THE UCAS APPLICATION PROCESS A Guide for Parents & Students

THE UCAS APPLICATION PROCESS A Guide for Parents & Students


THE UCAS APPLICATION PROCESS A Guide for Parents & Students. University Application Timetable 2014-2015. By the end of the summer holidays students will have: Received their AS level results Visited universities of interest to them / attended Open Days - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of THE UCAS APPLICATION PROCESS A Guide for Parents & Students


PROCESSA Guide for Parents & Students

University Application Timetable 2014-2015

By the end of the summer holidays students will have:

• Received their AS level results• Visited universities of interest to them / attended Open Days• Completed thorough research on different courses• Met with staff• Logged on to UCAS and begun their Application• Completed the first draft of their Personal Statement?


• 15th October: Deadline for Oxbridge, Veterinary Medicine/Science, Medicine, Dentistry applications

• 15th November: Internal Gordon’s deadline for applications to be processed and references written

• 15th January: Deadline for applications to be guaranteed consideration, except those listed above and those with a 24th March deadline.


• 31st March: Most offers made if application before 15th January.

• 31st May: Deadline for applying for student finance

• 30th June: Any applications after this must go through clearing.


• Continue to research courses• Institution research• Complete the UCAS application form• Write a personal statement


• Speak to your subject teachers

• Speak to your tutor

• Use the online resources available



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Make sure your insurance choice is:

•Completely achievable in terms of UCAS points or grades

•A place you will be happy studying – you must visit to make sure.


• Distance from home

• Cost

• Accommodation

• Two campus university

• Insurance choice visits


• Check the grades/UCAS points you will need to get accepted. Be realistic about what you can achieve

• Check that there are no GCSE subjects or other qualifications required

• Check on matriculation, i.e. that you have the basic qualifications needed to apply to the university


• Tuition fee loan – up to £9000

• Maintenance Grant – to be paid back

• Maintenance Loan – low income homes, not paid back


• On the website there are informative helpful sections for:

» Parents (including a Parent Guide)» Students» Stamford Test: what subject suits you?» Course search» Typical grades/points offers made for each

subject» Links to other HE sites» Links to university/ college websites» Information on finance» ucasapply» ucastrack

UCAS APPLY• UCAS applications are made online through the ‘APPLY’ section

of the website.

• The Personal Statement

• Interview

• Five courses

• Tutor completes reference

• Checked and sent by Head of Sixth Form

The Personal Statement

• The main opportunity for the student to sell themselves!

• Reasons for choosing the course (at least half the statement).

• Background of your interest in the course.• Any employment / work experience / shadowing

completed and the skills / insight gained from doing so.• Achievements – exam based, musical, sporting etc.• Career aspirations – linked with the course hoping to

be studied.• Hobbies and interests – sporting, musical etc.• Any non-examined subjects or courses being studied.• Try and relate everything written to the course you

wish to study.

A few other hints…

• Try to avoid too much use of the word ‘I’.• Copying - Similarity Detection Service searches

personal statements for plagiarism.• Make sure you’ve done the things you claim – you may be questioned on them!

• Draft and re-draft.• Speak to subject staff who may well have done a

similar degree to the one you are wishing to study.• Make it professional – no mistakes, slang terms.• Complete it as soon as possible.

SUMMARY:• Full research

• Be realistic

• Be aware of the deadlines

• Maximise any opportunities they can to enhance their application

• Pay particular attention to the Personal Statement.

• Ask for help at any time when they are unsure.


• Higher Education Day – 20th June• Personal statement writing workshop at the

Holt School (Russell group)• Open Days and taster visits continue • Personal Statement writing day – 12th

September• Contact

[email protected] with any queries