The True Definition of Success Final 111218021132 Phpapp02




Transcript of The True Definition of Success Final 111218021132 Phpapp02

  • The True Definition of Success & Why Yours Is Wrong 2

    By Dennis Marshall ( 2

    Copyright by (As in All rights reserved to hunt you down and destroy you if you copy my stuff Dont do it, ok? Think of your own things. Use your brain. Youll come up with something. Seriously though, if you need some help writing or some advise, just message me)

  • The True Definition of Success & Why Yours Is Wrong 3

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    Table of Contents Introduction

    Chapter 1: Who The Heck Is Dennis Marshall & Why Should I Listen To Him?

    Chapter 2: Youre Fired!!!

    Chapter 3: Do You Have The Time?

    Chapter 4: Your Definition of Success is Wrong & Heres Why?

    Chapter 5: Change Your Thoughts & Change Your Life

    Chapter 6: What Is Money?

    Chapter 7: No Engine, No Movement

    Chapter 8: You Better Answer That Darn Phone!!

    Chapter 9: Dont just quit your job! It could be a big mistake; TRUST ME. Chapter 10: Dont Just Make Your Next Move Your Best Move; Make It Your Best Move EVER!!

    Chapter 11: About The Author

    Chapter 12: Acknowledgements Coming Soon

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    Introduction When I first set out to write this book, I didnt know what I was going to write about; I had no plan or blueprint for chapters that I would do; just straight balls to the walls determination that I was going to put together something that would be epic.

    Something that would open the eyes of so many that are completely blind to the fact that they are blind.

    Now you have to realize that Im speaking metaphorically. Theyre blind mentally; blind to the fact that theyre living a lie. Life as we know it is filled with lots of lies and its not until we meet certain people, listen to or read certain literature or come across a book like this, that our eyes are truly open.

    I chose the topic of success because there are so many people running around thinking that success means one thing or that.

    Well Im here to tell you that that is crap; the purest grade of crap. You could literally grow a whole field of tomatoes with just a handful of what people think success is these days.

    Now if youre wondering who I am and why the heck you should listen to me, thats coming next. Im going to fill you in on a little secret about success that no one is telling people these days.

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    Take a ride with me on the road to success as we explore the best route to TRUE SUCCESS and how to get there without all the unnecessary stops in the middle.

    Just so you know, Im going to be asking questions that are going to hit you like a punch from Mike Tyson (when he was young). When I ask them, you need to go into deep thought and analyze your life because thats the only way youre gong to make it where you need to be.

    Ready? Hold on because this can be a bumpy ride

    No one said it would be easy!!

    **Quick Warning**

    This book is NOT for those:

    v That are completely happy with working for the man.

    v That think a guaranteed paycheck is the only & best way

    v That feel a 401k is the best thing since sliced bread

    v Who think anyone who would want to go into business for themselves are crazy.

    Im not telling you cant read my book. I would never deny anyone this one of kind information. Just saying that people with that kind of thinking, 9 times out of 10, will not agree with

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    most of the things I have to say and they will only be wasting their time.

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    Chapter 1 Who The Heck is Dennis Marshall & why should I listen to him?

    Im sure thats what some are saying so if you dont know me, my name is Dennis Marshall, better known as Mr. Dennis Knows. Yea I pretty much think Im the coolest dude walking the

    face of this earth but Ill give you some say so in that. For the record, Im a Pro blogger, internet marketer and I dabble in other ventures that make money.

    Im a guy that walked through life wearing those same shoes that most are wearing. I wore them proudly for a while. Got me a good job, or so I thought, and began my quest to obtain the American Dream.

    Little did I know, the American Dream is a total nightmare to most and trying to get this dream involves a lot less slumber than most would like to have.

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    See I worked a few jobs, going from one to the next. I was getting better pay as I moved on each time, so in my mind, I was moving up in this elevator of life. Was I really moving up?

    If I werent trying to clean up my language, I would curse here. Im going to keep it clean with a big fat HECK NO!

    After going from job to job a total of 5 times, I started to realize something. I would be extremely happy that I had a new job. Im talking about leaving work with a smile so big, youd think I was a fat kid trapped in a bakery.

