The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.)...

po tût* i. OU» AHM. Ittngde^otto faded bloaeome of tbeOpriog, Wn eU-p tko MOM wit« regretful bend j Tk« Jay of Sen a er ia a vasUW tbtag I Lei U def**, s«4 lent? to u odori Und Th» 4ttlMM (MM eel to-tho A o lawn root, «ho PMOO-cf human Jori UM lot««!and tho tort. Ah 1 I remember how lo wir . . : The prim*oM ond tho wi ld-flow«- grow beside My tangled foreat patho, vhooo detloae way« FnietTae with Joys of o TI urie* ualrled, A od torroa that waa mor* thon half delight, A öd »«m*o of bn dd lng life, iud longing* lo flo I to And I remember bow, In Llf.'a hot noon, Arp-nd my beth t-h* Urith roaneshed Color »nd fragrance, ond tba »lr of Jon« ? Dreetaed rapture-now th UM Manner day; ax« Daye ot* «wart peril, whtn tba Mipeotlay Lurking ot ovary turo of llfo'a enchanted way. Tho tight of Spring, th« bo a mer glow, axe o'er, And I rejoice In hnowlng that for na Tho wood bi oe and the rose» bloom no moro, Th*-tanner green ta gooe from told and tree; Brown berren aproya aland olear agalaat tho And le»rc«Vail nat, and lat tb« truthful auollgbt through.' Vor ma tba hooded barba of Autumn grow, Square atemmod end avbor-tlnted ; mint and MgO, lioroboand and balm-«uch planta M heulen J know; And tho decline of life'« long pilgrimage Ia aoft and awoej with marjoram and thyme, Brigit t with puro evening dew, nor eerpont'e gilt- «ring alimo. And ronnd my path tho aromatic air Broathoa health and perfume, and tho turfy ground Ia aoft for Weary fee', and amootb and fair With little tbornloM bloaaoma that abound In anio dry plaoea, whore Ibo mountain aide Lie» to tho Mttiog aun, aod no ill beast cen hide { What la theta to regret t Wby ahonld I mourn To loavo tho força t and the march behind, Or toward tho rank, low mandowa Mdly turn, tílneo bore anothor loveliness I find, . Safer and not leaa beautiful-and bteat With glimpses, fetot and far, of tho long-wiabed- for Host? And aol drop tho roaoa from my hand And lot the throne pricks beal, and toko my Down huí, ocrosa a fair and peaceful land Laptin tho golden calm of oylog day; Glad that the night ia nenr, aod glad to know That, rough or «mooth the nay, I have not far to go» Tho following is from tho LaQraoge Roporter. We tootler our sympathy to tho bereaved parents : «'And o little child shall lead thom." There is a melancholy pleasure in tho grief of our loved and lost. There is a Bweotrmss io the remombrancos we cher¬ ish for tho idols of our hearts when they have perished from our sight. Tho mind naturally dings, with fond affection, to the memory of all they did in life. The little ohild that has wound itself around our hearts by the thousand sweet little incidents of its life, sc wuoh so that its very existence seems a part of our own, and is then taken from our fond remem¬ brances forever, we foel that thore is a sanctification in treasuring up, in affec¬ tion's sweetest memories, the touching story of that short existence. All other thoughts seem profano in the freshness of such new grief. FIDELITY IN LITTLE THINGS.-Great virtues aro rare ; thc occasions for them are very rare and when they do occur we aro prepared for them; wo aro excit¬ ed by the grandeur of the sacrifice ; we aro supported either by tho splendor of the deed in the oyes of the world, or by tho self complacency that weexperi- ence from tho performance of an un oommon action. Little things are un¬ foreseen ; thoy return every moment ; they como in contact with our pride, our indolence, our haughtiness, our readiness to toko offence, they contra¬ dict our inclinations perpetually. It is, howovcr, only by fidelity in little things that a true and constant love to Qod can bo distiguished from a passing fervor of spirit. ?---.- »e» A temperance lecturer, descanting on tho superior virtuos of cold wuter, re marked : "When thc world had become so corrupt that thc Lord could do coth ing with it, ho was obliged to give it a thorough sousing in cold water." "Yes" replied a toper present, "but it killed every critter on thc fuco of the earth " - A newspaper published in the ro pions of Lakes Memphromagog and Winnepcsaukoo, says that "fish in Lake Holleyhunkcmunk, Mc, oro said to bo superior to those of cither Lake W cc- elyobacok or Moosclockmcgautuc.- Those of Chauhungogunganiug were very fine, but they all got chucked to death iu trying to tell whero they lived." - A great many peoplo imagine that printers livu on old rollers, wood typo, "pi" and "sich fixing.'" This is a mistake. Printers live as other people do ; and in order to do that they must have money to buy tho necessaries of life, and flutter themselves that thoy will get it some day from their patrons. - Dudley Raudal!, who makes "Hash" for tho Aurora Rcacon and spices it well, is guilty of tho following : As Colfux had Neille Wudo, why don't ho have her uncle weighed, also ? Re- causo he's Ben Wade. -A subscriber writes to an editor. "I don't want your paper any longer." To whioh thc editor replies, "I wouldn't make it uny longer, if you did ; its pre¬ sent length suits mo very well." KKEp your harness well oiled, for at this season of tho year they aro quito likely to bo often wet by storms. - "It is a poor rulo that won't work both ways," exclaimed tho boy, as ho throw thc ferule at tho schoolmaster's head. STORM y days aro a good time for a farmer to look over his tools, and put thom io ropuir for tho next season. -Gonornl Wade ilumpion has pur¬ chased a steam plow for $18,000. -"I love thee stilt," as tho quiet hus¬ band said to the chattering wile. -Young ladies arc genorolly honest out they will hook dresses. - A Mun with too much name. (Jas-Kill : tho first syllabic expresses everything. -Cadctahip Whitemore will console his "retirement" by a visit to his friends in New Kngland. - To cure« Raoholor's oohes-Carry tho patient cn, von yards of silk, with a woman in it. SUMTER F0gÂITOttîB --AfllV. TV Chair Waro-B,CK>m*s BAS ON HARD A LA ROB STOCK OF FUR- NITURB, foy tatt than «aa be obtained fa any boothera market, earing «alb fr«lg*v and risk of breakage by Railroad. pWith cjrperienee in tbU branch of bu fine** in tba Cit j of Charle* to a, for twenty-five yean, and having tba «Avantages of the be» t Manufacturers, be ft offering int claaa work of which erery article »old is warranted. The a took consists of I Sofas, Side Boards. Book Cotes, Wardrobes Wash stands, Bureau», Cottage Setts, WhatnoU Bsteasloa Tables .. Mahogany, Cana and WoodSsatReekingCbalra Mahogany. Cane ead Wood 8eat Setting