TH.Y OUH. Ot. Tonne CREAM Oysters, APOIiZO. tAKlHg HOME i · 4f V- s r--Jw SUGAR 5 DOWN COFFEE...

4f V - s r-- J w SUGAR 5 DOWN COFFEE CHEAPER. TH.Y OUH. 40 Ot. Tonne Hyson IT IS GOOD. Fresh Oysters, 23 Cents PER QUART AT EITHER STORE. C1PAYNTER&C0., BARBAIH STORES, 81 and !3 frt Main StrMt and 40 Boat Market Mre-t- , iprlO(flId. Ohio. MEN'S UNDERWEAR FRONT VIEW The "Chest Sliield" in alt grades. Com plete lines of Camel's Hair, Scarlet, t White and Clouded Merinos, and winter weight lialbriggan. Z v(qjAaJ The Shirt Maker, Hatter ui Far nUher, 5 Ett Mai Street. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED TTTAYTEn-lt- oT of about 16 to helD acent V? distribute. AdJre Distributor, care RepuNIc office. J40a TIT aNTEI Some lace curtains to do up like M n, al shlrn. collars ana cum. ii.e laundry. Mrs. Carman. 3 North Market street :- - nrKTKI-Cle- Vs and mechanics to know IT that the tuition fees tor ntht school are 110 IS and fit: nne-ha- lt down, balanca In mnntblT payments Nelson College. Arcade. zviam TTrAXTED-Compet- ent girl to eook and do 'I cenerai nousewora. apply at once at. .mi. m aonn Mann sxreei. attire and Intelligent, to rcpresent.ln her own locality, an old firm: references elTenandxequlred: permaseat po- sition and Rood saury. J. G. Blaacr4,MKt.. aj Beano at-.- a. . TTXANTED To good men to canrass the it city Mr anrst-cias- s euuakrMieae per wk will afford lair wages. Can ai 451 souui Jiinn street at. ociocaanyeyening. C7t TTTASTED M AN To take the agency of our ir saies; size sisaii incnes; weignc ow ids ; retail price. ; otner size in propor- tion. A rare chance to create a permanent btnlneo at home. These safes meet a de- mand never before supplied by other late companies, as we are not governed by the bate Pool. Aiplne Safe C- o- Cincinnati. O. lvTatwas TTTANTEI'-- A reliable man to represent our II nurseries In this section. Something permanent. Chas. H. Stuart co nursery men. Newark. New York. estabUshed 1UI. WANTED All kinds of clothes wringers to called forand delivered: orders by mall promptly attended to. B. M. Miller, lk West Main. FOR SALE SaLE One nickel mounted. show FOR also one cigar case, will be sold cheap. Call at 107 Linden avenue. 240a F0KSLE Family busary horse. 8 years old: single and double harness. Call at ZS V est Ilich street Oct. 11. from 1 t" S p. m. 240-- FOR SLE Will take a good vacant lot for psyment aad long time for balance at epcrcfnt. interest, a good eight room house with attic, large front and back porches, good stable, crape arbor, reel clothes line, fruit trees, a nice lawn; lot about four feet higher than street. Address F. W- - this office. 236t DOIl acres. 5 miles sooth r of Dayton. ) : two complete sets ot farm buildings; excellent tobacco land. Call on or address K. U Clarke. 3 or 5 Arcade building. bpringneld.Ohlo. 215m t FOR RENT. OR REM Three unfurnished rooms In- quire at 3j West Southern avenue. ZtOb FOR HEXT Room, a very desirable, nicely front room, suitable (or one or two centlemen. at 141 South Manet street, one square from Arcade. Reference required the premises or of J. (I. Clarke. 2t0tf 110K RENT The large and handsome house, nine rooms, hydrant and cistern water. double cellar, large closets, six mantels and crates, gas throughout the house Will rent low to food tenant. Call at the southwest cor- ner of Mechanic and Pleasant streets. 2401 JJK. RENT Nice furnished front room, sult-- . able (or young men, at No 19 spring at. UEVT new house of j rooms on East street, within one squtre of the New Champion shops, city and cittern water and good cellar Inquire of Thomas Sharp. 237tf REVT House of eight rooms. In good repair, within t o squares of the postomce. For further particulars, tee or address. J. E. lleflVlflnjer. sprlnicneld.O. VZTtf REVT Two. three or four furnished riktn for h lUSekeeDinc. rentrallv located. Reference required. Address is. a,, this office. I RENT -- From one to four rooms, cen- trally located, with first class accommoda- tions, rent cheap; none but good nsylng ten- ant need apply. Inquire ot Thos. Sbarpe. MUNEYTO LOAN. rrtT- - Tt TAIV T anM. . .lwl 1A AV UJ "I. IUIUUIIUI KMIkUfldW, on three to nveyears time, on first mort-gvg- e or approved commercial paper. Oeorge H. Coles. roomNo.L Lagonda bank building.) 1851. No. G I Every aid to house cleaning Is a blessing. hatever helps to lessen labor and make the work easier should be secured. Casper's Gleaning Compound. This Is a very superior article. It removes grease spots, stains, foot marks and dirt. It brightens up the colors and gltes a fresh, new look. It Is easily applied with asponce and does the work rapidly without taking up the carnet. It la cheat) AOc a gallon : - iral Ion bottles. 30c. Dr. Casper has made a spec laity ot this for years. APOIiZO. This will clean painted wood work In half the time ot ordinary soap Neither does It maati too paint yellow, is also extra iuoa ior cleaning windows. Only 10c a cake or for iV. at Casper's. Tough sponeei. Chamois Sktns. Furniture Polish, Urate Varnish, tenia Amiuuuia. and other aids, all for sale at CASPER'S Drug Store, rUaar-sBloe- Malaltrt,d Door WmI f t4saaSoBo,8prtngB.ld. ' VOMINO K KM. Thursday, October IS, Sweat ! nam. Rice and Pagan's minstrels. Bi.sCK'-.-Frlda- y. October 14, Murray aad Murphy. "Our Irish Visitors." MMUMiFlKLl) MEETIMK. Tuesday. October 11. Evening, at wig- wam: Senator Sherman, E. F. Nojes. Monday. October. 17. Afternoon and evening: tJeneral W. II. Gibson and Major Wui. McKlnlej. Afternoon meeting on ' Monument Square, evening meeting at wig- wam. Friday. October 14. Evening, at wig- wam: Hon. George C. 1 law I ins. Judge John C. Miller and J. II. Rabbitts, e--ii. Wednesday, November 2 Evening, at wigwam: Governor J. II. Foraker. j ir?.TY MFKTIMl".. Wednesday, October 12. evening, at Dolly varden: J. F, McGrew, esq , and i Judge John a Miller. Wednesday. October 12. Evening, at Catawba: E. S. Wallace, esq., and Hon. W. L. Weaver. Thursday. October 13. Evening, at School district No. 5: J. II. Kabbltts. esq., andO. K. Servlss. Saturday. October 15. Evening, at South Charleston: Hon. D. K. Watson and Oscar T. Martin, esq. Friday, October 21. Evening, at New Carlisle: Gen. C. H. Grosvenor and Hon. D. K. Watson. j LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. O. F. Hypes spent Sunday in Xenia, with his parents. Mr. Asa Little, of Yellow Springs, was In the city Mr. W. M. Hayner was in Yellow Springs today on business. ' TheFerrell Fishing club left this morn - lng for the Lewlstown reservoir. Mr. Arthur Worthlngton and wife are visiting friends in ML Yemon, Ohio. Mr. F. T. Bretney and family, of Xenia, spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Rev. Mr. Lenord, of Kansas City, Mo., ailed the Wiley Chapel pulpit Sunday morning. Mrs. Charles K. John went to Jackson Saturday, and will spend several weeks turned Robinson guests guest Mrs. T. f"68"." ne editor 01 ineKF.PLiiLic Is indebted to C. A. Keeser, famous extensive inutslaiien greenhouses, for ) quantity of Iniporied bulbs. Rev. Dr. Finley's at the Chris- - church on the character of SL Paul. night were listened to with rapt alien- - ,' tion. He promises at some in near future lecture on the great apostle. Kev. S. S. Gilson. who is on the editorial staff of that excellent paper, IlcruUl anil Presbyter, Cincinnati, preached Sun- - dav moraine and evenlne in the F.rst Prp- - church in city, very much to the edification the audiences. The Cincinnati Conservatory Music will give a grand concert in Black's Opera House on the ev ening of of em- - berfor the benefit of the musical depart- - ment of Wittenberg College known as the Wittenberg Conservatory of Music Miss Webster, who graduated from Ober- - lin College last summer, and whnl.nnw onnected the T;oneiit at Oberlin. been sending a few da) with friends In this city. Is one ot the leaders of the Ys (w