the Theatres Thij eek NOV. E£#X Serles.City BEN-HUR"Ben-Hur" was flrst seen. The story of...

p_o Plays at the Theatres Thij eek » niJOU TIIEATRK. ' Harney Ollmnrc, lu "Kelly From the Cmerald Isle," nll the week. ACADKMV OF MUSIC. Ilark. l.VMS TIIBATRB. Dark. CITY AUDITOniUM. Sntnrday.Hoistonln Scxtcttc. iMrney Olltnore Cninca llnok. At the Blinu thls wecit Ilarney G1I- tnore, tho popular young irlsh coniedlan. Is announced as thc attraction. Local thcatro-goers wlll have thelr flrst op¬ portunlty of sceing Mr. Gllmoro In hls great new success, "Kolly From th* Kmerald Isle," wrltten for him bj Mlna Shlrloy. "Kelly Krom tho Emerald Isle," has been spoken of ln most glow- Insr torms by the press of every clty whero thls now comcdy-drama has ap- pcarnd, and lt has beon tho unanlmous opi.ilon that it ls the best vehlclo ln whlch Mr. Gllmoi-e has appearcd for some time. The story tclls of thc adventurcs of Gerald Kelly, a likable young Irlsh- man., The openlng scenc ls the sum¬ mer MeMdenco of William Blalr, a wealthy banker, on Long Island. Now York. on hls daughter's weddlng day, celcbratlnp her marriage to the young Irlshman. Whlle the festlvltles are et thelr height. Kelly an.l tlie banker tre seen nimrrellng ln the garden, and later, ln tho mldst of the merrlmcnt, Blalr ls found murdered. Kacts led to Kelly belng accused of the crime, and he ls arrested. Ile cscapes from Jall In the night ln the mldst of a storm on horseback and leaves New York. Dlsgulsed as a cowboy he ob- talns the post of mail carrler in Mon- tana but Is suspected and eludes hls eaptora by taking fllght ln an airship. jkn accident occurs. and he Is forced to land again, and Is run down by tho aherlff and hls posso. Ile agaln es- eanos. ultlmately proving hi3 innocence and brlnglng about the arrest and convlctlon of the real crlmlnal. Mr. Gllmoro wlll introduco several new songs and somo of tho old fa- vortteg. In hls supportlng company are R. Herjry Hanlon, Wlll H. Long, Ted V. Armond. George Gormalne. Wil¬ liam T. Morgan. Joo Ray, M. Murphy, Mlna Shlrley, Elsa Wllllams, Emily Green, Alice Williams and Emily I,ong. The scenic effects are sald to be un¬ usualiy elaborate, and all the lescer fletalls have been carefully attended to, Matlneea during the engagement wlll be given on Tuesday, Thuredaj and Saturday. *nen-Hur" Shakespeare made hls name immortal by contributing to the world's Hter- ature plays which are as undylng as the name -iey gave him. General Lew Wallace. when he wrote "Ben-Hur," carved a nlche ln the wall of llterary effort Khakeapeare's plays became classica >.they were not merely thrown upon the stage to become known through a record-brcaklng run at thls or that theatre. So lt Is with the dramatlza- lion of "Ben-Hur." Its charm of fresh- ness has not been lost during the twelve years which have intervened since the play was flrst offered to the Amerlcan stage. and tbosc who witness its productlon at the Academy of Music on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday evenlngs, November 14. 15 and 16. wlll doubtless feel the llnes grip one as flrmly as'they did when "Ben-Hur" was flrst seen. The story of "Ben-Hur." the great¬ est tragedy of the Chrlatlan stage. la too well known to go Into detall, The stage spectacle as lt was presented to playgoers orlginally was a prodlglous undertaklng. and with the company In- terpreting it this season lt is claimod not to have lost any of Its power. Flrst tnere Is the desert scene, show¬ ing the meeting of the three wise FOOT BALL V. P. I. VS. Univ. of N. C. Broad Street Park SATURDAY, NOV. 5th. GAME CALLED 3 P. M. General Admission, 75c Grand Stand, $1.00 Boys, 50c HEATERS! You'll need one soon. Get it now before very cold weather comes. SEE YOUR DEALER AND INSIST UPON RICHMOND MADE GOODS A slze and style for every want. None better. Richmond Stove Co. 25th and Main Sts. Phone Mad. 1486. If your dealer, cannot or will not furnlsh, phone us. BAR.XBY GILMOHE, ! I'ruwntlnr "Kelly From the Emerald tnir," at the BIJou all tkls week. men, gulded by the stsXto the manger ln whlch Christ was born. Thls ls the prelude to the play, from Book