The teacher’s personality

THE TEACHER’S PERSONALITY THE TEACHER’S PERSONALITY Author: Prof . Maria Vulcu Author: Prof . Maria Vulcu Translator: Dorin-Nicolae Tecuceanu Translator: Dorin-Nicolae Tecuceanu

Transcript of The teacher’s personality


Translator: Dorin-Nicolae TecuceanuTranslator: Dorin-Nicolae Tecuceanu

The job of a teacher, as any other job, is the result of a professional culture and of several specific qualities presumably needed for this profession.The culture of the teacher is the result of his/her education. Its components are general culture, specialty culture and psycho - pedagogical structure.The role that a teacher must fulfill in school and society impose, as a first coordinate of its research, a wide cultural horizon, various knowledge from the fields of science, technology and culture, and additionally a philosophical base meant to assure a wide vision of the world and its evolution. Every teacher is a specialist in his/ her domain. The teacher must be aware of the latest discoveries, the discussions and controversies taking place in that particular domain.

The psycho - pedagogical structure refers to those knowledge, work techniques and ways of action that facilitate the pedagogical communication. Without the development of a resonance in the psychic of those to whom the communication addresses, it is neutral from an educational point of view. The psycho - pedagogical training allows the teacher to transform the cultural – scientific information in educational messages. •The teacher’s personality implies a series of qualities, determined by the specific and complexity of the work he/she is doing. •The specific characteristic qualities of a moral nature; several elements from this category would be: the spirit of justice and objectivity, honor, courage, honesty, dignity, modesty, patience, optimism, self – control, etc. •The teacher must be aware of his/her responsibility towards the national and universal cultural values created in time. •The teacher has the ability to know and understand the student’s psychic, an intuitive capacity to penetrate and realize the psychological particularities of an individual. The knowing of the student’s inner world implies psychological intuition. In his entire activity as a teacher, his spirit to organize manifests in: the planning of one’s own work, the preparation and development of the lessons, mentoring the students’ teamwork, etc.

A consequence of all the qualities and aptitudes a teacher possesses is his pedagogical mastery, his full development of all the components of his personality, along with their integration in a unified whole. It is a synthesis of all the general-human characteristics, the sturdy preparation, the effort made for the consolidation if his qualities as a human and servant of a profession. At the same time, it requires dedication and passion, openness towards new, creative spirit, inventiveness, and skill to act in accordance with the requirements of specific situations. Mastery is acting differently from one situation to another, depending on factors, that can occur, some of them having an unprecedented and unpredictable character. A teacher who possesses pedagogical mastery is more than a professional; he is an artist in his job.