The tribune (Beaufort, S.C.).(Beaufort, S.C.) 1875-02-24 [p ].W ' i* V.f, » ' ' >!' II M-. f.;:-} 4...

. > W ' i* V .f, » ' ' > !' II M - . f. ; : - " } 4 VU* rwr*rr4 M ' THE TRIBUNE. . C* *- si »i 'i»*4iv 0OXM ' / f\ - " r' * ' ' ,' -* "j . . . " « . . . « / ' ' VOL: L--NO. 14. BEAUFORT. 8. C., FEBRUARY 24, 1875. $2.00 PER ANNUM. i i i ' . 1 ...... «» * «* I »«»A The Paradox of Time. *5 Time goeB, you say ? All no! Alas, time stays, wo go ; Or else, woro thin not so. What need to chain the hours, r For youth were always ours? Time goes, you say?.ah no ! Cure is the eyes' deceit Of men whoso flying feet I,esd through some landscape low; We {Ass, and think wo seo The earth's fixed surface flee ; Alas, time itats-^-we go! Once in the days of old, Your locks wero curling gold. And mino had shamed the crow; Now, in the eolfsamo stage, We*vo reached the silver age ; Time goes, you say?.ah no ! Ouce, when my voico was strong, I filled tho woods with song, To praise your ' rose "and "snow;" My bird, that sung, is doad ; WhcJ'o are your rosea fled? Aja», tunc stays .we go ! r Moo, in what travorsed ways, What backward fate delays, * The hopes we uktfd to know ; Wbero are ovir old desires. j Ah, where thpso vanished fires ? ^ Time goes, you say?.ah no ! t 8 How far, how far, O sweet, The past behind our feet ^ Lies in the even-glow ! No.w, On the forward way, Let us fold hands and pray ; D Alas, time etays.we go ! . . v A STRUGGLE WITH A MAX!AC. s Up in a grout warehouse, six high * storms above the ground, and everywhere T about me wool.bales upon bales of wool, which we had been craning up all ^ day, ami in at tho open door. Floors n and floor.* beneath stowed with jute and dyewoods, teas, coffees, spices, tobaccos; and, lowest of all, tallows in huge hogs- ^ heads. Ridlies from all parts of the world lying on hand, and wuiting tho R finish of the commercial enterprise j which should consign them to traders, ^ and then to the people of a busy country- f "Wliat's tho matter with Jock ^ Wood 7" said one of tho men in thenfter- (noou. i . J But, excepting thnt he looked a little wild about tlio eyes, I didn't see anything more about him than might often 8 be seeu in men who drink heavily at n times; and so I said. But at lost, to- E wards evening, when I was longing to get away homo to spend my evening u comfortably, I was left olono upon that t floor with him, and felt a bit startled to see him go ull at once to the open door £ where tho crane landed tlio bales, and p cut some strange capers, like a man g going to dive off a board into the sea. -y Putting down my work, which was getting ready two or three burst bales j, for the hydraulic press, so that they might bo tied up again, I slipped quietly n up behind him, and laid my hand upon his shoulder, when, with a yell, ho Q shrieked out: "Devil! devil! devil!" ^ And the next moment, by the light of u the gas of that foggy winter's afternoon, . we two were wrestling and lighting to- j gather, within a few feet of the door, out ^ ... , °f which. wo should have fallen clear a ^ hundred feet upon the stones of the } wharf below. I shoidd have shouted, but all power a of speech seomed taken away, as locked ft together we wrestled here. and there, ft while his hot breath hissed against my j cheek, and I could look close into his wild, glowering eyes as, Hushing with xago, ho bore me nearer and nearer to * the doorway.- ' IP Used as 1 was at all times to standing v a il- i ' * *;judu iu mu t-cigo ana receiving bales V* and packages, I could lean over usually without a shudder; but now, with this u madman slowly forcing mo back towards the certain death, I could feel the f cold sweat standing upon my face, and (j trembled so with dread that my resist- ^ auoo became feebler iuui faobler; and as ^ a last rcaoAi'do 1 ttmutged to get my leg c between my opponent's, afid tripped fi him, when we fell heavily. Fortunately for mo my enemy was nn- y dermost, and tlio force with which his . head canio against the wareliouso floor 11 partly stunned him, so that I shook myself free, and turned and fled toward the a stairs. But the next moment I thought ° of the open doorway, and the state the y poor fellow was in, so I turned back to ^ lock it, and so insure that lie did not I come by his death by falling oHt beforo ^ I could get assistance. t My hand was 011 the door, but I could ^ not close it, for Wood lay in tho way; d and shuddering nt how near he lay to t the golf,'I Bto#pcd to drafohim on one aide, w hon tnvstarted tip «md seized mo 't afirniii. "To beat up his hands, and turn and t fleo down betwoen the piled-up bales was a tho work of an instant, wlnlo roaring a with rage I could hear him tearing aftor t me. n Tho stairs wero pretty close, but as I t ran round tho end of tho bales I found a the door closod, and had to dart past to v avoid being caught; when I turned down s another opening lietwoen thi packages, il and ran panting on, s Vast as the lloor was, there was pas- j a sago after passage between tho wool, v which wan piled up eight or nine feet o high, and I tore on in the hope of so far fi distancing my pursuer tlint I could dart through the stair-door, fasten it after me, a and co esoapo or summon as <istanee. ! e, On and on I ran, now getting ahead, and t: now with the panting breath close to my n shoulder, so that I expected every mo-1 g l 116nt to feel a savnge hand laid upon m< ;o drag me down. At last life* got s< lear that his hand brushed me; but, witl i yell of horror, I leaped forward aguiu lodged round a corner, ran down i ihort passage, and again on, past pillar ind piles, when turning round I fount hat I was aloue; and hurrying to abou ho oenter of the narrow passage, be .ween the high walls, I leaned ugains he side panting and breathless. 44 Now, if I coulir but reach the dooi vliilehe was at the other end," I thought 41 should be safeand I kept oi lervously watching the two ends of tin lassage lest I should bo taken by sur irise; when, to my horror, I saw by tin {as shining ypou it a savage head pee; "ound from the end- nearest tlio way o iscape, watch me for a moment, ant hen disappear. It was now quite din md twilight in all the passages, and mj irst impulse was to dart off in the oppo lite direction; but a little thought tolt no that perhaps tlio wretch did not H6* ne, and therefore I had better .sUr vhere I was; and so I stood niihut* iter minute, expecting to see him conn ound one end or tlio other and dasl lowu upon me. J knew that about half-past five tlic vatcliraan would corno round, and then would give the alarm; but it wanted le&rly an hour of that time, and how 1 vug to hold out until theu I could uol ell, for the very thought unuerveil mo aid overcome with fear, I could feel cuoes tremble and seem ready to givi ray beneath my weight. Five minutes ;passed.ten minutes. md still no sign. My spirits rose a little, md I began to hope that escape was yel jossible, but abated nothing of mj watchfulness. Another live minutes, ind I had almost determined trying tc teal down to\Vard3 the door, where tin ©flection from the gaslight mado tin nd of the passage quite bright, while where I stood was in a fast-deepening hadow. 