The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-08-16 [p...

THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 16 1900 ll r u 7- I I ritr nr MX nnovaiir TO THIS ir l FunerAl Friday Mnrnln From ruth Aren s HomellnrUI nil He WnndUrvn c Twd lily n eon- iFttildenl Southern P dno Italltoail- Tre rernflns of Collli P Htmtlncton wrr brought o this CItY yesterday from csrnp t P Knot Iodiw In the flue Of th Adirondack died Monday nlcM Mr Hunt tons resideiice 3 Kant Klfly Th funeral will be held from there to pirr i u KI- TH Mr to h T the ftine Ht th as Mr Jlintliwtnn had not twon amilM- clo tv withnny church hero- In the party that accompanied Mr Jlunttnir In Hi Hty Mrs IlunUnC- m Archer M lluntington Mr Ilimtlnitton- dorid con Htul A M Huntington r 0 t Mr Huntln lon brotherinlaw KrMsrr Or IIHam D Coley Miss a M rumpbell has been for man yeitnsr- w rm ffind of Mrs Iluntlnrton Mr and Mrs Id Hllhrms end Oeorgs E Mllw Mr- iliiniltieton private secretary Mrs Hllt HuntlnctonB sister I of Mr Himtlnetonn death were told by Mr Miles at Central station Xr Mll said Mr Huntlngton was to all pp f health up to within few minute of death He had re very quiet on the few days preced- ing Monday Monday evening with rml others of the party at the camp he Played whl t until about 1030 oclock and About It oclock h netted withft fit of fotishlnc similar In nil appearances lo attack from which he bad suffered at Inter rsl Mrs Iluntlngton at once procured some with which the sought to stop the coughln but Mr Utmtlnctonn condition did net improve tho twitching In his throat trou- bled him more At last h saidin answer to hli wifes questions I run very very III An attendant was called at ono and the re st of lh pnfty In the went to Mr Hunting tons When Mr Miles entered the room Mr n was almost unconscious and he failed to r ognlte any of those In the room cok was sent on Mr steamer the Oneonta I to the camp of former Oov Lounsbury Connecticut which waa only a abort distance away to get Dr Robert B Tal- bot who was staying there Mr Huntington had meanwhile become unconscious and about twenty minutes after h Illness began he away Dr Talbot arrived several minutes after death bad occurred lie said that death had probably been caused by heart disease Mr Miles anode efforts at to communicate with Archer M Huntington ho was at his summer home on but the rains had Impaired the connection and It More word of Mr Huntlnatons death could be there Vllllatn West Durant who wo- tt Mountain UK was aUu summoned to the lodge niadj arrancemenU with under the remains boat yesterday morning anu was taken ncro Lake to Durant where It was on a train composed of two of Mr Huntingtons special oars train reached 8 and was rust there a tat engine of the New ork Central Rail- road The train reached the Orand Central Station at 4JS oclock A lund of pollCJ under H rst were drawn- up on the platform as tho train the the policemen had little or nothing to do Station made oil arrangements carefully and MI- OOH as the train gut In the of tho p rly carriage and went to the Hun residence The train was Kent around to a at the side of the annex bed cnnkel ooitalnlnc wa taken through th window of the private cnr n d taken on lo the hou e in which the casket was brought here taken to Ihehotis in another camairf On the case In a heavy bras lnt the Collie P huntington JamiisT Garvey Funeral Ulre- cr ttica X V anti several iMistants were on thw train wilt liuvn charge of the until Interment which will tw In tne mausoleuoi at lawn At the hou e there was another squad of police from the Ffty- ltr t Mreet but few were when the huntington party arrived The crowd had Increased very time the rwched the house ind there was no curiosity manl tested by those on the street Ntvero tltw n clothes were stationed HuntliiBton residence list nltiht The names of thin for the funernl tomorrow wire announced lust night ns fol- lows D O Mills Edward King of the Trust Krederlik I Olcolt of Central Trutt Company Edwin Iawli y Kstlroad Company Charles II Tweed Second or the Southern Iaclilo corn Martin Krdmann of Syeycr A Co It I VlceIr ldent of Inn Pacific Mall 8itirn hl Company und Adolphe Low a friend nf for many years Mr Mite said that the minister fidatH nt the funeral services had not an yet ten choen hut that ho would he either a rrubvtcrinii or n CongregatlnnalHt Mr Mllen ald that after the ervlrH this body would be- taken on a private car to Mr Miles response 10 uuwtrions said that ke could not hpenk on the the will Mr HuutlnKtnn uoX ed to have left He Mid that the members of the had found en their arrival home several hundred telesrnms of condoletiw from all parts of the There were very lew callers at the last night One man who tvtllfd was the Ihv of CnrlMe Io who eald that h VUH an old friend of Mr huntington Charles II Tweed general counsel and Hee end VlcePrcfldent of the Southern 1aclflo Company who known M the confldentlal r Mr Huntlncton said yesterday when asked about the existence of a cannot talk but that matter until after the funeral hut you would be In that there Is a will Mr wed declined to dlscus the question aa who might b f me the of ns President of the Southern rtrino H E huntington his nephew Is the First of the company Mr Tweed now the of Any question as to A permanent succes a for future arrangement that Mr become Pro dcnt of the road It belnc under hen Thomus U Hubbard ntatlvenf Interest and fP V Co r have the naming of huntington successor Mr n of Senator William M Evarts and ha been frr many years In the service of the H E Huntlngton who was In Texas and Urt d onre for this city on notified of- r today yesterday that the Princess von lutzfeldt adopted daughter n o Salted from Europe for country but Mr said last evening that she not sailed 0 n Thnma H Is now In news of Mr Hnntlngtons death was to him by Mr Tweed n r nFvrvorovs FAT RUN T s kfw of the Tate JUgoate n rrjtB- Narlk Rapid flpeed HOW DIED J1i J nit In II Mountain ton heN on Th tIy tate AI Mid thaI fIT hid And ho hous I In of hi coy house rom of paled lute tnt John Unrt or to take The body on tack tai and Ion body 1 boy Woo hale dele I nol Southern 31lno pOT of hOlt le thr A tale ser Ir Idnt I h- erd maier that h u rn at t are w at IllllUNT1NGTON CITY qruhII It the his surnmr Is nth notrow iiiorflll hi ooiock will the detIPd tone toth were i Mrs Iao S h4 Mrs Son dethl the Urand that the bret a S was whiskey The once V was Ito tsker I Utica charge of wa Mr Huntingtons had oI cedar tae was S tIts East East em Iraflia the a wits ihI I lie is tood the expected acre a Europe- an the cabled > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > ° ATIAWA 0 Aug H K huntington VlovPrwldent of the Southern PacIfic Railway Compuny i through Atlanta this morning n w y to w York to attend the funeral rir i Collie p Huntington He ar ego JI Hlntlnglfin was on his to Han Fran nils n p vlal train was nude lip Isvllln fluid tsrr i w Orlfaim to Atlanta was nxxitipllslie In a little whlrtl Amounts to 4ftMO unites test run lo Atlanta overtflkn the Bntitherno ve- i virie r 7 l trnln at I145 five n l of a Or r n ntln t o N v Atlrf Willis Van Ihw by rnrrlag of Collli 1 nlntllctym rfi J ii VrtTk Mr died Mr M it v and iinmsr- r HuntIngton vrai married hh In a train the AIInt anj Ho lrupll I rllh1 NM TI when or rUm to turn Orn over At nr him roal h II r hOI from mu a In nrtr to Atlanta at nol II I tbull due to I At home In rw lror an ole WA 11 hn itt I Ir or T It ho a paced his of uncle ttn over Vst IohntRallway iar Antonio tntdal of th his unch lie limits back The trip rout Xcw was his own road N tnt oter front a die hour ruin Montgomery its A uuhuumn i dltati au toads n tninumtej which Is ieii than mile The was flis4 rhi was dons 1flutma the is heave spy tUkpn thIs city a huntington a was abi veers the fl and the lue H rjtkon who lived this ttt7 for years Mr Van rtxthn WaS Miss tod > > > ° UNION iAnort roiTvo A Effort to Keep Mrs Cashing From EarnlBB Living as a harbor SpniMoniilt Mites IS Because National Journeymen rs Association does not make provision In Its constitution for women members the local Journeymet barbers union and the walking delegates of the other labor are twrsecutliiff Mrs M A Cashing the only woman conductlni a bsrber shop In tItle city The constitution of the National Harbers Asoclatlnn specifies that only who can comply with the r- nulrements ran bocomo members if the liranche- fif that body but coma of the broader minded lenders of organisations lieu say that this discrimination l unjust Mrs Cashing canto to Kprlnafleld about K year ago and opt m d a harbor shop hut agitation made It for her to drop tMny M at tier hninn on Main ureet and was well when the unlnn people Itecnn- In act after her nt thus Instigation members of Inrnl barbers who tie grudged her what trmlff shin hurl Many of Cn hlnKs ciiMniii r who were members of various unions tnl tier that they hind earned flint would b lined J If con tlnu to Patronize A nonunion stint Mrs n tIme of the Pnrl rs 1nlon and nUo ofllrliils of the Central labor Union but they told tier that could do nothing for her request for memr Ti iil loonl union not be entcrtH i n moment shn compiles with nil the requirement f the b r here nt In the l s other evenings Saturdays Hhe has two rhilrs one of which r ter tt years old does coins hudnea on Vedne days Hh ohara 9i the rncular of mind conforms In every other way union reiulrements is agreed by tabor Inlon men In this that to dlrirlmluatn thU It Is tint a woman unjust Inasmuch ns object of union ts to th laborer ami Mrs Ca hln Is one of thorn Tho argument Is mud by walking delegates that union men no to a thnt union It Is pointed out that are not consistent In this attention to the large totvs that employ union help A year ago the Central tnlon refused to Krnnt the of the Journey- men Union for Mrs plnoe and It l when the matter coons up for discussion again thnt tho barbers will get some wholesome advice as to the rights of a woman to earn her living without Inter- ference KUPWrKR AT A UNION JfBJTrVO ShirtWaist Girls SttU One and Threaten Another A meeting of the Shirt Waist Maker Union which t composed principally of girl WM held last night at the University Settlement- at and Eldrldge streets Thirty girls who struck against H reduction of wages In Frank Schloss factory iw Greene street cnme to the a body along with 200 of thin girls employed In the J M Cohen Ht 189 Oreone street Mr Frank the meeting and settled tho strike alter committee was appointed to see the Ann of J A M Cohen who 1000 hands find ask thnt alleged grievances tx reme A strike Is to be the alternative It decided to see a lawyer with u view to prosecuting the firm for the arrest of two members of union on Tuesday evening for distributing circulars about the meeting to the workers as were leaving The two members of the union wero discharged by Magistrate Hocaii In Jefferson Market court yesterday morning itAoamr OAKUM or THE JIBOYX They Make Cake but the linker of Hretd Wont Iook tp to Them The Bakers UnIon of The Bronx Is kicking against an alleged class feeling among bakers which tt wants to have suppressed It says that tho cako bakers since they formed n union of their own han hola aloof front the bread bakers and that they set as If wero of a calling and worms entitled to consideration than the bakers The latter decide to carry their complaint to the Journeyman and which both unions are affiliated and ask that the cake takers b 4o tji bread bakers organization which Is known simply as the Union They will ns bread is the staff of life there Is more dignity In mak- ing bread than In making cake Parson Stay Head the John N Parsons 3enerl Master Workman of the Knights of tabor who Is nlso General President of the National Asooclntlon of Letter Carriers It was announced yesterdayha de- cided t decline a nomination for the latter omen The he gives for thIs that he wants to devote all of time to the order of the Knights of Labor It was terday however thnt thin National Association has been made Samuel rs President of thin latter If the lstter Corners Association Joins the A F of I the head of the Knights of Utbor cuuM not bo 1M President More Datttrs Strike ORANOB N J Aug li The hatmakers In Drcnnan A factory went on strike today because would not agree to a