Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE NIAGARA FAILS … 8/Niagara Falls...Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE...

Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE NIAGARA FAILS GAZETTE Page Twenty.Nlnt ttjr^ ,,!!••• .... ff^DOMlNION AND PROVINCIAL | | NEWS ASSOCIATED PREiS j UNITED PRESS 111! I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,,' V" ••••"» » • « a i » w * » • « • « » « ^ « • « • >--<•••-» » t " » • - • »'• »-»••»-,•- » m m •• -•- CANADIAN NEWS by STAIJF WRITERS ! j NIAGARA FALLS, STAMFORD, 1 | !., } CHIPPAWA, QUEENSTON 1 ' AND ALL BORDER POINTS •>•»«» M^*»*"»4N»-»^ m m »••• »•• • «-»-^-«..» ,«,,« 0^% , » •••-».-» —# -* •• »•»'••'•• •+,.»..»,•« -^—«.. »H>--»->' > • • > • < -«—> > « • •••-« - Conduct Blackout Every Night if Necessary, Opposition Leader Says CWAC Women Join Easter Parade Dre * urge 8 step. t° c™-.Public Health ser ve Power; rails Mem- ber Explains Situation. TORONTO, Ont—Declaring that , hf Canadian people are "crying for action and for leadership of a vigor consistent with the need of the hoar." Opposition Leader Lleuten- jnt-Colonel George Drew, in draw- ire the legislature's attention to a iLried crisis in electric power, yes- terdav urnecl the Provincial govern- ment' to order "a complete blackout iverv nieht." if such action Is re- quired to meet the situation. His statement was made in asso- ,wtion with a Washington despatch Nurse Reports SCENE OP MONDAY Vera Heyworth and Clifford Goyetche Wed at Our Lady of Peace Edifice. notified bv the Canadian govern m eni that the United States, wmch i5 pleadim; for more aluminum from Canada, mast choose between .that and a smaller supply of newsprint. The trobule is that there Is not enough available hydro-electric power for both, according to the Washington despatch. Enlarged Program The despatch stressed ' also that Canada is also embarking on a heaw magnesium production pro- gram. It said both aluminum and magnesium require for their manu- facture' large quantities of hydro- electric power. So does newsprint. The statement relative to power came after Hon. W. L. Houck (Lib., Niagara Falls), and vice-chairman of the Hydro Commission, gave a verbal reply to Inquiries by \V. J. Stewart (Cons.. Toronto-Parkdalei. He advised Mr. Stewart that re- strictions would be made this aut- umn in consumption, first on elec- tric signs and then to an unde- termined as yet degree on street lighting and window displays. There would be launched, he said, a strong educational campaign on how to conserve electricity. He believed that the old hot-water installations would not be cut off. He stressed that the volume of saving from all consum- ers, if each cooperated, would be considerable. Is Consultant He declared also that Chairman Dr. Thomas Hogg held no connec- tions with private companies, but was a consultant with the Federal Government on work involving Hydro engineering. To Colonel Drew he pledged "we are going to take care of the mag- nesium d e m a n d s and we are going to take care of any load." The com- xission. he said, was cooperating fully with Power Controller Sym- ington, "who. after all, has the final jay." He agreed with the Opposition Leader that Ontario was prepared to stagger its Hydro load and to even eliminate all non-essential load for the major cause. March Proved Busy Month for Miss (.'ullimore. STAMFORD, Ont—Following Is : „„,„„.„,. , . , w w ~ ,1 I CHIPPAWA—The marriage of the report of Miss M Cullimore. MLss Vpra H eyworth. daughter of public health nurse, for the month Mrs. Mabel Heyworth of Chippawa of March: ! and the late Stanley Heyworth, to School visits, 34; 157 children who, Clifford Goyetche. son of Mr. John started to school were given special | Goyetche of Chippawa and the late phvsical tests; 37 children were given ; Mlnme Goyetche. was solemnized in Our Lady of Peace church on Monday morning at eight o'clock. Easter lilies, ferns and daffodils 1 , decorated the church for the oc- casion The bride wore an after- noon frock of heavly blue, an off the face hat and corsage of roses and forget-me-nots. Miss Margaret Goyetche, sister vision tests; two classrooms were given rapid inspection. Defects Found—Two with defec-' in'which u was stated tnat United ' tive eyesight: two with eye defects; \ States production^autnorltles were j n with decayed permanent teeth: three with abnormal tonsils and defective nasal breathing; 30 chil- dren with suspicious looking tonsils were placed under observation for inspection. Corrections or odd defects—One child had tonsils and adenoids re- moved; one child had glasses i jjova Scotia changed: 32 home visits were made and five children were excluded from school. of the groom, attended the bride and was frocked in rose crepe with rose corsage. L. A. C. James Goy- etche of the R. C. A. F . Dartmouth, was his brother's groomsman. A reception for the members of the immediate families was held in Five well-baby clinics were held (the home of the bride's mother fol- during the month with a total at- j lowing which the bride and groom tendance of 66. Dr. H. A. Wrong, left on a short wedding trip. On M.O.H., attended one clinic and their return thev will take up resi- admlnlstered doses of toxoid against ! dence in Niagara street, Chippawa diphtheria to 16 children and I whooping cough vaccine to 12 oth- The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. Percival Mayes in Ail Saint's church, of Miss Alice Roberta ers. Four dental clinics were held, at which 22 children were treated as Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stationed in New York, these three members of the Canan idi? Women's Army Corps took advantage of fine weather to joiine i t! Easter Parade in Manhattan, Sunday. They are Staff Sere - - eir. Margaret Jeal. Barbara Crosby and Alexa Swamm. strolling downe i tl ! street after attending service at St. Bartholomew's church. CANADIAN SOCI/IA. follows:—41 extracted. teeth filled and 23 Fonthill Group to Attend Rally Ralph Biamonte Passes at Falls .nip \ed at Ontario Paper Mills at Thorold. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont.—The death occurred last night of Ralph Biamonte at his home, 1755 Lewis F. R. Lit'le of Niagara Falls, and Gunner Alfred Eugene Muma. of Camp Narainmo, B. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muma of Chippawa. The bride wore a street length frock of beige crepe with lace trim. matching hat and shoulder bouquet of Johanna Hill rases. : , ! Miss Norma Carl, maid of honor. Baptist l ouujr People ami Key- wa s frocked in powder blue gown stone Class Meet. witl1 matching accessories and Talisman rose corsage. Joseph Johnston of Chippawa was the FONTHILL, Ont. — The B.Y.P.U. groomsman, met last evening with the Devotion- | For traveling to London, Ont al group in charge of the program ; the bride donned a green printed under the direction of Miss Ruth si ]k jersey frock with brown and Lymburner. The topic, "He Lives," beige tweed coot, matching hat and was given by MLss Lymburner and brown accessories. Following a Donald Heaton. A pleasing vocal s hort f ur iough tre groom will rejoin solo was offered by Miss Jacqueline his regiment on the west coast and Bennalick. of Fenwick. who was ac- M „. Muma wU1 make her home ln companied by Miss Phyllis Young.; Niagara Falls. followed by a reading by Miss I Evelyn Damude. | Mrs _ Maud Lennox. Bridgewater President Donald Heaton conduct- stree t. Chippawa. wishes to an- ed the business during which plans j nounce the engagement of her were made for attending the spring! daughter. Dorothy Mav. to William Rally on April 20. Henry Parks, son of Mrs. Charles " • and the late Mr. Parks of High- The Keystone class of the United I land avenue. Niagara Falls. The church met Tuesday evening at! wedding will take place earlv in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Crowe. I Tay. The Daughters of All Saints church will hold a springtime tea tomorrow afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock in the church rectory. Robinson street. Miss Joan Hudson. River road, has returned from Toronto where she has been the guest of relatives. | Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ReynoWnds. o '< have been spending their sdinvedg trip in this city, have retud trneo ! their home in Windsor. Oni :. j Mrs. H. R. Elliott. ValleyVay V. ' left today for St. Catharinesher. we she will be the guest of frienoveds tr the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Banchfield and children, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Tate, have have returned to their home in Kirkland, Ont. MLss Vera MacFarlane. Fourth avenue, has returned from Toronto where she has been visiting her sister, Mr. F. Fraser. The Walther league of Staul. P's Lutheran church will hold ocia sil tonight at the church at 8 loclo'ci. A welcome will be extended tl: toie class of confirmed Candida. tesA program of social activities hbeeas n arranged. Refreshments v tvilbe served. Miss Audrey Ferguson, who has been spending a few days in Tor- onto as the guest of relatives has returned to her home in Victoria avenue. Mr and Mrs. C returned after spending several days with relatives at Fergus, Kitchener and Guelph. HOLD DICK RITES Well Known St. Davids Resident Is Laid to Final Rest. Mrs. Walter Howell presided, in the absence of the president, and Mrs. Harry Halst conducted the devo- tional. It was decided to purchase slides for the Sunday school and plans were discussed for raising more money. ST. DAVIDS. Ont,—Many friend Schelter have ; and relatives attended the funeral of David Dick held at the family resi- dence Tuesday afternoon. The de- ceased, father of Mrs. Harry Secord, of Stamford, and Archie, at home. Private Edward Crafter and! died Saturday in his 81st. year. Private R. W. Kelly, of the Irish! The funeral services were con- »venue He was born"In bfnigliano ' regiment. Halifax. Nova Seotia. are ducted by Rev. J. M. Cameron. Italy, .snn of the late Mr and Mrs! j spending a two weeks leave at their , rector of Homer Anglican church Peter Biarronte. where he resided j homes here - for IT years and came here 35 years ., _, , , . , ,. . ACO vh rrr he had been a resident 1 M r and Mrs Jack Cr * U * T have Knee. For the past year Mr. Bia- MLss E d n a Bartlett has returned from London. Ont.. where she- has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer and son. Douglas of Simcoe street, have re- turned from Toronto where they have been spending a few days. The W.A. of the United church has completed plans for holding a | Corporal Charles Clements, of the crokinole party in the school room ; R C.A.F.. stationed at Jarvis. is of the church tomorrow evening. >•-••-•- . •" m >••*• '•••• monte had been employed at the' Ontario Paper Mills, Thorold. He | *as a member of St. Anne's church, i Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Rose Caiabrcse Riamonte; four sons, Jo- seph. Napoleon, Dominic and Nick; p^ daughters. Lena and Sarah, at ™mr four brothers, Joseph Bia- m °!.f\ proprietor of the Hollywood 'M*-?T cry. Dominic, of Hamilton, v-uJX* R I ? ^ ; 1 , 1 4 ? T\ STAMFORD. Ont.-The Township an.: M - -rJ.