1 took two steps forward noiseeasly, and then stopped ; stole on agait nd stopped with a dead silence all .round, through which I could hear the inging of the gas and the loud " throb, lirob" of my heart. I had somewknl ooovercd my breath, and kept slinking ilently on, every now and then looking »nck to see that there was no pursuit. Vhat 1 should have liked, and whicL rould liave been in accordance with mj eclings at the moment, would have beer o iliish fprward; but 1 kept down the lesire, ahd crept slowly on between the mgo walls of wool bales piled some eight >r nine feet high. Only another three yards and herd 3 topped, trembling in dread lest Wood night be watching for me; but colling nyself cowardly, I stepped on again, nd at lost, with the light shinning full ipon me, leaned forward to peer cauiously round the edgo of the bales, ilowly and quietly, nearer and nearer, ill I looked round; and then, with a lorrible fascination upon me, I stopped till-.for, in precisely the same position, Vood was craning his neck forward to ieep round at me ; and with eyes look- ag into eyes, ana only ttiree or four aches apart, we stood what seemed linutes immovable. Move I could not, peak I could not, for my throat felt dry ud hot; while my eyes, fixed and starag, looking into those glaring, wildteast-liko orbs, which seemed to liolil je fixed to the earth as if some horrible ightinaro was upon me. I felt that if closed my eyes but for a moment he rould spring at me; and at last, catching he worn firmly with one hand, I drew lyself slowly buck, fixing his eyes the rholo while, and then, as my strength eemed to come back, I leaped round nd fled down the passage once more, s I heard a hideous yell, and saw Wood ash into the entrance. But there was silence again directly, nd- kx>Mn#piback m I reached the mi'dle; I -gouldl hoc thafc I was not pursued; rhiri, "fearin'g that with:all a madmnn'f mining ho had gone round to try and rap me at the other end, I stopped once lore where I was, mentally praying foi id, o«.I strained oyea and ears to catcli ight of or bear my enemy. A quarter of an (our must have passed r-ithoui a sound meeting my ears, and 1 ras hopefully calculating upon aid soon oming, when a slight rustling noise eemea to hnve been made close by me, nd I started and looked enrreriv to arils t^e dork and then towards the ight end of the narrow passage I wat a. Nothing to be seen; and the minutef gain passed slpwly on, when all a( nee came the most, horribly uneorthlj ell I ever heard from just above 1)13 lead, and then, overcome with terror af shrunk to the Hoor, I looked up and new that Wood liud erawled over the op of tlie wool; Mid as the thought lashed through my mind, he bounded lown upon mo and luul mo by tlu hroat. "1 struggled for a ftxt moments, and hen ligiitH seemed dip wring before mj yee, blood rushing to my head; and hen, in a kalf-in#eiisit>l® state, I liav* -l:. * v/uio (cauvccuuu or uenig dragged long the floor into the gaslight, and hon palled and throat about for a few moments, when thero came the regular hud-thud of the iittlo pump close by. ud 1 could feel myself moving upnurds. But all seemed so calm, and uch a desire for sleep was upon me, that b was not till a feurful senso of oppresion and tightness was upon me that I woke lo the consciousness dint the rretch had forced me on to tho traveler f tho hydraulic press, and was now arcing in tho water beneath tho ram. Thud-thud, thud-thud went the pump, nd tho pressure was awful; while at the ime time, as I vniuly writhed and ried to press down tho heavy plate that ras crushing me, I was conscious of a rest light which shone around me, and 3 which I thought was caused by the 3 llusliing fieuaation in my eves; but no, i for directly there came tlio noise oi , shouting, louder every moment; and then i I made out, ringing up from the yard, a these horrid words, " Fire ! tiro !" and 1 then I knew that Wood must have fired t tho warehouse. Shouts, cries, and the noise of hurryt iug feet; and Wood stood in the glare ol light, looking first one way and then r another, as if confused, for he had , quitted the pump on the first noise ol l shouting. All at onco he darted away a and half fainting and suffocated with the pressure, I could do nothing but groan a feebly, after struggling a little, to find r every effort vain; and tUen with skarpf oned senses gaze at tho flames licking 1 the roof of tho floor I waa on, and esl caping up the sides of wool bales, and r* the more inflammable goods that were in tho warehouse. The smoke soon bcl camo blinding and tho heat stifling; and 3 for mo tliero seemed no hope, Hince I r asit\ire no one would able to ponej trato to where I was; when again I gave 3 a strugjgle, and stretched down my hand i backwards to try and reach tho tup, which would let off the water and let mo al liberty, or at least place mo in a position i to try und escape the horrible death that I seemed to await me. [ But no, the handle was far out of my b reach; and I groaned and wept meekly ; at my helpless condition. The press r lielcl mo by the chest with awful power, ! but my hands and arms were at liberty; while my head hanging down backwards enabled me to seo the flames creeping along faster and faster, as I saw them re[ versed, and began to calculate how long r it would be before they would reach me and end my misery. > All at once, when nearly fainting, my , hand came in contact with the iron bar j usod to lengthen the handle of the , pump, to force in the water with more , ease when greater power was required ; and then my heart gave a leap as I , thought I thought I might be able to [ strike the handle of the tap and let out , the water. To grasp the bar was the work of a moment, and then I began swinging it , about slowly, to try and strike the tap; but in vain, lor I could do nothing with it from only being able to swing it at L random, for I could not see. Nearer p came the flames, louder roso the shouts; l and as I looked along the warehouse I could nee that all escape was cut off by , the stairs, even if I had been at liberty; ; and now, completely overcome with the pressure and the horror of my position, I groaned heavily, and the bar fell from [ my grasp. The last hope gone, I thought; when at the same moment a familiar sound struck my ear, for in falling the bar had fallen upon the tap, when there came the tierce gush of the compressed water, and the ram begau slowly to descend till I could crawl out, to fall faintiug on the floor. But I was up again directly, for there was a tierce glow in tlie place; and now I could see Wood busily at work tearing out wool to feed the flames, and dashing everything else he could lay his hands upon into the fire, which seemed at times to singe him. I looked round, for ho took no notice of me; and as I had before seen there was 110 escape by the door, so, running to the open door by the crane, I caught hold of the rope, and began lowering it down as fast as possible, with the light shining full upon me, and the people below either groaning with horror, or cheering me on as I tore at the stout rope, and sent the crane handle spilling [ round and round. Could I but got enough rope out be- iuro HiKm h aiu'iiiion was tauen, X felt safe, for I knew that I could slido down easily enough; but, as I dreaded, he caught night of me, and leaving his liery task, he rushed towards the door; when, with a yell of terror, I leaped from the flooring, clinging tightly to the rope, which began to run swiftly out as I swung to and fro till it was all out, when tho jerk nearly dashed me off. But, after sliding down some little way, I re. covered myself, and letting the rope glide slowly through my hands, I went lower and lower, with my eyes fixed on | the blazing floor above me. All at once I felt tho rope jerked and swung about, and I could sec tho figure | of Wood at it; and thou again I was bo! iug drawn up, and I knew he must bo 1 busy at the crane handle; but the next minute he must have loosened his hold, ' wlieu the handle flew round and struck t him from his feet, and I wont swiftly r doWn. there Was a yell from tho crowd, ' Horn, thing dork- dashed by me with a * rushing noise, and as I clung trembling I to tho rope I heard a horrible dull thud, » and slippiug swiftly down tho rope for ' the remainder of the distance, I suppose i I fell fainting by the side of Wood's ! mutilated body. Tho fire was got under when our floor I burned out, though much damage was - done by water; but with the exception [ of a strange, nervons timidity that I fanev I shall never cet the r\# t was not much the worse for ray terrible encounter with the poor fellow who came to his end bo fearfully. I Another Little One..The Boston Journal knows of a bright, intelligent littlo miss, now residing in that city, who is eleven ^ears old and who weighs about sixty pounds,who, when sho opened her oySa upon this world, weighed less than one pound and a half. Sho was the tiniest piece of humanity which we ever heard of. The nurse, in washing and dressing her, used to lay her in the palm J of her hand, and the first few days of her life were mostly spent wrapped up in cotton-wool and placdd