The Beaufort tribune and Port Royal commercial (Beaufort ... · and look kindly on the gay,...

^0^ < * OTIJIED HOMES. I'iktyPT X«rriB<M kb4 Their Effects Descrlbedr>*Wky UarrUlci Will Beceidk I'nfreqaent. » It is related of a certain old cynic that when (me of his juniors was introduced to him he would ask, " Are you married ?" If the answer was in the affirmative, his comment was: " Lucky dog 1" If he received a negative replj, he ejaculated: " Happy aog!" It is needless to 8ay that the old cynic was himself a married man. An old English poet has compared matrimony to a lighted lantern. Thp inRnrts nntaiifo bntt thfiir IirajIh against the pane to get in, while those inside butt their heads to get out again. How much cynicism there is in the old poet's figure, we caunot undertake to say. It is certain that unless things speedily mend, there will be a general and justifiable belief among young people in the infelicity of the marriage state. Now and then, as if by a flash of lightning, the public is shown the frightful skeleton which some unhappy couple have kept m their closet. Or a lawsuit takes the roof of a man's house and reveals a state off things inside which the shudderihg observer likens to the place of the damned. Scarcely a day passes in which it is not the duty of the newspaper chronicle to reodril some event Vtv vrVtinli a iornna AAnnla TV4AAVU « VVU|/AV UUTVA ViOU VUV-U misery to the world. It is a dreadful ending to a drama which opened with so nrach happy promise. There was a lovely young bride, for ail young brides are lovely, crowned with the delicate flowers which were emblems of her sweetness and purity. -She gave her trembling hand to the proud and happy bridegroom. Long, perhaps, had he pressed his ardent suit. And now he was like a young king just come to his majority. She was trusting, and he*was so sincerely devoted that he knew that no wind of heaven should visit her cheek too roughly while he lived. What a charming picture they made as ikpv stood at the altar.a rare combination ol beauty and strength. joyfully entering upon the holiest covenant which humanity makes with humanity. How many good wishes follow them, what ripples of delight spread outward from the joyous event that makes them one. Wherever they gothey carry their happiness with them, so impossible of concealment that even the most indifferent stranger takes a share in their benediction. Hard-featured old people look on with an unconscious relaxation of visage. The machine-like servants, railway people, and hotel clerks met on the wedding journey surrender a trifle of their official coldness, and look kindly on the gay, innocent pair. Not only is earth to these new beginners a rosy place to live ir, but each has found the perfect companion for life. In the nature of things, this cannot always be. No more is it possible that one should always bear the weight of which hoirs on« nt th« Ride nf a J death-bed. The load of sorrow wears awav before we are satisfied that we ought ever to be happy again. And the rtfined joy of the bridal time is tempered by the cares and responsibilities of married life. Bnt when it happens, as it often does, that the drama that began with music, flowers, smiles, and sunshine, speedily ends in darkness and misery, the mournful conclusion is that there has been a terrible mistake. It is better, perhaps, that the world should never know just where the error lay. Perhaps it was in the beginning. Perhaps some fault of temper, some long concealed vice, some unsuspected weakness, came to the surface when all else was smooth and fair. Possibly, each of the partner* was in fault, and, instead of bearing with each other, they were f petulant, suspicious, exacting, or simply oold and indifferent. Whatever was the _ original cause of estrangement, things went on froiil "bad to woise until the domestic trouble is bruited far and wide. The man and woman who tasted together the sweetness of love's young dream are h^mf each other. The husband who intofd to love and charisb, (and meant it, too,) is trying to break his lawful wedlock. The wife ^ho vowed to love 9ud honor finds life a blank. She has lost her happiness forever. Tins is all very miserable. It seems more miserable because we involuntarily contrast the conclusion with the lovely picture of the beginning. In all the wide world there is no place so horrible as a home in which husband and wife are at odds. It is no home. The woman is an alien under the roof of him who * ifas to defend aod protect her. The man, who should find rest and comfort * mshome, shuts his door behind him with a sense of relief, and goes out into ' the streets to escape the horror that bj+dJh' io his house. Is it any wonder that murder, suicide, drunkenness, and ifcfckid often hurry to drop the curtain Op all this misery ? And is it any wonder ihAt young peoDle who see this wretched end of a promising life are afraid to try the experiment? For it is an experiment^ and, unfortunately, the failures aremore conspicuous than the successful issues. No man can tell whether a majority of marriages are happy or un-f- happy; to* many skeletons are kept securely locked in domestic secrecy. But there are so many woeful chapters of wedded misery unfolded to the public gaze that men say, "I may be singly unblest; but I may also be cursed double." It is evident that many marriages are not founded on love and respect. Some are contracted like business partnerships; some are entered upon out of pique; and not a few marr^ without any adequate notion of the binding nature of the obligations so lightly assumed. We have gone far away from the oldfashioned homely idea of home. Unless we have more wholesome views of life and society, happy manftges will become more unfrequent..New York Timet. . Reminiscence of Nellie Grant's Wedding.' When Mrs. Sartoris, radiant with happiness, had gone from home and kindred to cross the ocean and find new ties with strangers, her wedding robe and veil were the last articles to be put away in one of those zinc packing-boxes that - .^ was used to preserve her silks from the effects of a jsdh voyage. An attache of the White House took a porter up stairs to bring down this last was in Nellie's room. He knocked; re- ,-a'wincr anawor hft PTltprftd. MrS. Giant confronted him, a sign motioned him not to permit the porter to enter, and laid her finger npon her mouth to invoke silence. The man glanced about the apartment to divine the cause of this imposed quiet. Upon his daughter's bed, his face bnr.'ed in her pillows, convulsed with suppressed emotiou, lay prone and prostrate the griefstricken father, who had gone through all the oeremonies'o? tliat marriage day:'; with dry eyes and an umnofeefc afra u ten - an *e, bnt parent love for a favorite child [ !»u 1 conquered the *' belted sphinx " only in the privacy of his daughter's ohaujbtr..Detroit Frre Prets. I 4 Charity Green's Gifts. " Double fold, and only five cents a yard. It was the cheapest piece o' plaid worsted I ever laid my eves on!" exclaimed' to herself Miss Charity Green, the old maid tailoress of Allantown, and she unfolded the three-dollar bank-note which she had received the day before for a week and a half's sewing at the Squire's, and smoothed the ragged corners, and looked at it affectionately. "Six yards 'U make me a full dress, and I must have it to wear at cousin Nathan's, as they've sent me their usual invitation to Christmas dinner. I guess I'll step over and get the stuff at once and. run up the Dreaatns tins evenin', as I've got all them button I holes ou Joseph Blake's new coat to make to-morrow, and I've no time to let grass grow under my feet." Mies Charity Green was a very poor woman who lived by her needle, and rented the "middle room "in widow Blake's small one-story house. She had a thin, faded face, with nothing pretty or attractive about it, except when she smiled, and then little children would be sure to forget all about the wriukles and the homeliness, and tangle her spools of thread and play with the scissors, which always hung around her neck, fastened with black ribbon, and never dream of stopping or beiqg in the least alarmed by her frequent, "There, there; children ! Dear me! I do believe little hands are the busiest in the world? Who ever did see !" Poor Miss Charity Green ! She was that very sad spectacle, a lonely, almost . .i friendless woman, wunoui miuer ur mother, brother or sister, husband or children in the world. Her life was turning its face toward half a century of years ; her health, never vigorous, was gradually failing her; and a cold, lonely old age rose up sometimes and appalled her with its chill and gloom. She had to work early and late, for the ropf that sheltered and the bread that nourished her. Poor Miss Charity Green 1 But as she tied on her straw bonnet that evening; there was a quick knock at the door, and the next moment a little brown curly head, with a pair of eager, bright, dancing eyes was thrhst inside. "Come in, Johnnie; what do you want ?" said Miss Ctarity Green. And if you had heard her VO^e just then you would have understood something of the -*i "' ^on irannml ft BtXJICt U1 iRU uuusg ov ^vuvim* » v... w with children. " Mother wants to know, Miss Green, if you'll lend her a drawin' o' tea. She'll pay you to-morrow." " 0 she needn't* bo in the least bit o' hurry about that are," answered Miss Green, as she took the little blue cup from the boy's hand. " Do sit down, Johnnie, and warm yourself by the are." And the boy sat down in the great arm-chair, while the woman measured the tea in Che cover of her tin canister. " Mother and sisters pretty well to- day, Johnnie ?" "Yes, ma'am, only mother said she felt a little o' rhenmatiz in her right shoulder this mormn'." Dear me, suz I It won't do for her to let the rheumatiz get hold on her this time o' year. Ill jest step out into the shed and get'her-'a little boneset I al'ays lay up some every fall, for there's nothin' like it for rheumatiz,- as my grandfather used to say." And as the woman tied up the dried herbs in a piece of brown paper, it struck her that her little neighbor wis unusually grave add silent; so half with nf <4vaun'nrr rtTlt. ftnV (Ytn. > UIC VI wv.. J ___ coaled trouble which might possess him, .j Miss Green continued the conversa- tion. " Well, Johnnie, you allgoin' to hate a merry Christmas at your house ?" " I don't know," said the boy in a dis- consolate tone of voice, twisting Ins! brown fingers in and out of each other. " What! you and sisters not going to hang up your stockings ?" " No, ma'am ; mc^hersaid she couldn't afford to give us any presents this year. Ellen and Jane cried all the afternoon! about it" "Wall, now, I declare 1 That is too bad," answered the sympathising voice of Miss Green, and she silently tied the paper and snapped the thread with her scissors, and as she placed it in the bo^'s hands she said to him, " Never mind. Johnnie, dear. Pluck up good heart. May be somethin' '11 turu up about them Christmas presents after alt" " Tf I was ouly a little better off now," j 3 "i- oka 1 ranrmureu aUisb v/unrmv uiccu dVO rocked herself back and forth in her great arm-chair, "them are children shouldn't go without hangin' up their stockings. I'd willingly sell my dinner to buy 'em some presents, for I know jest how much store children set by 'em. I shan't take a minute's comfort thmkin' o' the children's disappointment, and yet I don't see how in the world I can prevent it. If I didn't need that pladd dress now ".here the woman unclasped her bead purse and drew out the banknote and looked at it wistfully. "Them children must hang up their stockings; but if they do I must go without my dress, for it's just come to that. One thing's sartin, I couldn't take a minute's comfort there in a new one thinking on Miss Russell's children ; no, not if it was the finest satin that ever stood alone," and here