new schedule of wages An Increase In wages was asked for and refused The local officers of the Hatters Inlon have now the matter of the executive officers of the national association They will the case up tomorrow Thin hustlers In the also quit because of n misunderstanding It expected that the national officers settle matter labor Trouble at nilllam O Wbltnej Home At yesterdays meeting of the Building Trades section of the Central Federated Union Delegate Kelly of the Klectral Union reported that the electrical C Whitneys new residence at Weitbury I I receiver 12AO a day Instead of the union wages nt n They wore employed thin Metropolitan Construction Company which was l o nonunion wares lo Whitneys New York residence- the delegate said The Secretary of the section was Instructed to write to asking him to see that the contractors paid union wages nniFTKD FROM OATH odles or Itr Meyer and nil Daughter Fo n J- la Dattermllk Channel Emil Meyer of 4M East Elghtyfirth street WOJAN a AlI lao of for n 0 the the r to a AI h I not th CIt url a of head ot the of and B of A die I Hakp ot rte Carlen I 1 If for the lAbor proposal to b Cal lak wil Worker e ctrlcal Ir HILL the nudes 1t the necessary mutt luisinss tints shin doing tim been the Shi morning cieing Monday evenings tty against does have it firm Frank Schloss see- ing conanmittee some bread ii reason Is ott affiliation with tnwriean of A that effect > > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ° Manhattan called at the morgue in Brooklyn jrertcrday afternoon and Identified the two bodies that were found within an hour of each other In Buttermilk Channel by the crew of the tugboat Protector earlier 111 the day He said they were lit fattier Herman so old sister Agatha 22 old were drowned In lieu Cain during the squall- on afternoon Mr accom- panied by his son and daughter took a on In n new 14foot bout As they were sailing through Hell late the thin and the occupants were thrown Into the Mr hU daughter went down clasped In each others son was up by the crew of a tugboat Tar bal his er Sri ¬ SISTER noniKS rovxn Freda and tiara Ilenjamln Sank Together While In natblng The bodies of the Benjamin sisters Freda and Clara of 6 0 Union nvenue who were drowned last Saturday white bathing at the loot of East Uflth street have both been re- covered body was mind on Tuesday off her sitters was last night near bridge two IIMier InPut were Fr da this elder sl jr was trying to save had let go of roiw and was being carried out by the tide Floral Halllesblp for Mr llonilnitno Fnnr l- NnwronTNKW VaAug IS Newport sews hunting tons funeral a large floral tribute In the de of n battleship The citizens generally contributed to The men have to close their place of business on the of the funeral was decided to petition the IeciilMiire at the ap- proaching lo change the name of onus the leading streets to huntington avenue Property Owners Mist Stand the CIt After a year of public hrarlmjs tIme Board of Publlo Improvements decld d yesterday that the about w 00 of opening and Edgecombe avenue would nave to be by thuS of abutting property are about or hundred on the new avenue h lost The of to P pat redas with send outs session borne There ¬ ¬ > ANTIS IN FAVOR OFBRYA THIRD TICKET JtBfT REDUCED Tl- NINK IN They Are flllll llopefal of OettlBg tp J i Ticket To Play Waiting flame AntlImperlsllst His D lrf es All for Indorttng nrysii- NniANArous Aug is The contingent o- antiImperialists headed by T M Osborne o New York who met here yesterday and held the first session of their national convention have practically given up the ghost and an now ready to confess that the Anils of the country as represented In the anti ImperlnllMlo Iflgiie nre flrynns The to the Liberty Congress did heroin work among the third men from the moment of their arrival Iate last night under the persuasive eloquence of flout well Smith Mle and others the advocate of n third ticket began to desert their tand- nrd nnd this morning It was found that the majority of them had moved bodily into the league CAmp and were opposed to nomt natlng a ticket Mr called a confer- ence and only nine members of the new nn- tlonnl party respondid Wheti the suggestion wits made to go on with the convention the ides was so ludicrous that even Mr 0bomo was forced to smile It was then confessed that the meeting had proved a failure and the nine entered upon ft of the expediency of calling another convention to meet In Boston or New York whern the Invlronment would be more con genial The opening session of the Liberty Congress belief that the In dor B nan and Stevenson That the of 1 centered the l rno- crntlo national candidate was shown th name evoked In thus Thin sentiment Ihnt McKluley must Iw defeated received with and when the samo speaker the possible of there were of front nil parts of the linll ending In gr nt applause All the thus are out- spoken In their advocacy of a rcoolultJon Indors of tho Committee- on Resolutions ee ms to a pledgo on thus part of the league to support ami Stovenxon Thin Initial meeting of the Liberty Con- gress was with some 240 dole gates present The meeting wits collect to oroer George O of and the Hev Dr prnyol Kawln- Burrltt Smith was nomlnatod for temporal chairman and made a brief In he outlined the various that have been a sordid commercialism to fasten Imperialism upon the country as n permanent Committees on Resolutions and Cue dentials were then appointed and the meeting adjourned and a was this afternoon to hear The personnel- of delegations especially delegation has It made for the o of helping nlong tho Indoresment as Silver nnd Democrats are represented In It of the men In the convention were for Bryan four agog and that they had no be called nonpartisan party men at one time con ti thl afternoon n was made In their plans and they to see the thing that- a number of telegrams were sent out n a result of the late meeting and they were waiting for answers When had sounded Thomas B Senator nnd others as to whether they would accept an antllm nomination they to answer There Is little doubt secret conference determined to learn whether a nomination would bo and It favorable ama received the nine may yet nominate a ticket A meeting of entirely to spoechmaklng ve hold tonight at President presided his place on wosrlllPd h Stir of Chicago who presented A letter was read from Bourke Cockran de- fining his situation lie bell that a crisis threatens the country and that Bryan should receive nil who tho foreign policy of the administration WHARTON DARKER ISEIlOIBtJSI Assertion That be Acceptance or a Title of Nobility From the Czar lIsts Him From Offlc- LISCOLX Neb Aug 15 A new phase of the Nebraska political situation In the raising of a question ns to the eligibility of Wharton Barker candidate of the Midroad Populists for the Presidency It alleged that Barker while acting In an official capacity for the Untied States Government n title of nobility from the Czar of Russia Till It in makes Darker Ineligible tOm any oftlct Judge Wilbur F Bryant court reporter lor th Nebra ka a Matement on this question He con- cludes by saying Bitrker even If elected Darker received such a tltlo from the Czur of Russia as n reward for sorriest ren- dered that Government The tltlo wits The OrderofSt Wencelas- An alien when naturalized Is required to EIIBS UnitedStates Statutes IS78No a tltli for or one else The ton ctltutlon forbids tIme granting of title of nobility by the United SUtes and forbids any person any office of trust or the States to accept title Constitu- tion Article 1 section section 0 Barker was the agent of the United States Govern- ment at time he accepted tills title The United States also right of expa- triation Statutes of 187R section 10 act was clearly on act of patrlutioa- IffEJlAJf SHOCKED JV DROOKLrV He Fell From the role to tho Groand Several Women Fainted John McGraw 37 years old n lineman living t Smith and Paclllo streets Brooklyn was hocked by a live wire nnd thrown front a fifty telegraph pole at hay Seventeenth street avenue Bath Beach yesterday cable box and was about to nit a telegraph when a shiest of flame up electrlo light wire rendering him uncon- clous branches fa tree beneath nnd landed on his back on women who worn nassltur bodr foil before them fainted McGraw ai attended by nr John Ie Mund and to the Jto Ills skull and back fractured and his arm was badly burned It thought that he will die Nor a tonal S- OAr AmerIca to CUlt today lon II h t Smith ran b I J but at a determine 0 asked Con xjoverflor IIJ owIng to the failure 01 Hchul7 th entllm IQw I Rt ourl nut take the OnllP 01 nobility received from any tortlln lrlnco or I tunertcan rtnOlme such title lie nt section Minister or agent can receive him an an an II re foot and afternoon lie had to a wire an ground when were I a league enthuistjtsm that his meeting mit eel was prolonged taken policy chided to leave con- sultation Carl jenuisn the asserted could A tnts citizen- ship any inaviold etiu the When climbed the polo huts re- moved < < > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < POLICE COM3II8SIOSERS RfFIY Thy Tell netftllTO Sergeants That They Are Only Patrolmen Rome time ago seventeen detective sergeants attached to the Detective Bureau In Brooklyn secured wrltsof alternative mandamus to com- pel the Police Commissioners to return then to detective duty with as detective ser- geants Thin Poltoe Commissioners tiled their return In till oftloo of the Clerk day They maintain that thin petitioners were never detective sergeants hut were patrol- men aligned to do detective were transferred to precinct duty by chief last February papers will l o handed to Lambert Brooklyn today e Store Whites Indicted for the Now Orleans nioti- NKW OMKASS Ln Aug 15 Th Grand Jury has returned Indictments five morn white men who took part In the antinegro riots ln t the Indicted tile K F Carl a onelegged man charged with having n of burned the Thorny Iron school Another man Indicted Is S F McCowan Mayor of the town of Kennep twelve miles New Orleans and this organher of the mob which on JuW 2S killed number of ncgroex Susan Gordon flower Supreme Vyirt lu tlce Lnnitx In Brook- lyn yesterday dented a motion mild on behalf- of Susan Gordon for the appointment of a ref- eree to upon her clnlm for dower in a suit against the tniMees of this estate of item hus- band Wllliim iordnn The estate Is valued at t2vioiy nnd she recently offered to settle claim for V t cash for one of this trustees contended that th Ju tloe had no right to send the mntter ton referee as It was a matter for n Jury trial Court Calendar ThU Appellate DltlMon Supreme CourtRereos nun Term P tt I Motion r lend r railed luSu A M Part matIns Hurmittts CourtOh mber For teWlll of Marcus Uuln Karfsrel Ua k r Vlttarta Uo leiterto lltrkadoar itelkontau Iteberc Llehhal 1030 A XI Jobnll itierleaftertt 11 A OirCourtSpecUlTsrmCounopeni at 11 Iflr rill h against I tll dl nay at nE pane the Ftc lOA ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > REAr ESTATE NZW No 3 and JS East Eighteenth street two flvtvstory double tenements on n plot 60x97 have been bought by Irving Kfmpner from Daniel lImos Samuel Adams senior member of Adams Co which wus recently reorganized as the clams Do Goods Companyby n deed recorded yesterday In the IleglMerfl Office conveys to John Flanlgnn his partner in the old firm a onnhnl In parcels of real estate fronting 150 feet on Twentysecond street and on street weit of Sixth avenue The crowrty forma of site of Adams A Co n store the being leasehold entute For the combined site 200x200 store has be m projected tIme estimated coat of which I S7iOiKii roar hall of the build- ing Is under erection and will be finished before Sixth avenue front Is undertaken The present of thus freehold of Is apparently only a formal division of Interest and may or may not signify that tho real estate of A Is to transferred to Its successor the Adams Auction Sites BT PHILIP A IUTTTI Fortyseventh street No 827 north aide 400 west Eleventh 21x1006 twostory brick building to Martin I Lender for OM Oslo on Judgment I3u976 subject to mortgage liooo and taxes Aa 114392 nr mr r usTnn A co street No 200 to 314 south 1022 fivestory brick Hats to the for 121771 due on Judgment IUUOM subject to