THIRD DIVERSITY FORUM RELIGIOUS EDUCA17ION: POLICY, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITY BY PASTOR JAMES MOVEL WUYE INTERFAITH MEDIATION CENTRE OF MUSLIM -CHRISTIAN DIALOGUE FORUM KADUNA – NIGERIA AT A PROGRAMME ORGANISED BY: AUSTRALIAN MULTICULTURAL FOUNDATION AND OTHERS KAKOLTA–INDIA – 28 TH FEBRUARY – 3 RD MARCH 2005 GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Admittedly, we are left in a perplexing state. The lack of evidence for propositions concerned with religious educational functioning in addition to inadequate safe space for deliberating our diverse values, which may offer useful assistance and act as stimulus to our future activities. The direction we take in this gathering will depend mostly our willingness to step out of our orbit, take a critical look at our world with empathy thoughtfulness and ingenuity. Over the years in the last three decades through acts of commission or omission, we have gained the impression that educational politics can be change with drastic consequences. Willingly or unwillingly the tampering with our cultural, values has rewarded us youth restiveness lawlessness, moral decadence, indiscipline, disloyalty to nations that have been institutionalized. How-ever, hope is







Admittedly, we are left in a perplexing state. The lack of evidence for

propositions concerned with religious educational functioning in addition

to inadequate safe space for deliberating our diverse values, which may

offer useful assistance and act as stimulus to our future activities. The

direction we take in this gathering will depend mostly our willingness to

step out of our orbit, take a critical look at our world with empathy

thoughtfulness and ingenuity. Over the years in the last three decades

through acts of commission or omission, we have gained the impression

that educational politics can be change with drastic consequences.

Willingly or unwillingly the tampering with our cultural, values has

rewarded us youth restiveness lawlessness, moral decadence, indiscipline,

disloyalty to nations that have been institutionalized. How-ever, hope is

not totally lost as the forum will look for ways to identifying best

practices and formulating religious policy and lobbying through and to the

various stakeholder within our world whether in the global South or North

to legislate the outcome of this diversity forum. We are to propose new

Agenda for sustainable change and improvement in our world religious

education climate structure through generating suggestions to the U.N.

who shall play regulatory role on such an important issue as Religious

Education. Scholars in this field can be requested to harness our diverse

culture and produce a system that will tolerable to all and sundry, which

will also address issues shrouding the right of others even in educating

our world.

The paper intends to look at religious Education from three worldviews

Judeo-Christian, Islamic and African traditional systems. It will also

explore the impact of these Christianity; Islam on the global south

especially a case on Nigeria; conceptualized to represent the south and to

look at the various ways these three view education.


Most countries of the South are plural societies in grip of strong

centrifugal forces, including secessionism. The south is deeply divided by

religious differences, which are often politicized. It is prone to violence,

atavistic nationalism, territorial disputes and struggle over natural

resources. The stabilization of the youth by the wealthier nation of the

North is another source of division and conflict in the South; now and

then it leads to proxy wars (AKE-1992,15).

From the foregoing, in other to appreciate the challenges faced by

religious education and policy making in the south, one needs to ponder on

issues relating to ethno-religious conflicts. There is a strong division and

rivalry among the adherence of the two major religions who are

fortunately or unfortunately emanating from the Middle East that is

Christianity and Islam, while the third, which is traditional religion is

marginalized and relegated to the background because of stigmatization

influence, by the dominance of Christianity and Islam. Traditional

religious educators are viewed as mundane, uncivilized because of the

"Civilization" so to say that came with Islam and Christianity.

This phenomenon has compounded the formulation of an agreeable

universal religious education policy.