Miss Charity Green brought down her foot with solemn emphasis. " I must wear my shabby old silk, and those that don't like the looks must turn their heads t'other way; for as long as I hold three dollars in my hands them children sha'n't go without a merry Christmas." "Oh I is that you ? Do come in, Miss Green," and the little pale, sorrowfulfaced, care-worn Mrs. Russell lifted her head from the child's stocking she was . darning as ner neiguuur oukicu mo room. 44 Little folks all abei?" whispered Miss Green in a low, mysterious tone of voice, as she came into the room with something carefully concealed under her shawl. " Yes, I sent 'em off an hour ago. poor things!" and a deep sigh -heaved the heart of widow Russell.a sigh that was born of wearying cares, and baffled hopes, and fainting spirits. "Wall, you see, Miss Russell," still preserving her low, mysterious tones, - « » . v. ftua SlOWiy uncovering net xuvx uumu shawl, revealing several packages in brown paper. "I thought as it was about Christmas time when little folks would want some know children ain't like grown folks anyhow ; so I kinder thought I'd slip somethin' into their stockings, for I s'pose you'd ways enough for every penny." "Oh, Miss Green, you are too good now !" What a light it was that broke over the pale, worn face of the mother as her eyes fell on the bundles ! "S'pose you jest take a squint at .lent," said the old maid, breaking the sipall cords aad tearing away the wrappers. | Fjr#tt, tb$re waaa blue drum with red stripes for Johnnie, which his mother knew would fairly throw him into ecstasies ; then in a round piuk box was | a white china tea-set for Ellen, with the most diminutive cups and saucers, and the daintiest sugar-bowl, and creammug, and water-pitcher; and for little Jane there was a wax doll, with black eyes, and ruby bps, and small dainty j rings of real brown hair; and a red-bird in a cage picking seeds out of a yellow trough; and added to all these was a purple liorn-of-plenty tied with golden ribbons, and filled with sugar plums for each of the children, Mrs. Russell's faded eyes gleamed with new light as she gazed at the gifts. She tried to speak, but the words I choked themselves back in her throat, and she broke down in a sob of tears. " Wall, I do say now, Miss Russell," said her neighbor, attempting in awkI ward but sincere fashion to comfort her. "Don't give up so. It ain't much, I know, but then we all had to be chil| dren once." " Yes, Miss Green, and it's jest the thought o' that and the good times we used to have when I was a wild, careless gal at father's that's e'en a-most broke my heart ever since I told the children thev mustn't expect to hang up their stockings this Christmas. You never did seen children so pat down in your life; they ain't hardly smiled since, and it's seemed as though we'd had a funeral i in the house when I put 'em to bed to night." " Well, s'pose now you jest get their stockings and we'll slip them in, and you can pin 'em up to the bod-post, you | know." i Mrs. Russell went to her chest of | cherry drawers and brought forth three small blue and white woolen stockings, and the hearts of the two women were full of a tune of gladness, as they crowded the playthings inside. " The house won't hold 'em to-morrow mornin'," exclaimed Mrs. Russell, "Xhey's be as proud as kings and queeDS." " Bless their hearts!" said Miss Green. " There ain't no use o' tryin' to get this drum inside." "No, I'll jest set it on the mantle. Umi- toa f T #vxr>Act I sha'n't know whether my head's off or on to-morrow mornin' about seven o'clock." And so Mrs. Russell's mother heart dwelt on the delight of her children, and j Miss Green drank in her words greedily, with frequent ejaculations of wonder "9^*!*tfeow the wind does blow!" said thaold maid as she gathered her shawl eftMr about her head and hastened down the load to her home, while a raw blast struck her in the faoe. The night was foil of the moan of winds and the anger of black > winter^ clonds; but Charity Green did not mind this, for her heart was full of the last words of Mrs. Bussell: "I don't know how to thank you, Miss Green, but- yon have remembered the widow an4 the fatherless, and be sure God will remember it of yon." " Merry Christmas.merry Christmas, Miss Green !" The voioes, the bright, eager, children's voices, were outside the door and inside the room all in a breath. There was Johnnie with his drum, and Ellen whose blue eyes danced with joy over her tea-set, and little flaxenj haired Jane, who looked " cunning as a witch," Miss Green averred, as she hogged op in troe motherly fashion ner precious doll to her heart. Then soch a confusion of voices and ronning of feet, drowned freqnently in the sound of Johnnie's drum, as went on for the next hoor in Miss Green's solitary room. "We're goin' to play company this afternoon," said Ellen, "and I'm goin' to set oot my tea-set and ". [ " And I'm goin' to be mother," broke in the sweet child-voice of little Jane. " And I shall bring dolly and the canary and act jnst like a big woman goin' a' visitin'." " And I'm goin' to be a soldier jest come home from the wars," said Johnnie; and here he struck on his drum so loud that Miss Green put her hands to her ears, exclaiming : "Oh, children, for all the world! What a clash yon do ' » i 1 t .. mase ; oui xiei ioc« *i» iuu vi diuuod all the time. . Miss Charity Green wore her old black silk dress to her cousin's Christmas dinner. It looked gray and shabby, it is true ; but she would not have felt half so happy in the richest velvet that ever adorned the figure of an empress. A Simple Method of Ventilating fiooiyg. Dr. H. N. Dodge informs us that he lias found the following plan very satisfactory for the ventilation of rooms that are much used during oold weather: Nail or screw a neat strip of wood, from one to two inches high, upon the window sill, just inside of the sash and extending entirely across from one side of* the window frame to the other. Upon the top of this strip fasten a piece of ordinary "weather strip," so that there will be formed an air-tight joint between the " weather strip " and the lower sash tka vnn^nir wVtAf.VtAr thA lat.tftr 1H V1 V*4V nAMMVnl . shut down tight or raised an inch or two, the lower cross-piece of the sash sliding on the rubber of the "weather strip " as the sash rises. With this simple fixture in plaoe, the lower sash may be raised enough to admit a stream of air between the lower and upper sashes, where they lap over each other at the middle of the window, without ad; mitting the least air at the window sill. The air admitted between the sashes is thrown directly up toward the ceiling, and there mixes with the heated air at the upper part of the room. The room is thereby ventilated in a thorough and agreeable manner without drafts of cold air upon the persons in the room. The amount of ventilation may be regulated by the distance that the lower sash is raised. This arrangement is cheap, simple and effective..Scientific American, On a railway line, recently, a passenger stopped the conductor and asked : " Why does not the train run faster ?" " It goes fast enough to suit us. If you don't like the rate of speed, get off and walk," was the rejoinder. " I would," replied the passenger, settling back in his seat, " bufrmy friends wouldn't come for me until the train comes in, and I /irm'f want tn waiting aronnd the sta- tion two or three hours." The heroic attack upon Fort St. Nicholas in the Shipka Pass, was led by an Englishman, Major Campbell. At the head of a battalion of 800 men he took the fort and held it for six hours, and then had to retreat. Of the 800 men only five, beside the major himself, returned to the Turkish lines. It is the pluckiest exploit of the present war. Millions of bottles of Burnett's Coooaine have been sold during the last twenty years, in every civilized oountry, and the public have rendered the verdict that it is the cheapest and best HWr*Dressing in the world. Ayer & Son's manual contains information of greafc-valne to advertisers. Send free by N. W. Aver & Son, Adv. Agta., Philadelphia. Effects of Breathing Foul Air. The air we breathe, which a groat English physician calls gaseous food, may become impure to the degree of being indigestible to our lungs and utterly unfit for the performance of funcI tions which are quite as important as those of our solid and fluid victuals. Dull*headaches, nausea, loss of appetite and of the eense of smell, and the sadness produced by the unsatisfied hunger after exygen, are only incidental and secondary evils ; the great principal curse of the troglodyte habit is its influence on the respiratory organs. In 1853, when Hanover and other parts of northern Germany were visited by a vflrv malignant kind of small-pox, the great anatomist Langenbeck tried to discover "the pe<ailiaiitv of organic stnieture which disposes one man to catch the disease while his neighbor escapes. I have cnt up more human bodies than the Old Man of the MounI tain with all his accomplices," he writes from Gottingen in his semi-annual report, "and, speakiDg only of my pri| mory object, I must confess that I am no wiser than before. But, though the mystery of small-pox has eluded my search, my labors have not been in vain; ! they have revealed to me something else.the origin of consumption. I am sure now of what I suspected long ago, viz., that pulmonary diseases have verv little to do with intemperance or witn erotic excesses, and much*less with cold weather, but are nearly exclusively (if we except tuberculous tendencies inher! ited from both parents, I say quite ex; clusively) produced by the breathing of foul air. The lungs of all persons, mi' nors included, who had worked for some rears in close workshops and dusty fac- tories, showed the germs of the fatal disease, while confirmed inebriates, who had passed their days in open air, had preserved their respiratory organs intact, whatever inroads their excesses had made on the rest of their system. If I should go into, practice and undertake the cure of a consumptive, I should I begin by driving him into the Deister (a densely wooded mountain range of Hanover) and prevent him from entering a house for a year or two.".Popular Science Monthly. Mua'i 3I«onn. When the telegraph announced the disoorery of PrQf. Hall that our neighboring planet had two satellites, and the dispatch was read the next morning at ten thousand JSnerican breakfast tables, what think yon was the affect upon the hearers ? Some colloquy similar to the following was sure to occur: " Mars has two moons, hey ? Pass me the milk, Kitty. Strange, isn't it, that astronomers never saw them before. Another chop, please. I wonder what they'll discover nexir mese corn cakes arc exoellent. What's the latest from Europe?" We have become so accustomed to startling discoveries and announcements, that we take them as a matter of coarse. Even truth must appear in flaming colors to make itself seen. The virtues of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets have been testod in ten thousand households, whose inmates will tell you that j they consider the discovery and introduction of these remedies of far more importance to the world than the moons of Mars. Sbipxax, III., June 13,1877. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir. Last fall our daughter.aged 18. was fast sinking with oons adaption. Different fhysicians had pronounced her case incurable, obtained half a dozen bottles of your Golden j Medical Discovery. She commenced iroprovI ing at once, and is now as hardy as a pine knot. Yours respectively, Rev. I8SAC N. AUGU8TINE. The Influence of Malarlo Counteracted. That the harmful induenoe upon the human system of malaria may be effectually counteracted has been demonstrated for years past by the protection afforded the inhabitants of vast miasma-breeding districts in North and South | America, Guetamala, Mexico and the West Indies by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Used htva invnriahlv been cms a piocuurf) I>UVJ u«tv fonnd to be a most reliable safeguard against chills and fever, bilious remittents, ana still more malignant types of malarious disease, and when employed as a remedy have always graved their adequacy to the task of eradicatlg such maladiqg from the system. For disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, which in hot climates and miasmatic localities are particularly rife, the Bitters are a prompt and thorough remedy. They also strengthen the system, tranquilize the nerves, promote digestion and sonnd sleep, and impart unwonted relish for food. . Mrs. General Kheraaa, wife of the general of the United States army, says: " I have frequently purchased Dur&ng's Rheumatic Remedy for fnends suffering with rheumatism, and in every instanoe it worked like magio." Send for circular to Helphenstine A Bentley, druggists, Washington, D. C. CHEW The Celebrated 4 41 Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tnn a. rum The Pionreb Tobaooo Cohpakt, New York, Boston, and Ohioago The elegant oompany from Duff's Broad! way Theater, New York city, are playing to a succession of crowded houses in New York State and Oanad*. In the hands of this talented organization the play of Pink Dominoes has made a decided hit, and is spoken of as a masterly performance. Rheumatism Qnlckly Cared. "Durang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great internal medicine, will positively cure any case cf rheumatism on the faoe of the earth. Price #1 per bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by all druggists. Send for circular to Helphenkiue & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. To Djripfptiri and Invalids. Biscuits, rolls, cake or pastry, made with Dooley's Yeast Powder, can be eaten with imi punity and relished by th» most sensitive dyspeptics as bealtbv aud nutritious. Ireland to the Front! if you are bilious take Quirk's Irish Tea. Sold by druggists at 25 cents a package. TKTaII can *> made in one d#y with UOOQ. W 011 onr 4-foot Well Attoeb. Senh for onr anger book. U. S. Acor.R Co., St. Louis. Mo. d f ^ ^ 1 ". isu r>.orm \***t »* already weak deavt h#cuta6ik ASh beard. fc«*w ^ kp -9 fiwi ) 2 Park* fa. K. ^j.17 e*»W d.Crrtesa 1 YcP J ,a ParAn#» «rtk limtil »?* W«< 23 rl«.l fWr _ k Jk tMITB 4 CO. fak A«~u. P.ktrw. Jtt. Tk^jpiaparaU. TW > w»| *M «MUM »»4 AMIM M !«* I TAI/F»KS B g M |B BB selling suilunery Pack. M/^k » o In tl>« world. It con » ^ talns 18 sheets of Paper, 18 Envelope*. rr-ficil. renbnlder, Golden Pen, and a p.ece Of valuable Jewelry. Complete sample package. with »legant gold stone Sleeve Buttons. Set Gold-plated Studs, Engraved Gold plated Ring, and a I-adles" fashionable Fane* Bet, Pin and Drops, postpaid 35 cents. 6 PACKAGES with Assorted Jewelry «i. a Splendid Watch and Chain free with every S60 worth of Goods jfou buy. Extraordinary Inducements to Agents. BRIDE & CO. 11 Clinton Place* New Yom TkT4,ATG¥/"kTVTC.1Soldiers suffering from X JjJ 131 ©J. * f 131 © wounds, injuries, or disease can procure pension. ana those who are pensioned car have their pensions terrsaeed, where their present retina is too low, as is the case [in thousands of instance* Widtws and children of soldiers who died in end out ol the army of disease oontracted in aervioe, ere entitled t< pension. Fall bounty is dae all soldiers discharged fot wounds, rapture, or injury other then disease. Soldier who were prisoners ofwar oan secure pay for rations, fot the time bo held. For fnll information, aaarew wiu «t«mp. MfNEIL & BUtlH, . ^ Washington, D. C. f+* t'H ''iim allow*1 ifuiBir JUST OUT.A new comie bo>l entitled "Our Artmt is Cuba, Pkbu, Spais, and Algixbs," with numerous new caricature* ant ketches of trarel in thoa* tropica countries. By ft. W. Carleton price.AO ota. Eleg antlr printed CARLKTON A CO.. Publiahers, Hew York. HENS LAY|*4'ffif" 1 W PRODUCER scrape cot needed: 1 lb. is enough for lQChens a month Grocers sell if, 4 lb«. 81; 1 lb. 35 ct*. 4W, Hi; i Manufacturer. 143 B-dford St.. Boston. Circulars free One pound sent, postage paid, for 60 eta. Agents waited to every town in the UnltedJi'atteS. _ Agent*, Jobber* and Itetnilers supplied b; D.R. NOBLE 101 Wall St.. N. Y. WEIKELA SMITH SPICE CO.. Philadelphia Peru. JVE. KING WIU. 1 BKO.. So. Water St. Chicago F.DWO. L. MUELLER. Its N. Main St.. St. Ixmia. Mo ADAMS. BUTTRRFIKLO A (X) . Indianspolia, Irid JOHN T. HANCOCK A CO.. Dobuque. la. CHAR. H TFXLKR. u Joy St.. Detroit. Mi. h. ALBERT FRIES. St.. Nloholas, Fix OHAS. BULLOCK. Trenton, N. J. MESSRS. TIFFANY & CO., UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY, the leading Jewelers and Silversmiths in the United States, have Just prepared for complimentary distribution, a pamphlet of sixty-four pages, containing a condensed account of each of their several departments, practical suggestions relative to the selection of presents for Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, and lists of appropriate articles, that cannot fail to be of service to persons having gifts to select for Wedding, Holiday or otner occasions. They will send it by nail, postage paid, on request. ADDRE 8SASABOVE. Books Old & New wanted and (told. Immense Catalogue. American Book fUekange, 55 Beekmsn St.. N.Y. T) A fMMernlfor Wood-Splint fancy tcark; 40 designs. XT A A 1 <o post-paid. J. JaT GoiJLDjBoston.Masa. -" Turtle Sleeve Buttons ~ A wrest cifriosity and novelty, made of White MetsJ [jj I and plated with either silver or nickel. Rsch button A oontaim* a perfect imitation of a Lite Turtle with moveable head, tail, and leas and no sensitive to the , touch that no one can hold them still. Sample pair r sent to any address, by mail, post-paid, on receipt of » 50 cents in currency or postage stamps. Illustrated I circulars of four other splendid novelties, mailed free to any address, on application. Rare obanoe Arias agents to make money. Refer by permission ^ to Indian Head National Bank of this city. T, Address, A. A. DAV1K. Nnsbow, M. H. POUND AT LAST 1 £A Itemedy for Catarrh, Aethnin, and all Lsdk Disease*. The wonderful healing qualities of Dr. Jndgr'e OxyHydroxenated Air ! has made it a family remedy all over the country. It is inhaled into the lungs, passing the tissues into the circulation of the blood. The process of inhaling is as simple as the act of breathing itself, and may be performed by the moat delicate and feeble without exertion and fatigue. Mr. Murray of the Ooldm Rule writes of it: 146 Treosont Street, Boston, August !., 1877 Dr. Jcdoe.Pear Sir: I was troubled last winter with an obstinate Catarrh, which invaded my throat and lungs, and nsnnsd a most trying cough. I have used your medicine with perfect ~*eZ*. every trace of cough and catarrh having been removed by your truly wonderful treatment. Patients at a distance succesafaljr treated. Send for Pamphlet. Dr. JDIN1E dc CO.» Physician* 79 Beach St.) Baeion. .Haw. CANCER. ritUE treatment of Canoer has become so interwoven X with quackery that the progressive physician has appeared unwilling to enter into the arena against the "eoeption; consequently tnn din oi um uiwnw k»« feesion ere almost totally ignorant of this fearfol and most prevalent disease. Tbey regard Cancer as incurable becaase they do not understand its origin or pathology, consequently thev merely try to alleviate Uis excruciating pain which this disease entails upon its victims. We regard Cancer As curable in both forms medullary and scirrhns We have used our remedies in this country and Rnrope for the laat twenty yean with marvelous success, especially in cases of the womb, breast.and nice. We earnestly solicit s call from those who have given up hope. One of the physicians of the institute will vi«it those in sny part of the oountry who are unable to call. We use neither knife, plaster nor* caustic, and cause no pain, depending entirely upon our specific. Patients on beginning treatment only pay for the medicines they receire until they are satisfied they are improving, tee for examination snd oonsoltition *3.00 in all csaee. AII letters of inquiry must oootain SI.00,as our time ie Taloab'e and cannot be given for nothing Addre»sall letters to t^e Superintendent, Db. ROBKRTSON. at office of Institute. , 04 Tremont .Street. Boston. "The Best Polish in the World." ^BBim'o^El'sOAR m , mm m i m|D«HnllYl Sjt thj | lllll|lToU(tuiu.BM. ,1^ M Rll Sis No itlljcltt and I J&gfc w N nVbUS docoptiro odon to liim:.~l HSjL III VbNM oorir commoa nod !BA5$=5e^5Si I' <ul#un<«» *»«*fiSeSSnil HKol nU' ilUr^UIti nBdSnPi' mLSSklM oclontlfie erpcfcnooi UilBvl .tffyygB Um monoh 'c* o' n. r B-i. j - -j--* uHW|Di^SS0Q|H^^^Er ^* j-rtjctod Sr io« ontj to the pohlU TkoTUTIIT TOILET WAP hi the Wtwli OmJa lit Mtratf oip*olf> oiit uh ill w/tiOft. Sample box, eeotolatof S cakee of t oak aoob, eent fro* to any ad droM M Mootot of It onto. Adfrot Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Require* immediate attention, a* neglect oftentimes result* in some incurable Lang disease. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHtS "* .twmio MmMiv. nnd will almost in* variably five immediate relief. SOLD BT ALL CHEMISTS and dealers in medicines. IF Yt)U WANT i First-Class Magazine, Snbaeribe for 1her ATLANTIC^ MONTHLY for 1H*H notv.and von will receive, the. November and J>e w-% va wi WN 'em'ter hum ers r n jv i>t j ncc $4.O0. For One Dollar extia you ran obtain a splendid Ufc-sixe portrait of either of the world-famous poetsy lVhittler, Mlryantf and Longfellow. fry mail, postage free. Mark Twain ia a constant contributor to the ATLAXTiCand the. best authors, poetm, and story-tellers in the country write for t(* pages. Address it. O. HOI GHTOX * < 0., Rirersidr Press. t'oMbrtdae. tins*. BURNETTS KALLISTON FOll KEMOVINO lant Sunburn, Freckles, Eedness and Eruptions of tiie Skin, and for Bendering the Complexion Clear and Beautiful. Of all the effect* that expcanre of the akin to the air or aim produce*, the moct disagreeable I* called freckles, or tan. If apread over the entire surface of the part* exposed, It ia called tan; if . TV* UnMtiklni icMwrea umwniu,ii«vM> ,-iro roost subject to them. The KALLISTON, I prepared by Joseph Burnett A Co., Boston, eon ;.litis a peculiar eraaive property which will r»: move these disagreeable itaina. It ia at the same lme perfectly harmless, allays all tendency to inflammation, and renders the complexion clear M beautiful. ' [ . T1UE^~MMK. | FOR ASTHMA, ROSE COLO, HAY FEVER, Etc. 1 ThJsiuaaadj has been ssed la theomad* of lbs vent saw, with MtonUhlnr and uniform success, ud it offered to the public with fall confidence in its merit*. It contain* no poiaosoea or Injurious properties whatever, sad an infant may take it with perfect safety. | t E.vtmst from the " Life of Washington Irving," by hie nephew, Pierre M. Irving. Vol.Tvi, pace tn. a The doctor nreecribedLaa an experiment,.what had been eqereeted oy Dr. (O. w J Holmes on hi* late viait.. ' Jonoa WhiicomVa Remedy^* Asthma,' a teaepooaful ha a wine elate of watar, to be taken every four bonis. . A good night waa the result" 44I have had the apormedlr aathma fifteen year*. I commenced taking 'Jonas WhMecoab'a Remedy tor the Asthma' eighteen month* ago. and hare not had aaevere paroxysm ainee." SARAH SEELT, Kddytown, YMas Co., N. V., to Editor* Sural 2iev Yorker. "Have cold ' Whitcomb'a Remedy' for nearly twenty ( rear*. I know of nothing ao uniformly successful." ! THEODORE METCALJ? fianw, Tmut street Boston. "T » I I .