ise) Young Christian Temperance The Drs. Dunlap, Springfield, assisted by ii. J. M. Mosgrove of cit). Wednesday operated on Mrs. Richard La-- mar, 01 mis tor cancr. The right breast was entirely removed the opera- tion occupied over two hours. The patient at last accounts was doing well. Urbana Citizen. Allen, for so man) )ears activel) connected with the old First tional Bank, of late the Xenia National as president, has resigned that position gives all e connec- tion with the concern. Hon. John Little has been elected of Xenia Bank la his place. Xenia Gazette. "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy. nut not exprrssea in lancy, ncn, gtudy. ror iuc apparci oil proclaims tue mail. Miakspeare. Nature has not been o lavish in her gifts that we can afford to despise them, and any assistance that we can render, in the vva) of making our personal appearance as at- tractive as possible, should be cheerfull) given. As our fnend Shakspeare . a man should dress as well as his means will jus- tify, and there is fio surer means of attain- ing this end by examining the select, new of the justl) celebrated Clay Worsteds for dress purposes; the tle- - gant line overcoatings, gray, black and blue EI) si an s. Ratines ami now offered to the public by Jason W. Phil- lips. No. 31 east Main street These goods are the newest, dressiest and most genteel patterns that money can bti), to the purcl.aser a 8t)lish, well-mad- perf ectl) httiug K&ruu nt is assured. , OROERS TO THE POLICE. Roll Call and Oen.ral Uor.rnro.nt of tht Day and Night 1'atrolni.n. The following orders, which are self-ex-- 1 plailory, were issued by Chief of Police Ambrose last evening at roll call : SrniMiMF.i.D, O., Oct., 9, lsttT. tlenenl Order No. 7 . First-- On and after Oct 10, 1SS7, the day patrolmen will report for dut) at o'clock a. m. promptly, and remain on their respective brats, not leaving the same, ex- cept in line of duty beconil patrolmen at 12 o clock 111 ill take one hour for dinner and report at KIice hraci-uarn- r at o'clock p. in. U roll call, after which the onlcera having no cases in the police court go at once on their respective beats, and remain on dutj nntit 0::to p. in. and report for roll call at 0.45 p. ui. By order of Approved : J. It. Amiii:oe. S.K111 v. Chief of Police. Major. SlMilNOFIKLIl, O., Oct 9, lsS7. tleneral Order No.H. First -- On and after the 10th day of Oc- tober, lSbT, the night patrolmen will report for dut) nt 0 30 p. m. Second Each night patrolman pre- pare to tike his lunch on his beat and re- - main thereon, not leaving the same except in line of his dut. Third The night patrolmen report for roll call at 5 o clock a. m.. at which """ ?Uht ?fllce.f w"i to iatti on duty at police headquarters until relieved by the day patrolman. Hy order of Approved: J. K. Auiirosk, O. S. Kem.1, Chief of l!ice. Major. Important Meeting of the Champion City Guards. The Champion City guards will bold an important meeting next Wednesday even- ing to arrange for a flattering reception for the drill corps on their return from Chicago. A full attendance Is desired. Ueed Commandery No. 0, Knights Tem- plar, or Daj ton. passed through the city morning at 11 o'clock, on a special train en route for Columbus, to attend tne 4"th annual conclave of the couunanUeries of Ohio. Mr. John Harnett, of near Urban, ar- rived home Saturday evening from his trip to Angeles and through the west gener- ally. He has accepted an editorial position with the Farm mid FirctUU, city. Graham Deawell, esq., of Columbus, spent Sunday In the city, attending the meeting of the colored of Pythias. Mr. Deuwell takes the stump for Governor ForaLer and the republican party. Mr. Pettiford, of Yellow Springs, was in tbw jifv this ninrnfnff. lie Is here for the purpow of Mr, v E. Smltll M i,,.,. in tlie colored schools of that vil- - i,ge. " " ralestine Commandery No. 33. Knlgbts lumbus, to attend the conclave Ohio rommanderies, at 6:30 tomorrew morning. Misses Iois and Alice Vosa, Miss Liuie Miller and Mrs. America Brown went to Dayton forenoon to attend to their niu-- 1 sical studies with Prof. Bluinenschien. Mr. George II. Knight the Line agent, who accompanied the California part) as far as Kansas City last week, re- - in Australia from the effects of an ac- - cldent Messrs. Steve Moseby and C. A. Graves will leavaln a few davs for California. wlwre thfy wi prbml)iy gpnd the winter. P- - F,tr'C 9PTl of the Sunday the guests J t,ie citv Miss Liuie Shellabarger, of Washington, D c b the of Jlmes L. ltojR. eTS anj family. ; ,.,,,, Messrs. A. Downey and A. o this morning via the Handle for Term. Mr. W. F. Foos leaves this evening for Atlanta, Ga., on business. 11M1 l)ne One Dollar is inseoarablv con- - nected with Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Is true of no otlier medicine- - A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses, and U,t a mo,lth- - wnlIe olhe" wi" a,verage last not over a week. Use only Hoods Sarsaparilla- - Get O. H. N'efTs pure apple cider vinegar for pickling, at 140 Clifton streeL yits -- All fiU stopped free by Kline's Great ive Restorer. No fits after first ja'S U,.f Mane,us " - 1 tee to fit cases. Send Dr. Khne, 93l Alch street. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I A Cs.itr. To all who are suffering from errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, Iwill send a receipt that cure you. free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by missionary in South Amer- ica. Send envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station I). New York City. Seal Harris Green smoke. Th Chlnara.n. Mont! Ietlgftr. A Rood Chinaman, after las da) 'a work, optns Ins moral ledger, so tlie Rev. Dr l)u Hose informs us Here nre n few of the items whith he can vvnte down to his credit Ten Himts liecaue he JKiid his father's debts; KM) whin he was rich he married a deformed (ugly) jrirl to whom lie was Ktrothcd when poor. For lending nn umbrella it was only 1 ixiint; for having s.tvcslthe lives of 100 insects, point; for having picked up a irraiu of nee, joint; for not having tnteu Usifoi doj; for one year, 5 po'nts, forh.ivinc destroyed immoral liooks. IMH) points. Now per contra: To have lived his wife his father and mo'her is to dock himself not les than KKioints 'lo have seen ifiimoral tiuatricals llurcs neainst I11111 as 10 hiiiU. If he sot drunk that vv.i .i points to the Kid lWc.iU'e lie drownctl n bub onlv 50 points If he had issued couiiterft it mone) that would have maile his lovs HK) points To difi up nnoriii 111 winttr is 1 pomt more to tht lad He imjilit split his salts when he sivv an uk)v person and lie charged 5 jxuiits New York Timeo. there with her parents. )ec,terday morning. Mr. E. II. Piper and family, of Xenia, J jrrs. r. b. of Jackson, Mlchl-wer- e the yesterday of Mr. W. D. ja,,, is the of her daughter and r, of Dibert avenue. ( Mr. Edgar Johnson, of Mr. G. Hook, wife and son, of Xenia, Stanton avenue, r.' Sunday of Mr. and j Juhn Sn0w. a brother of Mr. W. M. Mrs. T. G. Brown, of South Plum street ! ,,.. . rth f.,k, .lrM. jii r.iulv i Mr. of the and a remarks Man day the a the byterian this of of the 3rd Nov with newspaper has s She women. of this last county, and Mr. John B. Na and with Bank and up activ president the DresaUrll. not s.t) than fall shipments of Montaenacs ami 7 Day 1 will O. will will tills this Knights of this Bee Uev Pan will ' j j Dr. j to I will a 1 1 more and bbbbbbIMMI saaMMMs' bbbbbbbIbI bbbbbP From 2 O'clock to REPUBLIC, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10. 1887. EMBARKING THE MAILS. SCENES ON AN OCEAN STEAMER AT QUEENSTOWN. 