37. It takes less effort to be wealthy than it does to keep out the universal supply.

38. Life rewards me with abundance.

39. I deserve to be wealthy, rich, prosperous and affluent.

40. I enjoy expressing my abundance.

41. I spend money wisely.

42. I always have more money than I need.

43. I bless all my bills with love.

44. I pay all my bills on time easily.

45. The more willing I am to enrich others, the more willing others are to enrich me.

46. I now have a positive personal cash flow.

47. I am worthy of having money in the bank.

48. I am financially independent and solvent.

49. I enjoy saving.

50. I am now earning a great big income doing what satisfies me.

51. Something wonderful is happening to me today-I can feel it!

52. All my bills are paid up in full and I still have all this money.

53. My affirmations work for me, whether I believe they will or not. (This is for the skeptics among you.)

54. A lot more money is coming into my life. I deserve it and will use it for my good and others.

55. All my clients praise me and pay me!

56. I am a money magnet!

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

57. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, waking and sleeping.

58. I am now highly pleasing to myself in other people’s presence.

59. I walk, talk, look, act, think and am rich!

60. I am a winner-I win often, and I win big!

61. I now receive large sums of money, just for being me!

62. My income is constantly increasing.

63. I am a money magnet.

64. Abundance surrounds me.

65. I am open to receiving the abundance of the Universe.

66. I choose to be positively abundant in all areas of my life.

67. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

68. My prosperity is unlimited.

69. I expect and embrace abundance every day.

70. My income is growing higher and higher now.

71. I am passionate about building wealth.

72. I deserve and welcome financial abundance in my life now.

73. I create abundant wealth easily and effortlessly.

74. I AM easily accepting abundance in my life now.

75. I am financially secure.

76. I am healthy and wealthy.

77. I allow myself to prosper abundantly.

78. I trust that I am creating abundance.

79. I open myself to receive the abundance of The Universe.

80. I am open to abundance.

81. I am saving more money every day.

82. I am prosperous, health and wealthy.

83. I have a financially stable future for myself and my family.

84. I value my money.

85. I deserve to be abundantly prosperous.

86. I am worthy of and open to receiving abundance.

87. I am the source of my abundance.

88. I am a powerful money magnet.

89. I love money.

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

90. I am abundantly wealthy now.

91. Money comes to me effortlessly and abundantly.

92. My connection with Divine Intelligence is blessing me with vast amounts of money.

93. I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily.

94. I am grateful and happy for all that I have and all that I receive.

95. I am prosperous; I have everything I need for a joyous, abundant life right now.

96. I effortlessly allow abundance in all areas of my life.

97. Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a surplus.

98. Wealth is an effortless result of my prosperity consciousness.

99. Everyday my bank balance is more than that of the previous day.

100. I let go of all internal struggle to earn more money.

101. Through the power of my subconscious mind, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I need and desire.

102. Being wealthy is my inherent right and I claim it now.

103. I am grateful for the money flow in my life.

104. Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

105. The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and spend some.

106. Money is a state of consciousness that supports me. I allow prosperity to enter my life on a higher level than ever before.

107. I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking, and my finances reflect this change.

108. I delight in the financial security that is a constant in my life.

109. Money flows easily to me.

110. I receive money easily and effortlessly.

111. Every day I make more money.

112. I know what to do to make money.

113. I enjoy making money.

114. I am a money magnet!

115. Money-making opportunities are all around me.

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.