- Mat benefit ftom ' Jonas Whit- tomb * Aithro* Htmedj.J' Q. T. OA BORNE, Proidtnt Ixeptunc lacunae* Co., Boitoa, Him, kept it off lor tt« whoU mmoo, to Qm gw*t J«f o>1 the i Prtpartd only by JOSEPH BURNETT ft ''A Boston. For Arte by til Droggitta. ROYAL Absolute All aroo* thorized to rnsreataw tt foil wojefat mad To try it, rend 00 oonta for 1-pound com to K0YA1 portofo. Send for Reduced Price Lit! of Mason * Hamlin CABINET 0R8ANS. NRW and 8PI.KNDID STYLUS; PHIC£S RF.DCCtD 010 w w.rO KACH. THIS MONTH (NOV. 1K7). Address MASON A HA.tlLIN ORGAN CO., Boston. New York, T t'hiftiga. KELP'S HHIRT8. KEEP'S Patent Partly-mHdn Dre^sShirta, boot qoali- iy, only uiain hubs uj nmin. o iur *< KFKPH Custom Shirts to measure, beet quality, 6 for $9. delivered free. Guaranteed perfectIv natis/actory. HE I) FLANNEL UNDERWEAR. , Undershirts and Drawer*, bSt quality, 11.60 each. White Flannel UiklecveeU, beat quality, SLSO eaeb. Canton Flannel Vests A Drawer*, ex. heavy, 76c. each. Twilled Silk Umbrella#, paraxon frame* $3 each. Beat Gingham, patent protected rib#, tl eacb. Circular# and sample# mailed free, on application Shirteonly. delivered free KF.KPMANUFACTURING COMPANY, 105 and 107 Mercer Street, New York. , For Consumption And all dise&ies that lead to it; anon aa Congha, Neglected Golds, Bronchitis. Pain In the Cheat, and all dieeases of the Langs, Allen's Lung HhIsiim is the Great Modern Remedy. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Has proved itaelf to be the greatest Medical Remedy for heeling the Lunjrs, purifying the Blood, and metering the tone of the Liver. It exeitee the phlegm, which is raised from the Longs, thereby paring the way for a speedy cure. Joat try it once. BOLD BY All MEDICINE DEALERS. The Beet Trwws without A STis^Bh Metal Springs ever invented. P .nTiiDt S tHKo hunW claim ef a oertain radical cure, but a guarantes ot a comfortable, se cure ami aa'tafaoCory apphV^r anoe. We will taka back and pay Tall price for all that do net salt. Prioe, single, like out, 14; far both sides, M. Sent by mall, poet-paid, on receipt of pries. N. B..This Tram will cubic more Ruptures than any of those for whiah extravagant claims are made. Circulars free. POMEROY TRU88 COA . 746 Brosulway* New Yerh. Dr. Warner's Health Corset, With Skirt Supporter and SelfjgpTy Adjusting Pads. K f Uoeqaaled for Beauty, Htylr M < and Comfort. Xfjrv/N APPROVED BT ALL PHYSICIANS. ^7 i Pne Ail# hu f.+nAina *f#rcAnnff Kfji * Samples, any sise, by mail. InSatteen. rrAi^r^M Contil. 1.76: Naming Const. I /Wfjf V \ **'C0 Mi89e6' CorMt, 11.00. I Lffiirn*/ I AGENTS WANTED. I *W|ljTT / EARNER BRO'S. WrSMWBaA m Brtiulwyt N. . A POSITIVE * CURE FOR CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA. Thousands bare been cared by l>r. Oeldraben'i (nhalat*en, who were pronoanced Incurable by ph»si cau» and friends. Patients living at a dhrtanoe desiring to avail themselves of the dvioeof Dr. Owldcnberg, can write their name and poet-oflee address, and forward to Or. Goltrakerf. 916 Arch Street, Philadelphia, when he will retnrn them a list of printed questions, the answers to wnich will enable hiss to determine the natnre of their diseases and the probability of care. He will forward to any addiem, hia paper or DooLgmac foil description* of the diseases ho mate, etc. flip JK. Verio* St., PMUuUlphi,a, CM. S, 1877. I bare need Dr. GoMeoberg's Inhalation for Catarrh, Bronchitis, and Asthma, and am entirely cored. AWNDC VEAL. KIDNEY add LITER SPECIFIC A RADICAL CURB FOR ALL JUIBA8M or m KIDNEYS, BLADDER, AND URINARY ORCAN8. Persona coffering from tbeee direaaea abonld send for the list of qoeetiooa, that the Doctor may giro them an opinion concerning the nature and curability of their cases. Consuhst'T./ and examinations free, 'Send for Descriptive Paper to Dr. UOLDENBERU'S Principal (Ifflce, 918 Arch Ktreef, Philadelphia. wiQTiD'fi nlTsiF" TV lilt nun vnuiraiu WISTAR'S BALSAM OF OF WILD CHERRY WILD CHERRY CURES I'oufki, C«ldi, Ialieazai HoirKifH, BraaehltlaiWkaairfai Conch, Croup* Hare Throat* Aithna, Difficulty of Breath~ " J »- - «- ik. HU, mmd li(i rauinri nu« >_v . ._ Br«Mt,Qaiu7) Bpltdac afBlMd. Lher Caaplalalt BlredUf of Ike LiiHf and all Diseases f the Throat, Lugi aad Cheat, tnrlndlng em CONSUMPTION. PROM ELDER H. L. OILMAN, A MINISTER 01 THE GOSPEL IN GLOVER, VT. " I hare bean troubled for eereral year* with a diffi cultj of the Heart and longs; hare applied to aeeers! phyrieian# for help, and hare tried a]moat every rented; reoommended, without receiving any assistance, but bad been groinng weaker aad weaker, unUL hearing ©! WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD OHERRT about i rear tinea, I commenced using it, with immediate relief It haa not only reetored my lungs to a eouad state, but ] am entirely reliered ofthe diMculty or djeeeee of th« heart. I hare no hesitation in saying that it is the heel long medicine before the public, and I chest fully ant conscientiously reoommeod it to all psfsons suffcrini with pulmonary complaint*." Wi star's Balsam of Wild Cherry. FROM MRS. ISAAC MOORE OF RICHMOND, VT M Soma three yeare sinoe I was attacksd with a .ran cough, »rww aad irritation of the longs, to whtal waa added asthma in a aerere form. During the firs year I tried peroral of the most popular medicines o the day, bat rsosfrsd no real relief, and I had sheer despaired of erer regaining my health, when I was in duced to try DR. WI8TaB*8 BALSAM OF WILI CHERRY, which rery soon reliered me. My ooogl became loose, the soreness and irritation disappeared and my general health began to mend. I con meed hi use, and a few bottles reetored me to better health thai 1 erer hoped to enjoy again. I believe the Balsam tt be the most reliable remedy that can be found." I Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. FROM BENJAMIN WHEELER, STATION AGKJC1 ajurrriT »nv ALSTON. MASS. " IVU moat severely afflicted with a hiru. dry cough with its nsaaT acoamphniment of night sweats, oom ptMaly prostrating my narvous system, and Drodaein< saoto s debilitated ststo of health that, after trjitH medical aid to no porpoee, I had given op all hopes o ever reoovering, aa bad also my friends. At tois it r of matten I was prevailed upon? through <the infineno of a neighbor, to toy WISTAR.^8 BAXBAM, tbookl with do belief whatever in its truly wonderful curette properties, and before oaing two bottles the effect wa almost magioal. Mr ooogh entirely left me, the nigh rweata deterted me. nope onoe more elevated my degrees ad sptrtta, and soon I had attained my wonted strengtl and vigor. Thai has this Balsum. as-has often beai remarked by pereona conversant with the above facta ii this vicinity. HterdUy snatched me nom the grave Yon are at liberty to ase this far the benefit of thi afflicted." Wi star's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Prepared by SETH W. FOWL* A SO58, 86Harri sou Avenue, Boston, Maes. 5 50 rU< and |la bottle. | 50 eta. and 91 a bottle. Sold by all Drsuhla I Sold by all Pnurclets BAKING - POWDER. >ly Pure. ebeotatelr pare. BAKING POWDER CO.. N. Y., mo( by nail, free of > " * e flTTTfi KEYOLVEKS. Price Lietftrea AMreer U U H P Qteet Weggt Gun Worke. PltUbnrg. Pa. K 4a tOA per dn et bogg 8eoplni eorx m V ^ Vtree. grmsox * W.. fastland. Maine 3 new rootl ud 3 new instrument*] piece* Bluet Mnsic.lOc. Globe Music Oo.. Middleboro. Mas*. TITAVPKR box, conteina 07 useful article*; six t* W UX1 tump*. Mjg Et* Grant. MMdleboco. Mass, wo g*^^am!7?ShTm.!5jas^ai' <f A GOLD PLATED "WATCHES. (Viyu <iu ih« koowa world. Sauna Watch Fass ro Aesna UlllkDOMM. A. COCLTKK A CO.. Cmcaoo. lau $400ji5SS]^iS£ taraffiasgBBsas iARA A Wwft. I dentil wanted. 36 beat set VjKKII in* article* in the woctl On* aampla free. 6VW Address JAY BRQ1MOW, DetmSClfloh. BEATTY -/xiXgn, Cir. Free. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, It. J. HOME AND ABROAD. A paper for everybody Only 31.10 * year with spend id Premium A*ents wanted. B. B. BU8SKIL A CO., V &5 OocmhUl. Boston. CONSUMPTION! ft* Cnwar, Trent went nnd Corn blllty. A Shor Treatise sent free to any address by Da SMITn, 145 K. 15th Stree', New York. £ly info'-? SoldS.^AcSKas Co nfzolu:. '.u, p. s. oto auv. wShi^t*B. p. c. CLOCK iiist STORIES. £iSS P"P% prn Choice Standard BOOKS m all" § kr pa pa depat tmenta of literalor®.Poetry, IV ha %m piatioo. Hiatory. Biography, tbo Classics, etc , the beat and cheapest hooka in the world. Catatoceefteo. THK*Bf.ADE. TclMw, Okie. BEFORE-¥OU or a speKmed eopy of The ToTrrte Blade. It is a Mammoth RMt Pace Weekly' Paier, of Sizty-fcor Columns, filled with caret ally prepared reading matter jf intereet and raloe to people in ell pert# of the United Ststea. Specimen# free. . . >ASBY t>! .i. B4S£5£ Two of the richest, raciectpampbleta ever ifwoed. Foil >f the rare Humor and profound Philosophy of IkeJan >f Cenfedrit X Roads. JO oenta each; tbreo for z5 enta Addresa. lUllSt W«de>OMs. nr hook AamtTH* take notice. JOSUH ALLUfS WIFE Hmm " Wrote Another Book" wad Hiaready. Samantha at the Centennial At a p. A, and p. l Ontdoea herself and Widow OooBUL learea KXTSXT BobbST far behind. Don't «ait and loae your chanca, tend for territory circnlarr, ^iiiifuakn FUBL&HHIG CO, Hartford, Conn.. or F. C. BLISS A bo.. Newark. J. J. WORK FOR; ALL In their own localities, oawraaatea tor thf Fireside sio t> ta flHHUHHHIHIHHHI *P^^j aftg aa^"Sh!fflfiRjya8?''wMary J. Holmes. rtM m* ami, ttfo HbfJ. Hetaw, -Mthnrof tfcoaaaptendid book*.Edith L*l» H .t Lawn .Tempi* and Sunekime.Lmea JHeea$ utm^ M now IMd;, *ad for ante by nil bookaaller*. Pnco (l.^O. Itiiona H th* finast norab evar written, qpd ararybody shoaJd tTwrnmummMM WANTED. Ladies of Ability Ta mwn tad astabliah A mate or oao of tbo wllinc Pataute in tba United States and Canada*. Addraas. SI Baal 18th Btmad, Ifaw York Oity. . $UOO - i Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household orna Pries One Dollar each. Send fSr catalogue. JAMES B. OSGOOD & CO. ' ^ BOSTON, MASS. _ ' $1J00 , $1M0 Bryant's Opera House, NewYork, Hoe. 788 h 780 Broadway, Opp. Maw York Hotel. BRYANT'S NIN8TIUUJt Under the Management of NEIL BEY A NT. ' .iQa Wilson. Micw toa w iison, oiiij uijini, tool A Seperk Orchestra will appear in A GnuM Allautre. RatrilalnMcat Er«y EtciIrc at 8, and Manny Jfatlnee at 2. Popular Prices.85, 6(1 and 73 eta. MatineeM and AO cents. If HAW A new Medical Treaties "Tn AI1U OV 8ci**c* or-Lire, as Iblt _ PaiMavA-no*," e book tor TIIVCCI E> 9T*ym*D- Prto»§i,MBtbr TNTSELr ten limes thepriceof the book. Gold MedsJ awarded be anther. The Boetoo RemId says Tf<# ^rrience Of lit* ia beyond ell eoiapariaon IfPAl the isoat extraordinary work OB Physiology ever published." UfcRIi Mas. Pamphletaent free. Ad's eaaaiaMMew mm Da. W. H. PAPKKR, No. 4 TilTSpI W Bwlfiscb Street. Boston, Man. § || | OCmsl AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ZCTORXAL DISTORT of1 U.S.« The treat interest is the thrilling hhtory ofoar country makee this the faeteet selling book ever pobU> bed. It contains over MXI fine historical eagravii gs andr 1190 peeve. It sells at sigbt. Send for « t extra terms to Agents, dbd see why it-sells faster- an any other book. Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelylm, Pa ! gfcjEIERETT HOUSE S Fronting Union Square1 I new YOWK. ; ' Finest Location in the City. Enrepeai ?Isb.Ifstsonurt lunniisRi KBMNBB St WBA VBM, Priori** 0T0. THE 8000 OLD! i a SUED-BY". ! KZllCil HUSTAX6 ldhot. FOR MAR ARO RKART . IIWTABumz> 36' Tula Ahaeye earn. Always reedy. Always bandy. Has never yet failed. TUtr, efllkw base tested A The whole world appro? the » glorious old Mutant.the Beet and Cheapest Liniment | ' j existence. 36 oents a bottle. The MasUng Lmimen r enras whan nothing else will. | BOLD BY AM. MFfliriN* vTWprna. SANDAL-WOOD t [ i pisltlis remedy for all dissssss of the Kidneys. wmnmmmmmt mlma «Md En Dvee. «feai'Oca^ltlali' Kjwwr poodoooo: sUfeaoos,' eortaia sad «oodr fas tto Mtfea. Bis fast tnponodiog 41 otter imhAm. fllxty oopooJoo otmlte six or oi«h duo. Vo otter aodMaosta do Urio. . Bswsrs sf laltsdsn, 'ftr, owing' to* its groo oos, oMfling pOsti otd. BUNDA 8 DICK fclCO.'H SmoUU. Soft Cop mJm, (XI #/ dkedeteood, .- »!<* ex oii Jr» ttorm. Atk for circular, or tomd for oho to X and Sf yfoootor dtr.t, Xws Tort. . I KYH.9 49 y