mortgages HOf227 taxes to 172- 2Todays ABctlon Xilei- BT JOHN N OOLDIK- ONlnsteonth street No 245 north side 1M4 feet east of Eighth avenue 22flx7SS threestory brick va hnuser individual and administratrix of Simon llelder nt al Adam Welher William J referee duo on judgment 33S1 subject to taxes Ac 113702 nv n riioxxjx iNnninAU Lexington avenue Me northwest corner of Fiftyfourth street brick II Jarktn refers dun on Judgment 128140 subject to taxes Ac IM4I2- BV IHIUP A Forest formerly Concord avenue No 738 west side 137S lent south of I6 th street ISdx 879 threestory dwelling Empire vs John et on Judgment 1363464 subject to taxes M New Brighton Staten Island First avenue 8x4091 with cluhhotiso stands Ao Mutual Life Insurance Company v Cricket and Dftvle H A A at- torneys H C Henderson referee on premises at noon T rmn r SIFTER co had street ion north side U feet east of Park avenue MX 100 u flvestorr brick flat Wnndell executor of NHthimlel W Hooker vs leorge F ul Thomiis V Butts T M Van Hoeson referee due on judgment t2743J68 subject to taxes Ao M2M and Third avenue 774 west side MJ feet north of Forty lxth street fonr brick tenement Marvin II Buttlee vs William nun referee due on judgment Real Estate Transfer DOWJCTOWN South ol FourremM If Pulton st 10H10S 8074x49 4x l I also Dutch si es a Fulton st 21 lox x 21 fi74 2 Paul J Sorg to S Jennie Sort et al rift Water t s s Iii 9 s Jackson st runs s w x n to Water st x e Jacob Krsmet to Josephine K CunnIngham Ilth st 445 K w tuna tx Irrer Henrietta llrandt extrx to Joseph Oall i IS J mire jsooo aioo donna st M e JSxloo Sarah ICanier lo Har- ris Ksnrer rs 7 mice M 000 1 KAST Fast tt fllh at Micffn Fmirtttnlh and linn 107th M ns nsncJdnr to old ron tre line of lUiltm Cieek x n e 21x A 64 to 107th At x w IS M Varlry Plnttek referee to J Newton 0 107th st 321 n s 140 e Zd at 2 i73 almla torte lot begins S10 e ar x 7S n 107th st runs n i n e Six s ex w 29 J Newton Owitlo to Edward Hegenhard r a Sit 60 ralgelJIoo Beckman w s exi n 60th st 24x76 I rv to Allied Cirnnt r a il mIre 10000 I 4tb si AO K IP BxlO 2 Josephine hahn I8X10 I 22d st ss w tth sr lOx Irrer also 2td st 110 V 10 SiOS 8 Sd ft ss 126 v eth ar- in jt9A P run n thaT 41 si- st ns ItO w av vBf port Sam John Plinlcan tstJO 1 Ifert of Fifth ar l e iwn lintrtitnth ant ItOrt its 49th st n s 124 e nth ar runs n lot llx e interest certain tAIII n t part the II VI Oood Com pan lll lICOnll sloe im feet west or m teIllAm o flat Jlelll John r Buckley It- al II nil orne 8 ITT City Dayton attorne H I referee AC lIoulh to DnllIaonupII Staten o Townsend lohn lon et o IIITbow et III A T soonI I all 0 Si a sum rUM n 10 400 d 1 Jacob to Wlllillm Winter arid II 50 mIre u w I 51 n 171 26103 II 1 SlUR nvenuetpax La y William Sto kwrhl side it6iOx4il5x 4 I ehb let ifs r a 34 Pu 21st I a Cub a Iii tin Adams to wsr < < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > 20 4x s t 2x A too la si x w 2i Oeotfe- Dsl er to J McClelland Weal Radar MS es lOaM F 1 rlcIICou- dm to Kmlle J Viontlvcny rs l Nellie lynfhtlsre mln nAtitru- Manhattan Island norfn tf llth si s a 220 w 3d ar 25x block Holt mt e 14500- lietb st s s 2514 w hat ar 1AaxtOO10 Henry n Plumb to J J Faye r s 11IM t A s Sft e Unax ar Jes- sie to William J Yates r s 11 mif IO77ft- 117th si a 37i e Plessant ar 5ni10011 John Zlezele r A 16 mIre S20000- IinthM na W lsgiionlii wllllamI Yates- to Jessie Hussey r s II mice tilBOO Augusta Nelson anti lo- XVIIIlsm J Vales ml e l soo- 6lh nr n w cor si 4nl1itoo Am tr dim r a e 14 lh l 4011x100 Daniel Auduhon ar s w con IKOth si 2411x100- llettha Sleek to SebAStlsn Stock ra 11 mite iioon ar SSI n w roe USth st Pleasant ar S2R52s7ifAn Mntidrft II ritz patrick to Morris r SI s s M e ar Rdtr comb Sjfl2 Wll- llAm II Swill lo Thomas Berkeley r s 15 mtre 10000 Croton ar e s new line 91 n 179th si 100 I utM K Kuott and sno to IJIIIs r s 12to rot e J77V Lot 133 block amended snap Napes estate A Halting to Cora M r s SAc 11500 Washington ar n w car 174th st 100x90- Ssrah la Samuel H Crawfoid all lens r s 60- efittti w s 4M10n Westehestet r 0x- 71x50x7110 Joseph Poldow to Mary Pol do r a 14 ridge Klstst n s lOrtI e a ar 50x1177x60x120 Thomas Unane to Kosarta IltiuUello r a ri w cot 2S7th si 60xi66 Iowden and ann tiers to llobert Clarke Taylor r e s 626 n Columbine st 78xP8x- 75x100 also sit title to I70ll s Freeman si ftOxltO Cromwell ar s e ror lllRhtiridge Hi 100x75 John W Blackman lo Sarah K Dlarkman r a 19 Recorded Leases st 4S4 Thomas H Herbert to James Sudolk st to Chailes Mt and Feb lo MutT 11900 and v Broadway 7 S7 5 a w cot 10th st Slmonson lo Abraham Schwab 6 yrs e600- Droome st 14 nw car hilt l John Katz to Wolf Wallaeh 6 yrs J00 Amsterdam ar n e car lOMh si H nry F Miller to IN Dsllln 2 yrs mot 9001020 25lb st 171 rot 7th ar Until A Steers end alto to Timothy F Mearher S yr 2 8- eih si K Patrick D Egan to lien Won thelmer Co 4 yrs 1760 Assignments of Mortftges American Mortises Co to Robert H Cleman to is biirc i wMsUldAarabfelder It to F and wllllAmlll 4c Guarantee and Trust Co to Anna 0 WeIss guardian 4e Discharges of Mortcstti Adams Albert and wife to Kate Nathan Bennett Robert and wife to Julius Hsdt Simon to Michael Onldberger Camp Fred to Stephen 0 Thomas dottier Isaac H to Ed F Levy Jacob to Kassel Simon Ucrllch Charles anti wife to Joseph Otundlet and Henry Sarah and John 0- lo lermanla Life Insur- ance Company GenttJInger and nlfe to Sir Cohn Hlldebrandl Aug and wits lo William Peter Brewing Company A to Amer- ican Mortgage Company Klein L Duttenwelset Annie to Paul W horror Iteuth Joseph and others- to Jr Salience Id to John L Lee Sennu Francis J to Jsred W Hell 1rancls J to Jatcd W rtell Thornton Charles H to Umpire City Sarlngs Hank Turner Harry and others to John O Ort Frank Fanny to Katharine Jackson Josephine to Mary K Von Hlnlren Henry to Her- man Von rianken Snphle C to George WUdung tt Pan 40 120 0000 B 25600 1 1000 11 ItOOO 7 1 9 J at 0 W 17101 II > nna in J r SI8 000 1 1 fit II I fated lappus to Willian J T A II 12 1 oOII 1 to Maml 1 1 Mere rort ano 1 lust u And ADlltoTJ MeManua 1 1 Inn a U J lIaollx- Dolouvll Th front 100 neh Itt r I Zue Pfmln I 400 I 100 1500 S Grand ulweii 3 ra 1730 145 Iou III 1900 mAn 4 n e II I John Hugo 26400 Clllherln V to Marion nard 1I6Q- OlIral Raymond DOm 6035 000 Mart admx e to MArIe font Anti Jr 14600 I 86 ua 129 109 351 78 196 6 146 18 Ii 111000 4 21t 21 57 at I- I1ln Jlrn dlel 16000 2 hOG 373 to aoooo loa 6 6000 8 U UI 1000 7 86 U8 9000 6 SI 18000 I 102 351 2000 T loa 341 Si 121 U Zoeoo 46 21e- CI1Dlllnb m 1000 1 U 7000 7 82 III- or rAm S 1941 > 4011 32 V heats s 4 it ikoiiy 410 5 fly III of 5ao Martha a John a are a rican S truStee 8001- Casarli Lone N ltei TAr ear Title Wetsi 6 41 57 600 AT 5000 5 5730 2 81 2 1 24 414 4 260 < ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > > REAL ESTATE BOARD OF BROKERS- OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK NO 111 BROADWAYW- ANTS AND OFFERS 00500 05Ooste3 0rb5O4 °° PORTER CO 1S9 West IKth amsll downtown business free and cleat or With small mortgage exchange tree clear flvestorv Slat fully rented In mm and perfect rendition and good location would add FOLSOM nnOS S5 building stout AOxlOO below 124th st preferred hulldlriK must be aupbstantlal ard attrac- tive B I KKNNILLY Ic CO 7 Pine StWant dwelt Inr 43th to 4th sts between Oth And Madison in the Ninth ward suitable for Improvement cash buyer WM ft LESTKR 9S9 lh AT Wants outoftown veto dnelllmr nn Wasbln ton heights 121000- mortfsze 114100 St Want pro frl ares price sul over mo cash Alan properties WANTS A for s fsrto want or free and rlarots tat sxmhange for dearsble prl ¬ > Borough of Jlonhatlnn Sale or Rent WATER FRONTS AS WK MAKR A SPECIALTY iPrnl Ql1Ij Q3tnt waterfront properties we are able to offer soon very attisctlre bat In this class and at time request owners harlng water fronts thy desire to to ui full particulars as we are In a posi- tion to cOca same advantageously Correspondence solicited CHAS H EASTON CO- lin WEST 43ND ST Above 14th StStn Ar to North flyer HOUSES AND FLATS FOR MALE Avn TO Send for our list CHAS GRIFFITH MOSES AND BROTHER Amsterdam Av 181th Street 34TH STREET Private dwelling three story high stoop basement soul full depth cellar QA ale and a good In lYe In Tnims tiT WILLIAM C LESTER 1130 Eighth Ar near 5Oth Nt Van Itulldln- rQ1 J KCA desirable private dwell good block neat SL station must be sold dwelling Meet Pinches wide bathroom extension splendid block lower One Park West and this is one ccespevt houses we have ever offered STABLER SMITH 874 Columbus To get for guislnrw gurpojjej Corner 23d St and 8th Ave KINE BANKING ROOMS suitable business sullaMa for la- utanct rest estate nr other oDlc purposes mmedl ate po ss1on Apply S F JAYNE CO 284 WEST 24D ST AND 54 LIHERTY ST Telephone 432 isth st 642 6TH AVE STORE AND DWELLINC 7snoI- MHFDIATK PtmSEflSIOS APPLY TO 8 F JAYWE CO 1 as W aan T f 433 18TU gp the rET 13500WEST I 0 lo f o oultor Cen- tral lnr also DLZ1 ONE same and boone 5 ¬ > < FOI OM IIROS nv Irnad ayOtfer flvestorr tenement with sturer 25s HUP near d ar below 14lh St tented 1250V price 12400 Also rthav side anor Also Inl In neighborhood of 77th st and 2d ar In an estate Also flve tory tenement with stores on line nf ar mortgage 119000 will POIITKH CO 159 West 125th MLOffer modern apartment house on 034 st near West Ind are l7nxl2fxl4S eight and nine rooms with two baths In each electric ele- vator latest Improvements And conveniences a tent one vacancy mortgage J72HOO nt 4 percent property anuS some mash Wit 84U f th Ar Offers In West Mlh- St between JIb and loth ayes Ihreeatory and basement bmwnstnne dwelling feet wide one of the block price J14SOO motteagr lf500at 4 pet coot Seal CJjWttv Chat T Porter Oeo W Bhprt w U Bernard PORTER CO Real Estate 159 W 125TH STREET Telepbon tl harlem aud p rtm tjj to yet idn- furuinhcd Above 14th St Eat Side 1027 PARK AVE NEAR HBTII ST sSTonr hiGh STOOP nnonNsTONE S DF1 3El eto OO 354 W 31I ST Telephone 442 ISlhS- tALBEMARLE Set S84 WKST 27TH ST S 4 4 rooms alt light Atiore 14b ft Went Bide 44TH STREET 4 CO 1100 BROADWAY 55TH ST 8TH 9TH AVES tstiir and haaement 7 rooms and bath 150 Ashforlh Co Broadway h Uing Qnwt to Xct- Vnrnrnlshvd 463 WEST 22D STREET Entirely Renovated Fifteen Rooms FOURSTORY ENQ BASEMENT- Rent 1200 8 F JAYNE CO lot aienls for the owntt Telephone 411 uuiOt OFFERS rinse d lOT IICJIJI alllOr fl hOIL I lInt DWELLINC IIi Iln rIGIIT ROOMS ANn BATH ELIATOn htAii SERVICE 1I0T WATeR OPE c IIIJ TO ue S F JAYNE lit CO 264 t tSTlZ ST FA5TA parlmnU 111 Ihe dwelling haIti lam dry bot u I between and n enrnerapnmnl t 509 c tine cit a best 1050 JAY APARTMENT S1PPhY 1 EaT 211 432 P7D stud cold water It to heated hOlSOMflflOThiFHs 835 mJroadwa 0th 7 rooms hot water supply ¬ > > > Whrl P to B Welnlrmann- Whyte Mary I to Herman Ptlipattlek James to Wnl let K Iden John II to New York Life insurance Company henry to A StoVes Koch Jacob to Dry Dock Ilsnk SquIres Illchard and wife Hallitck Well Mlchsel and wIfe lo lock Savings Hank Ipp to chattel April di lo It Sanborg chattel flee 20 Ami Oft LI Pott 400 tl 47 41 11 41 2SJ 1171 III 1171 1111 7500 25 2824 l 2215 H 1056 4I 2451 100 No 0 46C Mechanics Liens Amsterdam ar s r car tl th si lOOslOO Perth Arnhoy Terra Cotta Co TS Hugo 2d t 100 Amsterdam av ioov1006 T Smith rs I hoed 280C- 141st t 4 V Mnntvik Sanitary 1m protement Co vi tieorge MnrOregor and ST s e rot IMth si 60 IOO Clarke A- Hoiran va tttmito Macdiemr and John ryfe 40000 ftJ 2 45 E Hoberl MeNelli TS CarolIne and Ktrlng lollner 8122 Forest nr vM lance ioldenberg TS It Slder A Co 41000 14th st 337 W HAtl Hansfleld TS John Glass r 4500 Wetslet nT e s 80 n 174th et 50HOO Michael F o r Frederick nnd William Win 6440 Union nr s w mom Dawsori si 2SxlOO O Pe Mattla rs Charles Smith and P 0 hum llnenme 17949 st n s 200 w Wlllnw ar 50x100 I Imersheln A Co rs Andrew W Mathews 8900 st sr 22il e Ifno ST lWlitoOll Wlllson Adams A Co TS Thomas II Cal der and Philip Alexander 11881 av ws l 2in n 1A4d st 204x Patrtclc Halplri TS Anthony Heaurhlor and MIchael 1800 si 123 K John J rs Rosaline Pinkie and Alexander J Tinkle 7ISOO Ud st 42242S I Harris Crystal TS Louis Sroka 24000 Ab sq 1819 Louis Goldstein ra iavlit Sroka 20000 Jerome nT s e cnr Mount 1184x125x8511 Thomas Morgan rs John M niauvell William K lltooker