I. of the Indlana soldier-writer's novel. The next scene shows the roof of! Hur ln Jerusalem. from whlch Ben-i Hur. by accident, kllls a Roman and is made a slave In a Roman galley. The thlrd scene ls the Interlor of the gal- ley, wlth the oarsmen fettered on thelr banks. the creaklng of the oars and clanklng of thelr chalns, to be followed by the sea battle and rescue of Arrlus by Ben-Hur on a floating blt of wreckage. The Grove of Daphne. with the gay crowds and the Fountain of Castalia: the splder's web. which catches Bon- Hur and cnsts over him a spell of fas- clnatlon for the Exypttan Iras; and the Dowar ln the Orchard of Palms, are beautiful scenes for the unweav- ing of the tale. Then comes the chariot race between Messala and Hur, I in which the charlots. plunge at full I speed ln the Roman ctrcus to dvclde ¦ the vlctor of the -rlvalry between iha R- man and the Jew. None of these i has lost a blt of the reallsm which has assisted. In making the drama a stupendous success. The last act depicts the coming of the Nazareno to the clty of Jerusalem. The presence of the Uving Chrlst Is' never paraded, but through lt all Hls presence Is felt There is nothlng to offend any .creed, and even in the! closlng scene, the cleansing of the leners on Mount Olivet, ln the pres¬ ence of the multltude, thc personai presence is saved by a shlnlng light whlch makes thelr flesh like urito that of children. Thls is, indeed, an Im- prcsslve moment, the slnging of "Ho- :ant:a! Hosanna! Hosanna, in the Highest!" and the meeting of Ben-Hur wlth hls mother and sister. Besides the three evening perform- ances there will be a special matinee on Wednesday, November 16. 6 thnncrcn nt the I.ubln. The Lubin wlll be closed during the week beglnning Monday pending tbe completion of many improvements, which will make It one of the.most up-to-date of local amusement houses. The jjreater Lubln will open on Mon¬ day. November 7. with one of the. most attractive vaudevllle and picture bllls ever seen here. Several thousand dollars have been expended in making alteratlons and addltions to the Lubln, and when lt re- opens, after belng closed for only one week. it wlll be modern In every par-' tlcular. In addltion to 200 or more re- served seats. which have been added in the new annex, the seating capaclty wlll also be largely Increased.: A larger stage, modernly equippod with beautiful scenery.and capable of staglng. the highest class of vaudevllle offerings wlll be one of the features of the new Lubin. The lnterlor of the Lubin wlll bo changed materlally and added to. For reopenlng week the Lubln will offer an especially attractive bill.of vaude¬ vllle features whlch wlll ihaugurate a new era ln this form. of amusement in Richmond. Scenic- attractions will be a regular feature 6f the Lubin bllls to be seen in the near future, and with' the increased seating ca¬ paclty the quality as well as quantity of Lubln features increased ao- cordingly. Reopenlng week wlll be slgnalized by a speolal matinee at 2:30. Bontonla SIxtet. The Bostonia Sextet, whloh will .ap- pear at the Auditorium oh November 5. has the reputatlon: of belng one of the finest muslcal organlzatlons of thls country. It possesses extraordinary' merit, whlle its ensemble -work Is beyond comparlson. C. L. Staats, the dlrector, is the clarlnetest of the club and ls a- master of. his instrument. All the other instruments are strlngs. making the force. quality and tone of the' organization apuroach that of an orchestra. Their work ls always dainty and the muslcal standard is of the highest. Mr. Staats has the happy faoulty of knowing how to arrange a program. Whlle preserving lt as classlcal, he mlngles the llght and the perlous com- positlons in'such a way that tho au¬ dlence Is always charmed. Thls Is what Rlchmond will be treated to in tho third concert of the Radcllife serles. , Music teachers : wlll do well to see that thelr puplls attend thls concert. It wlll bo an education as well as a pleasure to them. Removal Sale Now On' Nature and Science Combine at Hammond*s To furnish Flowers for the" fastidious. Bewilderingly beautiful Orchids are