Transcript of The Beaufort tribune and Port Royal commercial (Beaufort ... · and look kindly on the gay,...

Page 1: The Beaufort tribune and Port Royal commercial (Beaufort ... · and look kindly on the gay, innocent pair. Notonlyis earthtothesenewbeginners arosyplaceto live ir, buteach has found



I'iktyPT X«rriB<M kb4 Their Effects Descrlbedr>*WkyUarrUlci Will BeceidkI'nfreqaent. »

It is related of a certain old cynic thatwhen (me of his juniors was introducedto him he would ask, " Are you married?" If the answer was in the affirmative,his comment was: " Lucky dog 1"If he received a negative replj, he ejaculated:" Happy aog!" It is needlessto 8ay that the old cynic was himself amarried man. An old English poet hascompared matrimony to a lighted lantern.Thp inRnrts nntaiifo bntt thfiir IirajIhagainst the pane to get in, while thoseinside butt their heads to get out again.How much cynicism there is in the oldpoet's figure, we caunot undertake tosay. It is certain that unless thingsspeedily mend, there will be ageneral andjustifiable belief among young people inthe infelicity of the marriage state.Now and then, as if by a flash of lightning,the public is shown the frightfulskeleton which some unhappy couplehave kept m their closet. Or a lawsuittakes the roof of a man's house and revealsa state off things inside which theshudderihg observer likens to the placeof the damned. Scarcely a day passesin which it is not the duty of the newspaperchronicle to reodril some eventVtv vrVtinli a iornna AAnnla


misery to the world.It is a dreadful ending to a drama

which opened with so nrach happypromise. There was a lovely youngbride, for ail young brides are lovely,crowned with the delicate flowers whichwere emblems of her sweetness andpurity. -She gave her trembling hand tothe proud and happy bridegroom. Long,perhaps, had he pressed his ardent suit.And now he was like a young king justcome to his majority. She was trusting,and he*was so sincerely devoted that heknew that no wind of heaven shouldvisit her cheek too roughly while helived. What a charming picture theymade as ikpv stood at the altar.a rarecombination ol beauty and strength.joyfully entering upon the holiest covenantwhich humanity makes with humanity.How many good wishes followthem, what ripples of delight spreadoutward from the joyous event thatmakes them one. Wherever they gotheycarry their happiness with them, so

impossible of concealment that even themost indifferent stranger takes a share intheir benediction. Hard-featured oldpeople look on with an unconscious relaxationof visage. The machine-likeservants, railway people, and hotelclerks met on the wedding journey surrendera trifle of their official coldness,and look kindly on the gay, innocentpair. Not only is earth to these new beginnersa rosy place to live ir, but eachhas found the perfect companion forlife.In the nature of things, this cannot

always be. No more is it possible thatone should always bear the weight of

which hoirs on« nt th« Ride nf aJ death-bed. The load of sorrow wearsawav before we are satisfied that we

ought ever to be happy again. And thertfined joy of the bridal time is temperedby the cares and responsibilities ofmarried life. Bnt when it happens, asit often does, that the drama that beganwith music, flowers, smiles, and sunshine,speedily ends in darkness andmisery, the mournful conclusion is thatthere has been a terrible mistake. It isbetter, perhaps, that the world shouldnever know just where the error lay.Perhaps it was in the beginning. Perhapssome fault of temper, some longconcealed vice, some unsuspected weakness,came to the surface when all elsewas smooth and fair. Possibly, each ofthe partner* was in fault, and, instead ofbearing with each other, they were

f petulant, suspicious, exacting, or simplyoold and indifferent. Whatever was the

_ original cause of estrangement, thingswent on froiil "bad to woise until thedomestic trouble is bruited far and wide.The man and woman who tasted togetherthe sweetness of love's young dream are

h^mf each other. The husband whointofd to love and charisb, (and meantit, too,) is trying to break his lawfulwedlock. The wife ^ho vowed to love9ud honor finds life a blank. She haslost her happiness forever.Tins is all very miserable. It seems

more miserable because we involuntarilycontrast the conclusion with the lovelypicture of the beginning. In all thewide world there is no place so horribleas a home in which husband and wifeare at odds. It is no home. The womanis an alien under the roof of him who

* ifas to defend aod protect her. Theman, who should find rest and comfort

* mshome, shuts his door behind himwith a sense of relief, and goes out into

' the streets to escape the horror thatbj+dJh' io his house. Is it any wonderthat murder, suicide, drunkenness, andifcfckid often hurry to drop the curtainOp all this misery ? And is it any wonderihAt young peoDle who see this wretchedend of a promising life are afraid to trythe experiment? For it is an experiment^and, unfortunately, the failuresaremore conspicuous than the successfulissues. No man can tell whether a

majority of marriages are happy or un-f-happy; to* many skeletons are kept securelylocked in domestic secrecy. Butthere are so many woeful chapters ofwedded misery unfolded to the publicgaze that men say, "I may be singlyunblest; but I may also be curseddouble."

It is evident that many marriages are

not founded on love and respect. Someare contracted like business partnerships;some are entered upon out ofpique; and not a few marr^ without anyadequate notion of the binding natureof the obligations so lightly assumed.We have gone far away from the oldfashionedhomely idea of home. Unlesswe have more wholesome views of lifeand society, happy manftges will becomemore unfrequent..New YorkTimet. .

Reminiscence of Nellie Grant's Wedding.'When Mrs. Sartoris, radiant with happiness,had gone from home and kindred

to cross the ocean and find new ties withstrangers, her wedding robe and veilwere the last articles to be put away inone of those zinc packing-boxes that

- .^ was used to preserve her silks from theeffects of a jsdh voyage. An attache ofthe White House took a porter up stairsto bring down this last packing-box.itwas in Nellie's room. He knocked; re-,-a'wincr anawor hft PTltprftd. MrS.Giant confronted him, a signmotioned him not to permit the porter toenter, and laid her finger npon hermouth to invoke silence. The man

glanced about the apartment to divinethe cause of this imposed quiet. Uponhis daughter's bed, his face bnr.'ed in herpillows, convulsed with suppressed emotiou,lay prone and prostrate the griefstrickenfather, who had gone throughall the oeremonies'o? tliat marriage day:';with dry eyes and an umnofeefcafrauten -

an *e, bnt parent love for a favorite child [!»u 1 conquered the *' belted sphinx "

only in the privacy of his daughter'sohaujbtr..Detroit Frre Prets.



