The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-03-22 [p ]. · to be paid for out of the proceed of the ... Tho...

BITCHUT HABCH a Wfc Cloudy today probably ralu tenljW and tomorrow VOL LXIXHO 201 NEW YORK SATURDAY MARCH 22 1002 COW M KB n s JVU B PRICE TWO CENTS dodadllJl o- n n I I t tt1tS by cad PubUsMpi GONE WITH 10000 IN BONDS rtix5rjir OF JENNIE CLARK SON HOME IS MISSINO lie li George W Eicnelt a Former Member of the Consolidated Exchange The Initiation Is M Richly Endowed One for Children Situated at Katonah N T Som hlng llko 115000 of bonds trust funda of the Jennie Clarkson Rome for ChUdren at Katonah N Y ore misting from the vault where up to Thursday the officers of the home supposed that they were retting wifely George W Leos of 877 f Jefferson avenuo Brooklyn Treasurer of tho home who was to have met It Auditing Committee on Thursday failed to do so and his exact whereabouts M far could be learned laat night U unknown The first publlo announooment relating to the los of the bonds was made In the following bulletin sent out by a Wall Street nnr agency yesterday WIT o troths n follewtai bond h loot or itolmt Atoitwn s numbcn M0707lT ud m MlMOutl lUnut and Tnu flnt U number t T lluoo Union Pacinq Oral ii numbers w U No 47 Drotawtr Leonard D White of White Blackwell- U one of the homea auditing committee The home la an endowed Institution which will ultimately receive oeTerol hundred thousand dollars under the will of the late William R darluon Mr Clarkson left thl money for llfo to hie widow and sUter Ayre A comparatively small under the will went at onoe to the home ao it baa ao far received only about 110000 from the Clarkson estate It ha alto obtained moderate amount from other aource It has a farm at Katonah and some buildings and tho Inmate num- ber twentyeight at the present time Frank Dlckerson of the American Tin Plate Company Is the President of the home T Franklin Smith of SM Lenox avenue Secretary and MrIewell Treas- urer The auditing committee 1 com- posed of and Dr James A Dennett who Is connected with the Consolidated Cia Company- At the last annual meeting of the home en March 4 a committee was appointed the Idea being to arrange for the erection of additional buildings these buildings to be paid for out of the proceed of the bonds that arenow mIMing The audit ing committee went over the books of the home and found so far as they were concerned all right They arranged to moot the Treaaurer and go with him to 11 vault where the securities were kept This engagement which was for Monday lw put oH until Thursday on the ground that he had to visit a sick brother Tho committee was on hand on Thursday afternoon but Mr laDed to appear They then the vault box but didnt find the securities went to the home of the Treasurer where they saw his wife who It 1 understood lo them that she did not huilvind was he having told her that he nan called out of town on Important bus ness Col i Henry Baokett of Baokett Baoon Jk- McQuade for the home wa- talien Into consultation and yesterday with tim members of the com- mittee he hard at work endeavoring 10 trace of the home treasurer not to pak of the homos bonds Col when newi at his home at 1 Wet Sixty ninth night said but all I can car In regard to what wo done today we are hot on their trail wo hope that tomorrow- we may have or their equivalent- I regret however that It U story should be printed at thl as It hurt the Even amount represented by the bond 1 lost It will not beyond causing abandonment of Its There been no suspicion of wronr to the w actually that the bonds were we went at onoe to Treasurers horn that her Gnu home on Tuesday evening and explained that b so out of on an matter 01 business and that be return that Hi wit said that h her la order way from horns on a trip Th 8taMv of homo taad Treasurers family wry small ln LttMls that be would away voluntarily and the fcartd regarding what b4 been looking to rtoowry of bond He I wu form a member of the OonoUdUd Stock and IMroloura Kx- olitjign P Whit who fltm Wilte A Ktohant MMJI at hi horns tl tact it urtli night II dcUi d to Ulk shout Uw i tu roouv sting Ui U ikd or but that thy u 4ud i th OMitt of i IM fa it Ujit U U of hood IIM- UMI iiiaiU MjblU Mia Ur U hlle WM lu- ard r Ig fxetant HiMr MM UU nr- i uii i v Uinw Wo tivpo Ui r- BUvf il Mu ur llt 4r A Mr I M4 I i WUu akoJ It It Mt Uti U 5 V 1 U been coo 8 and bIo nn- Dumben Ie79 Wblte PlacK Mrs run matters Lee I was t The of have been taken Ii n time the baa doing the Lets said naa tn bsr of IJIr anxiety u tad been married for and be had that m corns to blm Col Saokett declined to 0 into done II the UIA JIIallln ll are of ths Nw York lest theIr u1aJu slush certain I tod I d 11 tU11 WII lnP Id I lot a0IU at 11 lawt MAl All 041111 rIIAUrII- UhIN III N4tee IIIH It nlI II 61 If IN wi- u I oW M uft- w Ill I wi WIIII II I I 1 r w ft 0 r- i C 1i J v M H t 1 IsO e5144 3U Cbeapeake b his honda Mrs this relieve eazs evsr before the the remain ann nwwlrs h4O1 was street the value o ci Pfl4 J4Iree- btwklyi a lMn wh ut4- we a IMuLf of the thai 14 us h411 11 aa t14 40 Was the I i4 SI a S ss H4leH4 Is Hisr PlcpIUp esiiass4 ee4d f- Jwakagd et it Iie it- S44 5 i4k 1- 11w 4 r1 t r a N M a4ii4lWf MiuIMj- It l I 0 i- t I NaJ- I ss > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > = = XOff SrOPS RAiLROAD WRECK Detpatcher Chate a ttelgtit en an Engine Cmtche H Jiut In Time IHDUHAPOUS March 2i A mad race with a twitch engine after n rapidly mov- ing fast freight train which had secured tho right of Way and which was drawing closer overy moment to another train which wo advancing under similar orders saved costly wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad night the man on the pursuing onglno being the do spatcher who had given the conflicting order Tho dispatcher at Washington gave the fast freight at Shoals tho right of way over fiat freight No CO which was at Wash- ington Tho order rent to tho relay station and received by the crew of No 0 After No S3 had pulled out from ShoalA the dotpatcher sent another telegram to the relay station tolling the operator to destroy the first order and have No 60 go east without orders This put both trains on tho trackrmd both crows supposed they had tho right of way A few moments after No 60 pulled out the despatches discovered his mistake nndabandoning his Instrument flew to the yards and demanded an engine Ono standing on tho track and in a moment It won switched to the main track and the throttle was thrown open by the engineer and the race began to overtake and signal the rapidly moving train Tho train happened to be long and heavy and ten miles out from Washington tho rod lights of the caboose were distinguished Every available pound of steam waa crowded on and the engine came up behind the train Just before it reached a way sta- tion and it was brought to a standstill and lulokly run on the switch Tho engine followed and Just cleared tho track when No 83 came down under a full head of steam The loss of another minute would have been fatal two trains A collision could not have been averted TIED IllS SON HAND AND FOOT Then Coal Pedlrr Grady Impriiened the Boy In a RnbCelltr Michael Orndy n coal pedler of 237 East Eleventh street was locked up In the Charles street police station last night charged with cruelty to his thirteenyearold eon Nicholas who was found tied hand and foot In the subcollar of his fathers coal shop at Eleventh street and Greenwich avenue Grady looks like an Italian and say he I ono although one of grand fathers waa an Irishman Policeman Brennan found the boy In the subcellar at 8 oclock last evening tho bluecoats attention having been drawn- to the screams of the Imprisoned lad by some boys playing near by The boys hands had been tied behind back with clothesline his had bonn tied ot the knees and ankles and his pocket tilled with his father the said to prevent him from rolling around too wa on the floor and had cut wrists trying to the ropes loose he often said the boy I aint got no mother an nobody seems tocare me I do mo best to earn- a llvin enllln papers an dow errand but me father 1 on me Ive spent Mvnral tied up thl The bluecoat cut the little fellow bond thon learning that the father likely to return boon he waited Grady caino in with hi cart soon after Brennan arrrated him Grady admitted having tied the l but a nect say measure as the boy wild room to today WAS MRS FKENOU XVRDEIIEDT- CorsMsl for Eeoratrlo Doitoo Woman hand Dead Thinks She Hat BoaroiT March 31 HarrUon Dunham who been count for Mr Jull B Trench the eccentric Back Day woman found dead in her house yesterday said todar that h had suspicions about clients death and that he had com- municated hit suspicions to the polio de rtmeot The polio think that h mt dtatb accidentally 0uriouly enough during