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THE SUN WLDNESDAY MARCH 1 1893 S EVENTS BEYOND THE KMo- n EAT nntTAixi ATTITUDE ON TilE IONRXA1iY QUESTION Ur Oladntona Bars tshti Wilt Not Abnnaon Her Zient roller Maar Itnngnrlnn- aIr1h In the Daanbe Flooda Atnerlran- Iadlea Presented to Oneta Vlttorln Losses rob 2Slr Henry Moyaoy Thomp- son ¬ moved In tho House ol Commons today that tho llritlsh Government b should use Its Influence to brine about a reas- sembling ¬ of the International Monetary Con- ference ¬ with tho object ot finding n remedy for the evils attendant upon tho dlv crcenco of values between sold and silver Blr Honry Who Is n director In sovcrnl railways and rec- ognized ¬ ns n rcspectablo authority on triulo questions argued that monometallism was a national misfortune and that a fixed bimetal llo ratio wis ths volo remedy for existing dim cuttles crlnl out ot tho currency problem- Mr Montagu Liberal MP for White chapel and well known ns n mombor the banking houso of Hamtiel Montacu it Co ear- nestly ¬ supported fUr henry motion and argued In fuvor of bimetallism Other blmnt- alllsts also nddrossod the Houso In behalf ot tin proposition Mr Oladstono In reply reminded tho Houso that the International Monetary Conference I met At tho Initiative of tho United Htntoe and- It would bo nn unprecedented proceeding now to tloprlvn America of tho InItiatIve Knelnnd had tollowod tho Hrunscls discussion with more or lexs sympathy and hnd u right to ex tioct from tho United States u declaration i to us whit step that country proposed to luko- n xt In thu opinion of tho Oovormnunt no 11 yet proposed showed how It was posalhlo to chnnco the standard nf Miluu or Ornnt lit it nln IHenr htur It would placo thndov- eminent In n rid Ioulou position If It should nsMimo the Inltlullvo In reopening tho Confer- ence ¬ having nothing to recommend for dis- cussion ¬ Mr Oladstnna sild that Knelnnd was not alono among clvlllztMliiutlonR In hordetorml nation to udliero to her present monetary svs torn Swen other povveri without tho slight pst roleroniO to England hail Hlgnlllud t their intentions not to change their currency Unit of the poworl represented nt the Conference had that they lonpl toward bi- metallism ¬ but UN yut the not gIven lie most shadowy Indication of what ehniro they were prepared to maLe In conclusion Mr- Glndstono matte nn vluborati opposition of the dangers lon of monomotulsll nnd tho Mr flmplin I 1rpsldnnt of tho Hoard of Acrl culture under the Salisbury administration supported tho motion of Mr Honry Meyscy Thompson At thn HriisnlK Conforence ho paid I tort ran Currio I Uiritlh dekBiitel per- sistently ¬ and deliberately did sverythinc In hIs power to defeat tho objects of the meeting Sir vtllllain I llurconrlImncollor of tho Ex- chequer ropndlutcil I 31 Chaplins I cluiruo agaInst Mr Iurrle llritlsh delegates ho maid hnd been ii most tile runty ones tctsupport th American resolution In favor of oxtenillne thotiaeof silver Irom llrst tn last hlmntul llsm hat linen nr thy bottom of thn present de ¬ but Tho Inlnt of Iho Conference hud been due absence ot nil definite proposals If tho Inlted htntes should recon- vene thin Conrornc and submit definite pro- posals ¬ the llritlsh Government would boglnd to send back their delegates hut could not be- pxuected to provide n scheme for tho moro ex- tensive ¬ USD of silver Ho pointed to tho rn turn of thn Incomii tax anti death duties lo prove the growth ot tho countrys wealth lie- S contended that tho agricultural dopretislon which was larcely responsible for tho blmotnl Ito ncltntlon was only temporary Th motion before the Housu ho saul wan Intended to rulsa prlcns un operation whlih the iovern munt could not uudortuke us It wus outside It province Mr llalfonr lender the Unionist opposl tlon denied that ho or any of his colleagues desired n monetary system which would ralso prices The motion was not In for of bi- metallism ¬ The fact was that the Government had decided to do nothing to remedy the pres- ent ¬ evils evident both iu trade and agricul- ture ¬ Kir Hoary MevseyThompgons motion was rejected by a voto of 22H to 148 The an- nouncement ¬ ot tho vote was received with loud Liberal cheers PZRZBHLa JJV TILE DANUBE Th River Overflown Its flunk and Wipe > Out a Tlllace VXEIU Fob 28A terrible calamity has overtaken thevillagoof Oorcoly near the town of Faka In Hungary on the river Danub- eabouteltr miles south of Budapest Owing a rise of the Danube the 1000 In- habitants ¬ of Gercely found the mudliutoin which they lived surrounded by a waste of waters Tho frail dwellings gradually yielded before the furious current which was con- tinually ¬ rising and tho poaple took refuge In the church and school which were constructed of stronger materials hoping that these build- ings ¬ would bo able to hold out against tho flood The people led by their pastor offered up earnest prayers for safety and mothers and children clung to tho altar beseeching I the Intercession of the saints They saw their homes disappearing In the raging stream ond tim swelling waters tie pun to tent against the church anti school building with such fury that at lost they de- rided ¬ that to remain would mean tho destruc- tion ¬ of ull of thorn while If they tied some at l least might nurnpe ienlng the doors thy ftarted out Into the Hood which surged nearly to the WaIRtfofFrOVUUII neoplo Fnthursiind and the sick and feeble were helpod nlong by those who wer stronger They llud as fast as they could In ths direction of 1aks the wilt and boiling current pursuing thorn In their flight lOt mothor with live children sunk In tlio waters and poilliod Many others thin number of whom I is as yet unknown wore Irownedlnd- tho bin condition survivors reached 1ulcb In a < eDlor Tho people of I aks gave the fugitives nil the RUccor possible although deeply concerned for their own safety as the Daiiubn Is twenty feet ai ove Its normal heIght Nothing can ho tone toward rAloIrlnl thin I iodine of those who have tho river retires within Its usual clmnnol and It In believed that many have len swept miles away There Is no doubt number dead is very large fUJBY ncToniAS jniAwisa ROOM American Ladle Irefteotvd nnd fbe ole Tliey Wore LOXDOV Fel l RTho weather is told and clear and tho sunshine slna a cheerful air to the surroundings of llucklogham Palace It was excellent weather for the drawing room held by her Majesty Queen Victoria today assisted by her daughters the Dowager Em- press ¬ Frederick and the Princess Beatrice and other rccmbers of the royal family About 30O Iereons were presented to her Maosty- All tho members ot tho American Legation wore presented Mrs Lincoln wife of tho America Minister wore n dress ot black vel- vet ¬ and jet Dlack lace The train was of sm Ihirmaterlals edged with feathers and lined with black satin Her ornaments were diamond Mrs William Waldorf Antorwns among the Americans presented Her gown was of white satin with white oh vet inn uneusui ile innr trim- med with shIver embroidery Kho wore a din rnond tiara Her other nrnuments wort fenrls Thu other American ladies presented I Mr Ton wife of Major J U lust military at tnchiS of thu American Legation Mrs Cal thorpe Mlfas Burrows uud Miss WllllamB ot Chicago- Mrs llst > gown which was I Worth crea- tion ¬ was the Empire style It wits of white fntin trimmed with liver spangles nnd Eng- lish ¬ point lace with u white rose natteau train alto edged with slh or and English point lace Mrs Calthorpo wore n salmoncolored satin bodice and skirt the latter embroidered with paillette The trait which was ibort was of pink queen brocade llnod with imlo queen pUn Hheworo a garland of rosebmls MIss urrowxH gown woe of plain cream satin with a train of the sam material Mlis Williams woman Empire gown of white embroidered InelUur tier train wae of satin brocade DlittnauUhed bpnnlnrdli < orolnc- MiDBiD Feb 28The Duke of Veragua nail his suite will leave this city for New York on April J and will tall from Southampton on April K All wi stop in Now York to witness the naval befoio they proceed to Chi- cago ¬ The Infanta Eulnlla who Is to repre- sent ¬ the Queen ltegent wi not be present at the naval review nor at opening of the Ex- hibition ¬ a thu advisers of the Crown foci 1 lint both In zork and Chicago at the times In OuefcUnn the great crowds would render Im ¬ possible a proper refection of a member of tho royal family The Infantu Eulalla will sail for Cuba nttne earliest toward the end of April nd will proceed thence to Now York late In 1Mr The caravel Santa Maria I Is roporlel a hav- ing ¬ been spoken flxty miles TlnerUfe the was moving steadily under fululL Anollier Victim or Monte Carlo Nicr Feb 2a Frederick Ilatttlnger a com ¬ mercl traveller for a large English firm lost money At the Monte Carlo Casino lat night and this morning shot himself dead with a reTohe UI- Is1 ± BArs IUB JlttEAD WAS STALE An Vnnn Complaint Made by Mr Tall Against Jll Tailor Carl Fell an unemployed factory fireman who occupies two rooms with his Invalid wife and two sick children In a thiokly l populated tenement 253 Johnson avenue Williams burgh I Is exhibiting to members of Br Marks Lutheran Church At llushwlck avonuo and Jefferson street Wllltamsburgh some food which the pastor the Itav A T Frcr sent to his starving children Tho food he says oon slated of stale broad so hard that the pastor himself couldnt oat It and scraps of suet The church I Is one ot the largest In the Lutheran denomination In Wllltamsburgh nnd has a welltodo congregation Fall and his wife at ¬ tended tho chUrch from the time It was dedi- cated ¬ nearly I your ago unit until ho was thrown out of employment a few months ago Ho always contributed to Its support When ho lost his plnco ho was unable to obtain another and tho money ho hind saved was soon expended To add to his trouble his wife and children wore taken sick and ho was too poor to Alin n doctor About n week ago Mrs fall r husband that shin would cll upon 1astor Frnv ami see I ho could n her Mr Frar llttennd to kindly and saul he would como around nud see tier her Int children nnd gin thorn assistance they noedod it Mrs Knll wont homo happy Thin pastor did nnd yesterday Hin wont to lila houso nollnl On this occasion ho was not quIte so kind she says but llnallv after she IIHII tearfully explained lie condition of her family ho hued some food put In a paper bll nnd told her to take It homo to hor iii II it Mr Full thanked hInt and hurried homo without opening thiiluii Whan she reached her Iliooiless apartments her children were crying loudly for food Thu mother soothod- tinin liy saying tOe what lie good minister his sent yu Mrs Im gprneil thin tI and children who luau Mopped began again Mr at tie foul iind hurt Ito 111kc I children iilttckud the t rnll made no Impression upon It Kinnlly tho father gathered stale bread and suet togithcr and went to the minIsters house What pass- ed ¬ was told hy Fnl to a SIN reporter last ovoulng as I tiTOK n man as a witness with mo when I wont to Mr Frets hnus For thru weokM 1 Wits on n sick bed with li a sore foot W hi nwa got to the ministers house I nsked tho minis- ter ¬ If that was the kind of mod ho provided the roor uf his parish with Mr Prey was highly Indignant nno upbraided mo my- Ingintltude and thatatiy hungry person eouldeat th bread and suet 1 naked Mr Frcy if ho would oU tim stuff himself ito tried to take thin hal from mo unit I got nut of the house after t tllnr him I t thAt I proposed bringing congregation- Mr the rator the attention of thin Froy said yesterday that his wlfo had put UI hue food From time to time said he Mrs Fall tins been hero and received assistance I nsked hor one day It this was the only place where slui obtained food for hor chlUron nnIIIIO re ¬ plied thnt assistance wits also some- times ¬ fioin the Horn in Catholic Church of tha Holy Trinity Then I tinned her over tn my wile nnd stun IIVI lr5Inl thin thlnus After want Mr with another man and raised such n row thnut I wanted to cull u policeman nnd have him arrested iriTHOVT POOl 0 FIRE Cruet Nrclrrt of lie Three llryiion Children by Their Vnnutilral ParentM A woman told tIm West Sixtyeighth street pollco on Monday that three little children wero dying from neglect and brutal treatment nfH West Slxtyflrst street Agent King of tho Gerry society who was notified on going to the houso designated found two nearly naked children nod 0 and 3 with their heads badly cut huddled behind a Ilreless stove In a rear room on tho ground floor In nn adjoIning room was a nudo throe monthsold girl with I gash on Inch lonl across her forehead On questioning tho ¬ Oct child Mr King discovered that when on Monday morning the parent ot tho children William liryson 34 years a plcturoframe glider and his wife Mary 28 years old had loft thorn alone without food or tIre Margaret tho threoyenrold childhad fallen against tho edge of the Ktoro through weakness Tho baby had received her wound by falling on a brokon plate A neighbor told Mr King that the little boy hart been hurt by 0 heavy plate which liryvon had thrown at Wife whilo the two were lighting on Kunday night Thin child being In the way had received the blow aimed nt his mother Thin wound on the babys head proved- so serious that sho was taken to liollovuo Hos- pital ¬ Policeman Jostf arrested Bryson and his wife- as they worn entrlnl their rooms on Monday night The children appeared In thu Yorkvllle 1ollco Court yesterday morning with their I heads almost hidden by bandages When arraigned before Justice Moade the prisoners Indignantly complained of thin cruely ot the terry agents in robbing them of their chil- dren ¬ Tho JustIce hold thin prisoners In ao each and committed tIm two older children the Institution of Mercy M4 CXA rs ASSHLAXT WILT lIFE lie Say Mnrkny wnn One or Four Men Who Robbed the Poor BAX FIIAXCISCO Feb 2R Wesley C Hlppoy tho old Inn whoshot John W Muck ay In tIm back on last Friday and thnn shot himself will live Today when a reporter Interviewed- him his hitherto pallid chocks had a healthy color in thorn while hula oyes wore bright and hub whole demeanor was that of a conva- lescent ¬ For tho first time since tho shooting he consented to talk freely about his past life When he was told that ho would probably get well ho turned wearily over on his hark and said I nm sorry for that I dont earn how soon I die I because thietie t Is nothing in lire for me It I get wAi I will have to go to the peni- tentiary ¬ and I Muukiy dies they will prob- ably ¬ hanz me