in a basket beside the stove to keep her warm. Her head I would go into a small sized teacup. Ti-alnlngr Our Children. liov. l)r. Bellows, of New York, in a recent lecture on 44 Household Training," presented this picture of American life : '* The truth is that wo are naturally boI coming very impatient of details of every kind. We want to do up business, rei ligiou and education in a lump. Such r is the growing tendency of the times, the perilous times, that aro bringing in the ^ dangers of despotism. Generous sentir ments are substituted for careful habits of discipline, which are abandoned in J favor of certain fin© and general resolut j tions. It is the peril of our business ^ that men substitute show, and pay enor; mous rents, and expect to make rapid r fortunes, and intrust its management to [ strangers, instead of haviug a personal supervision over it, and moderate expec, tatious and patient industry and life-long labor. It is the peril of our domestic life, and the cause of domestic happiness being sacrificed, that people are so am| bit ions for splendid suites of rooms and showy carpets, splendid mirrors and costly furniture. And it is tho peril of L our education that it is intrusted to costly teachers to perform tho duties which [ none but devoted parents can so prop. erly perform. It is obvious that iu this state of things, while parental and do, niostic teaching is imperatively neces. sary it is also peculiarly difficult. So ! deeply are many parents impressed with ine mincuity of teaching their children satisfactorily under the moral and politi| cal intluencos by which they are sur. rounded, that at all sacrifices they flee, like Joseph, into the interior of the country, where there is some hope of seclusion, or they go away to Europe. It is wise to run away from dangers of the kind referrod to. But young people should bo brought up where they nro to live.. We cannot avoid our national cir: cuinstouces or our social and domestic atmosphere. We must recognize it. Do parents expect to set bad examples, to hurry and worry through their business and exhibit a want of temper to their children, to bring anxious and gloomy feelings home, and hope to have their sons and daughters love their society ? Do they think to indulge in wholesale denunciations of their neighbors, to talk at home of political excitements and of murders, oFgreat insurrections, of the( atricul performances, and have tlieir young children Hitting round then- table, j and expect that they will cultivate a taste for history, for painting or sculpture, or other elevating influences ? It cannot j be so. If our nutural circumstances have j'brdught. our men and women up iiupn! tieut of details, superficial in their knowledge, fond of excitement, and in, temperate of speech, if husbands and wives are not what they ought to bo at home, let tliom not wonder at what they see in their children. To train them up properly first requires that we should train ourselves. When we do this we may hope to possess wisdom and power to train our children to good and in the ways of virtue, peace, and piety." A Remarkable Railroad Accident, On the Detroit and Bay City railroad au accident occurred which eclipses anyI thing on record in the annals of raili roading. It appears that when the south bound night express train was in the vicinity of Oxford, Conductor Noys felt a slight but sudden shock, and heard the bell-rope snap. He sprang to the brake, and after setting it swung his lamp for the engine to stop. The train went a distance of four or five car-lengths before being halted, hut when it came to a standstill everything was found to be all right, excepting that one "blue line" car just ahead of the passenger coach was missing. A search was instituted, and the missing car was found in the ditch in the rear of the train. From the position of things it appeared that the front end of tho car had jumped the track, severing the connection witk the car ahead as it did so. The combined force of the cars in the roar as they came down on to the "off" car served to end it around, until finally the rear draw-bar twisted off (the night was frosty), and tho car was free. The coaches kept pushing it further and further, until (finally tho "blue line" had been sent entirely from tlio track, and at right angles with it, clearing the rail l»y fully three feet. The rear coaehes rolled on past the ditched car as if nothing had happened, and stopped, without accident or without the knowledgo of the passengers, several car-lengths behind. The engine was stopped and backed up, connections were made, the track-men were sent for to gauge the rails, and the traiu, one car short, proceeded on its way, making its meeting point at the next, station. Such an accident lias never before boon placed on record. Of course the linppy results were in a measure due to good luck, but the presence of mind of the conductor contributed largely. A Healthy Association. There is quite asuc-cessful co-operative association at work among the Fall Itiver mill liaiuls. Tho purchase ami stile of family supplies began in 1867, its members numbering sixty-five, its capital being $3,600; investments, $">,750.69: slies, $21,281.45; total of members' dividend, $804.03, and non-members' dividend, $280.79, for tho year. Tho membership now numbers 265; their capital is about $20,000; tho sinking fund, $1,100; snlos for tho year, nearly $8,000; and for tho nine months ending ! September 24 tho aggregate of mem| l>ers' dividend was $6,318.02, non-members receiving in tho same time dividends amounting to $574.24. A eo- (inn iin^uuiiiiiuu n:m UCOI1 organizcd, aud one gentleman has tendered to it a gift of twenty-she acres of laud for building purposes. Lark Edge, the Driver. Tliero is much of romantic adventure still connected with stage-coach travel, says tho S&nford (Ky.) Journal, in regions as yet untrod by the ".iron horse," and many narrow escapes from death, many tolls and hardships, exposures to summer sun and wintry blast, are crowded into the life of the hardy Jehu, who, four-in-hand, conducts the lumbering coach through narrow gorges, over the high posses, and steep defiles of Southeastern Kentucky. To travel over the route from Samlford to SomerI set, the name of ijark Edge is faimliar. j Lark is a character that Bret Hntte would bo proud to immortalize. His Inst adventure showed him possessed of an heroic courage that many who hove gained glory at the cannon's month cannot boast. A few days since as the Somerset coach was descending tho pass known flnti in nlmrorrt r*f noted driver, Lark, one of the leading horses got his tail over the lines, and became vicious and unruly. Lark thought of the three a lady.and took prompt measures to stop that nonsense. In the effort to stop the team, the lines broke, and loft the drivor apparently a lost mariner. The leaders headed for the bluff, and after them lumbered tlio coach with its precious freight. Those who have traveled the rond know the danger of a plunge over the bluff at this point. The gentlemen passengers jumped out, and one of them seized a wheel and succeeded in checking the ooacli a moment, while the other assisted the lady to alight. In another second, the frightened team were on the verge of the precipice, and before them a perpendicular plunge.of thirty feet. The passengers called to tlio driver to jump and save himself. This ho refused to do, saying: "Goodbye, friends, I guess I'll go with 'em, and see how tluey looks down tliar!" And down he went. The passengers, went to the scene of the wreck as soon as the descent could be effected, expecting to find the mangled remains of poor Lark, intermingled with horse ears, legs and tails; but Lark wasn't that kiud of a fellow. He had hastily selected the softest pluce on a big flat rock, and there ho sat, crying as if with n broken heart. He actually bhcd tears of commiseration for his poor horses, proving that his heart was far softer than other parts of his organization. Upon investigation it was found that the horses, though considerably bruised, were not mortally wounded. The coach had suffered injuries, bnt, with tha aid of the passengers, was placed upon its wheels, and repaired sufficiently to finish the trip, and the whole party took up its sad march toward town. Among the articles of freight were 1,000 dozen eggs, which Lark fears are injured from their rapid transit through the air. ....... Getting Acquainted with the Dees. A writer in the liriliah lice. Journal opens up tho interesting question as to whether immunity from the pain and other injurious effects of tho sting of the bee can bo obtained by iuoculation. Visiting the Hanwell Apiary, he was struck with the mode in which tho owner managed his bees, and asked liira the length of time required to render a person sting-proof. The reply was, that his son had only been a short time working with bees, and that ho was free from any of tho usual effects of bee stings. Mr. Walker made tho experiment upon himf nit. !