venation I had with French said Mr Dunham the told me of a dream that felt that would be murdered In her home and asked that If meet her death In the wy described Ui her dream that I would It care- fully For thU and It among request ah made of ine I I ought to m nat In the rnattur not hunk that Mrs rrvri li took own The that a ien li wu found the floor mm wiiHi Mr lr ivo U thought to h v fallen t m lo ins u- i I a wll aMUt d fit fall tightly tltu they posy tv h lr tt Ih titu of I J xiwuh w i fl foil I Ihiiik that H would have U ni fuwul lu leer er l IJn- oo III upir nor os Tilt IKTIIMU- M tour MrMBt nf XlnlilMi id In lliHr lioirdiiiiniU- W4uiM i N n lit IM XMi Tr ft last wire was his his chunks of coal The coal was put them bo his Ilk and was The boy wu to Ulf Ufrry society be held as a witness the his his her the con Mrs whieti potund a death similar to the In died fibs told mo the the last lit ua that who fat uh body In Itt JtNommllo lh h 4r- I u a J- ug It W- r I I I r i C J tJ J J 1 j W- c to the s was was esnt I baa last she sanDer abs she reason as was t fact os iUc Mrs this she bc ihii 1vster well cud lou MarE Male l4attesi Ihosssa n kAdI4 I tlM U I a ussIe tsa d Lis4 44 laws EkIINUI- ra4 aes Iii 1- I is Iiimi i- w a 5r un sMe b IMal- M4 S Od ii I ide- e ajIdf41S tel Is r 4a 11 ll 4 e M aa o I g lo- w 6 jtEIiiia4- o 0 10 C I 4 PvP il se- sw 7 II N e- it IM es 4 4p- I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > < > ODELL AND A SECOND TERM y GOVERNOR IV DOVBT WHETHER HK WILL RUN AdAIN lilt Visit to Washington Was for the of Talking the Matter Over President and Senator Plait Odell to Co on a Thinking Trip For more than a week many Republicans In this State have desired to know what transpired between President Roosevelt and Coy Odell on the occasion of the Gov- ernors visit to Washington two weeks ago On that visit Oov Odell had three long talks with the President and one with Senator Platt before Mr Platt started on Ills trip to Florida and Havana- It was ascertained yesterday that GOT Odell while In Washington discussed with tho President and with Senator Platt his availability as a candidate for renomlna don for Governor Six months ago In the estimation of eminent Republicans there was not the slightest doubt of Gov Odells renomlna- tlon at the State Convention which Is to assemble at Saratoga hi September Sena- tor Platt Insists now that tho Governor Is to bo rcnomlnatcd and ho added In Wash- ington the other day And he will bo re- elected too Thorn has been a change of sentiment lately not only on tho part of some Republicans who are friendly to Coy Odoll but apparently on tho part of the Governor himself and it was on subject that the Governor talked with the President and Senator Platt The best Information that can be given as to tho results of these talks I that the Governor announced that as soon as possi- ble after the thirtyday been signed at Albany In April start on a vacation In the Pacific slope On till trip it was added the Governor is to determine whether he desires to bo re nominated- It was stated that President Roosevelt desires GOT Odell to accept a renomlna and the publlo utterances of Senator are aU In that direction too Senator Platt has alto declared that there la no other Republican In sight for tho nomina- tion hint It is apparent from tho con- versations that the Governor had with the President and Senator Platt that the Gover- nor himself desires to settle this matter for himself that on his Western trip ho In to have plenty of time for reflection and that he will make up hi mind exactly he wishes to do In the matter of a nation Coy Odoll In so many words has told his friends whatever he derides upon he will stick to and somehow somo of them have gathered from conversations with him that h does not hanker after a re nomination These friends say that this In only an Inference on their and the Governor after bo from western trip may deride to announce him- self aa a candidate for renotninntlon In view of all that transpired between the Governor and the President and Senator Platt and the Inference drawn from Coy Odells conversation with his friends It said yesterday by Important Repub- licans that possibly a boom might be sprung shortly for the lion James S Sherman Representative In Congress for the Twenty fifth New York district which Includes the of Oneida and Horklmer Sherman in a very popular Republican In that nelghbohood and he ha always been in what Is the Odell Con- gress Club up of New York Congressmen who were In tho House of Representatives along with Oov Odell Gov lllack Southwick- aud others As a matter of though Representa- tive Sherman has been mentioned for the halfdorn years at a possible Republican candidate for Governor and yet who knows but that may b the year which will bring about the of Lit aspirations CHICAGO TO BET TUB STY 1X8 National Atteefttion of Drftmkert t- CJIte Points U Paris CXXOAOO March 11 Dretsmtkers of this city are to the fashion cf coun- try if plans of IM modlttA who met last night go well Even U to feel effect of Chicago criticism a to good last and dresimtker hopo to tow New York lute tin InMetd of hivitg ffA Amorknn dn rnakert go to Pan every year It I Intention vl Urn ui MlU4iM lo itd only i r four HIM Ml U jii4 iiiftdo dy Impruvffd Chleagu- tJw N l 4- ik v MM HTXCMKH list llui wuliiiirt luui a ilMUiMll HMO ii4 iK VVOb W M HVUttf I lull MlilUlX Ml U M MI f r lu- muiiiMr It All vwe I UNS IM l t- lltlll tIde jMU tf fttoWull Mi MiwiU iMliN 4 lrU iiu MM IMI M 4 MMlhdtfU IIMI m n tiny OIHH I AIWI 1 HttUHIIillU- lllMrul IMilMHHH4 ui eli HilUgiil- Mf tl li 4lMi I Hir fcltlr HiMilUJ- U M M i OMI M- Mttt at U Mid l tirtMUu H 4 444 Last Pole bUll hat ton whit par tat cut know tat lat I the I fltUWI I NI Wl- try Iv J I II J I h 11 I I r I 1 H- a 1 I f l 2f I r I iic 1 I was this fruition rule the the Paris the the three arvi ka 10 145AiMl iii 1U441 be tairy all Mi tl sus Phd ice laOS aesaftt 14s Seila1I9ity aaaisUu4a camj- I Iii SDo44Nou1- baI e M4 suea1 Slimily SI ee v4ee1 ri- IPHMou iayt f0- 0sf lasswa ILIgu t k s Id e I4 8 d- sisa i iiag- M Me e j- MsLdI 0b1545 utl a1f 4 tMp o a C 41 oNs4ad s sss- 4lt a ifS1d s M I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < < > = = + + MILESS PRESIDENTIAL PLOT An Appeal to McKlnlry First Thru to HooteieltW- ABULXOTOX March 21In offtelal ole the attitude of Gen Miles since beginning of the Spanish war is attributed- to a desire on his part to keep himself the public la the that ho may booomo a candidate Presidency- This belief is not based on mere suppo but on more substantial grounds SUN reporter has excellent authority for the statement that jukt prior to the assembling of the National Republican Convention at Philadelphia in Juno 1000 Gen Miles made an effort to secure sup- port to enable him to become nominee- of tho convention for VlcoPrcsldcnt and falling in this to win the first the ticket from President According to the statements made to tho reporter and vouched for by two men whose knowledge of tho matter cannot bo questioned Gen Miles proposed to Prcsf dent MoKlnley that he Miles be nominated for VIcoProsidont on the ticket with the President Mr McKinley treated the sug- gestion with his usual kindly consideration but did not glvo Gen Miles any encourage ment Mllcd then il In asserted proposed to Mr Roosevelt that they form- a combination by which Jan MIles would secure tho conventions nomination for the Presidency and Mr Roosovelt the nomina- tion for tho VIcePresIdenoy Mr Roose- velt naturally declined to become a party to any scheme In opposition to MrMoKlnley- Willo the details of the proposals attrib- uted to Gen Miles have not been ob- tained tho statements made above are vouched for ItlOAMOVS COP IS RACK Icing to Try to Keep loll on the After netrtyliiB Ctmte Smith Joseph Madden dandy cop who late Sliver Dollar Smiths ton days ago when he had a wlfo and when tho story ran away has returned to town to face the music according to Lawyer Maurice B Blumonthal Mi Rlutmmthal Informed Tnt BUN lost night that Madden had not only returned but would report for this morning attlio KIdridgostreet station There are a lot of stories going tho rounds about Maddens return said Mr Blumenthal but I shant CUM them All I can My In that ho U in the city that ho had a conference with tho members cf my firm today and that acting on our ad- vice ho will report for duty In thin morning Half Dollar Smith tho girls brother who had already announced for tho family that ho wasnt going to prowxnito Madden and that hed llkn to put his handon the dandy boy cop ROOd nnd hard h d cooled off perceptibly last night when a reporter told him that Madden was reported back Its none of my burinee h said What have I got to do with him I aint goln to prosecute him or do not hln to him At the Kldridge