Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazinetidmarshwithsulham.co.uk/TidmarshWithSulhamParishMagSep... ·...

September/October 2009 50p Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazine

Transcript of Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazinetidmarshwithsulham.co.uk/TidmarshWithSulhamParishMagSep... ·...

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Tidmarsh with SulhamParish Magazine

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Welcome to the September/October issue of the magazine…

It has been a busy few weeks in Tidmarsh and Sulham! First we had the Summer Picnic on the Lawn at Sulham House — and what a fantastic setting! The weather held until just before the end and I know from speaking to many of the people who attended — many travelling some distance — that is was a truly memorable evening. The following day was the Sulham and Tidmarsh Garden Fete — again, held within the beautiful gardens of Sulham House and even the intermittent rain could not put off our villagers! You came to support in your droves, once again making it a really super, family occasion for both young and old alike!

The following Sunday was the Parish Walk — another a great turnout. It was a lovely sunny day and a great opportunity to experience, first hand, all the hard work which has gone into creating this new circular path. If you have not yet walked it, do so soon — you should have received the leaflet detailing the route and there is also one on the Parish Notice Board opposite The Greyhound. More on all these events in this issue!

Many of those who know me will be aware that I have a fondness for chickens! These creatures are just the perfect pet — you give them food — they give you lovely tasty eggs — win/win! Unfortunately Mr Fox is as keen on chickens as I am and following several visits, he just about managed to polish off most of the chickens in the village. Having heard that several hundred ex-battery hens were destined for slaughter, I arranged to collect a batch in order that they could live out their days as happy free range birds pecking around, dust bathing and continuing to lay eggs. After distributing a fair number to other keen chicken-keepers, I still found a had a huge surplus of eggs. My children came up

with the idea of putting a trolley at the end of our drive with an honesty box and several boxes of eggs. They made a sign to tell potential customers about our rescue hens and sat back to await the funds which would allow us to rescue more in the future! Well, I am disappointed to report that our faith in human nature was well and truly shattered in a few short hours. Several people stopped; several people took half a dozen eggs; but not one person put a single coin into the honesty box! I am quite sure no one from our village did this as Sulham Hill/Mill Lane is a well known rat run and if any villages would like to support our Hen Rescue enterprise then please feel free to call at the house to get your eggs as we won’t be leaving them at the bottom of the drive!

Yet again, I must thank those of you who continue to send in your subscriptions — many with really lovely notes. We really don’t mind how late you are — it’s just lovely to receive them. Thank you for your continued support!


Jenny [email protected]


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Art classesMondays and WednesdaysArt classes are held in the village hall on Monday mornings, Monday afternoons and Wednesday afternoons. For further details, contact Christina Taylor Smith at [email protected] or call 01491 671870.

Yoga classesThursday eveningsStarting 10 September at 6 pm to 7:30 pm. There is no requirement to commit to regular attendance; you can pay for each class individually. See below for more details.

Walking groupFriday 4 September and Friday 2 OctoberMeet outside Tidmarsh Village Hall at 9:30 am. The walks last approximately 1½ hours. They will be at an easy pace on paths over fields and woodland. All are welcome, including well-behaved dogs. There will be coffee and chat afterwards in the village hall (see below).

Coffee morningFriday 4 September and Friday 2 OctoberThe Village Hall coffee mornings take place on the first Friday of each month from 11 am to noon. Do come along for a chat. There’s a village walk that takes place prior to this, weather permitting (see above).

Dates for your diary

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Book clubWednesday 9 SeptemberSummer reads are The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins and The Return by Victoria Hislop.

Read one or both and come and join in friendly informal discussion at Garden House in Sulham on Wednesday 9 September.

For more information, contact Alison Boyland on 0118 984 5202.

Royal County of Berkshire ShowSaturday 19 and Sunday 20 SeptemberThe countdown is on for a memorable year as the Newbury and District Agricultural Society celebrates both its Centenary and the 100th anniversary of the first Show which was staged at Enborne Gate Farm, Newbury in September 1909. For more details see the article on page page 14.