Chaira Cribs, Cradles Trundle Bedsteads «ad Cottage Bedsteads Every style Looking Qtasseo and Mattress«*. FI VU HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES last received, together with a lot of WALL PA* PBR AND BORDBRINO. Main Streetp opposite Express Office, VP 8TAIB8. J. E. Snares, Feb at-tf_ J* De GXLv&IGr* ; Upholsterer, Manufacturer, AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, JJESPEOTFULLY INFORMS IIIS friends and patrons that he is now prepared to furnish thom with Furniture, etc., of tho different STYLES and PATTERNS now in uso. Ho has now on hand a supply of BED ROOM AND COTTAGE SETS, CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, BUREAUS, CRIBS, AC, AC. SAMPLE PLATES tram tho best Manufactu¬ rer» of Boston and Now York-will be shown to purchasers and any styles preferred, not en band, will be ordered for accommodation of pat¬ rons-all of «hieb will bo sold at prlcos to suit the timos. FURNITURE made to order, In any style and at short notico. Manufacturing, Repairing and Upholstery done promptly, and in a neat and workmanlike manner. Chairs resealed with cano and made as good as new. Pioture Frames of all sizes, Rose Wood, Gilt, and plain mouldings, made tn order, and Looking Glanes set in frome«, and for sale. FUNERALS promptly attended to tn Town or Country, and Metadlo, Mahogany, Walnut, or Common Coffins, famished as required, at short notice. Dec 8 _' Ca T. MASON. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. SUMTER, S. Ce Has just received and keeps always on hand Now and Beautiful Stylos of JEWELRY, F YE-GLASSES, &C. IVATCUES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY HE- PAIRED WITH DISPATCH. March SI O. P. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO SO. CA. ^yroui.I) respectfully inform his frionds md tho publinnf Sumter, and adjoining counties, hnt he bas rocontly received a chuleo soleo- ion of LADIES' AND GENTLE M EN 8' Wato lies, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, &c.r His stock embraces all £tho latest stylos, and till bo sold nt reasonable rates. Sept 20_ it Joseph's Academy. CONDUCTED hi TUR ] Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, SUMTER, S. 0. TUB Colleginto Exorclsoi of Isis First Class Institute, will beresuraod on tho 1st of September. A prompt attendance is rcqnostod In order to facilitate tho progross and arrange- tent of tho olnsses. The now buildings are r paclous and elegantly finished, furnishing as. ommoilations for ono hundred boarder*. Tho «tensivo grounds and piaaaas aro ample for open lr exorcise, and yoong ladies are thoroughly istruotod io English Mathematics, French, Ita- an, Muslo, Drawing,Painting, Ao., Ao. Location oalthy, air pero, wa'er good, and terms reatoa> Ide. For particulars nnply to tho Superioress of t. Josoph's Aeadomy, Sumter, or to the Supe- loreta of the Sisters of Morey, Charleston, who > ill endeavor to meet tl*e prosiuro of the times, j Nev. 10_a HLYEIt PLATED WARE, j JUST RECEIVED j CASTERS, NEW PATTERNS, BUTTBR DISHES, GOBLETS, CUPS, * CALL BELLS and various articles for IIIIDAL PRBSENTS. Murcb 2i C. T. MASON. John P. Taylor & Co. a^iWjipi»» ¿AJÉ»*-* <*. Engineers, Boile^Äfcem ée,, NOB. 4, 6, 8,10 * 12 PRrT0BARD-8t. ' (NEAR THE V¿í DOCK), CH4R^TQ!f, »Q. CA» Steam Engine* and Boilers. MARINE, BTAtIONA BT A PORTABLE Rico Treshers, and Mills of every description. Shafting Pullies and Gearing. Iron Fronts for Buildings, Castings of every kind in Iron or Brass. We guarantee to furnish Engines and Boilers ofas good qual¬ ity and power, and at as low rates as can be had in New York, Baltimore or Phila¬ delphia, AGENTS FOR JUDSON'S CELEBRATED GOV¬ ERNOR AND STOP VALVE, which aro pat oo tjl of oar Engines. April 80_lm SPRIGG AND SUMMER JL 3BCAM3P,fia- m Th« Variety of HATS, Ac, at STEELE'S "HAT HALL" ©elipses anything yet offered io this line. ter THEN TUE PRICES ! "©a Men'« Wida and Narrow Pananas, $1.60 to $2.50 Extra Wido Straw Hats, for Fishing.26e. 60o. to $1.00. Gent's "Nobby" and "Nattie iStraws, $1 00 to $2 00 Tooth's Leghorn Straws, 25c, 60c, $1 to $1.50. Ladles' and Misso*' Hoods, 16o. to 26o. Plantation Straws, br the doaen, $1.60 to $3. First quality 811k Bearer (now) $6. Professional Stiff Black Hat $2 to $4. olen's and Boy's Soft Foti Hats 60o., $1 to $4. UMBRELLAS. GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, 75c, $1, $2, $3. ALPACAS, FINK, « $4, $4.50, $6. SILE, ** * $7 to $0. I am agent for the STORM KING UMBRELLA! Which will not tara wrong-aide ont in o gale. I am agent for the "Burglar-Proof Lock Umbrella." WALKING CANES. BAMBOO, TONQUIN, GRAPEVINE, ASUETOS, MICKORY, MALACCA, AND OTHER CANES, With Ivory, Bone, and Various Mountings. Canes for Mon, 25o., 50o. 75c. to Faney, $2. Children's Little Summer Canes, 26c. REMEMBER OUR WIOE RIM PANAMAS ! STEEL'S HAT HALL, NO. 313 KINO STREET, Charleston, 8. C. SIGN OP THE BIG HAT. April 20 _8m JAMES ALLEN, DEALER IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, FANCY ¡GOODS, «frc, . NO. 307 KING-ST., CHARLESTON, 8. C. ß9f Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry Repaired. April 20_6m_ HENRY BISCHOFF & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors. Segars, TOBACCO, &C, 197 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. II. BISCHOFF, O. WULBERN, J. H. PIEPER. April 20-6m_ E8TABLI8HED 1838. DANIEL He 8ILCOX, Furniture Warerooms, ITS, 17? & 270 ki»u sx., CHARLESTON, S. C. 93F Good* carefully packed. April 20_tljan. April 20 _ 6m PAVILION HOTEL CHARLESTON, 8. C. BOARD. PER DAY. 83.00. tOST. HAMILTON, MRS. H. Z>. DtilTB SK!M.T>, Superintendent._ Prnprtetr NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, On the Oor. of SUMTER and OAICAL-STS. Vhero ail kinds of Work In tho Blacksmithing jina will be finished in a workmanlike manner, nd at the shortest possible notice. The undersigned fools confident, from a sense f bis experience, (la the laitue** for the last birty years) that ho can give satisfaction, both a prices and in the execution of all woik en- rusted tebin. W. 0. 8TANSILL. April 20_8m IUSINESS, VISITING, AND WK DD I Ntl CA DDS> Agents-BI^ODIE A CO., Faetón and Commission Merchants, CIIARLBSTON. 8. 0. March to _1y_ THE CHARLESTON No. »14 KINO STREET, CORNBR SOCIETY. CHARLESTON, S. C. CIGAR8. LA CAROLINA, per thousand........tJO 00 La Carolina, No. 1, per thousand.ti 00 La Carona da Espana, por thousand....35 00 Bl Bouquet, por thousand.SO 00 La Candeur, (small cigars,) per thousand... 