This publication represents the research, views, thoughts ...


Transcript of This publication represents the research, views, thoughts ...


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Soumya Chaturvedi is a Senior Research Fellow at India Foundation. A lawyer by education, she holds a postgraduate degree from Jindal School of International Relations and a specialization in Asia Pacific Security from University of Birmingham, UK. Her research interests include internal security, terrorism, peace and conflict studies. She often writes for academic journals, newspapers and blogs.

About the Author



Introduction 1Summary of Key Findings 2-4Analysis 5I. Incident-wise Analysis 6-10 • Terrorist Attack 6

• Arrest 7• Encounter 8• Busted Terrorist Hideout, Destroyed IED, Suspicious Drone Activities Spotted 9• Unprovoked Ceasefire violation 9

II. District-wise Analysis 10-17• Anantnag 11• Bandipura 11• Baramulla 12• Budgam 12• Ganderbal 13• Jammu 13• Kulgam 14• Kupwara 14• Punch 15• Pulwama 15• Rajouri 16• Samba 16• Shopian 17• Srinagar 17

III. Terror Outfit-wise Analysis 18-20• Al-Badr 20• Hizbul Mujahideen 20• Islamic State of J&K 20• J&K Gazanavi Force 20• Jaish-e-Mohammed 20• Lashkar-e-Taiba 20


Jammu & Kashmir [J&K] has been regarded as the epicentre of terrorism

related violence in India for nearly three decades. The Jammu & Kashmir

Security Tracker aims to track the trajectory of the security scenario in the

newly formed Union Territory [UT] of J&K. The observations reported

maybe useful for experts, practitioners, academics, and scholars in

understanding the security trends in the UT of J&K. The findings will be

beneficial for scholarly research and evidence-based policy prescription.

The first report in the series was the comparative analysis of the security

scenario in the one-year before and after the decision to remove the

special status of J&K on August 5, 2019. In the previous reports cover

the security scenario of August 2020 to March 2021. The current edition

will cover the findings and analysis of the time period between April

and June 2021. The parameters for observation and the methodology

of research and data collection have been described in detail in the first


In this fourth update report, incident-wise observations have been made

for terrorist attacks, arrests, encounter operations, busting terrorist

hideout, destroying IED, suspicious drone activities and unprovoked

ceasefire violations. District-wise observations include fourteen districts,

namely – Anantnag, Bandipora, Baramulla, Budgam, Ganderbal,

Jammu, Kulgam, Kupwara, Punch, Pulwama, Rajouri, Samba, Shopian

and Srinagar. Additionally, the activities of different terror-outfits have

also been quantified to the extent possible. These outfits include Al-Badr,

Hizbul Mujahideen, Islamic State of J&K, Jaish-e-Mohammed, J&K

Gazanavi Force, and Lashkar-e-Taiba.






Incidence of violence in the second quarter (Q2) of 2021 have shown a rise, with 24 terrorist attacks being reported on both civilian and security forces (SF), as against 16 attacks reported in the first quarter (Q1) of the year. Of the 24 attacks in Q2, 15 took place in the month of June, which perhaps is indicative of a desperate attempt to derail the initiative taken by the Centre to invite 14 political leaders, including three former chief ministers, to attend an all party-meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Jammu and Kashmir in New Delhi on June 24.

Q2 of 2021 also witnessed a significant increase in the number of terrorists eliminated as compared to Q1, with 40 terrorists being killed in Q2 as against 19 terrorists killed in Q1. There was, however, a decrease in the number of terrorists apprehended, with 40 terrorists apprehended in Q2 as against 66 terrorists apprehended in Q1. When taken together, the number of terrorists killed and apprehended in Q1 and Q2 remain roughly the same.

When compared with the same period in 2020, the number of terrorists killed and apprehended has shown a decline. As SF operations have not decreased in intensity, it is probable that the base strength of the terrorists in the various outfits to which they belong has reduced, indicating difficulty on the part of such outfits to recoup the losses that they have suffered. This would need to be verified by the intelligence agencies.

An incident that caused great concern was the use of drones by terrorists on the night of 27 June, to drop explosives at the Indian Air Force (IAF) base in Jammu, causing minor injuries to two personnel. This marks a serious escalation in the level of conflict and would need to be curbed at the earliest.