In other to appreciate the nature causes and implications of this conflict

or value, one need to understand that the Global South has been divided

by the scheming of the North who have one thing to protect, which is

their economic and political interest. These interest cut across both the

West and the Middle East which exert their influence and their

expansionist tendency over demarcated and segregated South. Another

thing of immense concern is the fact that, the South has become more

Christian than the West and more Islamic than the Middle East. It was

said by the BBC report in early 2004 that Nigeria, a country in the South

is the most religious notion on earth. This weakness or rather still

strength has been the instrument manipulated by these forces.

Everything is viewed from a religious point of view, these includes,

government appointment to strategic offices, economic polices,

democratization system, governance and educational polices formulation.

Prior to discussing this it is of paramount important to understand this

terms; what is Religion? What is education and what is the relationship

between the two from the Islamic, traditional and judeo-Christian


Generally speaking, I see education as a provision of equal opportunities to

all people to realize their potentials through an Educational process that

has human, moral and spiritual values at its heart.


Education is a process involving three references. The individual, his/her

immediate society, national and international community.

Different people each according to his point of view have defined

education differently but all agree that education is the process by which

a society transmits its values and cultural heritage to its younger


I see religious education as a spiritual regeneration that will result in

broadening the objectives of a holistic value of people in a community that

will have strong impression on the targeted personalities. These spiritual

values include a deep moral insight, rejuvenating the thought, integrity

and disposition in relation to other human personality giving them equal

regards as species of the human family. This should guide and direct their

actions, which will refine their thought, feelings, that will bring the best

qualities of life. This can be the ultimate goal of religious education.


What Is Islamic Education?

Islamic education is an education, which trains the sensibility of pupils in

such a manner that in their attitude to life, their actions decision and

approach to all kinds of knowledge, they governed the spiritual and deeply

felt ethnical values of Islam. They are trained, and mentally disciplined,

so that they want to acquire an intellectual curiously or just for material

worldly benefit but to develop as rational, righteous beings and bring

about the spiritual, moral and physical welfare of their families, their

people, their country and mankind.


In nearly all-Muslim countries nowadays there are two systems of

education, the traditional and the modern. Whereas in the early days of

Islam, there was only one system which taught theological subjects and

mundane subjects like engineering and medicine.

Today the traditional system has the reading of the Qu'ran, Hadith and

Arabic language and literature as core subjects. In some places classical

logic (Mantiq) mathematics and Islamic history are also taught. But

modern educational system, comparative religion, comparative study of

Islamic and Western legal systems, social and natural sciences and

technology as they have developed in the West, are normally ignored and

they are absent.

From the above discussion it very clear to understand the importance of

Islamic religious education in producing God fearing personality hence,

fighting illiteracy.


The defect of modern system of education is that we have separated

Islamic studies or the study of the Quran from our day-to-day lives; we

have this abandon the basic principle of Tawhid (Theology). The principle

of unification. Hence, we must incorporate the teaching of all sciences

and technology in all our curriculum of studies in Islamic schools.

It is undeniable that our hold on religion has now weakened. Religion has

gradually been banished from our hearts and minds. The home

environment instead of promoting religious education, have contrarily

combined to undermine it. In such conditions, only school curricular

remains channels of information through which religious education can be

promoted and intensified.

Secularization of education in the West and its impact on Muslim society:

The West has it to its credit achievement in science and technology,

which have made terrestrial life safer and more comfortable. The

Airplane, the Telephone, Radio, Television, Computers, Internet, to

mention but a few. Each symbolizes an advance in material progress of

which the ancients had no conception this has been fully analyzed and all

benefit derived, from modern sciences by Bert and Russell in his book

impact of Modern science.

Yet this material progress, which is within reach of common people, is not

matched by any spiritual development on the contrary, spiritually man

today is much less happy than his predestine predecessor two hundred

years ago. This harmony and tension have ruined his mental peace,

rendered his soul, life infernal and deprived his existence of all meaning

and purpose. The more the West reaches out for a solution without

spiritual value and faith, the greater the confusion, the greater the

agony. Bizarre Philosophies like existentialism and logical positivism try to

discover a meaning of existence within the stuffy atmosphere of a

Godless universe. But the more they seek to evade the central and crucial

problem of fault, the more dreadfully they fail to provide satisfactory

answer to the problem of life. A large number of Western educators are

aware of this solution.

