Functional Scala II (in practice)

Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main Functional Scaλa … in Practice 20.10.2010 Java User Group Frankfurt / Main Mario Gleichmann

Transcript of Functional Scala II (in practice)

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main

Functional Scaλa

… in Practice


Java User Group Frankfurt / MainMario Gleichmann

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Mario Gleichmann


blog: 'brain driven development'

mail: [email protected]

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What is Functional Programming ?

Functional Style

val sum = fold( 1 to 10, add )

Expression based

Computation method is function application


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What makes a Function ?

val add = ( x :Int, y :Int ) => x + y

Function Types

Type of add : ( Int , Int ) => Int


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var limit = 18 val isAdult = ( age :Int ) => age >= limit

'Closed term'


'closing over'

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Algebraic Datatypes

data Tree = Empty | Leaf Int | Node Int Tree Tree

abstract case class Tree() case object Empty extends Tree case class Leaf( value: Int ) extends Tree

case class Node( value: Int, left :Tree, right: Tree ) extends Tree

Example - Tree


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Pattern Matching

val depth :Tree => Int = _ match { case Empty => 0 case Leaf( _ ) => 1 case Node( _, left, right ) => 1 + max( depth( left ), depth( right ) )}

Prt isb

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Partial Functions

type =>?[-A, +B] = PartialFunction[A, B]

val publisherRegionDE : Isbn =>? String = { case Isbn( 3, pubNr, _ ) => "D" + ( pubNr.toString charAt 0 )}

publisherRegionDE.isDefinedAt( Isbn( 0, 677873, 8823 ) ) )

>> false


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val factors = ( n :Int ) => for( x <- ( 1 to n ) if n % x == 0 ) yield x ...

val prime = ( n :Int ) => factors( n ).toList == List( 1, n )

val primes = (n :Int) => for( x <- (1 to n) if prime( x ) ) yield x

Hgh rdr Fcn

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Higher Order Functions

val filter = ( predicate: Int => Boolean , xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if predicate( x ) ) yield x }

Fcn Tp

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Lambda Expressions

filter( num => num % 2 == 0, List( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ) )

filter( _ > 0, List( -1, 5, 0, -3, 7 ) )

fst arg

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Partial Application

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Partial Application

val isPrime = (x :Int) => ( 2 to x/2 ).forall( x % _ != 0 )

Type of isPrime: Int => Boolean

def prms wthn

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Partial Application

val isPrime = (x :Int) => ( 2 to x/2 ).forall( x % _ != 0 )

val primesWithin = ( xs :List[Int] ) => filter( isPrime , xs )


Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean, List[Int] ) => List[Int]

fxd var

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Partial Application

val isPrime = (x :Int) => ( 2 to x/2 ).forall( x % _ != 0 )

val primesWithin = ( xs :List[Int] ) => filter( isPrime , xs )



appl nappl

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Partial Application

val isPrime = (x :Int) => ( 2 to x/2 ).forall( x % _ != 0 )

val primesWithin = filter( isPrime, _ :List[Int] )

New from Old ...


Fcn Tp

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Partial Application

val isPrime = (x :Int) => ( 2 to x/2 ).forall( x % _ != 0 )

val primesWithin = filter( isPrime, _ :List[Int] )

New from Old ...

Type of primesWithin: List[Int] => List[Int]


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val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean , xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean , List[Int] ) => List[Int]

Crrd fcn

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'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

Crrd fcn Tp

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'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...

Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean ) => ( List[Int] ) => List[Int]

sngl arg

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

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Curried FunctionCurried Function

'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...


Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean ) => ( List[Int] ) => List[Int]

sngl arg

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

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'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...

A function ... accepting one (Function) Arg

... resulting in another function

lmbd xpr

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean ) => ( List[Int] ) => List[Int]

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'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean ) => List[Int] => List[Int]

... is defined as a Lambda expession

cls ovr

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'Higher Order Lambda Closures' ...