I hud nothing In partloularngnlnst Mackny except that he was one of tho four men who robbed poor men I never had any frouble In toy I1e with rich men Flood On May ltwi I wont to pxcpltwllh hunk to ask Mm why I had to pay assessments on Id shares of Utah mutIng stock Ho called mo a loafer and ordered mo lucked out of his oilIer I lelt before that was done but I vowed- to get even That Is nil IDt and gone now but In regard the matter I wish to say that the end Is not yet Dr Keeney whoa seen today said that Mr Mackay bad passed a very good night A MATh TFiOOV JffVS OVER A Ml The Driver I nucbnraed it IVItntHO Say Ho Vna Not to Illume James Hogan a middleaged man who lives- at 22 East Fifth street ran across Broadway at Walker street yesterday In front of a mall wagon driven by George Flelchman 23 yeAr old of 2U East Fortyllfth street Hogan slipped antI tho wagon ran over Jin was badly cut nnd bruised but not seriously hurt Detective Corcoran of the Elizabeth street station had him removed to Chambers street stationand afterward iirrostod FMchmnn at the Tost When arraigned before Jus tire orcl tho Tombs Iollcn Court Flolch man was discharged hcnus witnesses test lied that ha was entirely blameless 1XTKRXAT1HXAL A IlZR TON A Patriotic Oitihiirat from Caprtvl that lUokrd Cheer IERUX Fob 28Tlio question of Interna- tional ¬ arbitration came up In the Ilelchstag today through u question asKed by Dr llarth- n I leader of tho Frolslnnlgo party who desired to know If tho Oovorninent would join the Governments of Great Drltaln and the United States I nun OtTurt to arbitration us this method of settling eflahlUh disputes Vrrlherr MaKClmll leli rntem Minister of ForeIgn Affairs replied that the Imperial tiny rnment was entirely willing to accept arbitra ¬ tion In special eases herr Ilehol the hoolajI pernoerit suggested tlut the future nationality of r AlsaceLorraine should be submitted International arbltra t This suggestion brought Chancellor von faprylld his fret Tho L Chancellor declared that If that question was submitted to arid trationand thn arbitrators decided that Usr many should surrender Alt uceLorralne the nation would refuse to acqulosca In the de- cision ¬ lUther than gIve un that country Ger- mans ¬ would prefer to shed thin last drop of their Wood Tlio Chancellors statement wus greeted with patriotic cheers Future or the Tansies Canal iMiup Feb 2aM Thlebaut lectured to an Immense audience lat evening In the Cirque dEti on the Panama Canal Its past and pre and Its future prospects The speaker urged that the French Government should mate an annual grant of from live millions to ten millions of trance for operations on the canal until the work should be completed The audlenc which Included many members of the 1nnama Committee applauded with great enthusiasm 1 Thtebuuta suggestion I New York rtctrtli 011111 Xntth Fhor Limited I tb firontt tra1 for ald ID n CIL4r The Modern Way CammndUtll to th w ll Intormcd to do pluuntly I was formerly doD In tai crudest manner sod dlitrritablr as WI > lot u tiui and break up eoldloab and enD r Wlbo- uaplanl K mar Jel jhtfal SIT rem Jr fJtnut ylg4dc Iquhll J PONDS EXTRACT OINTMEN- TIt It rfmurktblo ptoldo Action upon ins I r rtt gives it iaprem control ever bowever severs f Alio for Jnr Id EpUfat mm Kbeuna CN ls proT iuAtncaer hlcnOc aold Ir al- ma gilt or jest by mal on r c Ipi of up 1 ooly by- PONDS pM 1 EXTRACT CO 76 5th AT N YI hJ VICE PRESIDENT PAUL- Of St Francis Golhge Mds Ills Notable Testimony s institution of loarnlns Is moro tao known In New York State than Bt 1rtncls College Its spacious buildings on llaltlc ft near Court form ono of f tIm points ot Interest to strangers vlsltlns llronklyn It Is to Iho testimony of llrolher 1nul O S I Vlcolro l dent of St 1rnncis and lrifi a 0r ot Higher Mathematics lihotorlc nnd Inglish Iltern- lurethnt attentIon I Is respectfully culled AH ho expressed llt to lie writer I had tini worst case of Catarrh of lie Momach that any Inn could have and Iho At ono time I wits unconscious for forty eight hours on account ot tho pain and suffer inc No appetite dIstressIng spoils of vomiting so worn out that I couldnt attend to my dalles that epitomizes It The venorublo educator though expressing adlsllkoto ho nppuirnnca of lilt name In pint felt that tho bcnollt In roojlvod trout Copolnnd treatmoit han been so great that ho could not rufiiso to sttito tlio facts H thereupon mnln out In his own hnndvv i riling n statement ot thin same which rocltus that ho plated hhn901 under tInt euro id tha LoloJalt tantmry that ho ¬ proved since hut time thnt ho Is nivv nblo to attend to his professional duties that from his own experience ho can cmloiso ns helpful oln- lkllliho work of Urn Copeland and lunltuir t t hut before hn placed 1 hl18ullllr- tl f t Lure 01 ln Copiland iind tried almost uvery lomnily known to inedlonl clence wllliout obtaining nor holn- tlialln I his sourch for health and strength Im hnd mude I two I trips I to I Ireland ono I In t ID nnd one In which afforded only tetnpoiury relief Ihoio Kiild lirolher 1aul us lie handed tho written statement to tim wrier If thn Jurrits itt hII to any who ns I welli and I I will I 1011110 I lust to Its- corioctnesg upon mo- llrothvr tonny 110 wrlo 10 or calls 1atlls evidence of tho skill of linen physicians Is not tonllnid to lila own case His own Improvement early In the treatment- was so niniLed t tint he brought hil niece to thorn liar ruJnlho thought lint con- sumption ¬ symptoms wore those of ad- vanced ¬ tinmrliini lalarrh so often mistaken for inciiniiil rrmvtiiiijjfion rs Copuluud and Gardner cured hour February line hen unprecedented In the In ¬ ten lty of t thu cold and I hue sot erli y of thin storms Kverv day letters und niusmcosifoiiio In from patients whn doslrod und Intended to avail themselves of thn l rate during tho month lint w1 prevented liy thn weather Dr Copoliind no henltnncy In continuing the rate during Mardi hut a < unnoutic d lou 1 ho reserves to himself the light to discon- tinue ¬ tho rntent the end of Mureli or on tho flrstdnv of any month thcienter dcomed ad- visable ¬ without further preliminary notice As stilted t to nil I old patients pntlcnts nmv under treatment or plucing themselves i un ¬ der treatment r1urnt March VI Clollnt Is pledged t C tho Sa i rat I I To new ntlents tio right j is reserved to with ¬ draw tilt rate after the last day of March 1 ho rate wits 1 tent rate adopted torn limited tlmo to prove thu superiority ut the lopluuil methods Dr Copeland desires however to make the test ns compruhensivo us possiulo A roNTiNtiois srssmx PROM ii A M TO n r it Many pat Irntii find Hia lie most cim onlrnt tunic fur them is between i utnl 7 urluck in the irnlitir on this account and bora mo the afternoon penvlnn tian been at time iincontrnrtnlily orooJIInlolno1I- ha hereafter there u U lia 11nlnll between n ant 7 The ctsinn will I IIMUn dally from I A M to U 1 VI iiiuuduye i ai UlurUA MtotIM 300 PER MONTH Patients lurIng March treated until cured at 300 a mouth Medicines free llypophospktt- l O l XiX SODA aa a tonic for Invalid rernrrrlnjr othtrtllntiilitinriuallea apttdilr rctiorlun and per- manently a tacreaoiog the vital strength sad DtrrVu sarfy HOLD BY DnVQGISTH WINCHK> fKK CO Chemist ina WU f N < L BRONCHIAL CATARRH Yf Often Mistaken for Consumption and DJs tlnctii Curtble- Nosloclod ettarrit lund in my ease Apparent- ly rou101111 Lung Trouble sild Mr Joseph West IlHth st t Mr Donnell is one of thin successful mombcisot t thin younger gen- eration ¬ of tent cstalo men His portrait Pirs below Only lilt falling health ap 4 lilt lends llelll tendency to weak lungs stood In tho way lila assured business pros ui polity 1- t V f j I t I hail lund rntarrh ho said almost elnfl- chlldhnod Bronchial Tioublocameon In the j last few years I coughed Incessantly mr breathing was labored and difficult It seemed ns It I could lot iot air onough Into my lungs ShaD pains would lake mn In the region of the henrt Mv heart would bent hard and und 11 sort of dizziness and faintness fast i follow 1 gow pale and thin Night I sweats camo on I ralsud blood I t- I Imeamo moro and lore alarmed about myself Doctors said It was Incipient consumption I wns fulllnu lust in llesh and strengths when I went to hire Copeland nnd Unrdnei What illul they do for mu Completely re ¬ stored my hoalth In tlm first throe weeks under their treatment I Illnllwoln pounds In weight Today I an ath ¬ lete it sounds like a lulry title but Its the simple truth 111 n well man i7 i Mr Frelllp1 I Is tho oldest photographer la 1ow Yorl Is known nil over tile world thou art of photography praotlsod Since the piitttlrnttrm nf mv interview cardlnir the soiree of Iho oipnUml trrmm < nt In my case I- lliuik I lmo II MI vUlKil liy unmrlhiuK like A Ihonnnlr- iopliv uiM Hi mimlxr or lettirt nf let uitrv I hive re cclvcl I hat e un Knrnrvitlimmnir Nu us I nmnrfrr f biiKy tnl Tlir l0ninndi nf niy buolnevn creepy tinted t nil r rim ami It would Mmttly he A phvuloal Iio4 umit3 tot toe tn nnswrtr mitliractnrlljr nil these in qulrle iMitnt tn n oj however to the benelll nf all llinsr M hon I Ila p iuen unable to anwer directly ana > IHIIIII I rery wnrdnt my I iiililUbxl itatcintnt I I I WIIUM not harn mal It halt I tint isis shilL u wml I b tar me rued nt to met IU 11 hunt I UrirlllranilkaillyciuloriiotliclipliTllctails 770 HHOADWAV NEW ToniC bll 1813 O- r I i l 1 The Copeland Meal Institute 15 West 24th St New York a W II ° P 15fc > t5nVrMnI > tColaUI8 Ll UAKI l 1 I PbTnlelaa r WitiO liecouiiu Nature ayr to Atu tt never lieS 51k ii r I Impose lh terrors of toniuraptlou 1 aho ur llrUild I give JQU the cure The cure I at tianil la DR SCHENCKS t PULMONIC SYRUP its one compnuni ot otural ac < nti whIch UUnrtth- Tlfttit j and urunjcit fore on ll IJDJ and their sp- proacbo I Fiftyeight Years of Success i < hive riven it Ilia reputation nf a tjifctnc In fact- ions ¬ Item tie common cold to be direct Coaoup lionThe Marvellous Dsoover J fatt btcamc a reconl 4 Itan remedy I day thus tout prottit egret fur ColJ Couxtt Coagys lion Inranamallont saul CenouwptoDll1 lbs World Dr Sclinrki Prtctlcil Traatlit on Cooiomptlon- LlT rConplalBt tndDnptpila milled fr ap lieu Dr J U 6ble 1 H lol rtdepb l L l TALLON DEFENDS HIMSELF TUB PARK 1OLICKXAff HATH MRS COLEStAX WAYLAID JIISL- Contlnnnllr Vntlna Slim to Marry Hrr Shu H yn It AVnn the Other tV yMr Town end Mk n Park Pollermnn Illnsh Pak 1ollcoman TAlons trial for perjury In swearing that Lili Colomln solicited him In Fifth avenue thn evening ot Nov 10 last went on In tho General Sessions yester- day ¬ with the further crossexamination ot MrA Colomar SIte admitted that she hut visited n number of iiuostlonablo resorts with Tnllon In thin last few years Tho list was so long that IlccordcrSmt naked InwyorCrnt- Ws yourcltcnt a p Yes your Honor replied Lawyer Grant Well rejolno1 Jlocorder Smyth he ap ¬ to have had n good deal ot time at his ponT disposal- Mrs Coloman testified that TAlon hind fre- quently ¬ urged her to marry that she hind endeavored to rid herself ot him Ho per- secuted ¬ her with lilt attentions nnd wherever shin moved ho warned tho janitor ot tho flat building that she was a porhon ot bad char actor and that the houR would bo Injured hy hour presence In It On tho evening of the OtIs of November ho trlod to torte his way Into her flat followed hor lo the pollco station whither idin wont to complain of him And there caused hor arrest on tho charge of soliciting In his opening ro the defence Lawyer Grant snld thnt Mrs Coleman was u woman of very bii1 repute I Tnllon hud become untangled with her hut hail tired of hor and hnd ondenv- nred to shako her niT Hut shn persisted In following 11111 and etidcuvoilng to compel him to 1atk Iollcotnun Alfred C Newell a finelook- ing ¬ 1116901 young man vxlth a large dia- mond ¬ scarf teslllled that Mrs Coloman had I I lieiitutitly t I como to him when ha vim on duty In tin Turk and asked for ration On ono occasion MK lund u InKk of whiskey with her and appeared to hnvi drinking Are you not known asThe Masher ot the Park Iollco force Newell nsked Assistant District Attorney Townsend erotbeamlna tonXo sir I think not replied Newell with A blush Ant you not generally known no Society meanIng thnt you nro thin society policeman uf thou IarltV Mr Townseiid wont on I dont know that 1 answered Newell Half n dozen other mo policemen tetllloil 1 to Mrs OolemanH visits to the lark at almost all hours of I hue night and day looking for Tnllon Sometimes she bait n whiskey llask with her and sometimes not llernard Lynch saloonkeeper of Third aye nun anti Mftynlnth street tostilled that Mrs Colemnns reputation wns haul In crnssox- amlnatlon ho testified that he was Jnlonl bondsman and that lie hud bOn sited Coleman for SJUOt damages for a false arr ht him withdrew hor suit after her lawyer had offered to settle for f 5ii Thames Jlaxtarof 410 East Bevontyelghth street tcstllled that hn hail I otten Mten Mrs Coleman In saloons In Third avenue with other women Kllra Itorneck janltress of f 140 1 net Ilftr second street tostllled that Mrs Coleninn for- merly ¬ I lived there and that men frequently called to see her Tnllon testified In his own behalf thnt ho formerly kept n Rl001 at Third avenue and rittylhlrd tho summer of 188H Mrs Coleman who then lived in Ilftysocunil street frofjuently canto Into lila aalool nnd bought drinks Mio IfPPlnrlr to n great deal of I money Site 1 to her fiat lie was frenuently Intimate with her thereafter In the fall of 1 188bho became a bartender In University place Mrs Coleman frequently came thcro with women and drunk Ho quar ¬ relied with her on account ot another man nnd told her bo wo111 have no more to do with tier came froiuently to tho Iark when ho was on duty to see him or In- quired for him from other ofllcers and en- deavored ¬ to compel him to marry tier She said stun hud letters writ ¬ ten by him that would send him to State prison If sho submitted thorn totho lark Commissioners or tho municipal police At all times he refused to marry hor On the evening of Nov Ill ho mot Jour in rUth avenue near time Iark and she accosted him nnd they wnlkud down to her lint In Fortysev- enth ¬ street Site again urged him to marry her anti hu refused Then olin told him that dun gtl hind possession of his I letters Ha asked surrender them to him nnd she consented to do so Mie wont up stairs to her hint to bring hor letters down and ho waited In thin vesti- bule ¬ for her- At this point the trial was adjourned until today A 13TEAItOLT