Theme Project

Capturing Tattoos By: Shy Long Period: 3 Digital Photography

Transcript of Theme Project

Capturing Tattoos

By: Shy LongPeriod: 3

Digital Photography

Tattoos are an Art as old as Time!

Theres a Story to all Tattoos! “Never walk alone”

Tattoo traces back to the Polynesian noun tatsu meaning “puncture mark of the skin”

Prison Tattoo artist use tools such as CD player motors,Springs, pens and soots!

The first Tattoo machine was patented by Samuel F. O’Reilly

Several U.S. Presidents are rumored to have had Tattoos!!!

Otzi The “Ice Man” is the oldest natural Mummy to have Tattoos!!!

Between the years 1961-1997 it was illegal to get a Tattoo in New York City!, because of the outbreak of Hepatitis B!!

For some people Tattoos express their personality!!!

Tattoos are Dangerous, but worth it in my opinion

Tattoos last forever so many people have to make hard decisions!

In the Christian Religion it is wrong to mark your body with Tattoos even piercings!

You can pretty much get a Tattoo anywhere on your body

Center of your chest, collarbone, top your feet, and hands are the most painful places to get a Tattoo!

In the U.S. there are more women with Tattoos than men!

Americans spend approximately 1.65 Billion on Tattoos annually

Did you know Laser Removal is the best way to remove a Tattoo?

Receiving a Tattoo is similar to getting stung by a Bee!!!

Thank you hope you enjoyed my work, and thanks to those who let me capture their Tattoos!!!!!!

For more interesting facts about Tattoos go to: []l