Incidences of cross border firing have not been reported in this quarter, except for one incident of violation of the ceasefire agreement in Samba district. However, Pakistan continues


to use drones to drop arms, ammunition, and drugs into India. This imposes not just a security challenge but also a legal one as the emerging technologies are beyond the mandate of the 2003 ceasefire agreement.

In Q2 of 2021,Bandipura, Doda, Ganderbal, Kathua, Kishtwar, Kupwara, Punch, Riasi and Ramban districts remained largely incident free. Jammu, Shopian, Samba and Pulwama districts remained largely disturbed, while other districts remained partially disturbed with stray incidences of firing or recovery of IEDs.

In terms of terrorist outfits, Q2 of 2021 was largely dominated by the elimination of terrorists affiliated with Lashkar-e-Taiba, followed by Al Badr. Arrests were largely made of terrorists belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), followed by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). LeT, JeM and Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) continue to be the most dominant terrorist groups in J&K, while Al Badr, The Resistance Front (TRF), Islamic State of J&K (ISJK), J&K Gazanavi Force, Lashkar-e-Mustafa, etc. are marginal players. A new terror outfit under the name “New Tanzim United Liberation Front” has also been reported.

Incidences of terrorist violence in J&K in Q2 of 2021, had no impact on development activities, which continued unabated. An online portal to strengthen e-Governance in J-K was launched and schemes such as ‘Umeed’, ‘Hausla’, ‘Sukoon’, ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’, ‘Pradhan Mantri MatsyaSampada Yojana’ etc. continued to function successfully. In the pursuit of continued community engagement, several initiatives were undertaken by the Indian army. One such initiative was organising career counselling workshop for youth. Furthermore, flags on military vehicles were changed to 'blue' from 'red' for a people-friendly look.

Prognosis: With the UT fast returning to normalcy, there will be renewed attempts by terrorist organisations to cause disturbances through firing on civilians and SF personnel, grenade throwing and laying IEDs. The number of such incidences in Q3 are however, unlikely to be more than what was witnessed in Q2. An increase in drone activity is however likely, which would need to be monitored. Pulwama and Shopian are likely to remain the most disturbed districts in Q3 as well. The impact of the 29 June 2021 meeting which the Prime Minister had with leaders of political parties of the Union Territory is likely to give a fillip to political activity in the state and is likely to have a positive impact in building confidence amongst the people.


INCIDENT-WISE• Terrorist Attack• Arrest• Encounter• Busted Terrorist Hideout, IED Destroyed, Suspicious Drone Activities• Unprovoked Ceasefire Violation




• Terrorist Attack The terrorist attacks in Jammu & Kashmir have been analysed based on (a) target of attack

and (b) the mode of attack.

Based on the target of attack, there were seven terrorist attacks targeted on civilians, while 17 terrorist attacks were targeted on SF personnel.

Based on the mode of attack, the terrorist attack on SF have been divided into (i) grenade attack, (ii) incident of firing, and (iii) possible use of drones for the attack. Between April and June 2021, there were six grenade attacks and10 firing incidents targeted on the SF. Additionally, in one attack possibly drones were used.

The grenade attacks left one civilian dead and about ten other injured. The incidents of firing on SF resulted in four security personnel killed-in-action (KIA) and six being injured. Additionally, one terrorist was neutralized. In an attack targeting SF orchestrated by LeT, two civilians were also killed in the indiscriminate firing by the terrorists apart from the two SF personnel. In June 2021, an attack was orchestrated targeting the airport in the Jammu city. The preliminary investigations suggesteda possible

drone attack. However, no official confirmations were made in this regard.

The extent of terrorist attacks in Jammu & Kashmir has largely been on a progressive decline when compared to situation since Q3 of 2018. April and May 2021 observed four and five terrorist attacks respectively, while there was surge in June 2021 with 15 attacks. The number of terrorist attacks in Q2 of 2021 have been slightly higher when compared to the previous quarter as well as Q2 of 2020. Since August 2018, the total terrorist attacks in June 2021 were only second to the scenario in October 2019.


The extent of terrorist attacks in Jammu & Kashmir has largely been on a progressive decline when compared to situation since Q3 of 2018. April and May 2021 observed four and five terrorist attacks respectively, while there was surge in June 2021 with 15 attacks. The number of terrorist attacks in Q2 of 2021 have been slightly higher when compared to the previous quarter as well as Q2 of 2020. Since August 2018, the total terrorist attacks in June 2021 were only second to the scenario in October 2019.