An evening hosted by the Friends of St LaurenceFriday 9 OctoberAt 7:30 pm in St Laurence Church, Tidmarsh, the Bishop of Reading, the Rt. Revd. Stephen Cottrell will be the guest speaker at an evening hosted by the Friends of St Laurence.

Bishop Stephen is going to choose the subject of his talk; those who have heard him speak on other occasions will know that we shall have an interesting and entertaining evening!

There will be refreshments and a retiring collection in aid of the Friends of St Laurence.

For further details, call Jennifer Nutt on 0118 984 2370.

Harvest festivalSaturday 17 and Sunday 18 OctoberHarvest festival this year will be held at 11 am on Sunday 18 October at St Nicholas church in Sulham.

Decorating the church will be the day before on Saturday 17 October at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome to come and help decorate.

Dates for your diary (continued)

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Dates for your diary (continued)

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Village hall newsby Ann Robertson

100 club drawDuring August and September, members of the Village Hall Committee will be selling 100 Club Draw tickets. They provide extra funds towards the upkeep of the hall, whilst the lucky winners each month receive £25, £15 and £10 in prize money. The proceeds of the ticket sales are shared equally between the hall and the prize money. The tickets cost £5 and are entered into five monthly draws, plus a bonus draw for the New Year.

Future eventsNew yoga classes will be starting on Thursday nights from 10 September (6 pm to 7:30 pm). Come along and try a session. You can “pay as you go”. In November there will be a Table Top Sale and a Pamper Evening. For details on all these events, see the Dates for your diary section.

Hiring the village hallTidmarsh village hall is available for hire for £10 per hour. For information on availability and booking, please contact Karen Fountaine on 0118 930 2622.

Sports equipment for the Millennium Greenby Gillian Alderton

The Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish plan committee has successfully applied for a grant from West Berks Healthy and Active parishes to cover the cost of play equipment for use on the Millennium Green.

This fun sport equipment includes portable football goals, rounders sets, soft tennis and badminton net and rackets. These items will be available for use by residents of both villages in the near future.More details will follow in the next issue of this magazine.

Parish matters

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Local planning applicationsBelow are details of recent planning applications made within the Tidmarsh and Sulham parishes. You can find more details on these planning applications, including their status, on the West Berkshire Council web site at:


Application Ref. Address Proposal

09/01163/HOUSE CherrytreesManor Farm LaneTidmarshRG8 8EX

Conversion of attached single flat roof garage into en-suite with new pitched roof.

09/01452/HOUSE 2 Strachey CloseTidmarshRG8 8EP

Single storey rear extension, removal of one internal wall and replacement of one window with french doors.

Parish matters (continued)

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Myalacarte, Prospect Street, Cavershamby Richard Thomas

Described as “British with a twist”, that is exactly what we found. Don’t be put off by the funny name or that Prospect Street lacks charm. We thoroughly enjoyed our meal and will definitely be going back.

This is the restaurant that Yasmina ran with her brother, Matthew, before becoming Alan Sugar’s latest “Apprentice”. The policy here is to source top-quality British food, particularly local produce where possible. The seasonal a la carte menu was very tempting, but so was the Mya Daily menu: a main course for £9.95, two courses £12.95, or three for £16.45. Jolly good value, but more significantly jolly good food presented with that twist!

I started with beer-battered Scottish cod cheeks whilst Rosemary had potted Dorset ham hocks. Both were delicious and both had interesting accompaniments. I then had Welsh lamb fillet, marinated artichokes and broad beans (out of their skins), French beans and peas; Rosemary had the catch of the day consisting of pan-fried haddock on a broad bean, pea and red oakleaf salad. Neither dish was complicated, but both were beautifully produced and tasty.

For dessert we could have had Welsh rarebit but Rosemary chose a delicious mirabelle plum cheesecake (with the plums from Caversham) and I had a homemade choc-ice which I won’t try to describe for you really must go and try it for yourself!

Suffice it to say that every plate we saw, including those being carried to other tables, had that slight twist making an essentially simple dish into something special. Even the coffee was really good. Including a glass of wine (or three, as I couldn’t resist a second) the bill came to £47.60.