35 00 Partages, (Havana Seed,) per thousand.40 00 H. Upmann, (Havana,) per thousand.60 00 Figaro. (Genuino Havana,) per thousand...YS 00 Janey Lind, (Genuine Havana,) pr. th'd. 80 00 As all these Cigars are made auder my especial care and supervision, I ean warrant that all will smoke well and give satlsfaotion at tho prices. IMPORT an CIGARS or DirreaiMT GRADES. LEAF TOBACCO FOR MANUFACTURERS. I have a large and weU assorted stock of Do¬ mestic and imported Leaf Tobacco, such as Con« noctiout, Pennsylvania and Ohio Wrappers and Filling at all prices. Also, Havana, from filling at $1 20 upwards to wrappers (Prime) at $3 60 per pound. NEW CIGAR BOXES For Cigar Manufacturers, with labels ready for packing. SILK RIBBONS VOR CIOARS AT ALL PRICBB. LARGE STOCK OV 8M0KIH0 AND CriBWlKG TOBACCO AND PIPES. merchants and consumers are rsspectfully so¬ licited to oall before purchasing elsewhere. Sat¬ uration guaranteed. All orders from the country will bo promptly executed. JULIUS MADSEN. April 20-3m_ Ph. S CHU 0 KM ANN, 271 KING STREET, (OPPOSITE n A 8 E L ST.,) IMPORTER ann OBALBR IR BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, KNITTING WOOL, EMBROIDERY PATTERNS, FLOSS SILK, EMBROIDERY SILK, KNITTING AND EMBROIDERY COTTON, KNITTED WORSTED GOODS, FRENCH CORSETS, AMO LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS VELVETS, FRINGES, AC. ß&r* All orders by mail will be most carefully attended to, and doalers will bo sopplied at Now York wholesale prices. April 20_7m ~~ F. VON SANTEN, IMPORTER OF . Paris Fancy Goods, TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, French Confectionery, FIRE WORKS, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, SUCH AS CLOTHING, NURSERY SHEETING &C, 220 King Street, 2 doors abovo Markot, CHARLESTON,S.C April 20-Stn_ FURNITURE, FURNITURE. R. WHITE, 236 K1NÜ-ST. CHARLESTON, S. C. KEEPS a Large and Full Assortment of Par¬ lor and Chamber FURNITURE, Bedsteads, Budding, Choirs, Tables, Ac, Ac, which he con- tinuos to Sell at his usually LOW PRICES. Every Article warranted as represented and Goods carefully packed for shipping. Orders accompanied by tb« Money or draft on a faotor, will obtain goods at tho Lowest Itrios thoy can bo bought. April 20-3m_ C. A. LEMONICK. CBAS. FOSTER En. EstRRTCK SELL. Lengnick, Sell & Foster, 27 Hayne Street, CHARLESTON, S- C. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FAHCY GOODS, LANIE'S TRIMMED HATS, AND MILLINERY GOODS . April 20-3m_ _ MBS. Me J. BOOTH, KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., HAS rooently received and opened an assort¬ ment of SPRING ANDSUMMERSTYLES OF Ladies visiting Charleston, aro invitod to oall and examine hor select¬ ions, orobracing all the novoltios of the Season. April 20_ Sm Especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and tba Family, possessing those lo- trinste medfelnal properties whieh belong to an Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Female». Good for' Kidney Complaints. A delloioue Toni«. Put np In eases, containing one dosen bottles eaob, and sold by all druggists, grocers, Ac A. M. BININGER A CO., Establlabed 1778, No. 16 Beaver St., N. Y. Funo23 ly WB TAKE ORSAT P^BAStTK« IN Ol- to the white. /They g^S^otlkM «l* mt our BITTERS orer «il o tb er«, w. hare eortli- oatoa from navy of Ik* loading physioieaa In oar State, «ho hare prescribed thom ta their prac¬ tico. ... The Old Carolina Bitters Will be fouad loTalneble for WANT OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBIL. ITT, CHILLS AND FBVER« AND DYS¬ PEPSIA. Wa do not offer oar BITTERS ac a co ro fo rall diseases, bat as an AreutaHo Tonio, they bara no equal. For sala by Druggist and Grocers everywhere). Prlnoipal Depot, Goodrich, Wineman & Go,, Importers of CHOICE DRUGS AND CHBHICAL8, Feb lft-ly_ Charleston, 8. C. DR. TUTT'S Golden Eagle Bitters* The Best Tonic Ever Invented. Recommended by tho best Physicians in tho country for tho cure of Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Sick Her dache, Loss of Appetito, Female Weaknesses, And General Debility. IT HAS NO EQJJAL. It is a suro PREVENTIVE OF CHILLS AND FEVER, and is a O ll KAT STRENGTHENER IT EX ll ILK KAT KS WITHOUT DEINO FOLLOWED BY DEPRESSION, and on that account is the best bovorago. IT IS A MOST DELIGHTFUL CORDIAL. The most delegate Females toko it. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. jZ$r~ Sold by tho Principal Druggists and Grooers. April 13_8m P. P. TOALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Í Largest and most complete*^ .¿se* j Manufactory of Doors, Sashes, f mr 1 Blinds, Mouldings, Ac, In the f V. Southern Statos. ) ßSyPrinted Prico List Defies Competition.-f£^ Send for ono fte^ ߣr* Sent Freo on Application. "S^ April 6 ly B. JOHNSON & CO. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURERS, 301 KING STREET, Charleston, S. C. AFULL assortmont of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, always on hand, better and ohuapor than any imported. Wholesale & Bétail. -ALSO- A largo assortment of WALKING CANES We pay ospeolal attontion to tho manufacture BUGGY UMBRELLAS, whioh wo «an furnish as low as any bouse North and of a botter quality for tho PRICE. April 20_ 6m. PIIÖTÖG lt AP HS, AT REDUCED PRICES. JESSE H* BOLLES* FINE ART GALLERY, NORTH-EAST CORNER Kins and market Sircóte, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. PItOCELAIN LIKENESSES LTFJ5-SIZ1Í PORTRAITS, In Oil, Water, and Pastel Colors, Tákort in tho HEGHECST PBKPBOTIONIOP ART. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL. KINDS AND SIZPS. Feb IS-6m_ GEORGE S. COOK, Photographic Artist, 881 KINO STREBT, CHARLESTON, S. 0. ALL THU LATEST STYLES OF GOOD Work done at this Gallory, and Warrant¬ ed to EXCEL. _April 80-6m O AWAY WI i|,e? ~\ COMFORT AND CURE FOR THE RUP- TURED-Sent post paid en reeatpi of 10 ots. Addrnss Dr. E. lt. FOOTE (Auth*t e* M.d- loni Common Sense,) No. 120 Lexington Avenue, New York._ AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old eyes made new, easily, without doctor or modi- eines. Bent post paid on receipt of 10 eents.