now to be had in great diversity of color and form. The Hammond Co. Mad. 630. , 109 £. Broad. Miller Manufacturing Co., Inc South Rlchmond, Va., Sash, Doors and Blinds - M1LL WORK. Contraptors and builders should have our prices and estimates when figuring on any kind of building con-. struction. Radcliffe Serles.City Auditorium SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, Bostonia Sextette Club x> Seats on sale at Cable Piano Company. THE aUARREL SCEXB FROM "BEITIIinV _Richard Bnhler as Ben Hnr; 'Walter Sherrrln m gfcmontace. MONUMENT TO JANALUSKA Shaft to Brave Cherokee, Erected by Gen. Joseph Winston Chapter, D. A. R., of Winston- Salem, Will Be Unveiled at Robbinsville, N. 0., November 5. Robbinsville, N. C, October. 29.-.One of the greatast crowds' of patrlots ever gathered tn Western North Carolina is expected to attend the unvelllng ol the Janaluska monument, at Robbins¬ ville, N. C, Graham county, on satur¬ day, Novemoor 5, at 1 o'clock P. Al.. ror more than half a century, the grave ol the brave old chlef has oeen lelt un- marked, and amazlngly little has ever been recorded by hlstorians ot tbe ln- Cnlte debt the whlte man owes for hls falthful serviee, especially-that whlcn was rendered Andrew Jackson, at Horseshoe Bend, Alabama. March 27, lH-i, where Janaluska saved Jackson's llfe, and really won the vlctory for him, as Jackson himself. most gratefully ac- knowledged. A deed so unselflshly brave and nobl< cannot be forgotten;. and' now thosa good, patrloUc woinen ot Winston- .salem propose to give the grave a mark that wlll do much to embalm tne lllustrlous Gherokee' in,the'. thankful memory of every, true American. At the time of hls vallant assistance to Jackson, at the battle of Horseshoe Bend,. Janaluska had ls home ln what is now Graham coUnty, and very near the vlllage of Robbinsville, whlch has since been built.?- The State ot North Carolina, as a re¬ ward for his servlces, gave him a tract of more than two hundred acres ol the flnest land ln hls section.a tract that in later years has been'known to many as the Smythe farm. Robbinsville, the county seat of Graham, was bullt' on this land. ln the southern suburbs of'the vll¬ lage, on a beautlfully wooded rldge, is the'grave of tho'cnief, and'near hla side rests the body of "Nicle," hls sqiiaw. For several years. thls. tract of land has been ln tho possession ot Georgo B. .Walker, of.RobblnsylUe, and was ln¬ cluded ln his recent sale of immense lands and other; property to the Whlt- ing Lumber Company, reservtng only a few square yards, where' rests the two bodles mentloned.Janaluska and hls squaw. Thls square Mr. Walker donates and deeds, to the Daughters of the American Revolutlon Chaptor that erects the monument. ,. ',;: ;*-v pn the farm pf Messrs. Alfred and Robert Colvurd,near Robb'tnsvliie, and on the banlts of the beautiful Telulah Rlver, mother nature lias placed a magnlncent boulder, which the owners contrlbute to'the cause, Thls wlll be transported to the grave, and to it will bo attaohed a handsome tablet oi Iron, bearing the memorial Insorlptlon of Janaluska,; wlth speclal- mention of thea|d and vlotory at; Horseshoe Bend, Around the sauara incloslng the.graves, a splendld fenclng .of iron' wlll be placed, and on the gatey ln artlstlc let¬ ters, the samA^uiortal name, "Jana¬ luska." jiwjir* The unveiling ceremony wlll be most Interestlng. .Besldes the parts render¬ ed by the Daughters of the American Revolutlon, there wlll be speaklng by eminent orators, flne music, a, blogra- phloal sketch of the chiet,- and, as wlll be very especially enjoyed, sev¬ eral aged oitlzens wlll glve poraonai remlnlscencesof-Janaluska.' The vell, a large Anierican flag, wlll be listed by two of the OJierpkees In ti>a i-uufchi also the Indiana wlll asalst. One chorus, at least, will be.given en tirely by them. It is also hoped that thelr splrttua leader wlll favor the occaslon by i speech. In the county of Graham no less than 200 of the gentle Cberokec still reside ln their loved mountali homes. Almost as a unit they are ex pected to be present at the unvelling. The exact date of Janailuska's, birt: is