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

Type of filter: ( Int => Boolean ) => List[Int] => List[Int]

... closes over to Arguments (Scope) of surrounding Function 'filter'

Smp prms wthn

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Example 1 – Extract primes

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

val primesWithin = filter( isPrime )

Fcn Tp

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Example 1 – Extract primes

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

val primesWithin = filter( isPrime )

Type of primesWithin: List[Int] => List[Int]


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Example 1 – Extract primes

val filter = ( pred: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => {

for( x <- xs; if pred( x ) ) yield x }

val primesWithin = filter( isPrime )

...primesWithin( List( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) ) >> List( 3, 5, 7 )

Smp rc mgmt

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Example 2 – Ressource Management

val initQuery = (dataSource :DataSource) => (query :String) => ( extractor :ResultSet => Unit ) => { try{ val conn = dataSource.getConnection val stmt = conn.createStatement val resultSet = stmt.executeQuery( query ) extractor( resultSet ) } finally{ try{ if( conn != null ) conn.close } finally{ if( stmt != null ) stmt.close } } }


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Example 2 – Ressource Management

val dataSource :DataSource = ...;

...val query = initQuery( dataSource )

query( "select * from User where age > 18" ) { result :ResultSet =>

while( ) { .... } }

query( "select * from Account where balance < 1000" ) { result :ResultSet =>

while( ) { .... } }


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val power : Int => Int => Int =

( base :Int ) => ( exp :Int ) =>

if( exp == 1 ) base else base * power( base )( exp - 1 )


val square = power( _ :Int )( 2 )

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val power : Int => Int => Int =

( base :Int ) => ( exp :Int ) =>

if( exp == 1 ) base else base * power( base )( exp - 1 )


val square = power( _ :Int )( 2 )

Type of square : Int => Int

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val power : Int => Int => Int =

( base :Int ) => ( exp :Int ) =>

if( exp == 1 ) base else base * power( base )( exp - 1 )


val square = power( _ :Int )( 2 )

Partial Application 'in the middle'

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def flipArgs [A, B, C] ( f: A => B => C ) : B => A => C = ( x: B ) => ( y: A ) => f (y) (x)

Transforms to another Function, expecting arguments in reversed order

Transforms to another Function, expecting arguments in reversed order

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def flipArgs [A, B, C] ( f: A => B => C ) : B => A => C = ( x: B ) => ( y: A ) => f (y) (x)

val square = flipArgs( power )( 2 )

… now just exploit Currying

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Function Composition

f :: B => C

g :: A => B

x ∈ A

( f o g )( x ) = f ( g ( x ) )

( f o g ) :: A => C

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Combinators : Function Composition

def o [A,B,C] ( f: B => C ) ( g: A => B ) : A => C =

( x :A ) => f( g( x ) )

...val mult = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x * y

val add = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x + y

...val doubleSucc = o ( mult(2) ) ( add(1) ) Type of doubleSucc : Int => Int

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Combinators : Function Composition

def o [A,B,C] ( f: B => C ) ( g: A => B ) : A => C =

( x :A ) => f( g( x ) )

...val mult = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x * y

val add = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x + y

...val doubleSucc = o ( mult(2) ) ( add(1) ) doubleSucc( 7 )

>> 16

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Combinators : Function Composition

def o [A,B,C] ( f: B => C ) ( g: A => B ) : A => C =

( x :A ) => f( g( x ) )

...val mult = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x * y

val add = ( x :Int ) => ( y: Int ) => x + y

...val doubleSucc = o ( mult(2) ) ( add(1) ) doubleSucc( 7 )

>> 16Postfix ...

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Combinators : Function Composition

class RichFunc [B, C] ( f: B => C ) {

def o[A] ( g: A => B ) = (x :A) => f( g( x ) )}

implicit def toRichFunc[B,C]( f: B => C ) = new RichFunc( f )

...val doubleSucc = mult(2) o add(1) doubleSucc( 7 )

>> 16

Infix !!!