- Address Dr. K. B. FOOTE, 180 Lexington Avon- ue, New York. HINTS TO THE CHILDLESS sent free on rooelptofono lot tor stamp. Add ross Dr. . FOOTE, 130 Loxingtoa Avenae, If. Y, V»b 16 FORTIFIER fâMnf Met' TdMO YET OFFERED. Bitters, il C$H8Vtt CÜi. Pleasant to tho Taste, impart- the constitution. A thorough Purifier of the Blood. a regulator of NERVotJS force, and a powerful sustainer of il/ ri . íjid Health, against thé encroach¬ ments of disease. Dyspesia or Indigestion is speedily cured by the uso this TONIO, also for Liver Dis« cases, Disorders of tho Kidneys, and loss of Muscular Power. It will bc found a sped ftc, and as a preventivo of Fever and Ague, or a restorer of the natural pow¬ ers; when broken down 'by con¬ tinued Ague attacks, it has no equal. A curative for. the in¬ valid and preventive for Hie well that cannot bc surpassed. Females whose Consti¬ tutions have become NERVOUS and debilitated through sedentary habits and close confinement tc household and other domestic duties, will find this TONIC possessed of intrinsic virtues, able at all times to establish a healthy standard and bestow o new lease of pristine health, cheerfulness and alacrity oi spirit so necessary to tho happi¬ ness of woman. Tho genuine is put up in QUART BOTTLES, handsomely wrapped with di¬ rections in ENGLISH) FRENOn, AND GERMAN. . o»1 Manufactured only by tho Rocky Mountain Bitters Co., SOLE PROPRIETORS, 207 FULTON StjJ New York. For .»!« by I. A. M'KAGEN, BUM'f BR?6. a April 6 Sm "/.'V (Sf? Vv;^ *. Bightoen JíttUoti M¿JM»£^^ Thousand Dollars-IÑ, GÍ>LD. J| ... ... ......... 1 ?.. >{t >»V"<wV .. Invested lotto x" HODS of Dollars. $2,000.000. ¡#¡ .. - ; ?.".<*. ". »?. V'.*"'- Risks io Sumter, talton, at Charleston rat«*.- SJSM ;.«.; Residences in the Country Insur- r ec? ¿tf Z 0 TT liâtes. Losses paid promptly in Charles¬ ton. «I . ... . . : >- V On tho payment of Ten Years premiums in CÄSH, a perpet- thoprOTÍslo-ai or th« recent «B<>a¿ pojit'' Ml, ia prepared to taft i : \ tifo or EBiowBeit PéUtîtj, ON, IHK HOST »AVORAB^ 4$^ t-'';w'' Hnviüg ^-'v Thirteen JMlyms of in Aaset«» perfeçVuinritj Uparub lo tho insured ; while its immeist i **-»¿.í. WÍV- - '. . .'.??> constantly increasing income o tubb to declaro liberal dividends. TU Polioy In this Company if stetdilj oroasiDg in raine, nt a cost «hieb. ¿4, »|.Ärj5 ' creases with crory annaal psvuMt CHAS. H. MOISE; . Insoranoe Agent, * Snmteris. tfob2& PAedmonj; ana Arlington Mm^^^B^CE COMPANY. l^OSE TWO ¿TAUNCH ÖOMPANIBS, THE PIEDMONT AND "ARLINGTON" HÁVIÍ COMBINED UNDER THE ABOVE NAME, AND PRESENT, IN THE SHORT TIMS OP TWO YEARS, A , LIST ÔP OVER Eight Thousand Insurers and a Capital and Assets of ever One Million and : a Half of D lars, . ATTAINING TO A POSITION I ND IMPORTANCE AMONO Life laurance Companies never before reached hi so short a time. Rights of Policy Holders in both the "Piedmont" and "Arlington' will remain unchanged, and tho same as before. New and advantageous features- in the new Company, will bo allowed the old Insurers co-equal with thc new ones Tlierc are Branch Offices in each State, where funds accruing cr invested*, and not taken beyond State limits. -.-j--o--. Branch Office in this State at Colombia, LE API IA RT, JEFFERSON AND RANSOM, Managers. J. S- HUGHSON, Agent. Sumter, B.C. REFERENCES ; Capt. A. A. Gilbert, Capt. E. W. Moiso, Capt. Jno. S. Ri<M Oot 6 i _ ---? SCHOOLBOOKS. Tho undersigned bave rocontly published a ?eries of N KW PICTORIAL READERS AND SPELLERS, adapted to the tastes of both foxes in tho family as woU as tho sobool room.. They havo been prepared by the Uer. Prof. J. L. REYNOLDS, D. D., of tho South Carolina University. The sortes consists of six volumes. Reynold's Now Pictorial Speller,...lie. Roynoltl's New Piotorial Primary Reader,.25c. Reynold's New Piotorial First Reader.40s. Reynold's New Piotorial Second Roader,.OOo. Hoy nola's Now Piotorial Third Reader,.80e. Reynold's New Fourth Reader,.;.$l.25o. SCHOOL HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ToVd in a familiar style. By Professor JAMS» WOOD DAVIDHON, A. M. Prloo 90 cents. < Prof. REYNOLDS' WHITING BOOKS, ia a sories of ii ti robers-20 cents each. A SCHOOL REGISTER to last six months,- 10c A TABLE BOOK for young children,-ftOo. por dos. Tho abovo publications aro being extensively used in this State, North Carolina, and Georgia, and wo aro encouraged to go on and publish a wbolo series of School Books in all departments. Duffie & Chapman, Publukcrs and Booksellers, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Also for salo at the SUMTER BOOK STORE, April 20 6W DR. 6HALLEMBIRQIR8 Fever and Ague Always »tove Usé Chilla. Thia Medicino has boen bofora tho Pub- Uo fifteen years, and eUU ahead of all other known rsmodlee. It doo« not porgo, doos not siokon tho stomaob, ls perfectly tafe In any dose and undo* all drottm- stanooc, and 1B the only Medióme thatwHl OUR* IMMIDIATstLY' and parmaaentljr, every iorra of Fever and Ague, because it I« a pétese» Ant** «etetonsalaxlsu 6old by til TJrngftrte Maye , ; -, ,1» I* AXiEX A .W.P.B&* BROAD STRît**, CAMDEN, S. C. Bvory dftiorlntjon of work e*eenteo\ With Eromptnosi, and lit the waesl approved, ead 'dam* le «tyla. Sets of To«th furnished at very mod* «rate rates. 4 RKPBRKNCES: G«n. J. B. Kershaw, Camden, 0. O. , T. lin ru ob, M. D.. « W 1 L. n. Deas, ** ** J. M. Davis, Esq., « w Jan ö Om WÖPFÖKi) COLLEGE 9PABTANBVRG CH., . * SO. CA. FACULTY: REV. A. M. 6HIPP, D. D., Presidia! isl Professor Mental «ad Moral Seleses. DAVID DUNCAN, A. M., Protestor As** Languages and Literature. REV. WHITEFOORD SMITH, D.D., Frtlsssi En ellan Literature. % * WARREN DU PRE, A. M., Professor Hates' 8 clo noe. JAS. H. CARLISLE, A. M., Professor Et*» mallos. REV. A. H. LESTER, A. M., Professer HIstsrf and Biblical Literature. The Preparatory School, under tbs las*!«* supervision of the Faculty, Jae W. 8HIW» A. B.. Principal. Divinity Sohool-Ror. A. H. Shlpp, P. ». Rev. Whitefoord Smith, D. D. ; Rsv. A. 1 Lester, A. M. ' The first Session of the Sistesnlh Collegis* Year begins on th« first Monday ia Octet*, 1809, tho second Session begins oa tbs first No» day in January, 1810. The coarse of stadias and tbs standard . soholsrshlp retíale nnebaogod, bot ibo Fecnltj now admit Irregular students or those who wist to pursue particular studies only. The Schools also open at tbs same Um». Tuition per year, in College Classes, ineladisj contingent Tee, $54 in 8peeic, or its equivales!» Currently. _ . ".«??"« Í Li Tuition por year,in Preparatory 8ohooI,Ineba in« eontlng«ntfee,$44ine«rr»noy. , Bills payable one half in advance. Boud, r> Month, from $10 to $11» in eumuoy. For further particulsrs address A. M. SH I PP, PrwWstt MajJ9_ \L TEfJB ^¡*J fa Tafmamsi, in "liwhfti Ihr- POUX SALB BYsALJ.PRUqoy1?'! ^Dp.J.jTLÂWRErlCBâCO, vsovB^vrOBA, fe»' f CLEMENTS A 00^, Gm FRENCH. Commission Mereta» ""?*Wf .uro- RtóE8TáTEAC«tf WIXMHtGTOlf. ». °' TO-ILL PTOEMH, '«¡"j;{j1 Bead <o a description and prto« «!*£ fefe. Rd «barg* «alésa a sal« W aassis»

