The stock market crashes, forcing banks to go out of business And individuals to lose their savings.

stock market crashes, forcing banks to t of business individuals to lose their savings.

Transcript of The stock market crashes, forcing banks to go out of business And individuals to lose their savings.

The stock market crashes, forcing banks to go out of businessAnd individuals to lose their savings.

The United States Economy began to crumble

Fifteen million Americans-one quarter of the workForce-were unemployed.

Farmers, and rural workers, were hit equally as hard.

The migrant workers, began to wander-in search of theirbroken American Dream.

As a result, California farmland income was slicedin half, leaving many workers-unemployed and desperate.

Just when things could not get any worse…

A series of massive dust storms rendered much of the nation’sFarmland uninhabitable, and forced many migrant workers,To flee-becoming refugees.

Migrant Workers searched for employment…

Of these workers…two men…traveled Together, in pursuit of their dream, everlastingFriendship, and a place to call home.

Traveling the long miles fromWeed to Soledad

……Lennie and George, reach their ultimate destiny

“Nobody could can us in the middle of a job…And when we put in a crop, why we’d be there to take that crop up. We’d know what come of our planting…And it’d be our own. And nobody could can us. If we don’t like a guy, we can say: ‘get to hell out,’ and by God he’s got to do it.”