and Charles II Schraeder 17500 Goetck st n e cot st 40xsO Charles rs Louts Llppman and Julius Berliner el al 08040 St Anns ar w s Ktt n iseth al 100x100 I troan nan TS Christian Pahlem and Happoport A Letman 12000 Plans Flied for New IloIIdln s- nrto x 71- Bonvilt of thi Oront Nelson ST ws 144th st three three story dwellings J H Jones owner J W architect cost 110800- weatchester nr s s 80 e AT K onestory- rtcenhouse John owner J herman architect cost 1000 154th st 8 8K Improvement to factory Amallanicoa owner A archl Sect cost 1800- 178thst is 100 vr Flectwood ar Improve stable Frederick owner OS Clark architect cost 800 Webster ar n s 48 n Southern Boulevard ImproTemeotto shop Fred Allen owner 250 MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE APTLY TO THE BUREAU OF VESTMENT OF THE LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOUK 87 UUEUTT ST Agents 0 o BBaJ Auctioneers VYJVanftll Ceo R Read REAL ESTATE Head Office 60 Cedar st near Nassaa Connor nan to Johu Walll 11 rm 16000 165- L I SAVIIl iI000 0 II 13000 hiS l 26 loon 974 Krombtr lIon a p Rh John C 14960 I 0 ell and wife rnomns f 7814 33000 2000 o 21666- Uaplau skr 185St a the FyI it lOOn meat to Cost < > > Brancti lMadisoaAye23ilSL- Brolcors Appralsoro Above 14th nth nr to East Illrer FINE APARTMENT In the clibtief between Park and Madison ars i cheap olldt thorouzh tnvestlrnllon well CHARLES 140 ilro dway Borough of IJronx Sale or Rent A PURCHASER of lots at unable to complete payment will sell Interest at half cost to avoid foreclosure HCSINESS liorougnor Ilrooklyn Suloor stone fronts lust compmed all houses on block stone flv sold DeralursLtwlween Howard and Saratoga avs OTTO SINGER Builder Borough of Queens Sale or Rent 3 A LOT At Sbotcrlew Path In the Borough of We sell 2 lots at S496V each till Monday 20th- at 14 down SOc lots are located eDIT three Mocks from trolley and on main street for further particulars rail on owner till Saturday Aui 18 till 40 202 haM 24d si V jSral Cjitnlf Out of the City Long island Sale or Rent PORT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS 10 MILES PROM NEW YOHK IONO ISLAND KunciAvr wATKitrnoNT VILI A PLOTS StOaT nEAUTIrtI SITUATION ON TIlE MIRTH allURE APPLY AKCHIIIAII HAnlE- Siio iiKOAunAr TORK to g dow one location reasonable rent J D KETCHAM 68 Wast J2Sthst- nlsfUfil Above 14th St West Side- A JJSTERDAM AV14S2 AND1484neaf 141D ST frIght cozy Hats 8 large sIt light rooms and bath steam heated decorated hardwood trim only small families tent to til special Inducements W SHOTWELL Iii Lenox ar unit every convenience 1400 up ntstclass near n st squsre rooms running water Alec parlot toot for doctor nt dentist J 1 ST ST 42 KAST furnished suite A zd floor also and small rooms very low Wet Phd 1 TLlT4n in Qlf hUK bath for a rrferencra 15 West 20th si rooms large and small en suite ot singly meats home rnrxlne a la carte luncheon served for shoppers from I2tov references breakfast optional refer O7TIIST 48 WKSTCool comfortable and eon rooms fotlrsnslentor permanent guests 4ar ST 5 WEST llOTKI KAIIIVIEW European rooms slctb and en suite II oo day tQO T neTrJm dwy Ur e and rooms fcslh gas not and euld runnIng water private house rcntcraan ot couple d Ut large small private tiled hath first summer rates OlTH ST 20 WBSTfsro nicely at sell Kew York bargain 1332 Broadway If out jWOFAMILY hOUSES and basement 1 Queens will NEW tt for UiUIttpOsCsb- ARI01 STORE 20 West 115th st large win 3 tnt and patThirnts Ia et4Iufgr she r uvn1 htd oom Lspartiurnts to c Sid T EXINQTO At 83his large cool room 1i I T1 ST 330 furnished I s 5 large natee wiling room TIlE 1111115 IflThI ST 65 WrST1anr and medlumstecd I rooms for gentlemen one wont up 220 vrST small comfortably furnished rm dais house and furnished 5s I aquan rooms all termS season aWe board < > < > > f urttlnhfa oomjj S pBtimtntJ la tt- Drooklrn front room SuItable ons or two A HT ST 240A SIngle double rooms Ihn7 comfortable ties Sumner Myrtle cats OOtJfii POin LANW AV 10 PrIvate one small room handsomely furnished gentlemen only o ferry nice locatIon Hamilton East Side pertor table location central ttanvlenu a B 7 sod D KMtaisi slCrntral location rooms private baths parlor dining room Went Side ST 49Iland an V cimvenlences rtaulred convenient car I ST 24 WKSTNlcely furnished and double rooms with table reference 9 1ST ST 1 WKSTNew fortahl teems Rood table table boarders so- commtxlaifd OST 49 WKST Hooms c nlrat six location parlor dining rooms reduced rates three doors Drooklrn- v rooms all Improvements superior board Is hie boarders HKKillTH fur- nished large smell rooms river view rood wholesome five rnlnuts Ilrldce ST 9 Heights Fine minutes mol rooms excellent board ti lo ID weekly ST 101 furnished rooms good closets running water excellent table five minutes UMil- Cil nicely decornted parlor Coot J rooms en suite singly rooms hoard pOST OFFICE XOTJCR Should be read DAILY by all Interested change may occur at any time Foreign mails for the week ending will close PHOMMTIY In alt rasen at General Post Ofllre M folIos 1AHCKIS POST it All one hour than closing time shown below Parcels Po t Malls for Ocr day arid Wednesday MAILS THURSDAY Al 7 A M for EUIIOIK per steam- ship Victoria rla Cher stud hamburg Al 7 A M for IANI ITALY SPAIN PohTIIOAl TUFt KKV per steamship iJi via haute mall fur other parts at Europe must b directed per Mfitnjhln icneat A A M for per steamship Staaten dam null must t e directed per Stnal endAm al s3o A M supplementary 10 A It for KlItOPK per Queens Wllhrlm II Small must be directed per Kaiser Wllhelm at 10 A M for SCOT per Astoria mall mOst bs directed per steamship Astoria PRINTED MATTER ETCThis steamer takes Printed Matter Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only The same of mall matter for other of will riot be sent by this unless directed by her Alter the closing of the Supplementary TransaUsntle Mails named malls are on the piers of the American English and steamers remain open until wlthti Ten Minutes of to hour of sailing of steamer II IINI1Y ST lee tar untuheut semite gentlemen near ibridge S I kept arid eve tamlE ss hve large and IlACB Out Clman neatly tnirnlahed roo I for light es walk rtct 0nr ADISO A and entail rooms en 1 corn a ST AIlIANSll Ii 11 PROP ROVJI furnished 1 superior board references single 5 S to I with board LARK ST 50 and small lOhiMhilA 1 H SNItY ref e re ii c- cH F1h lVf OSTON Si cL dentist ot fflce 3atLce the close earl close at S I N Moo ruv II hihtiliShl INDIA and l town at 0A ITALY Steam- ship Ill opened > ¬ ¬ > > > > MAILS FOR SOtrril AND CENTRAL AMERICA WEST INDIES FTC THURSDAY At 8 A It for HERMLDA yea steamship Pretoria at 12 M for per steamship Eastern Prince mall for other sod La Plata coun tries must be directed IT Eastern Prtne al 1 P U for VCCATA- NCAMlICIIU TABASCO and CHIAPAS per Hearashlp Orizaba via Havana and Progreso- imkll for other of Mexico mind for Cuba must he directed rr steamship at 1 P M M for NASSAU GUAN TANA1IO and SANTIACO steamship at 0 P M for JAMAICA pet steam- ship Admiral Schley from Boston Fill At 1 for INAOlA per steamship Ortien tmatl for Jamaica Ilcllre Puerto Cones and Guatemala must be directed per steam Orieen AI A M for GRENADA and TRINIDAD tter steamship Grenada nl 10 A U for POIiTO RICO per steamship San Juan at 10 A M 10SO A M for FOR TIXK ISLAND JAMAICA 8AAV1IIA- uAiiTiiAirVA and iiiBrTQvvar t Mine imnll for lllrn must laiy 10AO A M for rUHACAO and VKN- E7Uii per Illldur via Curacao imatl for Saranllln and CarthaEena tw directed at 1040 A M for HAITI per steamship Prints Wlllem IImall for Curacao llritlsh art Dutch Outana must be directed steamship Irtn Wlllem at 10 AM D LAND direct per steamship Silvia at 11 A M- ilsils for Newfoundland tall to North Sydney and thence by steamer close at this nl 40 P connecting dose here every Mon- day Wednesday and Mails for by rail to lloston and thence hy steam er close at this oRes dally at srio p Malls fur Cubs by tall to Port Tampa Fla and thence by steamer close at this ofnc except Mon day at 7 A M tthe connecting on Wednesday and Friday Malls for Mexico overland unless addressed for despatch by strainer close at this once rtaUy- al 240 A and 230 P M Malls for Coats Itlra by tall to Mobile and for Ilellie Puerto Cortex arid iluatemaln by tall to New Orleans at 1 P M connecting closes lucre Tuesdays for Coats Rica and Mondays Our liellie Puerto tei and lluatemnlal Registered mall closes at- o p M previous day TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Malls for China and Japan tin Vancouver dost her flatly al MO tp to Auf 114 Inclusive for per steamship Empress of irrstttercd mall mutt be Vancou- ver Malts for Hawaii China sad Philippine Islands via San Franctvn at 640 P M to Inclu- sive for per steamship Gaelic Malls lot Hawaii via San cnv here dally at 030 P M up to 17 InclusIve for defrutch per Australia Malls for Australia except West Australia which go- Ma K ror e and New which go San Francisco and lilt Islands via Vancouver close hut dally nl ft 10 P M In tug II- IncluMre for riesiuitch per steamship supplementary mail at 840 Malls for Hawaii China Japun and Philippine Itlands via San Fran dan rinse at 640 P M to Aur Inclusive for despatch per steamship 24 long Kong Marti for Australia except West Australia New Zealand Hawaii FIJI and Samoan Islands via San nets dally at 641 p M after Aur 119 and up la I Inclusive or on day of arrival of steamship Campania due at N w J for despatch per Martposa mall are forwarded to of dally sod the schedule of closing Is arranged oa tb presumption of their uninterrupted overland mall rinses at n r M VAN Postmaster Post Office Ne Vnrlr N V Aug 10 1900 TTENTIONOLD DR ORINDLE ORADUATB MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 4S YEARS A SPE- CIALIST IN DISKASESiOF MEN OLD DR OKIN- DIK has been longer and has morn ei erlenc any other advertising physldan treatment and kn dlsensm In bones red OM throat and mouth ulcers saSh Ings klitney Slid bladder scalding In fl immatr n travel undeveloped organs Imt vllillly are edlly permanently Mert about to merry should to to ol- e omce over 15 Kthst- belli een flth ami 7th firs Impediments removed Suftern 1o nut watts lime Remember OLD DR IfllNDLF has 4 record for marvellous cures Advice tree Medicine II limits uto 9 Sundays 9 to 4 0111 Dlt iniv 45 year n spedaUil In of mien Quickest permanent guaranteed In all the ducMes peculiar In men blood poison diseases kidney and trouble weakness nervous errors of dream undeveloped orcans Impediments to mat- es established and the longest In practlos ot aafs- peclalUt In the city offlc over 45 years at ioKavl- 7ib st near Square Hours 9 lo Sun days 9 lo 4 treatment etc only 60 mils No chsrie unless cured ADR CONRADS SANITARIUM lEstVx 1 SO Diseases of women newly and corn IT equIpped 127 W hum t 117 fc bend lot uoolUofc T L- 442U Mlh 4 QUICKEST PERUANRNTCIIRR In Slseas- MJl ol men dangerous reset solicited relief M onev those desiring only wlentlBe should call UK UUNbtitiUti 41 7l- iDR AMESOldwt aol most success- ful rpedMUts la female IrteiularlUes rttshl- lshed 10 years rtenltn treatment Imme roattdenUa ill West 24 opposite rrottorn Theatre Dll RrINIIAHI 112 West 44d St experienced Hall t f m le IrrritiUrliis and suppres- sions nbv liitel sf regular physician success ruarantred lnele married p lnkv ronfldinibL Fee tl TR SCIIKnRDKII female careful skilful mnDdenllal treatment private sanitarium 24D Ijist ftSihn WKHTDr Crowe cures tiles at pain or medicine lee no- I 99 WEST 4STHDr Mrs Hnhlmana eutss It J regularities at ones without m jas U Ortiabut 130 1 I shin A steam- ship cola directed per Aitne at 10 A It must per fomCUiA havana b see it and thence by steamer at this oDee daily doss Zealand via CORN Fl1PS COT 11tdira1- A t lJNlEltSlT I u1rhiIt CITY IF NEW YORK established butt cii papers cured eu dieses hal tug e Consult Dr Ii the old 5 NodS A LS S Con free Steal list it 9 Iii 3 9 dItto guaranteed to most epes private graduated pay free ANU FlItS nwetaitst 1 41 bThf ST 2 one vllhoul pata ctnelfeasi0 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > > > > > >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-08-16 [p...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-08-16 [p 9] · w rm ffind of Mrs Iluntlnrton Mr and Mrs Id Hllhrms end Oeorgs E