Transcript of The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.)...

Page 1: The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.)ût*i. OU»AHM. Ittngde^ottofaded bloaeome oftbeOpriog, WneU-ptko

potût* i.OU» AHM.

Ittngde^otto faded bloaeome of tbeOpriog,Wn eU-p tko MOM wit« regretful bend jTk«Jay of Senaer ia a vasUW tbtag ILei U def**, s«4 lent? to uodori UndTh» 4ttlMM oí (MM eelto-tho A olawn root,«ho PMOO-cf human Jori UM lot««!and tho tort.Ah 1 I remember how lo wir . . :The prim*oM ond tho wi ld-flow«- grow besideMy tangled foreat patho, vhooo detloae way«FnietTae withJoys of o TI urie* ualrled,A od torroa that waa mor* thon half delight,Aöd »«m*o of bnddlng life, iud longing* lo flo ItoAnd I remember bow, In Llf.'a hot noon,Arp-nd my beth t-h* Urith roaneshed

Color »nd fragrance, ond tba »lr of Jon« ?

Dreetaed rapture-now thUM Manner day; ax«

Daye ot* «wart peril, whtn tba MipeotlayLurking ot ovary turo of llfo'a enchanted way.Tho tight of Spring, th« boamer glow, axe o'er,And I rejoice In hnowlng that for naTho wood bioe and the rose» bloom no moro,

Th*-tanner green ta gooe from told and tree;Brown berren aproya aland olear agalaat tho

And le»rc«Vail nat, and lat tb« truthful auollgbtthrough.'

Vor ma tba hooded barba of Autumn grow,Square atemmod end avbor-tlnted ; mint andMgO,

lioroboand and balm-«uch planta M heulen Jknow;And tho decline of life'« long pilgrimageIa aoft and awoej with marjoram and thyme,Brigit t with puro evening dew, nor eerpont'e gilt-«ring alimo.

And ronnd my path tho aromatic airBroathoa health and perfume, and tho turfyground

Ia aoft for Weary fee', and amootb and fairWith little tbornloM bloaaoma that aboundIn anio dry plaoea, whore Ibo mountain aide

Lie» to tho Mttiog aun, aod no ill beast cen hide {What la theta to regret t Wby ahonld I mournTo loavo tho força t and the march behind,Or toward tho rank, low mandowa Mdly turn,tílneo bore anothor loveliness I find,. Safer and not leaa beautiful-and bteatWith glimpses, fetot and far, of tho long-wiabed-for Host?And aol drop tho roaoa from my handAnd lot the throne pricks beal, and toko my

Down huí, ocrosa a fair and peaceful landLaptin tho golden calm of oylog day;Glad that the night ia nenr, aod glad to know

That, rough or «mooth the nay, I have not far togo»

Tho following is from tho LaQraogeRoporter. We tootler our sympathy totho bereaved parents :

«'And o little child shall lead thom."There is a melancholy pleasure in tho

grief of our loved and lost. There is aBweotrmss io the remombrancos we cher¬ish for tho idols of our hearts when theyhave perished from our sight. Tho mindnaturally dings, with fond affection, tothe memory of all they did in life. Thelittle ohild that has wound itself aroundour hearts by the thousand sweet littleincidents of its life, sc wuoh so that itsvery existence seems a part of our own,and is then taken from our fond remem¬brances forever, we foel that thore is asanctification in treasuring up, in affec¬tion's sweetest memories, the touchingstory of that short existence. All otherthoughts seem profano in the freshnessof such new grief.

FIDELITY IN LITTLE THINGS.-Greatvirtues aro rare ; thc occasions for themare very rare and when they do occurwe aro prepared for them; wo aro excit¬ed by the grandeur of the sacrifice ; wearo supported either by tho splendor ofthe deed in the oyes of the world, orby tho self complacency that weexperi-ence from tho performance of an unoommon action. Little things are un¬foreseen ; thoy return every moment ;they como in contact with our pride,our indolence, our haughtiness, ourreadiness to toko offence, they contra¬dict our inclinations perpetually. Itis, howovcr, only by fidelity in littlethings that a true and constant love toQod can bo distiguished from a passingfervor of spirit.