• Arrest In Q2 of 2021, 40 terrorists have been arrested. Out of these, one belonged to HM, 10 to LeT,

12 to JeM, five to Al-Badr, one to J&K Gazanavi Force and two to ISJK. The affiliation of nine terrorists were unidentified at the time the arrest was reported by the media.

Since September 2019, a massive surge has been seen in the number of terrorists arrested by the security forces in Jammu & Kashmir. 22 terrorists were arrested in the month of April, while 11 were arrested in May and seven in March. Q2 of 2021 witnessed a comparative decline in the number of terrorists arrested when compared to the previous quarter. When compared to Q2 in 2020, the numbers are comparatively low. However, the statistic of the current quarter is near twice when compared to the data from same quarter in 2019.


• Encounter The security forces neutralised 40 terrorists in 18 encounter

operations in the three months under observation. Out of these, one belonged to HM, 16 to LeT and 10 to Al-Badr. Additionally, two terrorists, each belonging to Al Badr and LeT surrendered. The strategic planning by the SF ensured that there were no civilians or SF personnel casualties.

Over the last two years there has been a decline in number of terrorists neutralised by the Indian SF in J&K when compared to scenario until June 2019. In the quarter under observation, the number of terrorists neutralised increased when compared to the situation in the previous quarter. However, when compared to situation of the same quarter in 2019 and 2020, the number of terrorists neutralized in Q2 of 2021 remained significantly low.


• Busted Terrorist Hideout, IED Destroyed, Suspicious Drone Activities

The Indian SF busted six terrorist hideouts in Q2 of 2021. At least one of the terrorist hideouts belonged to LeT. The remaining five were unidentified at the time of reporting of the incidents. Over the three months, five IEDs were also destroyed. A total of six incidents of suspicious drone activities were also reported in J&K in Q2 of 2021. Out of these, one incident was that of possible drone attack in Jammu. Of the six incidents, one was reported in Samba district and the remaining five in Jammu district.

• Unprovoked Ceasefire Violation There was an unprecedented surge in the unprovoked ceasefire violation by Pakistan since

October 2019. However, in the aftermath of agreement between the military of both the countries to observe the ceasefire agreement of 2003, the number of such violations has reduced to zero. The only exception to this was observed in Samba district where unprovoked ceasefire violations were seen on one day in the month of May 2021. However, no casualties were reported.


DISTRICT–WISE• Anantnag• Bandipura• Baramulla • Budgam• Ganderbal• Jammu• Kulgam• Kupwara• Punch• Pulwama• Rajouri • Samba• Shopian• Srinagar



In the Anantnag district there two successful encounter operations in which five terrorists were neutralised, three of who belonged to LeT. There was one incident of grenade attack on SF personnel and two incidents of firing. In the retaliatory fires, one SF personnel was killed while another was injured. Additionally, there was also a terrorist attack targeted on the civilians in which one civilian was killed and another was injured.

In Bandipura district there were two incidents of arrest in which three terrorists were apprehended. The affiliations of all the three terrorist was unidentified at the time of reporting the arrest.

• Bandipura

• Anantnag


• Baramulla

In Baramulla district there were three incidents of arrest in which seven terrorists were arrested. Out of these, at least four were affiliated with LeT. In two successful encounter operation, five terrorists were neutralised. The affiliations of all the five terrorists were unknown at the time of reporting of the incidents. Additionally, there was one incident of firing orchestrated by LeT in which two SF personnel were killed. In the firing initiated by the terrorists, two civilians scummed to the injures.

In Budgam district there were three incidents of arrest in which five LeT terrorists were arrested. There was an incident of terrorist attack targeted on civilians in which one civilian was killed. Additionally, one LeT hideout was also busted by the SF in the district.

• Budgam


One terrorist hideout was busted by the security forces in Ganderbal district. The affiliation of the hideout, however, was unknown at the time of reporting of the incident.

In Jammu district there were four incidents of arrest in which four terrorists were arrested. While one was affiliated with LeT and one with J&K Gazanavi Force, two belonged to ISJK. One terrorist hideout was also busted by SF, the affiliation of which was unknown at the time of reporting of the incident. Another major development in the district was a terrorist attack at the Jammu airport, in which there was possible use of drones. Apart from this attack, there were four other incidents in which suspicious drone activities were spotted in the district.

