The Suicide of a Superpower

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  • 7/27/2019 The Suicide of a Superpower



    PO BOX 48522. WASHINGTON, DC. 20002


    Pat Buchanan has caused a firestorm of controversy in Washington with his latest book.

    Conservatives have praised The Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive Until

    2025, and Liberals have - predictably - condemned it as "racist."

    I recently had the good fortune to discuss the book with a group of old Washington Hands. Because

    it's not scheduled for publication until June, we relied on published reviews, and an advance copy

    that may or may not be the completed work. But together, these were enough to examine Buchanan's

    main points.

    He begins with the Toynbees observation that great civilizations die from suicide, not murder.And inhis view, the instrument ofAmericas self-inflicted demise is Liberalism.

    In Buchanans view, Liberalism, so called, is a suicidal ideology. The Leftist Elite that captured the

    youth culture of the 1960s set us on a course for national oblivion: radical multiculturalism, open

    borders, the welfare state, affirmative action, an obsession with diversity, the embrace of sexual

    depravity, abortion, the destruction of the family, and a radical secularist ideology that has declared

    war on Christianity, and the Christian values that underpin the Constitution.

    The results are clear: America is degenerating into a Balkanized state that is increasingly segregated

    by race, ethnicity, religion, culture and language. In the process, we are fast losing those things we

    once held in common the very things that made us Americans.

    The result is society-wide dysfunction: schools that cant teach, a government unable to perform the

    most basic tasks of governance, a corporate culture of deceit and dishonesty, and a population that

    is increasingly dependent on the state to provide for its most elemental needs.

    We now live in a society in which a bare majority of 53 per cent support the ever-growing minority

    that cannot, or will not, support themselves. The burden on this shrinking, productive majority, is fast

    becoming intolerable as taxes skyrocket to pay for dubious and often destructive social programs.

    The degradation of our culture has normalized drug addiction, nihilism, proudly ignorant and deeplydysfunctional children, soaring personal debt, an ever-increasing gap between rich and poor, a youth

    culture dedicated to promiscuity, tens of millions of abortions, the celebration of deviancy, the de-

    masculinization of men, soaring suicide rates, and the exultation of the most vulgar and primitive

    impulses and behaviors.

    Importantly, the social and cultural ruin recounted above is bound to become worse as white

    Americans become a minority in or about 2042. According to Buchanan, whites and Asians are all

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    thats propping up the teetering edifice that was once America. Black America is a cultural and

    economic a basket case, and Hispanic America is doing only slightly better.

    As with the two greatest historians of the Twentieth Century, Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee,

    Buchanan believes Christianity is fundamental to Western Civilization. The wreckage and ruin he

    recounts stems from the Radical Lefts successful assault on the Christian faith.

    I agree with Buchanans description of the ruin inflicted on America, but I believe he has

    missed The Big Picture: as destructive as the Left may be, its a reflection of a far deeper problema

    The REAL problem is America has fallen victim to a Financial Elite determined to create a New

    Global Order under UN control, and a Political Establishment thats more than willing to

    accommodate their design.

    Most certainly, the Elite and the Establishment are NOT suicidal, as Buchanan believes if they

    succeed, theyre going to do very well indeed. Its the rest of us that are going to get thrown under the


    The unpleasant truth that Buchanan fails to consider is the fact that elites are statistical phenomenon.

    That means they dominate ALLsocieties and ALL political systems - even democracies, like ours.

    An easy way to illustrate this is with a sports example: imagine a typical co-ed high school with 1000

    students. Of the 500 male students, about 20 per cent have the skills and attributes required for high

    school football. Of the 100 students that have what it takes to play at that level, about 20 per cent

    have the skills and the attributes to play college ball and of those 20 who have what it takes to play

    collegiate football, about 20 per cent have what it takes to play professionally. Of the four qualified to

    play professionally, about 20 per cent or eight tenths of one per cent - have what it takes to becomethe superstars that dominate the NFL.