?---.- »e»A temperance lecturer, descanting on

tho superior virtuos of cold wuter, remarked : "When thc world had becomeso corrupt that thc Lord could do cothing with it, ho was obliged to give it athorough sousing in cold water." "Yes"replied a toper present, "but it killedevery critter on thc fuco of the earth "

- A newspaper published in the ropions of Lakes Memphromagog andWinnepcsaukoo, says that "fish in LakeHolleyhunkcmunk, Mc, oro said to bosuperior to those of cither Lake W cc-elyobacok or Moosclockmcgautuc.-Those of Chauhungogunganiug werevery fine, but they all got chucked todeath iu trying to tell whero theylived."- A great many peoplo imagine that

printers livu on old rollers, wood typo,"pi" and "sich fixing.'" This is amistake. Printers live as other peopledo ; and in order to do that they musthave money to buy tho necessaries oflife, and flutter themselves that thoywill get it some day from their patrons.- Dudley Raudal!, who makes"Hash" for tho Aurora Rcacon and

spices it well, is guilty of tho following :As Colfux had Neille Wudo, why don'tho have her uncle weighed, also ? Re-causo he's Ben Wade.-A subscriber writes to an editor."I don't want your paper any longer."To whioh thc editor replies, "I wouldn't

make it uny longer, if you did ; its pre¬sent length suits mo very well."

KKEp your harness well oiled, for atthis season of tho year they aro quitolikely to bo often wet by storms.- "It is a poor rulo that won't workboth ways," exclaimed tho boy, as hothrow thc ferule at tho schoolmaster'shead.STORM y days aro a good time for afarmer to look over his tools, and putthom io ropuir for tho next season.

-Gonornl Wade ilumpion has pur¬chased a steam plow for $18,000.-"I love thee stilt," as tho quiet hus¬

band said to the chattering wile.

-Young ladies arc genorolly honestout they will hook dresses.- A Mun with too much name.

(Jas-Kill : tho first syllabic expresseseverything.-Cadctahip Whitemore will console

his "retirement" by a visit to his friendsin New Kngland.- To cure« Raoholor's oohes-Carrytho patient cn, von yards of silk, with a

woman in it.


Chair Waro-B,CK>m*s

BAS ON HARD A LAROB STOCK OF FUR-NITURB, foy tatt than «aa be obtained fa anyboothera market, earing «alb fr«lg*v and risk ofbreakage by Railroad. pWith cjrperienee in tbUbranch of bu fine** in tba Citj of Charle*to a, fortwenty-five yean, and having tba «Avantages ofthe be» t Manufacturers, be ft offering int claaawork of which erery article »old is warranted.The atook consists of I

Sofas, Side Boards. Book Cotes, WardrobesWashstands, Bureau», Cottage Setts, WhatnoUBsteasloa Tables ..

Mahogany, Canaand WoodSsatReekingCbalraMahogany. Cane ead Wood 8eat Setting ChairaCribs, CradlesTrundle Bedsteads «ad Cottage BedsteadsEvery style Looking Qtasseo and Mattress«*.FIVU HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES

last received, together with a lot of WALL PA*PBR AND BORDBRINO.Main Streetp opposite Express Office,


J. E. Snares,Feb at-tf_J* De GXLv&IGr* ;

Upholsterer, Manufacturer,AND DEALER IN


and patrons that he is now prepared to furnishthom with

Furniture, etc.,of tho different STYLES and PATTERNS nowin uso. Ho has now on hand a supply ofBED ROOM AND COTTAGE SETS,




SAMPLE PLATES tram tho best Manufactu¬rer» of Boston and Now York-will be shown topurchasers and any styles preferred, not enband, will be ordered for accommodation of pat¬rons-all of «hieb will bo sold at prlcos to suitthe timos.

FURNITURE made to order, In any style andat short notico.

Manufacturing, Repairing and Upholsterydone promptly, and in a neat and workmanlikemanner.

Chairs resealed with cano and made as good asnew.

Pioture Frames of all sizes, Rose Wood, Gilt,and plain mouldings, made tn order, and LookingGlanes set in frome«, and for sale.

FUNERALS promptly attended to tn Townor Country, and Metadlo, Mahogany, Walnut,or Common Coffins, famished as required, atshort notice.Dec 8 _'Ca T. MASON.



Has just received and keeps always on handNow and Beautiful Stylos of





^yroui.I) respectfully inform his friondsmd tho publinnf Sumter, and adjoining counties,hnt he bas rocontly received a chuleo soleo-ion of



His stock embraces all £tho latest stylos, andtill bo sold nt reasonable rates.Sept 20_it Joseph's Academy.

CONDUCTED hi TUR ]Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy,

SUMTER, S. 0.TUB Colleginto Exorclsoi of IsisFirst Class Institute, will beresuraodon tho 1st of September. A promptattendance is rcqnostod In order tofacilitate tho progross and arrange-

tent of tho olnsses. The now buildings are r

paclous and elegantly finished, furnishing as.ommoilations for ono hundred boarder*. Tho«tensivo grounds and piaaaas aro ample for openlr exorcise, and yoong ladies are thoroughlyistruotod io English Mathematics, French, Ita-an, Muslo, Drawing,Painting, Ao., Ao. Locationoalthy, air pero, wa'er good, and terms reatoa>Ide. For particulars nnply to tho Superioress oft. Josoph's Aeadomy, Sumter, or to the Supe-loreta of the Sisters of Morey, Charleston, who >ill endeavor to meet tl*e prosiuro of the times, jNev. 10_aHLYEIt PLATED WARE, jJUST RECEIVED j


CALL BELLS and various articles forIIIIDAL PRBSENTS.Murcb 2i C. T. MASON.

John P. Taylor & Co.a^iWjipi»» ¿AJÉ»*-* <*.

Engineers, Boile^Äfcem ée,,NOB. 4, 6, 8,10 * 12 PRrT0BARD-8t.

' (NEAR THE V¿í DOCK),CH4R^TQ!f, »Q. CA»

Steam Engine* and Boilers.MARINE, BTAtIONABT A PORTABLE

Rico Treshers, and Mills ofeverydescription.

Shafting Pullies and Gearing.Iron Fronts for Buildings,

Castings ofevery kindin Iron or Brass.

We guarantee to furnish Enginesand Boilers ofas good qual¬

ity and power, and atas low rates as can

be had inNew York, Baltimore or Phila¬

delphia,AGENTS FOR


which aro pat oo tjl of oar Engines.April 80_lmSPRIGG AND SUMMER

JL 3BCAM3P,fia- mTh« Variety of HATS, Ac, at STEELE'S "HATHALL" ©elipses anything yet offered io thisline.

ter THEN TUE PRICES ! "©aMen'«Wida and Narrow Pananas, $1.60 to $2.50Extra Wido Straw Hats, for Fishing.26e. 60o. to

$1.00.Gent's "Nobby" and "Nattie iStraws,$1 00 to $2 00Tooth's Leghorn Straws, 25c, 60c, $1 to $1.50.Ladles' and Misso*' Hoods, 16o. to 26o.Plantation Straws, br the doaen, $1.60 to $3.First quality 811k Bearer (now) $6.Professional Stiff Black Hat $2 to $4.olen's and Boy's Soft Foti Hats 60o., $1 to $4.