ritr nr MX nnovaiir TO THIS

ir l FunerAl Friday Mnrnln From

ruth Aren s HomellnrUI nil HeWnndUrvn c Twd lily n eon-

iFttildenl Southern Pdno Italltoail-

Tre rernflns of Collli P Htmtlncton wrrbrought o this CItY yesterday fromcsrnp t P Knot Iodiw In the flue

Of th Adirondack diedMonday nlcM Mr Hunt

tons resideiice 3 Kant Klfly

Th funeral will be held from there topirr i u KI-

TH Mrto h T the ftine Ht th

as Mr Jlintliwtnn had not twon amilM-

clo tv withnny church hero-

In the party that accompanied Mr JlunttnirIn Hi Hty Mrs IlunUnC-

m Archer M lluntington Mr Ilimtlnitton-

dorid con Htul A M Huntington

r 0 t Mr Huntln lon brotherinlawKrMsrr Or IIHam D Coley Miss a M

rumpbell has been for man yeitnsr-

w rm ffind of Mrs Iluntlnrton Mr and MrsId Hllhrms end Oeorgs E Mllw Mr-

iliiniltieton private secretary Mrs Hllt

HuntlnctonB sister

I of Mr Himtlnetonn death were

told by Mr Miles at Central station

Xr Mll said Mr Huntlngton was to all

pp f health up to withinfew minute of death He had re

very quiet on the few days preced-

ing Monday Monday evening with

rml others of the party at the camp hePlayed whl t until about 1030 oclock and

About It oclock h netted

withft fit of fotishlnc similar In nil appearances

lo attack from which he bad suffered at Inter

rsl Mrs Iluntlngton at once procured somewith which the sought to stop the

coughln but Mr Utmtlnctonn condition did

net improve tho twitching In his throat trou-

bled him more At last h saidin answer to

hli wifes questionsI run very very III

An attendant was called at ono and the re stof lh pnfty In the went to Mr Hunting

tons When Mr Miles entered the roomMr n was almost unconscious andhe failed to r ognlte any of those In the room

cok was sent on Mr

steamer the Oneonta I to the camp of formerOov Lounsbury Connecticut which waa only

a abort distance away to get Dr Robert B Tal-

bot who was staying there Mr Huntingtonhad meanwhile become unconscious and abouttwenty minutes after h Illness began heaway

Dr Talbot arrived several minutes after deathbad occurred lie said that death had probablybeen caused by heart disease Mr Miles anode

efforts at to communicate with Archer M

Huntington ho was at his summer home onbut the rains had Impaired the

connection and ItMore word of Mr Huntlnatons death couldbe there Vllllatn West Durant who wo-

tt Mountain UK was aUu summoned tothe lodge niadj arrancemenU with under

the remains

boat yesterday morning anu wastaken ncro Lake to Durant where Itwas on a train composed of two of MrHuntingtons special oars train reached

8 and was rust therea tat engine of the New ork Central Rail-road The train reached the Orand CentralStation at 4JS oclock A lund ofpollCJ under H rst were drawn-up on the platform as tho train

the the policemen hadlittle or nothing to do Station

made oil arrangements carefully and MI-

OOH as the train gut In the of thop rly carriage and went to the Hun

residence The train was Kent aroundto a at the side of the annex bed

cnnkel ooitalnlncwa taken through th window of

the private cnr n d taken on lo the hou ein which the casket was

brought here taken to Ihehotis in anothercamairf On the case In a heavy bras lnt

the Collie Phuntington JamiisT Garvey Funeral Ulre-cr ttica X V anti severaliMistants were on thw train wilt liuvncharge of the until Interment whichwill tw In tne mausoleuoi atlawn

At the hou e there was anothersquad of police from the Ffty-ltr t Mreet butfew were when the huntingtonparty arrived The crowd had Increased very

time the rwched the houseind there was no curiosity manltested by those on the street Ntverotltw n clothes were stationedHuntliiBton residence list nltiht

The names of thin for the funernltomorrow wire announced lust night ns fol-

lows D O Mills Edward King of theTrust Krederlik I Olcolt ofCentral Trutt Company Edwin Iawli y

Kstlroad Company Charles II Tweed Secondor the Southern Iaclilo corn

Martin Krdmann of Syeycr A Co It I

VlceIr ldent of Inn Pacific Mall8itirn hl Company und Adolphe Low afriend nf for many years

Mr Mite said that the ministerfidatH nt the funeral services had not an yetten choen hut that ho would he either arrubvtcrinii or n CongregatlnnalHt Mr Mllenald that after the ervlrH this body would be-

taken on a private car toMr Miles response 10 uuwtrions said that

ke could not hpenk on the the willMr HuutlnKtnn uoX ed to have leftHe Mid that the members of the hadfound en their arrival home several hundredtelesrnms of condoletiw from all parts of the

There were very lew callers at thelast night One man who tvtllfd was theIhv of CnrlMe Io who eald

that h VUH an old friend of Mr huntingtonCharles II Tweed general counsel and Hee

end VlcePrcfldent of the Southern 1aclfloCompany who known M the confldentlal

r Mr Huntlncton said yesterdaywhen asked about the existence of a

cannot talk but that matteruntil after the funeral hut you would beIn that there Is a will

Mr wed declined to dlscus the question aawho might b f me the of

ns President of the Southernrtrino H E huntington his nephew Is theFirst of the company MrTweed now the of

Any question as to A permanent succesa for future arrangement

that Mrbecome Pro dcnt of the road It belnc under

hen Thomus U Hubbardntatlvenf Interest and

fP V Co r have the naming ofhuntington successor Mr n

of Senator William M Evarts andha been frr many years In the service of the

H E Huntlngton who was In Texas andUrt d onre for this city on notified of-r

todayyesterday that the Princess von

lutzfeldt adopted daughtern o Salted from Europe for country but Mr

said last evening that she not sailed0 n Thnma H Is now In

news of Mr Hnntlngtons death wasto him by Mr Tweed

n r nFvrvorovs FAT RUN

T s kfw of the Tate JUgoate n rrjtB-Narlk Rapid flpeed


J1i J




ton heN onTh tIy



Mid thaI

fIT hid




I In ofhi







John Unrt or to take

The body on

tack taiandIon body




I nolSouthern 31lno



hOlt le

thr A


ser Ir

IdntI h-



hu rn

at tarew




It the

his surnmr


notrow iiiorflll hi ooiock willthe


tone toth werei

Mrs IaoS

h4 MrsSon dethl

the Urandthat

the breta







Itotsker I Utica charge of

wa Mr Huntingtons



cedar taewas




Eastem Iraflia the





lie is




an thecabled










ATIAWA 0 Aug H K huntingtonVlovPrwldent of the Southern PacIfic RailwayCompuny i through Atlanta this morning

n w y to w York to attend the funeral

rir iCollie p Huntington He ar

egoJI Hlntlnglfin was on his to Han Fran

nils n p vlal train was nude lipIsvllln fluid

tsrr i w Orlfaim to Atlantawas nxxitipllslie In a little

whlrtl Amounts to 4ftMO unites

test run lo Atlantaovertflkn the Bntitherno ve-

i virier 7 l trnln at I145 five

n l of a Or r n ntln t oN v Atlrf Willis Van

Ihw by rnrrlag of Collli 1nlntllctym rfi J iiVrtTk Mr died MrM it v and iinmsr-

r HuntIngton vrai married

hhIn a train theAIInt anj Ho lrupllI

rllh1 NM TI whenor

rUm to turnOrn overAt nr

him roalh

II r hOIfrom

muaIn nrtr to

Atlanta at nolII I

tbull due to


At home In rwlror an


11 hn itt

IIr or T

It ho



of unclettn overVst IohntRallway

iarAntoniotntdal of th his unch lie limits

back The trip routXcw was his own roadN

tnt oterfront a die

hour ruin Montgomery its A uuhuumni dltati au toadsn tninumtej which Is ieii thanmile The wasflis4

rhi was dons1flutma the is heave


thIs city ahuntingtona

was abi veersthe fl and the lueH rjtkon who lived thisttt7 for years Mr Van rtxthnWaS Miss tod





UNION iAnort roiTvo A

Effort to Keep Mrs Cashing From EarnlBBLiving as a harbor

SpniMoniilt Mites IS BecauseNational Journeymen rs Associationdoes not make provision In Its constitutionfor women members the local Journeymetbarbers union and the walking delegatesof the other labor are twrsecutliiff MrsM A Cashing the only woman conductlnia bsrber shop In tItle city The constitutionof the National Harbers Asoclatlnn specifiesthat only who can comply with the r-

nulrements ran bocomo members if the liranche-fif that body but coma of the broader mindedlenders of organisations lieu say thatthis discrimination l unjust

Mrs Cashing canto to Kprlnafleld about K

year ago and opt m d a harbor shop hutagitation made It for her to drop

tMnyM at tier hninn on Main ureet and waswell when the unlnn people Itecnn-

In act after her nt thus Instigationmembers of Inrnl barbers who tiegrudged her what trmlff shin hurl Many of

Cn hlnKs ciiMniii r who were membersof various unions tnl tier that they hindearned flint would b lined J If contlnu to Patronize A nonunion stint

Mrs n tIme of thePnrl rs 1nlon and nUo ofllrliils of theCentral labor Union but they told tier that

could do nothing for her requestfor memr Ti iil loonl union notbe entcrtH i n moment shncompiles with nil the requirement f the b r

here nt In the

l s other evenings SaturdaysHhe has two rhilrs one of which rter tt years old does coins hudnea on Vednedays Hh ohara 9i the rncular

of mind conforms In every otherway union reiulrements

is agreed by tabor Inlon menIn this that to dlrirlmluatn thU

It Is tint a womanunjust Inasmuch ns object of union

ts to th laborer ami Mrs Ca hlnIs one of thorn Tho argument Is mud bywalking delegates that union men no

to a thntunion It Is pointed out that arenot consistent In this attention to the

large totvs that employ unionhelp A year ago the Central tnlonrefused to Krnnt the of the Journey-men Union for Mrsplnoe and It l when the mattercoons up for discussion again thnt tho barberswill get some wholesome advice as to the rightsof a woman to earn her living without Inter-ference


ShirtWaist Girls SttU One andThreaten Another

A meeting of the Shirt Waist Maker Unionwhich t composed principally of girl WM

held last night at the University Settlement-at and Eldrldge streets Thirtygirls who struck against H reduction of wagesIn Frank Schloss factory iw Greene streetcnme to the a body along with200 of thin girls employed In the J

M Cohen Ht 189 Oreone street Mr Frank

the meeting and settled tho strike altercommittee was appointed to see the Ann

of J A M Cohen who 1000 handsfind ask thnt alleged grievances tx reme

A strike Is to be the alternative Itdecided to see a lawyer with u view

to prosecuting the firm for the arrest of twomembers of union on Tuesday eveningfor distributing circulars about the meetingto the workers as were leavingThe two members of the union wero dischargedby Magistrate Hocaii In Jefferson Marketcourt yesterday morning


They Make Cake but the linker of HretdWont Iook tp to Them

The Bakers UnIon of The Bronx Is kickingagainst an alleged class feeling among bakerswhich tt wants to have suppressed It saysthat tho cako bakers since they formed n unionof their own han hola aloof frontthe bread bakers and that they set as Ifwero of a calling and worms entitled to

consideration than the bakersThe latter decide to carry theircomplaint to the Journeyman and

which bothunions are affiliated and ask that the caketakers b 4o tji bread bakersorganization which Is known simply as the

Union They will ns breadis the staff of life there Is more dignity In mak-ing bread than In making cake