JIOYI CRIME He I Accunvd of Ncurlv Klcklnc to Heath u CUd or Eight John F OConnell 8 years 011 of 1020 East 1118th street coasting wns Saturday after- noon ¬ with a crowd ot other boys about two blocks from hue home when Thomas Hanrn han ll years old of 1ODD East KiBth street proposed to ride on the younger childs sled Tho little boy objected and it Is said tho oldor boy knocked him down jumped on hU neck and kicked him until ho was Insensible Thou it is added tho Hnnrnhnn boy tried to preventnnyof hH companions front going to OTonnells house for help Kinilly two of thin hors ran und told Mrs OConnell She parried the unconscious lad home and Dr VUllinm- OBeirne was called In Tho boys hnl nock and breast proved to bo badly Ho I Is culTurIng now Irol cerebral meningitis flo I Is kept In n rolIIHI If ho hears tho Hanrahun tioye BIlken ho goes into a spasm Irs OConnell is ol = o confined to her bed from shock and excitement Time Hanrahun boy was arrested nnd taken to tho Hiiilem rolho Court yesterday Hn de- nied ¬ assaulting OXonnell nnd said another boy was tho culprit Tim ease was adjourned until 1rldnv so that tim lured childs stuto mOlt eoult bo secured Mrs Hnurnhan was tako hnr son homo upon rtvlns a promise to have him In court on rluiai Tho Injured boys fath r I Is Joint 1 OCon ¬ nell nn employed of I P Whites Kon Iollce Justice Andrew J Whito Is u member of this IrmA WAS1IItJTONLI AUWXTIWE- Thn Nrarcim tVbotn UK Drunk Vllli K < rnl UI StOO JllamonU Pin Ullil 1 8175 Watch William W Gould a broker living nt 1703 New York avenue Washington hut boon staying at 47 Montgomery street for the past few day On Saturday night ho went out to see thin town and met n young negro In West Twentyseventh street Mr Gould hind been tJnkJnllnd ha drink morn with tho negress he remembers distinctly Is that the negrebH enticed him Into n hallway and alter taking his diamond Pin valued atVMH and watch and chain valued nt tlJi loft him there Ho reported his Inca nt tlio West Thirtieth street station month on Monday De- tectives ¬ Inns and tfulllvan arrested Llcylo Williams PitrC old of tl7 Went Tnenty eIghth street Thu watch nud chain wero ro- covnred from her At lelTcrson Market ourt jostorday stun was held in S 1000 ball for trial The llrtrnur Cnlirr AViiBhlngton Knlicd Tile rovenuo cutter Washington which sank- In tier dock at the liuttury on Monday alter collision with the Pennsylvania Annex boat No M was raised by tho Chapman Wrecking Company yesterday Her timbers on thin port Bldo were broken but there wu no holo In her Her engines nnd boiler wero not dum- ugea lhe Oovorninent paid the wrecking company 400 for raisIng her She wits tower by tho giant lighter Itullanca to thu foot of Fortysecond street South Brooklyn for re- pairs ¬ which will take about two weeks to com- plete ¬ Gould nnd BlrGlory llrollirrK In Affliction Tom Gould Is to go to jai now unless ho pays over tho 75 he won Guttcnburg to tho liquor dealers who have un old judgment against him Judge Mcdowun refused yes- terday ¬ to grant a new Hilly McUlory ItO I is Iarlnr to jail tnilay If a delut ein Iniiuco him to unless Im Sli4iJ which ho owe to W J J Lannlinn VCo fir liquors Thin health of both of these distinguished gentlemen U said to bo fee tile An On I for thn Arsenal Collrctlon An expressman delivered I wooden box at D- irector ¬ bmlth6 office In hue arsenal nt Central Park yesterday afternoon When Mr Unilth looked Intotho box hn mot the bllnUIng eyes of a large horned owl which milled up Its featlrssnd hOPlellazly Into the urtheroor Thn owl came ul thin way from llnlelgh r Canl Was given thu Park menagerie by Stronuch PrinclpKl Eliton Slay be Indicted Tho witnesses teachers schoolgirls and mother who testified before the committee of the Hoboken Kchool Hoard against Principal William II Ilaton of School 5 who was ac- cused ¬ of tllnr Improper liberties with girls under hl wore before the Hudson County Grand Jury yesterday PACIFIC MAILS AFFAIRS Tlcerresldent Houston TeMlflci Before the Pnnntnn Committee VAsntsrTos Feb VlcoPresldent J B Houston of thin Pacific Mall Steamship Com- pany ¬ tnsUOot today before tho 1Annmn Paclflo 211 Jnvoslhatol Houston causes londlnl to tho present disagreement between companies Mr Geary asked howhe reconciled tho agree- ment ¬ by which tho railroads woro allowed to fix rates ovbr thin steamship routo wllli the Governments policy ot aiding tho company In order to Iloelol commerce Mr Houston re plod continuance stable rates Is ndmlttcd that steady rates nro bettor for tho shipper as well as for tho transporter nnd the contract with tho Transcontinental Association assured stablo rates Tho con ¬ tract haul resulted In cheap rntes as wnn shown by tho Met that cabin rates hoot been lowered from 5140 to Si 1 I and freight rates nearly onohnlf W Itnoss did not belIeve that tho steamship company could compoto with I thn triinpcontlnoiitnl rillroids on tiny clisn of freight buslnnss between New York nnut banrninolseolf Honth Amorleun It worn not fothI Ionllollrn- inl why I hen hnd thin Transcontinental As- sociation ¬ paid tlu 1aclllc Mull Company S70tKK 11 month for tho right to llx Its rates It It could not compete Witness replied that dlccoitlnunnee of tie ngreoiunnt would not hi vn occurred If It profltablo to thin rail- roads ¬ The agreement lund been first rondo years ago when rates sworn high but the rates had been teduced antI tho railroads discov- ered ¬ tint lie agreement was no longer profitable This witness ild that thl 1llnl of tho rnnuls will Im a cool thin coast and especially for tho Meamshlp companies Now thin Panama Hnllrond toilet bu pal I I large rate Air Houston sushI that lie Mall- compntiy rncelved n subsidy of V000 n trip from Now York to Asplnwnll and iruut 0 trip for tho west coast trio lii sold Time first clallsn of him Subsidy net stated It was for lie tiurnoso of developing tho foreign trade of tho United Mutes When the lull I passed thero woro two departures n month afterward In outer to earn the malls we hind to o- ricpaituns to sIx u month I think thl facts fiII justify lie pity wo got Thl service entailed on us hue so onerous that I would bo perfectly willing It the PostmasterGeneral would Inncel our bond nnd give up tho contract 1 lie net limos tended to Increase trade but It I has been at our expense Thorn has Donna voty decided Increao In trade between San Francisco unit the Central and South American coasts iou tho result or tIn contract Fur Instance a German line formerly carried 88001 tinge of coffee a- yeir Inst your It carried only l3ooo tings and tho Increase came to tho Puetllc Mull Com- pany ¬ which secured time business lorlln1- ln alho cnuio to thin Inltod bitatns South America than bororo because this contract TUB- Norllicrn ILLII 1AIGJJINT Pacific ilrcciorinstsertho Stews 1 IiivcMlcnllnc Canunltlrr TIm directors of thin Northern Pacific Rail- road ¬ Company present In another column a reply to tho recent report of tho Investigating Committee which charges mismanagement TIme policy ot building or leasing branch llnestho St t Paul unit Northern Pnclflc time Itocky Fork nnd Cooko City the Northern Pn ¬ rifle anti Manitoba tho Seattle Lake Shore and EasternIs alleged to Imvo heul nn im- perative ¬ oecosslt Time report shows that the net enmluts tho main line from those branches amounted t year to 170000 TIme situation In tho territory between St Paul and Chicago Is explained and thn reasons given for time leaf of tho Wisconsin Central The lease was ratified by thl unanimous veto of thin stockholders at annual mooting In October IMliO Jho directors assort that lie Chicago nnd Northern Pucillc property Is of much greater extent and value than I Is shown In tho com mitteos report The iloating doM spoken of br thn committee It Is explained was really Included In tho bonded debt The Xorthor Picille Company owns 1 1rOOOuoO capital stock of the ChllIl1 Northern 1ncillc worth nt about two mil ¬ lions of dollars Thin reasons for the acquirement of the Chi- cago ¬ nnd Calumet Terminal property morn given und the Importance of that property to the whole terminal system In Chicago is tot forth Jho diroclors assort thnt thn action of the Clialrmanof thin Hoard Intending money totho company at 0 per cent Interest and 2 per cent commission Instead of belnca suoject of chum and ceiiBure was entitled to the highest commendation They say that without his personal efforts and his faIth In this property evidenced ny his personal subscription to the loans much greater dIfficulty and a higher rule of Interest would have been exacted by the lenucrs of time floating debt The Proimsril heur of New haven Slock NEW HAVCV Conn Fob 2aThn bill of the Consolidated Hallrond Company to increase- Its capital stock has been made I special as- signment ¬ for tomorrow mornlncutll oclock bomn criticism havlns been made ot time com ¬ panys haste In mutter It Is stated by au- thority ¬ that tho companys reason for asking Immediate action by the General Assembly on tIm lull Is because its transfer books will be closed during tho whole month of March for tho Issue of dnhenturowarrantsand payment of time April dividend Counseling law requires no- tlcn iiid copy of the Old ninny lease to bo In stockholders hands for thirty dujs prior to tim meeting called to ratify It It Is desirable that thus special stockholders meeting should lie lucId hiiluu time hooks ore closed tonI that tIme accmitance by limo stork ¬ holders of any net pnssnd by this General n- semlily bo Included In the call for thin KIUII- OnivoUnc The capital stock of the Consoli ¬ dated rond Is now moro than SJIOOOO 000 and a mniority must bo represented to ratify thin hcmio of the Old Colony Hallroud becuuso it Is u Massachusetts corporation llrntllnc Itecelsers In Trouble In Itoitnnl- iosTox rob 2a Judgo Nelson of thin United States District Court tins ordered to bo vacated tlo dccieo of tIm Court whereby Massachu- setts ¬ receivers were appointed for tho Phila- delphia ¬ and Heading Pallroad and tim Phila- delphia ¬ month Heading Coal nnd Iron Company The receivers for this Main wero the annie met who wore designated by the Pennsylva- nia ¬ courts Wli n Judge Nelson named them on the ° lst Inst as receivers for thou estate he orlnrnil tliem to furnish jriOOOO bonds within a sped I lied time They fishier lo comply with the mandate nnd the Judge has consequently ra- sclndnd thin decreo by which they wore nn- rolntml A hearing will be held on the matter to murroiV AD iiertrlo Hnllrond Incorporated IUrnisnurj Pa Feb 28Tlio Philadelphia and Allcntown Electric Trunk Hallway Com- pany ¬ Bocnred a charter at tire State De- partment ¬ today capital 1000000 The line will nxtend front Allentown Philadelphia coil touch all the pilnclnal points between tim two cities Including hoiith llothlehem Cooporstown mid other places W 11 Grace of Now York city Is tim President President McTeod In Uoiton BOSTON Feb i8 President McLcod of time ReadIng and IJoston anti Maine railroads ar- rived ¬ in this city this morning In tho fore ¬ noon ho attended thn regular monthly moot Inc of hue llokton and Maine directors It wit stated by Frank Jones Chairman of tlioUxei utlvn Committee that nothing tint routlnu business wus transacted it tho meeting No Clinnice In Price for Anthracite Coal Both the Eastern nail Western anthracite coal siilos agents hold meetings In this city yesterday No change was Wade in prices nor in lie output for March XCullroutl otes Tile Old Colony stockholder yesterday nsroLd to ratify time louise ii their toad to thin New York Nuw Huvon and Hartford Thou committee of thin Western Passenger AKsoclition appointed to consider time quo ¬ tion of rates to the Worlds Fair Is In session In Chicago Travel tim the Inaugtmration lots caused a cut In rumPs jam hansaur lty to Waehingon over thuiu I lIt io mtn it II is sisal ltd anti i lie lIt htlnmor and Ohio ttiuit it is uihleged hue MIssourI laolflc it wits uinnciimneoul yestorriny tuti good urn thorltythiit Klnt VIpelreMdHiit J V Rein hnrdtvvlll to elected President of the Atchl on Topeka and Bunta In Railway Company In placu of liar lato Allan Manuel Iloliotrn to Stave u New Ward The Hobokon Common Council hiss decided to make a new ward In time city Time present Third Ward wilt be cut nearly In half and the northern part will be railed the Fifth Ward nnd wilt embrace alt that part of the city north of Sixth street and west of Dloomfleld street This change will add two new CouncIlmen three School Trustees n constable und a JustIce of the Peace to time list ot officials School Trustees Kanford and Hanron who were elected from thus Third Ward will now live In liar Filth Ward and will have to resign but the Common Council i Is expected to ap¬ point them from the Fifth The only nomi- nation ¬ rut mentioned for the Common Council is that uf Edward Offermon c LONG ISLAND CITYS FIX TIlE MATOtlALTT MUDDLE LEFT THE TAX LKIT ILLEGAL The Toxic Cant He Cottrrted and Creditors Must ViiltVnrlou Dcilcr KneatMtd to Help the < ity Out of It Ilimrnltr The Long leland City treasury Is empty no new funds are forthcoming and yesterday Mayor Horatio H Sanford Issued notice to nl the city employees and creditors not to apply for warrants ns there was no money with which to pay them In consequent tIme school teacher policemen dromon and several hundred employees in other depart- ments ¬ wilt have to BO without theIr pay Tb- embnriassmont Is caused by the inability 0- 1tho city to collect Its taxes on the present tax levy or assessment rolls anti It may require a special net of thin Legislature to help the cIty out outs financial straits City Clerk Thomas P Burke it will be re momborod certified the election returns in favor of Mayor baton and then disappeared Between Iris disappearance anti the first ol the now year the Hoard of Aldermen hnd Hindu tipthe budget and tax lovy for the forth- coming ¬ year hilt there was no City Clerk to sign It n neco sary formality Finally de- spairing ¬ of obtaining the muchneedod signs ¬ flute the Aldermen mot one night and took upon thomaolvos the responsibility endors ¬ ing this levy and budget ns It stood When the now City Clerk was appointed thin levy wa- fIcnotl by him but another hitch arose Tho Gleufon Hoard of Assessors com- posed ¬ of Tnmon Dnvren resident and Charles McNnmarn and Louis Woknl made un thin nssossment Toils hut went out of office iilonc with Mayor Gleusnn without first sIgn log their names to the assessments as mado by them The new Assessors appointed under MnyirSanford are Frank Truddon President