Title sequence research

What is a title sequence? A title sequence is the method by which films or television programs portray the name of the production companies who helped with the film, the directors name, the producer, the executive producer, the top billing actors and lastly, the movie title and with this, can include conceptual visuals and sound. The title sequence, helps establish the setting, genre and characters to the audience. This can be done with action, animation, music, still images and graphics. Title sequences usually last from 2 – 5 minutes long and some title sequences can start with just the credits and some can occur with the film beginning but credits during it.

Transcript of Title sequence research

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What is a title sequence?

A title sequence is the method by which films or television programs portray the name of the production companies who helped with the film, the

directors name, the producer, the executive producer, the top billing actors and lastly, the movie title and with this, can include conceptual visuals and sound. The title sequence, helps establish the setting, genre and characters to the audience. This can be done with action, animation, music, still images and graphics. Title sequences usually last from 2 – 5 minutes long and some title sequences can start with just the credits and some can occur with the

film beginning but credits during it.

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Example of Title Sequences..The films in which I will be evaluating the title sequences are…

James Bond Skyfallhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy0iewac5CY

Insidious https://


World war Z


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Sky Fall – James Bond title sequence.

The beginning of the sequence starts of with

James Bond walking onto the screen and pointing a


There is then a graphic design of blood spilling down the screen which establishes the genre of the film which is


Then, appears an image which says 50 years to portray to the audience

that James Bond has been showed for 50


Next, we are introduced to the main character, which is James Bond and in this part of the title sequence, we as audience members can see that he

faces a lot of obstacles and is close to death.

The producers name is the first credit in the title sequence.

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The first name in the credits is the top billing actor, Daniel Craig who

is the main character

The next screenshot is the showing the

audience who Daniel Craig plays and portrays the introduction to the

title of the film.

After the introduction of the main character, the

title of the film ‘’Sky Fall’’ is shown after just one

actors name to represent the importance of his


After the title of the film, the rest of the characters are introduces with graphic designs.

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After listing all the actors, which usually lasts a minute, the rest of the crew are now shown such as co-producers.

The music in the background is Adele so before the music stops

playing, they list the name of the song and who wrote it.

Lastly, just before the film starts, the directors name is listed.

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The title sequence first starts off with a company they

associated with to create the film.

Next, more companies are listed. Lastly, it names who’s film it is which is in a white

circular shape.

The name then disappears and the circular objects spins, once it stops spinning it becomes a light in a child's bedroom which sets the scene.

Insidious title sequence.

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From the child's room, the camera zooms and then moves all around the room an out of the door which establishes the set and shows the

audience it will be associated with a family, the camera then shows other places of the house.

Then, the screen goes all black and a face


The face is then made clearer and it is of a scary women hiding in darkness, this realty portrays to the audience that the genre of the film is a horror film.

All of a sudden, big red letters come up with the title of the film and also,

non diegetic sound appears where it is high pitched and fuzzy to scare the


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After, the top billing actors are listed, due to being a horror film, the writing is in red and

fades out with red smoke which foreshadows danger; evil and death.

After all the cast is listed, it says the

women who casted all the actors.

Next in the title sequence, the costume designer and the music writers and then listed to show the audience who worked on the different sections, while their names are being listed, the camera is still going around the

house in darkness and shadows to portray a really scary atmosphere and to build tension for the audience up before the film actually starts.

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In the credits, it then shows who edited this


The production designer and director of photography is then listed in the title


More names are listed and in this next section are about the line producers and co – produced.

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They then include the names of who produced the film.

Subsequently, the writer of the film is added and

behind the name is a picture of the family of who the film is about.

The last name is

the director of the film.

Lastly, a women is introduced to the scene sleeping, a few second later the scene is then turned to colour, she wakes

up and this is when the title sequence finishes and the actual film starts.

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World War Z title sequence.

The title sequence firsts starts with the productions and who else is associated with the film, also who the production is from.

After that, there are some nice scenery shown of nice places such as a beach and a sunny sky. The pictures include no people or

disruption. While this is happening you can here non diegetic sound which is quite fast and is giving the audience suspense, then, in the background you can hear diegetic sound which is the sea and wind

of the beach.

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Then, there is scenery of

America with the sun peaking through the buildings.

Then, is another scenery of loads of houses crowded all next to each other.

The screen then switches back to text and shows who’s film it is.

Now, the top billing actors are listed and Brad Pitt is first due to being the main character. The footage in which the names are

next to, is set in America.

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Now, the setting has been switch to China, this is done because it is showing the audience the two different places the film is associated with. Also, there is plane destinations and times to just show the audience that

it is every day to day life. There is use of sound which is from the news but there are loads going on top of each other to give the atmosphere of

busyness and rush hour.

There are then more actors being listed and a plane flying off. The

reason that the actor are not close to the first actors, is

because they are not the top billing.

There are then clips from TV shows such as news and morning TV interviews.

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The women who casted the film, is

then listed.

However, there are then news reports of shocking

story line like the dolphins being killed

because they are keep coming onto land.

Then, the visual effects person is listen, but there

is then footage of the ocean again which is not

to settled and nice anymore, its gotten rough. This symbolizes something

wrong is happening.

The title sequence uses a range of split screen to list the crew and shows the audience more

of the news.

The main focus now in the title sequence are animals and their


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More crew members are still listed.

The title sequence is now referring to the news and how there are more chaos with the dolphins. This is really getting

the audience eager to know what's going on.

Then, the editor and designer’s are listed, for humor, when the designer is listed, they put it next to badly

designed socks.

Then again, there are more news

articles about the situations.

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Next listed shows what else the director has


There is then footage of the traffic which

portrays to the audience something

is happening to cause this disruption.

Next, the executive

producers are listed.

There is then footage of people outside with masks showing there is something wrong with the air, as this footage is playing, there is

dialogue from the news presenter saying how the health care workers are advising people not to go out.

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Then, there is news with someone calling up about a

attack, at this point, the music is speeding up.

More executive producers are then listed. Then, the wolf from the previous scene is shown growling and shows the teeth, this shows something has caused all this weird

change all of a sudden.

The producers are listed here and also, it shows

Brad Pitt produced this film too.

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There is then a lot of violence with is occurring .

Then, there is a man saying how the world coming

to a end is a ‘hoax’ which is very ironic due to flashing to animals brutally

killing each other.

Again, is brutal killing of animals.

Thenlisted is the man who wrote the novel and how the film is

based about it.

The fact that the title sequence is still showing the deaths of animals, is

creating an enigma code because this is keep being showed throughout the sequence and they want to know

why this is happening.

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The director is the last person to be listed and then at this point of the

sequence, there are a lot of flashes of all the different things

going wrong and the fact that its flashing really fast and there are a lot of images, it shows that the world

is going wrong.

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The screen then gets darker and letters start appearing which then spells out the title of the film ‘ World War Z’

Then, a background appears and the title of the film fades away which then leads to the beginning of the film and all of what happens

establishes what has happened and something is going to ruin the peace and normality of the world.

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Similarities and differences of the title sequences..

What was similar?- All three title sequences started with the companies involved to make the film.- They all then listed the top billing actors.- They then included the crew members.- They all listed the director of the film last.

What was different?- Skyfall’s title sequence didn’t have any footage in it from the film; however there was a lot of

symbolism with the title sequence because it forshaddowed death.- Insidous only showed a bit of footage from the film but when the cast and crew were being

mentioned, there was only graphic designs and no acotrs. - World war Z acctually had footage of the film and in their title sequence they showed parts of

what was happening which established to the audience something was going wrong.