Thinking functional-in-scala

1 Thinking Functional in Scala Vikas Hazrati Knoldus Software LLP

Transcript of Thinking functional-in-scala

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Thinking Functional inScala

Vikas HazratiKnoldus Software LLP

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● Introduction● Referential

Transparency● Substitution Model● Exception Handling

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● Introduction● Referential

Transparency● Substitution Model● Exception Handling

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Scala is an impure functional programming language

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no side effects




printing to consoleas well

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If the function does something other than just providing result➔ Modifying a variable➔ Modifying a data structure in place➔ Setting a field on an object➔ Throwing an exception or halting with an error➔ Printing to the console or reading user input➔ Reading from or writing to a file➔ Drawing on the screen

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benefits of a pure function

Easy to






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a pure function

● A function f with input type A and output type B (written in Scala as a single type: A => B , pronounced “ A to B ” or “ A arrow B ”) is a computation that relates every value a of type A to exactly one value b of type B such that b is determined solely by the value of a .

● Any changing state of an internal or external process is irrelevant to computing the result f(a)

● A function intToString having type Int => String will take every

integer to a corresponding string. Furthermore, if it really is a function, it will do nothing else

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a pure function

Referential Transparency

Substitution Model

Not contextdependent

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● Introduction● Referential

Transparency● Substitution Model● Exception Handling

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referential transparency

What is the difference between 2 code blocks?

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referential transparency

What is the difference between 2 code blocks?

If the expression can be replaced by its value and vice versa AND nothing changes then it is called Referential Transparency.

This model of substituting values for expressions is called Substitution Model.

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● Introduction● Referential

Transparency● Substitution Model● Exception Handling

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substitution model

What do you expect the output to be?

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substitution model

What do you expect the output to be?

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substitution model

Now, let us replace money2 with referntial transparency. Hence money2 becomes Money1.add(20)

Your sum1 is Money(60)Your sum2 is Money(90)


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substitution model

Ok, let us change the way Money works

What do you expect the output to be?

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substitution model

Ok, let us change the way Money works

What do you expect the output to be?

Your sum1 is GoodMoney(40)Your sum2 is GoodMoney(40)

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substitution model

And now lets apply the referential transparency

What do you expect the output to be?

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another example

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another example

Ideally we should be able to callany listIngredients with coffee

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side effect

What is the side effect here ?

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Functional Exception Handling

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Exceptions are not type safe

What is the datatype of this ?

How would the caller know that there is an exception which can occur?

How was it better in Java?

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Exception break RT

Exceptions introduce context dependence

What would be the output?

What would be the output once we introduce RT?

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Exception break RT

After introducing RT

What would be the output?

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How should we work with Exceptions?

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sentinel value

● Return a Sentinel value

Sentinel value

Silent error propagationBoilerplate codeTyped methods would not know valueDemands special handling at caller end

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other options?

Explicit return that function may not always have a value

What would you do?

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other options?

Explicit return that function may not always have a value

What would you do? Option

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When exception could be thrown, wrap the result in an Option

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wrapping exception throwing api's

● Lifting methods


def lift[A,B](f: A => B): Option[A] => Option[B] = _ map f

Example : val k = lift(math.abs)

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wrapping exception throwing api's

● Any number of parameters

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converting non option methods

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return exceptions

Sometimes we do want to tell the caller that an exception has occured and pass the exception

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return exceptions

Sometimes we do want to tell the caller that an exception has occured and pass the exception


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Let us wrap our method



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That's It !