eCu Peter A Lelnlnger and August I Fischer Before n thorough Investigrtliin ot thin matter Hwas I thought bv thin Man foid nd umminlst rat hint that Ito new Hoard of Assesors could uvlew and sign thin levy nnd the taxes could ho cal ¬ lected without further delay lInt their wily nntnconlsts know hotter So nut the Sanford HdmliilMratloit lalor Then they begun over- tures to tIme formor Gloason AssetBom to have them sign thin assessment rolls and thus re- lieve ¬ the city from thin Impending crisis Tho first to respoml to thin appeal was exAsses ¬ sot Loul oknl who keeps a saloon In Dutch Ivlllx ami it required lithe pressure to secure his signature Thou exAssessor Charles Mo Nnraiviu signed but oxAssessor James Day ten President nf lie Gloason Hoard 1ms nn fur failed to do so Yesterday Corporation Counsel William T Stewart obtained a writ from Justice Pratt In Brooklyn directing Day ron to chow ititen tomorrow why he shouldnt bo compelled to sign tho rolls As the Glea son Assessors tire now out of omen It Is a question whether their signatures will make the nsnosstnent rolls legal after all In that event It Is suggested t lint they he reappointed hut It l Is suggested this would only servo fur- ther ¬ to compllcato the situation As a last resort thin Legislature will bo asked to pass a special act giving lie new Hoard ot Asoessors power to roJovund sign the rolls TilL CnptE 13IIVTF1 TO tTOLFSOK- SI nrjr IJInticnrv Ce Ills Accuser and If Con Tlrteil lie May Get Cl Years Judge I wane to make a charge against a man who drugged and ruined this girl said Jacob lilakoncy In the First Criminal Court In Jersey City yesterday morning Dlakenoy who lives at U10 Railroad avenue had with him his daughter Mary n beautiful girl of fifteen tall nnd maturely developed for hour years liar chocks were suffused with crimson anti hint hound was bowed Justice OUonnoll took father end daughter Into his private office rind them time girl told her story Sho said that shin was employed In tim store of Charles S Iurst in Newark nvenuo as asalos woman nnd that her betrayer was Charles ollson a brotherinlaw of Mr Fursf She sushi that Wolfson lund been very attentive to hut and that she liar great confidence In him on account of lute relationship to her nmcloyor- nnd because ho wns employed In the same store with her A few evenIngs ago she said Wolfson Invited list to go to Kvvlngs Hotel with him for supper amid when they got there he Induced hour to go upstairs with him to a room rind thero ho gavo her something to drink that rendered hour helpless Mr Furst Is n dry goods dealer of Jersey City anti employs about a hundred girls He Is 11 inemhor of tho Hoard of Trade and I Is prominent In business anti society circles He was busy for ivurul hours yesterday trying to hush thin matter up for his familys sake Wolfson was arrester antI locked up In the First precinct station house but was admitted to ball late In the afternoon by Justice Hitds- poth of lie Court of Common Pleas who fixed tIme bonn at 1100 Mr Furst being the bonds- man ¬ The ago of consent In Now Jersey Is 10 years and the extreme penalty for the crime Imputed to Wolfson Is Imprisonment for twnntyono meats ono year moro than can be Imposed for murder In the second degree FlllST SKE FllOM TUB BRIDGE- A Fire Which fuuspd SSOOOO Damaga la- MuuroM Publishing Ilouae Time three upper floors ot Norman L Munros eightstory building nt J4 arid 20 Vnndownter- etroot were gutted by lire yesterday morning nnd tho lower part of thin building was flooded with water A force of Qfty men who were doing night work for the publishing house iiult nt 5 oclock und an hour and n hall later liar fire broke out A produce denier driving his team across thin bridge was the first to soo- the lire Time Ilnmos wore nursling out of tIme evcnth story windows when whipping up hits horses lit galloped thorn to Park row and shouted hubs dlicovery to Policeman hlte- hurbt who was standing near tho bridge en ¬ trance TIme lames hind held free sway for ten min- utes ¬ or longer miming limo masses of paper nnd other InllnTiiinulilo material on the upper lluors and when the tlromon got there the tire wits In eompluto control of time upper port ofitun I structure For hunt hours seventeen engines pumped tons of water Into tho flames Thoflro YrtR eventually drowned out Mr Munro was much concerned about the manuscripts for the continued stories now running m thin weeklies published by the company These weto stored In a safe on the eighth floor They were found unliimred- nttervvard Tho loss sustained was something llku J8UUOO COXJRI ION or- Vaennrlr JJiiiOlt In EplMCopnl MIMtonary llloceacta- tn bo supplied A majority of tIme seventysix Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church will assemble In this city today in answer to a call for a spe- cial ¬ convention of the episcopate Time meet- Ing wIlt conveno In time diocesan residence of Illfhop Potter Lit Lafayette place Bishop Wllllmnfiof I nfl ti rich icit t will II prnslde Mutters of general Interest to the Church are likely to como up for discussion but the spe- cial ¬ object of hue Conv ontlon Is to 1111 vacancies Ineorluin missionary dlocosoe two of which bavo been without nn Incumbent for some tlmnthoso of China nnd Jupnn An effort will aUo bo mala to elect n llihhop for thin now diocese or Northern Michigan und the resig- nation ¬ of Illshop howe of South Carolina will IB uctoJ upon A Ilrlrklnyrr Killed hy the Fail era Scaffold A scaffold 35 foot high on which William Friar anti Peter Lewis two bricklayers were helpIng to build ono of sevornl brick houses In course of construction In Boston avenue near Klngsbrldge gave way yesterday morning and thin two men fell to thogroiind Friar witS takon In nn unconscious condition to the Fordham Hospital wheru ho dlnd a few hours later Lewis was not hurt much Heine Ignorant of Friars death Policeman John lluiloy who arrested Thomas Ureonloes tim contractor told Justice Hlnims in time Harlem Pollco Mutt limit Friar was not badly liurt nnd thin prisoner was remanded In the custody ol hula counsel Three Urn Hcnldtd nn the Ktute oflVebraika Onboard time steamship State ot Nebraska at tim foot ot West Twentyfirst street yester ¬ day Chief Engineer John Anderson went down into the enslno rooms to fix a loose jacket on one ot time main steam pipes With him were William Smith and Vlam MoRay emuglnmu storekeepers WhIle thin mon were working the Pipe burst and time escaping steam seattle alt three Anderson who was leaning over tIle was severely burned about the head anti nnnds Thin ships doctor put him to bed In DJs hunk The two storekeepers were sent to JU Mncent Hospital with slighter injuries SHE LoPEZ HIM AH A TAILOR nut n n Pirobstcrlun Eider Sbci Would Neirr Tnke lute its Her Hiulmnd- Mr Marion Humphreys n mtlllnar began suit yettordav before Justice Patterson In tho Supremo Court for 20000 damages for nl- logod breach of promise of marriage against James McLnchlan n tailor of liubylon L L The plaintiff Is a widow and English by birth The defendant Is Scotch Ho was n widower when hula tender relations with tim plaintiff existed but has since reman led MrMuLach lan Is an elder In thou Presbyterian Church In Babylon and thla fact according to the de- fendant ¬ was onn of time reasons given by Mrs Humphreys for not marrying him Mrs Humphioys avers that Kldor McLach lan proposed muiringe to her in August 18SK soon after making hor acquaintance on tbu seashore nt Babylon amid elmo accepted Their engagement eontlnuod until July JO 8io when It was broken ofT by lila mnrtlase to Josephine Culdwoll his present wife lie gore her hmnwnvor itt nnTaceniont ilng nnd a cheap pair of gloves was hue only present Shin did n hutlnesa of 000 n rear is n mil ¬ liner when fhn Iii st met tim llcklo tnllor which limos been practically ruined owing first to her poctutlon of reiniiiriagu und then to tier disappointment Mrs Hunuilir ys was wll bonneted as be enmn u mllllnpr nnd was otherwise well dressed when she took tbo vvitnena chair yes terday to testily I I I In her own I behalf f Mie Itt a ¬ tified letters shn had received from tho Kldnr containing atTectlonnto pnisiiges Hiieh us I am completely oarrioil avvuv by your fnsclnnt Ing ways anti your chlorine A letter she hid written to MeLuehhui gnvo tier ensu it nt bock for it asked for a loan of Sr from him n request which was compiled with Thn letter was produced alter tier denfiil that bile hind borrowed mone from euehlnn Time witness I denlid having rcel veil atten ¬ tions from any other t mltor while I lii umciu inn courted her David McMillan n young roiisln culled nn her1 lint us u eoiinn riot as a uitor Wder cLnchhn tnstltlnd tlinl Mrs Ilunipli- reys told him she wouldnt I Ito In I Babylon Ii and i In no clrcumstnnci would I I ahii i hn u I 1res- liyterlan I elders wIfe Afturwiird ho ncceutiM hIm lout sue would nut bet u duy for I heir marriage In May IRIX tho wltnnss found young Jfc Mlllnn with Jlro HumphiotN when hn went to call on hint McMillan duelirod that hi and Mrs Humphreys wrr golnir to hn married The case will bo eontluuod tuduy Japanese end Cblntue < uiios ned fitr rt A notable exhibit Ion Japanese ant Chinese curios mind nntlqun rugs mind nrrets chiefly Chinoaeanil leslmin begins tndmiy In thin Fifth Avenue Art GnllnrJos I W Fifth avenue This s a collection mndo lurIng the past twenty one years by A A Viinllnn nnd Tames I Ray ¬ mond mind includefahrlea anti curios valued at nearly a million dollars Jt li particularly rich and iiiturestiug In Chinese and Japmep- orcolaiiiF jades hnnivH und Ivories and in rugs tin i eel ri tol nud iinltroll cries Among hu brohi7e s mire sonia pieces Inhild wllli gout and hilvvr which were miide oxprefly for I HIM Jaiin Nilionul Jxpo ltlnu held In I Tokio In Irtui ntul tore signed by time most famous nitlttt uf thin Mikado s realm hlne < carpels ire shown 18 large ns lllxllj tent In I Hie old I vary anI tdue tints i that are the hpeeial i de lIght of thn expertx and fciniill silk hpecinuns lit tho peeullar ililnie old isle blimp nnd green Tlm collection has IIPCH catalogued with un unufiiul dtgioo of correct ileacilptlon IlnUlrc 1h H NrrV Xlntilr- HOMY Mich Feb JH About 0000 in cash Belonging totho Ingm inlspis two brothuisi- Tho wore found froren to death In thnlr houto five miles north of hero Saturday lint been unearthed Iast nlaht AlVtxl had been re- covered uud t this illuming I n pot con liii ii I uig I50lMln I gold vii a ti ii g ni i I In I lin eel ior Tlm property lielonglng to Iho Fngan ujriuily re- covered ¬ or accounted tor amounts to 17001 The old bhailty t vheln I the brotheiH I llvuil l i U ho leg torn dunn pieo by piece In thu search for their hidden wealth Work on the Cullieitrill iiTHI JoIn At thus meeting jrfrterdayat tlio see lumen oftho Board of Trustees of tlio Cathedral of St John this Dlvlno thin chief business pre- sented ¬ was tha report of the Building Commit eon the question of nccissto the enthedrnl site for conveying thou material to bo used In construction The naturo of tlio material was atsoussod and the Building Committee wits authorized to make contracts fur excavating for the foundation oft he choir = OlflrfIflr Arthur Wellnnd Blake senior member of the banking firm Blake 1 troth era A Co S> Nassau street died at his home In Brookllne Mass ycstordaj Ills death was caused by a com- plication of dispusus of thin heart and lungs Mr Blako WIIH 51 years of ago and was born In Brookline Ho was thu uoti ot Oeorga Beatty Blake who was tho founder of the firm of Blako Brothers t Co Ho wits educated i In- Yevey Switzerland About fifteen years ago ho married Miss Creenough n daughter of thin uttlst and ho leaves two young daughters For eight or ton years Mr Blake had been la- delfcato 4 health anti lund not been active la business leaving thin management ot thus linns nlTnlrs to hits purtneis These years of his life he hud leveled to tIn Improvement of huh beautiful estate Kornwode In Brookline und In Catherine together an art collection which is said to be ono ot tho boat In Massa- chusetts ¬ Michael Ilonau a wino Importer died yes ¬ terday nt hit home Mil Clinton street Brook ion him hia 77th year lie wns nt ono time President of the Ilrct Notional Bunk In Jersey city Ho was u director In thn Uermania Fire Insurance Company of this city Ho leave a widow tout hue son Mleha l Llennu Jr who had Iecu associated with his father In bustl ness fur t twenty xars The I limoril services will I bo hiuihii nt tho house tomorrow i afternoon anil on time following tiny tho body will proba- bly ¬ be cremated at rcsh Pond Mr Louis Ii Livingston hun wealthy bache- lor ¬ of IMilneheck whose Mlddon dimth In Koran has just bur iiiiiiiince l liure i wnu t the son ot thin into Louis II Livingston unit wnt 411 i- jearn old Jlefoie lilt retirement from bust ness pcveial vtitrs hg hue WUMI member of the Hrm of F I If I I Ilarrliiiuti Co brokers Ho- WIIH 1 member of I tin I Ii lint Manhattan and tttt nm luster Ivennel cluln lImo Ilev B T Itoberls tIme senior of the thro general FUpnrintond of mutt Fr II ei 1101 lot Church of i thu I lulled Htatos died on Monday at attaraugiis V I of heart dls- oise ng d Oil vear II fnundod tIme first irno Mvlhndlst Church In BiilTulo many year nso nud was irIs tho Inunder and editor of th yfiiric ciifittivi published I there llmlly DuHoubidry the widow of Townsend Dim tu berry dlnd yesteiday ut lint home I la Newark nged b3 SIn > woe horn In Newark in I Mimi and wastliH inotlicr of tho late County lurk Henry T Ousenlierry und grandmother of tho presont hurrogato Minor William I F lleynolds tiled at his home IM llelifonitult on Htitnlay evening aged HO- He ownud over thirty furms und was a tall 1 Itonulrii Thin Gruel Mnnnmrnt Jllny He Itnllt by th full of IKOS ion Horace Porter presided yesterday nt the annual meeting of tIn Grant Monument Asso- ciation ¬ held In tho Mills bulldlnz He reported that satisfactory contracts for time granite work had been mnde mind that It was expected tint limo monument VTOiihl hn completed In the fall of IhHa jut memorial will rontnln n re iiuitory fur iiutngrnphlit rolls oif surviving vet trI hi of I he civil I war Tin slgiiitt ii roe will be upon parchment and vtlllhe collected by O A It rlupetit iii riOt cuim In liii lore llesolutlon wnro ndopted thanking lea Porter for hits Inlors of i lie lat seer nnd these oflleer worn elected Irthldent Horace For tor First VJCMlresldcnt J Him Hoot Second YlcoPresldent iirenvilln M fudge Tress liter Irudmllc D Tappen fvirftnry Jimoi C Bend