4. IVep at the Mernco liisi nger A. the Tender llrMw. Il.auty tf lrUh Children t'ountlng the Mall llg-Outw- Hound. ne must be a irj tinlmpresslunalile person whose Interest is not roused by the rcene on 1111 American mail steamer oil the da) afttr she haves l.ivtrjsiol, as she steams aloiiK the Irish In the bright sunlitt'ut of a breezy morning The var)-in- g forms and colors of hindland and shore would alone lie worthy of notice; but the curious mas, of humanity gath- ered on the gtxat ship is lHrhnps more in- teresting And it must lie admitted that the. saloon p issengers, taktu as n whole, have to the observer loss of Intere-- t and character than the mtsrell tneous throng who collect in the less favored quarters of the ship There is n monotonous appear- ance of comfort irnd prosperit) nlwut the saloon p ussengers each with his private chair winch renders them a little dull. Hut every step among the steerage pas- sengers gives rise to n guess or a rellec-tio- n litre is a sturdy fellow from a Yorkshire iron works on his wnvtothe statt s to seek for employ ment Close by the ssiloon door is a labonr from ills tall, raw lulled, with a couple of children and a weary wife The whole family have an air of despondency nlomt them which does not augur well for their future A couple of Italian masons are laughing and joking with very light heart indeed, ami so one by one, each differing from tlie other s ui or glad, hopeful or desondeiit, full of confidence in the future or feeling thst across I he ocean life cannot lie harder than at home the miscellaneous throng moves about the ship MOVfMFNT AMJ m. STtE. nut the white buildings on Roche's point gleaming in the sunlight tell that the vessel is maring (jiieenstown, and a feeling of mov cnu nt ami bustle conies ov er passengers and crew. There is talk of a run ashore; there is an e igerness to Fee the last British port, a haste to post tlie last letters to friends in England. The ship slowly steams up the harbor, past the heights of Carlisle fort, and on as if she were bound straight to the white trrntos of Queenstown Gradually she ceases to make headway, and comes to a standstill between the little village of Whltegates anil the bleak sides of Spike island. The tender is approaching; but already boats full of untidy girls, selling apples and w ith baskets of bog oak ornaments and lace, have surrounded the ship As the tender draw alongside it is ev ideiit that the mails have not arrived, there are only piles of luggage and a crowd of Some are English or Americans who have crossed through Ireland to shorten the voyage by some sixteen hours, or to visit Killaraey; most are emigrants from Ire- land. Soon the throng of Irish pours over the gangw ay a w idow ed father carry ing his Infant, followed by half a dozeu brown eyed gentle looking children, a stalwart youth with a comely sister; a hard wizen faced old farmer in a coat of frieze down to his heels, with his wife. Nothing is more striking than the fresh beauty of the Irish children and the withered hardness of the middle nged and elderly men and vv omen Most of them carry their word!) goods in a bag or a handkerchief Their heaps of besldmg, with the tin ntensi for the voyage fas- tened to them, are pitched one after an- other on the deck, while the ow ners vainly try to puh 11.1st the line of seamen to secure their property It would be a sad sight, this hurrying of these people from their homes, if one could forget the squalid misery ffrim w hich they nre escap ing Hut the tender has tieen emptied, and is off again for the shore to meet the mails The train has just drawn up, and soon tiles of porters, like 11 line of nuts, are putting the sacks on board, and the tender is prepared to make her second trip. COCSTIVO THE MvlUHGS. This time she has scarcely any other unrden but the mails; and so, when she conies nlongside of the steamer, a dozen of the crew are very soon at work piling them 011 the deck of the ship. An officer counts the bags as they come on lioard "one, two, three, four, tive.six,evt 11, eight, nine, te'i, tally." So they go over the gangway by tens They took up a great part of the space on the tender, mid they make a huge pile on the steamer; some 800 sacks of letters and papers mike it possible to realize the v ast e of the present day. But for somn time the great ship has letn. slowly moving fceaward with tlie tug attached to her amidships, and the line of seamen hurry- ing, each with his sack, across the gang- way. Ihe long dark sides of the mail steamer, and her lofty upper deck, quite dwarf the tender; the captain looking down from his bridge seems far aloft The railings are lined with hundreds of faces there are fully a thousand passen- gers on the ship watching the mails come on board. Every one except the regular passengers between Niw York and Liverpool, of whom there are always several on lioard, look a little anxious Most of the poorer men and women are fad. It is a curious sjiectncle to stand on the bridge of the tender and look along the sides of the ship at the great vessel and the varying faces on her. Hut the last Kig is on board, the bell on the steamer is sharp!) struck, anil a few friends of the passengers, a iiewswiper boy, and some other miscellaneous iierso,s hurry on board the tender to go ashore. The haw- sers are last off and the little tug steams ahead of the big ship, rounds to for the shore when she has got some lengths ahead, and is snon, with the quick, rapid strokes of her whiel. making for the qua) at Queenstowii. ste-im- steals away to the sea with a kind of irre- sistible anil utmost imperveptilde motion. The itsse-nger- forms soon leeome invisi- ble, and the big, black hull and high musts gradually grow less distinct as "the i liner" passes away by the mouth of the harbor, heading for the west As the ten-d- e touches the qua) side the 111 ill steamer is roundiug the headland by the sea, and in a few minutes all that ran lie sen from the shore is the distant line of smoke which tills of her course across the At lantic !?t James' Gazette Hump Air nt Injurious. Damp air is not its injurious to the lungs ns to the sLiu The electric condi tion of the air has more to do w ith its un comfortableness than lias its dampness. When it is lOMtive it is bracing and re- freshing, when Iiegntiie it debilitates and oppresses If the akm is warm no fear ueed lie felt of brea'hiug damp or cool nir, either waking or leeping Mrs K. G Cook, M I) , ill Demorest's .Monthly. Abo-i- t 1,000 good wzed watermelons car be got into car. BBksaV bbhbbk 8 O'clock LACONDA LACONICS. Item, of Interest I rum Nprlngtield'. Lively Little Suburb. Martin Ganz, our veteran grocer has been quite sick for several days, with kidiie) trouble. Mrs. Catherine Burke left last week to visit her son. Rev. W. It Houlton, now living In New Paris, Preble county. A large numlier of I.agondaites went to hear the famous lad) orator, M'ss Francis E. Willard, last Thursday evening. Win. Huagland, of Indiana, a former well known citizen here, is in the cily. and expects to work In the Lagonda shops again this winter. Mrs. Baldwin, of PainesviUe, ()., at- tended the W. C. T. L convention, and stopped with her brother-i- n law. Mr. Henry Baldwin, of Lagonda. Dr. J. W. Nelson and his partners, who are spending the week at the reservoir, sent home, on Wednesday, a Imix contain- ing twenty three ducks of different va- rieties. They were divided among the friends of the purties and were quite palatable. The part) of mighty hunters returned home Saturday morning. A bold theft occurred one dav last week on, our streets. Dr. Nelson had a )oung bin! dog that he is raising and prized highl). Two strangers caii.e along and seeing the dog called him to follow them. Mrs. Nel-o- n heard them and tailed to the dog to come back. The) seeing they could not get him an) other wa). grabbed the dog and forced him off with them. They hurried down the track toward the pump-hous- e and before Mrs. Nelson could find any one to follow them the aluliictors were out of slghL The Children Ask for It, And the old folks laugh when they hnd that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, S)mpof Figs, is more easily taken and more beneficial in its actum than bitter, nauseous medicines. It strengthens the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels, while It arouses them to a health) activity. For sale at Casper's drug store. The llaby U"AI1 Stopped tip." "We took it out riding in its carriage and it went to sleep. It caught cold while we were carry ing it from the carriage back Into the house." The Hoist v Aimi'staiuk B vnv Caiiui ok ran be dt tacMsi from the w heels and carried into the house without disturbing the baby. See advertisement aud send for a catalogue. 