- 1. i- .1.1- ovu, nio f/»iyuuo l/^/l /C«r/(l» IM'iU^ IU I'ULUll a bee, place it upon bis wrist, aud allow it to sting liim, taking care that lie received tlie largest amount of poison, by preventing it from going away at once ; then he let the poison-bag work, which it does for some time after being separated from th» bee. The first day he stung himself twice. The effect was rather severe cutaneous erysipelas, disorder of the motor nerve, with the usual signs of inflammation. A few days having elapsed, and the symptoms having subsided, ho caused himself to be Httuig again three times in quick succession. The attack of erysipelas was on this occasion not nearly so severe, still u stinging sensation ran up to the shoulder, and a lymphatic gland behind his ear inI creased considerably in size, the poison being taken up by the lymphatic system. A few days subsequently lie was stung thrice, and tlio pain was considerably less, though the swelling was still extensive. At the end of the next week he had eighteen stings, and by the close of tho tlurd week thirty-two stings. After the twentieth sting there was very little swelling or pain, only a slight iteliiug sensation with a small amount of inflammation in the immediate neighborhood of the part stung, which did not spread further. The Antiquity of Iron. According to the Iron Aye, a wedge or plate of iron has been found imbedded in the masonry of the great pyramid, the indication being that it must have been wrought in the age of Cheops, placed by some authorities us far back as 5,400 years ago. This makes the use of iron about '2,500 years more ancient than it is supposed to be, and affords opportunity for explaining tho cutting of tho sharp and well defined hieroglyphics on porphyry, granite, and other hard stones employed iu tho construction of Egyptian pyramids, temples, and tombs. How il 1.1 1 1 x 1- ll- wiivkj cuiiMi jiitv** uwu nu ncioro inn ngn of iron, 1ms lwon a puzzling question to many. Further investigation inny show iron to have been in use 0,000 years «go. The -women of C< ylon were greatly shocked n short time book at seeing an English lady traveler wearing a tortoise shell hack comb. In that qiuuter of the globe the article is only worn by men. Items of Interest. Paring the last year the Boston bonks paid $1,024,819 taxes to the city, Atlanta, Ga., has two widows, sisters, aged respectively thirteen, and, fifteen years. Many' horses have died in Missouri from having been fed on chinch-bug fodder. r The Kindergarten system is to bo introduced into the public schools of Mil1 waukee. At Medina, Pa., a seventy-five-pound "devil fish," caught in the Delaware, has been on exhibition. The grand juroas of 1amMp oounty, Ohio, have presented church rafflos as an illegality and a nuisance. There were two hnndjj^d and nine marriages in Nodaway county, Mo., last year, notwithstanding that sleepy name. Don't feed your birds on stale canary seed ; more than half the birds that die arc lost on acoount of musty, unhealthy seed. Mrs. Pepin, aged one hundred and four years, and tno mother Of twentythree children, died at Essex, Vt., rej oeutly. -t. Th« ftrnfA^inn r\f flin miocfmn r\9 storing the duties on teas has already had an effect on prices, which have materially advanced. * So we go. A young mail in Otterville, 111., has actually married his mother-in! law, and they are living happily in the old homestead. Miss Jennie Britton, of Lcwisburg, Pa., has won great glory by skating thirty-two miles in three hours and thirty-five minutes. A New Orleans paper offers the following sentiment: *' George Washington. tint in war, first in peace, ppd, last in I getting a monument. . Among the curiosities of advertisements is the following: ''3Aloon for sale at half the cost of fitting."* Central location.- . Mean<buaiire«8j- ( t Miss Ada Bwoet, of Ohiepgo, is the | only female pension agent in the country, and receives the highest pabiry paid to a woman by the government. * A generous Terre Haute butcher, in a friendly scuffle, cntr a gash ftPthe hand I of a companions To show his iWgret, he immediately turned and slashed his own thumb off. j. .. \f The 1 ativrs of Africa are sp(fond of music that Sir Samuel Bilker declares that a London'or$hgrinder could march through Central Africa followed by an admiring crowd. . . The plantation of Mrs. Mayblum.Fort Bend county, Texas, has this year produced $3,000 worth of Byrup from land [ which, if planted in cotton, would have yielded only about $400. A gentleman whose house was repairing went one day to see how the job was | getting on, and observing a quantity of nails lying about, said to tho carpenter : "Why don't you take care of these nails ? .they'll certainly be lost." **No," replied the carpenter, " you'll find them in the bill." The editor of tho Country Centleman, after practical tests of the utility of the plan of picking the blossoms'off from growing potato plants to increase the growth of the tubers, decides that the increase, if any, is too slight to be perceptible, and that the process costs more than it oomcs to. Only a woman's hair ! Who has not some time in his life, picked such a golden thread from his best coat collar, and felt his heart beat the quicker foi it t Or gazed upon a tress laid away in some nook, and not felt tho influence of tender memories? Only a woman's hair ! and yet we don't like it in a biscuit. I The exactness with which tho man of the house shovels off his sidewalk is re| marked as amusing. He will go at it fieroely until he comet to the line that separates his territory from that of the j next aoor neignoor, ancl there he stops and squints his eye, and treats dlie snow that lies just over the boundary as though it wero so much i miaou. An old man lay on liia death-bed in In1 diauapolis sarrounded by five or six children and his second wife. ' He was on the point of signing his will, when a dispute arose between the prospective widow and orphans concerning the distributio of the property, culuiinating in an actual hand-to-hand tight. Quiet was not restored till the police interfered. A hospitable lady, of St. Louis, reI cently gave a party for her friends among the young misses and masters the other evening. Round donoes were proposed, when the huly said : "I cannot allow yon to have any round dances. If any of the boys wish to hug the girls, let them sit down upon the sofas, and go right at it in earnest, round dances, mind you 1" At Lima, Ohio, they adopted a very plensii >t way for raising funds for the grasshopper sufferers. A " spelling school" was held, the admission fee being placed at twenty-five cents, and the successful contestant was presented with a copy of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. The profits of these enfcer1 i. A:. ~ i ii:iiiiiuguuc) i/irou uiuuuutui^ i/U U> liir^n Hum.are then went to the charitable j societies of the desolated dielri ts in tho Went. As a policeman passed upon lm beat in Detroit ho observed two broken windows Ho looked through one of them, and raw n man on the floor with a broken and bonnd-up head, whilo furniture and j fragments were hoaped about him. Inquiring as to tho origin of tb<* ruin, he was answered by a woirtitn a baby | in her ln|¥: tHfe 4*hn there! Well, he'a my hasbnnd. .Baby's rick. Ho said, ' Give her castor ile.' I Biud, Givs her gooes grease.' There belays,"