Transcript of… ·...





Ur Oladntona Bars tshti Wilt Not AbnnaonHer Zient roller Maar Itnngnrlnn-aIr1h In the Daanbe Flooda Atnerlran-Iadlea Presented to Oneta Vlttorln

Losses rob2Slr Henry Moyaoy Thomp-son


moved In tho House olCommons today that tho llritlsh Government

b should use Its Influence to brine about a reas-sembling


of the International Monetary Con-


with tho object ot finding n remedyfor the evils attendant upon tho dlv crcenco ofvalues between sold and silver Blr HonryWho Is n director In sovcrnl railways and rec-ognized


ns n rcspectablo authority on triuloquestions argued that monometallism was anational misfortune and that a fixed bimetalllo ratio wis ths volo remedy for existing dimcuttles crlnl out ot tho currency problem-

Mr Montagu Liberal MP for Whitechapel and well known ns n mombor thebanking houso of Hamtiel Montacu it Co ear-nestly


supported fUr henry motion andargued In fuvor of bimetallism Other blmnt-alllsts also nddrossod the Houso In behalf ottin proposition

Mr Oladstono In reply reminded tho Housothat the International Monetary Conference

I met At tho Initiative of tho United Htntoe and-It would bo nn unprecedented proceeding nowto tloprlvn America of tho InItiatIve Knelnndhad tollowod tho Hrunscls discussion withmore or lexs sympathy and hnd u right to extioct from tho United States u declaration i


whit step that country proposed to luko-n xt In thu opinion of tho Oovormnunt no11 yet proposed showed how It was posalhloto chnnco the standard nf Miluu or Ornnt lit itnln IHenr htur It would placo thndov-eminent In n rid Ioulou position If It shouldnsMimo the Inltlullvo In reopening tho Confer-ence


having nothing to recommend for dis-cussion


Mr Oladstnna sild that Knelnnd was notalono among clvlllztMliiutlonR In hordetormlnation to udliero to her present monetary svstorn Swen other povveri without tho slightpst roleroniO to England hail Hlgnlllud ttheirintentions not to change their currency Unitof the poworl represented nt the Conferencehad that they lonpl toward bi-


but UN yut the not gIven liemost shadowy Indication of what ehniro theywere prepared to maLe In conclusion Mr-Glndstono matte nn vluborati opposition ofthedangers lon of monomotulsll nnd tho

Mr flmplin I1rpsldnnt of tho Hoard of Acrlculture under the Salisbury administrationsupported tho motion of Mr Honry MeyscyThompson At thn HriisnlK Conforence hopaid I tort ran Currio IUiritlh dekBiitel per-sistently


and deliberately did sverythinc InhIs power to defeat tho objects of the meeting

Sir vtllllain IllurconrlImncollor of tho Ex-chequer ropndlutcilI 31 ChaplinsI cluiruoagaInst Mr Iurrle llritlsh delegates homaid hnd been ii most tile runty ones tctsupportth American resolution In favor of oxtenillnethotiaeof silver Irom llrst tn last hlmntulllsm hat linen nr thy bottom of thn present de ¬

but Tho Inlnt of Iho Conference hudbeen due absence ot nil definiteproposals If tho Inlted htntes should recon-vene thin Conrornc and submit definite pro-posals


the llritlsh Government would boglndto send back their delegates hut could not be-pxuected to provide n scheme for tho moro ex-


USD of silver Ho pointed to tho rnturn of thn Incomii tax anti death duties loprove the growth ot tho countrys wealth lie-

S contended that tho agricultural dopretislonwhich was larcely responsible for tho blmotnlIto ncltntlon was only temporary Th motionbefore the Housu ho saul wan Intended torulsa prlcns un operation whlih the iovernmunt could not uudortuke us It wus outsideIt province

Mr llalfonr lender the Unionist opposltlon denied that ho or any of his colleaguesdesired n monetary system which would ralsoprices The motion was not In for of bi-


The fact was that the Governmenthad decided to do nothing to remedy the pres-ent


evils evident both iu trade and agricul-ture


Kir Hoary MevseyThompgons motion wasrejected by a voto of 22H to 148 The an-nouncement


ot tho vote was received withloud Liberal cheers

PZRZBHLa JJV TILE DANUBETh River Overflown Its flunk and Wipe >

Out a TlllaceVXEIU Fob 28A terrible calamity has

overtaken thevillagoof Oorcoly near the townof Faka In Hungary on the river Danub-eabouteltr miles south of Budapest Owing

a rise of the Danube the 1000 In-


of Gercely found the mudliutoinwhich they lived surrounded by a waste ofwaters Tho frail dwellings gradually yieldedbefore the furious current which was con-tinually


rising and tho poaple took refuge Inthe church and school which were constructedof stronger materials hoping that these build-ings


would bo able to hold out against thoflood The people led by their pastor offeredup earnest prayers for safety and mothersand children clung to tho altar beseeching

I the Intercession of the saintsThey saw their homes disappearing In the

raging stream ond tim swelling waters tiepun to tent against the church anti schoolbuilding with such fury that at lost they de-rided


that to remain would mean tho destruc-tion


of ull of thorn while If they tied some atlleast might nurnpe ienlng the doors thyftarted out Into the Hood which surged nearlyto the WaIRtfofFrOVUUII neoplo Fnthursiind

and the sickand feeble were helpod nlong by those whower stronger They llud as fast as they could

In ths direction of 1aks the wilt and boilingcurrent pursuing thorn In their flight lOtmothor with live children sunk In tlio watersand poilliod Many others thin number ofwhom Iis as yet unknown wore Irownedlnd-thobin condition

survivors reached 1ulcb In a <eDlorTho people of I aks gave the fugitives nil the

RUccor possible although deeply concernedfor their own safety as the Daiiubn Is twentyfeet ai ove Its normal heIght Nothing can hotone toward rAloIrlnl thinI iodine of thosewho have tho river retireswithin Its usual clmnnol and It In believed thatmany have len swept miles away There Isno doubt number dead is very large

fUJBY ncToniAS jniAwisa ROOMAmerican Ladle Irefteotvd nnd fbe oleTliey Wore

LOXDOV Fell RTho weather is told andclear and tho sunshine slna a cheerful air tothe surroundings of llucklogham Palace Itwas excellent weather for the drawing roomheld by her Majesty Queen Victoria todayassisted by her daughters the Dowager Em-press


Frederick and the Princess Beatrice andother rccmbers of the royal family About30O Iereons were presented to her Maosty-All tho members ot tho American Legationwore presented Mrs Lincoln wife of thoAmerica Minister wore n dress ot black vel-vet


and jet Dlack lace The train was of smIhirmaterlals edged with feathers and linedwith black satin Her ornaments werediamond

Mrs William Waldorf Antorwns among theAmericans presented Her gown was of whitesatin with white oh vet inn uneusui ile innr trim-med with shIver embroidery Kho wore a dinrnond tiara Her other nrnuments wort fenrlsThu other American ladies presentedI Mr Ton wife of Major J U lust military at

tnchiS of thu American Legation Mrs Calthorpe Mlfas Burrows uud Miss WllllamB otChicago-

Mrs llst> gown which was IWorth crea-tion


was the Empire style It wits of whitefntin trimmed with liver spangles nnd Eng-lish


point lace with u white rose natteautrain alto edged with slh or and English pointlace

Mrs Calthorpo wore n salmoncolored satinbodice and skirt the latter embroidered with

paillette The trait which was ibort was ofpink queen brocade llnod with imlo queenpUn Hheworo a garland of rosebmls

MIss urrowxH gown woe of plain creamsatin with a train of the sam material

Mlis Williams woman Empire gown of whiteembroidered InelUur tier train wae

of satin brocadeDlittnauUhed bpnnlnrdli < orolnc-

MiDBiD Feb 28The Duke of Veragua nailhis suite will leave this city for New York onApril J and will tall from Southampton onApril K All wi stop in Now York to witnessthe naval befoio they proceed to Chi-cago


The Infanta Eulnlla who Is to repre-sent


the Queen ltegent winot be present atthe naval review nor at opening of the Ex-hibition

¬athu advisers of the Crown foci1 lintboth In zork and Chicago at the times InOuefcUnn the great crowds would render Im ¬

possible a proper refection of a member of thoroyal family The Infantu Eulalla will sail forCuba nttne earliest toward the end of Aprilnd will proceed thence to Now York late In1MrThe caravel Santa Maria IIs roporlel a hav-


been spoken flxty miles TlnerUfethe was moving steadily under fululL

Anollier Victim or Monte CarloNicr Feb 2a Frederick Ilatttlnger a com ¬

mercl traveller for a large English firm lostmoney At the Monte Carlo Casino latnight and this morning shot himself dead

with a reToheUI-



An Vnnn Complaint Made by Mr TallAgainst Jll Tailor

Carl Fell an unemployed factory firemanwho occupies two rooms with his Invalid wifeand two sick children In a thioklyl populatedtenement 253 Johnson avenue Williamsburgh IIs exhibiting to members of Br MarksLutheran Church At llushwlck avonuo andJefferson street Wllltamsburgh some foodwhich the pastor the Itav A T Frcr sent tohis starving children Tho food he says oonslated of stale broad so hard that the pastorhimself couldnt oat It and scraps of suet Thechurch IIs one ot the largest In the Lutherandenomination In Wllltamsburgh nnd has awelltodo congregation Fall and his wife at ¬

tended tho chUrch from the time It was dedi-


nearly I your ago unit until ho wasthrown out of employment a few months agoHo always contributed to Its support Whenho lost his plnco ho was unable to obtainanother and tho money ho hind saved wassoon expended To add to his trouble hiswife and children wore taken sick and ho wastoo poor to Alin n doctor About n week agoMrs fall r husband that shin would cllupon 1astor Frnv ami see I ho could nher Mr Frar llttennd to kindly and saulhe would como around nud see tier herIntchildren nnd gin thorn assistance theynoedod it Mrs Knll wont homo happy Thinpastor did nnd yesterday Hin wont tolila houso nollnl On this occasion ho was notquIte so kind she says but llnallv after sheIIHIItearfully explained lie condition of herfamily ho hued some food put In a paper bllnnd told her to take It homo to hor iii II it

Mr Full thanked hInt and hurried homowithout opening thiiluii Whan she reachedher Iliooiless apartments her children werecrying loudly for food Thu mother soothod-tinin liy saying

tOe what lie good minister his sent yuMrs Im gprneil thin tI and children

who luau Mopped began again Mrat tie foul iind hurt Ito111kcI children iilttckud thet rnll

made no Impression upon It Kinnlly thofather gathered stale bread and suet togithcrand went to the minIsters house What pass-ed


was told hy Fnl to a SIN reporter lastovoulng as

I tiTOK n man as a witness with mo when Iwont to Mr Frets hnus For thru weokM 1

Wits on n sick bed withli a sore foot W hi nwagot to the ministers house I nsked tho minis-ter


If that was the kind of mod ho providedthe roor uf his parish with Mr Prey washighly Indignant nno upbraided mo my-Ingintltude and thatatiy hungry personeouldeat th bread and suet 1 naked MrFrcy if ho would oU tim stuff himself itotried to take thin hal from mo unit I got nut ofthe house after ttllnr himI tthAt I proposedbringingcongregation-


the rator the attention of thin

Froy said yesterday that his wlfo had putUI hue food

From time to time said he Mrs Fall tinsbeen hero and received assistance I nskedhor one day It this was the only place whereslui obtained food for hor chlUron nnIIIIO re ¬

plied thnt assistance wits also some-times


fioin the Horn in Catholic Church of thaHoly Trinity Then I tinned her over tn mywile nnd stun IIVI lr5Inl thin thlnus Afterwant Mr with another manand raised such n row thnut I wanted to cull upoliceman nnd have him arrested

iriTHOVT POOl 0 FIRECruet Nrclrrt of lie Three llryiion Children

by Their Vnnutilral ParentMA woman told tIm West Sixtyeighth street

pollco on Monday that three little childrenwero dying from neglect and brutal treatmentnfH West Slxtyflrst street Agent King oftho Gerry society who was notified on goingto the houso designated found two nearlynaked children nod 0 and 3 with their headsbadly cut huddled behind a Ilreless stove In arear room on tho ground floor

In nn adjoIning room was a nudo throemonthsold girl with I gash on Inch lonlacross her forehead On questioning tho ¬

Oct child Mr King discovered that when onMonday morning the parentot tho childrenWilliam liryson 34 years a plcturoframeglider and his wife Mary 28 years old hadloft thorn alone without food or tIre Margarettho threoyenrold childhad fallen against thoedge of the Ktoro through weakness Thobaby had received her wound by falling on abrokon plate

A neighbor told Mr King that the little boyhart been hurt by 0heavy plate which liryvonhad thrown at Wife whilo the two werelighting on Kunday night Thin child being Inthe way had received the blow aimed nt hismother Thin wound on the babys head proved-so serious that sho was taken to liollovuo Hos-pital


Policeman Jostf arrested Bryson and his wife-as they worn entrlnl their rooms on Mondaynight The children appeared In thuYorkvllle 1ollco Court yesterday morning withtheirI heads almost hidden by bandages Whenarraigned before Justice Moade the prisonersIndignantly complained of thin cruely ot theterry agents in robbing them of their chil-


Tho JustIce hold thin prisoners In aoeach and committed tIm two older childrenthe Institution of Mercy

M4 CXA rs ASSHLAXT WILT lIFElie Say Mnrkny wnn One or Four Men Who

Robbed the PoorBAX FIIAXCISCO Feb 2R Wesley C Hlppoy

tho old Inn whoshot John W Muck ay In tImback on last Friday and thnn shot himself willlive Today when a reporter Interviewed-him his hitherto pallid chocks had a healthycolor in thorn while hula oyes wore bright andhub whole demeanor was that of a conva-lescent


For tho first time since tho shootinghe consented to talk freely about his past lifeWhen he was told that ho would probably getwell ho turned wearily over on his hark andsaid I nm sorry for that I dont earn howsoon I dieI because thietie tIs nothing in lire forme It I get wAi I will have to go to the peni-tentiary


and I Muukiy dies they will prob-ably


hanz meI hud nothing In partloularngnlnst Mackny

except that he was one of tho four men whorobbed poor men I never had any frouble Intoy I1e with rich men Flood OnMay ltwi I wont to pxcpltwllh hunk to askMm why I had to pay assessmentson Id shares of Utah mutIng stock Ho calledmo a loafer and ordered mo lucked out of hisoilIer I lelt before that was done but I vowed-to get even That Is nil IDt and gone nowbut In regard the matter I wish tosay that the end Is not yet

