The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy...

The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011

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Page 1: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The “Torino Process”:A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET

General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011

Page 2: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.


1. Overview

2. Methodology

(process and content)

3. Results

4. Achievements 2010 and next steps

Page 3: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The "Torino Process"

WHAT? a participatory analytical process of the whole VET system

part of the ETF Work Program 2010 and inspired from the Copenhagen policy review process.

& a participatory study on education and business cooperation

WHAT FOR ?• For Partner Countries to reinforce evidence-based policy making • For ETF to serve as a basis for planning• For ETF to support the delivery of Community assistance

WHO? All key stakeholders of the VET system (policy makers from E&T, Labour and

employment, social partners, practitioners, researchers)

1. OVERVIEW (1/3)

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The "Torino Process"


in ETF/EU partner countries :

3 countries involved in the Bruges Review (Croatia, Turkey, fyroMacedonia)

3 countries involved in the HRD Reviews for DG Employment (Serbia, Montenegro, Albania)

22 participating countries

No participation from Algeria


every 2 years (2010, 2012…)Main steps in 2010-2011:

1. OVERVIEW (2/3):

Jan-March: desk research

March-May information and data collection – field missions and focus group meetings

May-June first drafting of the country report(s)

June-Oct national validation/discussion seminar on the report’s findings

Dec final country report(s) available

March-April 2011

cross-country reports available

May 2011 international conference on the Torino process results

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The "Torino Process"


1. OVERVIEW (3/3):

PROCESS: a tailor-made country-led, review process :- Broad participation/consultation of all

stakeholders- (Guided) self-assessment in 7 countries

CONTENT: common analytical framework Double dimension:

- VET systems’ assessment - VET policy analysis

Page 6: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The "Torino Process"

The common methodology is based on:

Analytical framework

– Covering the whole VET system (IVET, CVET, formal, informal, …)

– Organized in 5 building blocks (closely linked to the themes of the Bruges questionnaire, see next) and guiding questions for each

Use of various types and sources of evidence (statistical data, indicators, good practices, qualitative assessment, national and international studies)

A tool for identifying policy priorities, for possible support(s) to be provided by ETF, EU or other donors


ChallengesVETpolicy measures

Barriers to changeActions(to be) foreseen

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The "Torino Process"

Innovation & entrepreneurship

External economic efficiency

External social


Internal efficiency

Vision & state of art in



Analytical framework

Torino process

Page 8: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The "Torino Process"

A. Executive summary

B. Vision and state of art in VET

C. External efficiency: addressing economy and labour market needs

D. External efficiency: promoting equity and addressing social demand for E&T

E. Internal efficiency, quality, governance, institutional arrangements and financing

F. Innovation and entrepreneurship


Th 2 on socioeconomic challenges and priorities for VET policy development

Th 5 on strengthening links between VET and the LM and Th 3 on economic crisis

Th 6 on addressing equity, social inclusion and active citizenship

Th 7 on quality and attractiveness and Th 9 on financing

Th 8 on enhancing creativity and innovation

Analytical framework Bruges themes

2. METHODOLOGY (3/4): Comparability of the analytical framework and the Bruges questionnaire

Th 4 on impact of EU principles and tools transversal to Torino priorities

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The "Torino Process"

External economic efficiency

External social



Innovation & entrepreneurship

Vision & state of art in VET Themes 3 & 5

Theme 2

Theme 8

Themes 7 & 9 Theme 6

Analytical framework &Bruges themes (3’/4)

Theme 4 transversal

Page 10: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The "Torino Process"

One common political and policy agenda

Member States’ systematic participation

Established institutional arrangements, roles and resp. in VET

Policy Review, reporting exercise


No common policy agendaDiversity of contexts

Invitation of partner countries to participate with not always obvious added value

Diversity of institutional arrangements

Policy learning, capacity building exercice for evidence based policy making

Collective, face-to-face discussion /policy dialogue guided by ETF

Copenhagen Torino

2. Methodology (4/4): from Copenhagen to Torino Process

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The "Torino Process" 3. Results by building block (1/5)

Vision & state of art in VET

Analytical thread• Expressed vision in national strategies • Consistency with economic and

industry policies or social policies?• Links with general and HE policies ?

With the architecture of the education and training system?

• Links with resourcing budget allocations?

• Links with the institutional setting, accountability framework

Sources of evidence• National strategy documents• National budgets, finance laws• Organigrams• Focus groups with social partners

(EBS)• But limited evidence

Key messages and policy priorities - VISION • PC visions make VET a key vehicle for economic competitiveness and to a

lesser extent social cohesion – not connected to sustainable development• Vision hampered by a narrow scope for VET (too often IVET and formal),

institutional fragmentation, rigid E&T architecture in some contexts, centralized governance, uneven budget allocation

• Need for more direct articulation with other eco, edu, social policies : • Need for multi-level and inclusive governance supported by social

partnership and institutional capacity

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The "Torino Process"

3. Results by building block (2/5)External economic efficiency

Analytical thread• GDP/Sector > Employment/Sector >

VET provision/sector• Involvement of social partners in the

present and future skills needs identification?