    This pattern approximates Paretos 80/20 Rule, and you find it over and over again, in every human

    endeavor and in every human society.

    The top eight-tenths of one per cent dominates every occupation, pursuit, and profession. Taken

    together, they are the Elite.

    But not all elites are equal - there are elite trash collectors, elite cab drivers, and elite doctors,

    dentists, teachers and trial lawyers. Although they are important to us in our day-to-day lives, they

    have little influence beyond our own communities. The elites that are causing all the problems are theones whose strategic position enabled them to seize control of America.

    Leadership turnover among the elites is very high. The careers of elite performing artists are

    notoriously short, and the learned professions, the sciences, and government and military services all

    require decades of consistently excellent performance to reach the top. As a general rule, elite

    leaders rarely exercise power for more than a few years. But bankers are an exception.

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    In modern societies, its not uncommon for elite bankers to spenda half-century or more at the top of

    the finance industry. David Rockefeller is a good example: during his career at Chase-Manhattan

    Bank, nine presidents came and went, as did thousands of congressmen and senators, as well as

    untold numbers of ambassadors, generals, admirals, and corporate CEOs.

    The Financial Elite is therefore unique for its longevity. But it is also unique because it controls thecentral banks - such as the Federal Reserve Bank in America. The Political and Corporate elites,

    which revolve around, and depend on the Fed and the financial system it manages, are The


    When the interests of the Financial Elite and the Establishment are the same as ordinary citizens like

    you and me, America works well. But whenever Elite/Establishment interests diverge from grass

    roots interests, theres real trouble.

    THIS is the most basic reason for our problems today the interests of the Financial

    Elite/Establishment are completely out of sync with the interests of ordinary Americans, because

    theyre attempting to reposition themselves to become a GLOBAL ELITE /GLOBAL


    The phenomenon of Elite Repositioning isnt new, and neither is the ruin it inflicts on ordinary people.

    A good example is the rise of Nazism and Fascism, both of which were reactions to the European

    Elites efforts to reposition themselves away from their traditional agrarian base of support, in favor of

    the emerging urban bankers and industrialists. (In the case of Germany and Central Europe, the

    newly favored bankers and industrialists were disproportionately Jewish thus the widespread

    hostility toward Jews the Nazi's politicized and exploited.)

    Successful Elite Repositioning means imposing top-down changes that inevitably undermine long-honored traditions and deeply held beliefs and values. In order for the American Elite and the

    Western Elites, in general - to reposition themselves as a new Global Elite, they are imposing what

    can only be described as a Revolution from Above.

    THIS is the true origin of the supposedly Leftist policies of enforced racial integration, affirmative

    action, Third World immigration, Open Borders, Multiculturalism, Diversity, the rise of Radical

    Secularism, Radical Feminism, abortion, the assault on the family, and especially - the relentless

    attack on Christianity.

    The aspiring Global Elite is attempting to create a New Global Culture based on a Global CommonDenominator. They believe what Alan Greenspan asserted in his memoir: that the only thing that

    unites humanity is a desire to improve ones lot in life i.e., to acquire more and better stuff.

    But to create their new order, they must first destroy the old thus their attack on everything we hold

    dear. Eventually, they intend to abolish nations, ethnic groups, and existing traditions, cultures,

    religions, and even races

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    But not quite yet, because they still need to exploit Americas (dwindling) financial and military power

    to drag the Mid East into their global materialist economy - and overthrow the Islamic prohibition on

    interest-rate finance.

    Thus the interminable Wars of Remaking in the Middle East bloody, inconclusive and ruinously

    expensive conflicts that serve Elite interests rather than Americas.

    Buchanans analysis of Americas problems is dead on, but his understanding of the Left is not. It is

    an historical fact that the big London and New York banks have always been the single largest

    source of funds for the Left including Communist Russia

    Theyre still funding the Left today, because the Left is their chosen instrument to destroy the

    institutions, beliefs, and values that stand in their way.