street station where tim dandy boy cop had so many friends that the policemen there let Smith marry him without a warning they said they didnt believe that ho was coming back Ho WM gone for good they said FIRE ALARM IIV lOX TKRRrER Mr rtowtry Tootney I OM GOOd Service to Iolhs In Their Tenement Tootsoy a nixweeks old fox terrier probably prevented a serious loss of life last night at a fire which occurred at 91- Wathlngton street Tootoey 1 owned by Mr Mary Crow- ley who urn on the third floor The Crowloy wore out visiting friends across the street and the dog was shone lu their flat A fire started In the bedroom no ono knows how Tho dog set up such howling that the neighbor went to wu HIM mat- ter y MIW smoke issuing from thin front some one turned In an jdurm- Mm who on the second floor knowing that the door uptulrs wa look the building atid Let out Tlicn- tli llremen cattle and extinguished the fire Aftr firemen hid gone Jeremiah Crowley said that hi iu druwer had n OMO webb stolen ANOTIIIH MVIIRA IIALL CASK John llrrrit Ullli Anullirr Hnniin- i tIer llii litii l fur ItilrDHie tear IVtHiMiiiw Vn Umrli 71 Hit mouths MKO iti i IHIIIM IIUMI ltalfijb K i UKW Ut H W tUMMitwl MWMi III llMMt f- IJ H MMIIlty JlMt 4WM tM lIV r fluMI Mill wo U f mil Me nun tMtllrl In Ilir I MIM- h l Mr H4w I Hit llk MltWIMH I m irfilsrf nsjm r M Jte- N Hill IHUI 4ti4l tilt H HHtll- M t r- Mi BVMSS- I fc4 i ell hop ton pie rot by moro any goo Crowl the rear 0 the Mid 1 a 1 i l I wi I I t- h I M a 1 w I c J 4 tl I I r I I I I i I r i o 1I f 1- 1J 1n be- fore the Ion Ills the a saw lives the his gold Iii ed p 544 4UeI los I4tiI4I4 ii t1flIII 144th isl ietp4ii iuutik C he Msd- a i34 5N4 wits baerc ta hume ee Ubee aa I elf Eesaauy 4- cc uftlia1 thu huss sjsi 414t j Its ies4 teg- AurdlS I lb iiases 4 ii- I f cc I iie4 ila- aw kteeI tssi 4 gp isipejod I k a 415O it Ii i1 h Imo 11 49u Ie hd a iaes4 iM I a 5 ian I l 104 Me SI 4 1 l 4 Iiwn iW to sP sees 4d Suet be se tAa I 4 I Ill ilwl a Sb4l eta Slp b a 4es St4 4 S W I So ep at 4 4 s IJJ J4 Ua d41 at t I w S I 1- auj o a t4 1i4 S N i H14 05 HIS Iat a s 4 I 4 Jk t4 4 I at si- Me e- td uSia at i 1- 1rzrr I aia t1rr2th4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ < < < > > >< < > TUNNEL HITCH SETTLED- RAPID TRANSIT PEOPLE WITH- DRAW THKIR OBJECTIONS Both Sides Make and an It nrtrhed at a Private rats Held titer a Public Hearing on the Kelsey Bubstllute Mraiare Agreeable hands to He mlttctl lo the Legislature on The Pennsylvania Railroad will be to build Its tunnel railroad from Jersey City to tho proposed terminal at Seventh avenue and Thirtyfourth street and thenonto Long Island City Negotia- tions were concluded last whereby the Rapid Transit and tho Rapid Transit Subway Construction Com- pany agreed to modifications of the Kelfcoy hill which will enable tho Pennsylvania company to construct Its road while at tho futmo time tho prerogative claimed by the Rapid Transit Comm Klon of super- vising and pawing upon alt schemes of rapid transit In this city will bo preserved All this won decided upon after a hearing held yesterday by Mayor Low In the City Hall upon the Kelsey bill which gives to tho Board of Aldermen the power to grant u perpetual franchise to companies for tunnel railroads extending outside of time city without action by tho Rapid Transit Commission Tho arguments for end against the bill were confined to two distinct contentions On behalf of the Pennsylvania Railroad it was maintained that tho only terms upon which tho company would consent to expend tho 150000000 necessary to bring Its pytitcm to New York were that the com- pany should reecho a perpetual franchise Thu Rapid Transit Commission It was urged had not tho power under the net which created It to give this perpetual right nnd therefore time aid of tho legisla- ture had sought and that in the bill drawn Interests of the city hind boon conserved by relegating to tho Board of Estimate and to the Aldermen the de- termining of various details in connection with the franchise such as fixing the com prnoatlon to 1 paid to the by the company The objections of Rapid Transit Commission and of the Rapid Transit Sub- way Conitntctlon Company bated mainly upon tho contention that the bill took from tho commission tim authority vostetl hi It by tho Legislature to paw upon all rapid transit projects for the city and gave over that authority to tho Board of Aldermen In direct contravention of time principles of tho Rapid Transit act- On the part of neither of tho opposing bodies was there any objection to the of tho Pennsylvania cympany basis of tho arguments of the opponents of tho measure was that the proposed bill would provide an opportunity to nullify tho plans of tho commission and endanger time purpose of the commission not only In providing adequate transportation facilities for the city but in seeing that uch facUlties should iw ultimately owned by th munirlpaltly Edward M on behalf of the objectors said would lx perfectly content If time bill was no amended an to save to the Rapid Transit Communion a doterinltilng voice In the granting of transit Tranchlo3 At the close of the hearing Mayor saul I think tint much of criticism of this Las proceeded train mlMppretien lon It don eem lo me th t a very important anti fundamental QU tlon hsu been duveloiMHl by the Unpld Trnonlt Com ml lon amid Unit I whether or tint over- sight lu time fuel conduct of rnllroad matters In tins cltr hold trot b htiidml to that bod 1 like the lUplJ Transit Cum inluiun lu nulimlt to mo an alternative to thU lilll limit KH time time of time lecUhtlvxP- MOII l hort It thoulil be ulimltl l hy tomorrow If thM In I will irive whol qu tn u lux ImmedUtH eonldern In lt ulternate form cud will try to jilts iti dennon liy iloiula lInt uuliM I from time roiimiimion tomorrow I lull htvo to d l Ultli thu question before ine st without an ltrrn nte During time rvpnMJiitatlvmof time Uitenxit fur and la epi kUton to tli bill oiiifwritvi toKudiiT mid m a riUHilt the gn inmil tijxm sri Miiicnilc form of alrcudy lefcrrwl lo was rennlixd It u- itftderktoud thai whU the Mil Itwlf will net bo niuinrially 1U4 Trauclt Will Int Ml MHllKKlwl IM to HNW U i 4u l frakuliiMHi fur itiliuaiU tiwIrliiK a HUtS u v n i ini wM4 M wHy fltlHIl l ilUMM r UI ll lu IM- Ml I IMH UfMM itf III MuM 4 Ui AW- UMI ur Hi Ikntfil ui lr tkw- vMuu wHI U w Mw- lflllllrtlr nilUuWl HH Imtf mltfM- M rt will I r orti i i sstn t i lit i i nnnnit n u in 14 PaR R Ace mlA Hob nigh ben ely th plat Shepard ale ould hear lilt noun hill lilt cast uu 1I1tt Ill I iII I fIN 1 JUt I tfl I WMI1tt lIa JtI- 6NuI ISr itoor till III IAII lit 1tit4 4 c I II lfIIItIt I 11 bit IIr Mfl II w 4 u 1 III- If I T III r- H 1 j I J i t I r- t 114 h I NU- JM WuI n rar1f I Concessions fiNn per- mitted nero Time low the dons the Ion were ret t ham Ia ups the 5i1 M445t ii b I a I o ir pispusiJ I I 10 us- I4mlubl t iii sttukltda lsdiito Eat tea ate lee fsr iI aei1 us- a 4i desi atuM- r p- e4lks sh4 Ueeo a i 44S m- 4sssy nuI I 5u 4 I iutrd th IM pa- hsg 51 e- I a ei hi UItJ- M44u Itasa us I- i NeibaDwe- M fl Jw4 q us- l 54 iS dIPSMS5 S hiat i P4 at IS4 d- M44s Mm4 sjt ci 45 ee p ii pIl I- p t I a Wthi1 t i aa s a a t I d u m 0 wsiuI aa i- J C 5i s- T W I 14 at- I t l a is Ib4s4 5 t c 55 Jeese Thetai ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < < < > > = KAISER ACTS AS DETECTWE Trace Ownership or Kharr and Deeds That Were Sent litre tml Not Delivered Sptcttt CaN Dtipatch la TuB 3W- TXHOXIH March 22 According to the Geneva correspondent of tim 7 aUy Mail tho latest rolo assumed by Emperor Wil- liam U that of a detective Tho corre- spondent sarn that hU Majesty received In November on anonymous letter from New York enclosing shares and tltlo deeds- to thi value of 10000 marks and ol lng him to try to find tho owner thereof Tho Emperor was amused and zoalouily- Interwted himself In carrying out tho wishes of the writer Irolonged Inquiries through time Foreign Offlco reMilted In tracing tho vouchers to a German Kink tho manager of which Identified them a having l een ent to New York where they were never received by tho person to whom they were addressed It was supposed that they had been stolen en routr Time bank however lost nothing tho shipment having been insured In a Swiss company which Germany has now rein burned ITAUA FARM LMSOKEKS OUT Strike Spreading ami the Situation Makes tho Covernmrnt AnIouf- iptetal CaNr IHipateU to Till Sun Holt March of the labor troublea which at prevent U causing the mot anxiety in the growing strike of agri cultural laborers in the north of Italy Many peasant who liavo broken their with farmers are being evicted with tho result that an exasperated feeling has arisen Somo farmer are Importing laborers from other districts under police protection Homo aro letting their oattl graze