Dr Keeney whoa seen today said that MrMackay bad passed a very good night

AMATh TFiOOV JffVS OVER A MlThe Driver I nucbnraed it IVItntHO Say

Ho Vna Not to IllumeJames Hogan a middleaged man who lives-

at 22 East Fifth street ran across Broadwayat Walker street yesterday In front of a mallwagon driven by George Flelchman 23 yeArold of 2U East Fortyllfth street Hoganslipped antI tho wagon ran over Jin wasbadly cut nnd bruised but not seriously hurt

Detective Corcoran of the Elizabeth streetstation had him removed to Chambers streetstationand afterward iirrostod FMchmnn atthe Tost When arraigned before Justire orcl tho Tombs Iollcn Court Flolchman was discharged hcnus witnesses testlied that ha was entirely blameless

1XTKRXAT1HXAL A IlZR TONA Patriotic Oitihiirat from Caprtvl that

lUokrd CheerIERUX Fob 28Tlio question of Interna-


arbitration came up In the Ilelchstagtoday through u question asKed by Dr llarth-n Ileader of tho Frolslnnlgo party who desiredto know If tho Oovorninent would join theGovernments of Great Drltaln and the UnitedStates I nun OtTurt to arbitration usthis method of settlingeflahlUh disputes

Vrrlherr MaKClmll leli rntem Minister ofForeIgn Affairs replied that the Imperial tinyrnment was entirely willing to accept arbitra ¬

tion In special easesherr Ilehol the hoolajI pernoerit suggested

tlut the future nationality ofr AlsaceLorraineshould be submitted International arbltratThis suggestion brought Chancellor vonfaprylld his fret ThoL Chancellor declaredthat If that question was submitted to aridtrationand thn arbitrators decided that Usrmany should surrender Alt uceLorralne thenation would refuse to acqulosca In the de-cision


lUther than gIve un that country Ger-mans


would prefer to shed thin last drop oftheir Wood Tlio Chancellors statement wusgreeted with patriotic cheers

Future or the Tansies CanaliMiup Feb 2aM Thlebaut lectured to an

Immense audience lat evening In the Cirque

dEti on the Panama Canal Its past and preand Its future prospects The speaker

urged that the French Government shouldmate an annual grant of from live millions toten millions of trance for operations on thecanal until the work should be completedThe audlenc which Included many membersof the 1nnama Committee applauded withgreat enthusiasm 1Thtebuuta suggestion

I New York rtctrtli 011111 Xntth Fhor Limited Itb firontt tra1 for ald ID n CIL4r

The Modern WayCammndUtll to th w ll Intormcd to do pluuntly

I was formerly doDIn tai crudestmanner sod dlitrritablr as WI > lot utiui and break up eoldloab andenD r Wlbo-uaplanlK mar Jel jhtfalSIT rem Jr fJtnut ylg4dc Iquhll



OINTMEN-TIt It rfmurktblo ptoldo Action upon ins

I r rtt gives it iaprem control everbowever severs

f Alio for Jnr Id EpUfatmm Kbeuna CNls proT iuAtncaer hlcnOc aold Ir al-ma gilt or jest by malon r c Ipi ofup 1ooly by-






Of St Francis Golhge Mds Ills Notable


institution of loarnlns Is moro taoknown In New York State than Bt 1rtnclsCollege Its spacious buildings on llaltlc ftnear Court form ono off tIm points ot Interestto strangers vlsltlns llronklyn It Is to Ihotestimony of llrolher 1nul O S I Vlcolrol

dent of St 1rnncis and lrifi a 0r ot HigherMathematics lihotorlc nnd Inglish Iltern-lurethnt attentIon IIs respectfully culled AH

ho expressedllt to lie writer I had tini worstcase of Catarrh of lie Momach that any Inncould have and Iho

At ono time I wits unconscious for fortyeight hours on account ot tho pain and sufferinc

No appetite dIstressIng spoils of vomitingso worn out that I couldnt attend to my dalles

that epitomizes ItThe venorublo educator though expressing

adlsllkoto ho nppuirnnca of lilt name Inpint felt that tho bcnollt In roojlvod trout

Copolnnd treatmoit han been so greatthat ho could not rufiiso to sttito tlio facts Hthereupon mnln out In his own hnndvv iriling nstatement ot thin same which rocltus that hoplated hhn901 under tInt euro id tha LoloJalttantmry that ho ¬

proved since hut time thnt ho Is nivv nblo toattend to his professional duties that from hisown experience ho can cmloiso ns helpful oln-

lkllliho work of Urn Copeland and lunltuirt t hut before hn placed1 hl18ullllr-tl

ft Lure 01 ln Copiland iind

tried almost uvery lomnily known toinedlonl clence wllliout obtaining nor holn-tliallnI his sourch for health and strength Imhnd mude Itwo Itrips Ito IIreland ono IIn tID nndone In which afforded only tetnpoiury relief

Ihoio Kiild lirolher 1aul us lie handedtho written statement to tim wrier If thnJurrits itt hII to any who ns Iwelli andI I willI 1011110 Ilust to Its-corioctnesgupon mo-


tonny 110 wrlo 10 or calls

1atlls evidence of tho skill of linenphysicians Is not tonllnid to lila own caseHis own Improvement early In the treatment-was so niniLed t tint he brought hil niece tothorn liar ruJnlho thought lint con-sumption


symptoms wore those of ad-vanced


tinmrliini lalarrh so often mistakenfor inciiniiil rrmvtiiiijjfion rsCopuluud andGardner cured hour

February line hen unprecedented In the In ¬

ten lty of tthu cold and Ihue sot erli y of thinstorms Kverv day letters und niusmcosifoiiioIn from patients whn doslrod und Intended toavail themselves of thn l rate during thomonth lint w1 prevented liy thn weatherDr Copoliind no henltnncy In continuingthe rate during Mardi hut a < unnoutic d lou1 ho reserves to himself the light to discon-tinue


tho rntent the end of Mureli or on thoflrstdnv of any month thcienter dcomed ad-visable


without further preliminary noticeAs stilted tto nilI old patients pntlcnts nmvunder treatment or plucing themselves iun ¬

der treatment r1urnt March VI ClollntIs pledgedt C tho Sai rat I I

To new ntlents tio right jis reserved to with ¬

draw tilt rate after the last day of March 1 horate wits 1 tent rate adopted torn limited

tlmo to prove thu superiority ut the lopluuilmethods Dr Copeland desires however tomake the test ns compruhensivo us possiulo

A roNTiNtiois srssmx PROM ii A M TO n r itMany pat Irntii find Hia lie most cim onlrnt tunic furthem is between i utnl 7 urluck in the irnlitir onthis account and bora mo the afternoon penvlnn tianbeen at time iincontrnrtnlily orooJIInlolno1I-ha hereafter there u U lia 11nlnllbetween n ant 7 The ctsinn will I IIMUndally from I A M to U 1 VI iiiuuduyei ai UlurUAMtotIM

300 PER MONTHPatients lurIng March treated

until cured at 300 a mouthMedicines free


lO l XiX SODAaa a tonic for Invalid rernrrrlnjrothtrtllntiilitinriuallea apttdilr rctiorlun and per-manently

atacreaoiog the vital strength sad DtrrVu


WINCHK> fKK CO Chemistina WU fN

< L


Often Mistaken for Consumption and DJstlnctii Curtble-

Nosloclod ettarrit lund in my ease Apparent-ly rou101111 Lung Trouble sild Mr Joseph

West IlHth stt Mr Donnell is oneof thin successful mombcisott thin younger gen-


of tent cstalo men His portraitPirs below Only lilt falling health


lilt lends llelll tendency to weak lungsstood In tho way lila assured business pros uipolity



V f



tI hail lund rntarrh ho said almost elnfl-

chlldhnod Bronchial Tioublocameon In the j

last few years I coughed Incessantly mrbreathing was labored and difficult It seemedns It I could lot iot air onough Into my lungsShaD pains would lake mn In the region ofthe henrt Mv heart would bent hard andund 11 sort of dizziness and faintness fast ifollow 1 gow pale and thin

NightI sweats camo on I ralsud blood I t-

IIImeamo moro and lore alarmed about myselfDoctors said It was Incipient consumption Iwns fulllnu lust in llesh and strengths when Iwent to hire Copeland nnd Unrdnei

What illul they do for mu Completely re ¬

stored my hoalth In tlm first throe weeksunder their treatment I Illnllwoln poundsIn weight Today I an ath ¬

lete it sounds like a lulry title but Its thesimple truth 111 n well man i7i

Mr Frelllp1 IIs tho oldest photographer la1ow Yorl Is known nil over tile world

thou art of photography praotlsodSince the piitttlrnttrm nf mv interview cardlnirthe soiree of Iho oipnUml trrmm < nt In my case I-

lliuik I lmo II MI vUlKil liy unmrlhiuK like A Ihonnnlr-iopliv uiM Hi mimlxr or lettirt nf let uitrv I hive recclvclI hat e un Knrnrvitlimmnir Nu us I nmnrfrr fbiiKy tnl Tlir l0ninndi nf niy buolnevn creepy tinted tnil r rim ami It would Mmttly he A phvuloalIio4 umit3 tot toe tn nnswrtr mitliractnrlljr nil these inqulrle iMitnt tn n o j however to the benelll nf allllinsr M hon IIla p iuen unable to anwer directly ana >

IHIIIIII rery wnrdnt my IiiililUbxl itatcintnt II I WIIUM not harn mal It halt I tint isisshilL u wmlI b tar me rued nt to met IU11 hunt I UrirlllranilkaillyciuloriiotliclipliTllctails

770 HHOADWAV NEW ToniC bll 1813

O-r Ii


The Copeland Meal Institute

15 West 24th St New York a

W II °P 15fc > t5nVrMnI > tColaUI8Ll UAKI l 1I PbTnlelaa r

WitiOliecouiiu Nature ayr to Atu tt never lieS 51k

ii r I Impose lh terrors of toniuraptlou 1aho ur llrUild I give JQU the cure

The cure I at tianil la


its one compnuni ot otural ac < nti whIch UUnrtth-Tlfttit


and urunjcit fore on ll IJDJ and their sp-

proacbo I

Fiftyeight Years of Success i

<hive riven it Ilia reputation nf a tjifctnc In fact-ions


Item tie common cold to be direct Coaoup

lionThe Marvellous DsooverJ

fatt btcamc a reconl 4 Itan remedy I

day thus tout prottit egret fur ColJ Couxtt Coagys

lion Inranamallont saul CenouwptoDll1 lbs World

Dr Sclinrki Prtctlcil Traatlit on Cooiomptlon-LlT rConplalBt tndDnptpila milled fr aplieu Dr J U 6ble 1



lL l



Contlnnnllr Vntlna Slim to Marry Hrr ShuH yn It AVnn the Other tV yMr Townend Mk n Park Pollermnn Illnsh

Pak 1ollcoman TAlons trial for perjuryIn swearing that Lili Colomln solicited himIn Fifth avenue thn evening ot Nov 10last went on In tho General Sessions yester-day


with the further crossexamination ot

MrA Colomar SIte admitted that she hutvisited n number of iiuostlonablo resorts withTnllon In thin last few years Tho list was solong that IlccordcrSmt naked InwyorCrnt-

Ws yourcltcnt a pYes your Honor replied Lawyer GrantWell rejolno1 Jlocorder Smyth he ap ¬

to have had n good deal ot time at hisponTdisposal-

Mrs Coloman testified that TAlon hind fre-quently


urged her to marry that shehind endeavored to rid herself ot him Ho per-


her with lilt attentions nnd wherevershin moved ho warned tho janitor ot tho flatbuilding that she was a porhon ot bad charactor and that the houRwould bo Injured hyhour presence In It On tho evening of the OtIsof November ho trlod to torte his way Into herflat followed hor lo the pollco station whitheridin wont to complain of him And there causedhor arrest on tho charge of soliciting

In his opening rothe defence Lawyer Grantsnld thnt MrsColeman was u woman of verybii1 reputeI Tnllon hud become untangledwith her hut hail tired of hor and hnd ondenv-nred to shako her niT Hut shn persisted Infollowing 11111and etidcuvoilng to compelhim to

1atk Iollcotnun Alfred C Newell a finelook-ing


1116901 young man vxlth a large dia-mond


scarf teslllled that MrsColoman hadI Ilieiitutitlyt I como to him when havim on duty In tin Turk and asked for rationOn ono occasion MK lund u InKk of whiskeywith her and appeared to hnvi drinking

Are you not known asThe Masher ot thePark Iollco force Newell nsked AssistantDistrict Attorney Townsend erotbeamlnatonXo sir I think not replied Newell withA blush

Ant you not generally known no SocietymeanIng thnt you nro thin society policeman ufthou IarltV Mr Townseiid wont on

I dont know that 1 answered NewellHalf n dozen other mopolicemen tetllloil1

to Mrs OolemanH visits to the lark at almostall hours of Ihue night and day looking forTnllon Sometimes she bait n whiskey llaskwith her and sometimes not

llernard Lynch saloonkeeper of Third ayenun anti Mftynlnth street tostilled that MrsColemnns reputation wns haul In crnssox-amlnatlon ho testified that he was Jnlonlbondsman and that lie hud bOn sitedColeman for SJUOt damages for a false arr hthim withdrew hor suit after her lawyer hadoffered to settle for f5ii

Thames Jlaxtarof 410 East Bevontyelghthstreet tcstllled that hn hailI otten Mten MrsColeman In saloons In Third avenue with otherwomen

Kllra Itorneck janltress off 140 1 net Ilftrsecond street tostllled that Mrs Coleninn for-merly


Ilived there and that men frequentlycalled to see her

Tnllon testified In his own behalf thnt hoformerly kept n Rl001 at Third avenue andrittylhlrd tho summer of 188HMrs Coleman who then lived in Ilftysocunilstreet frofjuently canto Into lila aalool nndbought drinks Mio IfPPlnrlr to n greatdeal ofI money Site 1 to her fiat liewas frenuently Intimate with her thereafterIn the fall of 1188bho became a bartender InUniversity place Mrs Coleman frequentlycame thcro with women and drunk Ho quar ¬

relied with her on account ot another mannnd told her bo wo111 have no more to do withtier came froiuently to thoIark when ho was on duty to see him or In-quired for him from other ofllcers and en-deavored


to compel him to marrytier She said stun hud letters writ ¬

ten by him that would send himto State prison If sho submitted thorntotho lark Commissioners or tho municipalpolice At all times he refused to marry horOn the evening of Nov Ill ho mot Jour in rUthavenue near time Iark and she accosted himnnd they wnlkud down to her lint In Fortysev-enth


street Site again urged him to marry heranti hu refused Then olin told him that dun gtlhind possession of his Iletters Ha askedsurrender them to him nnd she consented todo so Mie wont up stairs to her hint to bringhor letters down and ho waited In thin vesti-bule


for her-At this point the trial was adjourned until



He I Accunvd of Ncurlv Klcklnc to Heathu CUd or Eight

John F OConnell 8 years 011 of 1020 East1118th street coastingwns Saturday after-noon


with a crowd ot other boys about twoblocks from hue home when Thomas Hanrnhan ll years old of 1ODD East KiBth streetproposed to ride on the younger childs sledTho little boy objected and it Is said thooldor boy knocked him down jumped on hUneck and kicked him until ho was InsensibleThou it is added tho Hnnrnhnn boy tried topreventnnyof hH companions front going toOTonnells house for help Kinilly two of thinhors ran und told Mrs OConnell She parriedthe unconscious lad home and Dr VUllinm-OBeirne was called In Tho boys hnl nockand breast proved to bo badly Ho IIsculTurIng now Irol cerebral meningitis floIIs kept In n rolIIHI If ho hears thoHanrahun tioye BIlken ho goes into aspasm IrsOConnell is ol = o confined to herbed from shock and excitement