    The great Chinese military scholar, Sun Tzu, wrote: Know thine enemy, and thou shalt be victorious

    in 100 battles. We keep winning elections, but were losing the war for America because

    Conservatives have never come to grips with the REAL enemy.

    Here at the CFIS were willing to stand up and challenge the Elite by demanding the Political

    Establishment slash the federal debt - from which the Financial Elite makes most of its profits -

    reduce the size and intrusiveness of government, and reassert Constitutional sup remacy

    And seal the border, halt mass immigration, end Multiculturalism, denounce Diversity, end the war

    on the family, end the war on Christianity, renounce the hidden goal of Global Integration, end the

    Deliberate Policy of Energy Dependence, and scrap the disastrously failed Grand Strategy of Oil

    Control/Armed Mid East Intervention. And most of all, to demand they start governing in Americas

    national interests!

    The question is: Who will stand with us?

    If you are willing to support this effort, please print out the Contribution/Member Enrollment Form

    below, and return it to our Washington headquarters. We need your help!

    Thank you,

    Charles S. ViarChairman

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    matter of policy we do not accept financial support from the United States government, or any

    government agency, or from large corporations.

  • 7/27/2019 The Suicide of a Superpower


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    * We regret that we are presently unable to accept contributions from Alabama, Indiana,

    Pennsylvania, and Mississippi due the charitable registration requirements of these states. We hope

    to have this problem resolved during calendar year 2012.


    Famed international journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave is predicting war with Iran later this year. Eventhough the former heads of Israel's foreign, domestic and military intelligence services have all

    publicly stated they do not believe Iran intends to use nuclear weapons against Israel, Israeli Prime

    Minister Binyamin Netanyahu believes the risk is too great to bear. In his view, Israel must attack and

    destroy Iran's nuclear infrastructure before the Iranians complete moving it into underground facilities

    capable of withstanding aerial bombardment. At that point, Iran's nuclear weapons development

    program will be unstoppable.

    Implicit in Netanyahu's argument is the belief that Israel cannot live with the threat of imminent

    destruction. But in fact, generations of Americans and West Europeans did precisely that. Although

    almost forgotten, tensions with the USSR in the late 1940's and throughout the 1950's were so greatthat many senior policymakers believed a nuclear holocaust was a virtual certainty. During the late

    Stalinist Era, the Soviet dictator repeatedly threatened the West with nuclear annihilation, and Mao

    Zedong publicly stated China could absorb 300 million casualties in a nuclear exchange and still

    prevail. Indeed, thingswere so tense that a senior British diplomat, Sir Harold Nicolson, wrote:

    [I]t is probably true that Russia is preparing for the final battle for world mastery and that once she

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    has enough bombs she will destroy Western Europe, occupy Asia, and have a final death struggle

    with America. If that happens and we are wiped out over here, the survivors in New Zealand may say

    that we were mad not to have prevented this. ... There is a chance that the danger may pass andpeace can be secured with peace. I admit it is a frail chance, not one in ninety.

    Yet that frail chance, as Nicolson put it, prevailed. Despite massive nuclear arsenals, which

    eventually totalled almost 40,000 warheads, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union

    unleashed the apocalypse.

    The reason? An understanding of the true consequences of a nuclear exchange slowly percolated up

    from the ranks of the scientists and engineers who designed and built them to the policymaking elite.

    When faced with the fact that a mere 300 one-megaton warheads could annihilate the Northern

    Hemisphere and - likely - plunge the Earth into a new Ice Age, they blanched. By the early 1960s,

    political leaders in both the United States and the USSR understood nuclear war was suicidal.

    This fact suggests a way out - the United States and other nuclear powers could share their research

    data with the Iranian leadership. "They may be crazy," a one washington wit argued, "but they're not

    stupid." A policy of deterrence/containment, augmented by information sharing, might provide

    a solution.