Transcript of The tribune (Beaufort, S.C.).(Beaufort, S.C.) 1875-02-24 [p ].W ' i* V.f, » ' ' >!' II M-. f.;:-} 4...

. > W ' i* V .f,» ' ' > !' II M - .

f. ; : - "} 4 VU* rwr*rr4 M '

THE TRIBUNE..C* *- -» si »i 'i»*4iv 0OXM' / f\ - " r' * ' ' ,' .» -* "j. . .

" «. . . ,« « / '' VOL: L--NO.14. BEAUFORT. 8. C., FEBRUARY 24, 1875. $2.00 PER ANNUM.

i i i '.


...... «» * «*I »«»A

The Paradox of Time.*5

Time goeB, you say ? All no!Alas, time stays, wo go ;

Or else, woro thin not so.What need to chain the hours,

r For youth were always ours?Time goes, you say?.ah no !

Cure is the eyes' deceitOf men whoso flying feet

I,esd through some landscape low;We {Ass, and think wo seoThe earth's fixed surface flee ;

Alas, time itats-^-we go!Once in the days of old,Your locks wero curling gold.

And mino had shamed the crow;Now, in the eolfsamo stage,We*vo reached the silver age ;

Time goes, you say?.ah no !

Ouce, when my voico was strong,I filled tho woods with song,

To praise your ' rose "and "snow;"My bird, that sung, is doad ;WhcJ'o are your rosea fled?

Aja», tunc stays.we go ! r

Moo, in what travorsed ways,What backward fate delays, *

The hopes we uktfd to know ;Wbero are ovir old desires.

jAh, where thpso vanished fires ? ^Time goes, you say?.ah no ! t

8How far, how far, O sweet,The past behind our feet

^Lies in the even-glow !No.w, On the forward way,Let us fold hands and pray ; DAlas, time etays.we go ! .

. v


Up in a grout warehouse, six high *

storms above the ground, andeverywhere Tabout me wool.bales upon bales ofwool, which we had been craning up all ^day, ami in at tho open door. Floors nand floor.* beneath stowed with jute anddyewoods, teas, coffees, spices, tobaccos;and, lowest of all, tallows in huge hogs- ^heads. Ridlies from all parts of theworld lying on hand, and wuiting tho

Rfinish of the commercial enterprise jwhich should consign them to traders, ^and then to the people of a busy country-f"Wliat's tho matter with Jock ^Wood 7" said one of tho men in thenfter-(noou.i

. JBut, excepting thnt he looked a littlewild about tlio eyes, I didn't see anythingmore about him than might often 8be seeu in men who drink heavily at ntimes; and so I said. But at lost, to- Ewards evening, when I was longing toget away homo to spend my evening ucomfortably, I was left olono upon that tfloor with him, and felt a bit startled tosee him go ull at once to the open door £where tho crane landed tlio bales, and pcut some strange capers, like a man ggoing to dive off a board into the sea. -yPutting down my work, which wasgetting ready two or three burst bales j,for the hydraulic press, so that theymight bo tied up again, I slipped quietly nup behind him, and laid my hand uponhis shoulder, when, with a yell, ho Qshrieked out:"Devil! devil! devil!" ^And the next moment, by the light of uthe gas of that foggy winter's afternoon, .we two were wrestling and lighting to- jgather, within a few feet of the door, out ^

... , °f which. wo should have fallen clear a ^hundred feet upon the stones of the }wharf below.I shoidd have shouted, but all power aof speech seomed taken away, as locked fttogether we wrestled here. and there, ftwhile his hot breath hissed against my jcheek, and I could look close into his

wild, glowering eyes as, Hushing withxago, ho bore me nearer and nearer to *the doorway.- 'IP

Used as 1 was at all times to standing va il- i ' *

*;judu iu mu t-cigo ana receiving bales V*and packages, I could lean over usuallywithout a shudder; but now, with this umadman slowly forcing mo back towardsthe certain death, I could feel the fcold sweat standing upon my face, and (jtrembled so with dread that my resist- ^auoo became feebler iuui faobler; and as ^a last rcaoAi'do 1 ttmutged to get my leg c

between my opponent's, afid tripped fi

him, when we fell heavily.Fortunately for mo my enemy was nn- ydermost, and tlio force with which his .head canio against the wareliouso floor 11

partly stunned him, so that I shook myselffree, and turned and fled toward the astairs. But the next moment I thought °of the open doorway, and the state the ypoor fellow was in, so I turned back to ^lock it, and so insure that lie did not Icome by his death by falling oHt beforo ^I could get assistance. tMy hand was 011 the door, but I could ^

not close it, for Wood lay in tho way; dand shuddering nt how near he lay to tthe golf,'I Bto#pcd to drafohim on oneaide, w hon tnvstarted tip «md seized mo 'tafirniii."To beat up his hands, and turn and tfleo down betwoen the piled-up bales was atho work of an instant, wlnlo roaring awith rage I could hear him tearing aftor tme. nTho stairs wero pretty close, but as I tran round tho end of tho bales I found athe door closod, and had to dart past to vavoid being caught; when I turned down sanother opening lietwoen thi packages, iland ran panting on, sVast as the lloor was, there was pas- j asago after passage between tho wool, vwhich wan piled up eight or nine feet ohigh, and I tore on in the hope of so far fidistancing my pursuer tlint I could dartthrough the stair-door, fasten it after me, aand co esoapo or summon as <istanee. ! e,On and on I ran, now getting ahead, and t:now with the panting breath close to my nshoulder, so that I expected every mo-1 g


116nt to feel a savnge hand laid upon m<;o drag me down. At last life* got s<lear that his hand brushed me; but, witli yell of horror, I leaped forward aguiulodged round a corner, ran down iihort passage, and again on, past pillarind piles, when turning round I founthat I was aloue; and hurrying to abouho oenter of the narrow passage, be.ween the high walls, I leaned ugainshe side panting and breathless.

44 Now, if I coulir but reach the dooivliilehe was at the other end," I thought41 should be safeand I kept oi

lervously watching the two ends of tinlassage lest I should bo taken by suririse; when, to my horror, I saw by tin{as shining ypou it a savage head pee;"ound from the end- nearest tlio way o

iscape, watch me for a moment, anthen disappear. It was now quite dinmd twilight in all the passages, and mjirst impulse was to dart off in the oppolite direction; but a little thought toltno that perhaps tlio wretch did not H6*ne, and therefore I had better .sUrvhere I was; and so I stood niihut*iter minute, expecting to see him connound one end or tlio other and dasllowu upon me.J knew that about half-past five tlic

vatcliraan would corno round, and thenwould give the alarm; but it wanted

le&rly an hour of that time, and how 1vug to hold out until theu I could uolell, for the very thought unuerveil moaid overcome with fear, I could feelcuoes tremble and seem ready to giviray beneath my weight.Five minutes ;passed.ten minutes.