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Combinators : Function Composition

class RichFunc [B, C] ( f: B => C ) {

def o[A] ( g: A => B ) = (x :A) => f( g( x ) )}

implicit def toRichFunc[B,C]( f: B => C ) = new RichFunc( f )

...val doubleSucc = mult(2) o add(1) doubleSucc( 7 )

>> 16

'Point free style' of function definition

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Example: Word Counter

Count all even words within a sentence:

“Hello World“ → 0

“The fox jumps over the lazy dog“ → 2

"This sentence contains five even words" → 5

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Example: Word Counter

Count all even words within a sentence:

“Hello World“ → 0

“The fox jumps over the lazy dog“ → 2

"This sentence contains five even words" → 5

Basic Functions:

parse Words → Word to length → filter even → count

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Example: Word Counter

val words = ( sentence : String ) => sentence.split( " " ).toList val length = ( ws :List[String] ) => for( w <- ws ) yield w.length

val filter = ( predicate: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => ...

val even = ( i :Int ) => i % 2 == 0

val size = ( xs :List[ _ ] ) => xs.size

Basic Functions

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Example: Word Counter

val words = ( sentence : String ) => sentence.split( " " ).toList val length = ( ws :List[String] ) => for( w <- ws ) yield w.length

val filter = ( predicate: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => ...

val even = ( i :Int ) => i % 2 == 0

val size = ( xs :List[ _ ] ) => xs.size

val evenWordCount = size o filter( even ) o length o words

Type of evenWordCount : String => Int

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Example: Word Counter

val words = ( sentence : String ) => sentence.split( " " ).toList val length = ( ws :List[String] ) => for( w <- ws ) yield w.length

val filter = ( predicate: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => ...

val even = ( i :Int ) => i % 2 == 0

val size = ( xs :List[ _ ] ) => xs.size

val evenWordCount = size o filter( even ) o length o words

val evenWordCount = (sentence :String ) =>

size ( filter( even ) ( length( words( sentence ) ) ) )


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Example: Word Counter

val words = ( sentence : String ) => sentence.split( " " ).toList val length = ( ws :List[String] ) => for( w <- ws ) yield w.length

val filter = ( predicate: Int => Boolean ) => ( xs :List[Int] ) => ...

val even = ( i :Int ) => i % 2 == 0

val size = ( xs :List[ _ ] ) => xs.size

val evenWordCount = size o filter( even ) o length o words

evenWordCount( "this sentence contains five even words" )

>> 5

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Fundamental Functions

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Fundamental Functions

def sum ( list : List[Int] ) : Int = list match { case Nil => 0 case x :: xs => x + sum( xs )}

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Fundamental Functions

def product ( list : List[Int] ) : Int = list match { case Nil => 1 case x :: xs => x * product( xs )}

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Fundamental Functions

def allTrue ( ys : List[Boolean] ) : Boolean = ys match { case Nil => true case x :: xs => x and allTrue( xs ) }

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

def reduce ( list : List[ T ] ) : R = list match { case Nil => ? case x :: xs => x ʘ reduce( xs ) }

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

def reduce ( list : List[ T ] ) : R = list match { case Nil => ? case x :: xs => x ʘ reduce( xs ) }


'subsuming operation'

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

def reduce[T,R] ( fun : T => R => R ) ( unit : R ) ( list : List[T] ) : R = list match { case Nil => unit case x :: xs => fun ( x ) ( reduce( fun )( unit )( xs ) ) }

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

def reduce[T,R] ( fun : T => R => R ) ( unit : R ) ( list : List[T] ) : R = list match { case Nil => unit case x :: xs => fun ( x ) ( reduce( fun )( unit )( xs ) ) }

reduce ʘ unit t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: Nil => t1 ʘ ( t2 ʘ ( t3 ʘ ( t4 ʘ unit ) ) )

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

val add = (x : Int) => (y : Int) => x + y val mult = (x : Int) => (y : Int) => x * y ... val sum = reduce ( add ) ( 0 ) _ val product = reduce ( mult ) ( 1 ) _