unknown, His death occurred ii hls cabln home, near Robbinsvllle, No tbe age of almost lOOshrdirdiufwyp vember 20, 1868. According to th most reliable estimates, he had reache the age of almost 100 years.almos if not entlrely. On November 3 and 3 the annua State congress of the Daughters of th American Revolutlon' wlll be ln' set sion af Statesvllle, N. C; on the 4t the members wjll make the Journey t Robbinsvllle,' and on the 5th' the un veillng. x.:: Andrews is; the neareat railway- sta tlon. From that. point to Robbinville, dltance of a dozen . mlle,, tbe. journe is by. private conveyahce and over. most picturesque road. - . WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank P. Rbodes Marrie flfty Vca'N Aio. [Special to Tho Tlmea-Dlapatch.] Lexlngton, Va., October 29..Mr. and Mn FranU P. Rbodeg celebrated thqir golde weddlng annlversary Saturday nlght wit a weddlng supper in honor. of thelr mai rlage October 23, 1S60. Sunday the coupl received many congratula.lons from .thei frlends, and ln many thstancei. good wl found expresslon In the presentatlon of glft of gold and flne china and other, forms. Th officlal" board of Trinlty Methodlst Churcl Lexlngton, of whlch Mr. Khodeg haa been member for forty years, presented him .wit a purse of gold ns' an expresslon of thei frlendshlp and osteem. Telegrams were rt ce.ied from dlatant relatlves conveylng goo WI1U Tho marriage was solomnlzed at Mlddle town, Frederlck county,- October 23, 1S60, a v Will you call at our store and take five minutes of your time to compare letter paper you are now using with the quality of what wehave to offer? If you do you will SAVE money and we will MAKE some! You will be satisfied and we.well we will have another customer for years to come. BECAUSE, once here, you will see that we can meet your every desirc in Stationery, Office FuYpitjire. and Fixtures of every description, Virginia Stationery Company, Inc, SAM ISEMAN, Vice-President, General Manafcer, 9)5 East Main Street. Academy ol Music E£#X SSSSI NOV. 14, 15, 16 SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, at 2 o'Clock. KLAW & ERLANGER'S NEW & GREATER BEN-HUR 8 Horses ln the ThrUling ChariotRace STAGED ON A SCALE OF UNPARALLELED SPLENEOR Special Orchestra Carrled by Company 200-PEOPLE IN PRODUCTION-200 Seat Sale Opens Nov. 10 at 9 A. M. PRICES: Lower floor, $2.00; first three rows balcony, $1.50; remainder, $1.00; gallery, rcserved, 75c; admission, 50c. No seats laid aside. No phone orders taken. Mail orders, accompanted by rcmittance, filled in the order of receipt after ticket purchasers in line are served on opening day of sale. * BIJOU THEATRE Richmond's Popular Playhouse Week of Oct. 31st. Usual Mats. The Well-Known Irish Actor BARNEY GILMORE b Hls Latest and Best Play KELLY From the Emerald Isle. ...A Comedy Drama of Intense lnterest... .The. CLOSED THIS WEEK Pending conclusion of the enlargement of the house. The Greater LUBINI with increased capacity, modernly equipped stage for scenic productions, with the grand- est Vaudeville and Picture attractions Reopens Monday, November, 7th, 1910. :. -8 o'clock A. M., and the newly-weddod. II couple drovo by buggy to Lexlngton, tak- ¦ Ing three days for the- Journey, aa there e was. no rallroad through the .Vatley at that 1, time. Mrs. Rhodes was MlBs'-.Mattle. Ellen a Senseney. and tha grnnddaughtor ot Dd. h G. Senseney,. and the granddauglfte rof Dr. r Peter Senseney, the founder of Mlddletown. !. Mr. Rhodes Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. d Jacob N. Rhodes, and he was born In Staun¬ ton removlng to Lexlngton wlth hls parents i- ln UO. ' it Rev. A. S. Glbbons, D. D. who pertormed tho marriage ceremony half a century ago. now lives nt Paclflc' Grove, .'Californla, at the age of elghty-elght years,' Seven chlldren resulted trom this union, four of whom. are .llvlng. They are Ernest L. Rhodes, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Maggie R. Kern, wlfe ot Rev. D. H. Kern, of Staun¬ ton: Charles F. Rhodes. o'f Chlcago, 111., and. Mlss Pearl Virginia Rhodes,, of Lexlngton.. Mrs. Kern camas up Saturday and spent Sunady Wlth her parents.