* h ^ Mltche il; cR y-1 Council will meet Friday morning FaiK, N Bearers were William Stewart Archie Secord. Roy Brown. George Swan. Al Johnston and Fred Cratt. Interment was in Victoria Lawn cemcterv, St. Catharines. The engagement is announced of Miss Marlon Easton Fisher, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. G. Fisher of Brockville. Ont.. to Norman Campbell Irvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Irvine, of Highland ave- nue, this city. The wedding will take place in May. The Calendar club of Morrison street United church held a lun- cheon meeting today at the home of Mrs. J. H. Lindsay. Valley Way. Mrs. Hazel Matson and Mrs. Wil- liam Ball were the hostesses. Mrs. Norman Voilick an Mud 's. Daniel Mulhern entertaineat rj a pantry shower last night at thome he of Mrs. Voilick, in Robert s?t, tredn honor of MLss Helen Jewelobl Nes whose marriage takes place Saont- urday afternoon. Games werlaye ped ; and prizes awarded to MrJ. s. L. Rice and Miss Leona John*, on. Supper was served from lac a e- covered table decorated wi pirth lk : and white streamers and blmpee t;rs in silver holders. Miss Not walesas the recipient of a corsage r< of?d roses from the hostess. A bitifourul i box decorated in silver, pi arnk id white, with a variety of gis oodo stock the pantry shelves, \\ pnas e- sented to the bride-elect. j The Victory Euchre club i laiieist night at the home of Mrs iRoG. b- ertson. Highland avenue wi Mith rs C Hussey as hostess. Prizweies re awarded to Mrs. D. Hardw aiickid ! Mrs. D. Walters. The club wme-ill et next Wednesday night at tltiome he of Mrs. E. Durling. 1574, Gliolrenlne avenue. PATRICK DOHERTY. FALLS RESIDENT, CALLED BY DEA1H Active in Civic and Church Af fairs, with C N. R. for Many Years. NIAGARA FALLS On* Pa Joseph Doner'.'. ~\ died toda his home, 642 Victoiia avenue was born here, a son of the John and Margaret Doner:;.. had resided here all his life | He attended S - Patrick'^ M | and WHS a member of S'.. Fat: ! church, the Hoiy Name society and ' :he Knights o'. Columbus. In for- rner ••(-drs he was a noted iacic-.^p I player and was a member of the j Niagara Falls i.icro^e team. He wa,s j the assistant passenger foreman for i th p Canadian National Railway 1 her* 1 !or ninny year*. He was an ; active member of the Niagara Falls Liberal association He is survived by three sisters. Miss Ellen and M L ^ Anna Doherty, j bctii at home, and Mrs. Teresa Hartrick. of Toronto. ! The hoo\ is resting a* the home ! La. c t will be held at :he home i Saturday morning at 8 30 o'clock i with Mass a* S* Patrick's church a: | 9 o'clock Burial will be in Fair- I view cemetery. t -~ Gives Talk on Power Svstems NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. —The Rev. Dr. Charles Bishop opened the dinner meeting of the Morrison Street United Church Men s club last evening. President Jack Scott conducting the meeting, which was well attended. Rev. E. A. Cnester and son. John, of Brampton, Ont., former pastor of the church, were present. He commended the mem- bers for their faithful duty to the club which is now a valuable asso- ciate of the church. On the suggestion of Rev. Dr. Bishop it was decided to conduct an evening service by members of the club in the near future. Bob Scott, son of Alderman Scott, who is now on active service with the armed forces, will be presented with a purse as a token of esteem as a member and active worker in the progress of the organization. George Beilby introduced the guest speaker. Walter Jackson, B.A. sc. who spoke on power develop- ment and and construction, gener- ating energy and systems. His talk was one of the most educational heard by the club and was deeply interesting. Dr. Bishop thanked Mr, Jackson on behalf of the club. Roval Wei come for Kiwanis Head on First Visit to Niagara Falls Gharl^o S Donley, of Pittsburgh, Pa., International President, Starts Canadian lour at Power City. !* a fine demons': a'ion of good will. Tribute to MacArthur He paid a high tr.bu'.e to General MacAr'nir 'o- holding the front line nn t h e ea.--'. and s'a'.ed 'he d pleasure he had a »''\v wee its aso in '• vvelrommc to *.:;:> ('.:;. American - troops from Boston. Fred McAllister, of London, Ont.. i:.'••:'!.a: ional vice-president, spoke of trie fm»- .-'jp;x>:' given morally and otherwise b> the United States in the prest-n- c:>:- Leo W. Bradt, .St C a t h a r i n e s Lieutenant Governor- of division No 2 Ontario-Quebec- Maritime district of Kiwanis Inter- na - iona. introduced Mr. Donley. Th<- t h a n k s to Mr. Donley for hl<s cMcc'.ii nt address was extended by I .a rue F Smith. Niagara Falls N. Y . Lietitenan: Governor of divusion i>. New York district of Kiwanis International This was followed bv th»- pres'-ntation b>- D. E. Calvert of a framed schoi! of appreciation to Mr. Donle-. signed by Floyd Bassett, Touring Canada Mr Donley, v. no l- touring Can- ada from tins city to Halifax. »a.- Kiven a ::-arty reception He— will hold conferences with Canadian government oflicia'.s and Kiwanis club officers and members He is carrying greetings from the great local president. Kenneth Green- lndustrial city of Pittsburgh, to awav. secretary, and Mayor IngHs. Canadians and from Kiwanis Inter- national to ail officers and clubs Mr. Donley, as guest speaker. gave an inspiring address on the objects and objective of the Kiwanis club war program. If bore 'he sea! of the club and the city seal The meeting closed with the singlne of ' O Canada." Hold Discussion A discussion was held later in the Oriental room of officers of the STAMFORD ! •«•«•--•-»"€ The f- rr.ornine (aim:-. ; PoVnt n ir. - r- :r . f'erv ^Tony stranges, Niagara | ftnd procecd on the annua] lnapec . ,,„' , ,„.,.. . Uon of the towivshlp roads. i^ral will be held Saturday ' ai 10:30 o-clock from the I q^e vital statistics for the month j a k w , f n the municipality of Grims -e tost. Anne's church for; of March ln the township are: H'.'-h Mass at 11 o'clock, i Births, one; deaths, four: marraiges. visiting at his home in St. Davids. Cost Minimum Fixed BEAMSVILLE. Ont. — Beams-j ville town council has pas-*ed a by- j law which will prevent the erection! of any private dwelling costing less, t h a n $1,800 and also prohibiting the moving of any house into Beamsville valued at less than $1,800. North | Grimsby township council Is also! passing such a bylaw. This latter! Mrs. F. Geroy will entertain the Happy Knitting group tonight at her home, 826 St. Lawrence ave- nue. Jack McRae. who has been spend- ing a few days with hi* mother. Mrs. John McRae. Stamford street, has returned to Chicago. D. L. Willson. of GuelpOnh. t former manager of the Ik Janof Montreal here, spent yestey rdain this city. St. Stephen's Ladies Bow! clingilb I meet last night ln the par hash, 11. 1 Prizes were won by Mrs. Tarn Dah i and Mrs. J. Brooker. Refrenershnts ; were served bv Mrs. R. Ne ' J. Kew and Mrs. V. Gricrsc >n. The Ladles" Aid of Jepson street Baptist church will hold its anni- versary banquet on Monday night, April 13. in the church hall. will be in Falrview cem-' three. For the same period last 'he S- 'he a : . last r,i Honors e.iyne tre^. ;: , Rnw 'Tiflr Club Elects ('VTHARTNES. O n t - J a c k A. year they were: Deaths, two; mar- riages, two; births, none. by Beach, the summer resort. The Ontario department of municipal affairs has approved the Beamsville ordinance. The Mothers' Circle of St. An- drew's United church will meet to- night at 8 o'clock in the school room. An enjoyable tea was. h yteld s- , terday afternoon by the Cld !>uiof ; St. Stephens church in th»ane rsh hall. Fourth avenue. Thmae ny guests were received by s. M r L Carlson and Mrs. C. Higgii is. Tea was served from a ta coblov- ered with a white damask cl ceothn- tered with a bowl of daffoc Cflll.vr- .-•-• - - . . - « . •-•-., The Halfway Knitting circle met ..„.„ . ,, .last evening at the home of Mrs. r,- ' " S » ,mMf,cnt of Roy Kennedy. Portage road. North. \ harlnes Rowing club at Tn e re VM no b iulnesB session, but the time was spent in quilting. The regular meeting will be held next Wednesday at 8 o'clock at the Vic- toria school at the Halfway. see re! ;, « meeting of that group " v Others elected were: ' presidents, H. B. Bur- ,! >i Richard Schram; vice Russell Wood; secretary- Russell Kennedy;- assist- The C.O.I.T. group of the First 'TV-treasurer, Andy Ig- j United church will meet this evening ^'^ nub captain. Charles Ren- I at 6:45 o'clock. R',.., ,, A : n R committee, J. A. House, i ••N ^ 1A <!. nob and Bill Reid. The; The choir of the First United i ,,lr win act as coaches. Ho WEI •larv 6 Linro;,-, ^'.II.-KA Wed ne .v Producers Elect 1 A\D. Ont.- W. Hodgson. was re-elected president Beekeepers avsoclatlon of Haldimand and Welland « ^,, a! , lhe annual meeting o' A»V, \ aftor noon at the offices ..,,, s 'i c , ull »ral Representative Jo- WV ; etarv i i,s °n. Welland. ^fleers re-elected were: of %v ' rr a-Mirer. Harold Klllens. r.ev n J and vlce President, Syd- M ''^. of Canfleld. * Bowling Club Elects 4?m L v!£ , ° nl - - Alderman pttxSI!1, c * l,w ^ hft « been named BOTH' \ ° f thp welland Lawn R n "t, ,b for the coming leason. *wftPrtT ^ C ' ,s ,he v,c * P fesl - K H A * "' E Curry, treasurer, with strong as secretary. church will be guests this evening at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. George Dalby, Stanley street North. Loses Wedding Ring NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. — The provincial police received word to- day from L. A. C. Plaxton, of the RAF school at Clinton, Ont., that while ln this vicinity last Saturday he lost A gold wedding ring In A white case somewhere between St. Davids and this city. Thr finder Is asked to communicate with the pro- vincial police. The case bore the name of Henry Burtce Son. Arcanum Society to Meet T^ p Uppv guards the boots NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. — The and rifle of a British soldier, who's Royal Arcanum society will meet In away taking advantage of the this city on May 2 and 3 with head- rare opportunity to take a hot quarter* at the OenerAl Brock hotel, shower, provided by a mobile An address of welcome will be given bath unit, The scene Is the Lib- by Mayor O. R, InglU. \ y&n desert. / Desert Shower Japanese Can't Take It in Long Run ^ Falls Chamber of Commerce Men bltd Cannot Maintain I-one Supply Linos, Professor Laneloviy. Hitler Is Man Who Must Be Realm. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. — Had Great Britain abandoned Hongkong and Singapore st the start of the Japanese uprising and staged an attack on their own account the armies of the Rising Sun would have gone down, was the opinion voiced by Professor Hubert Langley at the regular dinner session of the Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce ln the King Edward hotel Inst eve- ning. Professor Langley spent 28 years In the land of the Mikado as an educationalist and foviRht with the armed forces In the last war. Ten or 12 years ago Japan had a good case for expaivdon since their 78 millions nf people were clos- eted In an area just half as large as the Mate of California. Unfor- tunately, however, the armed forces assumed control of the country and went about territorial expansion the wrong way, he pointed out. "It is perhaps more disquieting to you than it is to me to see their armed forces expand." he said, and went on, "Japan cannot possibly maintain their lines of communica- tion. She cannot begin to replace ^v supply of raw materials and machine tools." He discounted the fjRhtirubilg rity of her soldiers and vpntvi nre<he prediction that the chief sk ta «t hand was the defeat of Hit Tler.'hc main battleground would bdiro* Fjpe. Over 40 per cent of Japanyou's ng men are rejected for the nv inroe- cause of physical defects, sahcid. He then turned to the favuinnr- able aspects of the Japanrcluse tr- ader. They are bad losersid . atal- though they have sustained* s< feed- backs In the present Strug thgleeir real character will become nlfmaest once the United Nations bn roginll- tng. The average Jap was'liclnffed by an inferiority complex, snheid In closing, he admonlsl hediis listeners not to be unduly »rm alned about Japan. "Japan", P heip- praised, "was like a prlrdglv fter with a groggy heart requir, oringily a stiff punch to It* solar pus lexfoi the knockout." The entertainment phas»f tr t h e program was furnished by % Mthfls- sourl Mountaineers and tug! Ihie Bvichanen. The members ofe cl thlub then went on record as unmonnlus- ly favoring the coming vot>n te c h e Plebiscite. Fined $75 and Costs WELLAND. Ont.—A fine of $75 and casts was imposed by Magis- trate J. C. Massie. at. Welland court Wednesday, in the case of Beni Monaco, charged with keeping a slot machine on his premises. Walter Brauen. 36. of St Anne. was dismissed at Crowland court on a charge of illegally leaving the scene of an accident following a motor mishap. Fine and costs to- talling $1080. however, were im- posed on a charge of "illegal pass- ing." . - * - - Provides Severe Penalty NIAGARA FALLS, Ont—A fine of not less than $10 and not more than $500 will be imposed on pat- 1 rons of bootleg establishments, ac- cording to an agreement to the On- tario Liquor Control Act which was ' given Its second reading in the On- tario legislature yesterday, in de- fault of payment a prison term no; 1 exceeding two months will be given | - Electrical Group to Meet ! NIAGARA FALLS. Ont —The case | of Roland Mclntee. 24. charged with i keeping a disorderly house at 1503 j Buchanan avenue. Frank Spiotti ! 29. chnreed with being the landlord i and allowing the premises to be used ! for such a purpose, and Isabel and Recino Laviolette. sister*, chirsed with beinc inmates, has been re- manded again until April 21 . Five Area Men Enlist ST. CATHARINES. Ont - -In a list of nearly 40 men who have en- listed recently In the R. C. A F. at No 9 depot. London. Ont. ac- cording to an official report sent here, five are Port Colborne men: William Edward Town. John An- drew Allen. Maurice McLean (iood- lngs and William Douglas Ellis, also Roy Mat bias Wadson, of Fort Erie. . Banquet Date Changed ST CATHARINES. Ont — Owing to Hon Humphrey Mitchell fed- eral minister of labor, bring unable to c>me to St. Catharines on April IS. the annual banquet of St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, at which Mr Mitchell Is to be guest speaker, will be held on the even- ing of April 22. i nations and sweet peas flanked by ] gieen and yellow tapers In silver j holders over which presided Miss |S Cryslcr and Mrs. Waterman. The [assistants were the members of the 'guild. A delightful program was given i by the Maple street. Mothers' Choir | accompanied by Mrs. R. Tyndall. Civilian morale, he said is one of ' clubs with Mr. Donley relative to the most vital factors in winning war services to be carried on by Ki- the war and gave many illustrative . wanis International. points proving its importance. In ' Mr. and Mrs Donley left the ho- presenting the Kiwanis club war tel at 3:30 o'clock in a two-seated program, he said it has been ap- open horse-drawn vehicle which proved by United States federal gov- \ was stationed at the entrance to the ernment officers. j hotel. They were driven through "There is only one Kiwanis Club Queen Victoria park' and to points program for the United States and of interest in the rig which at- Canada. We all have the same ob- tracted considerable attention. It jects and objective's.' The Kiwanis featured gasoline conservation on club program has a universal ap- j the first step of Mr. Donley's visit peal and application," he said. j to Canada. Character Buildinp j T ne party was photographed as "The program of Kiwanis has al- - the vehicle was parked at the ho- ways been character building ai-.d lel entrance. Floyd Basset, local when the war broke out. the tempo ' President occupied the front seat was raised to war standards. Civil- , with lh e driver, ian morale building should be left j A t , h e n oon hour Mrs. Donley was in the hands of the organized ; entertained at luncheon in th« groups who know through long ex- , Rainbow room of the General Brock perience how to do the work. Ki- i hotel b >'. wive s of the officers of th« j wanis has had long experience and ' oca l Kiwanis club. Mr. and Mrs. 1 trained personnel, ready to go Donley left last night for Montreal, ahead with the task." | Among the prominent guest* at ! Mr. Donely referred to this city j the luncheon yesterday was Dr. as the center of the great power de- ;°scar T. Barber, of 53 Temple street, : velopmem. "The steel mills in I Fredonia. N. Y. Pittsburgh." he said, "are working ; «- 100 per cent for war production and ' A/Tif pi-)/-^l] ^/l/ill ! as I passed them recently, seeing . i - ' l i LLIlcIl Will | them manufacturing steel to de- J stroy. I said, 'O Lord, how soon Will | it be over." j "Tills border territory has a def- ! inite purpose to keep the two great . NIAGARA FALLS. Ont.—A meet- : countries together and in this re- ! l n g o f the chairmen of committees ! gard Kiwanis stands firm. 'Will appointed to arrange for a campaign | Kiwanis survive the war?' has been t0 secur e a "yes" vote on the plebls- ! a question often deliberated. I be- ! cKe . wa - s neld yesterday afternoon lieve Kiwanis will survive. ! Will Survive War Give Two Talks at the Chamber of Commerce office. Progress was reported. Plans were made for two mass menings to be "Most service clubs will survive held here on the night of April 18 at which Hon. Humphrey Mitchell the war although they have not sur- vived in Europe. The trend of mem- will be the speaker. It Is evpected bership. activities, finances and oth- that one meeting will be held at er features of Kiwanis have ma- St. Patrick's hall and the other at terially increased all with a definite the Stamford Collegiate Institute purpose. We have got to build auditorium Mr. Mitchell will ad- morale to a point where 'it will win dress both gatherings, the war. One of the major factors Is citizenship morale and although the club has activities in many di- rections, it does not interfere in any way with churches or lodges al- though we give support to them. If we want to stand throughout the mornine. became painfully aware centuries we must put our objectives that while he slept thieves had into practice" taken off the wheels and under In analyzing the makeup of carriage of his craft and made off morale, he asked, "are we building with them, tires and all. Drury told character Into the lives of the peo- the police that he had felt th* pie who are making the tools of war trailer shaking during the night but Tire Thieves Busy ST CATHARINES. Ont. — A new form of theft Is' reported here. Harry Drury of Hamilton, when he r tepped out of his trailer in the and building a wall around our countries for defense purposes'' See to it that the gatekeeper Is not, J bribed as has been the case of so many of the countries which have fallen " Mr. Donley cave a review of the many activities in which the Kiwanis -et that down to the strong wind which was blowing. Johnston-Hanna WELLAND. Ont.-At Holy Trinity church. the Rev A. H. Davis solemnized the marriage of Miss Margaret Isabel Hanna. daughter club is engaged for the promotion of Mrs w E Hanna of Welland of good citizenship, character build- Bnf) -he late W E. Hanna. to Pilot ing and assistance given to the Officer William James Johnston, young people He emphasized the of Vancouver. R C. son of Mr. [Importance of cooperation in all and Mrs W. J Johnston, of Van- jtha: is undertaken by the various rouve;. R. C. : croups of the clubs to maintain its . - I success ail d high standing in the Plant Worker Inured United Stnte.s and Canada. v . , , , NIAGARA FALLS. On! - Alex. National Anthems I nodocan. 37. of Stanley street, suf- The program opened with the feted bruises yesterday when he was singing of the national anthem .-•ruck by some steel which fell on ! and Star Spangled Banner with him while at work at the Provincial toasts to the King and President of , Engineering. Ltd . 749 Buttery ave- i the United States. The Invocation nue. where he is employed" He was given by R^v. G. I. Doucla^ \ was removed to the General hospi- Floyd Bassett. president of thcital. Kiwanis club, of this citv. welcomed i . the guests and stated tha' the local j club was honored bv the visit of the International president which 1 NIAGARA FALLS. Ont—Nell Mr- was the first time the club has had , Tnnfts. charged in court this mom- that distinction He referred to the | lns *' i,n vagrancv, was remanded 'international good fellowship which until tomorrow sexists. j William Phillips, charged Introduction of guests at the head faiilnt -* « rt P»>' wages to Angelo Tsvd- table was mnde bv Milton Bacon. ! co/f - was remanded until tomorrow. % .past president of the Niagara Fall.- 1 *—~ club community singing was led Disorderly Case Remanded by Joseph Broderick. The roll call, NIAOARA FAIxS; ont.-The Ni- In Falls Court agara district section of the On- To remove dents and bruises In i furniture, lay a damp woolen cloth •or blotting paper over the spot and j press it with a hot iron. of clubs represented was made bv Klwanlan Bill Henderson, chair- tar)o Munlclpft , F >rt.rlcal >MocU . man of the Inter-club committee | „ on r ,„ haM ft meellng fl( lhe A telegram was read from W. L. Klng Kx1w ard hotel on the afternoon Houck. M.P.P Toronto, expressing' nd pwnin of Apr 29 . Rob Rov regret at not being able to be pres- McLoo d. of Niagara Falls N. Y.. will ent and extending best wishes to ^ tnr gue st speaker in the evening. Mr. and Mrs Donley ln which he was Joined by Premier Hepburn. Civic greetings were extended by- Mayor O. R. Infills who presented Mr. Donley with a scroll of the free- dom of the city. In referring to the International good will which exists, much of which Is due to Kiwanis and other service clubs, the mayor stated that this gathering Oshawa Makes Finals TORONTO, Qnt.—Oshawa v Gen- erals. staging a fifth consecutive defense of their Canadian Junior Hockey championship, advanced to the finals when they overpowered the mighty Montreal Royals here last night by a score of 6-i. i (.;-. ll •-• II Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE NIAGARA FAILS … 8/Niagara Falls...Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE...