... sum( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

product( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

>> 10

>> 24

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Fundamental Functions : reduce

val or = ( x :Boolean ) => ( y :Boolean ) => x || y

val and = ( x :Boolean ) => ( y :Boolean ) => x && y

val not = ( x :Boolean ) => !x ... val existOneTrue = reduce ( or ) ( false ) _

val allFalse = not o reduce ( or ) ( false ) _

val allTrue = reduce ( and ) ( true ) _

... allTrue( List( 1 < 2, 3 == 3, 1 + 1 == 2 ) ) >> true

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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ _ ]) = x :: xs val listConcat = reduce ( append ) _

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )>> List( 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4 ) listConcat ( List( true, true, false ) ) ( List( true, false ) ) )>> List( true, false, true, true, false )

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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ _ ]) = x :: xs val listConcat = reduce ( append ) _

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )>> List( 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4 ) listConcat ( List( true, true, false ) ) ( List( true, false ) ) )>> List( true, false, true, true, false )


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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ _ ]) = x :: xs val listConcat = flipArgs( reduce ( append ) _ )

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )>> List( 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 ) listConcat ( List( true, true, false ) ) ( List( true, false ) ) )>> List( true, true, false, true, false )

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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ _ ]) = x :: xs val listConcat = flipArgs( reduce ( append ) _ )

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )>> List( 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 ) listConcat ( List( true, true, false ) ) ( List( true, false ) ) )>> List( true, true, false, true, false )


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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ _ ]) = x :: xs val listConcat = flipArgs( reduce ( append ) _ )

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )

Type of result: List[Any]


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Example: List concatenation

def append[T] (x:T) (xs:List[ T ]) = x :: xs def listConcat[A] ( a: List[A]) ( b: List[A] ) : List[A] = reduce[ A, List[A] ] ( ( append[A] ) _ ) (b) (a)

listConcat ( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) ( List( 8, 9 ) ) )

Type of result: List[Int]

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Fundamental Functions

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Fundamental Functions

val doubleAll : List[Int] => List[Int] = _ match {

case Nil => Nil

case y :: ys => y * 2 :: doubleAll( ys )}

doubleAll( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

>> List( 2, 4, 6, 8 )

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Fundamental Functions

val toLength : List[String] => List[Int] = _ match { case Nil => Nil case y :: ys => y.length :: toLength( ys )}

toLength( List( "a", "ab", "abc", "abcde" ) ) )

>> List( 1, 2, 3, 5 )

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Fundamental Functions : map

val map : List[T] => List[R] = _ match { case Nil => Nil case y :: ys => f?( y ) :: map( ys )}

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Fundamental Functions : map

def map[T, R] ( f: T => R ) : List[T] => List[R] = ( xs : List[T] ) => xs match { case Nil => Nil case y :: ys => f( y ) :: map( f )( ys ) }

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Fundamental Functions : map

def map[T, R] ( f: T => R ) : List[T] => List[R] = ( xs : List[T] ) => xs match { case Nil => Nil case y :: ys => f( y ) :: map( f )( ys ) }

Accepting a function to apply on every element

Resulting in another function,accepting the List of elements

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Fundamental Functions : map

def map[T, R] ( f: T => R ) : List[T] => List[R] = ...

...val mult = (x : Int) => (y : Int) => x * y

val doubleAll = map( mult( 2 ) )

...val toLength = map( ( s :String ) => s.length )

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Fundamental Functions : map

val add = (x : Int) => (y : Int) => x + y

val sum = reduce ( add ) ( 0 ) _ val sumMatrix = sum o map( sum )

Type of sum : List[Int] => Int

Type of map( sum ) : List[List[Int]] => List[Int]

Type of sumMatrix : List[List[Int]] => Int

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Fundamental Functions : map

val add = (x : Int) => (y : Int) => x + y

val sum = reduce ( add ) ( 0 ) _ val sumMatrix = sum o map( sum )