Transcript of the Theatres Thij eek NOV. E£#X Serles.City BEN-HUR"Ben-Hur" was flrst seen. The story of...

Page 1: the Theatres Thij eek NOV. E£#X Serles.City BEN-HUR"Ben-Hur" was flrst seen. The story of "Ben-Hur." the great¬ est tragedy of the Chrlatlan stage. la too well known to go Into detall,

p_o Plays at the Theatres Thij eek »


Harney Ollmnrc, lu "Kelly From theCmerald Isle," nll the week.



CITY AUDITOniUM.Sntnrday.Hoistonln Scxtcttc.

iMrney Olltnore Cninca llnok.At the Blinu thls wecit Ilarney G1I-

tnore, tho popular young irlsh coniedlan.Is announced as thc attraction. Localthcatro-goers wlll have thelr flrst op¬portunlty of sceing Mr. Gllmoro Inhls great new success, "Kolly From th*Kmerald Isle," wrltten for him bjMlna Shlrloy. "Kelly Krom tho EmeraldIsle," has been spoken of ln most glow-Insr torms by the press of every cltywhero thls now comcdy-drama has ap-pcarnd, and lt has beon tho unanlmousopi.ilon that it ls the best vehlclo lnwhlch Mr. Gllmoi-e has appearcd forsome time.The story tclls of thc adventurcs of

Gerald Kelly, a likable young Irlsh-man., The openlng scenc ls the sum¬mer MeMdenco of William Blalr, awealthy banker, on Long Island. NowYork. on hls daughter's weddlng day,celcbratlnp her marriage to the youngIrlshman. Whlle the festlvltles areet thelr height. Kelly an.l tlie bankertre seen nimrrellng ln the garden, andlater, ln tho mldst of the merrlmcnt,Blalr ls found murdered. Kacts ledto Kelly belng accused of the crime,and he ls arrested. Ile cscapes fromJall In the night ln the mldst of astorm on horseback and leaves NewYork. Dlsgulsed as a cowboy he ob-talns the post of mail carrler in Mon-tana but Is suspected and eludes hlseaptora by taking fllght ln an airship.jkn accident occurs. and he Is forced toland again, and Is run down by thoaherlff and hls posso. Ile agaln es-eanos. ultlmately proving hi3 innocenceand brlnglng about the arrest andconvlctlon of the real crlmlnal.

Mr. Gllmoro wlll introduco severalnew songs and somo of tho old fa-vortteg. In hls supportlng companyare R. Herjry Hanlon, Wlll H. Long,Ted V. Armond. George Gormalne. Wil¬liam T. Morgan. Joo Ray, M. Murphy,Mlna Shlrley, Elsa Wllllams, EmilyGreen, Alice Williams and Emily I,ong.The scenic effects are sald to be un¬usualiy elaborate, and all the lescerfletalls have been carefully attendedto, Matlneea during the engagementwlll be given on Tuesday, Thuredajand Saturday.

*nen-Hur"Shakespeare made hls name immortal

by contributing to the world's Hter-ature plays which are as undylng asthe name -iey gave him. General LewWallace. when he wrote "Ben-Hur,"carved a nlche ln the wall of llteraryeffortKhakeapeare's plays became classica

>.they were not merely thrown uponthe stage to become known througha record-brcaklng run at thls or thattheatre. So lt Is with the dramatlza-lion of "Ben-Hur." Its charm of fresh-ness has not been lost during thetwelve years which have intervenedsince the play was flrst offered tothe Amerlcan stage. and tbosc whowitness its productlon at the Academyof Music on Monday. Tuesday andWednesday evenlngs, November 14. 15and 16. wlll doubtless feel the llnesgrip one as flrmly as'they did when"Ben-Hur" was flrst seen.The story of "Ben-Hur." the great¬

est tragedy of the Chrlatlan stage. latoo well known to go Into detall, Thestage spectacle as lt was presented toplaygoers orlginally was a prodlglousundertaklng. and with the company In-terpreting it this season lt is claimodnot to have lost any of Its power.Flrst tnere Is the desert scene, show¬ing the meeting of the three wise



Univ. of N. C.Broad Street Park


General Admission, 75cGrand Stand, $1.00 Boys, 50c

HEATERS!You'll need one soon. Get

it now before very coldweather comes.



A slze and style for everywant. None better.

RichmondStove Co.

25th and Main Sts.Phone Mad. 1486.

If your dealer, cannot orwill not furnlsh, phone us.