growing wheat their Intention being to sell the cattle na soon an tho crop Is con- sumed Many havo already sold their stock Timers IB danger of the trouble paralyzing agriculture for the year aa spring U rap- Idly advancing CECIL RHODES WORSE Pastes a nenllcw Merit III Friends Aro Alurmed- Srtfial CaUt Dripatth li Tar Sis CArp TOWN March 2J1 A SI Mr Rhode Is having n resiles night Ho in decidedly weaker ills friends are Again most anxious fWOH FOR MAJOR STRO Nominated to hum Senate for the nrevet- nf llriitrnant ColnnrlV- AHiirNfiTON March 21 Among tho candidate for commissions on ac- count of sorvlon in tho Hpntilnh nnr whoso nominations wero w nt to the Sonnto yes- terday IH Major Putnam Uradlco Strong formerly AjwiMint Adjmnl General Inl- ie l States Volunteer Tho brevet of Lieutenant Colonel U twommendcxl fnr dlstlngulshixl galliutry In nntlirt at Out gulnto HriclRe Inzm Philippine Ilanili Mardi 27 1TOJ tn rnk from that diito Major was thj corespondent In thin divorce obtained today by Lord Francis Hop of England from hi wife who was formerly Slay Y lie time nctr Major Strong n isnnri ins e mml on at time time of his leaving an Francisco for Japan with Ijidy Hopt last fall VERDICT AOAJNST HOSPITAL Ml Wr l Patient tn fet SI SOOO for the Mlittlie or a urie At a fourth trial of the action of V Helen 1 Ward Meterinlaw of Henry L HowUnd time lawyer to recover damage for jiertonal Injurlr from M Vincents- Horiiml a verdict for 116000 was rendered Iwfore Justice iu Supwinu Court yesterday MU Ward had to the for an operation and whim recov- ering fntm eOeetH of other Mdmlij to her a minis l a hotwater bug MI that tMttlent WHH rman iitly Tho MM VUK for soouo dam nee At tli first trial the coiii was ke Nind T jury at the thud trial gave her a verdict 10X I The Judgment kr t a l lu on apical priwnt trlul unified Now Allrn lirriiliir If MiliiK Ntraiu ttli fur HIOOUO URinicrtl- lertiiRti I Itoth nnnoitnotHl ye ierdoy tint had ItfoujrM silt ilain Kii- Ml mUse l bUitf I ljU I W J rnb III Uti iHMtiiMit i iui Uwv r nt- wt Iu UIM ul lltu Kr m r ttf t A in H nut 10 rimi Hull TrrMrr Sxcrl Al Him I p llr Mlr- IfMHll ul sire ttllh IMH 4 M I M a- I I i Ml 21A phi contracts on brevet 0 II s I hit I 1 Ill II lilt dlsagrsI lit t I and 11llU ir IICII 0 for r luluhllir of lorraimmi A IIca- illit Uiyi tHIIII I tI Mid lIt Ia 1111111 Ito J1ICJtt elm surtis the them to1Iat Inu I w U wIW tII i 1 1 1 A I I 1eoeItIt I t t ill I W- iIa wi I II J JIM III I z I t 1 u- I tl iff 1 C It II- II III WI r II I I II ww- wf 1111tMII J- f lei v uw1 N- J rf r1 JJ ann hand tim tim iilamnbssad lIme jimmy has was TI12I isnrii hit iOl5 Lu iimjsr ii eftIiAI 4H- ls4h eke emmsg4- u hiuftii4l4r the tip ss srailaa It hlnirys isussv tss4i4 hoe pmeam Isitg So Iwms V u se ks e utsi s- gtei PH44V 0 ps- eerI oh bad Prim dsussiaeuu1 Imi Cs tI irs Iwl lag miii sati left ISteisI I 14141mg 1mm tilts ab IeIl- s p4 o iO atatiS j i hswadewmslhv1 H4j- 54 e flu Ju ow lw Mtes i- U II vg Ph I- Woitd u lii sd- at a Ml 4w 4 c t l s- a h4atd stat 110 f aJ M kW iIi Iau- u II l sm- it I eIi- 4 ASW Jsse heat lo- I asss a siss ats 4 I ems uesl- Pb te5454o4i 4 us e 1- 4IaJJ Tips IM- I a l et aiiq f P pi ei4- e 4 l LMhS l i a h- at4lal 4- IesMes a I WI iMau4 I- su 5 Ios I I < eiatid sse- m ui > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ < > ¬ < < > < > > > PARK AVENUE hOUSE FRONTS SLIDE TtlRHUail SIDEWALK- Two Residences Ruined and a Whole Bloek Abandoned a Lntaf o Dehrl Chokes Tunnel and It Will Take SIx Weeks to near It Nobody Hurt but ftOOee- Uamncn to lie Paid by Somebody Crash on Section Since the New Year Park avenue ha had a railroad disaster a disastrous hotel fire and lion been blown up Yesterday it was shaken down and a very henslvo sort of shakedown it was It took in time entire block from Thirty seventh to Thirtyeighth streets along the out sldo of tho thoroughfare shook away tho fronts and the front foundations of two hotiMM endangered the stability of two others forced the tenants of every house in tho block on that side of the street to find habitation elsewhere filled the new Ripld Transit subway with several tons of rock and earth and did damage ac- cording to tho lowest estimate of 25000 and according to the highest of about UOOOO But this time no live wero lost and no one was Injured A cavein along tho eastern sldn of subway Immediately In front of the resi- dence of Hall Park McCullough at No U wan the cause of time trouble In that particular part of Purl avenue nothing In t ho way of calamitous occurrence hart happened In nearly three week It was getting dull Nature relieved time ennui At 030 oclock last Wednesday morning somo ploces of rock felt Into the subway That Indicated that there was something wrong somewhere Time occurrence reported to Major Ira Shalcr the con tractor who Is building tho section of the tunnel from Thirtyfourth to Fortysecond- street mid 1m ordered nn Investigation It was reported to him later In tim day that the pieces of rock had tumbled into a small heading which had made In front of Mr McCulloUKhit home but that thoro was nothing to show just where they had conic from nnd thorn wa nothing to indicate that thnro were nny more loon pieces to follow that had already fallen Tire happenings of yesterday showed however that the few pieces of rock which fell on Wednesday morning were but tho forerunners of a big cavein at that particular part of the work At 831 oclock yesterday morning the sidewalk In front of Mr McCulloughs dropped into limo cutting beneath that In dropped about twenty feet Workmen were sent out why and they cnrnn with the reM rt that there had a cavoln This fut was to Major Shale Of Course theres boon n cavoln he said but what Lh mann who mode till report didn t know eiislaoor wee tn find out Ho that about feet below time cidowulk Mid Ire f Pit below the roof of the warns had boon found In the reck forming tl ca t wall nf cutting in front f Uw IK uw Mr in tho son of John a MRVullough who lives at 8S Perk avenue smut n member of the law firm of Stetson leiiiilng V at 15 Ilixiad- htiert Ho wui l only a few ago and IK bride wt up bouweUeepI- IIR there when tucy from It was found that tim ooains In the rock hail wldeniil until the procure tho rock and earth nU vo had mk below to give way letting the iruw of moll and earth above and back henmy rock down Into the subway hcti thin erie l there nothing to support tIme eldowalu and It tumbled alH tliOMi fact wcru to Mr Slialer- lio ordered a ol men to olout shorI- IIK up time Mucuiloiigli lioiw m once In thn Mr MrtXilli1 had fur a member of tin firm of II n ick Acpln wall architects to take sue jtep on might bt necessary U save liln property lurthor limo fouls time caveIn had an l Hn niKiitwl 10 time Hurtnil of Dulldlnco HIM report g ueconiimiiled with htatument thou wino of along tim lxK H Ilk to go th way of th sidewalk tn front of ih Mot houw Sui t l Hr M Ktfwait mi iii Mcior around lo ew what wan I lie matt r lii Kiiir Kt I time Kiine a few to hU chief tlxit lie thought Iho Ifenart- mwit of lliKlmty to Unoi all ll I llt Hl r i a utilewtlU Imil l wn Hn added ihui time iiiiWum cm tln likxilc didnt i IM III Imt that all thing I i UK w ly il unluwaid lw u ixMi i U Ui lUM ikiriHiikir iwtloii of Inr- kfti IH M MI M y Yui M4N righi wliii ywi urn llw uj lu kxih ini lf In- HiMi uf J wi J Murphy f Julio tile IWMM W M luvklli fur Ui tli WM lakteitf litunilng tub wl w rk I f Ut Murphy in Ut- iwiiUH I u t- rfr Irfvr lut f Mmllur- If mm V- MHII H al M- IdfW74 H TJTU I U MM MI M- Wf4l Mti l m H Lnif 4fttu iH y M KitonaO H i MiyLuJt- w 4 W f IH AM I A lfc OA VEIN AT SIDE tho nlulJJ hal com was Ie timid hack raised 1 rrtf1o the 1c Mll Iud hill lit I h was ii sent till I Tim I U iok later notified seem g Moo II < I fIt tb iIIfr yel hIt Mr tiltI h Mooi I to iuuiI Oil a i 101 smisetidmi dolo lit No 1 I lii Mdastk Wi of M U11luh t a 1 I tAl III 1tO M fW I t 1 sold Mr WI E t oft ttal 111 II i uI WI i f 11 it ftI 1 jo 11l1li4 1 to If t- W I o to I z j1 tf- 1if to fcJ 111 1 i o i- Il t t lIr tW wt1 If 4- Cj I 4 hj TUE SUBWAYS the been those been reported Any it mnont ire the set r about sent slier Uad let I wii w a time hmrie at was saitf is ll hoc todIii It tai f1rs iWlah- iiauehal ibsr 1 who luii 51 Wlsn- h Srwi ii hueS hIs Thc sa rumpus MNmI the 1 clad hid a Msei4y iuiInas sess ss vs gem ii 4 leyly hase4i as Slis hat Ns5Ss tm ii IIutS tmm Iad lss1r sP- ta atI aPt ioIsmg sac I a 111 ii 2 is frd1i uihdssd- I I I suit I tsii4m Nit lni I lb his4- I s 1mm Iet siimI m 5y I uma lSli O Iha imi aat 4 I I I > e Ii i s V I ssw l4J a s I to hid LrJr41 s l- i4a Iaimi ll I a s1 Is 4ho IL s tiSsit I4eo gfs a4 Iiaio Mal i4 144- 0iV see 1454 lassos ted ud44- a iI 44 lii 4sse14r- I a 1 slm 4- I I t ts4ai C edt PS ii kj ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > > > < > < < < > > ¼