Do give Myalacarte a try. You won’t be disappointed.

Myalacarte5 Prospect Street, Caversham, RG4 8JBTel: 0118 946 3400http://www.myalacarte.co.uk/

Restaurant review

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by Gill Haggarty

Thank you to everyone who both helped over the weekend of 31 July to 2 August and to those who turned out in the drizzle to support all our events, which were held at Sulham House by kind permission of Henry Scutt.

Picnic concertThe weekend commenced with the Picnic Concert in the grounds of Sulham House.

The evening was opened by Henry Scutt and the music started with some excellent vocals from Clare, Gemma and Hannah. This was followed by the main act SHOT who played non-stop for two hours and had everyone up and dancing.

We were blessed by the weather as it stayed dry until the last 30 minutes.

The picnic concert raised £2,023 to go towards urgent repairs at St Nicholas.

Flower festivalOn Saturday and Sunday, a flower festival was held in St Nicholas — the church was filled with beautiful arrangements. Many thanks to Joyce Ayerst for organising this, to everyone who created an arrangement, and to everyone who visited the church.

The flower festival raised £184 which will also to go towards urgent repairs needed in the vestry at St Nicholas.

A message from Joyce Ayerst...A very big thank you to all who helped with setting up flowers in the Church for the festival this year.

I am always surprised at the outcome, such lovely colour combinations and displays. Sincere thanks.

Picnic concert, flower festival ...

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Village feteOn Saturday 1 August we had a packed fete programme featuring The Pangbourne & District Silver Band and Sonia Dugay’s Dancing School.

A special mention goes to Lynn and Simon who ran the very popular “fun” dog show which featured an agility course, prettiest bitch/handsomest dog and the sausage race with sausages kindly provided by Greens of Pangbourne.

The afternoon ended with the Cowpat Predictor and the drawing of some wonderful raffle prizes.

Many thanks to everyone who ran a stall or who contributed to one — without this support the fete would not be possible.

The fete raised £2,653.78 to be split between the two churches — a tremendous total considering the somewhat inclement weather!

Luxury raffle £329.00

Pimms bar £191.30

Plant and produce £215.45

Guess the name/weight of the pony £31.00

Spots on dog £20.05

Teas £322.60

Teddy tombola £66.00

Toys £13.98

Treasure map £11.70

White elephant £67.25

Gross profitLess total expenses


Net Profit £2,653.78

... and village fete

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by Jenny Cope

The new Parish Walk was opened with an inaugural walk on Sunday 9 August at 11 am. A number of villagers met at The Greyhound where Colin Pawson explained the history of the new circular route and thanked the landowners for making it possible.

Walkers meeting outside The Greyhound

Landowners where there are existing footpaths are Mike & Shirley Smith of Bramble Cottage in Sulham and Heather & Henry Scutt of Sulham Estate. Permitted footpaths have now been created across land owned by Paul & Janet Bethell and Nigel & Jenny Cope of Mill Corner.

In addition, Colin thanked Andy Coulson-Phillips, Berkshire Reserves Manager with Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) and West Berkshire Council (Countryside & Rights of Way department) Elaine Cox and Sallie Jennings.

Parish walk

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A number of new stiles and gates have been installed by Arrow Fencing and the project was funded from the Developer's Contribution from Tidmarsh Grange.The route starts at the top of Mill Lane just before the Mill Stream bridge, over the fields to Sulham, then south over Sulham Estate farmland across to the Moor Copse Nature Reserve, along the Pang and then through the path next to St Lawrence and back to The Greyhound.As you will see from the photographs below, the walkers were in need of liquid refreshment after the 2½ mile walk!

Parish walk (continued)

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Newbury and District Agricultural Society celebrates 100 years at the Royal County of Berkshire Show

Get your advance tickets for the 2009 Royal County of Berkshire Show at reduced prices

Living close to Newbury Showground we are lucky to have, right on our doorstep, one of the UK’s largest agricultural shows providing fantastic entertainment for all the family. The Newbury and District Agricultural Society that organises the Royal County of Berkshire Show celebrates 100 years this year and the Show celebrates 100 years since its first show in 1909, held at Enborne Gate, near Newbury.