    I would get home after a long day of work and do nothing productive. Just finish out my day, go to sleep and do it over again.

    Almost every time after 5-7 months, I would get into it with my superiors because Im smarter than them. Okay thats a bold statement but its true.

    Long story short (because I could bore you for hours), I would start looking for a new job around this time.

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    Well the last and final time was when the shoes that 95% of the world is so comfortable wearing, started to feel a little tight. No one wanted to hire me. I was black listed at my job (a huge

    hospital) to the point where I couldnt switch positions.

    It felt like a low budget porn movie get it. Couldnt switch positions I thought it was funny. Anyways.

    What was I to do? No one would hire me and I couldnt change departments. I had worked for 7+ years making money and buying things that were absolutely useless. I was on my way to success right? I had money, women, a car, clothes, my own crib (thats house for those that dont know) and did I say women?

    I had everything that I thought would take me to being successful; and my main vehicle to this false since of success was about to be stripped from me.

    What happened next is what has happened to well over 16% of Americans (not 9% like theyd like you to believe).

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    We all have possibilities we don't know about. We can do things we don't even dream we can do.

    -Dale Carnegie

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    Chapter 2 Youre Fired!! Do you remember those shoes that werent fitting too well? Well they got so tight that I had to take them off. I could no longer be a slave on this modern day plantation.

    After reading a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad (You must read it), I started slacking at work and looking for opportunities to be an entrepreneur. Once you read a book like that, you look at things like work as if youre

    allergic to it; and you will be.

    Forget making someone else millions. I would rather make myself millions by applying my newfound knowledge and using the most important asset we as human beings have. Ill tell you about that a little later.

    The day they fired me was the happiest day of my life. Well the day I was typing this book was a pretty good one too. I had money in the bank, money at home, money on the way and

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    money to be made but more importantly, no one to tell me what to do. It was pure freedom and power.

    Take this example. Would you rather work 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, with occasional overtime, at a secure job and bring home a guaranteed $1500 a month or would you rather be unemployed in the worst economy in history bringing home a guaranteed $250 a week while not having to answer to anyone and having the whole day to do as you please?

    That 2nd one sounds harsh when say it like that huh? Have you heard the saying change your thoughts and change your life?

    Well let me change your thoughts a bit. Lets look at that 2nd option like this:

    Be unemployed in the worst job market in history while bringing home a guaranteed $1000 a month and having all the time in the world to brain storm, network & put together a entrepreneurial business plan that, if done right, can definitely account for that $500 or more in income that youre missing out on each month. Not to mention, youre not slaving away on someone elses payroll working days and nights to make their American Dream a success.

    Okay before you whip out the old tongue and start cursing me, I am not telling anyone to quit their job or tell their boss to shove it.

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    See I was bombarded with negativity at my job and because I think different, I was blacklisted. This eventually led me to realize that either I would be fired or I would have to quite before I ended up in jail for killing someone. Trust me; it was that bad.

    Before I got fired, I had a website, some knowledge about making money online and I had just started flipping houses.

    I remember being pissed off because my job was getting in the way of me succeeding at these ventures. I didnt have TIME to invest like I wanted. I figured after being fired, I would be able to focus 100% on these definite moneymakers and eventually replace what I was making at my job with earnings from my entrepreneurial journey.

    So as you can see, I would dive head first into option number 2. I would choose the path least traveled; walk on glass without shoes; jump out of the plane with no parachute. Okay maybe those are a little much but I would take a chance. Thats what Im getting at and in doing that, I gain the single most important ASSET we have available to us as human beings.

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    Do you know what that is?

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    Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!

    -E. Nightingale

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    Chapter 3 Do you have the TIME?

    I bet youre like finally this guy spills the beans. Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to do something but you either couldnt or had to cut it short because you had to go to work?

    Of course you have. I remember a friend called and told me (right before he chose option 2) that he had just called into work because he had found a quick way to make 300 bucks. He was using that good ol thinking cap.

    Why go work for 8 hours and make a maximum of $70 or $80 when you can use your time to make $300?