...val matrix = List( List( 1, 2, 3 ), List( 4, 5, 6 ), List( 7, 8, 9 ) )

sumMatrix( matrix ) >> 45

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map via reduce

def applyAndPrepend [A, B] ( f: A => B ) =

( a :A ) => ( bs :List[B] ) => f( a ) :: bs

def map [A, B] ( f: A => B ) : List[A] => List[B] =

reduce ( applyAndPrepend( f ) ) ( Nil ) _

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map via reduce

def applyAndPrepend [A, B] ( f: A => B ) =

( a :A ) => ( bs :List[B] ) => f( a ) :: bs

def map [A, B] ( f: A => B ) : List[A] => List[B] =

reduce ( applyAndPrepend( f ) ) ( Nil ) _

X1 :: X2 :: X3 :: X4 :: Nil

f :: f :: f :: f :: Nil

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filter via reduce

def filter[T]( pred :T => Boolean ) : List[T] => List[T] = reduce ( ( x :T ) => ( acc :List[T] ) =>

if( pred( x ) ) x :: acc else acc ) ( Nil )

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Type Classes

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Type Classes

def sum( xs : List[Int] ) : Int = xs match { case Nil => 0 case head :: tail => head + sum( tail )}

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Type Classes

def sum( xs : List[String] ) : String = xs match { case Nil => ““ case head :: tail => head + sum( tail )} Concatenation !

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Type Classes

def sum[A]( xs : List[A] ) : A = xs match { case Nil => ? case head :: tail => head ? sum( tail )}

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Type Classes

def sum[A]( xs : List[A] ) : A = xs match { case Nil => ? case head :: tail => head ? sum( tail )}

'neutral' element

element composition

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Type Classes

trait SemiGroup[S] { def add( x : S, y : S ) : S}

trait Monoid[M] extends SemiGroup[M] { def unit : M}

'neutral' element

element composition

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Type Classes

def sum [A] ( xs : List[A], m: Monoid[A] ) : A =

xs match { case Nil => m.unit case head :: tail => m.add( head, sum( tail, m) )


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Type Classes

def sum [A] ( xs : List[A], m: Monoid[A] ) : A =

xs match { case Nil => m.unit case head :: tail => m.add( head, sum( tail, m) )


'type constraint'

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Type Classes

object IntMonoid extends Monoid[Int]{

def add(x : Int, y : Int): Int = x + y

def unit : Int = 0}

sum( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ), IntMonoid )

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Type Classes

def sum [A] ( xs : List[A] ) ( implicit m: Monoid[A] ) : A = ...

implicit object IntMonoid extends Monoid[Int]{ … }

import typeclasses.monoid._...

sum( List( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

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Example: Clock-Monoid

sealed abstract case class ClockHour( hour: Int )case object HOUR_0 extends ClockHour( 0 )case object HOUR_1 extends ClockHour( 1 ) object HOUR_11 extends ClockHour( 11 )

…implicit object ClockHourMonoid extends Monoid[ClockHour]{ val hours = Array( HOUR_0, HOUR_1, HOUR_2, ..., HOUR_11 ) def add(x : ClockHour, y : ClockHour) = hours( ( x.hour + y.hour ) % 12 ) def unit : ClockHour = HOUR_0}

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Example: Clock-Monoid

import typeclasses.monoid.ClockHourMonoid...

sum( List( HOUR_5, HOUR_3, HOUR_8 ) )

>> HOUR_4

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Example: Contains element ?

trait Eq[E]{ def equals( e1 :E, e2 :E ) : Boolean}

def contains [T] ( x :T, xs : List[T] ) ( implicit eq :Eq[T] ) : Boolean = reduce

( ( y :T ) => ( acc :Boolean ) =>

if( eq.equals( x, y ) ) true else acc )( false )

( xs ) 2nd Arg: 'unit'

3rd Arg: List to reduce

1st Arg: 'reducing' function

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Example: Contains element ?

case class Person( name :String, age :Int ) implicit object PersonEq extends Eq[Person]{ def equals( p1 :Person, p2 :Person ) : Boolean =

( == && (p1.age == p2.age)} ...val persons = List( Person("Hans", 22),

Person( "Helga", 32 ), Person( "Hugo", 47 ) )

contains( Person( "Olga", 22 ), persons ) >> falsecontains( Person( "Helga", 32 ), persons ) >> true

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A simple Monad: Option


<< abstract >>

Some[+A] None

presence absence Handling the or of something the result of a computation (computational environment)