To help celebrate the Centenary, the Royal County of Berkshire Show has the Royal Navy Raiders Parachute Team descending into the main ring and a flypast from an historic Swordfish plane; the Royal Navy are celebrating 100 years of Air Power this year. Morgan Cars, who have achieved 100 years of British engineering excellence, will be demonstrating historic and modern Morgan cars. The well known local firm Dreweatt Neate (now Carter Jonas) will be marking 250 years of business and the Berkshire Women's Institute will be 90 years young.

As well as being able to find out how farming communities of the past from Newbury and its surrounding villages played their part in feeding the nation, visitors will be able to sample the wares of modern farmers, with local food taking centre stage at the Food Fare and backing up the Show theme of Good British Food.

The cookery theatre will have a lively programme of demonstrations and Waitrose/Country Living Magazine will be awarding the Made In Britain Awards at the Show.

There will be plenty of local farmers to support in the ever popular livestock classes and many of the areas leading equestrian enthusiasts, alongside some of our National champions, will be in action in the Show rings. The Aberdeen-Angus National Show will be held at the Berkshire County Show and the South West Holstein Calf Championships will also take place at the Show.

The local inter-village horticultural competition is always popular and this year a special visitor, celebrity gardener, Pippa Greenwood, on the evening of Friday 18 September, will be talking about Grow your Own in 2010. For tickets, call 0845 6121 253 weekdays 9 am to 5 pm and quote booking ref 5956. RHS members get a reduced ticket price.

County show

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So, whether your interest is in the country area, the livestock, food fare, harvest centre, crafts marquee, horticulture tent, cookery theatre, pole climbing, sports zone, navy zone or the fun fair, there is something for everyone. Why not make it a two-day visit?

You can benefit from buying your tickets in advance with reduced prices and fast track entrance to the show. For a list of ticket outlets, go to www.berkshireshow.co.uk or telephone The Corn Exchange Newbury on

01635 522 733. Membership of the Newbury and District Agricultural Society for the Centenary year offers access to the members’ area with its fine dining and unrivalled view of the action in the main arena.

Schedules, for those wishing to compete, are available for download on the website or by sending an A5 SAE (49 pence) to NDAS, Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ.

County show (continued)

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Goring and Streatley Regatta 2009by Jenny Pond

The day dawned bright for the Regatta this year and despite showers all week, on Saturday at the Regatta site, not a single drop of rain fell!

The Race Card was full with 69 races scheduled including eight Dongola Races to complete the family fun! We started early with the first races at 9:30 am, although by then the Hog Roast stand of Simmons and Son had already started serving bacon sandwiches and people had begun to browse around the 20 or so produce and craft stalls. We were well represented by local organisations with Sheridan Marine on site and sponsorship from The Swan Hotel, Warminghams, Richard Wilson, and Haines accountants. The funfair, always popular, started action at about 10 am and continued all day at the far end of the site.

There was some early excitement when a rower fell out of his single scull, but one of the rescue boats soon had him back in his seat. As the morning progressed we moved to the challenge races, in coxed eights; these have a longer course, 500 metres rather than the 300 metre course the fours use. I can testify to the additional puff required to make the 500 metre distance although the cheering crowd on the riverbank does ease the pain. Whilst the racing was going on in the arena we had demonstrations of birds of prey, ferret racing, dog agility and, of course, a Punch and Judy show.

This year the Goring Gap Boat Club (GGBC) has raised funds from the Government SportsMatch scheme and has acquired two new boats. These were named on the day in a ceremony attended by the Amateur Rowing Association and the main sponsors of the event, Prolinx and Datasat. These boats will be

used in the Club's training programme to advance the sport and especially for local people.

Regatta crowds

In addition to the hog roast we had a posh bangers stall, a doughnut van, a steak sandwich and burger van, and the traditional giant paella, so plenty to feed everyone and a very large beer tent so one could wash it all down. Just outside the beer tent was the stage for Goring Unplugged, who performed with various music acts all day and, for those who stayed around, finished with an excellent line up at about 8 pm.