275 Wabash ave- nue, Chicago, HI. When you want good coal go to Whehion , & Merrill, Grand opt ra house. Smoke Green Seal Harris. , I. It. A- - W. Ky. The last of a series of excursions adver tised by the popular I. B. & W. route, will ' leave Springfield on October 10 and morn- ing of the 11th. for almost all parts in Kan- sas Texas. Nebraska, northern Iowa. Min- nesota, Dakota and Wyoming. This will positive!) be the last opportunity during 18S7 to v islt the western states at the low rate ot one fare for the round trip. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity and , go via the I. B. A W., the shortest, quick- est and best route, the only line running ' chair oars from Springfield, with positively less changes of cars than via any other route. Call at the I. 15. A W. office in this city for particulars. 232p Green Harris Seal smoke. Ask )our grocer for (). H. NeiFs pure j apple cider v Inegar, for pickling. It is ex- cellent ' Green smoke Harris Seal. . Try Wheldon A. Merrill for coal. I.HM Chance togi West nt Low Kates. On October 10 the Bee Line will run an- other one of their popular harvest excur- sions to the west, which will be tlie last one this season. Tickets w ill be sold for one fare for the round trip to principal points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas ana Nebraska, also to certain sections ot the south. Call on Bee Line agents for par- ticulars. 2S$b Smoke Harris Green heal. I. II. A, VV. On Tuesda). October 11th, the I. B. .v W. railroad will run a grand excursion to Garden Cit), Kansas, at a rato of one fare for the round trip. The party will be un- der the eytreful supervision of Mr. J. M. Jones, of South Charleston, aud Mr. J. 0. Wolfe, of Garden City, to whom all regarding the tip should care I,agonda house. Spring-- 1 held, Ohio. J.!2p I I. y. Tax mtaii, x. p. a. b. hoi at. v. p. WWJffi OfflC No. 3 Mitchell llloek. Roalilencr, No. 143 Ui(h tit. ' Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. and exentnes. FOTOIL WtNTEP-S-ln- eh and VI1ITE OAK FL1TU1. For particulars address DETROIT DRY DOCK CO , DETROIT. MICIiniAN. 2Ubeod GEO. A. DIEHL, I 73 AN'I To EAST MAIN ST. HARDWARE! , 3 MANTELS, GRATES, DOORS, SASH, - BLINDS, GLASS, OIL CLOTHS, BIRD CAGES, DR. H. R. DOSCH, , ARCADE DENTIST Owratlnc IVntlstry a Specialty iMr or- - lnit 17 TW Crtat Kmtistoiis, Jmjtotcncy Aadall I)is- - r2- eaaescAuirM by If abuse or ln- - 1tiurit!i-tn- . Or- - tvu lrt 31.R(r&.Y beforeI Br mail VH for PamphVt. jAiTrRl Eureka tlarmlcal Co., Detroit Mich. Call on or addrMi Tbo. Tronpc-.dr- Exist eorcer Main and Yarkrf itrtn. Spii&Kflelf I I 1 t PU R E- - p?pRicr$ CREAM tAKlHg I Its superior excellence proven In millions ct homes for more th 111 u quitter of a century i It Is used bv the I lilted Mates Government. Indorsed by the heads of the iireat I niversl ties as the.strongest. Purest. .Most Healthful. ' I)r Trice's the only Raking Powder that does not contiiu VtiimoTiia. Llmeor Alum, fsold only In Tans price n Kiii row UER CO , SKWVOKK. CH1CAOO. ST.LOTTlS. THE OPEXIM. OF THE R. E. S0UDER MILLINERY STORE, No. 33 South Limestone Street. THE OPENING WILL CO.VTINl E MOW AND TUESDAY NEXT, nd Is attracting great attention from the ladies. The new KMILIsll DONNEThare beauties and are being much adrulied. The new line ot Fall (mods are simply beautiful and the Opening Is attricting tin ladles of s.pringneld. Ihe Opening continues through MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT. THE R. E. SOUDER MILLINERY STORE, :t:t South Limestone St. MACEE'S BOSTON HEATER. gefflg-gg- l This Furnace has no equal for simplici ty durahilit) and economy. Is constructed j of heavy steel plate. Is a base heater, easilv controlled, and is exempt from the i possibility of joints. I Ample Reference Givm. 1 !"Miti !y Humphreys & Raymond, 17 AV. 3Xnin Sit. - SSJS THIS SPACE mill i.k ocriTini r.v J. T. TUTTLE DKAI.KU IX S r.U'LS Ali FA.NCT GROCERIES 64 SOUTH LIMESTONE. MRS. BERRY, P8IVATE PIKE USE. Tli. Onl) Hr.l-fl.- .. House or this slad lu thrril). ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE Xo.l!t.'-4- ' Main. V K. Corner Factory. n' st r flat. TtA.'LrC-s- - l lo prr day; and S14..10. Mini 90 per wee!. Dr. Frank G. Runyan. DENTIST. WKoonisln Uuc!clDKtiam'Baliain.OTri -- MarpbT A Dro. .. ilirn th ..el ,.K Dr Levitt E. Custer. DENTIST. Preservati in of natural teeth by latest mcihuda. Strictly Ant class work iiaracteed. 9 K. fltrtitt. ovr Mtmlnr'a OmwMrr BANCROFT'S ANNUAL BBksaa aBHBBal bbbbb aBsam saaaaaaaaaaal saaaaav HVT A HSHALL &c CO., PROFRinTOJRS. HOME TOWEL SUPPLY CO. 0()IS CILLER- - FOR AMJ DELIVERED. TELEPHONE 188. COCA WINE! A NERVE STIMULANT AND INVIG0RAT0R, Benefiicial in General Debility, Exhaustion, and just the thing to help you through the hot weather. Large bottles, SI. CHARLES LUDL OW & CO., Pharmacils, 55 East Main Street. ANDREWS, WISE & PUTNAM Know that many of the people of Springfield forgot to call and purchase from their stock in the early part of the season, such goods as would have made their homes more attractive, but now that the Fall Season is right on, and we have the cheapest and prettiest goods ever offered, come right along and see style and neatness ytu never dreamed of. We have FURNITURE, CARPETS, DISHES The best Red Cross Heating Stoves, and Cook Stoves, and Ranges, and in fact everything the housekeeper needs. Chamber Suits so cheap and good ; Parlor gosds way down and so nice for a little money. Don't wait, but buy early and enjoy the benefit of the best selection. ANDREWS, WISE & PUTNAM, MITCHELL BLOCK. JOHN H. NOS. 26 AND 28 EAST SJAIN STREET. New line of Fall Goods just opened, and the largest stock tt select from. All goods first-clas- s and complete satisfaction assured. FfflE COM RUE FITS ftNO FiTif STORE. i"'',IJ!irHENiYOU Boots and Shoes OP GEORGE C. HANCE & CO. ITo. 14 West St. Yau are always sure to get received for money. and prices is not our motto. IDOIST'T BTJY YOUR""" FURNITURE! UNTIL YOU SEE THE AT GEO. S. PLATTENBURG'S NEW STORE. 74 W. MAIN ST. Don't fail to stop in and see for yourself. Remember tht n ace. 74 West Main St. j - , ad Trial iTniHi Si Si BM m nan II IS. ftiinDi-traTiaia- i BBBBS7 BBBBm cr linn " .i rnuani Tk mo ex SEMINAL A liiJIclC-f- l ( tw . utiM Dntt is Trx-i.-c- r ActJlici. 7iJri 7ecr3 la T3" m i Tr t raniitT' n Ldhrkn iow-- "ntotheoll PiyoyrrMitcf nni 'mi 'um- - ini'i ena icnrrias unuk To t o w'howcCmr' va t ninnj o jseao tiw-- 3 Srtncht nwm hv 1n oxE.rrtoofnnIHt-lQrV9asktriA73Cama- cJ iriD9in(Q rTMr,w,llirirr"a'r-'l- wu m-- j -- r i jubt a iimo:--'- . RUPTUKSD PCHSOMS can luiva FR BOY YOUR Main value your Big blow high STOCK nrcaW2rorusorcXoaUAby 1st door west of Wmwam. j i&rrwa If P. M., Wednesday, Oct. 12. WILSON, - 0 " KOu " ""." "iHHia,aja au MiK m Mralfai . vUttrr Ttkt ibllRain iMua rSSUWCCU3 lSSHFT Itfll a l.a - 'uh .Im'ii.ii t.i rcn A?K Of iaoMt vaueorc a ut vt FomSZ " BwaM prictwa. By SJHV iin.u.1. ! M. l. IBPk r hiiiii h-- i wtuwiit naj, inaMan ymedagfcnariigtuwncaturfUftftKiwbart.ifciilMt bttocKsc&eafel tad MitUvmaM bah stiiMSkaWasiaU H AIKRIS REMEDY CO are CMaWsV . Trial of our Applianca. Aaa for Tsnas)t 1887. saaaaaa! 4 K Main St. All are Cordially Invited. 3ffiS2ge s sSS, - i

