The vibe reader

Tom, Tom is a 17 year old sixth former from London. As an aspiring young rapper and the son of wealthy parents, when touring, he frequently attends concerts of performers such Jay-Z, Kanye West and Busta Rhymes. Being a crazed lover of hip-hop and R&B, Tom often reads “Vibe” magazine. When asked about his music, Tom said “Being a true follower of hip-hop is like no other feeling. I’ve been to theme parks, I’ve skydived, I can even drive, but all that combined is nothing compared to being a fan of hip-hop.” Tom is a budding youtuber with over 10,000 subscribers. He regularly posts music videos of new and upcoming artists, as well as videos produced by himself occasionally. He does this in order to help himself and others become known. Tom attends a music academy in west London, and as well as being interested in rapping, he also plays 3 instruments; the drums, trumpet and violin. Being new to the festival scene, Tom has only attended 2, Glastonbury and, as a reward for doing well in his exams, the Brooklyn hip-hop festival, where he saw the likes of acts such as Kendrick Lamar, Dr Dre and Childish Gambino. Seemingly, Tom’s world revolves around music but as a matter of fact he does obtain many other interests. These interests include breakdancing, paintballing, going to the gym and playing football at the weekends. Tom’s love for music grows more and more every day, and therefore I think it’s safe to say we could be seeing a new Eminem rising from within the ranks.

Transcript of The vibe reader

Page 1: The vibe reader

Tom, Tom is a 17 year old sixth former from London. As an aspiring young rapper and the son of wealthy parents, when touring, he frequently attends concerts of performers such Jay-Z, Kanye West and Busta Rhymes. Being a crazed lover of hip-hop and R&B, Tom often reads “Vibe” magazine. When asked about his music, Tom said “Being a true follower of hip-hop is like no other feeling. I’ve been to theme parks, I’ve skydived, I can even drive, but all that combined is nothing compared to being a fan of hip-hop.” Tom is a budding youtuber with over 10,000 subscribers. He regularly posts music videos of new and upcoming artists, as well as videos produced by himself occasionally. He does this in order to help himself and others become known. Tom attends a music academy in west London, and as well as being interested in rapping, he also plays 3 instruments; the drums, trumpet and violin. Being new to the festival scene, Tom has only attended 2, Glastonbury and, as a reward for doing well in his exams, the Brooklyn hip-hop festival, where he saw the likes of acts such as Kendrick Lamar, Dr Dre and Childish Gambino. Seemingly, Tom’s world revolves around music but as a matter of fact he does obtain many other interests. These interests include breakdancing, paintballing, going to the gym and playing football at the weekends. Tom’s love for music grows more and more every day, and therefore I think it’s safe to say we could be seeing a new Eminem rising from within the ranks.