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-03-22 [p ]. · to be paid for out of the proceed of the ... Tho...

BITCHUT HABCH a WfcCloudy today probably ralu tenljW

and tomorrow


n n

II t tt1tS

by cad PubUsMpi



lie li George W Eicnelt a Former Member

of the Consolidated Exchange TheInitiation Is M Richly Endowed One

for Children Situated at Katonah N T

Som hlng llko 115000 of bonds trustfunda of the Jennie Clarkson Rome forChUdren at Katonah N Y ore mistingfrom the vault where up to Thursday theofficers of the home supposed that theywere retting wifely George W Leosof 877 f Jefferson avenuo BrooklynTreasurer of tho home who was to havemet It Auditing Committee on Thursdayfailed to do so and his exact whereaboutsM far could be learned laat night Uunknown

The first publlo announooment relatingto the los of the bonds was made In thefollowing bulletin sent out by a Wall Streetnnr agency yesterday

WIT o trothsn follewtai bond h loot or itolmtAtoitwn s numbcn M0707lT ud m

MlMOutl lUnut and Tnu flnt U numbert T lluoo Union Pacinq Oral ii numbers

w U No 47 DrotawtrLeonard D White of White Blackwell-

U one of the homea auditing committeeThe home la an endowed Institution whichwill ultimately receive oeTerol hundredthousand dollars under the will of the lateWilliam R darluon Mr Clarkson leftthl money for llfo to hie widow andsUter Ayre A comparatively small

under the will went at onoe to thehome ao it baa ao far received only about110000 from the Clarkson estate It haalto obtained moderate amount fromother aource It has a farm at Katonahand some buildings and tho Inmate num-

ber twentyeight at the present timeFrank Dlckerson of the American Tin

Plate Company Is the President of thehome T Franklin Smith of SM Lenoxavenue Secretary and MrIewell Treas-urer The auditing committee 1 com-

posed of and Dr James A Dennettwho Is connected with the ConsolidatedCia Company-

At the last annual meeting of the homeen March 4 a committee was appointedthe Idea being to arrange for the erectionof additional buildings these buildingsto be paid for out of the proceed of thebonds that arenow mIMing The auditing committee went over the books of thehome and found so far as theywere concerned all right They arrangedto moot the Treaaurer and go with him to11 vault where the securities were keptThis engagement which was for Mondaylw put oH until Thursday on the groundthat he had to visit a sick brother

Tho committee was on hand on Thursdayafternoon but Mr laDed to appearThey then the vault box but didntfind the securitieswent to the home of the Treasurer wherethey saw his wife who It 1 understoodlo them that she did nothuilvind was he having told her that henan called out of town on Important busness

Col i Henry Baokett of Baokett Baoon Jk-

McQuade for the home wa-talien Into consultation and yesterdaywith tim members of the com-mittee he hard at work endeavoring10 trace of the home treasurer not topak of the homos bonds Col

when newi at his home at 1 Wet Sixtyninth night said

but all I can car In regard to what wodone today we are hot on theirtrail wo hope that tomorrow-we may have or their equivalent-I regret however that It U

story should be printed at thlas It hurt the Evenamount represented by the bond 1 lost Itwill not beyond causingabandonment of Its