Transcript of TH.Y OUH. Ot. Tonne CREAM Oysters, APOIiZO. tAKlHg HOME i · 4f V- s r--Jw SUGAR 5 DOWN COFFEE...

Page 1: TH.Y OUH. Ot. Tonne CREAM Oysters, APOIiZO. tAKlHg HOME i · 4f V- s r--Jw SUGAR 5 DOWN COFFEE CHEAPER. TH.Y OUH. 40 Ot. Tonne Hyson IT IS GOOD. Fresh Oysters, 23 Cents PER QUART

4f V - s

r-- J


TH.Y OUH. 40 Ot.Tonne Hyson


Fresh Oysters,23 Cents



81 and !3 frt Main StrMt and 40 BoatMarket Mre-t- , iprlO(flId. Ohio.



The "Chest Sliield" in alt grades. Complete lines of Camel's Hair, Scarlet, t

White and Clouded Merinos,and winter weight lialbriggan. Z

v(qjAaJThe Shirt Maker, Hatter ui Far

nUher, 5 Ett Mai Street.



TTTAYTEn-lt- oT of about 16 to helD acentV? distribute. AdJre Distributor, careRepuNIc office. J40a

TIT aNTEI Some lace curtains to do up likeM n, al shlrn. collars ana cum. ii.e

laundry. Mrs. Carman. 3 North Marketstreet :- -nrKTKI-Cle- Vs and mechanics to knowIT that the tuition fees tor ntht school are

110 IS and fit: nne-ha- lt down, balanca InmnntblT payments Nelson College. Arcade.

zviamTTrAXTED-Compet- ent girl to eook and do'I cenerai nousewora. apply at once at.

.mi. m aonn Mann sxreei.

attire and Intelligent, torcpresent.ln her own locality, an old firm:

references elTenandxequlred: permaseat po-sition and Rood saury. J. G. Blaacr4,MKt..aj Beano at-.- a. .

TTXANTED To good men to canrass theit city Mr anrst-cias- s euuakrMieaeper wk will afford lair wages. Can ai 451

souui Jiinn street at. ociocaanyeyening.C7t

TTTASTED M AN To take the agency of ourir saies; size sisaii incnes; weignc ow

ids ; retail price. ; otner size in propor-tion. A rare chance to create a permanentbtnlneo at home. These safes meet a de-mand never before supplied by other latecompanies, as we are not governed by thebate Pool. Aiplne Safe C- o- Cincinnati. O.

lvTatwasTTTANTEI'-- A reliable man to represent ourII nurseries In this section. Something

permanent. Chas. H. Stuart co nurserymen. Newark. New York. estabUshed 1UI.

WANTED All kinds of clothes wringers tocalled forand delivered: orders

by mall promptly attended to. B. M. Miller,lk West Main.


SaLE One nickel mounted. showFOR also one cigar case, will besold cheap. Call at 107 Linden avenue. 240a

F0KSLE Family busary horse. 8 years old:single and double harness. Call

at ZS V est Ilich street Oct. 11. from 1 t" Sp. m. 240--

FOR SLE Will take a good vacant lot forpsyment aad long time for balance at

epcrcfnt. interest, a good eight room housewith attic, large front and back porches, goodstable, crape arbor, reel clothes line, fruittrees, a nice lawn; lot about four feet higherthan street. Address F. W- - this office. 236t

DOIl acres. 5 miles soothr of Dayton. ) : two complete sets ot farmbuildings; excellent tobacco land. Call on oraddress K. U Clarke. 3 or 5 Arcade building.bpringneld.Ohlo. 215m t

FOR RENT.OR REM Three unfurnished rooms In-

quire at 3j West Southern avenue. ZtOb

FOR HEXT Room, a very desirable, nicelyfront room, suitable (or one or

two centlemen. at 141 South Manet street, onesquare from Arcade. Reference required

the premises or of J. (I. Clarke. 2t0tf

110K RENT The large and handsome house,nine rooms, hydrant and cistern water.

double cellar, large closets, six mantels andcrates, gas throughout the house Will rentlow to food tenant. Call at the southwest cor-ner of Mechanic and Pleasant streets. 2401

JJK. RENT Nice furnished front room, sult-- .able (or young men, at No 19 spring at.

UEVT new house of j rooms on Eaststreet, within one squtre of the New

Champion shops, city and cittern water andgood cellar Inquire of Thomas Sharp. 237tf

REVT House of eight rooms. In goodrepair, within t o squares of the postomce.

For further particulars, tee or address. J. E.lleflVlflnjer. sprlnicneld.O. VZTtf

REVT Two. three or four furnishedriktn for h lUSekeeDinc. rentrallv located.

Reference required. Address is. a,, this office. I

RENT -- From one to four rooms, cen-trally located, with first class accommoda-

tions, rent cheap; none but good nsylng ten-ant need apply. Inquire ot Thos. Sbarpe.


rrtT- - Tt TAIV T anM. . .lwl 1AAV UJ "I. IUIUUIIUI KMIkUfldW,

on three to nveyears time, on first mort-gvg- eor approved commercial paper. Oeorge

H. Coles. roomNo.L Lagonda bank building.)




Every aid to house cleaning Is a blessing.hatever helps to lessen labor and make the

work easier should be secured.

Casper's Gleaning Compound.This Is a very superior article. It removes

grease spots, stains, foot marks and dirt. Itbrightens up the colors and gltes a fresh,new look. It Is easily applied with asponceand does the work rapidly without taking upthe carnet. It la cheat) AOc a gallon : - iralIon bottles. 30c. Dr. Casper has made a speclaity ot this for years.

APOIiZO.This will clean painted wood work In half

the time ot ordinary soap Neither does Itmaati too paint yellow, is also extra iuoa iorcleaning windows. Only 10c a cake or foriV. at Casper's.

Tough sponeei. Chamois Sktns. FurniturePolish, Urate Varnish, tenia Amiuuuia. andother aids, all for sale at

CASPER'S Drug Store,rUaar-sBloe- Malaltrt,d Door WmI

f t4saaSoBo,8prtngB.ld.

'VOMINO K KM. Thursday, October IS, Sweat !

nam. Rice and Pagan's minstrels.Bi.sCK'-.-Frlda- y. October 14, Murray

aad Murphy. "Our Irish Visitors."MMUMiFlKLl) MEETIMK.

Tuesday. October 11. Evening, at wig-wam: Senator Sherman, E. F.Nojes.

Monday. October. 17. Afternoon andevening: tJeneral W. II. Gibson and MajorWui. McKlnlej. Afternoon meeting on '

Monument Square, evening meeting at wig-wam.

Friday. October 14. Evening, at wig-wam: Hon. George C. 1 law I ins. JudgeJohn C. Miller and J. II. Rabbitts, e--ii.

Wednesday, November 2 Evening, atwigwam: Governor J. II. Foraker. j

ir?.TY MFKTIMl"..Wednesday, October 12. evening, at

Dolly varden: J. F, McGrew, esq , and i

Judge John a Miller.Wednesday. October 12. Evening, at

Catawba: E. S. Wallace, esq., and Hon. W.L. Weaver.

Thursday. October 13. Evening, atSchool district No. 5: J. II. Kabbltts. esq.,andO. K. Servlss.

Saturday. October 15. Evening, atSouth Charleston: Hon. D. K. Watson andOscar T. Martin, esq.

Friday, October 21. Evening, at NewCarlisle: Gen. C. H. Grosvenor and Hon.D. K. Watson. j


Mr. O. F. Hypes spent Sunday in Xenia,with his parents.

Mr. Asa Little, of Yellow Springs, wasIn the city

Mr. W. M. Hayner was in Yellow Springstoday on business.


TheFerrell Fishing club left this morn -lng for the Lewlstown reservoir.

Mr. Arthur Worthlngton and wife arevisiting friends in ML Yemon, Ohio.

Mr. F. T. Bretney and family, of Xenia,spent Sunday with relatives in this city.