    Well he dreadfully decided to go to work but he went in late and boy was he happy. He had made a weeks pay in a few hours. That kept him going the whole night.

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    What Im getting at is, are you being held back from your true potential? Is your job quite possibly getting in the way of your true success?

    It was for me, it was for him, another friend of mines, my mentor I could go on for hours about some of the people I know that figured this out but once they realized that TIME is the single most valuable asset we have available to us on this earth, their lives changed drastically.

    A great friend of mine named Sandy C, once said, you cant manage what you cant control.

    My friend, if youre working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, youre not in control. On top of that, youre going

    to be sleep 5 8 hours a day so thats close to 16 hours out of a 24 hour day gone every single day with close to half going to whoever is in control of your TIME.

    Its a shame that on days off, which are usually strategically placed apart for whatever reasons, people are so exhausted from constantly being on the go and working, they use them for rest.

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    This is a cycle known as the rat race. We call it the matrix, the trap and anything else that describes being trapped in a never-ending cycle. They get you with the cheese:

    v Higher Pay v Better positions v Better benefits v Vacation days v Income Tax returns v 401ks

    And once you take the cheese your officially in the rat race. A huge corporation now controls your time.

    Once again, Im not telling you or anyone to just quite their job. There is a way to do it right and a way to do it wrong. Well talk about how I did it wrong and how you can avoid it later.

    Im trying to change your thinking so that you can change your life. This is the first step in the right direction and having this knowledge about life and TIME is going to take you where you need to go. It did for me, my friends and many other people that I dont personally know but have read about.

    Now me; Im no millionaire, I dont have 2 Bentleys parked at my beach house and I dont have hundreds of women throwing

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    panties at me on a stage so why is it that I go around talking on my iPhone with a walk like I hit the lottery 3 times and usually a smile that would get me a Colgate endorsement deal? Because I am successful, but by my own definition; emphasis on MY.

    The crazy thing is, I was successful the day I got fired or at least I felt like I was; and you can be also. Thats the whole purpose of this book; to open minds up to realize what the true definition of success is.

    Whats the definition of success? I ask this and from what I hear 9 times out of 10, 9 people need to be completely brainwashed; and for those that are thinking brainwashing is not a good thing, it doesnt always have to be bad.

    A lot of people reading this book have been brainwashed to think what Im saying is wrong.

    I was told I was crazy for not working a regular job. Friends stop associating with me. I dont know if its because they thought I was crazy or because they got sick of my different posts online about how I was making more money and still unemployed.

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    To most, money is everything but to me, time is. Ill tell you what money is to me in just a bit. Lets study what the true definition of success is in chapter 4.

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    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

    -Henry Ford

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    Chapter 4 Your definition of success is wrong and heres why

    All our lives & a whole lot lately, weve been brainwashed to look at having material possessions as being successful. Someone that has a nice car with rims is balling according to this new generation.

    What many fail to realize is that a lot of those people are successful physically, but mentally, they are tied down and a lot of the times on an emotional rollercoaster. They are regular people just like you and I and they deal with life just like we do.

    Now I know some people are like, who cares? Their life is their life. Just give me the money and the cars.

    Material stuff is great. Dont get the impression that I would

    turn down a brand new Beamer just because Im not all into material possessions. I would take it just like the next man but

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    the difference is Im going to be driving to live, NOT living to drive.

    The cars, money and all the other things are just pieces and parts of what comes with being successful. They dont define success.

    The absolute true definition of success is that it has no definition. It just has many standards making it a way of life; and that way of life is happiness.

    Success should be and is a measure of how happy you are. Not by how much money you have or can get.

    This is why I keep drilling in peoples head that Im not telling you to quit your job. Im simply telling you to find happiness.

    Everyone is not made to do this or that. Just like I wasnt made to work a job, everyone isnt made to be a airplane pilot.

    Best example is a janitor that has been cleaning the same floors for the last 30 years for minimum wage. To many people, this may be a completely unwanted job but if he is truly happy with what hes doing then hes more successful than a group of rich businessmen that are scared to be themselves because of fear of ridicule from

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    their peers.