md still no sign. My spirits rose a little,md I began to hope that escape was yeljossible, but abated nothing of mjwatchfulness. Another live minutes,ind I had almost determined trying tcteal down to\Vard3 the door, where tin©flection from the gaslight mado tinnd of the passage quite bright, whilewhere I stood was in a fast-deepeninghadow. 1 took two steps forward noiseeasly,and then stopped ; stole on agaitnd stopped with a dead silence all.round, through which I could hear theinging of the gas and the loud " throb,lirob" of my heart. I had somewknlooovercd my breath, and kept slinkingilently on, every now and then looking»nck to see that there was no pursuit.Vhat 1 should have liked, and whicLrould liave been in accordance with mjeclings at the moment, wouldhave beero iliish fprward; but 1 kept down thelesire, ahd crept slowly on between themgo walls of wool bales piled some eight>r nine feet high.Only another three yards and herd 3

topped, trembling in dread lest Woodnight be watching for me; but collingnyself cowardly, I stepped on again,nd at lost, with the light shinning fullipon me, leaned forward to peer cauiouslyround the edgo of the bales,ilowly and quietly, nearer and nearer,ill I looked round; and then, with alorrible fascination upon me, I stoppedtill-.for, in precisely the same position,Vood was craning his neck forward toieep round at me ; and with eyes look-ag into eyes, ana only ttiree or fouraches apart, we stood what seemedlinutes immovable. Move I could not,peak I could not, for my throat felt dryud hot; while my eyes, fixed and starag,looking into those glaring, wildteast-likoorbs, which seemed to liolilje fixed to the earth as if some horribleightinaro was upon me. I felt that ifclosed my eyes but for a moment herould spring at me; and at last, catchinghe worn firmly with one hand, I drewlyself slowly buck, fixing his eyes therholo while, and then, as my strengtheemed to come back, I leaped roundnd fled down the passage once more,s I heard a hideous yell, and saw Woodash into the entrance.But there was silence again directly,nd- kx>Mn#piback m I reached the mi'dle;I -gouldl hoc thafc I was not pursued;rhiri, "fearin'g that with:all a madmnn'fmining ho had gone round to try andrap me at the other end, I stopped oncelore where I was, mentally praying foiid, o«.I strained oyea and ears to catcliight of or bear my enemy.A quarter of an (our must have passedr-ithoui a sound meeting my ears, and 1ras hopefully calculating upon aid soonoming, when a slight rustling noiseeemea to hnve been made close by me,nd I started and looked enrreriv toarils t^e dork and then towards theight end of the narrow passage I wata.

Nothing to be seen; and the minutefgain passed slpwly on, when all a(nee came the most, horribly uneorthljell I ever heard from just above 1)13lead, and then, overcome with terror afshrunk to the Hoor, I looked up andnew that Wood liud erawled over theop of tlie wool; Mid as the thoughtlashed through my mind, he boundedlown upon mo and luul mo by tluhroat."1 struggled for a ftxt moments, andhen ligiitH seemed dipwring before mjyee, blood rushing to my head; andhen, in a kalf-in#eiisit>l® state, I liav*

-l:. *v/uio (cauvccuuu or uenig draggedlong the floor into the gaslight, andhon palled and throat about for a fewmoments, when thero came the regularhud-thud of the iittlo pump close by.ud 1 could feel myself moving upnurds.But all seemed so calm, anduch a desire for sleep was upon me, thatb was not till a feurful senso of oppresionand tightness was upon me that Iwoke lo the consciousness dint therretch had forced me on to tho travelerf tho hydraulic press, and was nowarcing in tho water beneath tho ram.Thud-thud, thud-thud went the pump,nd tho pressure was awful; while at theime time, as I vniuly writhed andried to press down tho heavy plate thatras crushing me, I was conscious of arest light which shone around me, and

3 which I thought was caused by the3 llusliing fieuaation in my eves; but no,i for directly there came tlio noise oi, shouting, louder every moment; and theni I made out, ringing up from the yard,a these horrid words, " Fire ! tiro !" and1 then I knew that Wood must have firedt tho warehouse.

Shouts, cries, and the noise of hurrytiug feet; and Wood stood in the glare ollight, looking first one way and then

r another, as if confused, for he had, quitted the pump on the first noise oll shouting. All at onco he darted awaya and half fainting and suffocated with the

pressure, I could do nothing but groana feebly, after struggling a little, to findr every effort vain; and tUen with skarpfoned senses gaze at tho flames licking1 the roof of tho floor I waa on, and eslcaping up the sides of wool bales, andr* the more inflammable goods that were

in tho warehouse. The smoke soon bclcamo blinding and tho heat stifling; and3 for mo tliero seemed no hope, Hince Ir asit\ire no one would able to ponejtrato to where I was; when again I gave3 a strugjgle, and stretched down my handi backwards to try and reach tho tup,whichwould let off the water and let mo al

liberty, or at least place mo in a positioni to try und escape the horrible death thatI seemed to await me.[ But no, the handle was far out of myb reach; and I groaned and wept meekly; at my helpless condition. The pressr lielcl mo by the chest with awful power,! but my hands and arms were at liberty;while my head hanging down backwards

enabled me to seo the flames creepingalong faster and faster, as I saw them re[versed, and began to calculate how longr it would be before they would reach meand end my misery.

> All at once, when nearly fainting, my, hand came in contact with the iron barj usod to lengthen the handle of the, pump, to force in the water with more, ease when greater power was required ;and then my heart gave a leap as I

, thought I thought I might be able to[ strike the handle of the tap and let out, the water.

To grasp the bar was the work of amoment, and then I began swinging it

, about slowly, to try and strike the tap;but in vain, lor I could do nothing withit from only being able to swing it at

L random, for I could not see. Nearerp came the flames, louder roso the shouts;l and as I looked along the warehouse Icould nee that all escape was cut off by

, the stairs, even if I had been at liberty;; and now, completely overcome with the

pressure and the horror of my position,I groaned heavily, and the bar fell from[ my grasp.

The last hope gone, I thought; whenat the same moment a familiar soundstruck my ear, for in falling the bar hadfallen upon the tap, when there camethe tierce gush of the compressed water,and the ram begau slowly to descend tillI could crawl out, to fall faintiug on thefloor.But I was up again directly, for there

was a tierce glow in tlie place; and nowI could see Wood busily at work tearingout wool to feed the flames, and dashingeverything else he could lay his handsupon into the fire, which seemed attimes to singe him.

I looked round, for ho took no noticeof me; and as I had before seen therewas 110 escape by the door, so, runningto the open door by the crane, I caughthold of the rope, and began lowering itdown as fast as possible, with the lightshining full upon me, and the peoplebelow either groaning with horror, orcheering me on as I tore at the stoutrope, and sent the crane handle spilling

[ round and round.Could I but got enough rope out be-

iuro HiKm h aiu'iiiion was tauen, X feltsafe, for I knew that I could slido downeasily enough; but, as I dreaded, hecaught night of me, and leaving his lierytask, he rushed towards the door; when,with a yell of terror, I leaped from theflooring, clinging tightly to the rope,which began to run swiftly out as Iswung to and fro till it was all out, whentho jerk nearly dashed me off. But,after sliding down some little way, I re.covered myself, and letting the ropeglide slowly through my hands, I wentlower and lower, with my eyes fixed on

| the blazing floor above me.All at once I felt tho rope jerked and

swung about, and I could sec tho figure| of Wood at it; and thou again I was bo!iug drawn up, and I knew he must bo1 busy at the crane handle; but the nextminute he must have loosened his hold,

' wlieu the handle flew round and struckt him from his feet, and I wont swiftlyr doWn. there Was a yell from tho crowd,' Horn, thing dork- dashed by me with a* rushing noise, and as I clung tremblingI to tho rope I heard a horrible dull thud,» and slippiug swiftly down tho rope for' the remainder of the distance, I supposei I fell fainting by the side of Wood's! mutilated body.Tho fire was got under when our floorI burned out, though much damage was- done by water; but with the exception[ of a strange, nervons timidity that I

fanev I shall never cet the r\# t

was not much the worse for ray terribleencounter with the poor fellow who cameto his end bo fearfully.

IAnother Little One..The Boston

Journal knows of a bright, intelligentlittlo miss, now residing in that city, whois eleven ^ears old and who weighs aboutsixty pounds,who, when sho opened heroySa upon this world, weighed less thanone pound and a half. Sho was thetiniest piece of humanity which we everheard of. The nurse, in washing anddressing her, used to lay her in the palmJ of her hand, and the first few days of herlife were mostly spent wrapped up incotton-wool and placdd in a basket besidethe stove to keep her warm. Her head

I would go into a small sized teacup.