Rev. Mr. Lenord, of Kansas City, Mo.,ailed the Wiley Chapel pulpit Sundaymorning.

Mrs. Charles K. John went to JacksonSaturday, and will spend several weeks


guests guestMrs.


f"68"."ne editor 01 ineKF.PLiiLic Is indebted

to C. A. Keeser, famousextensive inutslaiien greenhouses, for


quantity of Iniporied bulbs.Rev. Dr. Finley's at the Chris- -

church on the character of SL Paul.night were listened to with rapt alien- -,'tion. He promises at some in nearfuture lecture on the great apostle.

Kev. S. S. Gilson. who is on the editorialstaff of that excellent paper, IlcruUlanil Presbyter, Cincinnati, preached Sun- -dav moraine and evenlne in the F.rst Prp- -

church in city, very much tothe edification the audiences.

The Cincinnati Conservatory Musicwill give a grand concert in Black's OperaHouse on the ev ening of of em- -berfor the benefit of the musical depart- -ment of Wittenberg College known as theWittenberg Conservatory of Music

Miss Webster, who graduated from Ober- -

lin College last summer, and whnl.nnwonnected the T;oneiit atOberlin. been sending a few da)with friends In this city. Is one ot theleaders of the Ys (w ise) Young ChristianTemperance

The Drs. Dunlap, Springfield, assistedby ii. J. M. Mosgrove of cit).Wednesday operated on Mrs. Richard La--

mar, 01 mis tor cancr. The rightbreast was entirely removed the opera-tion occupied over two hours. The patientat last accounts was doing well. UrbanaCitizen.

Allen, for so man) )earsactivel) connected with the old Firsttional Bank, of late the XeniaNational as president, has resignedthat position gives all e connec-tion with the concern. Hon. John Littlehas been elected of XeniaBank la his place. Xenia Gazette.

"Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy.nut not exprrssea in lancy, ncn, gtudy.ror iuc apparci oil proclaims tue mail.

Miakspeare.Nature has not been o lavish in her gifts

that we can afford to despise them, and anyassistance that we can render, in the vva)of making our personal appearance as at-

tractive as possible, should be cheerfull)given.

As our fnend Shakspeare . a manshould dress as well as his means will jus-tify, and there is fio surer means of attain-ing this end by examining the select,new of the justl) celebratedClay Worsteds for dress purposes; the tle- -gant line overcoatings, gray, black andblue EI) si ans. Ratines aminow offered to the public by Jason W. Phil-lips. No. 31 east Main street

These goods are the newest, dressiest andmost genteel patterns that money can bti),

to the purcl.aser a 8t)lish, well-mad-

perfectl) httiug K&ruu nt is assured. ,


Roll Call and Oen.ral Uor.rnro.nt of thtDay and Night 1'atrolni.n.

The following orders, which are self-ex-- 1

plailory, were issued by Chief of PoliceAmbrose last evening at roll call :

SrniMiMF.i.D, O., Oct., 9, lsttT.tlenenl Order No. 7 .

First-- On and after Oct 10, 1SS7, theday patrolmen will report for dut) ato'clock a. m. promptly, and remain on theirrespective brats, not leaving the same, ex-

cept in line of dutybeconil patrolmen at 12 o clock 111

ill take one hour for dinner and report atKIice hraci-uarn- r at o'clock p. in. U

roll call, after which the onlcera having nocases in the police court go at once ontheir respective beats, and remain on dutjnntit 0::to p. in. and report for roll call at0.45 p. ui. By order ofApproved : J. It. Amiii:oe.

S.K111 v. Chief of Police.Major.

SlMilNOFIKLIl, O., Oct 9, lsS7.tleneral Order No.H.

First --On and after the 10th day of Oc-

tober, lSbT, the night patrolmen will reportfor dut) nt 0 30 p. m.

Second Each night patrolman pre-pare to tike his lunch on his beat and re- -main thereon, not leaving the same exceptin line of his dut.

Third The night patrolmen reportfor roll call at 5 o clock a. m.. at which

""" ?Uht ?fllce.f w"i toiatti on duty at police headquarters until

relieved by the day patrolman. Hy order ofApproved: J. K. Auiirosk,

O. S. Kem.1, Chief of l!ice.Major.

Important Meeting of the Champion CityGuards.

The Champion City guards will bold animportant meeting next Wednesday even-

ing to arrange for a flattering reception forthe drill corps on their return from Chicago.A full attendance Is desired.

Ueed Commandery No. 0, Knights Tem-

plar, or Daj ton. passed through the citymorning at 11 o'clock, on a special

train en route for Columbus, to attend tne4"th annual conclave of the couunanUeriesof Ohio.

Mr. John Harnett, of near Urban, ar-

rived home Saturday evening from his tripto Angeles and through the west gener-

ally. He has accepted an editorial position

with the Farm mid FirctUU, city.

Graham Deawell, esq., of Columbus,spent Sunday In the city, attending themeeting of the colored of Pythias.Mr. Deuwell takes the stump for GovernorForaLer and the republican party.

Mr. Pettiford, of Yellow Springs, was intbw jifv this ninrnfnff. lie Is here for thepurpow of Mr, v E. Smltll M

i,,.,. in tlie colored schools of that vil- -

i,ge." "

ralestine Commandery No. 33. Knlgbts

lumbus, to attend the conclave Ohiorommanderies, at 6:30 tomorrew morning.

Misses Iois and Alice Vosa, Miss LiuieMiller and Mrs. America Brown went toDayton forenoon to attend to their niu-- 1

sical studies with Prof. Bluinenschien.

Mr. George II. Knight the Lineagent, who accompanied the Californiapart) as far as Kansas City last week, re- -

in Australia from the effects of an ac--

cldentMessrs. Steve Moseby and C. A. Graves

will leavaln a few davs for California.wlwre thfy wi prbml)iy gpnd the winter.

P- - F,tr'C 9PTlof theSunday the guests

J t,ie citv

Miss Liuie Shellabarger, of Washington,D c b the of Jlmes L. ltojR.eTS anj family.

; ,.,,,,Messrs. A. Downey and A. o

this morning via the Handle forTerm.

Mr. W. F. Foos leaves this evening forAtlanta, Ga., on business.

11M1 l)ne One Dollar is inseoarablv con- -

nected with Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Is trueof no otlier medicine- - A bottle of Hood'sSarsaparilla contains 100 doses, andU,t a mo,lth- - wnlIe olhe" wi" a,veragelast not over a week. Use only HoodsSarsaparilla- -

Get O. H. N'efTs pure apple cider vinegarfor pickling, at 140 Clifton streeL

yits --All fiU stopped free by Kline'sGreat ive Restorer. No fits after first

ja'S U,.f Mane,us "- 1 tee to fit cases. Send

Dr. Khne, 93l Alch street. Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. I

A Cs.itr. To all who are suffering fromerrors and indiscretions of youth, nervousweakness, early decay, loss of manhood,etc, Iwill send a receipt that cure of charge. This great remedy wasdiscovered by missionary in South Amer-ica. Send envelope to Rev.Joseph T. Inman, Station I). New YorkCity.

Seal Harris Green smoke.

Th Chlnara.n. Mont! Ietlgftr.A Rood Chinaman, after las da) 'a work,

optns Ins moral ledger, so tlie Rev. Drl)u Hose informs us Here nre n few ofthe items whith he can vvnte down to hiscredit Ten Himts liecaue he JKiid hisfather's debts; KM) whin he wasrich he married a deformed (ugly) jrirl towhom lie was Ktrothcd when poor. Forlending nn umbrella it was only 1

ixiint; for having s.tvcslthe lives of 100insects, point; for having picked up airraiu of nee, joint; for not havingtnteu Usifoi doj; for one year, 5 po'nts,forh.ivinc destroyed immoral liooks. IMH)

points. Now per contra: To have livedhis wife his father and mo'heris to dock himself not les than KKioints'lo have seen ifiimoral tiuatricals llurcsneainst I11111 as 10 hiiiU. If he sot drunkthat vv.i .i points to the Kid lWc.iU'e liedrownctl n bub onlv 50 points If hehad issued couiiterft it mone) that wouldhave maile his lovs HK) points To difi upnnoriii 111 winttr is 1 pomt more to thtlad He imjilit split his salts when hesivv an uk)v person and lie charged 5jxuiits New York Timeo.

there with her parents. )ec,terday morning.