Charity Green's Gifts." Double fold, and only five cents a

yard. It was the cheapest piece o' plaidworsted I ever laid my eves on!" exclaimed'to herself Miss Charity Green,the old maid tailoress of Allantown, andshe unfolded the three-dollar bank-notewhich she had received the day beforefor a week and a half's sewing at theSquire's, and smoothed the ragged corners,and looked at it affectionately."Six yards 'U make me a full dress,

and I must have it to wear at cousinNathan's, as they've sent me their usualinvitation to Christmas dinner. Iguess I'll step over and get the stuff atonce and. run up the Dreaatns tins

evenin', as I've got all them buttonIholes ou Joseph Blake's new coat to

make to-morrow, and I've no time to letgrass grow under my feet."Mies Charity Green was a very poor

woman who lived by her needle, andrented the "middle room "in widowBlake's small one-story house. She hada thin, faded face, with nothing prettyor attractive about it, except when shesmiled, and then little children wouldbe sure to forget all about the wriuklesand the homeliness, and tangle herspools of thread and play with the scissors,which always hung around herneck, fastened with black ribbon, andnever dream of stopping or beiqg in theleast alarmed by her frequent, "There,there; children ! Dear me! I do believelittle hands are the busiest in the world?Who ever did see !"Poor Miss Charity Green ! She was

that very sad spectacle, a lonely, almost..i

friendless woman, wunoui miuer ur

mother, brother or sister, husband or

children in the world. Her life was

turning its face toward half a century ofyears ; her health, never vigorous, was

gradually failing her; and a cold, lonelyold age rose up sometimes and appalledher with its chill and gloom. She hadto work early and late, for the ropf thatsheltered and the bread that nourishedher. Poor Miss Charity Green 1But as she tied on her straw bonnet

that evening; there was a quick knock atthe door, and the next moment a littlebrown curly head, with a pair of eager,bright, dancing eyes was thrhst inside.

"Come in, Johnnie; what do youwant ?" said Miss Ctarity Green. Andif you had heard her VO^e just then youwould have understood something of the

-*i "'^on irannml ft fftrnri.fiBtXJICt U1 iRU uuusg ov ^vuvim* » v... w

with children." Mother wants to know, Miss Green,

if you'll lend her a drawin' o' tea. She'llpay you to-morrow."" 0 she needn't*bo in the least bit o'

hurry about that are," answered MissGreen, as she took the little blue cupfrom the boy's hand. " Do sit down,Johnnie, and warm yourself by theare."And the boy sat down in the great

arm-chair, while the woman measuredthe tea in Che cover of her tin canister." Mother and sisters pretty well to-

day, Johnnie ?""Yes, ma'am, only mother said she

felt a little o' rhenmatiz in her rightshoulder this mormn'."

Dear me, suz I It won't do for herto let the rheumatiz get hold on her thistime o' year. Ill jest step out into theshed and get'her-'a little boneset Ial'ays lay up some every fall, for there'snothin' like it for rheumatiz,- as mygrandfather used to say."And as the woman tied up the dried

herbs in a piece of brown paper, itstruck her that her little neighbor wisunusually grave add silent; so half with

nf <4vaun'nrr rtTlt. ftnV (Ytn. >UICVI wv.. J ___

coaled trouble which might possess him, .jMiss Green continued the conversa-tion." Well, Johnnie, you allgoin' to hate

a merry Christmas at your house ?"" I don't know," said the boy in a dis-

consolate tone of voice, twisting Ins!brown fingers in and out of each other." What! you and sisters not going to

hang up your stockings ?"" No, ma'am ; mc^hersaid she couldn't

afford to give us any presents this year.Ellen and Jane cried all the afternoon!about it""Wall, now, I declare 1 That is too

bad," answered the sympathising voiceof Miss Green, and she silently tied thepaper and snapped the thread with herscissors, and as she placed it in the bo^'shands she said to him, " Never mind.Johnnie, dear. Pluck up good heart.May be somethin' '11 turu up about themChristmas presents after alt"" Tf I was ouly a little better off now," j

3"i- oka 1ranrmureu aUisb v/unrmv uiccu dVO

rocked herself back and forth in hergreat arm-chair, "them are childrenshouldn't go without hangin' up theirstockings. I'd willingly sell my dinnerto buy 'em some presents, for I knowjest how much store children set by 'em.I shan't take a minute's comfort thmkin'o' the children's disappointment, andyet I don't see how in the world I can

prevent it. If I didn't need that pladddress now ".here the woman unclaspedher bead purse and drew out the banknoteand looked at it wistfully."Them children must hang up their

stockings; but if they do I must gowithout my dress, for it's just come tothat. One thing's sartin, I couldn'ttake a minute's comfort there in a new

one thinkingon Miss Russell's children ;no, not if it was the finest satin thatever stood alone," and here Miss CharityGreen brought down her foot withsolemn emphasis. " I must wear myshabby old silk, and those that don'tlike the looks must turn their headst'other way; for as long as I hold threedollars in my hands them childrensha'n't go without a merry Christmas."

"Oh I is that you ? Do come in, MissGreen," and the little pale, sorrowfulfaced,care-worn Mrs. Russell lifted herhead from the child's stocking she was


darning as ner neiguuur oukicu mo

room.44 Little folks all abei?" whispered

Miss Green in a low, mysterious tone ofvoice, as she came into the room withsomething carefully concealed under hershawl." Yes, I sent 'em off an hour ago.

poor things!" and a deep sigh -heavedthe heart of widow Russell.a sigh thatwas born of wearying cares, and baffledhopes, and fainting spirits."Wall, you see, Miss Russell," still

preserving her low, mysterious tones,- « » . v.

ftua SlOWiy uncovering net xuvx uumu

shawl, revealing several packages inbrown paper. "I thought as it was

about Christmas time when little folkswould want some know childrenain't like grown folks anyhow ; so

I kinder thought I'd slip somethin' intotheir stockings, for I s'pose you'd waysenough for every penny.""Oh, Miss Green, you are too good

now !"What a light it was that broke over

the pale, worn face of the mother as hereyes fell on the bundles !

"S'pose you jest take a squint at.lent," said the old maid, breaking thesipall cords aad tearing away the wrappers.|

Fjr#tt, tb$re waaa blue drum with redstripes for Johnnie, which his motherknew would fairly throw him intoecstasies ; then in a round piuk box was

| a white china tea-set for Ellen, with themost diminutive cups and saucers, andthe daintiest sugar-bowl, and creammug,and water-pitcher; and for littleJane there was a wax doll, with blackeyes, and ruby bps, and small dainty

j rings of real brown hair; and a red-birdin a cage picking seeds out of a yellowtrough; and added to all these was a

purple liorn-of-plenty tied with goldenribbons, and filled with sugar plums foreach of the children,

Mrs. Russell's faded eyes gleamedwith new light as she gazed at the gifts.She tried to speak, but the words

I choked themselves back in her throat,and she broke down in a sob of tears." Wall, I do say now, Miss Russell,"

said her neighbor, attempting in awkIward but sincere fashion to comfort her."Don't give up so. It ain't much, Iknow, but then we all had to be chil|dren once."" Yes, Miss Green, and it's jest the

thought o' that and the good times weused to have when I was a wild, carelessgal at father's that's e'en a-most brokemy heart ever since I told the childrenthev mustn't expect to hang up theirstockings this Christmas. You neverdid seen children so pat down in yourlife; they ain't hardly smiled since, andit's seemed as though we'd had a funeral

i in the house when I put 'em to bed tonight."" Well, s'pose now you jest get their

stockings and we'll slip them in, and youcan pin 'em up to the bod-post, you

| know."i Mrs. Russell went to her chest of| cherry drawers and brought forth threesmall blue and white woolen stockings,and the hearts of the two women were

full of a tune of gladness, as they crowdedthe playthings inside." The house won't hold 'em to-morrow

mornin'," exclaimed Mrs. Russell,"Xhey's be as proud as kings andqueeDS."" Bless their hearts!" said Miss Green.

" There ain't no use o' tryin' to get thisdrum inside.""No, I'll jest set it on the mantle.

Umi- toa f T #vxr>Act I sha'n't knowwhether my head's off or on to-morrowmornin' about seven o'clock."And so Mrs. Russell's mother heart

dwelt on the delight of her children, andj Miss Green drank in her words greedily,with frequent ejaculations of wonder

"9^*!*tfeow the wind does blow!"said thaold maid as she gathered hershawl eftMr about her head and hasteneddown the load to her home, while a raw

blast struck her in the faoe. The nightwas foil of the moan of winds and theanger of black >winter^ clonds; butCharity Green did not mind this, for herheart was full of the last words of Mrs.Bussell:"I don't know how to thank you,

Miss Green, but- yon have rememberedthe widow an4 the fatherless, and besure God will remember it of yon."" Merry Christmas.merry Christmas,

Miss Green !" The voioes, the bright,eager, children's voices, were outside thedoor and inside the room all in a breath.There was Johnnie with his drum,

and Ellen whose blue eyes danced withjoy over her tea-set, and little flaxenjhaired Jane, who looked " cunning as a

witch," Miss Green averred, as shehogged op in troe motherly fashion ner

precious doll to her heart.Then soch a confusion of voices and

ronning of feet, drowned freqnently inthe sound of Johnnie's drum, as wenton for the next hoor in Miss Green'ssolitary room."We're goin' to play company this

afternoon," said Ellen, "and I'm goin'to set oot my tea-set and ".

[ " And I'm goin' to be mother," brokein the sweet child-voice of little Jane." And I shall bring dolly and the canaryand act jnst like a big woman goin' a'visitin'."" And I'm goin' to be a soldier jest

come home from the wars," said Johnnie;and here he struck on his drum so loudthat Miss Green put her hands to herears, exclaiming : "Oh, children, forall the world! What a clash yon do

' » i 1 t ..

mase ; oui xiei ioc« *i» iuu vi diuuod

all the time. .

Miss Charity Green wore her old blacksilk dress to her cousin's Christmasdinner. It looked gray and shabby, itis true ; but she would not have felt halfso happy in the richest velvet that ever

adorned the figure of an empress.