Finally a huge vote of thanks to the race officials, the starters, the judges and the commentators, all of whom volunteer their services for the day and, of course, thanks to the GGBC Regatta Committee without whom none of this could happen!

Goring Gap boat club

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Boat presentation - Datasat Communication & Prolinx and Rosemary Napp (Amateur Rowing Association - National Manager)

So, if you want to learn to row, go to the GGBC website at www.goringgapbc.org.uk and sign up!

And, last but not least, two Sulham village residents — Alison Boyland and Gillian Alderton — were part of a novice cox four and won one race!

Sponsored row23 rowers and coxes from the Goring Gap Boat Club and Reading Rowing Club took part in a sponsored row on 2 August. The row was in memory of Jeff Cronyn and raised money for the Lymphoma Association. After a splendid effort, rowing from Wallingford to Pangbourne, rowers were treated to a magnificent barbecue put on by Boat Club members.

The target to be raised was £3000 and this amount has now been achieved.

The whole event was organised by Heidi Clark, whose hard work and enthusiasm contributed overwhelmingly to the success of the day. Many thanks go to her and all her helpers and also to Oxford Brooks Rowing Club for allowing the rowers to use their landing stages.

Goring Gap boat club (continued)

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The Bolter by Frances OsborneA review by Gill Haggarty

This excellent read is an autobiography of Idina Sackville written by her great granddaughter.

The First World War provided the back-drop for the liberation of Idina and her circle of socialites. Idina was a woman ahead of her time — blessed with money, title, glamour, great intelligence, strength of character and both emotional and physical resilience. She was determined not to be repressed by the remnants of Edwardian England.

Idina married five times and was one of the great pioneering women who set out to establish a new life in Kenya in the 1920s and became the woman who scandalised 1920s society, which was later captured on celluloid when she was portrayed as the infamous seductress of Kenya’s Happy Valley in the film White Mischief.

I, at once, felt sympathy for Idina, who was persuaded to divorce her first husband and give up all contact with her sons to enable her husband to remarry, coupled with a horror and fascination for the way that she set out to shock all who knew her.

I can thoroughly recommend this book.

Book club

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Purley Horticultural Societyby Marion Dabbs

26th Late Summer Show & Exhibition “History of Purley WI”Once again the Society, together with Purley WI will be holding this Show in Purley Memorial Hall, Glebe Road on Saturday 5 September.

The show is open to visitors from 2:30 pm until 4 pm with presentation of trophies at 3:30 pm. Even if you are unable to enter, please try and come along to support the participants. Refreshments will be available.

TradingThe Shed in Purley Memorial Hall car park is open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 11 am until the end of October.

Bulbs will be available in the Shed in September.

TalksOn Wednesday 21 October, Brian Fisher will give us a talk on Bulbs, Corms and Rhizomes in Purley Memorial Hall commencing at 8 pm.

RHSAs an affiliated society we hold a card that provides entry for paid-up members to the RHS Gardens at Wisley, Rosemoor, Harlow Carr and Hyde Hall for one member and one guest. If you require further information or would like the card, please contact Wendy Chapman on 0118 942 9067.

I hope you are all having a successful gardening season. For more details about the society, please visit our web site at:


September and October in your gardenby Gillian Alderton

Overhaul borders, planting and dividing hardy perennials.

Most herbaceous perennials like to be lifted, split up and replanted every 3-5 years. Some however, like peonies do not like to be disturbed so, unless you are sure, check first! Once lifted remove any dead wood, divide and replant with plenty of good compost. This is s good time to plant new perennials; prepare the ground well before planting with compost or well rotted manure.

Plant spring bulbs. It is essential to plant bulbs at the correct depth; often bulbs which come up without flower have not been planted deep enough. A general rule is that bulbs should be planted in 2-3 times their own depth in soil. Plant crocus, daffodils and alliums now but leave planting tulips until early November as this helps to protect the tulip bulb from disease.