Mr. E. II. Piper and family, of Xenia, J jrrs. r. b. of Jackson, Mlchl-wer- e

the yesterday of Mr. W. D. ja,,, is the of her daughter and r,

of Dibert avenue.( Mr. Edgar Johnson, of

Mr. G. Hook, wife and son, of Xenia, Stanton avenue,

r.' Sunday of Mr. and j Juhn Sn0w. a brother of Mr. W. M.Mrs. T. G. Brown, of South Plum street ! ,,.. . rth f.,k, .lrM. jii r.iulv

iMr. of the and



day thea


byterian thisof


the 3rd Nov

with newspaperhas s



ofthis last


Mr. John B.Na

and withBank

and up activ

president the




thanfall shipments






















Dr. j








bbbbbbIMMI saaMMMs' bbbbbbbIbI bbbbbP

From 2 O'clock to




4. IVep at the Mernco liisi nger A.the Tender llrMw. AlongNlileFr.shIl.auty tf lrUh Children t'ountlng theMall llg-Outw- Hound.

ne must be a irj tinlmpresslunalileperson whose Interest is not roused by thercene on 1111 American mail steamer oil theda) afttr she haves l.ivtrjsiol, as shesteams aloiiK the Irish In the brightsunlitt'ut of a breezy morning The var)-in- g

forms and colors of hindland andshore would alone lie worthy of notice;but the curious mas, of humanity gath-ered on the gtxat ship is lHrhnps more in-

teresting And it must lie admitted thatthe. saloon p issengers, taktu as n whole,have to the observer loss of Intere-- t andcharacter than the mtsrell tneous throngwho collect in the less favored quarters ofthe ship There is n monotonous appear-ance of comfort irnd prosperit) nlwut thesaloon p ussengers each with his privatechair winch renders them a little dull.Hut every step among the steerage pas-sengers gives rise to n guess or a rellec-tio- n

litre is a sturdy fellow from aYorkshire iron works on his wnvtothestatt s to seek for employ ment Close bythe ssiloon door is a labonr from illstall, raw lulled, with a couple of childrenand a weary wife The whole family havean air of despondency nlomt them whichdoes not augur well for their future Acouple of Italian masons are laughing andjoking with very light heart indeed, amiso one by one, each differing from tlieother s ui or glad, hopeful or desondeiit,full of confidence in the future or feelingthst across I he ocean life cannot lie harderthan at home the miscellaneous throngmoves about the ship

MOVfMFNT AMJ m. STtE.nut the white buildings on Roche's

point gleaming in the sunlight tell thatthe vessel is maring (jiieenstown, and afeeling of mov cnu nt ami bustle conies ov erpassengers and crew. There is talk of arun ashore; there is an e igerness to Feethe last British port, a haste to post tlielast letters to friends in England. Theship slowly steams up the harbor, past theheights of Carlisle fort, and on as if shewere bound straight to the white trrntosof Queenstown Gradually she ceases tomake headway, and comes to a standstillbetween the little village of Whltegatesanil the bleak sides of Spike island. Thetender is approaching; but already boatsfull of untidy girls, selling apples and w ithbaskets of bog oak ornaments and lace,have surrounded the ship As the tenderdraw alongside it is ev ideiit that the mailshave not arrived, there are only piles ofluggage and a crowd of Someare English or Americans who havecrossed through Ireland to shorten thevoyage by some sixteen hours, or to visitKillaraey; most are emigrants from Ire-land. Soon the throng of Irish pours overthe gangw ay a w idow ed father carry inghis Infant, followed by half a dozeu browneyed gentle looking children, a stalwartyouth with a comely sister; a hard wizenfaced old farmer in a coat of frieze downto his heels, with his wife.

Nothing is more striking than the freshbeauty of the Irish children and thewithered hardness of the middle nged andelderly men and vv omen Most of themcarry their word!) goods in a bag or ahandkerchief Their heaps of besldmg,with the tin ntensi for the voyage fas-tened to them, are pitched one after an-other on the deck, while the ow ners vainlytry to puh 11.1st the line of seamen tosecure their property It would be a sadsight, this hurrying of these people fromtheir homes, if one could forget thesqualid misery ffrim w hich they nre escaping Hut the tender has tieen emptied,and is off again for the shore to meet themails The train has just drawn up, andsoon tiles of porters, like 11 line of nuts,are putting the sacks on board, and thetender is prepared to make her secondtrip.

COCSTIVO THE MvlUHGS.This time she has scarcely any other

unrden but the mails; and so, when sheconies nlongside of the steamer, a dozenof the crew are very soon at work pilingthem 011 the deck of the ship. An officercounts the bags as they come on lioard"one, two, three, four, tive.six,evt 11, eight,nine, te'i, tally." So they go over thegangway by tens They took up a greatpart of the space on the tender, mid theymake a huge pile on the steamer; some800 sacks of letters and papers mike itpossible to realize the v ast e

of the present day. But for somn timethe great ship has letn. slowly movingfceaward with tlie tug attached to heramidships, and the line of seamen hurry-ing, each with his sack, across the gang-way. Ihe long dark sides of the mailsteamer, and her lofty upper deck, quitedwarf the tender; the captain lookingdown from his bridge seems far aloftThe railings are lined with hundreds offaces there are fully a thousand passen-gers on the ship watching the mailscome on board. Every one except theregular passengers between Niw Yorkand Liverpool, of whom there are alwaysseveral on lioard, look a little anxiousMost of the poorer men and women arefad.

It is a curious sjiectncle to stand on thebridge of the tender and look along thesides of the ship at the great vessel andthe varying faces on her. Hut the lastKig is on board, the bell on the steamer issharp!) struck, anil a few friends of thepassengers, a iiewswiper boy, and someother miscellaneous iierso,s hurry onboard the tender to go ashore. The haw-sers are last off and the little tug steamsahead of the big ship, rounds to for theshore when she has got some lengthsahead, and is snon, with the quick, rapidstrokes of her whiel. making for thequa) at Queenstowii. ste-im-

steals away to the sea with a kind of irre-sistible anil utmost imperveptilde motion.The itsse-nger- forms soon leeome invisi-ble, and the big, black hull and highmusts gradually grow less distinct as "the i

liner" passes away by the mouth of theharbor, heading for the west As the ten-d- e

touches the qua) side the 111 ill steameris roundiug the headland by the sea,and in a few minutes all that ran lie senfrom the shore is the distant line of smokewhich tills of her course across the Atlantic !?t James' Gazette

Hump Air nt Injurious.Damp air is not its injurious to the

lungs ns to the sLiu The electric condition of the air has more to do w ith its uncomfortableness than lias its dampness.When it is lOMtive it is bracing and re-

freshing, when Iiegntiie it debilitatesand oppresses If the akm is warm nofear ueed lie felt of brea'hiug damp or coolnir, either waking or leeping Mrs K.G Cook, M I) , ill Demorest's .Monthly.

Abo-i- t 1,000 good wzed watermelons carbe got into car.

BBksaV bbhbbk

8 O'clock


Item, of Interest I rum Nprlngtield'.Lively Little Suburb.

Martin Ganz, our veteran grocer has beenquite sick for several days, with kidiie)trouble.

Mrs. Catherine Burke left last week tovisit her son. Rev. W. It Houlton, nowliving In New Paris, Preble county.

A large numlier of I.agondaites wentto hear the famous lad) orator, M'ssFrancis E. Willard, last Thursday evening.

Win. Huagland, of Indiana, a formerwell known citizen here, is in the cily. andexpects to work In the Lagonda shopsagain this winter.

Mrs. Baldwin, of PainesviUe, ()., at-

tended the W. C. T. L convention, andstopped with her brother-i- n law. Mr. HenryBaldwin, of Lagonda.

Dr. J. W. Nelson and his partners, whoare spending the week at the reservoir,sent home, on Wednesday, a Imix contain-ing twenty three ducks of different va-

rieties. They were divided among thefriends of the purties and were quitepalatable. The part) of mighty huntersreturned home Saturday morning.