    I wish I knew this at the age of 18. I would have saved thousands of dollars that I wasted trying to be successful like rappers I saw on a daily basis. I would probably be a millionaire right now but everything happens for a reason.

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    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

    -Winston Churchill

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    Chapter 5

    Change your thoughts & change your life

    This is probably one of the biggest changes I went through on my road to success. I remember having thoughts that do mentally to your brain, what cancer does to it physically. I would tell people. Are you ready for this?

    I hope for the best and expect the worse

    Oh my goodness! Just thinking back on that kind of thinking, I thank God I made it to where Im at today. Thats like praying and asking for something and just knowing that God wont answer your prayers.

    Not to force my beliefs on you but thats how I roll. Whatever or whoever you believe in, you still wont make it far if you plan to fail.

    Another example was when I took massage class. Yea Mr. Dennis Knows was about to be a masseuse.

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    It was a very promising field until I found out that I didnt have a choice whether I could massage men or not. One of the worst experiences of my life

    Ok I was helping people but thats not the point. Not trying to brag, but let me just throw in there that I was absolutely amazing with my hands. I could massage someone into a coma with a side effect of slob on the pillow.

    This got me all the way through school but the whole time I was worried about that dreaded state test that was coming faster than a pass from Bret Favre.

    My mindset was if I failed it, I wasnt taking it again. I couldnt take it again. After telling myself that over and over again, I failed that test by 8 questions. Time to go back and take it again right? It was only 8 questions. Wrong. Remember that Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams where someone in the field whispered, if you build it, he will come?

    Well the same thing applies to your mind. If you think it, it will happen; especially the bad stuff.

    My life played out just like it did in my head.

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    I failed that test and never took it again. Only bad thing is my mind let me down in planning what I would do next.

    As you know, 8 questions and a cancerous thought process kept me from getting into the massage field, but that didnt keep me from doing what 95% of the population ends up doing

    I joined the rat race

    One thing I can say though. I got a great set of hands for a cool $8,000. What a deal.

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    If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree

    -Jim Rohn

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    Chapter 6

    What is money?

    Lets break money down. Your going to think Im crazy for this but money is NOTHING. Its paper and as of right now, its not worth the

    paper that its printed on.

    Quick fact out of left field It only costs $0.04 to print a dollar bill. Back to our regularly scheduled program.

    So why are people still choosing money over friends, family and love?

    Because they feel having money on top of money gives them security. Notice people always say they want money and power. Power comes with money.

    In my world, time is power. Money will soon follow when you realize this.

    I know you see how so many rich celebs are steps away from death. You think they have everything. They have all the money in the world, Women or men falling at their feet and 15 cars in

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    their garage. If they have all this, then why are they so close to the edge?

    Because money gives no type of mental stability besides the fact that you know you dont have to worry about paying bills.

    Money only has the power you give it and the truth is, the power is not really in the money. The power is in the resource that you buy with the money.

    If you could get that same resource for free, then it would crush the value of money. Thats a pretty wild thought but its true.

    Eventually we will come to a time when money means nothing; even more than now. When its not enough to cover that resource that it was so famous for buying, people are going to be forced to look for another form of money or something to get the resources they need.

    Im not by any means telling you to not get money. Im simply saying keep your focus on whats important. In the famous words of Lauryn Hill, You can get the money; you can get the power, but keep your eyes on the final hour

    My main focus is making it into Gods kingdom. Whats yours?

    I dont want to focus too much on money because like I said, its not that important.

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    Now you know that money is nothing and the definition of success. What now?

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    Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing.

    -Napoleon Hill

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    Chapter 7

    No Engine, No Movement

    As Im writing this, Im on a plane from San Diego, CA. I had a great trip and plan on moving there real soon. Now can you tell me what would have stopped

    this whole trip dead in its tracks?

    You read the title right? Its a little far fetched but you should catch my drift. If this plane doesnt have an engine then theres no motion, which means that my trip would have been canceled.

    This same simple equation applies to us. We are all planes headed to that destination which we consider success and we will not reach it unless we take massive action.