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


A simple Monad: Option

class CustomerDAO{

def findCustomer( custId: Long ) : Option<Customer> = { ... if( found( customer ) ) Some( customer ) else None } }

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


A simple Monad: Option

class CustomerDAO{

def findCustomer( custId: Long ) : Option<Customer> = { ... if( found( customer ) ) Some( customer ) else None } }

Explicit Notion, that there may be 'none' result

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


val customerHit = customerDAO.findCustomer( 123 );...

customerHit match {

case Some( customer ) => println( )

case None => println( “not found“ )}

A simple Monad: Option

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


val customerHit = customerDAO.findCustomer( 123 );...

customerHit match {

case Some( customer ) => println( )

case None => println( “not found“ )}

A simple Monad: Option

Explicit Handling the absensce of a result

Forces 'Awareness'

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


val customerHit = customerDAO.findCustomer( 123 );...

customerHit match {

case Some( customer ) => println( )

case None => println( “not found“ )}

A simple Monad: Option

... beside from that ... what's the deal ???

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


val customerHit = customerDAO.findCustomer( 123 );...

customerHit match {

case Some( customer ) => println( )

case None => println( “not found“ )}

A simple Monad: Option

'Protected' Function Composition ...

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


val projects = Map( "Jan" -> "IKT", "Joe" -> "TensE", "Luca" -> "InTA" ) val customers = Map( "IKT" -> "Hanso GmbH", "InTA" -> "RAIA Duo" ) val cities = Map( "Hanso GmbH" -> "Stuttgart", "Mogno" -> "Mailand" )

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


Where is Jan ? Jan -> IKT -> Hanso GmbH -> Stuttgart

val projects = Map( "Jan" -> "IKT", "Joe" -> "TensE", "Luca" -> "InTA" ) val customers = Map( "IKT" -> "Hanso GmbH", "InTA" -> "RAIA Duo" ) val cities = Map( "Hanso GmbH" -> "Stuttgart", "Mogno" -> "Mailand" )

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


public String whereIs( String name ){String project = projects.get( name );if( project != null ){

String customer = customers.get( project );if( customer != null ){

String city = cities.get( customer )if( city != null ) return city; else return “unknown“;

}else return ''unknown'';

}else return ''unknown'';



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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = { projects.get( name ) .flatMap( project => customers get project ) .flatMap( customer => cities get customer )

.getOrElse( "unknown!" )}

ScalaA simple Monad: Option

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = { projects.get( name ) .flatMap( project => customers get project ) .flatMap( customer => cities get customer )

.getOrElse( "unknown!" )}

ScalaA simple Monad: Option

Results in Option[String]

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = { projects.get( name ) .flatMap( project => customers get project ) .flatMap( customer => cities get customer )

.getOrElse( "unknown!" )}

ScalaA simple Monad: Option

Results in Option[String]

Option[A].map( A => B ) >> Option[B]

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = { projects.get( name ) .flatMap( project => customers get project ) .flatMap( customer => cities get customer )

.getOrElse( "unknown!" )}

ScalaA simple Monad: Option

Results in Option[String]

Option[A].map( A => B ) >> Option[B] Option[A].map( A => Option[B] ) >> Option[Option[B]]

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = { projects.get( name ) .flatMap( project => customers get project ) .flatMap( customer => cities get customer )

.getOrElse( "unknown!" )}

ScalaA simple Monad: Option

Results in Option[String]

Option[A].map( A => B ) >> Option[B] Option[A].map( A => Option[B] ) >> Option[Option[B]] Option[A].flatMap( A => Option[B] ) >> Option[B]

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Some[A] Some[B]


map( A => B ) map( B => C )





map( C => D )

. . .

Protected Composition

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


def whereIs( name: String ) = ( for( project <- projects get name;

customer <- customers get project; city <- cities get customer

) yield city

).getOrElse( "unknown!" )

A simple Monad: Option

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Mario Gleichmann JUG Frankfurt / Main


● Currying

● Combinators

● Fundamental Functions

● Type classes

● Monads

Scala allows for ...

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Thank you !

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