Time Hanrahun boy was arrested nnd takento tho Hiiilem rolho Court yesterday Hn de-nied


assaulting OXonnell nnd said anotherboy was tho culprit Tim ease was adjourneduntil 1rldnv so that tim lured childs stutomOlt eoult bo secured Mrs Hnurnhan was

tako hnr son homo upon rtvlns apromise to have him In court on rluiai

Tho Injured boys fath r IIs Joint1 OCon ¬

nell nn employed of IP Whites Kon IollceJustice Andrew J Whito Is u member of this


Thn Nrarcim tVbotn UK Drunk Vllli K < rnlUI StOO JllamonU Pin Ullil1 8175 WatchWilliam W Gould a broker living nt 1703

New York avenue Washington hut boonstaying at 47 Montgomery street for the pastfew day On Saturday night ho went out tosee thin town and met n young negro In WestTwentyseventh street Mr Gould hind beentJnkJnllnd ha drink morn with tho negress

he remembers distinctly Is thatthe negrebH enticed him Into n hallway andalter taking his diamond Pin valued atVMHand watch and chain valued nt tlJi loft himthere Ho reported his Inca nt tlio WestThirtieth street station month on Monday De-tectives


Inns and tfulllvan arrested LlcyloWilliams PitrC old of tl7 Went TnentyeIghth street Thu watch nud chain wero ro-covnred from her At lelTcrson Market ourtjostorday stun was held in S 1000 ball for trial

The llrtrnur Cnlirr AViiBhlngton KnlicdTile rovenuo cutter Washington which sank-

In tier dock at the liuttury on Monday altercollision with the Pennsylvania Annex boatNo M was raised by tho Chapman WreckingCompany yesterday Her timbers on thin portBldo were broken but there wu no holo Inher Her engines nnd boiler wero not dum-ugea lhe Oovorninent paid the wreckingcompany 400 for raisIng her She wits towerby tho giant lighter Itullanca to thu foot ofFortysecond street South Brooklyn for re-pairs

¬which will take about two weeks to com-


Gould nnd BlrGlory llrollirrK In AfflictionTom Gould Is to go to jai now unless ho pays

over tho 75 he won Guttcnburg to tholiquor dealers who have un old judgmentagainst him Judge Mcdowun refused yes-terday


to grant a newHilly McUlory ItO IisIarlnrto jail tnilay If

a delut ein Iniiuco him to unless ImSli4iJ which ho owe to W JJ

Lannlinn VCo fir liquors Thin health of bothof these distinguished gentlemen U said to bofee tile

An On I for thn Arsenal CollrctlonAn expressman delivered Iwooden box at D-


bmlth6 office In hue arsenal nt CentralPark yesterday afternoon When Mr Unilthlooked Intotho box hn mot the bllnUIng eyesof a large horned owl which milled up Itsfeatlrssnd hOPlellazly Into the urtheroor

Thn owl came ul thinway from llnlelgh r Canl Was given thuPark menagerie by Stronuch

PrinclpKl Eliton Slay be IndictedTho witnesses teachers schoolgirls and

mother who testified before the committee ofthe Hoboken Kchool Hoard against PrincipalWilliam II Ilaton of School 5 who was ac-cused


of tllnr Improper liberties with girlsunder hl wore before theHudson County Grand Jury yesterday


Tlcerresldent Houston TeMlflci Before thePnnntnn Committee

VAsntsrTos Feb VlcoPresldent J BHouston of thin Pacific Mall Steamship Com-pany


tnsUOot today before tho 1AnnmnPaclflo 211 JnvoslhatolHouston causes londlnl to thopresent disagreement between companiesMr Geary asked howhe reconciled tho agree-ment


by which tho railroads woro allowed tofix rates ovbr thin steamship routo wllli theGovernments policy ot aiding tho company Inorder to Iloelol commerce Mr Houston replod continuance stable rates

Is ndmlttcd that steady rates nro bettorfor tho shipper as well as for tho transporternnd the contract with tho TranscontinentalAssociation assured stablo rates Tho con ¬

tract haul resulted In cheap rntes as wnnshown by tho Met that cabin rates hootbeen lowered from 5140 to Si1 I and freightrates nearly onohnlf W Itnoss did not belIevethat tho steamship company could compotowith Ithn triinpcontlnoiitnl rillroids on tinyclisn of freight buslnnss between New York nnutbanrninolseolf

Honth AmorleunIt worn not fothI Ionllollrn-inl why I hen hnd thin Transcontinental As-


paid tlu 1aclllc Mull CompanyS70tKK 11 month for tho right to llx Its rates ItIt could not compete Witness replied thatdlccoitlnunnee of tie ngreoiunnt would nothi vn occurred If It profltablo to thin rail-roads


The agreement lund been first rondoyears ago when rates sworn high but the rateshad been teduced antI tho railroads discov-ered


tint lie agreement was no longerprofitable

This witness ild that thl1llnl of thornnuls will Im a cool thin coastand especially for tho Meamshlp companiesNow thin Panama Hnllrond toilet bu pal I I largerate Air Houston sushI that lie Mall-compntiy rncelved n subsidy of V000 n tripfrom Now York to Asplnwnll and iruut 0 tripfor tho west coast trio lii sold Time firstclallsn of him Subsidy net stated It was for lietiurnoso of developing tho foreign trade of thoUnited Mutes When the lullI passed theroworo two departures n month afterward Inouter to earn the malls we hind to o-

ricpaituns to sIx u month I think thlfacts fiII justify lie pity wo got Thlservice entailed on us hueso onerous that I would bo perfectly willing Itthe PostmasterGeneral would Inncel ourbond nnd give up tho contract 1 lie net limos

tended to Increase trade but It Ihas been atour expense Thorn has Donna voty decidedIncreao In trade between San Francisco unitthe Central and South American coasts iou thoresult or tIn contract Fur Instance a Germanline formerly carried 88001 tinge of coffee a-yeir Inst your It carried only l3ooo tingsand tho Increase came to tho Puetllc Mull Com-pany


which secured time business lorlln1-ln alho cnuio to thin Inltod bitatns SouthAmerica than bororo because this contract



Pacific ilrcciorinstsertho Stews1

IiivcMlcnllnc CanunltlrrTIm directors of thin Northern Pacific Rail-


Company present In another column areply to tho recent report of tho InvestigatingCommittee which charges mismanagement

TIme policy ot building or leasing branchllnestho Stt Paul unit Northern Pnclflc timeItocky Fork nnd Cooko City the Northern Pn ¬

rifle anti Manitoba tho Seattle Lake Shoreand EasternIs alleged to Imvo heul nn im-


oecosslt Time report shows that thenet enmluts tho main line from thosebranches amounted t year to 170000

TIme situation In tho territory between StPaul and Chicago Is explained and thn reasonsgiven for time leaf of tho Wisconsin CentralThe lease was ratified by thl unanimous vetoof thin stockholders at annual mooting InOctober IMliO

Jho directors assort that lie Chicago nndNorthern Pucillc property Is of much greaterextent and value than IIs shown In tho committeos report The iloating doM spoken ofbr thn committee It Is explained was reallyIncluded In tho bonded debt The XorthorPicille Company owns 11rOOOuoOcapital stock of the ChllIl1 Northern1ncillc worth nt about two mil ¬

lions of dollarsThin reasons for the acquirement of the Chi-


nnd Calumet Terminal property morngiven und the Importance of that property tothe whole terminal system In Chicago is totforth

Jho diroclors assort thnt thn action of theClialrmanof thin Hoard Intending money tothocompany at 0 per cent Interest and 2 per centcommission Instead of belnca suoject ofchum and ceiiBure was entitled to the highestcommendation They say that without hispersonal efforts and his faIth In this propertyevidenced ny his personal subscription to theloans much greater dIfficulty and a higherrule of Interest would have been exacted bythe lenucrs of time floating debt

The Proimsril heur of New haven SlockNEW HAVCV Conn Fob 2aThn bill of the

Consolidated Hallrond Company to increase-Its capital stock has been made I special as-


for tomorrow mornlncutll oclockbomn criticism havlns been made ot time com ¬

panys haste In mutter It Is stated by au-thority


that tho companys reason for askingImmediate action by the General Assembly ontIm lull Is because its transfer books will beclosed during tho whole month of March for thoIssue of dnhenturowarrantsand payment of timeApril dividend Counseling law requires no-tlcn iiid copy of the Old ninny lease to bo Instockholders hands for thirty dujs prior totim meeting called to ratify It

It Is desirable that thus special stockholdersmeeting should lie lucId hiiluu time hooks oreclosed tonI that tIme accmitance by limo stork ¬

holders of any net pnssnd by this General n-

semlily bo Included In the call for thin KIUII-OnivoUnc The capital stock of the Consoli ¬

dated rond Is now moro than SJIOOOO 000and a mniority must bo represented to ratifythin hcmio of the Old Colony Hallroud becuusoit Is u Massachusetts corporation

llrntllnc Itecelsers In Trouble In Itoitnnl-iosTox rob 2a Judgo Nelson of thin United

States District Court tins ordered to bo vacatedtlo dccieo of tIm Court whereby Massachu-setts


receivers were appointed for tho Phila-delphia


and Heading Pallroad and tim Phila-delphia


month Heading Coal nnd Iron CompanyThe receivers for this Main wero the anniemet who wore designated by the Pennsylva-nia


Wli n Judge Nelson named them on the ° lstInst as receivers for thou estate he orlnrniltliem to furnish jriOOOO bonds within a sped Ilied time They fishier lo comply with themandate nnd the Judge has consequently ra-sclndnd thin decreo by which they wore nn-rolntml A hearing will be held on the matterto murroiV

AD iiertrlo Hnllrond IncorporatedIUrnisnurj Pa Feb 28Tlio Philadelphia

and Allcntown Electric Trunk Hallway Com-pany


Bocnred a charter at tire State De-partment


today capital 1000000 The linewill nxtend front Allentown Philadelphiacoil touch all the pilnclnal points between timtwo cities Including hoiith llothlehem

Cooporstown mid other places W 11 Graceof Now York city Is tim President

President McTeod In UoitonBOSTON Feb i8 President McLcod of time

ReadIng and IJoston anti Maine railroads ar-rived


in this city this morning In tho fore ¬

noon ho attended thn regular monthly mootInc of hue llokton and Maine directors It witstated by Frank Jones Chairman of tlioUxeiutlvn Committee that nothing tint routlnubusiness wus transacted it tho meeting

No Clinnice In Price for Anthracite CoalBoth the Eastern nail Western anthracite

coal siilos agents hold meetings In this cityyesterday No change was Wade in prices norin lie output for March

XCullroutl otesTile Old Colony stockholder yesterday

nsroLd to ratify time louise ii their toad to thinNew York Nuw Huvon and Hartford

Thou committee of thin Western PassengerAKsoclition appointed to consider time quo ¬

tion of rates to the Worlds Fair Is In sessionIn ChicagoTravel tim the Inaugtmration lots caused a cut

In rumPs jam hansaur lty to Waehingon overthuiu I lIt io mtn it II is sisal ltd anti i lie lIt htlnmorand Ohio ttiuit it is uihleged hue MIssourI laolflc

it wits uinnciimneoul yestorriny tuti good urnthorltythiit Klnt VIpelreMdHiit J V Reinhnrdtvvlll to elected President of the Atchl

on Topeka and Bunta In Railway CompanyIn placu of liar lato Allan Manuel

Iloliotrn to Stave u New WardThe Hobokon Common Council hiss decided

to make a new ward In time city Time presentThird Ward wilt be cut nearly In half and thenorthern part will be railed the Fifth Wardnnd wilt embrace alt that part of the city northof Sixth street and west of Dloomfleld streetThis change will add two new CouncIlmenthree School Trustees n constable und aJustIce of the Peace to time list ot officialsSchool Trustees Kanford and Hanron whowere elected from thus Third Ward will nowlive In liar Filth Ward and will have to resignbut the Common Council iIs expected to ap¬point them from the Fifth The only nomi-nation

¬rut mentioned for the Common Council

is that uf Edward Offermon




The Toxic Cant He Cottrrted and CreditorsMust ViiltVnrlou Dcilcr KneatMtdto Help the < ity Out of It Ilimrnltr

The Long leland City treasury Is empty nonew funds are forthcoming and yesterdayMayor Horatio H Sanford Issued notice to nlthe city employees and creditors not to applyfor warrants ns there was no money withwhich to pay them In consequent tImeschool teacher policemen dromon andseveral hundred employees in other depart-ments


wilt have to BO without theIr pay Tb-embnriassmont Is caused by the inability 0-1tho city to collect Its taxes on the present taxlevy or assessment rolls anti It may require aspecial net of thin Legislature to help the cItyout outs financial straits

City Clerk Thomas P Burke it will be remomborod certified the election returns infavor of Mayor baton and then disappearedBetween Iris disappearance anti the first olthe now year the Hoard of Aldermen hndHindu tipthe budget and tax lovy for the forth-coming