A Simple Method of Ventilating fiooiyg.Dr. H. N. Dodge informs us that he

lias found the following plan very satisfactoryfor the ventilation of rooms thatare much used during oold weather:Nail or screw a neat strip of wood, fromone to two inches high, upon the windowsill, just inside of the sash and extendingentirely across from one side of* thewindow frame to the other. Upon thetop of this strip fasten a piece of ordinary"weather strip," so that therewill be formed an air-tight joint betweenthe " weather strip " and the lower sash

tka vnn^nir wVtAf.VtAr thA lat.tftr 1HV1 V*4V nAMMVnl .

shut down tight or raised an inch or two,the lower cross-piece of the sash slidingon the rubber of the "weather strip "

as the sash rises. With this simple fixturein plaoe, the lower sash may beraised enough to admit a stream of airbetween the lower and upper sashes,where they lap over each other at themiddle of the window, without ad;mitting the least air at the window sill.The air admitted between the sashes isthrown directly up toward the ceiling,and there mixes with the heated air atthe upper part of the room. The roomis thereby ventilated in a thorough andagreeable manner without drafts of coldair upon the persons in the room. Theamount of ventilation may be regulatedby the distance that the lower sash israised. This arrangement is cheap,simple and effective..Scientific American,On a railway line, recently, a passengerstopped the conductor and asked :

" Why does not the train run faster ?"" It goes fast enough to suit us. If youdon't like the rate of speed, get off andwalk," was the rejoinder. " I would,"replied the passenger, settling back inhis seat, " bufrmy friends wouldn't comefor me until the train comes in, and I/irm'f want tn waiting aronnd the sta-tion two or three hours."

The heroic attack upon Fort St. Nicholasin the Shipka Pass, was led byan Englishman, Major Campbell. Atthe head of a battalion of 800 men hetook the fort and held it for six hours,and then had to retreat. Of the 800men only five, beside the major himself,returned to the Turkish lines. It is thepluckiest exploit of the present war.

Millions of bottles of Burnett's Coooainehave been sold during the last twenty years,in every civilized oountry, and the public haverendered the verdict that it is the cheapest andbest HWr*Dressing in the world.

Ayer & Son's manual contains informationof greafc-valne to advertisers. Sendfree by N.W. Aver & Son, Adv. Agta., Philadelphia.

Effects of Breathing Foul Air.

The air we breathe, which a groatEnglish physician calls gaseous food,may become impure to the degree of

being indigestible to our lungs and utterlyunfit for the performance of funcItions which are quite as important as

those of our solid and fluid victuals.Dull*headaches, nausea, loss of appetiteand of the eense of smell, and thesadness produced by the unsatisfiedhunger after exygen, are only incidentaland secondary evils ; the great principalcurse of the troglodyte habit is its influenceon the respiratory organs. In1853, when Hanover and other parts ofnorthern Germany were visited by avflrv malignant kind of small-pox, thegreat anatomist Langenbeck tried todiscover "the pe<ailiaiitv of organicstnieture which disposes one man tocatch the disease while his neighborescapes. I have cnt up more humanbodies than the Old Man of the MounItain with all his accomplices," he writesfrom Gottingen in his semi-annual report,"and, speakiDg only of my pri|mory object, I must confess that I am

no wiser than before. But, though themystery of small-pox has eluded mysearch, my labors have not been in vain;

! they have revealed to me somethingelse.the origin of consumption. I amsure now of what I suspected long ago,viz., that pulmonary diseases have verv

little to do with intemperance or witnerotic excesses, and much*less with coldweather, but are nearly exclusively (ifwe except tuberculous tendencies inher!ited from both parents, I say quite ex;clusively) produced by the breathing offoul air. The lungs of all persons, mi'nors included, who had worked for somerears in close workshops and dusty fac-tories, showed the germs of the fataldisease, while confirmed inebriates,who had passed their days in open air,had preserved their respiratory organsintact, whatever inroads their excesses

had made on the rest of their system.If I should go into, practice and undertakethe cure of a consumptive, I should

I begin by driving him into the Deister (adensely wooded mountain range of Hanover)and prevent him from entering a

house for a year or two.".PopularScience Monthly.

Mua'i 3I«onn.When the telegraph announced the disooreryof PrQf. Hall that our neighboring planet

had two satellites, and the dispatch was readthe next morning at ten thousand JSnericanbreakfast tables, what think yon was the affectupon the hearers ? Some colloquy similarto the following was sure to occur: " Marshas two moons, hey ? Pass me the milk, Kitty.Strange, isn't it, that astronomers never

saw them before. Another chop, please. Iwonder what they'll discover nexir mese

corn cakes arc exoellent. What's the latestfrom Europe?" We have become so accustomedto startling discoveries and announcements,that we take them as a matter of coarse.Even truth must appear in flaming colors tomake itself seen. The virtues of Dr. Pierce'sGolden Medical Discovery and Pleasant PurgativePellets have been testod in ten thousandhouseholds, whose inmates will tell you that

j they consider the discovery and introduction ofthese remedies of far more importance to theworld than the moons of Mars.

Sbipxax, III., June 13,1877.Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. :

Dear Sir.Last fall our daughter.aged 18.was fast sinking with oonsadaption. Different

fhysicians had pronounced her case incurable,obtained half a dozen bottles of your Golden

j Medical Discovery. She commenced iroprovIing at once, and is now as hardy as a pine knot.Yours respectively,

Rev. I8SAC N. AUGU8TINE.The Influence of Malarlo Counteracted.That the harmful induenoe upon the human

system of malaria may be effectually counteractedhas been demonstrated for years past bythe protection afforded the inhabitants of vastmiasma-breeding districts in North and South

| America, Guetamala, Mexico and the WestIndies by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Used

htva invnriahlv beencms a piocuurf) I>UVJ u«tv .»

fonnd to be a most reliable safeguard againstchills and fever, bilious remittents, ana stillmore malignant types of malarious disease,and when employed as a remedy have always

graved their adequacy to the task of eradicatlgsuch maladiqg from the system. For disordersof the stomach, liver and bowels, whichin hot climates and miasmatic localities are

particularly rife, the Bitters are a prompt andthorough remedy. They also strengthen thesystem, tranquilize the nerves, promote digestionand sonnd sleep, and impart unwontedrelish for food. .

Mrs. General Kheraaa,wife of the general of the United States army,says: " I have frequently purchased Dur&ng'sRheumatic Remedy for fnends suffering withrheumatism, and in every instanoe it workedlike magio." Send for circular to HelphenstineA Bentley, druggists, Washington, D. C.

CHEWThe Celebrated

441 Matchless"Wood Tag Plug

Tnn a.rum

The Pionreb Tobaooo Cohpakt,New York, Boston, and Ohioago

The elegant oompany from Duff's Broad!way Theater, New York city, are playing toa succession of crowded houses in New YorkState and Oanad*. In the hands of thistalented organization the play of Pink Dominoeshas made a decided hit, and is spokenof as a masterly performance.

Rheumatism Qnlckly Cared."Durang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great

internal medicine, will positively cure any casecf rheumatism on the faoe of the earth. Price#1 per bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by alldruggists. Send for circular to Helphenkiue& Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C.

To Djripfptiri and Invalids.Biscuits, rolls, cake or pastry, made with

Dooley's Yeast Powder, can be eaten with imipunity and relished by th» most sensitivedyspeptics as bealtbv aud nutritious.

Ireland to the Front!if you are bilious take Quirk's Irish Tea. Soldby druggists at 25 cents a package.

TKTaII can *> made in one d#y withUOOQ. W 011 onr 4-foot Well Attoeb. Senh

for onr anger book. U. S. Acor.R Co., St. Louis. Mo. d

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18 Envelope*. rr-ficil. renbnlder, Golden Pen, and a p.eceOf valuable Jewelry. Complete sample package. with »legantgold stone Sleeve Buttons. Set Gold-plated Studs, EngravedGold plated Ring, and a I-adles" fashionable Fane*Bet, Pin and Drops, postpaid 35 cents. 6 PACKAGES withAssorted Jewelry «i. a Splendid Watch andChain free with every S60 worth of Goodsjfou buy. Extraordinary Inducements to Agents.BRIDE & CO. 11 Clinton Place* New Yom

TkT4,ATG¥/"kTVTC.1Soldiers suffering fromX JjJ 131 ©J. * f 131 © wounds, injuries, or diseasecan procure pension. ana those who are pensioned car

have their pensions terrsaeed, where their present retinais too low, as is the case [in thousands of instance*Widtws and children of soldiers who died in end out olthe army of disease oontracted in aervioe, ere entitled t<pension. Fall bounty is dae all soldiers discharged fotwounds, rapture, or injury other then disease. Soldierwho were prisoners ofwar oan secure pay for rations, fotthe time bo held. For fnll information, aaarew wiu

«t«mp. MfNEIL& BUtlH,. ^

Washington, D. C.f+* t'H ''iim allow*1

ifuiBirJUST OUT.A new comie bo>lentitled"Our Artmt is Cuba, Pkbu,

Spais, and Algixbs,"with numerous new caricature* antketches of trarel in thoa* tropicacountries. By ft. W. Carletonprice.AO ota. Elegantlr printed

CARLKTON A CO.. Publiahers, Hew York.

HENS LAY|*4'ffif"1 W PRODUCERscrape cot needed: 1 lb. is enough for lQChens a monthGrocers sell if, 4 lb«. 81; 1 lb. 35 ct*.4W, Hi; iManufacturer. 143 B-dford St.. Boston. Circulars freeOne pound sent, postage paid, for 60 eta.Agents waited to every town in the UnltedJi'atteS.

_ Agent*, Jobber* and Itetnilers supplied b;D.R. NOBLE 101 Wall St.. N. Y.WEIKELA SMITH SPICE CO.. Philadelphia Peru.JVE. KINGWIU. 1 BKO.. l» So. Water St. ChicagoF.DWO. L. MUELLER. Its N. Main St.. St. Ixmia. MoADAMS. BUTTRRFIKLO A (X) . Indianspolia, IridJOHN T. HANCOCK A CO.. Dobuque. la.CHAR. H TFXLKR. u Joy St.. Detroit. Mi. h.ALBERT FRIES. St.. Nloholas, FixOHAS. BULLOCK. Trenton, N. J.


leading Jewelers and Silversmiths inthe United States, have Just prepared forcomplimentary distribution, a pamphletof sixty-four pages, containing a condensedaccount of each of their severaldepartments, practical suggestions relativeto the selection of presents forLadies, Gentlemen or Children, and listsof appropriate articles, that cannot failto be of service to persons having giftsto select for Wedding, Holiday or otner

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ADDRE8SASABOVE.Books Old & New wanted and (told. Immense Catalogue.American Book fUekange, 55 Beekmsn St.. N.Y.

T) A fMMernlfor Wood-Splintfancy tcark; 40 designs.XTA A 1 <o post-paid. J. JaT GoiJLDjBoston.Masa.

-" Turtle Sleeve Buttons~ A wrest cifriosity and novelty, made of White MetsJ[jj I and plated with either silver or nickel. Rsch buttonA oontaim* a perfect imitation of a Lite Turtle with

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POUND AT LAST 1£A Itemedy for Catarrh,Aethnin, and all Lsdk

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simple as the act of breathingitself, and may be performed bythe moat delicate and feeblewithout exertion and fatigue.