There been no suspicion of wronrto the w actually

that the bonds were wewent at onoe to Treasurers horn

that herGnu home on Tuesday eveningand explained that b so out of

on an matter 01 businessand that be return thatHi wit said that h her la order

way from horns on a trip

Th 8taMv of homo taadTreasurers family wry small

ln LttMls that be wouldaway voluntarily and the fcartd

regarding what b4 been looking tortoowry of bond He

I wu form a member of theOonoUdUd Stock and IMroloura Kx-olitjign

P Whit who fltm Wilte A

Ktohant MMJI at hi horns tltact it urtli night IIdcUi d to Ulk shout Uw i tu roouvsting Ui U ikd or but

that thy u 4ud i thOMitt of i

IM fa it Ujit U U of hood IIM-UMI iiiaiU MjblU Mia Ur U hlle WM lu-ard r Ig fxetant HiMr MM UU nr-

i uii i v Uinw Wo tivpo Ui r-

BUvf il Mu ur llt 4rA Mr I M4 I

i WUu akoJ It

It Mt Uti U

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Detpatcher Chate a ttelgtit en an EngineCmtche H Jiut In Time

IHDUHAPOUS March 2i A mad racewith a twitch engine after n rapidly mov-ing fast freight train which had securedtho right of Way and which was drawingcloser overy moment to another train whichwo advancing under similar orders saved

costly wreck on the Baltimore and OhioSouthwestern Railroad night theman on the pursuing onglno being the dospatcher who had given the conflictingorder

Tho dispatcher at Washington gavethe fast freight at Shoals tho right of wayover fiat freight No CO which was at Wash-ington Tho order rent to tho relaystation and received by the crew of No 0After No S3 had pulled out from ShoalAthe dotpatcher sent another telegram tothe relay station tolling the operator todestroy the first order and have No 60go east without orders This put bothtrains on tho trackrmd both crows supposedthey had tho right of way

A few moments after No 60 pulled outthe despatches discovered his mistakenndabandoning his Instrument flew to theyards and demanded an engine Onostanding on tho track and in a moment Itwon switched to the main track and thethrottle was thrown open by the engineerand the race began to overtake and signalthe rapidly moving train

Tho train happened to be long and heavyand ten miles out from Washington thorod lights of the caboose were distinguishedEvery available pound of steam waacrowded on and the engine came up behindthe train Just before it reached a way sta-tion and it was brought to a standstill andlulokly run on the switch

Tho engine followed and Just clearedtho track when No 83 came down under afull head of steam The loss of anotherminute would have been fatal twotrains A collision could not have beenaverted


Then Coal Pedlrr Grady Impriiened theBoy In a RnbCelltr

Michael Orndy n coal pedler of 237 EastEleventh street was locked up In the Charlesstreet police station last night chargedwith cruelty to his thirteenyearold eonNicholas who was found tied hand andfoot In the subcollar of his fathers coalshop at Eleventh street and Greenwichavenue Grady looks like an Italian andsay he I ono although one of grandfathers waa an Irishman

Policeman Brennan found the boy In thesubcellar at 8 oclock last evening thobluecoats attention having been drawn-to the screams of the Imprisoned lad bysome boys playing near by The boyshands had been tied behind back withclothesline his had bonn tied ot theknees and ankles and his pocket tilled with

his father the said to prevent himfrom rolling around toowa on the floor and had cut wriststrying to the ropes loose

he often said the boyI aint got no mother an nobody seems

tocare me I do mo best to earn-a llvin enllln papers an dow errandbut me father 1 on me Ive spentMvnral tied up thl

The bluecoat cut the little fellow bondthon learning that the father

likely to return boon he waited Gradycaino in with hi cart soon afterBrennan arrrated him Grady admittedhaving tied the l but a nectsay measure as the boy wild


CorsMsl for Eeoratrlo Doitoo Womanhand Dead Thinks She Hat

BoaroiT March 31 HarrUon Dunhamwho been count for Mr Jull BTrench the eccentric Back Day womanfound dead in her house yesterday saidtodar that h had suspicions about

clients death and that he had com-municated hit suspicions to the polio de

rtmeot The polio think that h mtdtatb accidentally

0uriouly enough duringvenation I had with French saidMr Dunham the told me of a dream

that felt that would be murderedIn her home and asked that Ifmeet her death In the wy described Uiher dream that I would It care-fully For thU and It among

request ah made of ine II ought to m nat In the rnattur

not hunk that Mrs rrvri li tookown The that a ien li wu

found the floor mm wiiHi Mr lr ivoU thought to h v fallen t m lo ins u-

i I a wll aMUt d fitfall tightly tltu

they posy tv h lr tt Ih tituof I J

xiwuh w i fl foil I Ihiiik that Hwould have U ni fuwul lu leer er l IJn-

oo III upir noros Tilt IKTIIMU-

M tour MrMBt nf XlnlilMiid In lliHr lioirdiiiiniU-

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chunks of coal The coal was put thembo



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The boy wu to Ulf Ufrry societybe held as a witness



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lilt Visit to Washington Was for theof Talking the Matter OverPresident and Senator Plait

Odell to Co on a Thinking Trip

For more than a week many RepublicansIn this State have desired to know whattranspired between President Rooseveltand Coy Odell on the occasion of the Gov-ernors visit to Washington two weeksago On that visit Oov Odell had threelong talks with the President and one withSenator Platt before Mr Platt started onIlls trip to Florida and Havana-

It was ascertained yesterday that GOTOdell while In Washington discussed withtho President and with Senator Platt hisavailability as a candidate for renomlnadon for Governor

Six months ago In the estimation ofeminent Republicans there was not theslightest doubt of Gov Odells renomlna-tlon at the State Convention which Is toassemble at Saratoga hi September Sena-tor Platt Insists now that tho Governor Isto bo rcnomlnatcd and ho added In Wash-ington the other day And he will bo re-

elected too Thorn has been a change ofsentiment lately not only on tho part ofsome Republicans who are friendly toCoy Odoll but apparently on tho part ofthe Governor himself and it was onsubject that the Governor talked with thePresident and Senator Platt

The best Information that can be givenas to tho results of these talks I that theGovernor announced that as soon as possi-ble after the thirtyday beensigned at Albany In April starton a vacation In the Pacific slope Ontill trip it was added the Governor is todetermine whether he desires to bo renominated-

It was stated that President Rooseveltdesires GOT Odell to accept a renomlna

and the publlo utterances of Senatorare aU In that direction too Senator

Platt has alto declared that there la noother Republican In sight for tho nomina-tion hint It is apparent from tho con-

versations that the Governor had with thePresident and Senator Platt that the Gover-nor himself desires to settle this matter forhimself that on his Western trip ho In tohave plenty of time for reflection andthat he will make up hi mind exactlyhe wishes to do In the matter of anation

Coy Odoll In so many words has toldhis friends whatever he derides upon hewill stick to and somehow somo of themhave gathered from conversations withhim that h does not hanker after a renomination These friends say that thisIn only an Inference on their andthe Governor after bo fromwestern trip may deride to announce him-self aa a candidate for renotninntlon

In view of all that transpired between theGovernor and the President and SenatorPlatt and the Inference drawn from CoyOdells conversation with his friends It

said yesterday by Important Repub-licans that possibly a boom might be sprungshortly for the lion James S ShermanRepresentative In Congress for the Twentyfifth New York district which Includes the

of Oneida and HorklmerSherman in a very popular Republican

In that nelghbohood and he ha alwaysbeen in what Is the Odell Con-

gress Club up of New YorkCongressmen who were In tho House ofRepresentatives along with Oov OdellGov lllack Southwick-aud others

As a matter of though Representa-tive Sherman has been mentionedfor the halfdorn years at a possibleRepublican candidate for Governor andyet who knows but that may b the yearwhich will bring about the of Litaspirations