But why, it may be asked, should this of f ect Muslim society? They

answer to this question lies in a paradox.

Much as the Muslim, anchored in faith, disapproves of the spiritual

nihilism of the West because of his neglect of science and technology, has

created around his society a suffocating atmosphere as oppressive as the

spiritual sterility of the West.


Scholars in both old and modern times have engaged themselves in

studying and defining religion. Thus, we now have various definitions close

at times and far- removed at others.

Some Westerners define religion as the collection of duties which man

has towards God, society and man himself.

Others say it is the lot of beliefs and injunction, which should guide our

behaviors with God, people and with ourselves.

Religion may mean the social system adopted by a group of people

performing certain rites and constantly developing actions and believing in

an absolute spiritual power superior to all human beings.

Religion with its different definitions is as old as humanity itself. Not a

single group of human beings lived in ancient times without having a turned

by intimidation at times by inclination at others. Perhaps' both

intimidation and inclination constitute a characteristic feature

distinguishing every religion, right from the earliest times unti I our

present age.

If suffices us here to point out the various religions known to humanity

during the earliest ages, namely, thousands of years before Christ in

Egypt, Babylon, Assyria,


Al Tahanwy says in his book "Index of Technical Terms" that religion is

a divine institution guiding those who have reason-on their volition to

righteousness in this world and happiness in the hereafter. It can

designate the faith of any prophet, or it may be applied specially to Islam.

It is related to God, having been issued by Him to the prophet, having

been revealed through Him, and to the people who adopt it.

If religion is not taken as something revealed from the Almighty Allah but

is considered from the linguistic point of view alone, then it will include

both the true and the false creeds, except those, which admit neither

resurrection nor reward. This is because the Arabic term for religion

(din) is derived from the root "Dan" meaning "to reward " when the Holy

Qu'ran says "to you be your religion to me my religion, it indicate that the

word "religion includes the untrue creeds as well, for it has designated as

a religion the pagan belief of the Arabs in the days of ignorance.

But true religion, according to Islamic law, is that which is revealed from

God for the elect among His creatures, for man's guidance along the right

path. It includes doctrines and principles on which God's Apostles prayers

and peace be unto them do not differ. This is evidence in the Almighty's

saying: "To you hath He prescribed the faith which He commanded unto

Noah, and which we have revealed to thee which we commanded unto

Abraham and Moses and Jesus saying observe this faith and be not

divided in to sects therein" This means that God has revealed single

religion to Muhammad and other prophets.


This inclusive approach is vital, for only in accepting the rights of the

Irreligious others' can there be a just society. The laws, beliefs and the

ways of life may differ and yet the divine essence, the divine truth is the

same. It is reflected in all religions, in all spiritual and traditions and we

humans have no right to judge or reject the 'other' as legitimate, much

less, false. Thus it is our human ego that rejects the religious order.

Whatever his or her beliefs may be.

The Qu'ran gives Muslims and non-Muslims the right to worship in

accordance with their own faith and to have their own beliefs. This

freedom of conscience cannot be taken away from any human being, Islam

not only accepts the legitimacy of religious pluralism but also considers it

quite central to its code for a just and harmonious coexistence.

The Qu'ran does not take a narrow sectarian view. It s view is very broad,

humanitarian and emphasis is on good deeds; it strongly condemns evil

deeds, which harm the society and humanity at large. In this respect also

it makes no distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims.

" Those who believe, and those that follow the Jewish (Scriptures), and

the Christians, and the Sabeans-whoever believes in 6od and the last Day

and does what is right-surely their reward is with their Lord' no fear

shall come upon them nor shall they grieve." (Qu'ran 2:62).