Page 1: Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE NIAGARA FAILS … 8/Niagara Falls...Thurs'doy, April 9, 1942 THE NIAGARA FAILS GAZETTPage Twenty.NlnE t ttjr^ ,,!!••• .... ff^DOMlNION AND PROVINCIAL

T h u r s ' d o y , A p r i l 9 , 1 9 4 2 T H E N I A G A R A F A I L S G A Z E T T E P a g e T w e n t y . N l n t

ttjr^ , , ! ! • • • . . . .


UNITED PRESS 1 1 1 ! I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , '

V "

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AND ALL BORDER POINTS • > • » « » M ^ * » * " » 4 N » - » ^ • m m »••• » • • • «-»-^-«. .» ,«,,« 0^% , » , » • • • - » . - » • — # - * • • • • • • » • » ' • • ' • • •+,.»..»,•« - ^—«. . »H>--»->' > • • > • < - « — > > « • • • • - « -

Conduct Blackout Every Night if Necessary, Opposition Leader Says

CWAC Women Join Easter Parade

Dre* urge8 step. t° c™-.Public Health s e rve Power; ra i l s Mem­ber Explains Situation.

TORONTO, Ont—Decla r ing t h a t , h f Canadian people a re "crying for action and for leadership of a vigor consistent with the need of the hoar." Opposition Leader Lleuten-jnt-Colonel George Drew, in draw-ire the legislature's a t t en t ion to a iLr ied crisis in electric power, yes-terdav urnecl the Provincial govern­ment' to order "a complete blackout iverv nieht." if such action Is re ­quired to meet the si tuat ion.