BAR.XBY GILMOHE, !I'ruwntlnr "Kelly From the Emerald tnir," at the BIJou all tkls week.

men, gulded by the stsXto the mangerln whlch Christ was born. Thls lsthe prelude to the play, from Book I.of the Indlana soldier-writer's novel.The next scene shows the roof of!Hur ln Jerusalem. from whlch Ben-iHur. by accident, kllls a Roman and ismade a slave In a Roman galley. Thethlrd scene ls the Interlor of the gal-ley, wlth the oarsmen fettered onthelr banks. the creaklng of the oarsand clanklng of thelr chalns, to befollowed by the sea battle and rescueof Arrlus by Ben-Hur on a floating bltof wreckage.The Grove of Daphne. with the gay

crowds and the Fountain of Castalia:the splder's web. which catches Bon-Hur and cnsts over him a spell of fas-clnatlon for the Exypttan Iras; andthe Dowar ln the Orchard of Palms,are beautiful scenes for the unweav-ing of the tale. Then comes thechariot race between Messala and Hur,

I in which the charlots. plunge at fullI speed ln the Roman ctrcus to dvclde¦ the vlctor of the -rlvalry between ihaR- man and the Jew. None of these ihas lost a blt of the reallsm whichhas assisted. In making the drama astupendous success.The last act depicts the coming of

the Nazareno to the clty of Jerusalem.

The presence of the Uving Chrlst Is'never paraded, but through lt all Hlspresence Is felt There is nothlng tooffend any .creed, and even in the!closlng scene, the cleansing of theleners on Mount Olivet, ln the pres¬ence of the multltude, thc personaipresence is saved by a shlnlng lightwhlch makes thelr flesh like urito thatof children. Thls is, indeed, an Im-prcsslve moment, the slnging of "Ho-:ant:a! Hosanna! Hosanna, in theHighest!" and the meeting of Ben-Hurwlth hls mother and sister.Besides the three evening perform-

ances there will be a special matineeon Wednesday, November 16. 6

thnncrcn nt the I.ubln.The Lubin wlll be closed during the

week beglnning Monday pending tbecompletion of many improvements,which will make It one of the.mostup-to-date of local amusement houses.The jjreater Lubln will open on Mon¬day. November 7. with one of the. mostattractive vaudevllle and picture blllsever seen here.Several thousand dollars have been

expended in making alteratlons andaddltions to the Lubln, and when lt re-opens, after belng closed for only oneweek. it wlll be modern In every par-'tlcular. In addltion to 200 or more re-served seats. which have been addedin the new annex, the seating capacltywlll also be largely Increased.:A larger stage, modernly equippod

with beautiful scenery.and capable ofstaglng. the highest class of vaudevllleofferings wlll be one of the featuresof the new Lubin.The lnterlor of the Lubin wlll bo

changed materlally and added to. Forreopenlng week the Lubln will offeran especially attractive bill.of vaude¬vllle features whlch wlll ihauguratea new era ln this form. of amusementin Richmond. Scenic- attractions willbe a regular feature 6f the Lubinbllls to be seen in the near future,and with' the increased seating ca¬paclty the quality as well as quantityof Lubln features increased ao-cordingly. Reopenlng week wlll beslgnalized by a speolal matinee at2:30.

Bontonla SIxtet.The Bostonia Sextet, whloh will .ap-

pear at the Auditorium oh November5. has the reputatlon: of belng one ofthe finest muslcal organlzatlons of thlscountry. It possesses extraordinary'merit, whlle its ensemble -work Isbeyond comparlson. C. L. Staats, thedlrector, is the clarlnetest of the cluband ls a- master of. his instrument.All the other instruments are strlngs.making the force. quality and tone ofthe' organization apuroach that of anorchestra. Their work ls always daintyand the muslcal standard is of thehighest.

Mr. Staats has the happy faoulty ofknowing how to arrange a program.Whlle preserving lt as classlcal, hemlngles the llght and the perlous com-positlons in'such a way that tho au¬dlence Is always charmed. Thls Iswhat Rlchmond will be treated toin tho third concert of the Radcllifeserles. ,

Music teachers : wlll do well to seethat thelr puplls attend thls concert.It wlll bo an education as well asa pleasure to them.

Removal Sale Now On'

Nature and ScienceCombine at Hammond*sTo furnish Flowers for the" fastidious.Bewilderingly beautiful

Orchidsare now to be had in great diversity ofcolor and form.