From the foregoing, it shows clearly that we have a unique

opportunity here to harness this texts that encoumge collaboration

and coexistence



The African traditional religion has mostly the Local Boundary Practice

(LBP) and in most occasions; these values are not documented but are

passed-on from generation to generation through Experiential and

Observatory Learning Systems (EOLS). These are governed by morality

and ethics that are defined and structured within the boundaries of clans

and tribal settings.

Various clans and African traditional system has spiritual duties that each

successive generation tends to derive guidance, protection and provision

imbedded within the African tradition. Tribal belief system, the spirits,

are the hidden and the unseen powers and mysteries that governs

families, clans, communities and tribes. This defines the reality of the

African Worldview of the concept of education.

This concept is the physiological foundation of African Traditional

Religion Foundation, which Yusuf Turaki sited in his book, foundations of

African Traditional Religions and worldview, 2001 pg. 36-56 Quoting from

(BEDIAKO) as having six (6) major identifiable categories.


In this, man identified animals and plants, no less than human beings

had their own spiritual existence and place in universe as

independent pair of the whole.


This aspect opens up man for the possibility of religious beliefs and




Man is not alone in the universe; there is a spiritual world of powers

or beings more powerful and ultimate than man. Thereby giving man

the possibility of seeking affinity with those spiritual powers that

are beyond him.



This aspect leads man to develop means of communications with the

spirit world where it is believed that man can enter into spiritual

relation with benevolent spirit world and so share in the blessing

and receives protection from the evil spirit world.


This explains the primary position of the ancestorship in the

Traditional societies.



This explains the reason for the existence of the law of harmony in

the traditional societies, where the physical serves as the catalyst

for the spiritual power whilst the physical realm is held to be

patterned on the model of the spiritual world beyond.

The above categories defined, though in a scanty manner, the basic

beliefs found in the traditional worldview, which we call its

philosophical foundations. These philosophical foundations are

interrelated and integrated with the theological foundations.



The traditional African Religion tends to educate the community using

codified rituals that are only decoded to people within certain age

brackets in most cases young teenagers who attend puberty are initiated

properly and are thought stages of various rituals. These rituals sustain

and generate the myth underline the belief system while it also binds the

people together socially, psychologically and physically.

Furthermore, Saline describes. That these interactions includes such

activities such as dancing, clapping hand, singing, reciting liturgies,

praying, crying burden, sacrifices and performing ceremonies of various

sought. Sometime collective sentiments are expressed in crying as a

therapy for trauma?


However with the advents of the two most populous Eastern Religions in

Africa i.e. Christianity and Islam, the African traditional educational

system is gradually being faced out. People practicing them are

stigmatized, will often rather not make their belief conspicuous.

However in some African societies the Judeo-Christian and Islamic

education are practiced side by side, those who profess beliefs in either

of the two Religion when faced with challenges of life which seems

insurmountable or beyond their understanding turns to traditional priest

for consultation. These double standards are the major challenges to a

holistic traditional system of education.

In summary, these traditional religions has elaborate religious beliefs and

practices with formidable theological foundations that looks at the moral

and ethical sphere of mankind, this is what constitutes the traditional

religious system and its worldview.


On the Rational for Christian Education, Religion is at the heart of culture

and has been described as the control box of culture. Every aspect of

culture is ultimately religious.

• Religious education does not indoctrinate but rather educate.

• Education is open-minded and accepts no absolutes.

• It appeals primarily to rational capacity

• It tolerates the watch ward of education

• It follows an objective process

The conclusion of education is subject to scientific verification hence

they are tentative.

Education, as Dewey (1939) pointed out, is not the preparation of life but

represents the continuous changes and processes of life. To identify

education with book knowledge is a rather narrow view, for education

often arises in the matrix of practical activity. Education implies not

merely discipline of thinking but also a passion for creativity.