    Unfortunately, Prime Minister Netanyahu seems little interested in a peaceful resolution. Already

    suffering a net population loss from outbound Jewish emigration, a nuclear armed Iran would almost

    certainly stifle inbound immigration. Given the fact that Israel is in the midst of a demographic crisis

    that threatens that country's near term viability, any significant loss of immigrants might well

    sound the death knell for the Jewish State.

    If Israel attacks, the United States will inevitably be drawn into the conflict - indeed, that may be the

    point. As one American general caustically remarked at the beginning of the Iraq invasion, in an

    apparent response to the bogus intelligence data Israel is alleged to have fed the United States, "The

    israelis are prepared to fight to the last American" to preserve their position in the Middle East. As it

    was with Iraq, so it may also be with Iran.

    Unfortunately, there is more to this imbroglio than Israeli machinations. The power and position of the

    United States in the international system depends heavily on maintaining the relationship between

    the U.S. dollar and international oil sales, first established by an agreement negotiated by Henry A.

    Kissinger with Saudi Arabia in 1973, and finalized a year later. In exchange for an American promise

    of unlimited military support for the Saudi regime, the Saudis agreed to use their influence within

    OPEC to impose a requirement that all international oil sales be paid for in U.S. dollars. This led to a

    dramatically increased demand for American currency abroad, and an over-valuation of the dollar by

    at least 20 per cent - making it possible for the United States to abandon all restraints, and print as

    much money as it wanted.

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    As more than one observer has noted, the real reason for the invasion of Iraq was not the belief that

    Saddam had a stock of clandestine Weapons of Mass Destruction, as fraudulent intelligence data

    suggested, but rather his effort to undermine America's international position by challenging the

    oil/dollar regime and selling Iraqi oil for Euros rather than greenbacks.

    Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez nearly provoked an American attack in 2006 by

    merely exploring the same possibility, and now that Iran has entered into agreements with China and

    India to sell oil for gold rather than dollars, war is all but certain. The Israelis have their reasons for

    attacking Iran, the American Establishment has its own

    But regardless of the motive, it's a damned stupid idea.

    17 FEBRUARY 2012


    The increasingly bitter conflict between Democrats and Republicans over taxes is cast in terms of

    "fairness" by the former, and "class warfare" by the latter. The Democrats accuse the Republicans of

    greed, the Republicans accuse the Democrats of larceny.

    Unfortunately, the rhetoric has obscured an underlying reality that has imposed an upper limit ontaxes levied on the supposedly rich: they are leaving America in droves.

    Approximately 6,500,000 Americans are moving on to greener pastures each year. Most of those

    departing are disillusioned or homesick immigrants, but according to US News and World Report, a

    surprisingly large proportion are young, college educated, and American born. The remainder of the

    emigrants are older, and a great deal wealthier. They're leaving to escape a grotesquely unfair tax

    system that penalizes success and rewards dependency.

    Put simply, they're voting with their feet.

    In 2007 there were about 9,200,000 millionaires in the United States. By 2010, that number had

    dropped by approximately 800,000. Much of that decline is attributable to The Great Recession,

    which made paupers out of a great many previously wealthy investors. But during the same time

    frame, the number of Americans leaving the U.S. skyrocketed - and the estimated number of

    millionaires abroad reportedly increased by almost 4,000,000.

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    The United States is no longer the Land of Opportunity. According to former National Security

    Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (1977-1981), a child born to working class parents in socialist Europe

    now has a better chance of becoming rich, or at least middle class, than a child born in

    similar circumstances in the United States.

    This is a truely shocking development, a stark reversal of almost 200 years of American history. It isalso remarkably similar to what happened in Great Britain during the 1960's, when the wealthiest and

    most successful British fled to the United States to escape the crushing taxes levied by the Socialist


    The good news is that having all but killed the Golden Goose, the federal government will not be able

    to raise taxes any further without setting off a visible and politically embarrassing mass exodus.

    The bad news is the Obama Administration is exploring the possibility of a global tax regime

    administered by the UN. First proposed by French socialists in the mid-1990's, the proposal was

    explicitly crafted to make "tax flight" impossible.