Ti-alnlngr Our Children.liov. l)r. Bellows, of New York, in a

recent lecture on 44 Household Training,"presented this picture of American life :'* The truth is that wo are naturally boIcoming very impatient of details of everykind. We want to do up business, reiligiou and education in a lump. Such

r is the growing tendency of the times, theperilous times, that aro bringing in the

^ dangers of despotism. Generous sentirments are substituted for careful habitsof discipline, which are abandoned in

J favor of certain fin© and general resolutj tions. It is the peril of our business^ that men substitute show, and pay enor;mous rents, and expect to make rapidr fortunes, and intrust its management to[ strangers, instead of haviug a personalsupervision over it, and moderate expec,tatious and patient industry and life-longlabor. It is the peril of our domestic

life, and the cause of domestic happinessbeing sacrificed, that people are so am|bit ions for splendid suites of rooms andshowy carpets, splendid mirrors andcostly furniture. And it is tho peril of

L our education that it is intrusted to costlyteachers to perform tho duties which[ none but devoted parents can so prop.erly perform. It is obvious that iu thisstate of things, while parental and do,niostic teaching is imperatively neces.sary it is also peculiarly difficult. So! deeply are many parents impressed withine mincuity of teaching their childrensatisfactorily under the moral and politi|cal intluencos by which they are sur.rounded, that at all sacrifices they flee,like Joseph, into the interior of thecountry, where there is some hope ofseclusion, or they go away to Europe.It is wise to run away from dangers ofthe kind referrod to. But young peopleshould bo brought up where they nro tolive.. We cannot avoid our national cir:cuinstouces or our social and domesticatmosphere. We must recognize it. Doparents expect to set bad examples, tohurry and worry through their businessand exhibit a want of temper to theirchildren, to bring anxious and gloomyfeelings home, and hope to have theirsons and daughters love their society ?Do they think to indulge in wholesaledenunciations of their neighbors, to talkat home of political excitements and ofmurders, oFgreat insurrections, of the(atricul performances, and have tlieiryoung children Hitting round then- table,j and expect that they will cultivate a tastefor history, for painting or sculpture, orother elevating influences ? It cannot

j be so. If our nutural circumstances havej'brdught. our men and women up iiupn!tieut of details, superficial in theirknowledge, fond of excitement, and in,temperate of speech, if husbands andwives are not what they ought to bo athome, let tliom not wonder at what theysee in their children. To train them upproperly first requires that we shouldtrain ourselves. When we do this wemay hope to possess wisdom and powerto train our children to good and inthe ways of virtue, peace, and piety."

A Remarkable Railroad Accident,On the Detroit and Bay City railroad

au accident occurred which eclipses anyIthing on record in the annals of railiroading. It appears that when the southbound night express train was in thevicinity of Oxford, Conductor Noys felta slight but sudden shock, and heard thebell-rope snap. He sprang to the brake,and after setting it swung his lamp forthe engine to stop. The train went adistance of four or five car-lengths beforebeing halted, hut when it came to astandstill everything was found to be allright, excepting that one "blue line"car just ahead of the passenger coachwas missing. A search was instituted,and the missing car was found in theditch in the rear of the train. From theposition of things it appeared that thefront end of tho car had jumped thetrack, severing the connection witk thecar ahead as it did so. The combinedforce of the cars in the roar as they camedown on to the "off" car served to end itaround, until finally the rear draw-bartwisted off (the night was frosty), andtho car was free. The coaches keptpushing it further and further, until

(finally tho "blue line" had been sententirely from tlio track, and at rightangles with it, clearing the rail l»y fullythree feet. The rear coaehes rolled onpast the ditched car as if nothing hadhappened, and stopped, without accidentor without the knowledgo of the passengers,several car-lengths behind. Theengine was stopped and backed up, connectionswere made, the track-men weresent for to gauge the rails, and the traiu,one car short, proceeded on its way,making its meeting point at the next,station. Such an accident lias never beforeboon placed on record. Of coursethe linppy results were in a measure dueto good luck, but the presence of mindof the conductor contributed largely.

A Healthy Association.There is quite asuc-cessful co-operativeassociation at work among the Fall Itiver

mill liaiuls. Tho purchase ami stile offamily supplies began in 1867, its membersnumbering sixty-five, its capitalbeing $3,600; investments, $">,750.69:slies, $21,281.45; total of members'dividend, $804.03, and non-members'dividend, $280.79, for tho year. Thomembership now numbers 265; theircapital is about $20,000; tho sinkingfund, $1,100; snlos for tho year, nearly$8,000; and for tho nine months ending! September 24 tho aggregate of mem|l>ers' dividend was $6,318.02, non-membersreceiving in tho same time dividendsamounting to $574.24. A eo-

(inn iin^uuiiiiiuu n:m UCOI1 organizcd,aud one gentleman has tenderedto it a gift of twenty-she acres of laud forbuilding purposes.

Lark Edge, the Driver.Tliero is much of romantic adventure

still connected with stage-coach travel,says tho S&nford (Ky.) Journal, inregions as yet untrod by the ".ironhorse," and many narrow escapes fromdeath, many tolls and hardships, exposuresto summer sun and wintry blast,are crowded into the life of the hardyJehu, who, four-in-hand, conducts thelumbering coach through narrow gorges,over the high posses, and steep defilesof Southeastern Kentucky. To travelover the route from Samlford to SomerIset, the name of ijark Edge is faimliar.

j Lark is a character that Bret Hnttewould bo proud to immortalize. HisInst adventure showed him possessed ofan heroic courage that many who hovegained glory at the cannon's month cannotboast. A few days since as theSomerset coach was descending tho passknown flnti in nlmrorrt r*fnoted driver, Lark, one of the leadinghorses got his tail over the lines, andbecame vicious and unruly. Larkthought of the three a

lady.and took prompt measures to stopthat nonsense. In the effort to stopthe team, the lines broke, and loft thedrivor apparently a lost mariner. Theleaders headed for the bluff, and afterthem lumbered tlio coach with its preciousfreight. Those who have traveledthe rond know the danger of a plungeover the bluff at this point. The gentlemenpassengers jumped out, and oneof them seized a wheel and succeededin checking the ooacli a moment, whilethe other assisted the lady to alight.In another second, the frightened teamwere on the verge of the precipice, andbefore them a perpendicular plunge.ofthirty feet. The passengers called totlio driver to jump and save himself.This ho refused to do, saying: "Goodbye,friends, I guess I'll go with 'em,and see how tluey looks down tliar!"And down he went. The passengers,went to the scene of the wreck as soonas the descent could be effected, expectingto find the mangled remains of poorLark, intermingled with horse ears, legsand tails; but Lark wasn't that kiud ofa fellow. He had hastily selected thesoftest pluce on a big flat rock, and thereho sat, crying as if with n broken heart.He actually bhcd tears of commiserationfor his poor horses, proving that hisheart was far softer than other parts ofhis organization. Upon investigation itwas found that the horses, though considerablybruised, were not mortallywounded. The coach had suffered injuries,bnt, with tha aid of the passengers,was placed upon its wheels, andrepaired sufficiently to finish the trip,and the whole party took up its sadmarch toward town. Among the articlesof freight were 1,000 dozen eggs, whichLark fears are injured from their rapidtransit through the air.