According to Professor J.A. Ilori in his book on Philosophy of Christian

Education An African Perspective state that there are three main

methods by which people may seek to solve the world's problems. Change

must come from within, but we are going to duel on the third alternative

"the Third alternative is Christian Education". It works slowly, in an

evolutionary manner, It creates no sudden utopias. It offers no magic

remedies. It gives no categorical promises. It demands effort and

discipline. It awakens man to his own creative possibilities. Christian

education, rightly considered, is man's formidable tool for survival.


Teaching is imperative in molding a child because it is the primary method

of building the Kingdom of God, that teaching is the means of building

Christian character in His follower.

That is why the Bible is very clear in the instruction to parent in child

upbringing as is stated in proverbs 22vs6 " Train up a child in the way he

should go,- and when he is old, he will not depart from it" the Hebrew

word "Chanok” initiate child at the opening (The mouth) of his path" when

he comes to the opening of the way of life, been able to walk alone, and to

choose; stop at this entrance, and being a series of instructions, how he is

to conduct himself in every step he takes. Show him the duties, the

dangers and the blessing of the path, give him directions on how to

performance the duties.

The parents were the chi Id's first and most important instructors in

beginning Bible knowledge. The family altar was a very present reality in

the home, and every child made contact there with the Word of God.

God's command to the Israelites that His words should be taught to the

children was quite literally obeyed. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). " Hear, 0 Israel;

The lord our 60d is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your 60d with all

your heart, and with all your soul, and with a// your might And these

words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart, and you

shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when

you sit In your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you Iie

down, and when you r1se. And you shall bind them as a sign upon your head,

and they shall be as frontlets between your eye. And you shall write them

on the doorposts of your house and on your gote


Luke 13:26

"But we ate with you, and you taught in our streets, ' you will say.


Job 33:33

Tut if not, then listen to me. Keep silence and I will teach you wisdom!"


John 14:26

"But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of me-and by the

Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit-he will teach you much, as well as

remind you of everything I myself have told you. " (TLB)

2 Tim 2: 2

“For you must teach others those things you and many others have heard

me speak about Teach these great truths to trustworthy men who will, in

turn, pass them on to others. " (TLB)

Eph 4:11

"Some of us have been given special ability as apostles; to others he has

given the gift of being able to preach well; some have special ability in

winning people to Christ, helping them to frust him as their Savior; still

others have a gift for caring for 6od's people as a shepherd does his

sheep, leading and teaching them in the ways of 6od. " (TLB)

Titus 2:3

"Teach the older women to be quiet and respectful in everything they do-

They must not go around speaking evil of others and must not be heavy

drinkers, but they should be teachers of goodness. " (TLB)


The Advent of socialism in our higher institution and its attraction to

youth who want to live free from their assumed restriction coursed by

the dos and don'ts of Christian religious as post a great threat to

religious education the clarion call by socialist movement to fight social

evils like injustice, to align with the poor and the oppress seems appealing

to a lager proportion of the youth of our generation.

Christian Religious Studies, a student of Federal College of Education,

Zaria Nigeria sees education like this " I wouldn't say that Christian

Education makes people of different faith feel threatened In the sense

that Christianity as a religion, opposes their beliefs and religious

practices Another challenge could be that the lives of Christians- those

who profess Christianity, are not really exemplary. They do not live up to

whot is required of them and so when they try to educate people on

Christianity it proves abortive. "

The proliferation of Christian faith groups is a measure challenge to the

coloration of an agreeable curriculum, once source estimates that there

are about 34,000 separate Christian groups in the world and this number

is growing by the day, because of intra-religious conflicts. These groups

are further sorted into:

• Three meta-groups, (Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and


• The three wings, (Conservative, Mainline and Liberal).

• Fifteen religious families, (Adventist, Baptist, Lutheran,

Reform e.t.c.).

• Dozens of denominations, (from The Amish to The Way).

• Many systems of Belief, (Arminianism, British Israelism,

American Israelism, Calvinism).