His statement was made in asso-,wtion with a Washington despatch

Nurse Reports


Vera Heyworth and Clifford Goyetche Wed at Our Lady

of Peace Edifice.

notified bv the Canad ian govern meni that the United States , wmch i5 pleadim; for more a luminum from Canada, mast choose between . that and a smaller supply of newspr int . The trobule is t h a t there Is not enough available hydro-electr ic power for both, according to the Washington despatch.

Enlarged Program The despatch stressed ' also t h a t

Canada is also embarking on a heaw magnesium production pro­gram. It said both a luminum and magnesium require for their m a n u ­facture' large quanti t ies of hydro­electric power. So does newsprint .

• The statement relative to power came after Hon. W. L. Houck (Lib., Niagara Falls), and v ice-cha i rman of the Hydro Commission, gave a verbal reply to Inquiries by \V. J . Stewart (Cons.. T o r o n t o - P a r k d a l e i . He advised Mr. S tewar t t h a t r e ­strictions would be made this au t ­umn in consumption, first on elec­tric signs and then to a n u n d e ­termined as yet degree on street lighting and window displays. There would be launched, he said, a s t rong educational campaign on how to conserve electricity. He believed t h a t the old hot-water insta l la t ions would not be cut off. He stressed t h a t the volume of saving from all consum­ers, if each cooperated, would be considerable.

Is Consul tant He declared also t h a t C h a i r m a n

Dr. Thomas Hogg held no connec­tions with private companies, but was a consultant with the Federal Government on work involving Hydro engineering.

To Colonel Drew he pledged "we are going to take care of the m a g ­nesium demands and we are going to take care of any load." T h e com-xission. he said, was cooperat ing fully with Power Controller Sym­ington, "who. after all, has t h e final jay." He agreed with the Opposition Leader that Ontario was prepared to stagger its Hydro load and to even eliminate all non-essent ial load for the major cause.

M a r c h P r o v e d B u s y M o n t h for

Miss (.'ullimore.

STAMFORD, Ont—Following Is : „ „ , „ „ . „ , . , . , w w ~ ,1 I CHIPPAWA—The marr iage of

the report of Miss M Cullimore. M L s s V p r a H eywor th . daughte r of public hea l th nurse, for the month Mrs. Mabel Heyworth of Chippawa of March : ! and the late Stanley Heyworth, to

School visits, 34; 157 children who , Clifford Goyetche. son of Mr. John s tar ted to school were given special | Goyetche of Chippawa and the late phvsical tests; 37 children were given ; M l n m e Goyetche. was solemnized

in Our Lady of Peace church on Monday morning at eight o'clock.

Easter lilies, ferns and daffodils1, decorated the church for the oc­casion The bride wore an after­noon frock of heavly blue, an off the face ha t and corsage of roses and forget-me-nots .

Miss Margaret Goyetche, sister

vision tests; two classrooms were given rapid inspection.

Defects Found—Two with defec- ' in'which u w a s s t a t e d t n a t United ' tive eyesight: two with eye defects; \ States production^autnorlt les were j n with decayed permanent tee th :

three with abnormal tonsils and defective nasal brea th ing; 30 chil­dren with suspicious looking tonsils were placed under observation for inspection.

Corrections or odd defects—One child had tonsils and adenoids re­moved; one child had glasses i jjova Scotia changed: 32 home visits were made and five children were excluded from school.

of the groom, a t tended the bride and was frocked in rose crepe with rose corsage. L. A. C. J ames Goy­etche of the R. C. A. F . Dar tmou th ,

was his brother 's groomsman.

A reception for the members of the immediate families was held in

Five well-baby clinics were held ( t h e home of the bride's mother fol-during the m o n t h with a total a t - j lowing which the bride and groom tendance of 66. Dr. H. A. Wrong, left on a short wedding tr ip. On M.O.H., a t tended one clinic and their re turn thev will take up resi-admlnls tered doses of toxoid against ! dence in Niagara street, Chippawa d iph ther ia to 16 children and I whooping cough vaccine to 12 o th- The marr iage was solemnized by

the Rev. Percival Mayes in Ail Saint ' s church, of Miss Alice Roberta

ers. Four denta l clinics were held, at

which 22 chi ldren were treated as Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Sta t ioned in New York, these three members of the Canan idi? Women's Army Corps took advantage of fine weather to joiine i t! Easter Pa rade in M a n h a t t a n , Sunday. They are Staff S e r e - - eir. Margaret Jeal . Barbara Crosby and Alexa Swamm. strolling downe i tl !

s t r e e t after a t tending service at St. Bartholomew's church.

CANADIAN SOCI/IA. follows:—41 extracted.

tee th filled and 23

Fonthill Group to Attend Rally

Ralph Biamonte Passes at Falls

.nip \ e d at O n t a r i o P a p e r

Mills a t T h o r o l d .

NIAGARA FALLS, O n t . — T h e death occurred last n igh t of Ra lph Biamonte at his home, 1755 Lewis

F . R. Li t ' le of Niagara Falls, and Gunne r Alfred Eugene Muma. of Camp Nara inmo, B. C , son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muma of Chippawa.

The bride wore a s t reet length frock of beige crepe with lace tr im. match ing hat and shoulder bouquet of J o h a n n a Hill rases. :

, ! Miss Norma Carl, maid of honor. B a p t i s t l ouujr P e o p l e a m i K e y - w a s frocked in powder blue gown

s t o n e C l a s s M e e t . w i t l 1 ma tch ing accessories and Tal isman rose corsage. Joseph Johns ton of Chippawa was the

FONTHILL, Ont . — The B.Y.P.U. groomsman, met last evening with the Devotion- | For traveling to London, Ont al group in charge of the program ; the bride donned a green printed under the direct ion of Miss R u t h s i ]k jersey frock with brown and Lymburner . T h e topic, "He Lives," beige tweed coot, ma tch ing ha t and was given by MLss Lymburner and brown accessories. Following a Donald Heaton. A pleasing vocal s h o r t f u r iough tre groom will rejoin solo was offered by Miss Jacqueline his regiment on the west coast and Bennalick. of Fenwick. who was ac - M „ . M u m a w U 1 m a k e h e r h o m e l n

companied by Miss Phyllis Young. ; Niagara Falls. followed by a reading by Miss I Evelyn Damude . | M r s _ M a u d Lennox. Bridgewater

Pres ident Donald Heaton conduct- s t r e e t . Chippawa. wishes to an-ed the business dur ing which plans j nounce the engagement of her were m a d e for a t t end ing the spr ing! daughter . Dorothy Mav. to William Rally on April 20. • Henry Parks , son of Mrs. Charles

" • and the late Mr. Parks of High-The Keystone class of the United I l a n d avenue. Niagara Falls. The

church met Tuesday evening a t ! wedding will take place earlv in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Crowe. I Tay.

The • Daughters of All Saints

church will hold a spr ingt ime tea

tomorrow afternoon from 3 unti l

6 o'clock in the church rectory.

Robinson street .

Miss Joan Hudson. River road, has re turned from Toronto where she h a s been the guest of relatives.

| Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ReynoWnds . o '< have been spending their sdinvedg

trip in this city, have re tud trneo ! their home in Windsor. Oni :. j Mrs. H. R. Elliott. ValleyVay V. ' left today for St. Cathar inesher . we she will be the guest of frienoveds tr the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Banchfield and children, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J ames Ta te , have have re turned to their home in Kirkland, Ont .

MLss Vera MacFar lane . Four th avenue, has re turned from Toronto where she has been visiting her sister, Mr. F. Fraser .

The Wal ther league of Staul . P's Lu the ran church will hold ocia sil tonight at the church at 8 loclo'ci. A welcome will be extended tl: toie class of confirmed Candida. tesA program of social activities hbeeas n a r ranged . Refreshments v tvilbe served.

Miss Audrey Ferguson, who has been spending a few days in Tor­onto as the guest of relatives has re turned to her home in Victoria avenue.

Mr and Mrs. C re turned after spending several days with relatives at Fergus, Ki tchener and Guelph.


Well Known St. Davids Resident Is

Laid to Final Rest.

Mrs. Wal ter Howell presided, in the absence of t h e president, and Mrs. Harry Halst conducted the devo­tional. I t was decided to purchase slides for the Sunday school and plans were discussed for raising more money.

ST. DAVIDS. Ont,—Many friend Schelter have ; and relatives at tended the funeral of

David Dick held a t the family resi­dence Tuesday afternoon. The de­ceased, fa ther of Mrs. Harry Secord, of Stamford, and Archie, at home.