Parson Stay Head theJohn N Parsons 3enerl Master Workman

of the Knights of tabor who Is nlso GeneralPresident of the National Asooclntlon of LetterCarriers It was announced yesterdayha de-

cided t decline a nomination for the latteromen The he gives for thIs that hewants to devote all of time to the orderof the Knights of Labor It wasterday however thnt thin National Association

has been made Samuel rs Presidentof thin latter If the lstterCorners Association Joins the A F of I thehead of the Knights of Utbor cuuM not bo 1M


More Datttrs StrikeORANOB N J Aug li The hatmakers

In Drcnnan A factory went on striketoday because would not agree toa new schedule of wages An Increase In wageswas asked for and refused The local officersof the Hatters Inlon have now thematter of the executive officersof the national association They willthe case up tomorrow Thin hustlersIn the also quit becauseof n misunderstanding It expected thatthe national officers settle matter

labor Trouble at nilllam O Wbltnej Home

At yesterdays meeting of the BuildingTrades section of the Central Federated UnionDelegate Kelly of the Klectral Unionreported that the electricalC Whitneys new residence at Weitbury I Ireceiver 12AO a day Instead of the union wagesnt n They wore employed thinMetropolitan Construction Company whichwas l o nonunion wares lo

Whitneys New York residence-the delegate said The Secretary of the sectionwas Instructed to write to askinghim to see that the contractors paid unionwages


odles or Itr Meyer and nil Daughter Fo n J-

la Dattermllk ChannelEmil Meyer of 4M East Elghtyfirth street




of for n





to a


h I




a of

head ot the of and

B ofA




ot rteCarlen



If for thelAbor proposal to






e ctrlcalIr






mutt luisinss tints shin






morning cieing Monday evenings

tty against

does have it

firm Frank Schlosssee-

ing conanmittee




Is ott affiliation with tnwrieanof A that effect

> >







Manhattan called at the morgue in Brooklynjrertcrday afternoon and Identified the twobodies that were found within an hour of eachother In Buttermilk Channel by the crew ofthe tugboat Protector earlier 111 the day Hesaid they were lit fattier Herman soold sister Agatha 22 oldwere drowned In lieu Cain during the squall-on afternoon Mr accom-panied by his son and daughter took aon In n new 14foot bout As theywere sailing through Hell late thethin and the occupants were thrown Intothe Mr hU daughter wentdown clasped In each others sonwas up by the crew of a tugboat






SISTER noniKS rovxnFreda and tiara Ilenjamln Sank Together

While In natblngThe bodies of the Benjamin sisters Freda

and Clara of 6 0 Union nvenue who weredrowned last Saturday white bathing at theloot of East Uflth street have both been re-

covered body was mind on Tuesdayoff her sitters waslast night near bridge two IIMierInPut were Fr da thiselder sl jr was trying to save hadlet go of roiw and was being carriedout by the tide

Floral Halllesblp for Mr llonilnitno Fnnr l-

NnwronTNKW VaAug ISNewport sews huntingtons funeral a large floral tribute In the de

of n battleship The citizens generallycontributed to The menhave to close their place of businesson the of the funeral was decided

to petition the IeciilMiire at the ap-proaching lo change the nameof onus the leading streets to huntingtonavenue

Property Owners Mist Stand the CItAfter a year of public hrarlmjs tIme Board of

Publlo Improvements decld d yesterday thatthe about w 0 0 of opening and

Edgecombe avenue would nave to beby thuS of abutting propertyare about or hundred

on the new avenue


The ofto P



with send outs









They Are flllll llopefal of OettlBg tp J iTicket To Play Waiting flameAntlImperlsllst His

D lrf es All for Indorttng nrysii-

NniANArous Aug is The contingent o-

antiImperialists headed by T M Osborne oNew York who met here yesterday and heldthe first session of their national conventionhave practically given up the ghost and annow ready to confess that the Anils of thecountry as represented In the antiImperlnllMlo Iflgiie nreflrynns

The to the Liberty Congressdid heroin work among the third menfrom the moment of their arrival Iate lastnight under the persuasive eloquence of floutwell Smith Mle and others the advocateof n third ticket began to desert their tand-nrd nnd this morning It was found thatthe majority of them had moved bodily intothe league CAmp and were opposed to nomtnatlng a ticket Mr called a confer-ence and only nine members of the new nn-

tlonnl party respondidWheti the suggestion wits made to go on with

the convention the ides was so ludicrous thateven Mr 0bomo was forced to smile Itwas then confessed that the meeting hadproved a failure and the nine entered upon ft

of the expediency of calling anotherconvention to meet In Boston or New Yorkwhern the Invlronment would be more congenial

The opening session of the Liberty Congressbelief that the In

dor B nan and Stevenson That theof 1 centered the l rno-crntlo national candidate was shown th

name evoked In thusThin sentiment Ihnt McKluley must Iw defeated

received withand when the samo speaker

the possible ofthere were of front

nil parts of the linll ending In gr nt applauseAll the thus are out-spoken In their advocacy of a rcoolultJon Indors

of tho Committee-on Resolutions ee ms to a pledgoon thus part of the league to supportami Stovenxon

Thin Initial meeting of the Liberty Con-gress was with some 240 dolegates present The meeting wits collect tooroer George O ofand the Hev Dr prnyol Kawln-Burrltt Smith was nomlnatod for temporalchairman and made a brief Inhe outlined the various that have been

a sordid commercialism to fastenImperialism upon the country as n permanent

Committees on Resolutions and Cuedentials were then appointed and the meetingadjourned and a was thisafternoon to hear The personnel-of delegations especiallydelegation has It made

for the o of helping nlong thoIndoresment as Silver nndDemocrats are represented In It

of the menIn the convention were for Bryan fouragog and that they had no be callednonpartisan

party men at one time conti

thl afternoon n was madeIn their plans and they to see thething that-a number of telegrams were sent out n a resultof the late meeting and they were waiting foranswers When had soundedThomas B Senator nnd othersas to whether they would accept an antllm

nomination they to answerThere Is little doubt secret conferencedetermined to learn whether a nominationwould bo and It favorable amareceived the nine may yet nominate a ticket

A meeting of entirelyto spoechmaklng ve hold tonight at

President presided

his place on wosrlllPd h Stirof Chicago who presented

A letter was read from Bourke Cockran de-fining his situation lie bell that a crisisthreatens the country and that Bryan shouldreceive nil who thoforeign policy of the administration

WHARTON DARKER ISEIlOIBtJSIAssertion That be Acceptance or a Title ofNobility From the Czar lIsts Him From Offlc-

LISCOLX Neb Aug 15 A new phase ofthe Nebraska political situation In the raisingof a question ns to the eligibility of WhartonBarker candidate of the Midroad Populistsfor the Presidency It alleged that Barkerwhile acting In an official capacity for theUntied States Government n titleof nobility from the Czar of Russia Till It in

makes Darker Ineligible tOm any oftlctJudge Wilbur F Bryant court reporter lor

th Nebra ka aMatement on this question He con-

cludes by saying Bitrker even If elected

Darker received such a tltlo from theCzur of Russia as n reward for sorriest ren-dered that Government The tltlo wits TheOrderofSt Wencelas-

An alien when naturalized Is required to

EIIBS UnitedStates Statutes IS78No

a tltli for or one else The tonctltutlon forbids tIme granting of title ofnobility by the United SUtes and forbids anyperson any office of trust orthe States to accept title Constitu-tion Article 1 section section 0 Barkerwas the agent of the United States Govern-ment at time he accepted tills title TheUnited States also right of expa-triation Statutes of 187R section 10

act was clearly on act of patrlutioa-


He Fell From the role to tho GroandSeveral Women Fainted

John McGraw 37 years old n lineman livingt Smith and Paclllo streets Brooklyn was

hocked by a live wire nnd thrown front a fiftytelegraph pole at hay Seventeenth street

avenue Bath Beach yesterday

cable box and was about to nit a telegraphwhen a shiest of flame up

electrlo light wire rendering him uncon-clous branchesfa tree beneath nnd landed on his back on

women who worn nasslturbodr foil before them fainted McGraw

ai attended by nr John Ie Mund andto the Jto Ills skull

and back fractured and his arm was badlyburned It thought that he will die








t Smith




but at a




xjoverflor IIJowIng to the failure 01 Hchul7


entllm IQw




nut take the OnllP 01nobility received from any tortlln lrlnco or

I tunertcan

rtnOlme such title lie ntsectionMinister or agent can receive

him anan



footandafternoon lie had toawirean




enthuistjtsm that his meeting

mit eel wasprolonged



chided to leave con-sultation





could A tntscitizen-


any inaviold




climbed the polo


















POLICE COM3II8SIOSERS RfFIYThy Tell netftllTO Sergeants That

They Are Only PatrolmenRome time ago seventeen detective sergeants

attached to the Detective Bureau In Brooklynsecured wrltsof alternative mandamus to com-pel the Police Commissioners to return thento detective duty with as detective ser-geants Thin Poltoe Commissioners tiled theirreturn In till oftloo of the Clerkday They maintain that thin petitioners werenever detective sergeants hut were patrol-men aligned to do detectivewere transferred to precinct duty by chief

last February papers will l ohanded to LambertBrooklyn today

e Store Whites Indicted for the NowOrleans nioti-

NKW OMKASS Ln Aug 15 Th GrandJury has returned Indictments fivemorn white men who took part In the antinegroriots ln t the Indicted tileK F Carl a onelegged man chargedwith having n ofburned the Thorny Iron school Anotherman Indicted Is S F McCowan Mayor of thetown of Kennep twelve milesNew Orleans and this organher of the mobwhich on JuW 2S killed number of ncgroex

Susan Gordon flowerSupreme Vyirt lu tlce Lnnitx In Brook-

lyn yesterday dented a motion mild on behalf-of Susan Gordon for the appointment of a ref-eree to upon her clnlm for dower in a suitagainst the tniMees of this estate of item hus-band Wllliim iordnn The estate Is valued att2vioiy nnd she recently offered to settleclaim for V t cash for one of thistrustees contended that th Ju tloe had no rightto send the mntter ton referee as It was a matterfor n Jury trial

Court Calendar ThUAppellate DltlMon Supreme CourtRereos

nun Term P tt I Motionr lend r railed luSu A M PartmatIns

Hurmittts CourtOh mber For teWlllof Marcus Uuln Karfsrel Ua k r Vlttarta Uoleiterto lltrkadoar itelkontau Iteberc Llehhal1030 A XI Jobnll itierleaftertt 11 A

OirCourtSpecUlTsrmCounopeni at 11


rill h






at nE pane
















No 3 and JS East Eighteenth street twoflvtvstory double tenements on n plot 60x97have been bought by Irving Kfmpner fromDaniel lImos

Samuel Adams senior member of AdamsCo which wus recently reorganized as theclams Do Goods Companyby n deed recordedyesterday In the IleglMerfl Office conveys toJohn Flanlgnn his partner in the old firm aonnhnl In parcels of real estatefronting 150 feet on Twentysecond streetand on streetweit of Sixth avenue The crowrty forma

of site of Adams A Co n store thebeing leasehold entute

For the combined site 200x200store has be m projected tIme estimated coatof which I S7iOiKii roar hall of the build-ing Is under erection and will be finished before

Sixth avenue front Is undertaken Thepresent of thus freehold of

Is apparently only a formal division ofInterest and may or may not signify that thoreal estate of A Is to transferredto Its successor the Adams


Fortyseventh street No 827 north aide400 west Eleventh 21x1006twostory brick building to Martin I Lender

for OM Oslo on Judgment I3u976subject to mortgage liooo and taxes Aa114392

nr mr r usTnn A costreet No 200 to 314 south

1022 fivestory brick Hats to thefor 121771 due on Judgment

IUUOM subject to mortgages HOf227taxes to 172-

2Todays ABctlon Xilei-BT JOHN N OOLDIK-

ONlnsteonth street No 245 north side 1M4 feeteast of Eighth avenue 22flx7SS threestorybrick vahnuser individual and administratrix of Simonllelder nt al Adam Welher WilliamJ referee duo on judgment 33S1subject to taxes Ac 113702

nv n riioxxjx iNnninAULexington avenue Me northwest corner

of Fiftyfourth street brick

II Jarktn refers dun on Judgment 128140subject to taxes Ac IM4I2-


Forest formerly Concord avenue No 738west side 137S lent south of I6 th street ISdx879 threestory dwelling Empire

vs John eton Judgment 1363464 subject to taxes

MNew Brighton Staten Island First avenue

8x4091 with cluhhotiso stands Ao MutualLife Insurance Company vCricket and Dftvle H A A at-torneys H C Henderson referee on premisesat noon

T rmn r SIFTER cohad street ion north side U feet east

of Park avenue MX 100 u flvestorr brick flatWnndell executor of NHthimlel W

Hooker vs leorge F ul ThomiisV Butts T M Van Hoeson referee

due on judgment t2743J68 subject to taxesAo M2M and

Third avenue 774 west side MJ feetnorth of Forty lxth street fonrbrick tenement Marvin II Buttlee vs William

nun referee due on judgment

Real Estate TransferDOWJCTOWN

South ol FourremM IfPulton st 10H10S 8074x49 4x l I also

Dutch si e s a Fulton st 21 lox x21 fi74 2 Paul J Sorg to S Jennie Sortet al rift