The Hammond Co.Mad. 630. , 109 £. Broad.

Miller Manufacturing Co., IncSouth Rlchmond, Va.,Sash, Doors and Blinds -

M1LL WORK.Contraptors and builders should

have our prices and estimates whenfiguring on any kind of building con-.struction.

Radcliffe Serles.City AuditoriumSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH,

Bostonia Sextette Clubx>

Seats on sale at Cable Piano Company.

THE aUARREL SCEXB FROM "BEITIIinV_Richard Bnhler as Ben Hnr; 'Walter Sherrrln m gfcmontace.

MONUMENT TO JANALUSKAShaft to Brave Cherokee, Erected by Gen. Joseph

Winston Chapter, D. A. R., of Winston-Salem, Will Be Unveiled at Robbinsville,

N. 0., November 5.Robbinsville, N. C, October. 29.-.One

of the greatast crowds' of patrlots ever

gathered tn Western North Carolinais expected to attend the unvelllng ol

the Janaluska monument, at Robbins¬

ville, N. C, Graham county, on satur¬

day, Novemoor 5, at 1 o'clock P. Al.. rormore than half a century, the grave olthe brave old chlef has oeen lelt un-

marked, and amazlngly little has ever

been recorded by hlstorians ot tbe ln-Cnlte debt the whlte man owes for hlsfalthful serviee, especially-that whlcnwas rendered Andrew Jackson, atHorseshoe Bend, Alabama. March 27,

lH-i, where Janaluska saved Jackson'sllfe, and really won the vlctory for him,as Jackson himself. most gratefully ac-knowledged.A deed so unselflshly brave and nobl<

cannot be forgotten;. and' now thosagood, patrloUc woinen ot Winston-.salem propose to give the grave amark that wlll do much to embalm tnelllustrlous Gherokee' in,the'. thankfulmemory of every, true American.At the time of hls vallant assistance

to Jackson, at the battle of HorseshoeBend,. Janaluska had ls home ln whatis now Graham coUnty, and very nearthe vlllage of Robbinsville, whlch hassince been built.?-The State ot North Carolina, as a re¬

ward for his servlces, gave him a tractof more than two hundred acres ol theflnest land ln hls section.a tract thatin later years has been'known to manyas the Smythe farm. Robbinsville,the county seat of Graham, was bullt'on this land.

ln the southern suburbs of'the vll¬lage, on a beautlfully wooded rldge,is the'grave of tho'cnief, and'near hlaside rests the body of "Nicle," hlssqiiaw.For several years. thls. tract of land

has been ln tho possession ot GeorgoB. .Walker, of.RobblnsylUe, and was ln¬cluded ln his recent sale of immenselands and other; property to the Whlt-ing Lumber Company, reservtng only afew square yards, where' rests the twobodles mentloned.Janaluska and hlssquaw.Thls square Mr. Walker donates and

deeds, to the Daughters of the AmericanRevolutlon Chaptor that erects themonument. ,. ',;: ;*-vpn the farm pf Messrs. Alfred and

Robert Colvurd,near Robb'tnsvliie, andon the banlts of the beautiful TelulahRlver, mother nature lias placed amagnlncent boulder, which the ownerscontrlbute to'the cause, Thls wlll betransported to the grave, and to itwill bo attaohed a handsome tablet oiIron, bearing the memorial Insorlptlonof Janaluska,; wlth speclal- mention ofthea|d and vlotory at; Horseshoe Bend,Around the sauara incloslng the.graves,a splendld fenclng .of iron' wlll beplaced, and on the gatey ln artlstlc let¬ters, the samA^uiortal name, "Jana¬luska." jiwjir* :¦

The unveiling ceremony wlll be mostInterestlng. .Besldes the parts render¬ed by the Daughters of the AmericanRevolutlon, there wlll be speaklng byeminent orators, flne music, a, blogra-phloal sketch of the chiet,- and, aswlll be very especially enjoyed, sev¬eral aged oitlzens wlll glve poraonairemlnlscencesof-Janaluska.'The vell, a large Anierican flag, wlll

be listed by two of the OJierpkees Inti>a i-uufchi also the Indiana wlll asalst.

One chorus, at least, will be.given entirely by them.