UMBRELLAS.GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, 75c, $1, $2, $3.ALPACAS, FINK, « $4, $4.50, $6.SILE, ** * $7 to $0.

I am agent for theSTORM KING UMBRELLA!Which will not tara wrong-aide ont in o gale.

I am agent for the

"Burglar-ProofLock Umbrella."WALKING CANES.


AND OTHER CANES,With Ivory, Bone, and Various Mountings.Canes for Mon, 25o., 50o. 75c. to Faney, $2.Children's Little Summer Canes, 26c.


NO. 313 KINO STREET,Charleston, 8. C.



Fine Watches, Clocks,Jewelry,


«frc, .NO. 307 KING-ST., CHARLESTON, 8. C.

ß9f Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry Repaired.April 20_6m_HENRY BISCHOFF & CO.


Wines, Liquors. Segars,TOBACCO, &C,

197 EAST BAY,Charleston, S. C.


April 20-6m_E8TABLI8HED 1838.

DANIEL He 8ILCOX,Furniture Warerooms,

ITS, 17? & 270 ki»u sx.,

CHARLESTON, S. C.93F Good* carefullypacked.April 20_tljan.

April 20_



BOARD. PER DAY. 83.00.


Superintendent._ Prnprtetr



Vhero ail kinds of Work In tho Blacksmithingjina will be finished in a workmanlike manner,nd at the shortest possible notice.The undersigned fools confident, from a sense

f bis experience, (la the laitue** for the lastbirty years) that ho can give satisfaction, botha prices and in the execution of all woik en-rusted tebin.

W. 0. 8TANSILL.April 20_8m



Agents-BI^ODIE A CO.,Faetón and Commission Merchants,

CIIARLBSTON. 8. 0.March to _1y_




CIGAR8.LA CAROLINA, per thousand........tJO 00La Carolina, No. 1, perthousand.ti 00La Carona da Espana, por thousand....35 00Bl Bouquet, por thousand.SO 00La Candeur, (small cigars,) per thousand... 35 00Partages, (Havana Seed,) per thousand.40 00H. Upmann, (Havana,) perthousand.60 00Figaro. (Genuino Havana,) per thousand...YS 00Janey Lind, (Genuine Havana,) pr. th'd. 80 00As all these Cigars are made auder my especial

care and supervision, I ean warrant that all willsmoke well and give satlsfaotion at tho prices.

IMPORTan CIGARS or DirreaiMT GRADES.LEAF TOBACCO FOR MANUFACTURERS.I have a large and weU assorted stock of Do¬

mestic and imported Leaf Tobacco, such as Con«noctiout, Pennsylvania and Ohio Wrappers andFilling at all prices. Also, Havana, from fillingat $1 20 upwards to wrappers (Prime) at $3 60per pound.

NEW CIGAR BOXESFor Cigar Manufacturers, with labels ready forpacking.SILK RIBBONS VOR CIOARS AT ALL PRICBB.


TOBACCO AND PIPES.merchants and consumers are rsspectfully so¬

licited to oall before purchasing elsewhere. Sat¬uration guaranteed.

All orders from the country will bo promptlyexecuted. JULIUS MADSEN.April 20-3m_








VELVETS, FRINGES, AC.ß&r* All orders by mail will be most carefullyattended to, and doalers will bo sopplied at Now

York wholesale prices.April 20_7m~~



Paris Fancy Goods,TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES,French Confectionery,


NURSERY SHEETING &C,220 King Street, 2 doors abovo Markot,




KEEPS a Large and Full Assortment of Par¬lor and Chamber FURNITURE, Bedsteads,

Budding, Choirs, Tables, Ac, Ac, which he con-tinuos to Sell at his usually

LOW PRICES.Every Article warranted as represented and

Goods carefully packed for shipping.Orders accompanied by tb« Money or draft ona faotor, will obtain goods at tho Lowest Itriosthoy can bo bought.



Lengnick, Sell & Foster,27 Hayne Street,




April 20-3m_ _


CHARLESTON, S. C.,HAS rooently received and opened an assort¬


Ladies visiting Charleston, aroinvitod to oall and examine hor select¬ions, orobracing all the novoltios of theSeason.

April 20_ Sm

Especially designed for the use of the MedicalProfession and tba Family, possessing those lo-trinste medfelnal properties whieh belong to anOld and Pure Gin.Indispensable to Female». Good for' KidneyComplaints. A delloioue Toni«. Put np In

eases, containing one dosen bottles eaob, andsold by all druggists, grocers, AcA. M. BININGER A CO.,Establlabed 1778, No. 16 Beaver St., N. Y.Funo23 ly


to the white. /They g^S^otlkM «l*mt

our BITTERS orer «il o tb er«, w. hare eortli-oatoa from navy of Ik* loading physioieaa In oarState, «ho hare prescribed thom ta their prac¬tico. ...

The Old Carolina BittersWill be fouad loTalneble for


Wa do not offer oar BITTERS ac a co ro foralldiseases, bat as an AreutaHo Tonio, they bara noequal.For sala by Druggist and Grocers everywhere).Prlnoipal Depot,Goodrich, Wineman & Go,,


Feb lft-ly_ Charleston, 8. C.


Golden EagleBitters*

The Best Tonic Ever Invented.

Recommended by tho best Physiciansin tho country for tho cure of

Dyspepsia,Dysentery,Diseases of the Liver and

Kidneys,Sick Her dache,Loss of Appetito,Female Weaknesses,And General Debility.IT HAS NO EQJJAL.


FOLLOWED BY DEPRESSION, and on thataccount is the best bovorago.IT IS A MOST DELIGHTFUL CORDIAL.The most delegate Females toko it.NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT.jZ$r~ Sold by tho Principal Druggists and

Grooers.April 13_8mP. P. TOALE,


Í Largest and most complete*^.¿se* j Manufactory of Doors, Sashes, fmr 1 Blinds, Mouldings, Ac, In the f

V. Southern Statos. )ßSyPrinted Prico List Defies Competition.-f£^

Send for ono fte^ߣr* Sent Freo on Application. "S^April 6 ly


301 KING STREET,Charleston, S. C.

AFULL assortmont of UMBRELLAS ANDPARASOLS, always on hand, better and

ohuapor than any imported.Wholesale & Bétail.

-ALSO-A largo assortment of WALKING CANESWe pay ospeolal attontion to tho manufacture

BUGGY UMBRELLAS,whioh wo «an furnish as low as any bouse Northand of a botter quality for tho PRICE.

April 20_ 6m.



Kins and market Sircóte,CHARLESTON, 8. 0.