National Atteefttion of Drftmkert t-

CJIte Points U ParisCXXOAOO March 11 Dretsmtkers of

this city are to the fashion cf coun-try if plans of IM modlttA who metlast night go well Even U tofeel effect of Chicago criticism ato good last and dresimtker hopoto tow New York lute tin InMetd ofhivitg ffA Amorknn dn rnakert goto Pan every year It I Intention vlUrn ui MlU4iM lo itd only i r fourHIM Ml U jii4 iiiftdo dy Impruvffd Chleagu-

tJw N l 4-

ik v MM HTXCMKHlist llui wuliiiirt luui a ilMUiMll HMO ii4 iK

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muiiiMr It All vwe I UNS IM l t-

lltlll tIde jMU t f fttoWullMi MiwiU iMliN 4 lrU iiu


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An Appeal to McKlnlry First Thru toHooteieltW-

ABULXOTOX March 21In offtelalole the attitude of Gen Miles sincebeginning of the Spanish war is attributed-to a desire on his part to keep himself

the public la the that ho maybooomo a candidate Presidency-This belief is not based on mere suppo

but on more substantial groundsSUN reporter has excellent authority

for the statement that jukt prior to theassembling of the National RepublicanConvention at Philadelphia in Juno 1000

Gen Miles made an effort to secure sup-port to enable him to become nominee-of tho convention for VlcoPrcsldcnt andfalling in this to win the first theticket from President

According to the statements made to thoreporter and vouched for by two menwhose knowledge of tho matter cannot boquestioned Gen Miles proposed to Prcsfdent MoKlnley that he Miles be nominatedfor VIcoProsidont on the ticket with thePresident Mr McKinley treated the sug-gestion with his usual kindly considerationbut did not glvo Gen Miles any encouragement Mllcd then il In assertedproposed to Mr Roosevelt that they form-a combination by which Jan MIles wouldsecure tho conventions nomination for thePresidency and Mr Roosovelt the nomina-tion for tho VIcePresIdenoy Mr Roose-velt naturally declined to become a partyto any scheme In opposition to MrMoKlnley-Willo the details of the proposals attrib-uted to Gen Miles have not been ob-

tained tho statements made above arevouched for


Icing to Try to Keep loll on theAfter netrtyliiB Ctmte Smith

Joseph Madden dandy copwho late Sliver Dollar Smiths

ton days ago when hehad a wlfo and when tho story

ran away has returned to townto face the music according to LawyerMaurice B Blumonthal Mi RlutmmthalInformed Tnt BUN lost night that Maddenhad not only returned but would reportfor this morning attlio KIdridgostreet

stationThere are a lot of stories going tho

rounds about Maddens return said MrBlumenthal but I shant CUM themAll I can My In that ho U in the city thatho had a conference with tho members cfmy firm today and that acting on our ad-

vice ho will report for duty In thin morningHalf Dollar Smith tho girls brother

who had already announced for tho familythat ho wasnt going to prowxnito Maddenand that hed llkn to put his handon thedandy boy cop ROOd nnd hard h d cooledoff perceptibly last night when a reportertold him that Madden was reported back

Its none of my burinee h said Whathave I got to do with him I aint golnto prosecute him or do not hln to him

At the Kldridge street station wheretim dandy boy cop had so many

friends that the policemen there letSmith marry him without a warning theysaid they didnt believe that ho was comingback Ho WM gone for good they said


Mr rtowtry Tootney I OM GOOd Serviceto Iolhs In Their Tenement

Tootsoy a nixweeks old fox terrierprobably prevented a serious loss of lifelast night at a fire which occurred at 91-

Wathlngton streetTootoey 1 owned by Mr Mary Crow-

ley who urn on the third floor TheCrowloy wore out visiting friends acrossthe street and the dog was shone lu theirflat A fire started In the bedroom no onoknows how

Tho dog set up such howling that theneighbor went to wu HIM mat-ter y MIW smoke issuing from thin

front some oneturned In an jdurm-

Mm who on the second floorknowing that the door uptulrs wa look

the building atid Let out Tlicn-tli llremen cattle and extinguished thefire

Aftr firemen hid gone JeremiahCrowley said that hi iu druwer had

n OMO webbstolen


John llrrrit Ullli Anullirr Hnniin-i tIer llii litii l fur ItilrDHie tear

IVtHiMiiiw Vn Umrli 71 Hitmouths MKO iti i IHIIIM IIUMI ltalfijb K i

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Both Sides Make and anIt nrtrhed at a Private

rats Held titer a Public Hearing onthe Kelsey Bubstllute MraiareAgreeable hands to Hemlttctl lo the Legislature on

The Pennsylvania Railroad will beto build Its tunnel railroad from

Jersey City to tho proposed terminal atSeventh avenue and Thirtyfourth streetand thenonto Long Island City Negotia-tions were concluded last wherebythe Rapid Transit and thoRapid Transit Subway Construction Com-

pany agreed to modifications of the Kelfcoyhill which will enable tho Pennsylvaniacompany to construct Its road while attho futmo time tho prerogative claimed bythe Rapid Transit Comm Klon of super-vising and pawing upon alt schemes ofrapid transit In this city will bo preserved

All this won decided upon after a hearingheld yesterday by Mayor Low In the CityHall upon the Kelsey bill which gives totho Board of Aldermen the power to grantu perpetual franchise to companies fortunnel railroads extending outside of time

city without action by tho Rapid TransitCommission

Tho arguments for end against the billwere confined to two distinct contentionsOn behalf of the Pennsylvania Railroadit was maintained that tho only termsupon which tho company would consentto expend tho 150000000 necessary to bringIts pytitcm to New York were that the com-pany should reecho a perpetual franchiseThu Rapid Transit Commission It wasurged had not tho power under the netwhich created It to give this perpetualright nnd therefore time aid of tho legisla-ture had sought and that in the billdrawn Interests of the city hindboon conserved by relegating to tho Boardof Estimate and to the Aldermen the de-

termining of various details in connectionwith the franchise such as fixing the comprnoatlon to 1 paid to the by thecompany

The objections of Rapid TransitCommission and of the Rapid Transit Sub-way Conitntctlon Company batedmainly upon tho contention that the billtook from tho commission tim authorityvostetl hi It by tho Legislature to paw uponall rapid transit projects for the city andgave over that authority to tho Board ofAldermen In direct contravention of time

principles of tho Rapid Transit act-

On the part of neither of tho opposingbodies was there any objection to theof tho Pennsylvania cympanybasis of tho arguments of the opponentsof tho measure was that the proposed billwould provide an opportunity to nullifytho plans of tho commission and endangertime purpose of the commission not onlyIn providing adequate transportationfacilities for the city but in seeing thatuch facUlties should iw ultimately ownedby th munirlpaltly

Edward M on behalf of theobjectors said would lx perfectlycontent If time bill was no amended an tosave to the Rapid Transit Communiona doterinltilng voice In the granting oftransit Tranchlo3

At the close of the hearing Mayorsaul

I think tint much of criticism of thisLas proceeded train mlMppretien

lon It don eem lo me th t a veryimportant anti fundamental QU tlon hsubeen duveloiMHl by the Unpld Trnonlt Comml lon amid Unit I whether or tint over-sight lu time fuel conduct of rnllroad mattersIn tins cltr hold trot b htiidml to thatbod 1 like the lUplJ Transit Cuminluiun lu nulimlt to mo an alternative tothU lilll limit KH time time of time lecUhtlvxP-MOII l hort It thoulil be ulimltl l hy

tomorrow If thM In I will irivewhol qu tn u lux ImmedUtH eonldern

In lt ulternate form cud will try tojilts iti dennon liy iloiula lInt uuliMI from time roiimiimion tomorrowI lull htvo to d l Ultli thu question beforeine st without an ltrrn nte

During time rvpnMJiitatlvmoftime Uitenxit fur and la epi kUton to tlibill oiiifwritvi toKudiiT mid m a riUHilt the

gn inmil tijxm sri Miiicnilc form ofalrcudy lefcrrwl lo was rennlixd It u-

itftderktoud thai whU the Mil Itwlf willnet bo niuinrially 1U4 Trauclt

Will Int Ml MHllKKlwl IM to HNW U

i 4u l frakuliiMHi fur itiliuaiU tiwIrliiKa HUtS u v n i ini wM4 M wHy

fltlHIl l ilUMM r UI ll lu IM-

Ml I IMH UfMM itf III MuM 4 Ui AW-

UMI ur Hi Ikntfil ui lr tkw-

vMuu wHI U w Mw-

lflllllrtlr nilUuWl HHImtf mltfM-

M rt will I r orti i i sstn t i lit

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Trace Ownership or Kharr and DeedsThat Were Sent litre tml Not Delivered