It is also hoped that thelr splrttualeader wlll favor the occaslon by ispeech. In the county of Graham noless than 200 of the gentle Cberokecstill reside ln their loved mountalihomes. Almost as a unit they are expected to be present at the unvelling.The exact date of Janailuska's, birt:

is unknown, His death occurred iihls cabln home, near Robbinsvllle, Notbe age of almost lOOshrdirdiufwypvember 20, 1868. According to thmost reliable estimates, he had reachethe age of almost 100 years.almosif not entlrely.On November 3 and 3 the annua

State congress of the Daughters of thAmerican Revolutlon' wlll be ln' setsion af Statesvllle, N. C; on the 4tthe members wjll make the Journey tRobbinsvllle,' and on the 5th' the unveillng. x.::Andrews is; the neareat railway- sta

tlon. From that. point to Robbinville,dltance of a dozen . mlle,, tbe. journeis by. private conveyahce and over.most picturesque road.- .

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank P. Rbodes Marrie

flfty Vca'N Aio.[Special to Tho Tlmea-Dlapatch.]Lexlngton, Va., October 29..Mr. and Mn

FranU P. Rbodeg celebrated thqir goldeweddlng annlversary Saturday nlght wita weddlng supper in honor. of thelr mairlage October 23, 1S60. Sunday the couplreceived many congratula.lons from .theifrlends, and ln many thstancei. good wlfound expresslon In the presentatlon of glftof gold and flne china and other, forms. Thofficlal" board of Trinlty Methodlst ChurclLexlngton, of whlch Mr. Khodeg haa beenmember for forty years, presented him .wita purse of gold ns' an expresslon of theifrlendshlp and osteem. Telegrams were rtce.ied from dlatant relatlves conveylng gooWI1UTho marriage was solomnlzed at Mlddle

town, Frederlck county,- October 23, 1S60, a

v Will you call at our store and take five minutes ofyour time to compare letter paper you are now usingwith the quality of what wehave to offer?

If you do you will SAVE money and we will MAKE some! You will be satisfied and we.wellwe will have another customer for years to come. BECAUSE, once here, you will see that we

can meet your every desirc in Stationery, Office FuYpitjire. and Fixtures of every description,

Virginia Stationery Company, Inc,SAM ISEMAN, Vice-President, General Manafcer,

9)5 East Main Street.

Academy ol Music E£#X SSSSINOV. 14, 15, 16



BEN-HUR8 Horses lnthe ThrUlingChariotRace


200-PEOPLE IN PRODUCTION-200Seat Sale Opens Nov. 10 at 9 A. M.

PRICES: Lower floor, $2.00; first three rows balcony, $1.50; remainder,$1.00; gallery, rcserved, 75c; admission, 50c.

No seats laid aside. No phone orders taken. Mail orders, accompanted byrcmittance, filled in the order of receipt after ticket purchasers in line are servedon opening day of sale. *

BIJOU THEATRERichmond's Popular Playhouse

Week of Oct. 31st. Usual Mats.The Well-Known

Irish Actor

BARNEYGILMOREb Hls Latest and Best Play

KELLYFrom the Emerald Isle....A Comedy Drama of Intense lnterest...

.The. CLOSED THIS WEEKPending conclusion of the enlargement of thehouse.

The Greater LUBINIwith increased capacity, modernly equippedstage for scenic productions, with the grand-est Vaudeville and Picture attractions

Reopens Monday, November,7th, 1910.

:. -8 o'clock A. M., and the newly-weddod.II couple drovo by buggy to Lexlngton, tak-¦ Ing three days for the- Journey, aa theree was. no rallroad through the .Vatley at that1, time. Mrs. Rhodes was MlBs'-.Mattle. Ellena Senseney. and tha grnnddaughtor ot Dd.h G. Senseney,. and the granddauglfte rof Dr.r Peter Senseney, the founder of Mlddletown.!. Mr. Rhodes Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.d Jacob N. Rhodes, and he was born In Staun¬

ton removlng to Lexlngton wlth hls parentsi- ln UO. '

it Rev. A. S. Glbbons, D. D. who pertormed

tho marriage ceremony half a century lives nt Paclflc' Grove, .'Californla, atthe age of elghty-elght years,'Seven chlldren resulted trom this union,

four of whom. are .llvlng. They are ErnestL. Rhodes, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. MaggieR. Kern, wlfe ot Rev. D. H. Kern, of Staun¬ton: Charles F. Rhodes. o'f Chlcago, 111., and.Mlss Pearl Virginia Rhodes,, of Lexlngton..Mrs. Kern camas up Saturday and spentSunady Wlth her parents.