Pr ivate Edward Crafter a n d ! died Sa tu rday in his 81st. year. Pr ivate R. W. Kelly, of the I r i sh ! The funeral services were con-

»venue He was born"In bfn ig l iano ' regiment . Halifax. Nova Seotia. are ducted by Rev. J. M. Cameron. Italy, .snn of the late Mr and Mrs! j spending a two weeks leave a t their , rector of Homer Anglican church

Peter Biarronte. where he resided j h o m e s h e r e -for IT years and came here 35 years . , _, , , . , „ ,. . ACO vhrrr he had been a res ident 1 M r a n d M r s J a c k Cr*U*T h a v e

Knee. For the past year Mr. Bia-

MLss Edna Bar t le t t has re turned from London. Ont.. where she- has been visiting he r parents .

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer and son. Douglas of Simcoe street , have re ­turned from Toronto where they have been spending a few days.

The W.A. of the United church has completed plans for holding a | Corporal Charles Clements, of the crokinole par ty in the school room ; R C.A.F.. s tat ioned at Jarvis . is of the church tomorrow evening.

> • - • • - • - . • " m > • • * • • ' • • • •

monte had been employed a t t h e ' Ontario Paper Mills, Thorold. He | *as a member of St. Anne's church , i

Surviving is his wife, Mrs . Rose Caiabrcse Riamonte; four sons, J o ­seph. Napoleon, Dominic and Nick; p ^ daughters. Lena and S a r a h , a t ™mr four brothers, Joseph Bia-m°!.f\ proprietor of the Hollywood 'M*-?T c ry . Dominic, of Hamil ton ,

v-uJX* R I ? ^ ; 1 , 1 4 ? T \ STAMFORD. O n t . - T h e Township an.: M - -rJ.*h^ M l t c h e i l ; c R y-1 Council will meet Friday morning FaiK, N

Bearers were William Stewart Archie Secord. Roy Brown. George Swan. Al Johns ton and Fred Crat t . In te rment was in Victoria Lawn cemcterv, St. Cathar ines .

The engagement is announced of Miss Marlon Easton Fisher, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. G. Fisher of Brockville. Ont. . to Norman Campbell Irvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J . Irvine, of Highland ave­nue, this city. The wedding will take place in May.

The Calendar club of Morrison street United church held a lun­cheon meet ing today at the home of Mrs. J. H. Lindsay. Valley Way. Mrs. Hazel Matson and Mrs. Wil­liam Ball were the hostesses.

Mrs. Norman Voilick an Mud 's. Daniel Mulhern enter ta inea t rj a pan t ry shower last night at thome he of Mrs. Voilick, in Robert s?t, tredn honor of MLss Helen Jewelobl Nes whose mar r iage takes place S a o n t -urday afternoon. Games werlaye ped

; and prizes awarded to MrJ. s. L. Rice and Miss Leona J o h n * , on.

Supper was served from lac a e-covered table decorated wi pirth lk

: and white s t reamers and blmpee t;rs in silver holders. Miss Not walesas the recipient of a corsage r< of?d roses from the hostess. A bitifourul

i box decorated in silver, pi arnk id • white, with a variety of gis oodo stock the pan t ry shelves, \\ pnas e-sented to the bride-elect .

j The Victory Euchre club i laiieist night at the home of Mrs iRoG. b-ertson. Highland avenue wi Mith rs C Hussey as hostess. Prizweies re awarded to Mrs. D. Hardw aiickid

! Mrs. D. Walters . The club wme-ill et next Wednesday night a t tltiome he of Mrs. E. Durl ing. 1574, Gliolrenlne avenue.


CALLED BY DEA1H Active in Civic and Church Af

fairs, with C N. R. for Many Years.


Joseph Doner'.'. ~\ died toda

his home, 642 Victoiia avenue

was born here, a son of the John and Margaret Doner:;.. had resided here all his life

| He a t tended S - Patrick'^ M | and WHS a member of S'.. Fat : ! church, the Hoiy Name society and ' :he Knights o'. Columbus. In for-

rner ••(-drs he was a noted iacic-.^p I player and was a member of the j Niagara Falls i . icro^e team. He wa,s j the assistant passenger foreman for i t h p Canadian National Railway 1 her*1 !or ninny year*. He was an ; active member of the Niagara Falls

Liberal association He is survived by three sisters.

Miss Ellen and M L ^ Anna Doherty, j bctii at home, and Mrs. Teresa

Hartr ick. of Toronto. ! The hoo\ is resting a* the home ! La.ct will be held at :he home i Saturday morning at 8 30 o'clock i with Mass a* S* Patrick's church a: | 9 o'clock Burial will be in Fai r -I view cemetery.

t -~ • —

Gives Talk on Power Svstems

NIAGARA FALLS. Ont . — T h e Rev. Dr. Char les Bishop opened the dinner meeting of the Morrison Street United Church Men s club last evening. President Jack Scott conducting the meeting, which was well a t tended. Rev. E. A. Cnester and son. John, of Brampton , Ont., former pastor of the church, were present. He commended the mem­bers for their faithful duty to the club which is now a valuable asso­ciate of the church .

On the suggestion of Rev. Dr. Bishop it was decided to conduct a n evening service by members of the club in the near future. Bob Scott, son of Alderman Scott, who is now on active service with the armed forces, will be presented with a purse as a token of esteem as a member and active worker in the progress of the organization.

George Beilby introduced the guest speaker. Walter Jackson, B.A. sc. who spoke on power develop­ment and and construction, gener­at ing energy and systems. His talk was one of the most educat ional heard by the club and was deeply interesting. Dr. Bishop thanked M r , Jackson on behalf of the club.

Roval Wei come for Kiwanis Head on First Visit to Niagara Falls

Gharl^o S Donley, of Pittsburgh, Pa., International President, Starts Canadian l o u r at Power City.

!* a fine demons ' : a ' ion of good will.

Tr ibute to MacArthur He paid a high tr.bu'.e to General

M a c A r ' n i r 'o- holding the front line nn the ea.--'. and s'a'.ed ' he

d pleasure he had a »''\v wee its aso in '• vvelrommc to *.:;:> ('.:;. American - troops from Boston.

Fred McAllister, of London, Ont.. i:.'••:'!.a: ional vice-president, spoke

of trie fm»- .-'jp;x>:' given morally and otherwise b> the United States in the prest-n- c:>:- Leo W. Bradt , .St Ca thar ines Lieutenant Governor-of division No 2 Ontar io-Quebec-Maritime district of Kiwanis In te r ­na - iona. introduced Mr. Donley.

Th<- t hanks to Mr. Donley for hl<s cMcc'.ii nt address was extended by I .a rue F Smith. Niagara Falls N. Y . Lieti tenan: Governor of divusion i>. New York district of Kiwanis In terna t ional This was followed bv th»- pres'-ntation b>- D. E. Calvert of a framed schoi! of appreciat ion to Mr. Donle-. signed by Floyd Bassett ,

Touring Canada Mr Donley, v. no l- touring Can­

ada from tins city to Halifax. »a.-Kiven a : :-arty reception He— will hold conferences with Canadian government oflicia'.s and Kiwanis club officers and members He is carrying greetings from the great local president. Kenne th Green-lndustrial city of Pittsburgh, to awav. secretary, and Mayor IngHs. Canad ians and from Kiwanis Inter­national to ail officers and clubs

Mr. Donley, as guest speaker. gave an inspiring address on the objects and objective of the Kiwanis club war program.

If bore ' h e sea! of the club and the city seal The meeting closed with the singlne of ' O Canada ."

Hold Discussion A discussion was held later in the

Oriental room of officers of the

STAMFORD ! •«•«•--•-»"€

The f-rr.ornine (aim:-. ;

PoVnt n ir. -r- : r. f'erv

^Tony s t r a n g e s , Niagara | ftnd p r o c e c d o n t h e a n n u a ] l n a p e c .

,,„' , , „ . , . . . Uon of the towivshlp roads. i^ral will be held Sa tu rday '

ai 10:30 o-clock from the I q ^ e vital s tat is t ics for the mon th j a k w , fn t h e municipali ty of Gr ims - e t o s t . Anne's church for ; o f M a r c h l n the township a re : H'.'-h Mass a t 11 o'clock, i Bir ths , one; dea ths , four: marraiges .

visiting at his home in St. Davids. •

Cost Minimum Fixed BEAMSVILLE. Ont . — Beams- j

ville town council has pas-*ed a by- j law which will prevent the erect ion! of any private dwelling costing less, t h a n $1,800 and also prohibit ing the moving of any house into Beamsville valued a t less than $1,800. Nor th | Grimsby township council Is also! passing such a bylaw. This l a t te r !