• Ganderbal

• Jammu


In Kulgam district there were two incidents of arrest in which five JeM terrorists and one HM terrorist was arrested. Additionally, there was one encounter operation in the district in which three LeT terrorists were successfully neutralized.

In Kupwara district there were three incidents of arrests in which eight terrorists were arrested. Five of these were affiliated with Al-Badr, while the affiliation of remaining three terrorists remained unknown at the time of reporting of the arrests. Additionally, there was incident of arms infiltration which was foiled by the Indian SF.

• Kulgam

• Kupwara


In Punch district the only incident reported was busting of two terrorist hideouts by the Indian SF. The affiliation of both the hideouts was unknown at the time of reporting the incidents.

In Pulwama district seven JeM terrorists were arrested in one incident. In a successful encounter operation, five terrorists were neutralized. Of the five, two belonged to LeT, one to Al-Badr and the affiliation of remaining two were unknown at the time of reporting the incident. There were two terrorist attacks on civilians. While one of these was targeted on a Municipal Councilor, the other was on a retired Special Police Officer. A total of five civilians were killed and one was injured in these attacks. There was one incident of firing. In the retaliatory fires, one HM terrorist was neutralized, and one security personnel sustained injuries. Two incidents of grenade attacks targeted on SF personnel left seven civilians injured. Additionally, four IEDs were diffused, and one terrorist hideout was busted.

• Punch

• Pulwama


In Rajouri district there wasa low intensity blast outside the house of the village sarpanch, however no casualties were reported. Additionally, one incident of firing on the forces was reported in which one SF personnel was injured.

In Samba district there were unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistan on one day in Q2 of 2021. Additionally, there was one incident of diffusing of mines, one grenade attack on the forces, one incident of suspicious drone activities, and two infiltration bids being foiled by the Indian SF. No casualties were reported from Samba district.

• Rajouri

• Samba


In nine successful encounter operations, 17 terrorists were neutralised by the forces in Shopian district. Of the 17, six were affiliated with Al Badr, two with LeT and one with HM. Additionally, one Al Badr and one LeT terrorist surrendered in these operations. Additionally, there were three incidents of firing on the SF personnel. However, no casualties were reported. In a separate incident, one IED was also diffused.

In Srinagar district there were two terrorist attacks on civilians. One was orchestrated by LeT on a BJP leader who escaped injuries, however his PSO was killed in the attack. The other was orchestrated by TRF in which a civilian was killed. In two successful encounter operations, two Al Badr and one LeT terrorists were neutralized by the forces. There were two grenade attacks in which one civilian was killed and two were injured. Additionally, there were two incidents of firing, in which two LeT terrorists were killed in retaliatory fires. One SF personnel was killed-in-action and three were severely injured in these firing incidents.

• Shopian

• Srinagar


TERROR OUTFIT-WISE• Al-Badr• Hizbul Mujahideen• Islamic State of J&K• J&K Gazanavi Force• Jaish-e-Mohammed• Lashkar-e-Taiba





• Al Badr: Nine terrorists were neutralized, five were arrested and one surrendered over the three months. Six terrorists were neutralized in Shopian district, two in Srinagar district and one in Pulwama district. In Kupwara district, five terrorists were arrested. In one of the Shopian encounters, a terrorist also surrendered.

• Hizbul Mujahideen: One terrorist was arrested and two were neutralisedin Q2 of 2021. Out of the twoneutralised, one was in Pulwama and the other in Shopian. The arrest was made in Kulgam district.

• Islamic State of J&K: Two terrorists were arrested in Jammu district.

• J&K Gazanavi Force: One terrorist was arrested in Jammu district.

• Jaish-e-Mohammed: A total of 12 JeM terrorists were arrested in Q2 of 2021. Five of these were in Kulgam district, while the remaining seven in Pulwama district.

• Lashkar-e-Taiba: 18 LeT terrorists were neutralized. Five of these were in Baramulla district, three each in Anantnag, Kulgam and Srinagar district, and two each in Pulwama and Shopian district. 10 terrorists were arrested, of which five were in Budgam district, four in Baramulla district and 1 in Jammu district. Additionally, in one of the Shopian encounters, a Lashkar terrorist surrendered to the security forces.