A bold theft occurred one dav last weekon, our streets. Dr. Nelson had a )oungbin! dog that he is raising and prizedhighl). Two strangers caii.e along andseeing the dog called him to follow them.Mrs. Nel-o- n heard them and tailed to thedog to come back. The) seeing theycould not get him an) other wa). grabbedthe dog and forced him off with them.They hurried down the track toward thepump-hous- e and before Mrs. Nelson couldfind any one to follow them the aluliictorswere out of slghL

The Children Ask for It,And the old folks laugh when they hnd thatthe pleasant California liquid fruit remedy,S)mpof Figs, is more easily taken andmore beneficial in its actum than bitter,nauseous medicines. It strengthens theliver, kidneys, stomach and bowels, whileIt arouses them to a health) activity. Forsale at Casper's drug store.

The llaby U"AI1 Stopped tip.""We took it out riding in its carriage and

it went to sleep. It caught cold while wewere carry ing it from the carriage back Intothe house." The Hoist v Aimi'staiukB vnv Caiiui ok ran be dt tacMsi from thew heels and carried into the house withoutdisturbing the baby. See advertisementaud send for a catalogue. 275 Wabash ave-nue, Chicago, HI.

When you want good coal go to Whehion ,

& Merrill, Grand opt ra house.

Smoke Green Seal Harris. ,

I. It. A-- W. Ky.The last of a series of excursions adver

tised by the popular I. B. & W. route, will '

leave Springfield on October 10 and morn-ing of the 11th. for almost all parts in Kan-

sas Texas. Nebraska, northern Iowa. Min-nesota, Dakota and Wyoming. This willpositive!) be the last opportunity during18S7 to v islt the western states at the lowrate ot one fare for the round trip. Takeadvantage of this excellent opportunity and ,

go via the I. B. A W., the shortest, quick-est and best route, the only line running '

chair oars from Springfield, with positivelyless changes of cars than via any otherroute. Call at the I. 15. A W. office in thiscity for particulars. 232p

Green Harris Seal smoke.

Ask )our grocer for (). H. NeiFs pure j

apple cider v Inegar, for pickling. It is ex-

cellent '

Green smoke Harris Seal. .

Try Wheldon A. Merrill for coal.

I.HM Chance togi West nt Low Kates.On October 10 the Bee Line will run an-

other one of their popular harvest excur-sions to the west, which will be tlie last onethis season. Tickets w ill be sold for onefare for the round trip to principal pointsin Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas anaNebraska, also to certain sections ot thesouth. Call on Bee Line agents for par-

ticulars. 2S$b

Smoke Harris Green heal.

I. II. A, VV.

On Tuesda). October 11th, the I. B. .vW. railroad will run a grand excursion toGarden Cit), Kansas, at a rato of one farefor the round trip. The party will be un-

der the eytreful supervision of Mr. J. M.Jones, of South Charleston, aud Mr. J. 0.Wolfe, of Garden City, to whom all

regarding the tip shouldcare I,agonda house. Spring-- 1

held, Ohio. J.!2p I

I. y. Tax mtaii, x. p. a. b. hoi at. v. p.

WWJffiOfflC No. 3 Mitchell llloek.

Roalilencr, No. 143 Ui(h tit.'

Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 3 p. m.and exentnes.


FL1TU1. For particulars address












DR. H. R. DOSCH, ,

ARCADE DENTISTOwratlnc IVntlstry a Specialty

iMr or- - lnit 17

TW CrtatKmtistoiis, Jmjtotcncy Aadall I)is- - r2-eaaescAuirM by If abuse or ln- -1tiurit!i-tn- . Or- - tvu lrt 31.R(r&.Y

beforeI Br mail VH for PamphVt. jAiTrRlEureka tlarmlcal Co., Detroit Mich.

Call on or addrMi Tbo. Tronpc-.dr- Existeorcer Main and Yarkrf itrtn. Spii&Kflelf


1 t PU R E- -



Its superior excellence proven In millions cthomes for more th 111 u quitter of a century iIt Is used bv the I lilted Mates Government.Indorsed by the heads of the iireat I niverslties as the.strongest. Purest. .Most Healthful. 'I)r Trice's the only Raking Powder that doesnot contiiu VtiimoTiia. Llmeor Alum, fsoldonly In Tansprice n Kiii row UER CO ,




No. 33 South Limestone Street.THE OPENING WILL CO.VTINl E


nd Is attracting great attention from theladies. The new KMILIsll DONNETharebeauties and are being much adrulied.The new line ot Fall (mods are simplybeautiful and the Opening Is attrictingtin ladles of s.pringneld. Ihe Openingcontinues through



:t:t South Limestone St.



gefflg-gg- l

This Furnace has no equal for simplicity durahilit) and economy. Is constructed j

of heavy steel plate. Is a base heater,easilv controlled, and is exempt from the i

possibility of joints.I

Ample Reference Givm. 1

!"Miti !y


& Raymond,


mill i.k ocriTini r.v




Tli. Onl) Hr.l-fl.- .. House or this sladlu thrril).

ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLEXo.l!t.'-4- ' Main. V K. Corner Factory.

n' st r flat.TtA.'LrC-s- - l lo prr day; and

S14..10. Mini 90 per wee!.

Dr. Frank G. Runyan.

DENTIST.WKoonisln Uuc!clDKtiam'Baliain.OTri

-- MarpbT A Dro. ..

ilirn th..el ,.K

Dr Levitt E. Custer.DENTIST.

Preservati in of natural teeth by latestmcihuda. Strictly Ant class work

iiaracteed.9 K. fltrtitt. ovr Mtmlnr'a OmwMrr


BBksaa aBHBBal bbbbb aBsam saaaaaaaaaaal saaaaav




Benefiicial in General Debility, Exhaustion, and just the thing

to help you through the hot weather. Large bottles, SI.

CHARLES LUDL OW & CO.,Pharmacils, 55 East Main Street.

ANDREWS, WISE & PUTNAMKnow that many of the people of Springfield forgot tocall and purchase from their stock in the early part ofthe season, such goods as would have made their homesmore attractive, but now that the Fall Season is righton, and we have the cheapest and prettiest goods everoffered, come right along and see style and neatness ytunever dreamed of. We have

FURNITURE, CARPETS, DISHESThe best Red Cross Heating Stoves, and Cook Stoves,

and Ranges, and in fact everything the housekeeperneeds. Chamber Suits so cheap and good ; Parlor gosdsway down and so nice for a little money. Don't wait,but buy early and enjoy the benefit of the best selection.



NOS. 26 AND 28 EAST SJAIN STREET.New line of Fall Goods just opened, and the largest stock tt

select from. All goods first-clas- s andcomplete satisfaction assured.



Boots and ShoesOP


ITo. 14 West St.Yau are always sure to get received for

money. and

prices is not our motto.




NEW STORE. 74 W. MAIN ST.Don't fail to stop in and see for yourself. Remember tht

n ace. 74 West Main St.j - ,

ad TrialiTniHi Si Si BMm nan II IS.ftiinDi-traTiaia- i BBBBS7 BBBBm

cr linn " .i rnuani Tkmo ex

SEMINALA liiJIclC-f- l ( tw

. utiM Dntt is Trx-i.-c- r

ActJlici. 7iJri 7ecr3 la T3"m i Tr t raniitT' nLdhrkn iow-- "ntotheoll PiyoyrrMitcfnni 'mi 'um-- ini'i ena icnrrias unukTo t o w'howcCmr' va t ninnj o jseao tiw-- 3

Srtncht nwm hv 1noxE.rrtoofnnIHt-lQrV9asktriA73Cama- cJ

iriD9in(Q rTMr,w,llirirr"a'r-'l- wu m--

j --r i jubt a iimo:--'- .




your Big blow high



1st door west of Wmwam. j


IfP. M., Wednesday, Oct. 12.


- 0

" KOu " ""." "iHHia,aja au MiKmMralfai. vUttrr Ttkt ibllRain iMuarSSUWCCU3 lSSHFT Itfll a l.a -

'uh .Im'ii.ii t.ircn A?K Of iaoMt vaueorc a ut vt FomSZ

" BwaM prictwa. By SJHV

iin.u.1. ! M. l. IBPkr hiiiii h-- i wtuwiit naj, inaManymedagfcnariigtuwncaturfUftftKiwbart.ifciilMtbttocKsc&eafel tad MitUvmaM bah stiiMSkaWasiaU


Trial of our Applianca. Aaa for Tsnas)t



4 K Main St. All are Cordially Invited.3ffiS2ge s sSS,