Christianity started out in Palestine as a Fellowship,, it moved to 6reece

and became aphllosophy,- It moved to Italy andbecame an Instituflon, it

moved to Europe and become a culture- it come to America and become an

enterprise. " Sam Pascoe, American Scholar).

"Christianity is not a religion; it is a personal relationship with Jesus

Christ." (Anonymous.)

Islam is another appealing ideology as it is more evangelism than

Christianity. Islamic theologians are consistently modifying their position

and making their religious more attractive than ever before. It is a

practical religion like socialism.

Our schools today instructor tends to be superficial and much of their

teachings are actually anti religion. Religious is giving little place in our

modern public schools secularization of public education has brought in a

situation that is very dangerous to moral and religious development of our


However children are brought into the government schools were

provisions are mode for their education in everything order than religion

that is why our children have relegated religious to a place of know

important with no bearing to the affairs of their present life.

Our nations are saturated with infidelity, materialism, secularism, and a

general lack of respect and sanctity of home, bribery has become an

accepted characteristic of most nations in the global south.

Our politicians has invented a new way that promotes lawlessness

irresponsibility, juvenile delinquency, alcoholism, profanity and the use of

bad language in their politicking which our youth today see as the way of


Pornographic materials defiles the thought of our youth making them pure

and unholy this promotes long hours of laziness and keep our youth from

sincerely desiring honest work and honest means of getting wealth this is

bad for our generation and challenges religious education.

" I am fast coming to the conviction that schools for the rising generation

must be the basic of all missions among barbarous and savage heathen.

The67osael should be preached regularly and steadily, faithfully and

prayerf-ully, but through children we get at the root of idolatry and

leaven the whole lump

(1858 -', 12, ?) "

In Nigeria for instance in 1976 the government took away many schools

belonging to the missions and made them public schools this has resulted

in some states in the Northern Nigerian to cease the teaching of religious

education and those who thought Christian in many states of the region

were persecuted.

Christian Education has been frequently related with contempt

de-emphasized the subject assumed prominence over and above moral

character emphasis.


The world is passing through a lot of trauma which is by policies that have

been formulated by national, international and universal bodies, this has

caused the rift that is tearing countries apart, some of this policies are

not people oriented: but are formulated to satisfy the crevice of the elite

class in most societies. The existence of world body and fora as this is

the opportunity we have to correct the wrongs and ameliorate the

suffering and catastrophe that this policy has caused our people. The

synergy that such universal and regional consultation around identified

thematic areas on religious education will be un-quantifiable. The Third

Diversity Matters Forum is one of these opportunities.

"However, the opportunity of Christian Education have a better option to

discuss, Christian Education makes people know more about the religion

and the divine personality behind the religion God (Jesus Christ). It

further makes Christians have more value for their faith and everything

about it. Christian Education helps build the mindset Christians and

others who are willing to learn, towards moral perfection or growth.

Other initiatives on frameworks for Religious Education do exist, and it is

our responsibility to liaise with this group, for instance the national

framework for Religious Education of the Church of England in her press

release PR44/04 posted 28 October 2004 states that: RE has been

increasingly recognized in recent years as a vital and popular curriculum.

Representatives of the Church along side those of others Churches and

faith and other professionals have been actively engaged in the

development of the framework. "The new RE framework that is

emphasizing the right of pupils and students at schools to high quality,

informative and challenging RE from the age of 319. It recognizes the

predominant place of Christianity, which is to be thought throughout its

stage of the curriculum from the foundation to post16, but will also

enable every pupil to understand and respect the other great faith

traditions found in England. Above all it will help pupils with their personal

religious development." This idea was welcome by various stakeholders in

the educational sector in England. Cannon Hall hopes that the national

framework for Religious Education will reset the balance.


In a world like ours, which has religious pluralism, and where each

religious group might try to win the favour of the governments of the day,

a neutral -and an impartial role by these governments is an absolute

necessity. We would, therefore, like to recommend the following, if

neutrality and impartiality are to be achieved.