    Massive action is what it takes to make that trip.

    I hear all the time Big money Dennis or traveling man or my personal favorite I want to be like you when I grow up. When I hear this, I tell them You can and I mean it with every taste bud of my tongue.

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    Most people see me as successful because I dont work a regular job yet I have some if not more of the things they aspire to have in life.

    Along with that, they think all this came easy.

    See most people dont have what it takes to be successful because they want it to be easy.

    They dont know that I worked countless hours building site after site, living and learning, making mistakes and making money and finally, almost getting slapped with a 3rd degree felony in real estate. Yea they had me scared for a minute.

    I recently read that to be truly success, you have to willing to accept failure 98% of the time until finally you get to that 2%. Thats rough!

    Im here to tell you SUCCESS AINT EASY. Its going to be one of the hardest things in life that you ever try to attain.

    This is because with everything youre trying to learn, theres a learning curve where youre going to make mistakes. Your job is to learn from those mistakes and not make them again.

    Ive made so many mistakes. Ive created blogs that I thought because I was getting crazy traffic, I would make thousands of dollars. Turned out, I had spent hours building a site that would only bring a few dollars a day.

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    I tried to make money as a mail stuffer. That ended up being the quickest $35 I ever wasted.

    Ive spent hours on other Internet ventures that only took up my time and didnt really make me any money.

    Whats different from most people and me is that I never gave up. I didnt quit just because the first couple of times, my ideas didnt work.

    I saw 2 things. Either I was making money and needed to bump it up to the max or it was a total dud and I didnt need to put any more of my money and time into it.

    I saw the potential calling out to me like one of those collect calls from your close relative whos in prison for the next 20 years. You know its going to cost you to answer it. You want to talk to them so bad because its been so long but simply put, some of us just dont have it in us to take that call.

    Are you going to take the call when it rings?

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    Chase your passion, not your pension.

    Denis Waitley

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    Chapter 8

    You Better Answer That Darn Phone!!

    Have you ever heard the saying When opportunity knocks, you better answer?

    Well in that same sense, when the chance to become truly successful calls, you better answer.

    Remember; Im not telling you to quit your job. Heavens no! I would never tell anyone to quit his or her job but I will ask you one question.

    Well maybe 3.

    Do you absolutely without a doubt love your current job?

    If this same job were immediately taken from you, would you love it then?

    Would you consider figuring out your passion and getting paid to connect with other people that share that same passion?

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    If you answered yes to the first question, then this book may not help you at all but you can keep on reading.

    Please dont look at your job as being secure unless you work in a funeral home because Ive heard of a certain successful person, college degree and nice cars with a 200k a year salary that became jobless. He ended up delivering pizzas in a Corvette.

    Moral of the story is that the only secure job is when youre the boss and control whats going on.

    In my Internet business, if Im on top of new movements and shifts in the Internet world, I make the necessary changes while others who dont lose their jobs.

    Its just that simple.

    In a corporation that you work for, they see a change and they may wait til the deadline to get you up to speed on something.

    If you cant keep up, you can easily be replaced. This was constantly hammered in my head with the constant waving of penitential job applicants applications in my face with a you know there are plenty of people waiting for your job.

    I later realized this was mere intimidation and psychology. It never worked on me, which is why I was singled out and fired.

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    Dont depend on a secure job from a corporation as the vehicle on your road to success. Ive seen too many people be let down by taking this route.

    Now Im going to explain why you shouldnt just quite your job. It may break you down worse than you could imagine.

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    How can you inspire someone if youve never been through anything?

    Sandy C.

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    Chapter 9

    Dont just quit your job! It could be a big mistake; TRUST ME.

    I know youve heard the success stories from gurus on how they had no job facing homelessness and became millionaires in 6 months after

    sucking it up and taking risks.

    These stories can sound very juicy but they can also be misleading. How do I know? Because I was one of the people that was mislead but I dont blame the gurus. Ill explain in a few.

    Unless you live at home with your parents, theres one thing that no matter how bad life gets, you cant get around paying. Thats BILLS.