Mrs. F . Geroy will en ter ta in the Happy Kn i t t i ng group tonight at her home, 826 St . Lawrence ave­nue.

Jack McRae. who has been spend­ing a few days with hi* mother . Mrs. J o h n McRae. Stamford street, has re turned to Chicago.

D. L. Willson. of Gue lpOnh. t former manager of the Ik Janof Montreal here, spent yestey rdain this city.

St. S tephen 's Ladies Bow! clingilb I meet last night ln the par ha sh , 11. 1 Prizes were won by Mrs. T a r n Dah i and Mrs. J. Brooker. Refrenershnts ; were served bv Mrs. R. Ne Mar . r s . ' J. Kew and Mrs. V. Gricrsc >n.

T h e Ladles" Aid of Jepson street Bapt is t church will hold its ann i ­versary banquet on Monday night, April 13. in the church hall .

will be in Falrview c e m - ' three. For the same period last

'he S-'he a:. last r,i Honors e.iyne

tre^. ; : ,

Rnw'Tiflr Club Elects ('VTHARTNES. O n t - J a c k A.

year they were: Deaths, two; mar ­riages, two; b i r ths , none.

by Beach, the summer resort. T h e Onta r io depa r tmen t of municipal affairs has approved the Beamsville ordinance.

T h e Mothers ' Circle of St. An­drew's United church will meet to­night a t 8 o'clock in the school room.

An enjoyable tea was . h yteld s-, terday afternoon by the Cld !>uiof ; St. S tephens church in th»ane rsh hall . Four th avenue. T h m a e ny guests were received by s. M r L Carlson and Mrs. C. Higgii is.

Tea was served from a ta coblov-ered with a white damask cl ceothn-tered with a bowl of daffoc Cflll.vr-

. - • - • • - • - • . . • - « . • - • - . ,

T h e Halfway Kni t t ing circle met ..„.„ . , , . l a s t evening a t the home of Mrs.

r , - ' " S » , m M f , c n t o f Roy Kennedy. Por tage road. North. \ harlnes Rowing club a t T n e r e VM n o b iulnesB session, bu t

the t ime was spent in quilting. T h e regular meet ing will be held next Wednesday a t 8 o'clock a t the Vic­toria school a t the Halfway.

see re!

; ,« meeting of t h a t group " v Others elected were : ' presidents, H. B. Bur-,!>i Richard S c h r a m ; vice

• Russell Wood; secre ta ry-Russell Kennedy;- assist- The C.O.I.T. group of the First

' T V - t r e a s u r e r , Andy Ig- j United church will meet this evening ^ ' ^ nub captain. Char les Ren- I a t 6:45 o'clock. R',.., ,,A : n R committee, J . A. House, i

••N ^1A<!. nob and Bill Reid. T h e ; The choir of the First United i , , l r win act as coaches.


• l a r v 6

Linro;,-, ^'.II.-KA Wed

ne.v Producers Elect 1 A \ D . Ont . - W. Hodgson.

was re-elected pres ident Beekeepers avsoclatlon of Haldimand and Welland

« ^ , , a ! , l h e annua l meet ing o' A»V, \ a f t o r n o o n a t t h e offices . . , , , s ' i c , u l l »ra l Representa t ive J o -

WV ; etarv i

i , s°n. Welland. ^f leers re-elected were :

of % v „ • ' r ra-Mirer. Harold Kll lens. r.ev n J a n d v l c e President, Syd-

M ' ' ^ . of Canfleld. *

Bowling Club Elects 4 ? m L v ! £ , ° n l - - Alderman pttxSI!1, c * l , w ^ hft« been named BOTH' \ °f t h p welland Lawn R n "t, ,b for t h e coming leason. *w ftPrt T ^ C ' , s , h e v,c* Pfesl-K H A* "' E Curry, treasurer, with

strong as secretary.

church will be guests this evening at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. George Dalby, Stanley s t ree t North.

Loses Wedding Ring NIAGARA FALLS, Ont . — T h e

provincial police received word to­day from L. A. C. Plaxton, of the R A F school at Clinton, Ont. , t h a t while ln th is vicinity last Sa tu rday he lost A gold wedding r ing In A white case somewhere between St . Davids and this city. Th r finder Is asked to communica te with the pro­vincial police. The case bore the n a m e of Henry Burtce Son.

Arcanum Society to Meet T ^ pU p p v guards the boots NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. — The and rifle of a British soldier, who's

Royal Arcanum society will meet In away taking advantage of the this city on May 2 and 3 with head- rare opportunity to take a hot quarter* at the OenerAl Brock hotel, shower, provided by a mobile An address of welcome will be given bath unit, The scene Is the Lib-by Mayor O. R, InglU. \ y&n desert.


Desert Shower

Japanese Can't Take It in Long Run ^ Falls Chamber of Commerce Men bltd

C a n n o t M a i n t a i n I - o n e S u p p l y L i n o s , P r o f e s s o r L a n e l o v i y .

H i t l e r Is M a n W h o M u s t B e R e a l m .

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont . — Had Grea t Bri ta in abandoned Hongkong and Singapore s t the s ta r t of the J a p a n e s e uprising and staged an a t t ack on their own account the armies of the Rising Sun would have gone down, was the opinion voiced by Professor Hubert Langley a t t he regular dinner session of the Fal ls Jun io r Chamber of Commerce ln t h e King Edward hotel Inst eve­ning. Professor Langley spent 28 years In the land of the Mikado as a n educat ional is t and foviRht with the armed forces In the last war.

T e n or 12 years ago J a p a n had a good case for expaivdon since their 78 millions nf people were clos­eted In an area just half as large as the Mate of California. Unfor­tuna te ly , however, t he armed forces assumed control of the country and went about territorial expansion t h e wrong way, he pointed out.

" I t is pe rhaps more disquieting to you t h a n it is to me to see their a rmed forces expand." he said, and went on, " J a p a n cannot possibly m a i n t a i n their lines of communica­tion. She cannot begin to replace ^ v supply of raw mater ia ls and

machine tools." He discounted the fjRhtirubilg rity

of her soldiers and vpntvi nre<he prediction tha t the chief sk ta «t hand was the defeat of Hit Tler.'hc main bat t leground would bdiro* Fjpe. Over 40 per cent of Japanyou's ng men are rejected for the nv inroe-cause of physical defects, s a h c i d .

He then turned to the favuinnr-able aspects of the J a p a n r c l u s e t r ­a d e r . They are bad losersid . atal-though they have sus ta ined* s< feed­backs In the present Strug thgleeir real charac te r will become nlfmaest once the United Nat ions bn roginll-tng. T h e average J a p was'l iclnffed by an inferiority complex, s n h e i d

In closing, he admonlsl hediis l is teners not to be unduly »rm alned about J a p a n . " Japan" , P heip-praised, "was like a prlrdglv fter with a groggy h e a r t requir, oringily a stiff punch to It* solar pus lexfoi the knockout ."

T h e en t e r t a inmen t phas»f tr t h e program was furnished by %Mthfls-sourl Mounta ineers and tug! Ihie Bvichanen. T h e members ofe cl thlub t hen went on record as unmonnlus-ly favoring t h e coming vot>n te c h e Plebiscite.

Fined $75 and Costs WELLAND. Ont.—A fine of $75

and casts was imposed by Magis­t ra te J. C. Massie. at. Welland court Wednesday, in the case of Beni Monaco, charged with keeping a slot machine on his premises.

Walter Brauen. 36. of St Anne. was dismissed a t Crowland court on a charge of illegally leaving the scene of an accident following a motor mishap . Fine and costs to­talling $1080. however, were im­posed on a charge of "illegal pass­ing."

. - * • - -

Provides Severe Penalty NIAGARA FALLS, O n t — A fine

of not less t h a n $10 and not more • t han $500 will be imposed on pat -1 rons of bootleg establ ishments , ac­

cording to an agreement to the On­tario Liquor Control Act which was

' given Its second reading in the On­tario legislature yesterday, i n de­fault of payment a prison term no;

1 exceeding two months will be given

| — -

Electrical Group to Meet ! NIAGARA FALLS. Ont —The case | of Roland Mclntee . 24. charged with i keeping a disorderly house at 1503 j Buchanan avenue. Frank Spiotti ! 29. chnreed with being the landlord i and allowing the premises to be used ! for such a purpose, and Isabel and Recino Laviolette. sister*, ch i r sed with beinc inmates, has been re­manded again until April 21


Five Area Men Enlist ST. CATHARINES. Ont - -In a

list of nearly 40 men who have en­listed recently In the R. C. A F. at No 9 depot. London. O n t . ac­cording to an official report sent here, five are Port Colborne men: William Edward Town. John An­drew Allen. Maurice McLean (iood-lngs and William Douglas Ellis, also Roy Mat bias Wadson, of Fort Erie.