• ‘Relevance assurance’ mechanisms of skills per target groups (IVET, CVET, ALMP training components)?

Sources of evidence• National economic/industry/PRS/growth

strategies• Int. economic data sources (IMF, UNDP/HDI,

WEF Competitiveness reports)• Employers surveys, WB/EBRD-BEEPS, WB

Doing Business• Employability reports, HRD reviews• Tracer studies• But limited evidence

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • type here

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • Common challenge of employt/employability – esp. of youth, women (eg: ENP S)• Awareness on the need to shift from supply-driven to demand-driven VET systems• Role of social partners for increased relevance, quality and responsiveness

recognized but not fully operational• Lack of data, information system, method, instruments to ensure matching• National qualifications systems/frameworks opted for as a key reform expected to

improve external efficiency (both eco and social)• Skills needs identification, anticipation and matching : a policy priority

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The "Torino Process" 3. Results by building block (3/5)External social efficiency

Analytical thread• VET as a response to the social

demand for education and training• VET capacity to respond to groups

with special needs and ensure equal training opportunities

Sources of evidence- Systems architecture- Gender gap report (WEF)- M&E requirements of national action

plans- Dropout rates and other educ data - Public employmt services data

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • type here

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • High demand for HE vs Low attractiveness of the VET system (absence of job

prospects, of ET pathways in some countries)• Unequal access of women to labour market • Reaching out strategies for specific, vulnerable groups exist but not mainstreamed • Promising Developments in post-secondary and tertiary education• Adult education (including CVET) still needs a proper strategy

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The "Torino Process" 3. Results by building block (4/5)

Internal efficiency

Analytical thread• Quality assurance and management• Quality and pedagogical elements

• Qualifications system • Teaching profession state of the art

• Governance• Financing

Sources of evidence• Finance law, public expenditure

review, public expenditure tracking surveys

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • type hereKey messages - Main policy gaps and priorities

• Quality usually remains to be addressed in a systematic, holistic way• Financing of VET, especially CVET deserves shared efforts from ministries• Interesting practices of decentralization of VET management (eg:ENP East)

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The "Torino Process"3. Results by building block (5/5)Innovation, entrepreneurship & policy cycle

Analytical thread- Innovation potential of VET policies- Management of the policy cycle in

general (leadership, donor pilots’ mainstreaming, policy design…)

Sources of evidence- Small Business Act / Charter for

enterprise- Entrepreneurial learning project policy

index- Curricula documents

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • type here

Key messages - Main policy gaps and priorities • INNOVATION : a highly relative notion - Little consideration for the innovation

potential, forward looking dimension of VET policies• Growing attention to entrepreneurial learning as part of key competencies• Evidence based policy making : a new concept - Need to reinforce evidence

collection, use and communication• Need to foster an evaluation and accountability culture• Institutional capacity building around the policy cycle is a must in most countries• EU: a strong driver for change

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The "Torino Process"

In terms of Content : TOP 5 of priority policy areas

3. Results

1. Multi-level Governance, Social Partnerships and Education and Business Cooperation

2. Qualifications

3. Education and training architecture & Pathways

4. Matching LM skills needs and VET provision

5. Adult learning -CVET

Page 17: The “Torino Process”: A systematic, holistic, participatory approach to evidence-based policy making in VET General Assembly EVTA, Budapest, June 2011.

The "Torino Process"

In terms of Process:- Political momentum and commitment to assessment exercise

- Ownership (leadership) already in some countries – guided self assessts

- New/reinforced space for sector-wide and multi-stakeholder dialogue in VET

- Driver for greater donor coordination

- Enhanced interest for EU VET framework

In terms of Content: Policy priorities in line with EU E&T 2020 strategic objectives

Shortage of evidence in most countries (availability and/or use for policy making)

4. Achievements (1/3)

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The "Torino Process"

As Analyst, Facilitator, Mediator, Broker of policy debate, Catalyst…

4. Achievements (2/3)Competitive advantage of ETF within the Torino Process

1. Specific, unique expertise on VET and employment policies

2. Country intelligence and presence in 29 PC - Comparability

3. Long-term engagement – trust and continuity over time

4. Recognition as a technical (public) partner -Neutrality and non-commercial approach

5. Analytical support for identifying policy gaps and assistance needs – key step of programming cycle (SPSP)

6. Capacity building support for increasing absorption capacity for further EU assistance

7. Networking between PC and MS

8. A way for the EU to shape the global education and training agenda

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The "Torino Process"

In 2011: ETF WP based on the findings of the Torino Process (country and

regional projects) Lessons learnt exercice of the first round, involving Partner countries

and ETF staff Flagship publication Corporate conference 10-11 May Torino Refinement of the methodology based on the lessons learnt Preparation and Launching of the TRP 2012 Gradual institutional capacity building for evidence-based policy

making (Torinet)

4. Achievements and next steps (3/3)

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The "Torino Process"

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