    When you start an online business, just like any other business, you will need money to reinvest. If you make $100 profit, invest all or some, back into your business to make $200 profit and so on.

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    If you have bills to pay, then your profits are going to be sucked dry. Now me; I take risks so I was skipping bills and putting money into my internet business but when things dont go the way you expect them to, those overdue bills catch up with you and it becomes a hole that is hard to get out of.

    This is the reason I tell people not to just quit your job. If you cant pay your bills, then most likely, youre going to be extremely stressed out. I know I was at some points.

    Instead, I suggest hanging on to a steady source of income until its no longer needed. Once you get the hang of this online thing and start having extra money lying around, its time to start TAKING YOUR TIME BACK.

    So I dont sound like a hypocrite, please remember that I had no choice. It was either get fired or quit. I never quit so I ended up being singled out and fired. As I look back on my past struggles, if I could do it over, I would have tried to hang in there a little while longer to get my finances in order but truthfully, it was out of my control.

    Its a known fact that you will see what you are really made of when you are faced with trying times.

    Having my lights cut off, facing eviction and later getting evicted, didnt faze me at all. It made me stronger, wiser and gave me the drive to want to achieve more. It may be hard for

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    you to get this exact mindset or maybe not but you must be able to look at bad times as stepping stones to get to the good ones.

    Sandy came through once again with great advise. Before I tell you what she told me, know that I always talk to her because shes been through so much. She was rich at one point (I think a millionaire), lost everything down to being homeless and now shes wealthy. Could you imagine the knowledge and inspiration you can get from someone like that?

    I hit her up one day telling her about some of the things I was going through. She explained to me that this was part of the process. She asked me how do you expect to inspire someone if youve never been through anything yourself?

    That one quote got me ready for the world knowing that bad times are going to come but those same bad times will allow me to really connect with people because Ive been through what theyre going through. Thats why Sandy and I are so close.

    To end this chapter, remember I talked earlier about the successful people telling their stories? Those stories arent to propel you into just buying their products. They are meant to make you see that theyve been through just what youre going

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    through and with a little hard work and determination, you can end up in the same position they are in.

    So whats your next move?

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    Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.

    -Brian Tracy

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    Chapter 10

    Dont Just Make Your Next Move Your Best Move; Make It Your Best Move EVER!

    By now your thinking should be completely rewired. If not, Im

    Sorry to hear that. This book was like medicine meant to take once in a lifetime but it wont hurt to take it (read it) again. I take it everyday because I live it.

    Your first step is to figure out what your passion is. Do you like fishing? What about making art out of spaghetti noodles?

    I dont care what you love to do. It could be building houses out of straw to mimic the 3 little pigs. Theres a market for it and your job is to find it.

    I suggest in your free time (if your currently working a job), start doing some research and find out what your competition for your market is looking like.

    Im a Pro Blogger so as you can imagine, my competition is fierce but what sets me apart from the big guys is I showed

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    checks in my beginning stages when I was only making a few hundred bucks. Everyone else waits til their getting big whopper sized checks to start showing them.

    Im constantly growing and Im bringing people along for the ride. Not allowing them to hop on the bandwagon once I get there.

    This is more pressure on me because I have to perform or I fail in front of a crowd but.

    Remember what I said about if you think it, it will happen

    Well failure is not an option. I cant fail...

    Literally, because I know too much to fail and I plan on keeping it that way.

    Your best outlets to bringing people to your niche is through your very own blog or website. This is where you can do just like me. No holds barred content about whatever you want to talk about.

    If you havent already, you should have a FaceBook page; both a personal page and fan page. This is where the magic happens.

    You can either create ads that only go after people that have interest in your particular niche or you can get your hands dirty (figuratively of course) and search for people using the

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    advanced Facebook search. If you have a small niche thats not really that big, word of mouth is going to be your best friend since high school.

    This is why you need Facebook connections on your website. You can set it up where when people leave a comment, it shows up on their Facebook page. This is powerful because chances are, Billy has friends that are interested in the same thing that he is and that means they may come to your website and the process repeats itself over and over again. Talk about getting your name out there fast.