A. Policy makers should make sure that constitution of the land does

not only guarantees religious freedom, but also is seen to do so.

B. Governments should not, either openly or secretly, give undue

favour and or attention to one religious group.

C. Governments should not involve itself in the activities of any

religious group either directly or indirectly.

D. Governments should not finance any religious activity part from the

provision of religious education, where religious knowledge forms

part of the school curricula. In doing this, government should

ensure equitable treatment for all pupils and students.

E. Governments should ensure equity in making its facilities available

to religious groups.

F. Governments should not join any religious organization as

representing their country in that organization whether within or

outside the country.

G. Government should create a pool of renowned scholars across our

various faith traditions to review our school curriculums with the

aim of injecting our spiritual conduct.

H. Regional and national monitoring and evaluation structures should be

established to ensure compliance to formulated religious education


It has been said that all progress stems from dissatisfaction, that every

advance in society is a result of someone not being satisfied with things

the way they are. Education seeks to expand man's horizons. In contrast

to training and indoctrination, true education questions what is and seeks

to open new vistas to the human mind. Education is certainly not the

exclusive domain of the formal schooling, just as some will drift through

an educational institution without really gaining a true education. But,

though education is not the exclusive domain of an educational

institution, it is a primary obligation.

("Knowledge is the lost property of the believer, take it wherever he

finds it"). Hadith "You can get knowledge even from the Devil's House"



• Nations should develop a culture of life long learning where both

the young and adults can access Religious Education (R.E.) at any

stage of their lives. People should be encouraged to study the

basic belief system of each other's faith.

• Governments should provide the initial take-off grants for the

restructuring of modified coordinated Religious education


• Parents should encourage their wards to study religious

Education within their nations.

• Religious Leaders should be given orientations on how to operate

the modified curriculum and should encouraged their followers

within their various places of worship to support Religious


• All schools should maintained Religious Education as a statutory

subject because of its significance.

• The various educational bodies within their nations should

maintain religious Institutions. However caution should be made

by the Religious Education providers to work within school's

Trust-deed and ensure that force conversion is not encouraged

and parents can be allowed to withdraw their children wholly or

partly from Religious Education institution or class.

• Religious Education Educators should be placed on equal status

with their counterparts that educates or teach other subjects.

• Governing Bodies and Head Teachers should consult with parents

in developing polices to ensures it reflect parent wishes and

cultures of community they serve.

• Independent Bodies should be constituted to inspect and

monitor the implementation of quality of Religious Education and

their teaching and their reports should be published for public


• Periodic Exchange Programme for Religious Education

instructors or implementers should be organized for sharing and

exchange of practices.

• Education is the heart of Government, Religious education in the

Vein and the coordinator of behaviour of her people and the

generations yet unborn. Policies should therefore be design to

benefit the many not the few. These policies should focus on

improving the standard of Religious Education including other

initiatives that will help to raise the school's standard.

• There should be effective partnership at all levels educational

hierarchy particularly at the local level so that a common goal of

higher Educational standard can be attained.


I want to encourage sincere cooperation on this matter; because

cooperation is reciprocal, one who cooperates receives cooperation. The

method of cooperation is to use the energy of the mind to create

vibrations of good wishes and pure feelings of the other and for the task,

by remaining detached, objectives and influenced by innermost values and

not external circumstances, subtle cooperation in the form of wisdom

immerges with this, we can achieve our set objectives.

It is my humble submission that in today's world where religious

motivated violence is on the increase. The capacity to contain this

crescendo has in the inculcating of the right religious education to our

people. This is the key to harmonious co-existence personal prosperity,

health competition, between success and global integration.

May the Almighty one grants willingness to allow the fruits of this

gathering see the light of the day.

May the Almighty God of Heaven the Creator of visible and invisible bless

and keep you as we enjoy our planet (Amen).


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