¬year hilt there was no City Clerk to

sign It n neco sary formality Finally de-spairing


of obtaining the muchneedod signs ¬

flute the Aldermen mot one night and tookupon thomaolvos the responsibility endors ¬ing this levy and budget ns It stood When thenow City Clerk was appointed thin levy wa-fIcnotl by him but another hitch aroseTho Gleufon Hoard of Assessors com-posed


of Tnmon Dnvren resident andCharles McNnmarn and Louis Woknl madeun thin nssossment Toils hut went out of officeiilonc with Mayor Gleusnn without first sIgnlog their names to the assessments as madoby them The new Assessors appointed underMnyirSanford are Frank Truddon PresidenteCu Peter A Lelnlnger and August I FischerBefore n thorough Investigrtliin ot thin matterHwasI thought bv thin Man foid nd umminlst rat hintthat Ito new Hoard of Assesors could uvlewand sign thin levy nnd the taxes could ho cal ¬

lected without further delay lInt their wilynntnconlsts know hotter So nut the SanfordHdmliilMratloit lalor Then they begun over-tures to tIme formor Gloason AssetBom to havethem sign thin assessment rolls and thus re-lieve


the city from thin Impending crisis Thofirst to respoml to thin appeal was exAsses ¬

sot Loul oknl who keeps a saloon In DutchIvlllx ami it required lithe pressure to securehis signature Thou exAssessor Charles MoNnraiviu signed but oxAssessor James Dayten President nf lie Gloason Hoard 1ms nnfur failed to do so Yesterday CorporationCounsel William T Stewart obtained a writfrom Justice Pratt In Brooklyn directing Dayron to chow ititen tomorrow why he shouldntbo compelled to sign tho rolls As the Gleason Assessors tire now out of omen It Is aquestion whether their signatures will makethe nsnosstnent rolls legal after all In thatevent It Is suggested t lint they he reappointedhut It lIs suggested this would only servo fur-ther


to compllcato the situation As a lastresort thin Legislature will bo asked to pass aspecial act giving lie new Hoard ot Asoessorspower to roJovund sign the rolls


SI nrjr IJInticnrv Ce Ills Accuser and If ConTlrteil lie May Get Cl Years

Judge I wane to make a charge against aman who drugged and ruined this girl saidJacob lilakoncy In the First Criminal Court InJersey City yesterday morning

Dlakenoy who lives at U10 Railroad avenuehad with him his daughter Mary n beautifulgirl of fifteen tall nnd maturely developed forhour years liar chocks were suffused withcrimson anti hint hound was bowed JusticeOUonnoll took father end daughter Into hisprivate office rind them time girl told her storySho said that shin was employed In tim store ofCharles S Iurst in Newark nvenuo as asaloswoman nnd that her betrayer was Charlesollson a brotherinlaw of Mr Fursf Shesushi that Wolfson lund been very attentive tohut and that she liar great confidence In himon account of lute relationship to her nmcloyor-nnd because ho wns employed In the samestore with her A few evenIngs ago she saidWolfson Invited list to go to Kvvlngs Hotelwith him for supper amid when they got therehe Induced hour to go upstairs with him to aroom rind thero ho gavo her something todrink that rendered hour helpless

Mr Furst Is n dry goods dealer of JerseyCity anti employs about a hundred girls HeIs 11 inemhor of tho Hoard of Trade and IIsprominent In business anti society circles Hewas busy for ivurul hours yesterday tryingto hush thin matter up for his familys sake

Wolfson was arrester antI locked up In theFirst precinct station house but was admittedto ball late In the afternoon by Justice Hitds-poth of lie Court of Common Pleas who fixedtIme bonn at 1100 Mr Furst being the bonds-man


The ago of consent In Now Jersey Is10 years and the extreme penalty for thecrime Imputed to Wolfson Is Imprisonmentfor twnntyono meats ono year moro than canbe Imposed for murder In the second degree


A Fire Which fuuspd SSOOOO Damaga la-MuuroM Publishing Ilouae

Time three upper floors ot Norman L Munroseightstory building nt J4 arid 20 Vnndownter-etroot were gutted by lire yesterday morningnnd tho lower part of thin building was floodedwith water A force of Qfty men who weredoing night work for the publishing houseiiult nt 5 oclock und an hour and n hall laterliar fire broke out A produce denier drivinghis team across thin bridge was the first to soo-the lire Time Ilnmos wore nursling out of tImeevcnth story windows when whipping up

hits horses lit galloped thorn to Park row andshouted hubs dlicovery to Policeman hlte-hurbt who was standing near tho bridge en ¬

tranceTIme lames hind held free sway for ten min-


or longer miming limo masses of papernnd other InllnTiiinulilo material on the upperlluors and when the tlromon got there thetire wits In eompluto control of time upper portofitunI structure For hunt hours seventeenengines pumped tons of water Into tho flamesThoflro YrtR eventually drowned out

Mr Munro was much concerned about themanuscripts for the continued stories nowrunning m thin weeklies published by thecompany These weto stored In a safe on theeighth floor They were found unliimred-nttervvard Tho loss sustained was somethingllku J8UUOO



JJiiiOltIn EplMCopnl MIMtonary llloceacta-

tn bo suppliedA majority of tIme seventysix Bishops of the

Protestant Episcopal Church will assemble Inthis city today in answer to a call for a spe-


convention of the episcopate Time meet-Ing wIlt conveno In time diocesan residence ofIllfhop Potter Lit Lafayette place BishopWllllmnfiof I nfl ti rich icit t willI I prnslde

Mutters of general Interest to the Church arelikely to como up for discussion but the spe-cial


object of hue Conv ontlon Is to 1111 vacanciesIneorluin missionary dlocosoe two of whichbavo been without nn Incumbent for sometlmnthoso of China nnd Jupnn An effort willaUo bo mala to elect n llihhop for thin nowdiocese or Northern Michigan und the resig-nation


of Illshop howe of South Carolina willIB uctoJ upon

A Ilrlrklnyrr Killed hy the Fail era ScaffoldA scaffold 35 foot high on which William

Friar anti Peter Lewis two bricklayers werehelpIng to build ono of sevornl brick houses Incourse of construction In Boston avenue nearKlngsbrldge gave way yesterday morningand thin two men fell to thogroiind Friar witStakon In nn unconscious condition to theFordham Hospital wheru ho dlnd a few hourslater Lewis was not hurt much

Heine Ignorant of Friars death PolicemanJohn lluiloy who arrested Thomas Ureonloestim contractor told Justice Hlnims in timeHarlem Pollco Mutt limit Friar was not badlyliurt nnd thin prisoner was remanded In thecustody ol hula counsel

Three Urn Hcnldtd nn the Ktute oflVebraikaOnboard time steamship State ot Nebraska

at tim foot ot West Twentyfirst street yester ¬

day Chief Engineer John Anderson went downinto the enslno rooms to fix a loose jacket onone ot time main steam pipes With him wereWilliam Smith and Vlam MoRay emuglnmustorekeepers WhIle thin mon were workingthe Pipe burst and time escaping steam seattlealt three Anderson who was leaning over tIle

was severely burned about the head antinnnds Thin ships doctor put him to bed InDJs hunk The two storekeepers were sent toJU Mncent Hospital with slighter injuries


nut n n Pirobstcrlun Eider Sbci WouldNeirr Tnke lute its Her Hiulmnd-

Mr Marion Humphreys n mtlllnar begansuit yettordav before Justice Patterson In thoSupremo Court for 20000 damages for nl-

logod breach of promise of marriage againstJames McLnchlan n tailor of liubylon L LThe plaintiff Is a widow and English by birthThe defendant Is Scotch Ho was n widowerwhen hula tender relations with tim plaintiffexisted but has since reman led MrMuLachlan Is an elder In thou Presbyterian Church InBabylon and thla fact according to the de-


was onn of time reasons given by MrsHumphreys for not marrying him

Mrs Humphioys avers that Kldor McLachlan proposed muiringe to her in August 18SKsoon after making hor acquaintance on tbuseashore nt Babylon amid elmo accepted Theirengagement eontlnuod until July JO 8iowhen It was broken ofT by lila mnrtlase toJosephine Culdwoll his present wife liegore her hmnwnvor itt nnTaceniont ilng nnda cheap pair of gloves was hue only presentShin did n hutlnesa of 000 n rear is n mil ¬

liner when fhn Iii st met tim llcklo tnllorwhich limos been practically ruined owingfirst to her poctutlon of reiniiiriagu undthen to tier disappointment

Mrs Hunuilir ys was wll bonneted as beenmn u mllllnpr nnd was otherwise welldressed when she took tbo vvitnena chair yesterday to testilyI I IIn her own Ibehalff Mie Itt a ¬

tified letters shn had received from tho Kldnrcontaining atTectlonnto pnisiiges Hiieh us Iam completely oarrioil avvuv by your fnsclnntIng ways anti your chlorine A letter she hidwritten to MeLuehhui gnvo tier ensu it ntbock for it asked for a loan of Sr from himn request which was compiled with Thn letterwas produced alter tier denfiil that bile hindborrowed mone from euehlnn

Time witnessI denlid having rcel veil atten ¬

tions from any other tmltor whileI lii umciu inncourted her David McMillan n young roiislnculled nn her1 lint us u eoiinn riot as a uitor

Wder cLnchhn tnstltlnd tlinl Mrs Ilunipli-reys told him she wouldnt IIto In IBabylonI i

and iIn no clrcumstnnci wouldI I ahii ihn u I1res-liyterlan


elders wIfe Afturwiird ho ncceutiMhIm lout sue would nut bet u duy for Iheirmarriage

In May IRIX tho wltnnss found young JfcMlllnn with Jlro HumphiotN when hn wentto call on hint McMillan duelirod that hi andMrs Humphreys wrr golnir to hn married

The case will bo eontluuod tuduy

Japanese end Cblntue < uiios ned fitr rtA notable exhibit Ion Japanese ant Chinese

curios mind nntlqun rugs mind nrrets chieflyChinoaeanil leslmin begins tndmiy In thin FifthAvenue Art GnllnrJosI W Fifth avenue Thiss a collection mndo lurIng the past twenty

one years by A A Viinllnn nnd Tames I Ray ¬

mond mind includefahrlea anti curios valuedat nearly a million dollars Jt li particularlyrich and iiiturestiug In Chinese and Japmep-orcolaiiiF jades hnnivH und Ivories and inrugs tini eel ri tol nud iinltroll cries Amonghu brohi7e s mire sonia pieces Inhild wllli goutand hilvvr which were miide oxprefly for IHIM

Jaiin Nilionul Jxpo ltlnu held InI Tokio InIrtui ntul tore signed by time most famousnitlttt uf thin Mikado s realm hlne < carpelsire shown 18 large ns lllxllj tent In IHie oldI vary anI tdue tints ithat are the hpeeial i delIght of thn expertx and fciniill silk hpecinunslit tho peeullar ililnie old isle blimp nndgreen Tlm collection has IIPCH cataloguedwith un unufiiul dtgioo of correct ileacilptlon

IlnUlrc 1h H NrrV Xlntilr-HOMY Mich Feb JH About 0000 in cash

Belonging totho Ingm inlspis two brothuisi-Tho wore found froren to death In thnlr houto

five miles north of hero Saturday lint beenunearthed Iast nlaht AlVtxl had been re-covered uud tthis illumingI n pot con liii ii I uigI50lMlnI gold vii a ti ii g nii IIn Ilin eel ior Tlmproperty lielonglng to Iho Fngan ujriuily re-covered


or accounted tor amounts to 17001The old bhailtyt vheln Ithe brotheiH Illvuill iU holeg torn dunn pieo by piece In thu search fortheir hidden wealth

Work on the Cullieitrill iiTHI JoInAt thus meeting jrfrterdayat tlio see lumen

oftho Board of Trustees of tlio Cathedral ofSt John this Dlvlno thin chief business pre-sented


was tha report of the Building Commiteon the question of nccissto the enthedrnl

site for conveying thou material to bo used Inconstruction The naturo of tlio material wasatsoussod and the Building Committee witsauthorized to make contracts fur excavatingfor the foundation ofthe choir


OlflrfIflrArthur Wellnnd Blake senior member of the

banking firm Blake 1 troth era A Co S> Nassaustreet died at his home In Brookllne Massycstordaj Ills death was caused by a com-plication of dispusus of thin heart and lungsMr Blako WIIH 51 years of ago and was bornIn Brookline Ho was thu uoti ot OeorgaBeatty Blake who was tho founder of the firmof Blako Brothers t Co Ho wits educated iIn-

Yevey Switzerland About fifteen years agoho married Miss Creenough n daughter ofthin uttlst and ho leaves two young daughtersFor eight or ton years Mr Blake had been la-delfcato

4health anti lund not been active la

business leaving thin management ot thuslinns nlTnlrs to hits purtneis These years ofhis life he hud leveled to tIn Improvement ofhuh beautiful estate Kornwode In Brooklineund In Catherine together an art collectionwhich is said to be ono ot tho boat In Massa-chusetts


Michael Ilonau a wino Importer died yes ¬

terday nt hit home Mil Clinton street Brookion him hia 77th year lie wns nt ono timePresident of the Ilrct Notional Bunk In Jerseycity Ho was u director In thn Uermania FireInsurance Company of this city Ho leave awidow tout hue son Mlehal Llennu Jr whohad Iecu associated with his father In bustl

ness fur ttwenty xars The Ilimoril serviceswillI bo hiuihii nt tho house tomorrowi afternoonanil on time following tiny tho body will proba-bly

¬be cremated at rcsh Pond

Mr Louis Ii Livingston hun wealthy bache-lor


of IMilneheck whose Mlddon dimth In Koranhas just bur iiiiiiiince l liurei wnu tthe son otthin into Louis II Livingston unit wnt 411 i-

jearn old Jlefoie lilt retirement from bustness pcveial vtitrs hg hue WUMI member of theHrm of F IIfI IIlarrliiiuti Co brokers Ho-WIIH 1 member of Itin I Ii lint Manhattan andtttt nm luster Ivennel cluln

lImo Ilev B T Itoberls tIme senior of thethro general FUpnrintond of mutt FrII ei 1101 lot Church of ithu Ilulled Htatos diedon Monday at attaraugiis V I of heart dls-oise ng d Oil vear II fnundod tIme firstirno Mvlhndlst Church In BiilTulo many yearnso nud was irIs tho Inunder and editor ofth yfiiric ciifittivi publishedI there

llmlly DuHoubidry the widow of TownsendDim tu berry dlnd yesteiday ut lint home IlaNewark nged b3 SIn> woe horn In Newarkin IMimi and wastliH inotlicr of tho late Countylurk Henry T Ousenlierry und grandmotherof tho presont hurrogato

Minor William IF lleynolds tiled at his homeIM llelifonitult on Htitnlay evening aged HO-

He ownud over thirty furms und was a tall1Itonulrii

Thin Gruel Mnnnmrnt Jllny He Itnllt by thfull of IKOS

ion Horace Porter presided yesterday nt theannual meeting of tIn Grant Monument Asso-ciation


held In tho Mills bulldlnz He reportedthat satisfactory contracts for time granitework had been mnde mind that It was expectedtint limo monument VTOiihl hn completed In thefall of IhHa jut memorial will rontnln n re

iiuitory fur iiutngrnphlit rolls oif surviving vettrI hi of I he civil I war Tin slgiiitt ii roe will beupon parchment and vtlllhe collected by OA It rlupetit iii riOt cuim In liii lore

llesolutlon wnro ndopted thanking leaPorter for hits Inlors of i lie lat seer nnd theseoflleer worn elected Irthldent Horace Fortor First VJCMlresldcnt J Him Hoot SecondYlcoPresldent iirenvilln M fudge Tressliter Irudmllc D Tappen fvirftnry JimoiC Bend