Getting Acquainted with the Dees.A writer in the liriliah lice. Journal

opens up tho interesting question as towhether immunity from the pain andother injurious effects of tho sting of thebee can bo obtained by iuoculation.Visiting the Hanwell Apiary, he wasstruck with the mode in which thoowner managed his bees, and asked liirathe length of time required to render aperson sting-proof. The reply was, thathis son had only been a short time workingwith bees, and that ho was free fromany of tho usual effects of bee stings. Mr.Walker made tho experiment upon himfnit. !- 1. i- .1.1-ovu, nio f/»iyuuo l/^/l /C«r/(l» IM'iU^ IU I'ULUlla bee, place it upon bis wrist, aud allowit to sting liim, taking care that lie receivedtlie largest amount of poison, bypreventing it from going away at once ;then he let the poison-bag work, whichit does for some time after being separatedfrom th» bee. The first day hestung himself twice. The effect wasrather severe cutaneous erysipelas, disorderof the motor nerve, with the usualsigns of inflammation. A few days havingelapsed, and the symptoms havingsubsided, ho caused himself to be Httuigagain three times in quick succession.The attack of erysipelas was on this occasionnot nearly so severe, still u stingingsensation ran up to the shoulder, anda lymphatic gland behind his ear inIcreased considerably in size, the poisonbeing taken up by the lymphatic system.A few days subsequently lie was stungthrice, and tlio pain was considerablyless, though the swelling was still extensive.At the end of the next week hehad eighteen stings, and by the close oftho tlurd week thirty-two stings. Afterthe twentieth sting there was very littleswelling or pain, only a slight iteliiugsensation with a small amount of inflammationin the immediate neighborhoodof the part stung, which did not spreadfurther.

The Antiquity of Iron.According to the Iron Aye, a wedge

or plate of iron has been found imbeddedin the masonry of the great pyramid, theindication being that it must have beenwrought in the age of Cheops, placed bysome authorities us far back as 5,400years ago. This makes the use of ironabout '2,500 years more ancient than it issupposed to be, and affords opportunityfor explaining tho cutting of tho sharpand well defined hieroglyphics on porphyry,granite, and other hard stonesemployed iu tho construction of Egyptianpyramids, temples, and tombs. Howil 1.1 1 1 x 1- ll-wiivkj cuiiMi jiitv** uwu nu ncioro inn ngnof iron, 1ms lwon a puzzling question tomany. Further investigation inny showiron to have been in use 0,000 years«go.

The -women of C< ylon were greatlyshocked n short time book at seeing anEnglish lady traveler wearing a tortoiseshell hack comb. In that qiuuter of theglobe the article is only worn by men.

Items of Interest.Paring the last year the Boston bonks

paid $1,024,819 taxes to the city,Atlanta, Ga., has two widows, sisters,

aged respectively thirteen, and, fifteenyears.Many' horses have died in Missouri

from having been fed on chinch-bugfodder. r

The Kindergarten system is to bo introducedinto the public schools of Mil1waukee.At Medina, Pa., a seventy-five-pound

"devil fish," caught in the Delaware,has been on exhibition.The grand juroas of 1amMp oounty,

Ohio, have presented church rafflos asan illegality and a nuisance.There were two hnndjj^d and nine

marriages in Nodaway county, Mo., lastyear, notwithstanding that sleepy name.

Don't feed your birds on stale canaryseed ; more than half the birds that diearc lost on acoount of musty, unhealthyseed.

Mrs. Pepin, aged one hundred andfour years, and tno mother Of twentythreechildren, died at Essex, Vt., rejoeutly. -t.Th« ftrnfA^inn r\f flin miocfmn r\9

storing the duties on teas has already hadan effect on prices, which have materiallyadvanced. *

So we go. A young mail in Otterville,111., has actually married his mother-in!law, and they are living happily in theold homestead.Miss Jennie Britton, of Lcwisburg,Pa., has won great glory by skatingthirty-two miles in three hours and thirty-fiveminutes.A New Orleans paper offers the followingsentiment: *' George Washington.

tint in war, first in peace, ppd, last inI getting a monument. .

Among the curiosities of advertisementsis the following: ''3Aloon forsale at half the cost of fitting."* Centrallocation.- . Mean<buaiire«8j- (

t Miss Ada Bwoet, of Ohiepgo, is the| only female pension agent in the country,and receives the highest pabiry paidto a woman by the government. *

A generous Terre Haute butcher, in a

friendly scuffle, cntr a gash ftPthe handI of a companions To show his iWgret, heimmediately turned and slashed his ownthumb off. j. .. \fThe 1 ativrs of Africa are sp(fond of

music that Sir Samuel Bilker declaresthat a London'or$hgrinder could marchthrough Central Africa followed by anadmiring crowd. . .

The plantation of Mrs. Mayblum.FortBend county, Texas, has this year produced$3,000 worth of Byrup from land[ which, if planted in cotton, would haveyielded only about $400.A gentleman whose house was repairingwent one day to see how the job was

| getting on, and observing a quantity ofnails lying about, said to tho carpenter :"Why don't you take care of these nails ?.they'll certainly be lost." **No," repliedthe carpenter, " you'll find themin the bill."The editor of tho Country Centleman,after practical tests of the utility of the

plan of picking the blossoms'off fromgrowing potato plants to increase thegrowth of the tubers, decides that theincrease, if any, is too slight to be perceptible,and that the process costs morethan it oomcs to.Only a woman's hair ! Who has not

some time in his life, picked such agolden thread from his best coat collar,and felt his heart beat the quicker foiit t Or gazed upon a tress laid away insome nook, and not felt tho influence oftender memories? Only a woman's hair !and yet we don't like it in a biscuit.

I The exactness with which tho man ofthe house shovels off his sidewalk is re|marked as amusing. He will go at itfieroely until he comet to the line thatseparates his territory from that of the

j next aoor neignoor, ancl there he stopsand squints his eye, and treatsdlie snowthat lies just over the boundary asthough it wero so much i miaou.An old man lay on liia death-bed in In1diauapolis sarrounded by five or six

children and his second wife. ' He wason the point of signing his will, when adispute arose between the prospectivewidow and orphans concerning the distributionof the property, culuiinating inan actual hand-to-hand tight. Quiet wasnot restored till the police interfered.A hospitable lady, of St. Louis, reIcently gave a party for her friends among

the young misses and masters the otherevening. Round donoes were proposed,when the huly said : "I cannot allowyon to have any round dances. If anyof the boys wish to hug the girls, letthem sit down upon the sofas, and goright at it in earnest, rounddances, mind you 1"At Lima, Ohio, they adopted a very

plensii >t way for raising funds for thegrasshopper sufferers. A " spellingschool" was held, the admission feebeing placed at twenty-five cents, andthe successful contestant was presentedwith a copy of Webster's UnabridgedDictionary. The profits of these enfcer1i.A:. ~ iii:iiiiiuguuc) i/irou uiuuuutui^ i/U U> liir^nHum.are then went to the charitable

j societies of the desolated dielri ts in thoWent.As a policeman passed upon lm beat

in Detroit ho observed two broken windowsHo looked through one of them,and raw n man on the floor with a brokenand bonnd-up head, whilo furniture and

j fragments were hoaped about him. Inquiringas to tho origin of tb<* ruin, hewas answered by a woirtitn a baby| in her ln|¥: tHfe 4*hn there!Well, he'a my hasbnnd. .Baby's rick.Ho said, ' Give her castor ile.' I Biud,Givs her gooes grease.' There belays,"