Mr. Murray of the Ooldm Rule writes of it:146 Treosont Street, Boston, August !., 1877

Dr. Jcdoe.Pear Sir: I was troubled last winter withan obstinate Catarrh, which invaded my throat andlungs, and nsnnsd a most trying cough. I have usedyour medicine with perfect ~*eZ*. every trace of coughand catarrh having been removed by your truly wonderfultreatment.Patients at a distance succesafaljr treated.Send for Pamphlet.

Dr. JDIN1E dc CO.» Physician*79 Beach St.) Baeion. .Haw.

CANCER.ritUE treatment of Canoer has become so interwovenX with quackery that the progressive physician hasappeared unwilling to enter into the arena against the"eoeption; consequently tnn din oi um uiwnw k»«

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lant Sunburn, Freckles, Eedness and Eruptionsof tiie Skin, and for Bendering theComplexion Clear and Beautiful.

Of all the effect* that expcanre of the akin tothe air or aim produce*, the moct disagreeable I*called freckles, or tan. If apread over the entiresurface of the part* exposed, It ia called tan; if

. TV* UnMtiklniicMwrea umwniu,ii«vM>,-iro roost subject to them. The KALLISTON,

I prepared by Joseph Burnett A Co., Boston, eon

;.litis a peculiar eraaive property which will r»:move these disagreeable itaina. It ia at the samelme perfectly harmless, allays all tendency toinflammation, and renders the complexion clearM beautiful.


[.T1UE^~MMK.| FOR ASTHMA, ROSE COLO, HAY FEVER, Etc.1 ThJsiuaaadj has been ssed la theomad* of lbs vent

saw, with MtonUhlnr and uniform success, ud itoffered to the public with fall confidence in its merit*. Itcontain* no poiaosoea or Injurious properties whatever,sad an infant may take it with perfect safety.


t E.vtmst from the " Life of Washington Irving," by hienephew, Pierre M. Irving. Vol.Tvi, pace tn.a The doctor nreecribedLaa an experiment,.what had

been eqereeted oy Dr. (O. wJ Holmes on hi* late viait..' Jonoa WhiicomVa Remedy^* Asthma,' a teaepooafulha a wine elate of watar, to be taken every four bonis.

. A good night waa the result"44I have had the apormedlr aathma fifteen year*. I

commenced taking 'Jonas WhMecoab'a Remedy tor theAsthma' eighteen month* ago. and hare not had aaevereparoxysm ainee." SARAH SEELT, Kddytown, YMasCo., N. V., to Editor* Sural 2iev Yorker."Have cold ' Whitcomb'a Remedy' for nearly twenty

( rear*. I know of nothing ao uniformly successful."! THEODORE METCALJ? fianw, Tmut street

Boston."T » I I .- Mat benefit ftom ' Jonas Whit-

tomb * Aithro* Htmedj.J' Q. T. OABORNE, ProidtntIxeptunc lacunae* Co., Boitoa, Him,

kept it off lor tt« whoU mmoo, to Qm gw*t J«f o>1 the

i Prtpartd only by JOSEPH BURNETT ft ''ABoston. For Arte by til Droggitta.


All aroo* thorized to rnsreataw tt foil wojefat madTo try it, rend 00 oonta for 1-pound com to K0YA1

portofo.Send for Reduced Price Lit! of

Mason * HamlinCABINET 0R8ANS.

NRW and 8PI.KNDID STYLUS; PHIC£S RF.DCCtD010 w w.rO KACH. THIS MONTH (NOV. 1K7).Address MASON A HA.tlLIN ORGAN CO.,Boston. New York, T t'hiftiga.

KELP'S HHIRT8.KEEP'S Patent Partly-mHdn Dre^sShirta, boot qoali-

iy, only uiain hubs uj nmin. o iur *<KFKPH Custom Shirts to measure, beet quality, 6 for

$9. delivered free. Guaranteed perfectIv natis/actory.HE I) FLANNEL UNDERWEAR. ,

Undershirts and Drawer*, bSt quality, 11.60 each.White Flannel UiklecveeU, beat quality, SLSO eaeb.Canton Flannel Vests A Drawer*, ex. heavy, 76c. each.Twilled Silk Umbrella#, paraxon frame* $3 each.Beat Gingham, patent protected rib#, tl eacb.Circular# and sample# mailed free, on application

Shirteonly. delivered free KF.KPMANUFACTURINGCOMPANY, 105 and 107 Mercer Street, New York.

,For Consumption

And all dise&ies that lead to it; anon aa Congha, NeglectedGolds, Bronchitis. Pain In the Cheat, and all dieeasesof the Langs, Allen's Lung HhIsiim is theGreat Modern Remedy.ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAMHas proved itaelf to be the greatest Medical Remedy forheeling the Lunjrs, purifying the Blood, and meteringthe tone of the Liver. It exeitee the phlegm, which israised from the Longs, thereby paring the way for a

speedy cure. Joat try it once.BOLD BY All MEDICINE DEALERS.

The Beet Trwws withoutA STis^Bh Metal Springs ever invented.

P .nTiiDtS tHKo hunW claim ef a oertainradical cure, but a guarantesot a comfortable, secure ami aa'tafaoCory apphV^ranoe. We will taka back and

pay Tall price for all that do net salt.Prioe, single, like out, 14; far both sides, M. Sent bymall, poet-paid, on receipt of pries. N. B..This Tramwill cubic more Ruptures than any of those for whiahextravagant claims are made. Circulars free.

POMEROY TRU88 COA .746 Brosulway* New Yerh.

Dr. Warner's Health Corset,With Skirt Supporter and SelfjgpTyAdjusting Pads.

K f Uoeqaaled for Beauty, HtylrM < and Comfort.

Xfjrv/N APPROVED BT ALL PHYSICIANS.^7 i Pne Ail# hu f.+nAina *f#rcAnnff

Kfji * Samples, any sise, by mail. InSatteen.rrAi^r^M Contil. 1.76: Naming Const.I /Wfjf V \ **'C0 Mi89e6' CorMt, 11.00.I Lffiirn*/ I AGENTS WANTED.I *W|ljTT / EARNER BRO'S.WrSMWBaA m Brtiulwyt N. .



Thousands bare been cared by l>r. Oeldraben'i(nhalat*en, who were pronoanced Incurable by ph»sicau» and friends. Patients living at a dhrtanoe desiringto avail themselves of the dvioeof Dr. Owldcnberg,can write their name and poet-oflee address, and forwardto Or. Goltrakerf. 916 Arch Street, Philadelphia,when he will retnrn them a list of printed questions,the answers to wnich will enable hiss to determinethe natnre of their diseases and the probability of care.He will forward to any addiem, hia paper or DooLgmacfoil description* of the diseases ho mate, etc.

flip JK. Verio* St., PMUuUlphi,a, CM. S, 1877.I bare need Dr. GoMeoberg's Inhalation for Catarrh,

Bronchitis, and Asthma, and am entirely cored.AWNDC VEAL.



KIDNEYS, BLADDER,AND URINARY ORCAN8.Persona coffering from tbeee direaaea abonld send for

the list of qoeetiooa, that the Doctor may giro them an

opinion concerning the nature and curability of theircases.Consuhst'T./ and examinations free, 'Send for

Descriptive Paper to

Dr. UOLDENBERU'S Principal (Ifflce,918 Arch Ktreef, Philadelphia.

wiQTiD'fi nlTsiF"TV liltnun vnuiraiu




I'oufki, C«ldi, Ialieazai HoirKifH,

BraaehltlaiWkaairfai Conch, Croup* Hare

Throat* Aithna, Difficulty of Breath~" J »- - «- ik. HU, mmdli(i rauinri nu« >« >_v . ._

Br«Mt,Qaiu7) Bpltdac afBlMd.Lher Caaplalalt BlredUf of

Ike LiiHf and all Diseasesf the Throat, Lugiaad Cheat, tnrlndlng



THE GOSPEL IN GLOVER, VT." I hare bean troubled for eereral year* with a diffi

cultj of the Heart and longs; hare applied to aeeers!phyrieian# for help, and hare tried a]moat every rented;reoommended, without receiving any assistance, butbad been groinng weaker aad weaker, unUL hearing ©!WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD OHERRT about i

rear tinea, I commenced using it, with immediate reliefIt haa not only reetored my lungs to a eouad state, but ]am entirely reliered ofthe diMculty or djeeeee of th«heart. I hare no hesitation in saying that it is the heellong medicine before the public, and I chestfully antconscientiously reoommeod it to all psfsons suffcriniwith pulmonary complaint*."

Wistar's Balsamof Wild Cherry.

FROM MRS. ISAAC MOORE OF RICHMOND, VTM Soma three yeare sinoe I was attacksd with a .ran

cough, »rww aad irritation of the longs, to whtalwaa added asthma in a aerere form. During the firsyear I tried peroral of the most popular medicines othe day, bat rsosfrsd no real relief, and I had sheerdespaired of erer regaining my health, when I was induced to try DR. WI8TaB*8 BALSAM OF WILICHERRY, which rery soon reliered me. My oooglbecame loose, the soreness and irritation disappearedand my general health began to mend. I con meed hiuse, and a few bottles reetored me to better health thai1 erer hoped to enjoy again. I believe the Balsam ttbe the most reliableremedy that can be found."

IWistar's Balsam


ajurrriT »nvALSTON. MASS." IVUmoat severely afflicted with a hiru. dry cough

with its nsaaT acoamphniment of night sweats, oomptMaly prostrating my narvous system, and Drodaein<saoto s debilitated ststo of health that, after trjitHmedical aid to no porpoee, I had given op all hopes o

ever reoovering, aa bad also my friends. At tois it rof matten I was prevailed upon?through <the infinenoof a neighbor, to toy WISTAR.^8 BAXBAM, tbooklwith do belief whatever in its truly wonderful curette

properties,and before oaing two bottles the effect waalmost magioal. Mr ooogh entirely left me, the nighrweata detertedme. nope onoe more elevated my degreesad sptrtta, and soon I had attained my wonted strengtland vigor. Thai has this Balsum. as-has often beairemarked by pereona conversant with the above facta iithis vicinity. HterdUy snatched me nom the graveYon are at liberty to ase this far the benefit of thiafflicted."

Wistar's Balsamof Wild Cherry.

Prepared by SETH W. FOWL* A SO58, 86Harrisou Avenue, Boston, Maes. 5

50 rU< and |la bottle.

| 50 eta. and 91 a bottle.Sold by all Drsuhla

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[ i pisltlis remedy for all dissssss of the Kidneys.wmnmmmmmt mlma«Md En Dvee.

«feai'Oca^ltlali' Kjwwr poodoooo: sUfeaoos,'eortaia sad «oodr fas tto Mtfea. Bis fast tnponodiog41 otter imhAm. fllxty oopooJoo otmlte six or oi«hduo. Vo otter aodMaostado Urio. .

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