Gardening matters

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Calling all former members of the Berkshire Youth Choir

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the award winning Berkshire Youth Choir, and past members are holding a musical/social weekend on 12/13 September in Taplow. The weekend will include rehearsal sessions on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, finishing with a concert at 7 pm on Sunday 13 in St Nicolas Church, Taplow to which everyone is invited.

Gillian Dibden, former conductor of the choir, and Laura Triddon, who manages “BYSenior” as the alumni call, would be very pleased to

hear from anyone who sang with the choir from 1984 to 2009.

Berkshire Youth Choir enjoyed many successes in the Music for Youth Festival and the Sainsbury’s “Choir of the Year” competition between 1990 and 2004.

Anyone interested in making contact should do so by calling 07929 137 272 or emailing [email protected].

Basingstoke Choral Society — Sing For Fun

Basingstoke Choral Society (BCS) is organising a “Sing For Fun” evening in late September for anyone who wants to join in.

New and experienced singers will be taken through choruses from the Messiah under the direction of David Gibson, ARCM, ARCO.

Sing For Fun is at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 23 September at the Vyne School,

Basingstoke, (5 minutes walk from the station). Entrance is free, and there are light refreshments.

Learn how you can have the opportunity to join BCS in its production of the Messiah on 15 November at the Anvil, Basingstoke. Please call Jean on 01256 461402 or Penny on 01256 352116 to reserve your place.

Music matters

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Charity matters

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Church of EnglandHarvest festivalHarvest festival this year will be held at 11 am on Sunday 18 October at St Nicholas church in Sulham.Decorating the church will be the day before on Saturday 17 October at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome to come and help decorate.

Supporting your village churchPlease support your village church. We are here for the whole parish community and we rely totally on donations and offers of help to keep our lovely churches open, warm and welcoming and a sacred centre for worship, prayer and ministry.If you value your parish church, please think about ways in which you can give time, money or expertise to keep it at the centre of village life as it has been for many centuries. A word with your warden or minister will help you to get to know, or to return to, your church community.

ServicesEveryone is welcome at St Nicholas, St Laurence and St James the Less church services. For service details, please see the church noticeboards.

Contact detailsChurch contact numbers are at the back of this magazine. You can e-mail the rector at [email protected].

Roman Catholic churchOur nearest Roman Catholic church is St Bernadettes in Horseshoe Road, Pangbourne which has Sunday mass and childrens liturgy at 9 am and Tuesday mass at 10 am. Confession is by arrangement.For more information, please contact Father Benedict at Douai Abbey on 0118 971 5300 or see www.douaiparish.org.uk/stbernadette.html.

Church matters

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Please support our advertisers and, when you contact them, mention that you saw their advert in the Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazine.

If you would like to advertise here, please call Jenny Cope on 0118 984 3466 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Prices for one year: Prices for six months:Full page advert - £100 Full page advert - £50Half page advert - £60 Half page advert - £30Quarter page advert - £35 Quarter page advert - £17.50

We can design your advertisement for you for an additional, one-off fee of £10!


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Advertisements (continued)

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30 Tidmarsh with Sulham

Page 31: Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazinetidmarshwithsulham.co.uk/TidmarshWithSulhamParishMagSep... · 2016. 7. 18. · Parish Magazine 3 Welcome to the September/October issue of the

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32 Tidmarsh with Sulham

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Advice and supportWest Berkshire Citizens Advice BureauBartholomew Street, Newbury....01635 516 605

Pangbourne and District Volunteer CentreMon-Fri (ex Tue) 9:30-11:30 am ...0118 984 4586

Clubs and societiesTidmarsh with Sulham Women’s InstituteMargaret Pawson (president).....0118 984 2619

EcclesiasticalPriest-in-Charge of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh and SulhamRevd Heather Parbury .................0118 984 2928

Church wardensCherry East ....................................0118 984 2636Edward Goddard.........................0118 984 2702Julia Sheppard..............................0118 956 1820Jennifer Nutt..................................0118 984 2370

Deanery synod representativesDennis Jones .................................0118 984 4051Ian Busby .......................................0118 984 2327Lucy Heyn......................................0118 984 2129

To serve on Pangbourne PCCTony Bacon ...................................01491 671 440Graham Beckett...........................0118 984 4456Chris Dobby ..................................0118 941 7759Luci Heyn.......................................0118 984 2129Jill Palfrey .......................................0118 984 2698Graham Sharpe............................0118 984 5232Judith Sumner .......................................................