Water t s s Iii 9 s Jackson st runs s w xn to Water st x e Jacob Krsmet toJosephine K CunnIngham

Ilth st 445 K w tuna tx Irrer Henriettallrandt extrx to Joseph Oall i IS Jmire jsooo aioo

donna st M e JSxloo Sarah ICanier lo Har-ris Ksnrer rs 7 mice M 000 1


Fast tt fllh at Micffn Fmirtttnlh and linn107th M ns nsncJdnr to old ron

tre line of lUiltm Cieek x n e 21x A 64 to107th At x w IS M Varlry Plnttek refereeto J Newton 0

107th st 321 n s 140 e Zd at 2 i73 almlatorte lot begins S10 e ar x 7S n 107thst runs n i n e Six s ex w 29 J NewtonOwitlo to Edward Hegenhard r a Sit 60ralgelJIoo

Beckman w s exi n 60th st 24x76I rv to Allied Cirnnt r a il mIre 10000 I

4tb si AO K IP BxlO 2 Josephine hahnI8X10 I

22d st s s w tth sr lOx Irrer also 2td st110 V 10 SiOS 8 Sd ft ss 126 v eth ar-in jt9A P run n thaT 41 si-

st ns ItO w av vBf port SamJohn Plinlcan tstJO 1

Ifert of Fifth ar l e iwn lintrtitnth ant ItOrt its49th st n s 124 e nth ar runs n lot llx e

interest certain

tAIII n t

part the


VI Oood Compan


lICOnllsloe im feet west or m teIllAm


flat Jlelll John r Buckley It-al II nil orne



Dayton attorne H I refereeA C

lIoulh to DnllIaonupII



Townsendlohn lon et


IIITbow et III A TsoonI






rUM n

10 400



to Wlllillm Winter arid II 50 mIre


I 51 n 171 26103 II 1



La yWilliam Sto kwrhl

side it6iOx4il5x4

I ehb let


r a 34

Pu 21st I a Cub aIii

tin Adams towsr










20 4x s t 2x A too la si x w 2i Oeotfe-Dsl er to J McClelland

Weal Radar MS es lOaM F 1 rlcIICou-dm to Kmlle J Viontlvcny rs l

Nellie lynfhtlsre mlnnAtitru-

Manhattan Island norfn tfllth si s a 220 w 3d ar 25x block Holt

mt e 14500-lietb st s s 2514 w hat ar 1AaxtOO10

Henry n Plumb to J J Faye r s11IM t A s Sft e Unax ar Jes-

sie to William J Yates r s 11 mifIO77ft-

117th si a 37i e Plessant ar 5ni10011John Zlezele r A 16 mIreS20000-

IinthM na W lsgiionlii wllllamI Yates-to Jessie Hussey r s II mice tilBOO

Augusta Nelson anti lo-XVIIIlsm J Vales ml e l soo-

6lh nr n w cor si 4nl1itoo Am t rdim r a e 14 lh l 4011x100 Daniel

Auduhon ar s w con IKOth si 2411x100-llettha Sleek to SebAStlsn Stock r a 11

mite iioonar SSI n w roe USth st Pleasant

ar S2R52s7ifAn Mntidrft II ritzpatrick to Morris r

SI s s M e arRdtr comb Sjfl2 Wll-

llAm II Swill lo Thomas Berkeley r s 15

mtre 10000

Croton ar e s new line 91 n 179th si100 I utM K Kuott and sno to IJIIIs

r s 12to rot e J77VLot 133 block amended snap Napes estate

A Halting to Cora M r sSAc 11500

Washington ar n w car 174th st 100x90-

Ssrah la Samuel H Crawfoidall lens r s 60-

efittti w s 4M10n Westehestet r 0x-

71x50x7110 Joseph Poldow to Mary Poldo r a 14 ridge

Klstst n s lOrtI e a ar 50x1177x60x120Thomas Unane to Kosarta IltiuUello r a

ri w cot 2S7th si 60xi66Iowden and ann tiers to llobert Clarke

Taylor r e s 626 n Columbine st 78xP8x-75x100 also sit title toI70ll s Freeman si ftOxltO Cromwellar s e ror lllRhtiridge Hi 100x75 JohnW Blackman lo Sarah K Dlarkman r a19

Recorded Leasesst 4S4 Thomas H Herbert to James

Sudolk st to Chailes Mtand Feb lo MutT 11900 and v

Broadway 7 S7 5 a w cot 10th stSlmonson lo Abraham Schwab 6 yrs e600-

Droome st 14 n w car hilt l John Katzto Wolf Wallaeh 6 yrs J00

Amsterdam ar n e car lOMh si H nry FMiller to I N Dsllln 2 yrs mot 9001020

25lb st 171 rot 7th ar Until A Steersend alto to Timothy F Mearher S yr 2 8-

eih si K Patrick D Egan to lien Won

thelmer Co 4 yrs 1760

Assignments of MortftgesAmerican Mortises Co to Robert H Cleman

to is biirc i

wMsUldAarabfelderIt to F and

wllllAmlll 4cGuarantee and Trust Co to Anna 0

WeIssguardian 4e

Discharges of Mortcstti

Adams Albert and wife toKate Nathan

Bennett Robert and wifeto Julius

Hsdt Simon to MichaelOnldberger

Camp Fred to Stephen 0Thomas

dottier Isaac H to Ed F

Levy Jacob to KasselSimon

Ucrllch Charles anti wifeto Joseph Otundlet and

Henry Sarah and John 0-

lo lermanla Life Insur-ance Company

GenttJInger andnlfe to Sir Cohn

Hlldebrandl Aug and witslo William Peter BrewingCompany

A to Amer-ican Mortgage Company

Klein LDuttenwelset

Annie to Paul Whorror

Iteuth Joseph and others-to Jr

Salience Id to John LLee

Sennu Francis J toJsred W Hell

1rancls J toJatcd W rtell

Thornton Charles H toUmpire City SarlngsHank

Turner Harry and othersto John O Ort

Frank Fanny to KatharineJackson

Josephine toMary K

Von Hlnlren Henry to Her-man Von rianken

Snphle C toGeorge WUdung

tt Pan40 120

0000 B

25600 1

1000 11



9 Jat 0 W 17101 II > nna in

J r SI8 000 1

1 fit II


fated lappus to Willian J T A

II12 1


to Maml1


Mere rort ano1

lustu And ADlltoTJ MeManua 1


Inn aU


lIaollx-Dolouvll Th front



Itt rI

Zue Pfmln I

400 I




Grandulweii 3 ra 1730

145 IouIII 1900


4n e



John Hugo 26400Clllherln V to Marion nard 1I6Q-

OlIral Raymond DOm


000Mart admx e to MArIe


Anti Jr14600 I

86 ua129

109 351

78 196

6 146

18 Ii

111000 4 21t21 57

at I-

I1ln Jlrn dlel16000 2 hOG 373

toaoooo loa 6

6000 8 U UI1000 7 86 U89000 6 SI

18000 I 102 351

2000 T loa 341

Si121 U

Zoeoo 46 21e-CI1Dlllnb m

1000 1 U7000 7 82 III-

or rAmS 1941


4011 32 V heatss 4


ikoiiy 410





5aoMartha a John


area rican


truStee 8001-CasarliLone N

lteiTAr ear


6 41


600 AT

5000 5

5730 2 81






< ¬











00500 05Ooste3 0rb5O4°°

PORTER CO 1S9 West IKth amslldowntown business free and cleat orWith small mortgage exchange treeclear flvestorv Slat fully rented In mm

and perfect rendition and good locationwould add

FOLSOM nnOS S5building stout AOxlOO below 124th st preferredhulldlriK must be aupbstantlal ard attrac-tive

B I KKNNILLY Ic CO 7 Pine StWant dweltInr 43th to 4th sts between Oth And Madison

in the Ninth ward suitable forImprovement cash buyer

WM ft LESTKR 9S9 lh AT Wants outoftownveto dnelllmr nn Wasbln ton heights 121000-mortfsze 114100

St Wantpro frl

ares price sul over mo cash Alanproperties




s fsrto


free and rlarots tat sxmhange for dearsble prl



Borough of Jlonhatlnn Sale or Rent



iPrnlQl1Ij Q3tnt

waterfront properties we are able to offer soonvery attisctlre bat In this class and attime request owners harlng water fronts thy desireto to ui full particulars as we are In a posi-tion to cOca same advantageously Correspondencesolicited


Above 14th StStn Ar to North flyer


Send for our listCHAS GRIFFITH MOSES


Amsterdam Av 181th Street

34TH STREETPrivate dwelling three story high stoop basement

soul full depth cellarQA ale and a good In lYe In


1130 Eighth Ar near 5Oth NtVan Itulldln-

rQ1 J KCA desirable private dwellgood block neat SL station

must be solddwelling Meet Pinches wide

bathroom extension splendid block lower OnePark West and this is one

ccespevt houses we have ever offered


To get for guislnrw gurpojjej

Corner 23d St and 8th AveKINE BANKING ROOMS

suitable business sullaMa for la-utanct rest estate nr other oDlc purposes mmedl

ate po ss1on ApplyS F JAYNE CO

284 WEST 24D ST AND 54 LIHERTY STTelephone 432 isth st




1 as W aan T f433 18TU gp







o oultorCen-


lnr also









FOI OM IIROS nv Irnad ayOtfer flvestorrtenement with sturer 25s HUP near d ar below14lh St tented 1250V price 12400 Alsorthav side anor AlsoInl In neighborhood of 77th st and 2d ar In

an estate Also flve tory tenement withstores on line nf ar mortgage 119000 will

POIITKH CO 159 West 125th MLOffer modernapartment house on 034 st near West

Ind are l7nxl2fxl4S eight and nine roomswith two baths In each electric ele-vator latest Improvements And conveniences

a tent one vacancy mortgageJ72HOO nt 4 percentproperty anuS some mash

Wit 84U f th Ar Offers In West Mlh-St between JIb and loth ayes Ihreeatory andbasement bmwnstnne dwelling feet wideone of the block price J14SOOmotteagr lf500at 4 pet coot

Seal CJjWttv

Chat T Porter Oeo W Bhprt w U Bernard

PORTER COReal Estate

159 W 125TH STREETTelepbon tl harlem

aud p rtm tjj to yet idn-furuinhcd

Above 14th St Eat Side


sSTonr hiGh STOOP nnonNsTONE

S DF1 3El eto OO354 W 31I STTelephone 442 ISlhS-


S 4 4 rooms alt light

Atiore 14b ft Went Bide


55TH ST 8TH 9TH AVEStstiir and haaement 7 rooms and bath 150

Ashforlh Co Broadway

h Uing Qnwt to Xct-


463 WEST 22D STREETEntirely Renovated


Rent 12008 F JAYNE CO

lot aienls for the owntt Telephone 411 uuiOt










FA5TA parlmnU 111 Ihedwelling haIti lamdry bot u I

between and n enrnerapnmnl

t 509








1 EaT 211432

P7Dstud cold water It to heated

hOlSOMflflOThiFHs 835 mJroadwa

0th7 rooms hot water supply





Whrl P to BWelnlrmann-

Whyte Mary I to Herman

Ptlipattlek James to Wnllet K

Iden John II to New YorkLife insurance Company

henry to AStoVes

Koch Jacob to Dry DockIlsnk

SquIres Illchard and wifeHallitck

Well Mlchsel and wIfe lolock Savings Hank

Ipp tochattel Aprildi lo

It Sanborg chattel flee 20

Ami Oft LI Pott400 tl 47 41

11 41 2SJ

1171 III1171 1111

7500 25

2824 l

2215 H1056 4I


100 No 0 46C

Mechanics LiensAmsterdam ar s r car tl th si lOOslOO

Perth Arnhoy Terra Cotta Co TS Hugo

2d t 100 Amsterdam av ioov1006T Smith rs I hoed 280C-

141st t 4 V Mnntvik Sanitary 1mprotement Co vi tieorge MnrOregor and

ST s e rot IMth si 60 IOO Clarke A-

Hoiran va tttmito Macdiemr and Johnryfe 40000ftJ 2 45 E Hoberl MeNelli TS CarolIne

and Ktrlng lollner 8122Forest nr vM lance ioldenberg TS It Slder

A Co 4100014th st 337 W HAtl Hansfleld TS John Glass

r 4500Wetslet nT e s 80 n 174th et 50HOO Michael

F o r Frederick nnd William Win6440

Union nr s w mom Dawsori si 2SxlOO O PeMattla rs Charles Smith and P 0 humllnenme 17949

st n s 200 w Wlllnw ar 50x100 IImersheln A Co rs Andrew W Mathews 8900

st s r 22il e Ifno ST lWlitoOllWlllson Adams A Co TS Thomas II Calder and Philip Alexander 11881

av w s l 2in n 1A4d st 204xPatrtclc Halplri TS Anthony Heaurhlor andMIchael 1800

si 123 K John J rs RosalinePinkie and Alexander J Tinkle 7ISOO

Ud st 42242S I Harris Crystal TS LouisSroka 24000

Ab sq 1819 Louis Goldstein ra iavlitSroka 20000

Jerome nT s e cnr Mount1184x125x8511 Thomas Morgan rs JohnM niauvell William K lltooker and CharlesII Schraeder 17500