    Youve now allowed the world to know your true passion and those that have the same passion will praise you for giving them a place to meet and greet. Meet and greet being leaving comments and maybe eventually holding an event.

    Do you think that comic book/video game event they hold in San Diego became the biggest event ever in that niche overnight? No. I dont know their strategies but I can almost guarantee that they started just like you and I. A website or a small group of nerds that were picked on because of what they like. Now they have an event that brings hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city and many cities would start a city war to hold such an event for those funds.

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    Im giving you the formula for being happy and free that I use. This is not the blueprint and no guarantee that youll ever make a dime from your passion.

    Many people work regular jobs with blogs and have a nice following and because theyre scared of losing integrity, they are scared to make some money.

    Not me. I know that Im providing a service and I feel my time is valuable so Im going to make money the best way I can while providing people with the content that may change their lives and give them an escape.

    I use the Internet because its the best way to profit today. It will literally get you in front of the world with the click of a mouse or the making of a video.

    How do I know?

    Because people do it everyday. Im living proof. I wrote a book on my MacBook and gave it out on internet and here you are. Reading my book.

    Others have started YouTube channels talking about whatever they want. Sports, relationship advice or just plain ol news. The more they let their personality out in their videos, the bigger following they get.

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    Do you know that YouTube pays you when you get a large number of views on your videos?

    Its called a YouTube partner. I make money from YouTube views and Im not even a partner.

    This is the easiest method to get started on the internet. You cant be camera shy though. One thing I will suggest is to not put too much focus on trying to make your first videos perfect. I promise you; as you make more and more videos, youll get better at it. Its great to sit back and watch your progression.

    I remember my videos use to be mediocre and boring. I now hop in front of a camera with no fear and full of energy. If youre scared to speak in front of a camera, I suggest you read book on public speaking.

    Im giving you basic methods that are very valid to get started on making your next move your best move. If you want to make a change, you have to do something.

    Let me ask you some questions.

    Do you hate having to answer to someone else? I did!

    Do you feel that youre smarter than the people over you? I always did.

    Do you want to be your own boss? I am.

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    Do you want to set your own hours? I do

    Do you want to be happy? I am

    Truth is, working to fulfill someone elses American Dream or Definition of Success can slow you down a lot or completely prevent you from succeeding yourself. It almost seems like it was built like that.

    If I had employees trying to be successful by their own definitions, I would be worried about productivity because they suck at working. I sure did.

    As I sit here and type this, I remember when I first started trying to create a name for myself online. I didnt know what I was doing. I installed themes, hooked up blogs and didnt have a clue where I was going with it. I had one blog that was hip-hop & everything else. Ive since shut that down.

    Its time to take action; find your passion in life and find a market for it and CASH IN ON IT!

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    Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

    -Denis Waitley

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    Chapter 11

    About The Author

    My About The Author section is a bit different than others Ive read in the past. I didnt want it to seem like someone else wrote about me. I wrote it and its about me, the author. What better way to do that than to tell you about me in my own words?

    In case you dont know, thats me to the left. My name is Dennis Marshall. I grew up with dreams of becoming. Well I dont even

    know. I just wanted to be successful.

    I grew up the only child so and as you can imagine, my imagination was beyond amazing (along with a side of selfishness).

    I grew up in a single parent home; just me, my mom and an occasional hamster, goldfish or parrot throughout the years. I didnt grow up with the best of everything like I wanted but I had everything I needed.

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    Elementary and middle-school were easy rolling for me. As you probably know, 90% of kids get honor-roll in those grades. For some reason, they thought I was Gifted so they put me in advanced classes. From 1st grade to 6th grade, I only missed getting the honor-roll once. That teacher had it in for me. When I got to 7th grade, they shoved me in advanced classes. I soon realized that I was a regular kid after getting my first D in Mr. Goldbergs math class. Ive always remembered his name because I wondered was he the father of the pro-wrestler named Goldberg.

    I moved around quite a bit due to my mom just liking to see new places. This kept me from keeping childhood friends. Today, I only have 2 friends I still talk to from my childhood.