Tidmarsh representativesColin Limb......................................0118 984 2635Susan Worthington .......................0118 984 2937

Sulham representativesGill Haggarty.................................0119 984 4122Gillian Alderton.............................0118 984 2729Anne Bolam ..................................0118 942 1020

Friends of St LaurenceMike Kenyon, Chairman.............. 0118 984 2768Jon Chishick, Secretary ............... 0118 984 3666

GovernmentMP for Reading WestMartin Salter (Labour) .................. 0118 954 6782

Councillors for the Purley on Thames WardTim Metcalfe (Conservative) ...... 0118 942 8001David Betts (Conservative) ......... 0118 967 8280

Tidmarsh with Sulham parish councillorsMike Broun (chairman) ................ 0118 984 3114Colin Pawson (vice chairman) ... 0118 984 2619Jo Wheeler (clerk) ........................07766 692 235Jon Chishick .................................. 0118 984 3666Jim Hutchinson.............................. 0118 984 1860Mirian Kennet................................ 0118 984 5194Steven Webb ................................ 0118 984 4194

LibrariesPangbourne.................................. 0118 984 4117Newbury ........................................ 01635 519 900

MedicalThe Boat House SurgeryWhitchurch Road, Pangbourne .0118 984 2234

NHS Direct.............................................................. 0845 46 47

Berkshire West Primary Care TrustReading office.............................. 0118 950 3094West Berkshire office (Newbury).... 01635 42400

Parish magazine committeeJenny Cope (editor) .................... 0118 984 3466Gillian Alderton............................. 0118 984 2729Alison Boyland .............................. 0118 984 5202Jennifer Nutt.................................. 0118 984 2370Margaret Truscott ......................... 0118 984 4194

Useful contacts

34 Tidmarsh with Sulham

Page 35: Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazinetidmarshwithsulham.co.uk/TidmarshWithSulhamParishMagSep... · 2016. 7. 18. · Parish Magazine 3 Welcome to the September/October issue of the

PoliceEmergencies ................................................... 999All non-emergencies................... 0845 8 505 505

Public transportRail travelFirst Great Western ....................... 08457 000 125 National Rail enquiries ................ 08457 48 49 50 TrainTracker (train times/fares) .. 0871 200 49 50

Bus travelReading Buses ............................... 0118 9594000Newbury Buses .............................. 01635 567500Thames Travel ............................... 01491 837 988

TravelineNational/local bus, train, coach,ferry and underground info ....... 0871 200 22 33

Scouts and girl guidesBeavers, Simon Pickett................. 0118 933 1615Cubs, Jane Barkshire.................... 07811 446 488Scouts, Simon Pickett ................... 0118 933 1615Rainbows, Helen Randall ............... 01635 48765Brownies, Clare Pincock.............. 0118 984 4286Guides, Helen Randall .................... 01635 48765Rangers, Helen Randall .................. 01635 48765

Village hall committeePeter King (chairperson).............. 0118 984 4213Karen Fountaine (bookings) ....... 0118 930 2622

West Berkshire District CouncilMain switchboard ........................... 01635 42400Streetcare ...................................... 01635 519080Planning applications................... 01635 519111

We welcome all advertisements, articles and letters submitted for inclusion in the magazine but the editor reserves the right to refuse, alter or amend material for any reason. The editor accepts no responsibility for, nor necessarily agrees with, views expressed in such submissions.

Please e-mail any items, including photographs, for the next edition of magazine to [email protected] by 15 October at the latest.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information printed in this magazine, the editor cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions that may occur.

Useful contacts (continued)

Parish Magazine 35

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