Banquet Date Changed ST CATHARINES. Ont — Owing

to Hon Humphrey Mitchell fed­eral minister of labor, br ing unable to c>me to St. Cathar ines on April IS. the annua l banquet of St . Cathar ines Chamber of Commerce, at which Mr Mitchell Is to be guest speaker, will be held on the even­ing of April 22.

i nat ions and sweet peas flanked by ] gieen and yellow tapers In silver j holders over which presided Miss | S Cryslcr and Mrs. Wate rman . The [ass is tants were the members of the 'gui ld .

A delightful program was given i by the Maple street. Mothers ' Choir | accompanied by Mrs. R. Tyndal l .

Civilian morale, he said is one of ' clubs with Mr. Donley relative to the most vital factors in winning war services to be carried on by K i -the war and gave many il lustrative . wanis In terna t ional . points proving its importance. In ' Mr. and Mrs Donley left the h o -present ing the Kiwanis club war tel at 3:30 o'clock in a two-seated program, he said it has been ap - open horse-drawn vehicle which proved by United States federal gov- \ was stat ioned at the ent rance to the e rnment officers. j hotel. They were driven th rough

"There is only one Kiwanis Club Queen Victoria park ' and to points program for the United Sta tes and of interest in the rig which a t -Canada . We all have the same ob- tracted considerable a t tent ion. I t jects and objective's.' The Kiwanis featured gasoline conservation on club program has a universal ap - j the first s tep of Mr. Donley's visit peal and application," he said. j to Canada .

Charac te r Buildinp j T n e par ty was photographed as "The program of Kiwanis has a l - - t h e vehicle was parked a t the ho -

ways been charac te r building ai-.d l e l en t rance . Floyd Basset, local when the war broke out. the tempo ' President occupied the front seat was raised to war s tandards . Civil- , w i t h l h e driver, ian morale building should be left j A t , h e n o o n hour Mrs. Donley was in the h a n d s of the organized ; en ter ta ined a t luncheon in th« groups who know through long ex- , Rainbow room of the General Brock perience how to do the work. Ki- i h o t e l b>'. w i v e s of the officers of th«

j wanis h a s had long experience and ' o c a l Kiwanis club. Mr. and Mrs. 1 t ra ined personnel, ready to go Donley left last n igh t for Montreal ,

ahead with the task." | Among the p rominen t guest* a t ! Mr. Donely referred to this city j t h e luncheon yesterday was Dr.

as the center of the great power de- ; ° s c a r T. Barber , of 53 Temple s t reet , : velopmem. "The steel mills in I Fredonia. N. Y.

Pi t tsburgh." he said, "are working ; • «-100 per cent for war production and ' A / T i f p i - ) / - ^ l ] ^ / l / i l l

! as I passed them recently, seeing . i - ' l i L L I l c I l W i l l | them manufac tur ing steel to de-J stroy. I said, 'O Lord, how soon Will | it be over." j "Tills border territory has a def-! inite purpose to keep the two great . NIAGARA FALLS. O n t . — A m e e t -: countries together and in this r e - ! l n g o f t h e cha i rmen of commit tees ! gard Kiwanis s tands firm. 'Will a p p o i n t e d to a r range for a campa ign | Kiwanis survive the war? ' has been t 0 s e c u r e a "yes" vote on the plebls-! a question often deliberated. I be- ! c K e . w a - s n e l d yesterday af ternoon

lieve Kiwanis will survive. ! Will Survive War

Give Two Talks

at the Chamber of Commerce office. Progress was reported. P lans were made for two mass m e n i n g s to be

"Most service clubs will survive held here on the night of April 18 at which Hon. Humphrey Mitchell the war al though they have not sur­

vived in Europe. The trend of mem- will be the speaker. It Is evpected bership. activities, finances and oth- that one meeting will be held a t er features of Kiwanis have ma- St . Patr ick 's hall and the other a t terially increased all with a definite the Stamford Collegiate Ins t i tu te purpose. We have got to build auditorium Mr. Mitchell will a d -morale to a point where 'it will win dress both gather ings, the war. One of the major factors • Is citizenship morale and al though the club has activities in many di­

r e c t i o n s , it does not interfere in any way with churches or lodges al­though we give support to them. If

we want to s tand throughout the mornine . became painfully aware centuries we must put our objectives that while he slept thieves had into p rac t i ce" taken off the wheels and under

In analyzing the makeup of carriage of his craft and made off morale, he asked, "are we building with them, tires and all. Drury told character Into the lives of the peo- the police that he had felt th* pie who are making the tools of war trailer shaking during the night but

Tire Thieves Busy ST CATHARINES. Ont . — A

new form of theft Is' reported here. Harry Drury of Hamilton, when he r tepped out of his trai ler in the

and building a wall around our countries for defense purposes' ' See to it that the gatekeeper Is not,

J bribed as has been the case of so many of the countries which have fallen "

Mr. Donley cave a review of the many activities in which the Kiwanis

-et tha t down to the strong wind which was blowing.

Johnston-Hanna WELLAND. O n t . - A t Holy Trini ty

church. the Rev A. H. Davis solemnized the marr iage of Miss Margaret Isabel Hanna . daughter

club is engaged for the promotion o f M r s w E Hanna of Welland of good citizenship, charac te r build- B n f ) -he late W E. Hanna . to Pilot ing and assistance given to the Officer William James Johns ton , young people He emphasized the of Vancouver. R C . son of Mr.

[Importance of cooperation in all and Mrs W. J Johnston, of Van-j t h a : is under taken by the various rouve;. R. C. : croups of the clubs to main ta in its . -

I success aild high standing in the Plant Worker Inured United Stnte.s and Canada .

v . , , , NIAGARA FALLS. On! - Alex. National Anthems I nodocan. 37. of Stanley street , suf-

The program opened with the feted bruises yesterday when he was singing of the nat ional an them .-•ruck by some steel which fell on

! and Star Spangled Banner with him while at work at the Provincial toasts to the King and President of , Engineering. Ltd . 749 Buttery ave-

i the United States . The Invocation nue. where he is employed" He was given by R^v. G. I. Doucla^ \ was removed to the General hospi-

Floyd Bassett . president of t h c i t a l . Kiwanis club, of this citv. welcomed i . the guests and stated t ha ' the local j club was honored bv the visit of the Internat ional president which 1 NIAGARA FALLS. Ont—Nell Mr-was the first t ime the club has had , Tnnfts. charged in court th is m o m -that distinction He referred to the | l n s * ' i , n vagrancv, was remanded

' i n t e r n a t i o n a l good fellowship which • until tomorrow sexists. j William Phillips, charged

Introduct ion of guests at the head f a i i l n t-* «rt P»>' wages to Angelo Tsvd-• table was mnde bv Milton Bacon. ! c o / f - w a s remanded unti l tomorrow. %

.pas t president of the Niagara Fall.-1 * — ~ club community singing was led Disorderly Case Remanded by Joseph Broderick. The roll cal l , N I A O A R A F A I x S ; o n t . - T h e Ni-

In Falls Court

agara distr ict section of the O n -

T o remove dents and bruises In i furniture, lay a d a m p woolen cloth •or blotting paper over the spot and j press it with a hot iron.

of clubs represented was made bv Klwanlan Bill Henderson, chai r - t a r ) o M u n l c l p f t , F>rt . r lcal > M o c U . m a n of the Inter -c lub committee | „ o n r , „ haM ft m e e l l n g fl( l h e

A telegram was read from W. L. K l n g K x 1 w ard hotel on the afternoon Houck. M.P.P Toronto, express ing ' n d p w n i n „ o f A p r „ 2 9 . Rob Rov regret at not being able to be pres- M c L o o d . of Niagara Falls N. Y.. will ent and extending best wishes to ^ t n r g u e s t speaker in the evening. Mr. and Mrs Donley ln which he was Joined by Premier Hepburn.

Civic greetings were extended by-Mayor O. R. Infills who presented Mr. Donley with a scroll of the free­dom of the city. In referring to the Internat ional good will which exists, much of which Is due to Kiwanis and other service clubs, the mayor s ta ted t h a t this ga ther ing

Oshawa Makes Finals T O R O N T O , Qnt.—Oshawa vGen-

erals. s taging a fifth consecutive defense of their Canad ian Junior Hockey championship , advanced to the finals when they overpowered the mighty Montreal Royals here last n igh t by a score of 6 - i .



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