    High-school; the first time for everything. Sadly my mom passed away during my senior year in 2003 after a short battle with kidney failure; just after I turned 18. It didnt settle in until a few days after her passing that my mom was gone out of my physical life forever.

    The woman that stuck by my side through thick and thin; never let me down and gave me everything I needed. The only friend I knew I would never lose was now gone. Im actually holding back tears as I write this but I always remember what my mom

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    asked for; to be able to see her little boy grow to be a man. I was officially a man.

    I barely graduated high-school after that so I decided not to waste my time with college. My self diagnosed ADHD along with a desire to make money then and not later, lead me to my very first job. Wal-Mart welcomed me with open arms.

    Didnt last long and I wont bore you with my work history because boy is it boring. Just know that there was a lot of hard work, small checks and a ton of trial and error.

    I eventually moved to Tampa where I hooked up with my father. I didnt know I had a twin walking the earth. Me and my father are so much alike. People say I look like him but I dont see it. Do you?

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    Hop in my Delorean (car from Back To The Future) and fast-forward to 2010; the year my life changed. I was finally fed up with dealing with the same problem from job to job. Employers asking me to do things that they couldnt do themselves. I decided I had enough.

    I started my own company, got into real estate investing, began blogging and studying ways to make money online.

    It took some time but Ive made so much progress. I still have a ways to go though. Im still on my path to my definition of success. Theres one thing Im longing for though.

    Unlike 80% (and that may be too small) of men who think that falling in love is bad, I truthfully want to get married to the love of my life and treat her like I would want my mom to be treated.

    Im in search of my definition of love I guess you can say. Thats going to be a book title one day.

    Pray for me because I need it in this world as I search for true love.

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    I hope you enjoyed my very first book. The power of the internet. I was able to create, distribute and give away my own book. I have a vivid imagination but never did I imagine this.

    Thank you for reading and God bless

    Click the Like Button below to Like my FanPage on Facebook

    Dedicated to the memory of my mother

    Gone but NEVER forgotten

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    Chapter 12

    Acknowledgements First and foremost I would like to thank God for allowing me to be able to wake up each morning and being able to put my thoughts into words for you to read.

    I would like to thank my family. I have so many family members; I wont begin to name them. If youre reading this, you know who you are. I love you for who you are and everything you do.

    I would like to thank my friends. My best friend Josh, who is always there whether I need some spiritual advice or just a hair cut. Best barber Ive ever had cut my hair.

    I would like to thank Chris; another good friend of mines. Weve been through most of the same ups and downs that come with striving to be an entrepreneur. Life is our university and we are up for graduation my friend (Im putting that in the next book; Wow was that a nice line).

    I would like to thank Sandy. Sandy has been an amazing friend. I love her because shes not a yes man (or yes woman I guess). She tells you how it is no matter if you want to hear it or not. Sandy was the first person to read The Definition of Success.

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    She proofread it as a favor. So if you see any errors in the book, blame Sandy. LOL. Im just kidding but Im only human; Im not perfect. Give me some slack.

    I would like to give a HUGE thanks to the 1000s of people that downloaded The Definition of Success in the beginning days

    They helped in molding me into becoming an author (which I never aspired to be). I just put my newfound knowledge in a book and gave it away and oh how they thanked me for it. I cherish their feedback and especially the 14 year old that wrote me telling me how my book make a huge change in his life.

    Finally (I saved the worst for last), I would like to thank my former employers. Them treating me like absolute crap for over a year got me to thinking. It made me realize that I was better than what I was; that I didnt have to slave away while being disrespected in order to get a paycheck.

    Their treating me like I was disposable was the biggest push ever to me becoming an entrepreneur and I want to thank them for that.

    Sadly, one of my former managers (who absolutely hated me) passed away. I would like to wish his family the best as they deal with the loss of a father and a husband.

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    Dont always be quick to lash out at someone who seems angry all the time. You never know whats going on in their lives on a day-to-day basis

    -Dennis Marshall

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    Coming Soon. The Definition of Education and Why Youve Been Taught Wrong. This book is going to open some eyes about what real education is and why the old methods of getting a quality education are outdated and can be considered a scam.