Goetck st n e cot st 40xsO Charlesrs Louts Llppman and Julius

Berliner el al 08040St Anns ar w s Ktt n iseth al 100x100

I troan nan TS Christian Pahlem andHappoport A Letman 12000

Plans Flied for New IloIIdln s-

nrto x 71-

Bonvilt of thi OrontNelson ST ws 144th st three three

story dwellings J H Jones owner J Warchitect cost 110800-

weatchester nr s s 80 e AT K onestory-rtcenhouse John ownerJ herman architect cost 1000

154th st 8 8K Improvement to factoryAmallanicoa owner A archlSect cost 1800-

178thst is 100 vr Flectwood ar Improvestable Frederick owner

OS Clark architect cost 800Webster ar n s 48 n Southern Boulevard

ImproTemeotto shop Fred Allen owner250








Agents0 o BBaJ



Head Office 60 Cedar st near Nassaa

Connor nan toJohu Walll 11

rm16000 165-


SAVIIl iI0000 II

13000 hiS

l 26loon 974


lIona p


John C 14960




and wifernomns f




o 21666-Uaplau skr







meat to





Brancti lMadisoaAye23ilSL-

Brolcors AppralsoroAbove 14th nth nr to East Illrer

FINE APARTMENTIn the clibtief between Park and Madison ars icheap olldt thorouzh tnvestlrnllon well

CHARLES 140 ilro dway

Borough of IJronx Sale or RentA PURCHASER of lots at

unable to complete payment will sell Interestat half cost to avoid foreclosure

HCSINESSliorougnor Ilrooklyn Suloor

stone fronts lust compmed all houses on blockstone flv sold DeralursLtwlween Howard

and Saratoga avs OTTO SINGER Builder

Borough of Queens Sale or Rent

3 A LOTAt Sbotcrlew Path In the Borough of

We sell 2 lots at S496Veach till Monday 20th-

at 14 down SOc lots are located eDITthree Mocks from trolley and on main street forfurther particulars rail on owner till Saturday Aui18 till 40 202 haM 24d si V

jSral Cjitnlf Out of the CityLong island Sale or Rent



Siio iiKOAunAr TORK

to gdow one location reasonable rent

J D KETCHAM 68 Wast J2Sthst-


Above 14th St West Side-

A JJSTERDAM AV14S2 AND1484neaf 141D STfrIght cozy Hats 8 large sIt light rooms

and bath steam heated decoratedhardwood trim only small families tent

to til special InducementsW SHOTWELL Iii Lenox ar


every convenience 1400 up ntstclass nearn st

squsre rooms running water Alec parlot tootfor doctor nt dentistJ 1 ST ST 42 KAST furnished suite

A zd floor also and small rooms very low

Wet Phd

1 TLlT4n in Qlf hUKbath for a rrferencra

15 West 20th si rooms large and small en suite otsingly meats homernrxlne a la carte luncheon served for shoppers fromI2tov references

breakfast optional refer

O7TIIST 48 WKSTCool comfortable and eonrooms fotlrsnslentor permanent guests

4ar ST 5 WEST llOTKI KAIIIVIEWEuropean rooms slctb and en suite II oo day

tQO T neTrJm dwy Ur e androoms fcslh gasnot and euld runnIng water private house rcntcraanot couple

dUt large small private tiled hath firstsummer rates

OlTH ST 20 WBSTfsro nicely



Kew York


1332 BroadwayIf out

jWOFAMILY hOUSES and basement1




tt for UiUIttpOsCsb-ARI01 STORE 20 West 115th st large win3

tnt and patThirnts Ia et4Iufgr

she r

uvn1 htd oom Lspartiurnts to c


T EXINQTO At 83his large cool room1i

I T1 ST 330 furnishedI s

5 largenatee

wiling room

TIlE 1111115

IflThI ST 65 WrST1anr and medlumstecdI rooms for gentlemenone

wont up220 vrST

small comfortably furnished

rmdais house and

furnished5s I aquan rooms all termS seasonaWe board


> <



furttlnhfa oomjj S pBtimtntJ la tt-


front room SuItable ons or two

A HT ST 240A SIngle double rooms Ihn7comfortable ties SumnerMyrtle cats

OOtJfii POin LANW AV 10 PrIvateone small room handsomely

furnished gentlemen only

oferry nice locatIon


East Side

pertor table location central ttanvlenu a

B 7 sod D KMtaisi slCrntral locationrooms private baths parlor dining room

Went SideST 49Iland an

V cimvenlences rtaulredconvenient carI ST 24 WKSTNlcely furnished and

double rooms with tablereference

9 1ST ST 1 WKSTNewfortahl teems Rood table table boarders so-

commtxlaifdOST 49 WKST Hooms c nlratsix location parlor dining rooms reduced rates

three doors


v rooms all Improvements superiorboard Is hie boarders

HKKillTH fur-nished large smell rooms river view rood

wholesome five rnlnuts IlrldceST 9 Heights Fine minutes

mol rooms excellent board ti lo ID weekly

ST 101 furnishedrooms good closets running water excellent

table five minutes UMil-

Cil nicely decornted parlor Coot J rooms en suitesingly rooms hoard


Should be read DAILY by all Interested changemay occur at any time

Foreign mails for the week endingwill close PHOMMTIY In alt rasen at GeneralPost Ofllre M folIos 1AHCKIS POST it All

one hour than closing time shown belowParcels Po t Malls for Ocrday arid Wednesday


ship Victoria rla Cherstud hamburg


per steamship iJi viahaute mall fur other parts at Europe must bdirected per Mfitnjhln icneat A A Mfor per steamship Staatendam null must t e directed per StnalendAm al s3o A M supplementary 10 A Itfor KlItOPK per Queens

Wllhrlm II Small must be directed perKaiser Wllhelm at 10 A M for SCOT

per Astoria mall mOst bsdirected per steamship Astoria

PRINTED MATTER ETCThis steamer takesPrinted Matter Commercial Papers and Samplesfor Germany only The same of mall matterfor other of will riot be sent by this

unless directed by herAlter the closing of the Supplementary TransaUsntle

Mails namedmalls are on the piers of the AmericanEnglish and steamersremain open until wlthti Ten Minutes of tohour of sailing of steamer

II IINI1Y ST lee taruntuheut semitegentlemen near ibridge

S I kept arideve

tamlEss hve large and

IlACB Out Clman neatly tnirnlahed rooI for light es walk

rtct 0nr

ADISO A and entail rooms en1

corn a


ROVJI furnished1 superior board references

single5 S

to I with board

LARK ST 50 and small



refe re iic-

cH F1h

lVf OSTON Si cL dentist

ot fflce 3atLce


close earlclose at S I N Moo

ruv II hihtiliShl INDIA and


town at 0 A ITALYSteam-

ship Ill










THURSDAY At 8 A It for HERMLDA yeasteamship Pretoria at 12 M for

per steamship Eastern Princemall for other sod La Plata coun

tries must be directed IT EasternPrtne al 1 P U for VCCATA-NCAMlICIIU TABASCO and CHIAPAS perHearashlp Orizaba via Havana and Progreso-imkll for other of Mexico mind for Cuba musthe directed rr steamship at 1 P M


at 0 P M for JAMAICA pet steam-ship Admiral Schley from Boston

Fill At 1 for INAOlA per steamshipOrtien tmatl for Jamaica Ilcllre Puerto Conesand Guatemala must be directed per steam

OrieenAI A M for GRENADA and

TRINIDAD tter steamship Grenada nl 10 A Ufor POIiTO RICO per steamship San Juan at10 A M 10SO A M for FORTIXK ISLAND JAMAICA 8AAV1IIA-uAiiTiiAirVA and iiiBrTQvvar t

Mine imnll for lllrn must

laiy 10AO A M for rUHACAO and VKN-E7Uii per Illldur via Curacaoimatl for Saranllln and CarthaEena twdirected at 1040 A Mfor HAITI per steamship Prints Wlllem IImallfor Curacao llritlsh artDutch Outana must be directed steamshipIrtn Wlllem at 10 AM DLAND direct per steamship Silvia at 11 A M-

ilsils for Newfoundland tall to North Sydneyand thence by steamer close at thisnl 40 P connecting dose here every Mon-day Wednesday and Mails for

by rail to lloston and thence hy steamer close at this oRes dally at srio p Mallsfur Cubs by tall to Port Tampa Fla and thenceby steamer close at this ofnc except Monday at 7 A M tthe connecting on

Wednesday and Friday Malls forMexico overland unless addressedfor despatch by strainer close at this once rtaUy-

al 240 A and 230 P M Malls for CoatsItlra by tall to Mobile and for Ilellie PuertoCortex arid iluatemaln by tall to New Orleans

at 1 P M connecting closes lucre Tuesdays forCoats Rica and Mondays Our liellie Puertotei and lluatemnlal Registered mall closes at-o p M previous day

TRANSPACIFIC MAILSMalls for China and Japan tin Vancouver dost her

flatly al MO tp to Auf 114 Inclusivefor per steamship Empress ofirrstttercd mall mutt be Vancou-ver Malts for Hawaii China sadPhilippine Islands via San Franctvn

at 640 P M to Inclu-sive for per steamship Gaelic Mallslot Hawaii via San cnv here dallyat 030 P M up to 17 InclusIve fordefrutch per Australia Malls forAustralia except West Australia which go-

Ma K ror e and New which goSan Francisco and lilt Islands via Vancouverclose hut dally nl ft 10 P M In tug II-IncluMre for riesiuitch per steamshipsupplementary mail at 840

Malls for Hawaii ChinaJapun and Philippine Itlands via San Frandan rinse at 640 P M to Aur

Inclusive for despatch per steamship24long Kong Marti for Australia exceptWest Australia New Zealand Hawaii FIJI andSamoan Islands via San netsdally at 641 p M after Aur 119 and up la

I Inclusive or on day of arrivalof steamship Campania due at N w

J for despatch per Martposamall are forwarded to of

dally sod the schedule of closing Is arranged oa tbpresumption of their uninterrupted overland

mall rinses at n r MVAN Postmaster

Post Office Ne Vnrlr N V Aug 10 1900


MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 4S YEARS A SPE-CIALIST IN DISKASESiOF MEN OLD DR OKIN-DIK has been longer and has mornei erlenc any other advertising physldantreatment and kn dlsensm In bones red

OM throat and mouth ulcers saShIngs klitney Slid bladder scalding Infl immatr n travel undeveloped organsImt vllillly are edlly permanently Mertabout to merry should to to ol-

e omce over 15 Kthst-belli een flth ami 7th firs Impediments removedSuftern 1o nut watts lime

Remember OLD DR IfllNDLF has 4record for marvellous cures Advice tree MedicineII limits uto 9 Sundays 9 to 4

0111 Dlt iniv 45 year n spedaUil Inof mien Quickest permanent

guaranteed In all the ducMes peculiar In men bloodpoison diseases kidney and troubleweakness nervous errors ofdream undeveloped orcans Impediments to mat-

es established and the longest In practlos ot aafs-peclalUt In the city offlc over 45 years at ioKavl-

7ib st near Square Hours 9 lo Sundays 9 lo 4 treatmentetc only 60 mils No chsrie unless cured

ADR CONRADS SANITARIUM lEstVx1 SO Diseases of women newly and corn

IT equIpped 127 W hum t 117fc bend lot uoolUofc T L-


MJl ol men dangerous reset solicited relief M onevthose desiring only wlentlBeshould call UK UUNbtitiUti

41 7l-

iDR AMESOldwt aol most success-ful rpedMUts la female IrteiularlUes rttshl-

lshed 10 years rtenltn treatment Imme

roattdenUa ill West 24opposite rrottorn Theatre

Dll RrINIIAHI 112 West 44d St experiencedHall t f m le IrrritiUrliis and suppres-

sions nbv liitel sf regular physician successruarantred lnele married p lnkv ronfldinibLFee tlTR SCIIKnRDKII female

careful skilful mnDdenllal treatment privatesanitarium 24D Ijist ftSihn

WKHTDr Crowe curestiles at pain or medicine lee no-

I 99 WEST 4STHDr Mrs Hnhlmana eutss ItJ regularities at ones without m jas U

Ortiabut130 1



steam-ship cola directed

per Aitne at 10 A It



fomCUiA havana




and thence by steamer at this oDee daily


Zealand via




established butt

cii papers




tug e Consult Dr Ii the old




Steal list it 9 Iii 3 9

dItto guaranteed to mostepes private graduated pay


ANU FlItS nwetaitst1

41 bThf ST 2one vllhoul















> >