In Oil, Water, and Pastel Colors,Tákort in tho



Photographic Artist,881 KINO STREBT,


GOOD Work done at this Gallory, and Warrant¬ed to EXCEL. _April 80-6m

O AWAY WI i|,e? ~\

COMFORT AND CURE FOR THE RUP-TURED-Sent post paid en reeatpi of 10ots. Addrnss Dr. E. lt. FOOTE (Auth*t e* M.d-loni Common Sense,) No. 120 Lexington Avenue,New York._AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old eyesmade new, easily, without doctor or modi-eines. Bent post paid on receipt of 10 eents.-Address Dr. K. B. FOOTE, 180 Lexington Avon-ue, New York.

HINTS TO THE CHILDLESS sent free onrooelptofono lot tor stamp. Add ross Dr.

. FOOTE, 130 Loxingtoa Avenae, If. Y,V»b 16



Bitters,il C$H8Vtt CÜi.

Pleasant to tho Taste, impart-

the constitution. A thorough

Purifier of the Blood.a regulator of NERVotJS force,and a powerful sustainer of

il/ ri . íjidHealth, against thé encroach¬

ments of disease.

Dyspesia or Indigestionis speedily cured by the uso oí

this TONIO, also for Liver Dis«

cases, Disorders of tho Kidneys,and loss of Muscular Power. It

will bc found a sped ftc, and as a

preventivo of

Fever and Ague,or a restorer of the natural pow¬

ers; when broken down 'by con¬

tinued Ague attacks, it has no

equal. A curative for. the in¬

valid and preventive for Hie well

that cannot bc surpassed.Females whose Consti¬

tutionshave become NERVOUS and

debilitated through sedentaryhabits and close confinement tc

household and other domestic

duties, will find this TONIC

possessed of intrinsic virtues,able at all times to establish a

healthy standard and bestow o

new lease of pristine health,cheerfulness and alacrity oi

spirit so necessary to tho happi¬ness of woman.

Tho genuine is put up in

QUART BOTTLES,handsomely wrapped with di¬

rections inENGLISH)


GERMAN.. o»1

Manufactured only by tho

Rocky MountainBitters Co.,


New York.For .»!« by

I. A. M'KAGEN,BUM'fBR?6. a

April 6 Sm

"/.'V (Sf? Vv;^ *.Bightoen JíttUoti M¿JM»£^^Thousand Dollars-IÑ, GÍ>LD. J|

... ... ......... 1 ?.. >{t >»V"<wV ..

Invested lotto

x" HODS of Dollars. $2,000.000.¡#¡ .. - ; ?.".<*. ". »?. V'.*"'-Risks io Sumter, talton, at Charleston

rat«*.- SJSM ;.«.;Residences in the Country Insur-r ec? ¿tf Z0TT liâtes.

Losses paid promptly in Charles¬ton. «I .

.... . : >-V

On tho payment of Ten Years

premiums in CÄSH, a perpet-

thoprOTÍslo-ai or th« recent «B<>a¿pojit'' Ml, ia prepared to taft i :\ tifo or EBiowBeit PéUtîtj,ON, IHK HOST »AVORAB^ 4$^t-'';w'' Hnviüg ^-'v

Thirteen JMlyms ofin Aaset«» perfeçVuinritj Uparublo tho insured ; while its immeist i**-»¿.í. WÍV- - '.

. .'.??>constantly increasing income otubbto declaro liberal dividends. TUPolioy In this Company if stetdiljoroasiDg in raine, nt a cost «hieb.¿4, »|.Ärj5 ' <»creases with crory annaal psvuMt


Insoranoe Agent,* Snmteris.tfob2&



, LIST ÔP OVEREight Thousand Insurers and a Capital

and Assets ofever One Million and: a Half ofD lars,


Life laurance Companiesnever before reached hi so short a time.

Rights of Policy Holders in both the "Piedmont" and "Arlington'will remain unchanged, and tho same as before.New and advantageous features- in the new

Company, will bo allowed the old Insurers co-equalwith thc new ones

Tlierc are Branch Offices in each State, where funds accruing crinvested*, and not taken beyond State limits.

-.-j--o--.Branch Office in this State at Colombia,LEAPI IART, JEFFERSON AND RANSOM, Managers.

J. S- HUGHSON, Agent. Sumter, B.C.REFERENCES ;

Capt. A. A. Gilbert, Capt. E. W. Moiso, Capt. Jno. S. Ri<MOot 6

i _---?

SCHOOLBOOKS.Tho undersigned bave rocontly published a?eries of N KW PICTORIAL READERS AND

SPELLERS, adapted to the tastes of both foxesin tho family as woU as tho sobool room.. Theyhavo been prepared by the Uer. Prof. J. L.REYNOLDS, D. D., of tho South CarolinaUniversity. The sortes consists of six volumes.Reynold's Now Pictorial Speller,...lie.Roynoltl's New Piotorial Primary Reader,.25c.Reynold's New Piotorial First Reader.40s.Reynold's New Piotorial Second Roader,.OOo.Hoy nola's Now Piotorial Third Reader,.80e.Reynold's New Fourth Reader,.;.$l.25o.SCHOOL HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.

ToVd in a familiar style. By Professor JAMS»WOOD DAVIDHON, A. M. Prloo 90 cents. <

Prof. REYNOLDS' WHITING BOOKS, ia asories of ii ti robers-20 cents each.A SCHOOL REGISTER to last six months,-10cA TABLE BOOK for young children,-ftOo.

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*SO. CA.

FACULTY:REV. A. M. 6HIPP, D. D., Presidia! isl

Professor Mental «ad Moral Seleses.DAVID DUNCAN, A. M., Protestor As**

Languages and Literature.REV. WHITEFOORD SMITH, D.D., Frtlsssi

En ellan Literature. % *

WARREN DU PRE, A. M., Professor Hates'8clonoe.

JAS. H. CARLISLE, A. M., Professor Et*»mallos.

REV. A. H. LESTER, A. M., Professer HIstsrfand Biblical Literature.

The Preparatory School, under tbs las*!«*supervision of the Faculty, Jae W. 8HIW»A. B.. Principal.Divinity Sohool-Ror. A. H. Shlpp, P. ».Rev. Whitefoord Smith, D. D. ; Rsv. A. 1Lester, A. M. '

The first Session of the Sistesnlh Collegis*Year begins on th« first Monday ia Octet*,1809, tho second Session begins oa tbs first No»day in January, 1810.The coarse of stadias and tbs standard .

soholsrshlp retíale nnebaogod, bot ibo Fecnltjnow admit Irregular students or those who wistto pursue particular studies only.The Schools also open at tbs same Um».

Tuition per year, in College Classes, ineladisjcontingent Tee, $54 in 8peeic, or its equivales!»Currently. _

. ".«??"« Í LiTuition por year,in Preparatory 8ohooI,Ineba

in« eontlng«ntfee,$44ine«rr»noy. ,

Bills payable one half in advance. Boud, r>Month, from $10 to $11» in eumuoy.For further particulsrs address

A. M. SHIPP, PrwWsttMajJ9_ \L

TEfJB ^¡*J

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