Sptcttt CaN Dtipatch la TuB 3W-

TXHOXIH March 22 According to theGeneva correspondent of tim 7 aUy Mailtho latest rolo assumed by Emperor Wil-

liam U that of a detective Tho corre-spondent sarn that hU Majesty receivedIn November on anonymous letter fromNew York enclosing shares and tltlo deeds-to thi value of 10000 marks and ollnghim to try to find tho owner thereof

Tho Emperor was amused and zoalouily-Interwted himself In carrying out thowishes of the writer Irolonged Inquiriesthrough time Foreign Offlco reMilted Intracing tho vouchers to a German Kinktho manager of which Identified them ahaving l een ent to New York where theywere never received by tho person to whomthey were addressed It was supposedthat they had been stolen en routr

Time bank however lost nothing thoshipment having been insured In a Swisscompany which Germany has now reinburned


Strike Spreading ami the Situation Makestho Covernmrnt AnIouf-

iptetal CaNr IHipateU to Till SunHolt March of the labor

troublea which at prevent U causing themot anxiety in the growing strike of agricultural laborers in the north of ItalyMany peasant who liavo broken their

with farmers are being evictedwith tho result that an exasperated feelinghas arisen

Somo farmer are Importing laborersfrom other districts under police protectionHomo aro letting their oattl grazegrowing wheat their Intention being tosell the cattle na soon an tho crop Is con-sumed Many havo already sold theirstock

Timers IB danger of the trouble paralyzingagriculture for the year aa spring U rap-Idly advancing


Pastes a nenllcw Merit III FriendsAro Alurmed-

Srtfial CaUt Dripatth li Tar SisCArp TOWN March 2J1 A SI Mr

Rhode Is having n resiles night Ho indecidedly weaker ills friends are Againmost anxious


Nominated to hum Senate for the nrevet-nf llriitrnant ColnnrlV-

AHiirNfiTON March 21 Among thocandidate for commissions on ac-

count of sorvlon in tho Hpntilnh nnr whosonominations wero w nt to the Sonnto yes-terday IH Major Putnam Uradlco Strongformerly AjwiMint Adjmnl General Inl-ie l States Volunteer Tho brevet ofLieutenant Colonel U twommendcxl fnrdlstlngulshixl galliutry In nntlirt at Outgulnto HriclRe Inzm Philippine IlaniliMardi 27 1TOJ tn rnk from that diito

Major was thj corespondent Inthin divorce obtained today by LordFrancis Hop of England from hi wifewho was formerly Slay Y lie time nctrMajor Strong n isnnri ins e mml on attime time of his leaving an Francisco forJapan with Ijidy Hopt last fall


Ml Wr l Patient tn fet SI SOOO forthe Mlittlie or a urie

At a fourth trial of the action of VHelen 1 Ward Meterinlaw of Henry LHowUnd time lawyer to recover damagefor jiertonal Injurlr from M Vincents-Horiiml a verdict for 116000 was renderedIwfore Justice iu Supwinu Courtyesterday MU Ward had to the

for an operation and whim recov-ering fntm eOeetH of other Mdmlij

to her a minis l a hotwaterbug MI that tMttlent WHH rman iitly

Tho MM VUK for soouo damnee At tli first trial the coiii was

ke Nind T jury at the thud trial gaveher a verdict 10X I The Judgment

kr t a l lu on apical priwnttrlul unified

Now Allrn lirriiliir If MiliiK Ntraiu ttlifur HIOOUO URinicrtl-

lertiiRti I Itoth nnnoitnotHl ye ierdoytint had ItfoujrM silt ilain Kii-

Ml mUse l bUitf I ljU I W J rnb IIIUti iHMtiiMit i iui Uwv r nt-

wt Iu UIM ul lltu

Kr m r ttf t

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Two Residences Ruined and a Whole BloekAbandoned a Lntaf o Dehrl ChokesTunnel and It Will Take SIx Weeks tonear It Nobody Hurt but ftOOee-Uamncn to lie Paid by Somebody

Crash on Section

Since the New Year Park avenue hahad a railroad disaster a disastrous hotelfire and lion been blown up Yesterdayit was shaken down and a veryhenslvo sort of shakedown it was

It took in time entire block from Thirtyseventh to Thirtyeighth streets along theout sldo of tho thoroughfare shook awaytho fronts and the front foundations oftwo hotiMM endangered the stability oftwo others forced the tenants of everyhouse in tho block on that side of the streetto find habitation elsewhere filled the newRipld Transit subway with several tonsof rock and earth and did damage ac-cording to tho lowest estimate of 25000and according to the highest of aboutUOOOO But this time no live wero lostand no one was Injured

A cavein along tho eastern sldn ofsubway Immediately In front of the resi-dence of Hall Park McCullough at No Uwan the cause of time trouble In thatparticular part of Purl avenue nothingIn t ho way of calamitous occurrence harthappened In nearly three week It wasgetting dull Nature relieved time ennui

At 030 oclock last Wednesday morningsomo ploces of rock felt Into the subwayThat Indicated that there was somethingwrong somewhere Time occurrencereported to Major Ira Shalcr the contractor who Is building tho section of thetunnel from Thirtyfourth to Fortysecond-street mid 1m ordered nn Investigation

It was reported to him later In tim daythat the pieces of rock had tumbled into asmall heading which had made In

front of Mr McCulloUKhit home but thatthoro was nothing to show just wherethey had conic from nnd thorn wa nothingto indicate that thnro were nny more loonpieces to follow that had alreadyfallen Tire happenings of yesterdayshowed however that the few pieces ofrock which fell on Wednesday morningwere but tho forerunners of a big caveinat that particular part of the work

At 831 oclock yesterday morning thesidewalk In front of Mr McCulloughsdropped into limo cutting beneath thatIn dropped about twenty feet Workmenwere sent out why and they cnrnn

with the reM rt that there hada cavoln This fut was to MajorShale

Of Course theres boon n cavoln hesaid but what

Lh mann who mode till report didn tknow eiislaoor wee tn findout Ho that aboutfeet below time cidowulk Mid Ire f Pit belowthe roof of the warns had boonfound In the reck forming tl ca t wallnf cutting in front f UwIK uw Mr in tho son of Johna MRVullough who lives at 8S Perkavenue smut n member of the law firm ofStetson leiiiilng V at 15 Ilixiad-

htiert Ho wui l only a fewago and IK bride wt up bouweUeepI-

IIR there when tucy from

It was found that tim ooains In the rockhail wldeniil until the procuretho rock and earth nU vo hadmk below to give way letting the iruwof moll and earth above and backhenmy rock down Into the subway hctithin erie l there nothing to supporttIme eldowalu and It tumbled alHtliOMi fact wcru to Mr Slialer-lio ordered a ol men to olout shorI-

IIK up time Mucuiloiigli lioiw m once Inthn Mr MrtXilli1 had fura member of tin firm of II n ick Acplnwall architects to take sue jtep on mightbt necessary U save liln propertylurthor

limo fouls time caveIn had anl Hn niKiitwl 10 time Hurtnil of DulldlncoHIM report g ueconiimiiled withhtatument thou wino of alongtim lxK H Ilk to go th way of thsidewalk tn front of ih Mot houwSui t l Hr M Ktfwait mi iii Mcioraround lo ew what wan I lie matt r

lii Kiiir Kt I time Kiine a few

to hU chief tlxit lie thought Iho Ifenart-mwit of lliKlmty toUnoi all l l I lltHl r i a utilewtlU Imil l wn Hn addedihui time iiiiWum cm tln likxilc didnti IM III Imt that all thingI i UK w ly il unluwaid lw uixMi i U Ui lUM ikiriHiikir iwtloii of Inr-kfti IH M MI M y

Yui M4N righi wliii ywi urn llw

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